President Adrian welcomed 16 members to our club assembly.
President Adrian read out the following announcements:
- Our DG Rob Uhl will be in Wagga Wagga on Saturday 22nd at the Wagga Wagga RSL. DG Rob will be celebrating 120 years of Rotary International started in 1905 by four men in Chicago. The cost will be $30 per head and details are in the diary below.
- Clean Up Australia Day is on the 2nd March and details are available from Landcare Coolamon. Rotary used to be involved on this day on an annual basis.
3. The NSW Anti Slavery Commissioner will be in Wagga Wagga on Tuesday 11th March details will follow.
4. Next week’s meeting is a guest speaker night with the Hon. Michael McCormack as our guest speaker.
Tonight following the CRC board meeting we held a club assembly.
A quorum was declared (30% of financial members forms a quorum at annual and general meetings).
The minutes of the last club assembly on the 12th December were read out and accepted by the members present as a true record of that meeting.
The first item on the agenda was the club honour board. There are currently two honour boards for Rotary and 2 for Lions. Both boards are running out of room for future entries. Ian Jennings our Club Administration Director is looking into replacing our honour boards with an electronic system as an alternative to a new double timber painted honour board.
An electronic board via a TV screen monitor would save space and we can put unlimited information on the screen electronically. The cost of around $2,000 is about the same as creating a new double timber board with all the members who have served in teh executive for the past 54 years and for another 20 years. Other benefits of an e-board would be the ability to announce and promote upcoming events. Ian will get back to teh Board with his recommendations in due course.
Our catering van has served us well over the many years in various colours:
The Board of Directors unanimously voted in favour of selling our catering van at the BoD meeting preceding the club assembly. The caravan catering committee led by Bear recommended to the BoD to sell the caravan. A detailed report is available for all members to examine. However it is apparent that at the moment the caravan is not legal or practical to work from’ and to get it up to speed would cost around $12,500.
The assembly them discussed the proposal at length and Daryl Breust moved that we support the Board’s decision which was seconded by Vicki Langtry and the vote was unanimous in favour of the Board’s decision.
The discussion then turned to what the alternatives were available to replace the catering van. Several options were considered which were well put by Bear. The preferred option is to purchase the Wagga Wagga Cycling Club catering BBQ trailer for $2,000.
The members then voted to accept the proposal to purchase the BBQ trailer which was moved by Daryl and seconded by Vicki and again carried unanimously.
There will be costs involved in putting our logo on the trailer. We will look at using the BBQ trailer in conjunction with our two gazebos and Rotary banners. Again a full break down is available from Bear and the van committee.
We then had a discussion on the 2025 Gears & Beers weekend. Daryl reported that David Byfield is looking after the planning while Phil McIntosh is away until July. They are looking at a new route for 2025 with a BBQ stop. Ideas are needed for a new course.
S@A Dick Jennings conducted a brief but hilarious fines session.
The raffle was won by Henk. So ended a positive enjoyable club assembly meeting.
*Monday 17th February Guest Speaker Meeting: The Hon. Michael McCormack MP The Riverina subject Federal Issues for Coolamon. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Saturday 22nd February: Celebrate 120 years of Rotary with our District Governor Rob Uhl in Wagga Wagga.
The Magic of 120 Years of Rotary
Sunday 23rd February Annual Peace Day Ceremony. Victory Memorial Gardens Wagga Wagga 10.00am.
*Monday 24th February Social Meeting: Social night and get to know your member Vicki Langtry. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Tuesday March 11th Anti-Slavery Commissioner* in Wagga Wagga. Logistics for this meeting – time, venue, and format are still to be confirmed by the Commissioner’s Office. This may need to be ticketed for catering purposes.
Saturday, 29 March PETS and Club Development Seminars – Young Services Club, Young, NSW
*Guests welcome to bring their partners and friends.
Albert Suidgeest organises a Thursday morning coffee club that usually attracts a few members and others along. It is usually at 10.30am and the venue changes weekly. here is a photo of one of their gatherings, thanks Mary.
Once known as PETS and District Assembly. This is where incoming presidents and directors learn how to run their portfolio. Highly recommended and as it is only one day it should be well worth the effort.
We are thrilled to invite you to the upcoming President Elect and Club Development Sessions happening throughout March. These sessions are designed for both incoming leaders and club members, offering an opportunity for training, learning, and networking.
Here’s what you need to know:
Session Dates & Locations:
- Saturday, 15 March – St Peter’s Anglican College, Broulee, NSW
- Saturday, 22 March – Daramalan College, Dickson, ACT
- Saturday, 29 March – Young Services Club, Young, NSW
Each session will start with arrival from 8:30 AM, with the official welcome at 9:00 AM. The day will end by 4:00 PM.
Why Attend?
- President Elects: This is an essential training opportunity as it will cover new material under the Pilot program. It’s also a great chance to connect with your cohort.
- Club Directors & Board Members: You’ll learn practical skills and strategies that will help your club thrive.
- Rotarians & Non-Rotarians: We welcome everyone! There will be sessions for everyone.
What’s Included:
- Engaging sessions and workshops to help you and your club grow
- An opportunity for clubs to present their projects during breakout sessions (If your club would like to present, please complete this form –
- Lunch, tea, coffee, and snacks provided throughout the day.
We highly encourage all President Elects to attend this training, as there is a lot of valuable new material being presented. It’s also a great way to connect with your fellow cohort members.
If you would like to attend, please register via the link below. Feel free to share this invitation with your fellow Rotarians.
Register Now:
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
R.I. ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024
Rotary is about the power to connect, partner, and create change. From July 2023 through July 2024, we connected, partnered, and worked to Created Hope in the World by addressing mental health and strengthening our commitment to End Polio Now. What does your club hope to accomplish in the coming year?
Find our 2023–2024 annual report here:
Once upon a time one of our members was featured in the RI Annual Report 2006-2007:
Click on the above images to read the text!
It translates to Leading the way in preserving the planet: John Glassford, a Rotarian from New South Wales, Australia, builds homes from straw instead of energy depleting concrete through his eco friendly business Huff ‘n’ Constructions. Glassford is also a member of the Environment Fellowship of Rotarians.
Artwork by Rtn. Debbie Vance RC of Merritt BC Canada
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
- President: Adrian Lindner
- President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
- Secretary: Paul Weston
- Treasurer: Mary Potts
- Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
- Membership Director: Brian Pattison
- Service Projects Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
- Youth Services Director: Lexi Furner
- Club Admin Director: Ian Jennings
- Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
- Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
- Club Environment Representative: Adrian Lindner
- Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
- Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
- Webmaster: John Glassford