Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for March 10th. 2025


President Adrian welcomed 21 members to our meeting last night, no guests as it was a social night.

Paul Weston reported on some of the decisions of the board meeting that preceded the meeting:

  • The BoD decided to support a worthy student from the Coolamon Central School for a scholarship worth around $3,000.  Details below:

Rotary Scholarship Criteria for Coolamon Central Year 12 Students (1)

  • Cost of the Monday night dinner will now be $25 per head and this includes $3 for a raffle ticket and as a result there will only be one raffle prize each week.  Gilbert and Di are happy to provide additional choices to the Chinese banquet.
  • The printer has been offered to the Coolamon RSL.
  • Reminder of the upcoming D9705 training see diary and the end of this bulletin for details.  So far PE Mary Potts is going to Canberra.  Every member is encouraged to attend even if you are not on the Board.
  • Paul will get the minutes of the BoD out as soon as practical within 7 days of the meeting.
  • The members voted for Vicki Langtry to take over the job of Public Officer from Henk Hulsman who has held the post for 16 years.  Thanks Vicki.
  • The annual change over has been confirmed for Monday 30th June.
  • President Adrian asked members to donate any used men’s’ clothes for the dignity of the inmates at the Junee Correctional centre on their release.
  • Garth Perkin invited one and all to Ariah Park on Sunday 16th March to support the Wagga Men’s Rugby Choir.
  • Daryl Breust advised the members that he had a meeting with the Gears & Beers Wollundry chair Phil McIntosh on choosing a new route for the Dirty 130 in October.
  • Ganmain is having a poetry and music night on Thursday March 20th at 6.30pm.  The poetry of Banjo Paterson and the music of Coldplay and the power of contemporary dance.

Book Here

The raffle was won by:

  1. Don Dyce
  2. Grahame Miles

Then the stand in S@A Dick and Cpl. Garth entertained the members with another spirited fines session.  We welcomed Bear back from his Nordic adventures with a fine.  Others fined included Henk, John Nulty, Anne and JJG.

All in all an excellent evening of fun and fellowship.  The meeting concluded at 8.30pm and many members stayed on for some good fellowship.

Next week we have a guest speaker in Sally Bryant, ABC Radio Announcer on Country Larrikins and Characters.



International Women’s Day March 8th.

Every March 8th we celebrate International Women’s Day.  It was not until 1987 that women were allowed to join Rotary!

  1. 1983-86

    In a lawsuit filed by the Duarte club, the California Superior Court in 1983 rules in favour of Rotary International, upholding gender-based qualification for membership in California Rotary clubs. In 1986, the California Court of Appeals reverses the lower court’s decision, preventing the enforcement of the provision in California. The California Supreme Court refuses to hear the case, and it is appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

  2. 1987

    On 4 May, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Rotary clubs may not exclude women from membership on the basis of gender. Rotary issues a policy statement that any Rotary club in the United States can admit qualified women into membership.

    The Rotary Club of Marin Sunrise, California (formerly Larkspur Landing), is chartered on 28 May. It becomes the first club after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to have women as charter members.

    Sylvia Whitlock, of the Rotary Club of Duarte, California, becomes the first female Rotary club president.

    Dr. Sylvia Whitlock, the first female Rotary club president. Evanston, Illinois, USA, 4 March 2016.

    3. 2013:

     Anne L. Matthews begins her term as the first woman to serve as RI Vice President.  Anne was the RI President’s Personal Representative to the 2019 Griffith D9700 Conference, seen below with Susan and JJG.



    4. 2022

    Jennifer Jones begins her term as the first female president of Rotary International.



Here are just a few photos of the ladies in our club, I know that our club changed for the better when the women in our area started to join the club.  These are in the main, photos that we have used in our bulletin, and credit to those who took the pics, the pics are in a gallery format:




*Monday 17th March Guest Speaker: Sally Bryant, ABC Radio Announcer on Country Larrikins and Characters.  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 24th March Social Meeting and get to know your member.  Alex Thompson in the HOT chair.  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday, 29 March PETS and Club Development SeminarsYoung Services Club, Young, NSW

*Monday 31st March Fifth Monday Social Meeting at the Marrar Hotel TBC.

*Monday 7th April Guest Speaker: Steph Cooke MP, Member for Cootamundra on State Issues for the Coolamon Shire.  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.




Saturday 21st-25th June 2025 RICON IN Calgary, Canada

Calgary RICON 2025

Calgary Facebook Page

*Monday 30th June CRC 54th Annual Change Over Dinner.  Coolamon Sport & Recreation Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

*Guests welcome to bring their partners and friends.




All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.



D9705 Saturday, 29 March PETS and Club Development Seminars

They are on their way. David Kenny will be speaking on new club formation and the new Wildlife Carers Rotary Club recently created in Queensland. He will be at the District Training on 22nd March in Canberra.

Adrian Gregory from New Zealand will be speaking on ‘Mana Tangata’ which is the concept successfully implemented for small clubs coming together under one club structure so they only need one President, one treasurer and one secretary. Particularly of interest to small clubs or clubs struggling to find their next President. Adrian will speak at the training in Young on the 29th March.

District Training is for everyone, not just President-elects! There will be a number of choices in each time slot for people to attend. These will include workshops for Club secretaries, Club treasurers, Board members, and Youth Directors; there will be lots of sessions on the amazing projects clubs are doing and which your club could be doing. New members and prospective members are welcome. Register now on the District website. (and you are welcome to attend more then one of the three trainings days: Batemans Bay, Canberra and Young).

Saturday 15 March; St Peter’s Anglican College, 61 Train Street, Broulee, NSW

Saturday 22 March; Daramalan College, 121 Cowper St, Dickson ACT

Saturday 29 March Young Services Club, 42 Cloete St, Young NSW

If you would like to attend simply go online and register:

Register Online Young 

Everyone welcome to join us for the day and learn about what Rotary does. Register now




Artwork by Rtn. Debbie Vance RC of Merritt BC Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: Adrian Lindner
  • President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
  • Membership Director: Brian Pattison
  • Service Projects Director:  Anne Rzeszkowski
  • Youth Services Director: Lexi Furner
  • Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
  • Club Environment Representative:  Adrian Lindner
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford





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