Coolamon RC Bulletin October 21st 2024

N. B. To all members our Annual General Meeting is set for Monday 11th November.

Meeting of Monday 21st. October 2024

President Adrian Lindner welcomed 20 members, 1 partner Lorraine Hamilton and 11 guests including; Helen Jordan guest of Bernadette, Wayne Rushton guest of Ted, Kay and Alan Heighway from the Sutherland Rotary Club, Dave Fox Marrar, Veronika and Ben Mier from Coolamon, Pradeep Rai and Sosheel Godfrey from the CSU.

We had as our guest speaker tonight.  Dan Fox, from Marrar, Australian Innovation Farmer of the Year.  On Regenerative agriculture and its link to food/health.

Before our guest speaker we had some general business to discuss including:

  • Daryl Breust with a report on the recent Gears & Beers weekend.  Daryl thanked all of our volunteers who helped on the day and advised us that Wollundry RC will be visiting soon for a debrief.  Daryl said there were 2000 ANZAC biscuits made, and thanked all who helped bake them.  As well special thanks to Albert for getting the water sorted.
  • Albert Suidgeest sent round a roster for members to volunteer to man th egates at Saturday’s Open garden Day.
  • Grahame Miles asked us all to volunteer for the roster as it is embarrassing to ask non-members to help out.  We have enough members to man all 6 gates in the two time slots.
  • Mary Potts gave a brief report on the funds raised so far from the Open Garden Day 1.

Guest Speaker Dan Fox (above), was introduced by Ian Jennings.  Dan’s talk was very interesting and informative even for non-farmers in our club.  There were some very sobering information on the effect of climate change and what can be done in broad scale farming to help to combat the fact that climate change is real and has to be addressed.

THERE’s a quiet revolution taking place on farms across Australia thanks to people like Dan Fox – one of thousands of Australian farmers taking action on climate change by transforming the health of their soils.

Over the past 20 years Australian farmers have redefined conventional farming methods, with an over-riding focus on soil health allowing farmers to store and sequester large amounts of carbon in their land.

The shift towards healthier soils, combined with ground-breaking innovation enabling lower fuel and synthetic fertiliser use, means Australian farmers are leading the way in tackling climate change.

Changes made on the Fox farm in recent years include the purchase of new machinery which has enabled practice changes to retain more soil moisture and build carbon levels below the ground.

“Our mothers and grandmothers taught us to put straw mulch on the home gardens to protect the soil from the sun, keep the weeds out and keep the moisture in,” Dan said.

“That’s exactly what we are aiming to do with our system, except our garden is the big paddocks on the outside of the house yard.”

Here are some photos from last night’s talk by Dan.

The Shelbourne stripper front above plays an important role in the harvest leaving the straw almost intact!

Shelbourne Stripper in action.

Single disc seeders set at 6.5″ apart sowing into stubble.

All the residue is left in the paddock and then after harvest the stubble is rolled so that it can break down and add carbon to the soil.

Here is more information on the Fox family in Marrar.

Thanks you Dan and Barry Langtry gave dan a vote of thanks for his talk.

We did not have a S@A session and the raffle prizes were won by Lorraine hamilton, Alex Thompson and Bruce Hamilton.  All in all a busy informative evening followed by some excellent fellowship.

Next Monday night we have a social evening with Albert Suidgeest in the HOT seat as we get to know our member.  It is also Lift the Lid Silly Hat Day.  So please wear a silly or elegant hat to raise funds for Australian Rotary Health.


Sunday we held our first day of two days for our Open Garden Days project.  There were 6 gardens on display in and around Coolamon.  Albert Suidgeest and his committee have done a great job and we will do it all again next Saturday.  In the meantime here are some photos from Sunday.  Thanks to Grahame Miles and Adrian Lindner for some of the photos.  The photos of Jill’s garden feature and it is a fun garden using some wonderful imagination. The young children that visited loved it!

Above the welcome at Jill’s garden so many lovely surprises are to be found in this garden.

Our Rotary volunteers, well 4 of them, Myffy, Bern, Wendy and Adrian.

Above Merilyn Hutcheon brought her sister Rosalie and grandchildren along.

One of our hosts Kellie Exton with daughter Audrey. Thanks Kellie!

Above three photos are from the garden of Natalie and Emma.

This garden above belongs to Telea and Anthony

The following photos are from Jill’s eclectic garden such a lot of fun and imagination.

Monday 25th November – Social Night with get to Know Your Member.

*Monday 2nd December – Guest speaker Robert Shore District Governor Elect, District 9705, Rotary regionalisation.  Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.


It appears Haggis Eggs are now available on Supermarket shelves on the run up to Christmas and Burns night.




A son recalls his father’s great medical achievement

By Dr. Peter L. Salk

Illustrations by Cristian Barba Camarena

I have been president of the Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation since its founding in 2009. As you can imagine, focusing my attention in that role on the legacy of my father’s many contributions to humanity — including his creation of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, just up the road in La Jolla on a bluff overlooking California’s magnificent Pacific Coast — has a special significance for me.

My father, Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the first polio vaccine, was born in New York City on 28 October 1914, exactly three months after the beginning of World War I. From his earliest days, he was someone who wanted to do something to be helpful to humanity. That impulse and drive may have come in part from an incident that was imprinted in his memory when he was a little boy.



One Day. One Focus:  Ending Polio

World Polio Day is a time for Rotary members, public health advocates, and all who want a world free from polio to come together, recognize our progress in the fight to end polio, and talk about the actions we need to take in order to end polio for good.

All donations are matched 2:1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, tripling your impact!



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: Adrian Lindner
  • President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
  • Membership Director: Brian Pattison
  • Service Projects Director:  Anne Rzeszkowski
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
  • Club Environment Representative:  Adrian Lindner
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford







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