Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for August 2024


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Month of August 2024

Click on the links below for the weekly bulletins from August.

Bulletin for Week of 11/08/2024

Bulletin for Week of 18/08/2024

Bulletin for Week of 25/08/2024

Meeting of Monday 26th August 2024

President Adrian Lindner welcomed 21 members and one guest Susan Glassford.  We had some notices including:

  • Leslie Weston on some interesting lecture series at the CSU Theatre behind the Civic Theatre Playhouse in Wagga with free cocktails and horderves.  The first night was last Wednesday, by the time you get this bulletin, “On plants and their adaptation to the changing environment” delivered by Professor Weston herself.  There will be other very inspirational lectures including the evolution of woolly mammoths and other provocative lectures and it will become a monthly event.  You can book on line at the CSU website.
  • President Adrian thanked all the volunteers who manned the Ganmain Show Car Park.  There was an excellent turn out to the show with great weather and $9,000 above their best ever gate takings.
  • Bear spoke on the upcoming Marrar Madness and advised the volunteers that they need a gazebo and to bring a chair and don’t forget your Rotary HiVis shirt.
  • Adrian promoted the Boorowa RC ShelterBox event details below.
  • Paul will be printing the Coolamon Community Chronicle this week and the usual help will be required.
  • Henk advised all the members that the CRC Telephone Book 2024 White Pages was now all but complete with some corrections to be made.
  • Dick Jennings brought up The 5th Monday in September which was discussed with a possible private party at the new winery in Coolamon Monday 30th September:  Methuselah Estate Coolamon

Q&A with Mary Potts and Adrian

Mary has had a full and interesting life to date and here are some of Mary’s answers:

  • TV show growing up – Homicide or Division 4.
  • Favourite actor – Julia Roberts.
  • What animal or bird would you be – a cute dog.
  • If you got selected for the Olympics what sport – Run the marathon.
  • What super hero – Be able to fly and not need a car.
  • Dream car – Don’t have one but it would be nice if I could get ALL the kids and grandkids in and go on adventures outback.
  • Holidays anywhere in the world – Peru the Inca trail and the amazon any hiking adventure.
  • Dream Job – Retirement!
  • Career that other are not aware of – Mary wanted to be a chef but was discouraged from that occupation and followed another path and was accepted into nursing at the Canberra Hospital. Mary’s next move was to apply for a traineeship at AKW Chartered Accountants and Wealth Advisors. Mary got the job at AKW and enrolled at university at the Riverina College of Advanced Education and worked full time and studied part time.
  • Rotary project you would like to undertake – Reduce gambling, thereby reducing financial and mental health problems facing many Aussies and to assist families affected by gambling.
  • Greatest need for Coolamon – Activities and services for our youth.
  • If you were Prime Minister for a day what is your Captains Call? – Better budget management.
  • Dinner dead or alive, who would you like to meet? – Queen Elizabeth II, a very wise lady!

Thank you Mary and Adrian.

The meeting then had the duo of Perkin and Jennings with the fines session.  Probably the most interesting one was a cross fine by Grahame on Don for his birthday lunch, a vegetarian lamb shank:

The raffle was won by Daryl Breust all in all another good night of fun and fellowship.


Rotarians manned the car parking in conjunction with the Coolamon Lions for the Annual Ganmain Show.  Thanks go to all who volunteered.

It was another wonderful small country town show BUT HUGE in heart and organisation.  Well done to the Ganmain Show Committee.  Here are some photos taken at random;



12.00-3.00 pm: Bear, Ian, Henk, Howard and Myffy

3.00-6.00 pm: Bruce, Dick, Adrian, Bear and Alex

6.00-8.00 pm: Annie, Bear, JJG, Daryl and Gary.


Below is the promotion by Kooringal Rotary to screen the movie “Thelma” on Friday 6 Sept as a global fundraiser for End Polio Now.
If you could start checking your availability to attend please,  plus inviting family and/or friends (NB day before Marrar Madness). When booking please record CRC for recognising our Coolamon Rotary Club.


Off the Grid for ShelterBox Boorowa RC

Join us in the Off the Grid Challenge!

We’re taking part in ShelterBox’s 2024 OffTheGrid challenge – a nationwide campout on a mission to fund emergency shelter for people displaced following conflict and disaster.

The Rotary Club of Boorowa and Yass would like to extend an invitation to you, and your Club to join us in a sleep rough challenge on Saturday, 7th September. It is a fantastic opportunity for bonding and team building so brave the elements and raise money to support those with nothing after disasters. Our stronghold for the campout this year will be the Boorowa Showgrounds, arrival time will be anytime after 3pm Saturday. BBQ dinner and breakfast will be provided for a small donation.

We would love for you to join us. Last year’s event held in Yass, had 30 participants which raised over $9000 for ShelterBox Australia. If you are not able to camp out, please jump on board and sponsor those who will!  All donations over $2 are fully tax deductible. Here’s a link to our team’s fundraising page-

For further details, please reach out to Lyn Diskon – 0427900313  Boorowa Rotary Club


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in  The Diary on our website:

CRC Program 24-25

*Monday 2nd September – Guest Speaker Meeting. Cheryl Roberts & Elaine Post speaking on Days for Girls Charity. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday 7th September – Marrar Madness. Coolamon RC is manning the car park.  Volunteers required.

Monday 9th September – Board Meeting.  Coolamon Sport  Rec. Club, 5.15 pm.

Monday 9th September – Regular Meeting.  Coolamon Sport  Rec. Club, 6.30pm for 7.00pm.

*Monday 16th September – Guest Speaker Meeting. Arron Hutcheon will be speaking.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 23rd September – Social Night. Get to know your member meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.  TONIGHT will be……………. with President Adrian on ………………

*Monday 30th September – Social Night (5th Monday).

Sunday October 6th – Gears & Beers.   Wollundry RC. Website

Monday 7th October – NO MEETING (October long weekend).

Sunday October 20th – Coolamon Garden Viewing



Saturday October 26th – Coolamon Garden Viewing

*Friday 25th/Sunday 27th October – D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now:

D9705 Conference

One of the highlights will be DG Michael Lapina, a treat indeed.  Yes Michael the current D9800 District Governor, and I heard him sing at the Zone 8 Conference in Canberra.   Michael and Heather McInally also had the Singapore Convention delegates give them a 6 minute standing ovation following their duet.  As you know Heather is the wife of Past RI President Gordon McInally.


All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.


Answers to the last puzzlers:

Riddle: A jumper has a neck but no head and arms but no hands.
Brain teaser: The baby is the biggest of the three because he’s a little Bigger!

This month’s puzzlers:

Riddle: The more you take, the more you leave behind.  What am I?
Brain teaser: Four sisters–Sara, Ophelia, Nora, and Dawn–were each born in a different one of the months September, October, November, and December.

“This is terrible,” said Ophelia one day. “None of us have an initial that matches the initial of her birth month.”

“I don’t mind at all,” replied the girl who was born in September.

“That’s easy for you to say,” said Nora. “It would at least be cool if the initial of my birth month was a vowel, but no.”

In which month was each girl born?





Well, we as a club have supported several education projects in Africa, especially Kenya with our star pupil, Tracy Ochieng.

The 2011 Mountains of the Moon Rotary team, met Tracy in November 2011 in Mathare, one of the worst slums on the planet.  Tracy was nominated by her teachers to give a speech of thanks to Rotary.  Her talk changed our lives as it did for Tracy and others of young girls at risk.  Tracy became our star pupil and we sponsored her through high school and then onto University.  Tracy graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Communication and Media in September 2022.  Susan and JG were present at her graduation.

Tracy’s story can be told via the following photos in particular the story on Tracy in the Rotary Africa magazine.  Some of you have met this amazing young lady and some of you would also have read her articles in the Coolamon Community Chronicle.

Tracy’s success was a small part of the funds that we raised climbing/hiking the three highest mountains in Africa.  Mount Kilimanjaro in 2008, The Mountains of the Moon in November 2011 and Mount Kenya in May 2015.  We could not have done this without Rotary clubs in the main from our old D9700.  It was PDG then DG at the time Fred Loneragan who took on board our projects and with his club Wagga Wagga Sunrise have been our partners and supporters since 2009.







Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: Adrian Lindner
  • President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
  • Membership Director: Brian Pattison
  • Service Projects Director:  Anne Rzeszkowski
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
  • Club Environment Representative:  Adrian Lindner
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

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