Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #17-18-9

Week of 28th. August

This weeks meeting was well attended with 17 members and 17 guests present. Wayne Lewis, informed the meeting that a donation of 50 round bales of oaten hay has been made to the club. Wayne is looking for suggestions on how the money raised from this donation can be utilised by the club.

Dick Jennings is looking for volunteers to help with catering for the Coolamon Junior Football and Netball presentation night this Saturday night from 4.15 pm – 6.30pm.

Guest Speaker Gemma Meier presentation on how Community’s can take control over their energy needs, keep money and jobs in the local community was very informative and thought provoking


Beers and Gears

Wollundry Rotary members will be attending Monday 25th September to give an update on the Beers and Gears weekend.

Mental Heath Forum

Wayne Lewis is organising the second Mental Health Forum to be held on the 27th September 6pm, at the Coolamon Sports and Recreation Club. This event is being supported by the combined charity groups of Coolamon. There will be a BBQ and salads on the night for a gold coin donation. It would be a appreciated if those attending could bring a plate of cake, slice or biscuits to share over a cuppa after the guest speakers have finished their presentation.

There will be a number of HELP organisations present, Riverina Bluebell, Music for Mates, Mate Helping Mate, Calo’s Riding Club and Introspective. David Post will be launching his Rural Outreach Service and a presentation and screening of the DVD, Our Stories of Depression



Saturday 9th September: GANMAIN Trivia Night. Details to follow.

Thursday September 14th 2017, BINGO Henk Hulsman Capt, Dave McKinley, Wayne Lewis, Ivan Furner

Monday September 25th.  DG George and Carol Weston’s visit. Executive and Directors to meet with DG George before the meeting. Please bring your partners and support our District Governor. Gentlemen ties and jackets please.  Ladies smart as always.

Sunday October 1st Gears & Beers ALL Hands on Deck for Marshall duty

Thursday October 12th 2017, BINGO Neil Munro Capt, Alex Thompson, Don Dyce, Dick Jennings

Sunday October 15th D9700 AGM and President’s Forum 2017-2018 Presidents. YOUNG, 10.00am-1.00pm.

Thursday November 9th 2017, BINGO Ian Jennings Capt, Daryl Breust, Garth Perkin, John Nulty

Sunday, 12th November:  DisTec17 in Young 10.00am-4.00pm.  Internet and computer skills for bulletin editors and club web masters training.

Thursday December 14th 2017, BINGO Grahame Miles Capt, Bernadette Milne, Myffy Collette, John Bond

Thursday February 8th 2018, BINGO Henk Hulsman Capt, Rod Jarrett, Dick Jennings, Alex Thompson

Saturday, 4th March and Sunday 5th March 2018 PETS.  Young.  President Elects Training Seminar.

Sunday 5th March 2018 D9700 Assembly ALL Club Board Members to attend in Young from 09:00-16:00

Thursday March 8th 2018, BINGO Neil Munro Capt, Dave McKinley, Don Dyce, Leslie Weston

Saturday 5th May to Sunday 6th May 2018 D9700 CONFERENCE in Leeton venue the Leeton ROXY Theatre.  Book accommodation early!

*Partners and Guests Night

Apologies for Monday meetings: call John Nulty on 0439 459 296 BY FRIDAY


A Friendly Reminder

John Nulty is looking after the apologies for our Monday meetings; could you please make sure you let John know if you are unable to attend a meeting so catering can be finalised before the meeting. John can be contacted on  or 0439 459 296.



DGE John Glassford reports in from Darwin and Kakadu:

The Governor training is over for the year, next stop San Diego in January 2018 for the International Assembly and more training for DGEs.  It has been a hectic and intense week of Rotary.  Susan and JG are now in Kakadu with our guest DGN Joe Otin from D9212 East Africa.  Joe was one of the key note speakers at the Zone 8 Institute. Met some crocs and cane toads that is all the wildlife so far.

Here are some photos: