First place. On the bus to Lushoto near Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Guzy says “This is a poignant, compelling image that evokes nostalgia. Perfectly composed, with subtle tones of black and white that enhance a feeling of bygone days. The wistful expression on the boy and his reflection provide a quiet, intimate moment. Exquisite photograph.” Spencer Callahan, son of Bob Callahan, Rotary Club of Fairhope, Alaska, USA
Rotary International Conventions are held annually in a different country in the world. Some conventions have had over 40,000 attend, next year it is in Australia and then Brazil in 2015. Here are some photos from the 2012 Bangkok Convention (remember to click on the thumb nails to get a larger photo):
Tonight was a members social night with a talk by PP Ian Jennings on his life. Ian is our longest serving member and has been a member of Coolamon Rotary for 36 years and was president in 1982-83 and again in 1995-96. Ian is a Paul Harris Fellow. The Jennings settled in the Coolamon area in 1879 after arriving in Australia from Cambridge in 1854. A long and well established family and PE Dick Jennings is Ian’s cousin.
Ian married Marilyn in 1974 and they have an adopted son Tom Jennings who Marilyn and Ian adopted from Sri Lanka in 1991. Ian studied Agricultural Economics at the University of New England and has been farming “Raywood” since he completed his studies. Ian is community minded and as a member of the Anglican Parish and on the Parish Council Ian and Marilyn support many local community projects. Marilyn is the force behind the Coolamon Arts Exhibitions held at the Up-to-Date Store. Thanks Ian for a very interesting talk we now know you and Marilyn a whole lot better.
Some photos of Ian and Marilyn as always click on the thumb nails for a larger photo:
There were 9 members and one yet to be inducted member present tonight to hear Ian’s story and this meeting also:
Ted Hutcheon spoke about the Red Shield Appeal on behalf of Mark and Sharon Reardon saying that we had raised $2130 in Coolamon. Next Week we will be in Ganmain and in Coolamon at the football games. Thank you to all the volunteers from our club Wayne Lewis, Ian Jennings, Dick Jennings, Ted Hutcheon, and Paul Weston. We also had three students from the Coolamon Central School assist with the door knocking.
Raffle in Coolamon Saturday June 8th roster:
7.00-9.00 am Ted Hutcheon and Garth Perkin also Wayne Lewis if required.
9.00-10.30 am Ian Jennings and Don Dyce.
10.30-12.00 Paul Weston and Dick Jennings.
A new bingo roster is now up on our web site under the drop down for Bingo.
Reminder that next week we will be inducting Don Dyce as our latest member. Please bring your partners as we will also be having 4 of our members explain what we do in Rotary covering the 5 avenues of service available to us in Rotary.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Bill Gates at the Lodge 28th May 2013
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Foreign Minister Bob Carr today announced further funding to help eradicate polio – a debilitating disease that continues to strike the world’s most vulnerable people, especially children.
Australia will provide $80 million over four years from 2015 to 2018 to help finish the job and achieve worldwide polio eradication.
It was Australia’s Sir Clem Renouf who, as President of Rotary International in 1978 and 1979, led the international campaign to vaccinate every child against polio. As a result of these early efforts by Rotary, the global community came together in 1988 to launch the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is contributing $US1.8 billion to help eradicate polio.
The Government’s announcement brings its total funding for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to $130 million.
Diary Reminders
*Sunday June 2nd Griffith Avanti RC Change Over Lunch at 12 noon.
*Monday June 3rd Induction of Don Dyce and an introduction to Rotary. Gilbert Catering.
Saturday June 8th Coolamon Rotary Street Raffle.
Monday June 10th NO Meeting Queen’s Birthday Holiday.
Thursday June 13th BINGO Roster: John Glassford, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson and Henk Hulsman.
Monday June 17th. Business and Board Meeting ALL Members Invited to Attend. Club Catering.
June 23-26 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon. RI Convention Lisbon.
Monday 24th June TBA.
*Tuesday 25th June Wagga Wagga Sunrise Annual Change Over Dinner Country Club Wagga 6.30pm.
*Wednesday June 26th Henty RC Annual Change Over Dinner. Community Club 6.30pm.
*Thursday 27th June Wagga Wagga Rotary Change over Dinner.
*Saturday June 29th District 9700 Annual Change Over Dinner.
*Monday July 1st COOLAMON 42nd Change Over Night.
*Monday July 1st Temora RC Annual Change Over Dinner. Temora Bowling Club 6.30pm.
*Sunday July 7th Junee RC Annual Change Over LUNCH, noon for 12.30.
*Partners and Guests Night.
The RI Convention in Lisbon will be the highlight of my term as president. With guest speakers Dr. Jane Goodall, Céline S. Cousteau and many others, this convention promises to be one of the best ever. Register today online. I hope to see you there.
The Arm
A lawyer defending a man accused of burglary tried a creative defence to get his client off the hook. “My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few paltry items. His arm is not himself, so I fail to see how you can punish the whole individual for an offence committed solely by his arm.”
“Well put,” the judge replied with a grin. “Using that same logic, I sentence the defendant’s arm to one year’s imprisonment. Your client can accompany the arm or not, as he chooses.”
The defendant smiled. With his lawyer’s help, he detached his artificial limb, laid it on the bench and walked out.
Blondes Fishing
Three blondes are sitting by the side of a river holding fishing poles with the lines in the water. A Game Warden comes up behind them, taps them on the shoulder and says, “Excuse me, ladies, I’d like to see your fishing licenses.”
“We don’t have any,” replied the first blonde.
“Well, if you’re going to fish, you need fishing licenses,” said the Game Warden.
“But officer,” replied the second blonde, “we aren’t fishing. We all have magnets at the end of our lines and we’re collecting debris off the bottom of the river.”
The Game Warden lifted up all the lines and, sure enough, there were horseshoe magnets tied on the end of each line. “Well, I know of no law against it,” said the Game Warden. “Take all the debris you want.” And with that, he left.
As soon as the Game Warden was out of sight, the three blondes started laughing hysterically. “What a dumb Fish Cop,” the second blonde said to the other two. “ Doesn’t he know that there are steelhead trout in this river?”
John Lennon
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
― John Lennon
The Rotary Family Health Days (RFHD) are a signature programme of the Rotarians For Family Health & Aids Prevention, Inc. (RFHA), who initiate, coordinate and manage this program with the other partner organizations.
Rotary Family Health Days (RFHD) are a comprehensive, holistic offering of free health care services over three days across South Africa for parents, children, grandparents, friends and all the family.
The RFHD will be carried out at 180 sites across the country, and will include the following services:
HIV counseling and testing
TB testing
Diabetes and blood pressure screening
Polio and measles vaccination
Vitamin A tablets
A Hout Bay Perspective on the family Health Days held by Rotarians For Family Health and AIDS Prevention or RFHA which was RFFA.
“Sometimes we are blessed in unexpected ways. What began as a laudable exercise in the grand scheme of Rotary International with the massive financial backing of Coca Cola turned into a plethora of last minute problems to be sorted out. Rotary Hout Bay being initially struck off the government listing as participants due to the interference [unintended in its consequences] by a neighbouring Club was just the beginning. Losing our Hout Bay Clinic as a venue [which turned out to be a blessing] and lacking nursing staff at the opening on Thursday morning were just some of the other tribulations.
Funding was entirely inadequate for purposes intended and we have had to dig deep into our own pockets for this. The cost of printing the registration and other forms. Even paying for taxi services to Hangberg and Victoria Hospitals for those who presented with really serious health problems. And so on, and so on.But as with so many of these occasions where struggle has been necessary, the successful result is that much sweeter.None of this would have been possible without the dedicated persistence of our Patrick. By that I mean that, whatever good intentions we had would have come to an embarrassing nothing without Patrick giving this his all. Full time working and with a lovely but ailing Joyce to look after, I just scratch my head at how he manages to find the time.”
Full story below and well done Patrick, you are an amazing man.
Australian Rotary Health will be hosting their next Hat Day on Friday the 11th of October, when are you hosting yours?
Do you want to do something to show your support for mental health research and reduce the stigma of mental illness in Australia?
Join us in celebrating Hat Day by wearing a hat on October 11th and Donate Online
We’re encouraging everyone to Host their own Hat Day during Mental Health Month (October). It could be a morning tea at work, a fancy dress day at school or a dinner at home. Get your family and friends together to lift the hat off mental health issues in Australia.
What is Hat Day?
Hat Day is Australian Rotary Health’s community action and awareness day. In recent years we have received hundreds of grant applicants looking to research mental health issues, however a lack of funding has seen only 5% of these receive funding.
By taking part in Hat Day you will be helping the four million Australians affected by mental illnesses. By donating to mental health research you are helping us fund research aimed at finding treatments and cures for mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia.
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Foreign Minister Bob Carr today announced further funding to help eradicate polio – a debilitating disease that continues to strike the world’s most vulnerable people, especially children.
Australia will provide $80 million over four years from 2015 to 2018 to help finish the job and achieve worldwide polio eradication.
It was Australia’s Sir Clem Renouf who, as President of Rotary International in 1978 and 1979, led the international campaign to vaccinate every child against polio. As a result of these early efforts by Rotary, the global community came together in 1988 to launch the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
The Viara Junior Academy Nairobi Students share their dreams:
Joy Kavere Myself and my family
I have one brother who is in village. I don’t have mother or father but am happy that I am alive. My father died when we were young. My mother died when I was in standard one.
I am living with my stepfather who does not have enough money for fee. In the village, our house is licking. I would like to be a banker when I grew up.
Thanks, Joy Kavere.
Joy Kavare
Mary Karuhi Myself and my family
My family has two sisters and one brother. I have a problem about my family. My mother has H.I.V. Myself I have a problem about my education. I don’t have uniform, sweater and shoes. But my father cannot help me.
Chip Ross from Canada paid Coolamon a visit. Chip is a long time member of ROTI and a great friend of Coolamon. PP Craig Corrigan who climbed Kilimanjaro with the team presents Chip with our club banner.
Rotary International Conventions are held annually in a different country in the world. Some conventions have had over 40,000 attend, next year it is in Australia and then Brazil in 2015. Here are some photos from the 2010 Montreal Convention (remember to click on the thumb nails to get a larger photo):
Coolamon Rotary will be volunteering this weekend to collect for the Salvation Army. The following members have volunteered:
Paul Weston, Ian Jennings, Leslie Weston, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson, Wayne Lewis, Ted Hutcheon and Mark Reardon.
Miffy Collette, Bernadette Milne and John Glassford.
Please call John Glassford or Dick Jennings for any further information.
Sunday 19th May 2013 at Grenfell New South Wales. Four members from our club went to Grenfell for our annual district assembly and these were Dick Jennings, Neil Munro, Ian Jennings and John Glassford. The sessions were well attended from all over our district and the fellowship was excellent as was the food put on by the Grenfell Rotary Club, thank you Grenfell. DGE Geoff Tancred is on the ball and has the directory for his year in our hands. Most of the directory will be up on the district web site.
There were two break out sessions and the general assembly all went well. On the trip home the four of us had a few ideas to implement for the next Rotary year. Also congratulations to DGND Gary Roberts on being selected as our DG for 2015-2016.
Some photos:
DGE Geoff Tancred and Lyn Brown and Bettye Tancred.Settling in! Neil Munro and Ian Jennings
Last week Leslie and Paul Weston were granted Australian Citizenship by the Mayor of Coolamon Shire John Seymour.
All our members wish them both well as Australians and look forward to many happy years as Rotarians in Coolamon.
Leslie and Paul Weston being sworn in by Mayor John Seymour.
This week we had a very special meeting with the induction of 3 members to our club. President Paul inducted Bernadette Milne, Myfanwy Collette and Ted Hutcheon to our club. Bernadette and Miffy are sponsored by John Glassford and Ted is a returning Past President of our club and is sponsored by PE Dick Jennings. PE Dick then outlined his plans for his year as president. Dick also gave a report on the D9700 Assembly held at Grenfell on Sunday and the meat tray was won by John.
Guests included: Helen Lewis, Lexi Furner, Don Dyce, Russell Milne and Susan Glassford.
Members present, Paul Weston, John Glassford, Ian Jennings, Leslie Weston, Dick Jennings, Ian Durham, Christine Atkinson, Ivan Furner, Garth Perkin, Wayne Lewis, Neil Munro, Miffy Collette, Bernadette Milne and Ted Hutcheon.
A good roll up of members and it was especially great to see Ivan and Lexi Furner again.
We started the meeting by singing the National anthem in honour of our two new Australians Paul and Leslie Weston.
Reminder to all those who volunteered for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal this weekend.
President’s report
The past week has been a significant one for Coolamon Rotary and for Leslie and me on a personal level. On Monday, we inducted three new members: Miffy Clarke, Bernadette Milne, and Ted Hutcheon. We are thrilled to have three new additions to our great club, and look forward to doing even better things. New members are the lifeblood of a service organisation, and we are extremely grateful that these members of the community have agreed to join us in our efforts to improve our local community and to have a positive impact on the world.
