Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for W/e 23 June 2024


Meeting of Monday 17th June

Our President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 21 members to the meeting tonight.  A warm welcome for Scott who has returned from his annual holidays.  A good turn out despite the cold evening.  We had several items of business to discuss including:

  • Bear won the week’s weigh in having lost 12 kgs since the last weigh in and Scott 7kgs.
  • Members were asked if any of us are attending the Coolamon Lions Club changeover dinner on the 28th June.
  • Paul advised the members that Bondy’s last board meeting will be held on Monday 24th June.  Paul will be away for a few weeks as Leslie and Paul are going overseas for the wedding of their daughter in New York.
  • PE Adrian said that his board will meet on the second Monday of each month and Adrian’s first BoD meeting will be on Monday the 8th of July.
  • We are still looking for a president for 2025-2026.  Don’t be afraid of the position of president there is plenty of experience in our club to help with the job.  Being president of our club is an honour and a very rewarding experience.
  • Henk gave a brief report on the CRCTB 2024 committee meeting and advised all members that we are on track.  The committee is now working on bringing it all together with funds coming in and artwork being prepared.  The next stage will be collating all the advertisers and their artwork to begin the layout for the 2024 telephone book.
  • Daryl said that Barry and Bear will be in Marrar collecting for the Red Shield Appeal this Saturday and on Sunday from 10am-2pm in Coolamon.  Volunteers are asked to contact Daryl.
  • Albert is back and up to his old tricks with a ribald story to tell about Bruce and pants!
  • Adrian reported on the recent “street” raffle at Foodworks and over the two days we made a profit of $1,162.00.  Ted won the 1st prize in the raffle.  Adrian thanked all who volunteered over the two days.
  • A reminder that the District 9705 change over will be in Young this Saturday at the Young Services club from 12.00- 3.00pm.
  • Bondy led a brief discussion on the proposed two resolutions that D9705 want to table at the upcoming RI Council on Legislation.  The members voted to support both resolutions.

Tonight the return of our S@Arms Dick with some interesting and very amusing fines.

Raffle first prize won by Daryl and the second prize won by Bear.  All in all a productive night with plenty of fellowship as we wind down 2023-2024 and get ready for 2024-2025 with Adrian as our president.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday 24th June – CRC Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 5.00 for 5.15 pm.

Monday 24th June – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

*Monday 1st July – CRC Annual Changeover Dinner. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.  Details and cost to follow. Guests and partners are very welcome.

Monday 8th July – CRC Board Meeting (2nd Monday of each month). Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 5.00 for 5.15 pm.

Monday 8th July – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

*Monday 15th July – Guest Speaker Annette St Clair.  

Monday 15th July – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 22nd July – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 29th July – Social Dining out (venue to be decided). Bring your partners and guests.

*Friday 25th/Sunday 27th October – D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:




N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook





Rotary members fan out across the globe to capture the light

In March 2014, Thangavelu Saravanaraj, a member of the Rotary Club of Madurai North, India, accompanied Rotaractors volunteering at a tollbooth during a National Immunization Day in his hometown. Each time a bus stopped, the eager Rotaractors would hop on to administer polio drops to children. As one of the buses was about to roar away, volunteers spotted an unvaccinated baby inside. “They jumped to action,” recalls Saravanaraj. “As the mother brought the baby close to the window, one Rotaractor reached out to steady the child while another gave the drop.”

Saravanaraj, an avid photographer, captured the fleeting moment and submitted the photo for this magazine’s annual photography awards.

Nearly a decade later, we tracked down Saravanaraj, who now chairs the International Fellowship of Rotarian Photographers. Founded in 2012, the fellowship includes as members more than 1,400 professional and amateur photographers and photo enthusiasts around the world. They connect and share work through a lively Facebook page. Local chapters organize photo contests, workshops, and photography outings.

We worked with Saravanaraj to invite four fellowship members to judge this year’s Rotary magazine Photo Awards. In total, …………………….



Photographer: Keith Marsh
Rotary E-Club of Silicon Valley, California


More photos here:

PS a past member of our club Julie Clark should have entered her pics.  Julie takes amazing photos on her travels around Australia and this one from the Flinders Ranges is no exception:

Double click on Julie’s photo to get the amazing details that Julie captured.


There are around 90 different Rotary Fellowships that you can join with like minded people from around the world.

One that some members may like is the Beers Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide Fellowship.

Beers Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide (BREW) Fellowship is one of the newest officially recognized Rotary fellowships. The fellowship was created for Rotarians around the worlds who love to drink and make beer.

BREW was started and organized in 2013 by Past District 5160 Governor Steve Lack, a member of the Rotary Club of Pleasant Hill, California, USA; Moses Aryee, Past President of the Rotary Club of Accra-West, Ghana; and Past District 5440 Governor Martin Limbird of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

The primary goal of BREW is to create the largest fellowship in Rotary: an international community of Rotarians who share a love of beer. Another goal is to support efforts and projects to bring clean water to those in thirst since water is the primary ingredient in beer.

Follow them on their website below:

BREW Website

You can get a list of the Rotary Fellowships from the document below.

02 Fellowships






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford