Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #22

Monday 18th June

Paul welcomed 19 members & guest Helen L.  Secretary John read out correspondence.

Next week is send off evening for Lucia.

Daryl & Paul met with Assistant Principal Josh Celi at Coolamon Central School to discuss working relationship with Rotary in conjunction with RYDA, CCC,  Youth Exchange, etc. The main item of discussion was financial support for a community youth welfare officer, which the club is eager to support.  Both parties are keen to develop a stronger relationship with the goal of enriching educational and other support for students at the school and in the community.

The night featured talks by three of our members.  Lyn Schadel gave a brief talk on her life and her great tribe of grandchildren, which was followed by a brief talk by Ann Rzeszkowski on her life, including her very interesting work with the irrigation district in Coleambally.

John Nulty then made a presentation on his time serving in Vietnam back in 1968/69 and showed a wealth of revealing photos from 50 years ago.

Ted finished the night with an entertaining fine session.

The evening concluded with a brief discussion of plans for the upcoming changeover.


IMPORTANT REMINDER: A number of members have not been sending in apologies when they are unable to attend our weekly meeting.  This causes problems for the caterer and our club, and results in wasted food.  We will be strictly enforcing the policy of charging members for meals if they have not sent in an apology, whether they are in attendance or not.



Quote of the Week

Who said this?

“It’s pretty obvious that, well, sometimes shit happens, doesn’t it?”

Last week’s Quote of the Week was attributed to Jacqui Lambie.


Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Monday, 25th June – Farewell dinner to Lucia.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday, 30th June – Street Raffle.   Coolamon Newsagency, 7:00 am – noon.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall, 6:00 pm til finish.

Monay July 9th – Guest Speaker. DG John Glassford visit to Coolamon Rotary, 6:30 for 7:00 pm. Meeting with board beforehand.


* denotes partner & guest night

Community Events

Up to date Art exhibition Friday 27th July  – 12th August, For further information please email: [email protected]


Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the Secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President-Elect & Service Projects:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles



June is Rotary Fellowships Month

Rotary Fellowships consist of members who share a common interest in recreational activities, sports, hobbies, or professions. These groups help expand skills, foster vocational development, and enhance the Rotary experience by exploring interests while developing connections around the world.




District 9700 Board 2018-2019

The 2018-2019 D9700 Board is coming together nicely and the restructure is going to work and work well.  DGN John McKenzie and DG George Weston are committed to making it work, as are the others on this much smaller Board: The 9700 district that the Coolamon Rotary club was a member of has now been split. Coolamon Rotary will now be a part of District 9705 as of 2020. Details will be updated as they arrive.

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

We are still looking at appointing two more Assistant Governors.

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019


President Ian Riseley RC of Sandringham Melbourne

President Elect Barry Rassin RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor George Weston RC of Leeton

District 9700 Governor Elect John Glassford RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Nominee John McKenzie RC of Orange North