On a personal level, Leslie and I were extremely proud to pledge our commitment to be Australian citizens last week. We went through a citizenship ceremony at the Coolamon Shire Council chambers on Thursday, and shared a bit of fellowship with the members of the Coolamon Shire Council and several guests at a reception following the ceremony. Thanks to Rotarians John Glassford, Dick Jennings, Ian Jennings, and Ted Hutcheon, along with Marilyn Jennings and Greg Guthrie, for sharing our special day with us. Thanks also to the club for singing Advance Australia Fair in our honour at our meeting on Monday. We look forward to spending the rest of our days in this great country and becoming fully involved citizens.
Don’t forget the Red Shield Appeal this coming Saturday!
Yours in Rotary,
Diary Reminders
Red Shield Appeal 2013 25-26 May Ganmain and Coolamon.
*Monday May 27th Ian Jennings member’s Night Talk. Club Catering.
*Sunday June 2nd Griffith Avanti RC Change Over Lunch at 12 noon.
Saturday June 8th Coolamon Rotary Street Raffle.
Monday June 10th NO Meeting Queen’s Birthday Holiday.
Thursday June 13th BINGO Roster: John Glassford, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson and Henk Hulsman.
Monday June 17th. Business and Board Meeting ALL Members Invited to Attend. Club Catering.
June 23-26 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon. RI Convention Lisbon.
*Tuesday 25th June Wagga Wagga Sunrise Annual Change Over Dinner Country Club Wagga 6.30pm.
*Wednesday June 26th Henty RC Annual Change Over Dinner. Community Club 6.30pm.
*Thursday 27th June Wagga Wagga Rotary Change over Dinner.
*Saturday June 29th District 9700 Annual Change Over Dinner.
*Monday July 1st COOLAMON 42nd Change Over Night.
*Monday July 1st Temora RC Annual Change Over Dinner. Temora Bowling Club 6.30pm.
*Sunday July 7th Junee RC Annual Change Over LUNCH, noon for 12.30.
*Partners and Guests Night.
I’m really looking forward to attending the third Rotary Global Peace Forum, which begins tomorrow in Hiroshima, Japan. The forum’s theme “Peace Begins with You” focuses on the new generations and the challenge to seek Peace Through Service. I hope to see you there.
Past RI President Luis Giay and I dancing with the members of Children’s Creative Play for Peace — “I PRAY” during the closing session of the Peace Forum on 18 May. Since its creation in 1996, I PRAY has been presented each year on 6 August, the day in 1945 when Hiroshima was bombed during World War II. (Photo courtesy of The Rotary-no-Tomo)
The Angel
Three Aussies were fishing in a lake one day, when an angel appeared in the boat.
When the three astonished men had settled down enough to speak, the first guy asked the angel humbly, “I’ve suffered from back pain ever since I took shrapnel in the Vietnam War … Could you help me?”
“Of course,” the angel said, and when he touched the man’s back, the man felt relief for the first time in years.
The second guy who wore very thick glasses and had a hard time reading and driving. He asked if the angel could do anything about his poor eyesight. The angel smiled, removed the man’s glasses and tossed them into the lake. When they hit the water, the man’s eyes cleared and he could see everything distinctly.
When the angel turned to the third guy, the guy put his hands out defensively — “Don’t touch me!” he cried, “I’m on a disability pension.”
The Taxi Driver
A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop window. For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said, “Hey man, don’t ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!”
The passenger apologized and said, “I didn’t realize that a little tap would scare you so much.” The driver replied, “Sorry, it’s not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver.. I’ve been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years.” Diane
Three Sisters
Three sisters, ages 92, 94, and 96, live together. One night the 96-year-0ld draws a bath.
She puts one foot in and pauses. “Was I getting in the tub or out?” she yells.
The 94-year-old hollers back, “I don’t know, I’ll come up to see.”
She starts up the stairs and stops. She shouts, “Was I going up or going down?”
The 92-year-old is sitting at the kitchen table having tea, listening to her sisters.
She shakes her head and says, “I sure hope I never get that forgetful”, and knocks on wood for good measure.
Then she yells, “I’ll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who’s at the door.”
Rotary receives top honours for Future Vision
From left, RI President-elect Ron Burton and wife, Jetta, Foundation Trustee Chair Wilfrid J. Wilkinson, Past RI President Luis Vicente Giay, RI President Sakuji Tanaka, RI General Secretary John Hewko, and Celia Elena Cruz de Giay at the awards banquet.
Rotary has received a silver Edison Award in recognition of the Future Vision Plan, the new grant model that enhances the scope, impact, and sustainability of humanitarian and educational projects funded by The Rotary Foundation.
Since 1987, the Edison Awards have recognized innovative new products, services and business leaders in the United States. The awards symbolize the persistence and excellence personified by Thomas Edison. Winners represent active contributors to the cause of innovation in the world.
RI President Sakuji Tanaka accepted the award during the annual Edison Awards gala held 25 April in Chicago, the city where Rotary was founded in 1905. The Future Vision Plan received top honors among funding models competing in the Lifestyle and Social Impact category. Nominee ballots were judged by a panel of more than 3,000, including members of seven associations that represent a wide range of industries and disciplines.
“This Edison Award recognizes and validates Rotary’s innovative approach to humanitarian service, as we constantly strive to improve lives and communities by addressing the world’s most pressing problems,” says Tanaka. “It is a great honor to accept such a prestigious award on behalf of Rotary’s global membership of 1.2 million men and women.”
The Edison Award coincides with the successful completion of a three-year pilot in which 100 Rotary districts in more than 70 countries tested Rotary’s new grant model.
The Future Vision Plan simplifies Rotary’s grant process, and focuses Rotarian service efforts where they will have the greatest impact. The model is innovative in combining Rotary’s volunteer base and a global reach with local resources to support sustainable, high-impact results in communities all over the world. The model funds more than US$100 million in service projects annually.
The new grant model will be implemented 1 July for Rotary clubs worldwide.
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International Conventions are held annually in a different country in the world. Some conventions have had over 40,000 attend, next year it is in Australia and then Brazil in 2015. Here are some photos from the 2008 Los Angeles Convention (remember to click on the thumb nails to get a larger photo):
Hope that you all had a great Mother’s Day!
Monday was a business and board meeting.
Five members will be at District 9700 Assembly this upcoming Sunday in Grenfell.
Next Monday night members are requested to bring their partner and to welcome our three new members to our club. This will also be a planning meeting for the next Rotary year under Dick Jennings.
Neil Munro reported on bingo and that we made a profit of $330. Neil thanked the volunteers.
Several names for guest speakers were put forward and Garth Perkin will follow up.
We decided to support the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal all names to Mark Reardon.
This Thursday at 3pm in Coolamon our two Americans Leslie and President Paul Weston will become Australian Citizens, welcome Leslie and Paul!
President’s report
Club members were treated last week to another fascinating instalment in the continuing series of life story presentations by our members. This time it was Craig Corrigan’s turn, who managed to pull off a very interesting and engaging talk despite the lack of a computer to display his powerpoint images! It never ceases to amaze me how interesting and varied are the backgrounds of our members. Craig knew from a fairly early age that he wanted to be in the automotive mechanic business, and got his start in that trade soon after graduating high school. Despite how mundane our lives may seem to ourselves, others can’t help to be intrigued by the various turns our lives have taken and how our lives have been intertwined with those of others.
Despite the lack of some regulars at this week’s board meeting (Grahame and Henk are off seeing the sights in the Mediterranean), we managed to carry out the vital but sometimes mundane tasks needed to keep the club going. Discussion of the changeover and speakers for the next two months brought home to me that my turn at the helm is almost over, but there are still a few things I hope to accomplish before the changeover. Next week’s meeting will be one that you don’t want to miss as we induct three new members (Miffy Clarke, Bernadette Milne, and Ted Hutcheon) and discuss plans for Dick’s year as president. Please make every effort to attend. I hope to see you there.
One last thing. Thursday May 16 is a very special day for Leslie and me as that’s the day for our citizenship ceremony. The proceedings will kick off at 3:00 at the shire council chambers, so we invite you to join us as we take this very significant step in our lives.
Yours in Rotary,
Diary Reminders
Sunday May 19th District 9700 Assembly and Directors Training at Grenfell. 9.00am Sharp.
Monday May 20th Induction of 3 new members and the 2013-2014 Planning Meeting. Gilbert Catering.
Red Shield Appeal 2013 25-26 May Ganmain and Coolamon Volunteers Required contact Mark Reardon.
Monday May 27th Ian Jennings member’s Night Talk. Club Catering.
Sunday June 2nd Griffith Avanti RC Change Over Lunch at 12 noon.
Saturday June 8th Coolamon Rotary Street Raffle.
June 23-26 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon. RI Convention Lisbon.
*Tuesday 25th June Wagga Wagga Sunrise Annual Change Over Dinner Country Club Wagga 6.30pm.
*Wednesday June 26th Henty RC Annual Change Over Dinner. Community Club 6.30pm.
*Thursday 27th June Wagga Wagga Rotary Change over Dinner.
Saturday June 29th District 9700 Annual Change Over Dinner.
*Monday July 1st COOLAMON 42nd Change Over Night.
*Monday July 1st Temora RC Annual Change Over Dinner. Temora Bowling Club 6.30pm.
*Sunday July 7th Junee RC Annual Change Over LUNCH, noon for 12.30.
*Partners and Guests Night.
My thanks to Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta for taking time to officially open the District 9200 Conference on 25 April 2013. Over 2,000 district delegates and partners in service from around the world attended the meeting.
The COL 2013 is over and our representative PDG John Egan will be home soon. here is a report done by PDG Doug Vincent of Canada. Doug is a member of ROTI or Rotarians On The Internet and provided us with this information on a daily basis. Not too many changes to our constitution or by-laws this time around:
PDG Doug Vincent D 7080 Canada and PDG John Egan D 9700 Australia in Chicago.
An old woman had 3 daughters.
One day she decided to test her Sons-in-law.
One day she was walking along a lake shore with the first son-in-law. Purposefully, she fell down in the lake and started yelling for help.
The first son-in-law jumped into the water and dragged her out into the shore. The next day he found a brand new E Class Mercedes in his door steps with the wordings
“Thank you!!!-Your Mother-in-law who loves you very much!!!”
Another day she was walking along a lake shore with the second son-in-law. Purposefully, she fell down in the lake and started yelling for help.
The second son-in-law jumped into the water and dragged her out into the shore. The next day he found a brand new E Class Mercedes in his door steps with the wordings
“Thank you!!!-Your Mother-in-law who loves you very much!!!”
The third time she was walking with the third son-in-law and she repeated the same. But that guy didn’t respond to her cries for help and didn’t move a single step to save her.
The poor old lady who wanted to test her sons-in-law drowned and died. The next day he found a brand new Rolls-Royce in his doorsteps with the following wordings.
“Thank you very much! Your Father-in-law! !!”
Blind Pilot
One day at a busy airport, the passengers on a commercial airliner are seated waiting for the pilot to show up so they can get under way. The pilot and copilot finally appear in the rear of the plane and begin walking up to the cockpit through the centre aisle. Both appear to be blind; the pilot is using a white cane, bumping into passengers right and left as he stumbles down the aisle. The co-pilot is using a guide dog. Both have their eyes covered with sunglasses.
At first, the passengers do not react thinking that it must be some sort of practical joke. After a few minutes though, the engines start revving, and the airplane begins moving down the runway. The passengers look at each other with some uneasiness. They start whispering among themselves and look desperately to the stewardesses for reassurance. Yet, the plane starts accelerating rapidly, and people begin panicking.
Some passengers are praying, and as the plane gets closer and closer to the end of the runway, the voices are becoming more and more hysterical. When the plane has less than twenty feet of runway left, there is a sudden change in the pitch of the shouts as everyone screams at once. At the very last moment, the plane lifts off and is airborne. Up in the cockpit, the co-pilot breathes a sigh of relief and tells the pilot:
“You know, one of these days the passengers aren’t going to scream, and we aren’t going to know when to take off!”
WA Chief Scientist Lyn Beazley has a vision that every primary school in WA has a set of Magnifying Microscopes.
The Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, together with the Science Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (STAWA) and the Water Corporation, is making that dream a reality.
The Magnifying Microscope is a small hand-held unit that allows a child to easily move it around to view items indoors or out. An Activity Booklet has been produced by the Water Corporation, in conjunction with STAWA, so that teachers are able to integrate the use of the Magnifying Microscopes with their existing curriculum.
The Water Corporation provide four copies of the Magnifying Microscopes activities booklet and hands-on help for the science teacher in the school. The activities focus on the use of microscopes, plant adaptations to water supply, plant structure and soil composition, and include teacher background notes.
Below is the web site for further information on this wonderful community project.
The Rotary Club of Kenton-on-Sea is selling car bumper stickers to raise awareness and funds for their project saving rhinos. They are only $1 each if your club wants to order a worthwhile number say 20+ let me know and I will start the process.
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Several of us Rotarians on ROTI or Rotarians On The Internet are starting a Rotary Action Group for Endangered Species. We have a Facebook page up and running so those of you on Facebook please share our page and join this war against the exploitation of the rhino and elephant.