Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for February 17th. 2025



President Adrian welcomed 18 members and several guests including:  Susan Glassford, Lions Club represented by President Chris Nicholls, Ian Penfold, Wayne Lewis and Mark Uhr.  Our guest speaker the Hon Michael McCormack and his wife Catherine McCormack were given a warm welcome by all present.

We had another excellent Chinese meal and plenty of fellowship before Michael was formally introduced by Adrian.

Michael’s talk was based on three main subjects:

Domestic & Family Violence & Gambling

Michael said that domestic violence and a real problem for Australians.  Governments are putting a lot of money towards this problem.  Some of the programmes include:

  • Banning advertising for gambling on Friday nights for football and other sport.  gambling leads to violence.
  • Basic education through our schools.
  • Men to men talking about being disrespectful to women.

Primary Health Care

Michael gave an example of the funding for the new UNSW medical school in Wagga Wagga.  Michael was able to secure $100 million from the PM at the time Michael Turnbull.  This funding is going to develop other medical schools in a rural setting including Bendigo, Mildura, Orange and Dubbo.

Michael said that those new doctors did not want to go to teh big cities and wanted to make their lives in rural areas and out of the 30 currently studying in Wagga Wagga the majority will stay in the country.

Local Programmes.

Michael went through the Stronger Communities Programme which included the fact that the CRC has applied for a $7,700 grant to replace our ageing catering caravan.

Health Precinct Coolamon is lobbying for a new hospital MPS from the NSW Government.  Michael spoke about Allawah Lodge and that it is not large enough this with the MLHD and Coolamon Shire Council.

Another area that needs attention is our telecommunications since we lost the 3G mobile network which has led to a deterioration in mobile service.

As Deputy PM Michael was responsible for getting the Bland Shire a lot of funding for their 7500ks of roads.

Michael spoke at length about water and how we as a country have not built any new dams for many decades.

Last Michael cited Parkes Shire Council and their handling of their rubbish by turning it into energy.

Ted Hutcheon gave Michael a sincere vote of thanks and presented him with a token of his visit.

Some photos follow:

Above pics by JJG and just in time Michael posted these on his Facebook page:

Click on the thumb nail for a larger image:

S@A Albert Suidgeest held a brief fines session and the raffles were won by Barry Langtry and Daryl Breust.

Another excellent night of friendship and some good banter.


Saturday 22nd February:  Celebrate 120 years of Rotary with our District Governor Rob Uhl in Wagga Wagga.

This is a ticketed event @ $30pp from or use the QR Code below:

The Magic of 120 Years of Rotary

Sunday 23rd February Annual Peace Day Ceremony. Victory Memorial Gardens Wagga Wagga 10.00am.

*Monday 24th February Social Meeting:  Social night and get to know your member Vicki Langtry.  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

*Monday 3rd March Guest Speaker: Jericho Nyatoro, Chaplain, Junee Correctional Centre on reforming Jail Inmates.

Monday March 10th CRC Board Meeting:  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 5.00 pm.

Monday March 10th: General Meeting: Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Tuesday March 11th Anti-Slavery Commissioner* in Wagga Wagga.  Logistics for this meeting – time, venue, and format are still to be confirmed by the Commissioner’s Office.  This may need to be ticketed for catering purposes.

*Monday 17th March Guest Speaker: Sally Bryant, ABC Radio Announcer on Country Larrikins and Characters.  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 24th March Social Meeting and get to know your member.  (To be nominated).  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday, 29 March PETS and Club Development SeminarsYoung Services Club, Young, NSW

*Monday 31st March Fifth Monday Social Meeting at the Marrar Hotel TBC.

*Monday 7th April Guest Speaker: Steph Cooke MP, Member for Cootamundra on State Issues for the Coolamon Shire.  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

*Guests welcome to bring their partners and friends.




All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.


RIPE Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

Rotary International President-elect Mário César Martins de Camargo asked members to Unite for Good by embracing growth, service, and connection as he outlined a plan to expand “the best-qualified team of volunteers on the planet.”

“Rotary’s greatest asset is not our history, our projects, or even our unmatched global reach. It is our members,” de Camargo said at the organization’s International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 10 February. He noted praise from one of Rotary’s partners about “the extraordinary dedication” of Rotary members. “That recognition from an outsider deepened my understanding: Rotary’s greatest gift to the world is its people.”

De Camargo, a member of the Rotary Club of Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil, emphasized the importance of seeking out new perspectives and strengthening Rotary’s service to communities around the globe. He outlined three “essential pillars” for growth: innovation, continuity, and partnership.

The full story AND a video in the link below:

UNITE FOR GOOD 2025-2026


Our star pupil from Nairobi is going very well and is thriving in her new career as a journalist.  As you know the CRC Road MAPS to Africa project has funded Tracy through High School and University.  Tracy graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the United States International University in Nairobi in September 2022.

From the Mathare informal settlement (slum) to a career in journalism such a story and so worthwhile.





Artwork by Rtn. Debbie Vance RC of Merritt BC Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: Adrian Lindner
  • President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
  • Membership Director: Brian Pattison
  • Service Projects Director:  Anne Rzeszkowski
  • Youth Services Director: Lexi Furner
  • Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
  • Club Environment Representative:  Adrian Lindner
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford