He profits most who serves best

Arthur Sheldon

He profits most who serves best






Arthur Frederick Sheldon, the Rotarian whose convention speech inspired Rotary’s secondary motto, One Profits Most Who Serves Best.

“I believe – –

That we are living in a scientific age, one in which all lines of useful effort are rapidly becoming reduced to a scientific basis.

That we are living in an age of the survival of the fittest.

That it means more to be fit today than it did ten years ago.

That it will mean more to be fit ten years from now than it does today.

That we are living in a commercial age, and that commerce or business is a science.
That a science is simply classified common sense based upon proper seeing, grasping, comparing and recording of facts,

That a profession is a Science practiced.

That the science of business is the science of service, he profits most who serves best.”

Rotarian Arthur Sheldon at the  Chicago Convention in 1910.

Thank you to Past RI Director Dan Moores and Rtn Norm Winterbottom for the history.  Dan and Norm are members of  ROTI or Rotarians On The Internet.