A satellite image of the Dadaab, a refugee camp home to close to 400,000 people on the Kenya-Somali border. Image courtesy of DigitalGlobe
Parts of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia are facing one of the worst droughts for 60 years, and nearly 12 million people are desperately in need of food, clean water and basic sanitation.
ShelterBox has committed emergency shelter for up to 2,000 families in Kenya as the worst drought in 60 years continues to cause chaos throughout the region.
PDG Fred Loneragan presents President Marg Perkin with her President's scarf, while PDG John Egan looks on after Marg's induction.
We are the last club in our district to hold the annual change over of presidents and board members. It was great night and we had a total of 45 people present to witness the changing of the guard for 2011-2012. Our new president is Marg Perkin who has been in our club since 2004. Marg is the first lady to become our president and we are all looking forward to a great year under Marg’s leadership.
Here are some photos from the evening held in Coolamon.
Marg Perkin with husband Garth
President Marg is inducted by PDG John Egan
PDG Fred Loneragan presents President Marg with her president’s scarf
Some of our members and their guests
The Head Table
IPP Ian Durham presents a cheque to the Coolamon and Ganmain Hospital Aux.
IPP Ian Durham presents a cheque to PDG Fred Loneragan for Polio
On May 24, 2011, in a speech to 19,000 Rotarians, Bill Gates challenged the organization to make polio a disease of the present so it can become a disease of the past.
Over 25 years, Rotary International has contributed more than $1B to eradicate polio, and has teamed with the foundation to raise $555 million and help stamp out “the final 1 percent.” At Rotary’s annual convention of Rotarians from 160 countries, Bill urged members to keep the issue alive globally and with their local government leaders.
While sitting in freezing cold conditions selling raffle tickets today the need arose for a WC in the village, the nearest is a long walk to the station. Maybe we can convince our Council that we do need a WC in the middle of the village. After all it was one of Rotary’s first community service in Chicago back in 1907:
“The Rotary Club of Chicago performs one of its first acts of community service. The club calls a meeting of civic organizations to establish a committee for installing city comfort stations, or public toilets, to improve sanitation.”
RI President, Kalyan Banerjee and his wife Binota being received in Bangalore, India on 13th July. Photo : Kishore Shampur
A new Rotary year has begun, and with it several programs aimed at supporting and strengthening clubs and districts. In addition, a fresh slate of leaders take over at the club, district, and international level.
Kalyan Banerjee, of the Rotary Club of Vapi, Gujarat, India, is Rotary’s 101st president, and the third from India. Read a profile of Banerjee from The Rotarian. William B. Boyd, of the Rotary Club of Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand, has taken over as Rotary Foundation trustee chair.
Here is the latest news on what RFFA (Rotarians For Fighting AIDS) in conjunction with District 9200 East Africa are doing to combat the AIDS pandemic in Africa.
If you are a Rotarian one of the best things that you can do is to join RFFA as a life time member and to do this go to the RFFA web site: