Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for June 2024
Click on the links below for the weekly bulletins from June there were only three in June due to the King’s Birthday weekend or I missed a week!!!!
Bulletin for Week of 27/05/2024
Bulletin for Week of 23/06/2024
Meeting of Monday 24th June
Our President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 20 members to his last regular meeting tonight as our President for 2023-2024. We also welcomed our guest Michael Suidgeest to another meeting. Always very welcome Michael.
Paul reported on the non-board meeting as we did not have the required quorum of 5 directors. The non-board discussed the arrangements for the upcoming change over on Monday. The next BoD meeting will be held on Monday 8th July and then on every second Monday unless that falls on a public holiday.
Adrian was the only entry to the May puzzler so he won a free raffle ticket.
Leslie and Paul will be going to Europe for three conferences and will be away for three weeks. Then they will be going to New York for their daughter’s wedding.
Adrian spoke on the D9705 change over dinner held in Young on the weekend and there were 103 Rotarians and their guests attending. AG Garth attended so it was good to have two members of our club attend this change over.
Daryl reported on the Red Shield Appeal weekend. Barry, Vicki and Bear collected in Marrar. On Sunday at the football Daryl, Mary, Bondy and Lexi collected donations. It was one of the best results for a Red Shield appeal since we stopped door knocking. We raised $1,700 for the Salvation Army. Well done to all who volunteered and Daryl expressed his thanks to all who helped.
Daryl also praised the Coolamon Football Club with donations from patrons who used the football club’s tap and go machine. And a lot of patrons paid for their entry to the ground and added $ for the Salvos. We need to send a letter of thanks to the Coolamon Football club for this wonderful support.
Vicki reported on the great weigh in which Bear won with a total loss of 14kgs.
Adrian, Henk, Garth, John G and others will be meeting at the Sports Club on Monday afternoon at 3.00pm to set up tables, decorations and banners for our change over dinner.
It was our last meeting with the S@A and his corporal who give way to Albert next year, as Albert will be our S@A for 2023-2024. As it was the duos last fines session, no one was spared. The raffle was won by Daryl with a 2nd prize of chocs going to Dick and the 3rd prize of lemonades to Bondy.
Well done Bondy for your year as our President, it has been a lot of fun. As you can see from the photos at the end of this bulletin, we as a club, achieved a lot and worked hard for our community. Above all we had a lot of fun.
We wish PE Adrian a wonderful year as our President 2024-2025.
P.E. Adrian has advised the bulletin that Mary Potts has agreed to be our President for 2025-2026. Adrian also said that Vicki will be our Treasurer in 2025-2026. Congratulations Mary and Vicki!
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
*Monday 1st July – CRC Annual Changeover Dinner.Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm. Cost of $30 per head and please bring a desert. Guests and partners are very welcome.
Monday 8th July – CRC Board Meeting (2nd Mon. of the month). Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 5.00 for 5.15 pm.
Monday 8th July – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 15th July – Speaker Meeting. Annette St. Clair will speak on melanoma and skin care. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 22nd July – Social Night. Get to know your member meeting. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 29th July – 5th Monday Social Dining out (venue to be decided). Bring your partners and guests.
*Monday 5th August – Speaker Meeting. Deidre Tome (Wagga Sunrise) will speak on domestic violence. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 12th August- CRC Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 5.00 for 5.15 pm.
Monday 12th August- Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
You can download teh full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin:
Sunday October 6th Gears & Beers Dirty 130 Wollundry RC. Website
*Friday 25th/Sunday 27th October – D9705 Conference. Mittagong RSL. Bookings open now for early bird registrations:
Answers to the last puzzles:
Wordy one: The two words are overt and covert. Rebus puzzle: 1) space invaders, 2) growing economy, 3) head for cover, 4) noon tea, 5) forgive and forget, 6) corporate downsizing, 7) in between jobs, 8) win with ease, 9) try to understand.
This month’s puzzles:
Riddle: I have a neck, but no head. I have two arms, but no hands. What am I?
Brain teaser: Who is biggest, Mr Bigger, Mrs Bigger, or their baby?
This is an important time for all Rotarians around the world be it as a new member or President of Rotary International. It is a time for renewal and a changing of the guard with new ideas for our work being of service to others. Service Above Self.
Here are some very recent change over events from here and there:
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
- President: John Bond
- President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
- Secretary: Paul Weston
- Treasurer: Mary Potts
- Membership Director: Leslie Weston
- Service Projects Director: Adrian Lindner
- Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
- Club Admin Director: Henk Hulsman
- Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
- Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
- Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
- Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
- Webmaster: John Glassford