Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-18


Week of 1st November

President Albert welcomed 20 members to our weekly meeting, which ended up mostly as a social meeting with an early mark to allow the Sportsman’s Night committee of CRC to discuss plans for their planned event. Leslie was given a bottle of wine in observance of her upcoming birthday.  Several events planned for this spring have been postponed, including Gears & Beers, which will take place in late March, and our garden viewing, which will likely be postponed until next spring. CRC will be assisting with the NYE street festival in Coolamon, so keep your calendar clear!

John G organised a Melbourne Cup sweep for members, and the meeting concluded with the usual fine session and weekly raffle.  The Sergeant was a bit light on fines, but plenty of cross-fines made up for the shortfall.  The main raffle prize was won by Chez, with minor prizes going to several lucky members.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

President Albert is in the back row, 2nd from the right.



Monday 8th November – Self-catered regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Wednesday 10th November Last board meeting for 2021. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7.00 pm.

Monday 15th November – CRC Annual General Meeting.  Nominations called for the Board for PE Paul Weston 2022-2023.  Send your nominations to Paul and secretary John G–you can nominate yourself if interested in helping lead the club into the future.

Saturday 27th November – CRC Christmas Party (Details to be announced soon).

Monday 29th November – Social meeting at Marrar Hotel (5th Monday). TBC.

Monday  6th December Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 13th December – Last meeting for 2021. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday 31st December – New Year’s Eve Festival. Cowabbie Street, Coolamon (CRC food van).

Monday 24th January – First meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Venue yet to be decided, probably Cowra.

Friday – Sunday 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.





BTW this is false information. We all know that Bald Eagles are almost as big as our Wedge Tails however Facebook claim I have posted fake news!!!!!!!




Answer to last week’s puzzler: 

The full message reads:


Definitely not good intentions!  The message can be deciphered by stringing together the letters from each line of the message, selecting the first letter from each block of four letters in the line, then the second letter, and so on, inserting spaces as necessary to form English words. Each sentence in the deciphered message corresponds to one line in the original, coded message.

This week’s puzzler:  

Two fathers and two sons were walking along a road. They happened to find three silver coins lying in their path. They picked up the coins and divided them evenly–each of them receiving one coin. How is this possible?




1. RI President’s Message – November 2021

I first discovered the value of service when I saw how a few simple acts can immeasurably change lives. It began when I joined others in my club for a project to bring toilets and clean drinking water to rural villages near our city. It moved forward when we promoted sanitation and provided opportunities for education across the country, thanks to generous gifts from supporters who believed in our projects as much as those of us on the ground did.

There is no better time of the year to be reminded of that generosity than November, which is Rotary Foundation Month.

As the charitable arm of Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation is the engine that powers so many Rotary projects throughout the world. The Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives. It is the Foundation that helps us to get closer to our goal of eradicating polio, to show more people how we promote peace through tangible actions, and to demonstrate the impact our projects have in our areas of focus.

Consider some recent projects that were made possible by the Foundation:

  • The Rotary clubs of Guatemala La Reforma, Guatemala, and Calgary, Alberta, received an $80,000 global grant to organize a comprehensive plan to train nurses and rural health care workers to prevent and treat cervical cancer and to implement a sustainable system of referrals in seven regions of Guatemala.
  • More than two dozen hospitals in Honduras received personal protective equipment for their medical staff thanks to a $169,347 global grant sponsored by the Rotary clubs of Villa Real de Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and Waldo Brookside-Kansas City, Missouri.
  • The Rotary clubs of Cotonou Le Nautile, Benin, and Tournai Haut-Escaut, Belgium, received a $39,390 global grant to provide agricultural training at an ecologically responsible permaculture mini-farm connected to a center for children in Sowé, Benin. This will help a new generation of farmers become economically self-sufficient.

I like comparing The Rotary Foundation to the Taj Mahal, a monument of one man’s love for a woman. The Foundation is a dynamic monument of our love for all of humanity.

This month I am asking all Rotary clubs to bring attention to the Foundation. It is what connects all Rotarians worldwide and transforms our collective passions into projects that change lives. Visit ; once there, you will have an opportunity to give directly to the program you’re most passionate about.

Thank you for giving your all to Rotary. You are the reason that Rotary is able to do more and grow more. Let’s continue to represent that important legacy this month, this year, and beyond as we Serve to Change Lives.

Shekhar Mehta
President 2021-22

2.  The Rotary Foundation

When people ask me what The Rotary Foundation is, I tell them it’s the heart of Rotary. You may have heard before that Rotary has an intelligent heart. The Foundation combines our emotional response of compassion with pragmatic action. With both heart and brains, you can change the world.
So, what does the Foundation mean to you? November is Rotary Foundation Month, but do you really know our Foundation?
First, it truly is our Foundation. The Rotary Foundation doesn’t belong to me or the other 14 trustees, nor to the RI Board of Directors, nor to the RI president. It belongs to each Rotarian around the world.
And it’s there for all of us to change the world. We save mothers and children because we have compassion, and we know how to plan. We provide clean water and sanitation where they’re needed to those who need them, because we build strategies based on a community’s needs. We combine support for peace, education, and economic stability for at-risk communities with an ability to manage big projects.
Giving to the Foundation is smart, too, because in doing so, you multiply the value of that gift. How many other foundations can you think of that identify the projects, fund them, and run them on the ground themselves? Ours is the only one I know. And we get it all done at such a relatively low administrative cost. This is one reason Charity Navigator consistently gives the Foundation a four-star rating.
I sometimes get asked a question: How much should I be giving to the Foundation? Each year, make a gift of what you can afford to give. For some, that is $100, and for others, more. What’s most important is that you give something, because each generous gift helps us meet the increased demand we’re seeing from members for global grants and our other programs.
This year, we want to raise $50 million for PolioPlus, which will be matched 2-to-1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, for a total of $150 million. If every Rotary club contributed just $1,500, we would surpass this goal. We have other goals as well — for the Annual Fund, the Endowment Fund, and outright gifts — adding up to a grand total of $410 million.
We will get there if we set our hearts — and minds — to it. But remember, it’s not about the money; it’s what the money can do.
There’s a saying that goes, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
The Foundation is that stone, so let us turn ripples into great waves with it, using our hearts and our minds.
John F. Germ
Trustee Chair 2021-22

November is The Rotary Foundation Month.


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-17


Week of 25th October

President Albert welcomed 20 members to our weekly meeting. The meeting focussed on upcoming events and programs , and featured member John Nulty in the spotlight. Some of the upcoming events:

  • GEERS & BEARS – Rescheduled to March 26th 2022
  • SCOTT REARDON – The CRC Sportsman’s Committee (Henk, Albert, Daryl, Brian, Mary and Anne) are organising a fundraising function featuring local paralympian Scott Reardon in February or early March 2022. Details to come.
  • The Anglican and Uniting churches from Coolamon are preparing gift-filled shoe boxes to provide to children through churches in villages and towns in developing nations at Christmas. The Coolamon Anglican parish have packed some 70 boxes so far and are looking for donations to help with the postage for the boxes @$10 per box.  The matter has been referred to the board.

How to Pack a Shoebox


John Nulty in the Spotlight

This week was John Nulty’s turn in the spotlight.  As usual, we learned interesting things about one of our members. Of Irish descent, John’s ancestorsy arrived in Australia in 1863 from Ireland via Liverpool. John was born in Leeton in 1943, and has been married to Jan for 50 years. Jan and John have two sons, one daughter and eight grandchildren.  John loves listening to music and reading, and is a fan of rugby league and the Canberra Raiders.

John worked with the Leeton Shire as a surveyor and served for 6 years in the Australian Army. John is a Vietnam War veteran, having serving there in 1968-1969. Vietnam is John’s favourite country, and he has been back twice now since the Vietnam War ended.  John’s last career post was with the Junee Jail, where he worked for 5 years. John is now retired and lives in Coolamon. John joined the Coolamon RC in April of 2015.

The meeting concluded with a fine session and raffle.


Can You Spot Albert?

President Albert is pictured above in his younger years.  Can you spot him?



Monday 1st November – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Wednesday 3rd November – Coolamon Community Chronicle Committee Meeting 7.00 pm at the Sports Club

Monday 8th November – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Wednesday 10th November – Last board meeting for 2021. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7.00 pm.

Monday 15th November – CRC Annual General Meeting.  Nominations called for the Board for PE Paul Weston 2022-2023.  Send your nominations to Paul and secretary John G–you can nominate yourself if interested in helping lead the club into the future.

Saturday 27th November CRC – Christmas Party (Details to be announced soon).

Monday 29th November – Marrar Hotel. TBC.

Monday  6th December – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 13th December – Last meeting for 2021.

Friday 31st December 2021 New Year’s Eve – CRC Caravan in Coolamon.

Monday 24th January 2022 – First meeting for 2022

Saturday and Sunday 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Venue yet to be decided, probably Cowra.

Friday – Sunday 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.










Answer to last week’s puzzler:  The will be no handshakes.  Because shorter persons in the house will not shake hands with taller persons, and all of the people in the house are different in height, there is no way anyone can shake hands with anyone else.

This week’s puzzler:  Here’s a message that was received by NASA as they looked at signals picked up from a putative flying saucer recently:

wmoa eemn cfuu orrs
wkia eesn ltpe ihlt
hwth oeno pgem eewe
wsta auob rnpl ispe
aust lmmd laui hnse

After a bit of work, cryptographers deciphered the start of the message, which read:


Can you decipher the rest of the message to determine if the Uranians had good or evil intentions?




1.  Rotary District 9705 Foundation News

Welcome to our first edition of the Foundation News for District 9705 in the 2021-2022 year. The News provides updates in developments related to the Rotary Foundation and articles about club and District projects assisted by the Foundation through grants.
PDG John McKenzie
Rotary District 9705 Foundation Chair

The Rotary Foundation in Australia has recently developed a new website specifically for Rotarians in Australia. Click on the image below:


It has become the go-to source of information about the activities of the Foundation in Australia. The “My Foundation” page provides links to lots of resources you can use to learn more about The Rotary Foundation , our charity.

Read more by clicking on the link below:




The adoption of the new brand standard is part of an overall strategy to focus on telling Rotary’s Story more effectively.  A survey of the public perception of Rotary showed that 4 in 10 persons had never heard of Rotary, another 4 in 10 had heard of Rotary, but didn’t have any idea about Rotary actually does.  The remaining 2 in 10 had heard about Rotary, but had some very negative opinions about Rotary. The think that Rotary is generally a club for older men who go to boring meetings and eat bad food.  Obviously this is not the true picture about what Rotary is all about.

Having a consistent brand image is important to all organisations, Rotary is no exception.
In 2013, a new logo & brand image pack was developed, this was to ensure every club, in every district across the world could have the same high standard of brand recognition.
There a lot of old style Rotary graphics still being displayed on various publications, including newsletters & flyers, posts on social media and hardware items, such as banners and signs.
Please check your clubs portfolio, make sure they are updated.
If you’re still in doubt, download Rotary’s official Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines: (pdf)
You can read more here on how the Rotary emblem has evolved since 1905.

October is  Rotary Economic and Community Development Month.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-16


Week of 18th October

President Albert welcomed 21 members and one special guest to our weekly meeting (plus Grahame joining in via Zoom). This week’s meeting featured a meeting with our new district governor, Leo Farrelly (via Zoom) and our new area governor, Elaine Almond (in person). DG Leo outlined RI President Shekar Mehta’s vision for the growth of Rotary and for Rotary to become more relevant to the youth of the world as well to encourage members to stay the course.  DG Leo pointed out that over the past 10 years we have gained 1.3 million members BUT we also lost 1.3 million members.  So we have a problem retaining members.

DG Leo spoke on TRF (The Rotary Foundation), 7th Area of Focus that is Protecting the Environment.

The presentation by DG Leo was well received and he praised us for our website, Facebook page and our bulletin.  DG Leo also encouraged all members to log in to the D9705 website and to personally update their information.

Good to see straw bale buildings in DG Leo’s slide show!

Elaine met with the CRC Board prior to the meeting to discuss our plans for the year and reminded us of important upcoming dates:

  • PETS President Elect Training Seminar will be in Cowra in February 2022.  PE Paul Weston to attend.
  • D9705 DISCON (District Conference) is on March 18-20th at Temora. Hosted by the RC of Temora.  The Sat. night dinner is not to be missed as it will be in the Aviation Museum.  Theme of the DISCON is regeneration.

President Albert thanked Elaine for her visit and presented her with a memento of the CRC. You can visit Elaine’s Area 3 website HERE. The meeting concluded with the usual entertaining fine session and raffle.




District Governor Leo Farrelly’s contribution to scouting recognised

Congratulations DG Leo on your recent award for Scouting.  DG Leo was awarded the Silver Kangaroo very recently  for exceptional service to Scouting since 1979.







Monday 25th October – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Wednesday 10th November – Last board meeting for 2021. 

Monday 15th November – CRC Annual General Meeting.  Nominations called for the Board for PE Paul Weston 2022-2023.  Send your nominations to Paul and secretary John G–you can nominate yourself if interested in helping lead the club into the future.

Saturday 27th November CRC – Christmas Party (Details to be announced soon).

Monday  6th December – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 13th December – Last meeting for 2021.

Friday 31st December 2021 New Year’s Eve – CRC Caravan in Coolamon.

Monday 24th January 2022 – First meeting for 2022

Saturday and Sunday 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Venue yet to be decided, probably Cowra.

Friday – Sunday 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.





Only in Africa!



Answer to last week’s puzzler:  

  1. Rid – Relieve
  2. Graze – Feed
  3. Nail – spike
  4. Pen – Coop
  5. Carve – Cut
  6. Caress – Pet
  7. Save – Salvage
  8. Whirled – Spun

This week’s puzzler:  

There are ten people in a house. Each of them will shake hands only with people shorter than themselves. Assume all the people are different in height and all of them know the height of each other. How many hand shakes are made?




Zone 8 Rotary Regionalisation Pilot Project:

Rotary Regionalisation Project Zone 8


Rotary International is considering establishing a regional governance pilot to address membership, public image, communication, and fundraising challenges to ensure our organisation thrives long into the future.
Should this proceed, in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands we have an opportunity to be one of a small number of regions across the globe to pilot this new governance structure, created by RI’s Shaping Rotary’s Future Committee (SRF). Read the background of this project here.
Briefing from Past Rotary International President (PRIP) Barry Rassin.
Barry Rassin, Chair of RI’s Shaping Rotary’s Future Committee, presented a briefing to the Regionalisation Reference Group, available for you to view.
The briefing provides a detailed explanation of the proposed regional governance pilot, including questions and responses from those in attendance.

PRIP Barry Rassin Explains Regionalisation



AG Area Governor

ARH Australian Rotary Health

AVAC Australian Vocational Advisory Committee

CRC Coolamon Rotary Club

DDF District Designated Funds

DRRAG Disaster Relief Rotarian Action Group

DG District Governor

DGE District Governor Elect

DGN District Governor Nominee

DIK Donations In Kind

DISCON District Conference

ESRAG Environment and Sustainability Rotarian Action Group

FAIM Fourth Avenue In Motion

GSE Group Study Exchange

3H / HHH Health, Hunger & Humanity

HESS Honeywell Engineering Summer School

IPAC International Projects Advisory Committee

MOP Manual of Procedure

MUNA Model United Nations Assembly

MPHF Multiple Paul Harris Fellow

NYSF National Youth Science Forum

PACE Pacific Australian Cultural Exchange

PDG Past District Governor

PE President-Elect

PEN President-Elect Nominee

PETS Presidents-Elect Training Session

PHF Paul Harris Fellow

PHSM Paul Harris Sustaining Member

PP Past President

PRID Past Rotary International Director

PRIP Past Rotary International President

PROBUS Professional & Business Club

RAG Rotary Action Group

RAGES Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species

RAM Rotarians Against Malaria

RAWCS Rotary Australia World Community Service

RDU Rotary Down Under

RFHA Rotarians For Family Health and AIDS

RI Rotary International

RICON Rotary International Conference

RID Rotary International Director

RIP Rotary International President

ROMAC Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children

ROTEX / RX Rotary Exchange Students Organisation

ROVE Rotary Overseas Vocational Exchange

RRVF Recreation & Vocational Fellowships

Rtn. Rotarian

RYAG Rotary Youth in Agriculture

RYDA Roadside Youth Driver Awareness

RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

RYPEN Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment

SPPO South Pacific & Philippines Office of Rotary International

SWSL Save Water Save Lives

TRF / RF The Rotary Foundation

VTT Vocational Training Team

WASRAG Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group

WCS World Community Service

WFA World Fellowship Activities

YEA Youth Exchange Australia

There will be a test at the next meeting to see how many you know!



October is  Rotary Economic and Community Development Month





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-15


Week of 11th October


  • Card received for the flowers from Maureen and Henk Hulsman.
  • Mary Potts congratulated on her marathon run of over 43 ks for Cancer.
  • Albert reported on the tree planting and thanked the volunteers that assisted.
  • Albert reported that the social committee has now raised $521.00.
  • Bank statements given to the acting Treasurer.
  • Mary Potts promoted her next run for the Cancer Council, a 28 km run on the 24th October.
  • World Polio Day is the 24th October–report follows in Rotary News.
  • Leslie was in the spotlight this week.  She gave an engrossing talk on her life growing up in western New York state, and amazed those in attendance with photos of winters in upstate New York.  Here are some photos from her talk (and a few from her nearest and dearest!):

[table id=5 /]

The meeting concluded with a fine session and raffle, which was won by Paul.


Plant sale on Saturday in Coolamon

Several members braved a chilly spring day to sell transplants raised by Albert. Between the dodgy weather and the fact that many people already have their veggie gardens in, sales we a bit disappointing.  The final numbers are not in, but a bit of money was raised to supplement the social committee budget. Below, Albert and Anne are shown manning the booth:



Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.  via Zoom – Area Governor Elaine Almond will join us in person at the Sports Club with a meeting at 6.00pm between AG Elaine and the CRC Board, prior to the DG’s Zoom meeting.  6.30-7.00pm fellowship.

Wednesday 10th November – Last board neeting for 2021. 

Monday 15th November – CRC Annual General Meeting.  Nominations called for the Board for PE Paul Weston 2022-2023.  Send your nominations to Paul and secretary John G–you can nominate yourself if interested in helping lead the club into the future.

Saturday 27th November CRC – Christmas Party (Details to be announced soon).

Monday  6th December – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 13th December – Last meeting for 2021.

Friday 31st December 2021 New Year’s Eve – CRC Caravan in Coolamon.

Monday 24th January 2022 – First meeting for 2022





Click on the photo below for the YouTube video.




Food for thought:

  • I’m on two diets. I wasn’t getting enough food on one.
  • A cold seat in a public restroom is unpleasant.  A warm seat in a public restroom is worse.
  • Apparently RSVP’ing to a wedding invitation “Maybe next time,” isn’t the correct response.
  • Don’t irritate old people. The older we get, the less “Life in prison” is a deterrent.
  • Aliens probably lock their doors as they fly by earth.
  • It turns out that being an adult now is mostly just googling how to do stuff.
  • I miss the 90’s when bread was still good for you and no one knew what kale was.
  • Do you ever get up in the morning, look in the mirror and think “That can’t be accurate.”
  • I want to be 14 again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas.
  • As I watch this new generation try to rewrite our history, one thing I’m sure of….it will be misspelled and have no punctuation.
  • Confuse your doctor by putting on rubber gloves at the same time he does.
  • My wife asked me to take her to one of those restaurants where they make food right in front of you.  I took her to Subway.
  • I picked up a hitchhiker. He asked if I wasn’t afraid that he might be a serial killer.  I told him the odds of two serial killers being in the same car were extremely unlikely.
  • I went line dancing last night. OK, it was a roadside sobriety test, same thing.




Answer to last week’s puzzler:  There were 30 Rotarians (simple algebra).

This week’s puzzler:  For each pair of words below, move a single letter from one word to the other (without otherwise rearranging the letters), making a pair of synonyms, or near synonyms. For example, given: Boast – Hip, move the ‘s’ from ‘Boast’ to ‘Hip’ creating two synonyms: Boat – Ship.

  1. Ride – Relive
  2. Gaze – Freed
  3. Snail – Pike
  4. Open – Cop
  5. Cave – Curt
  6. Cares – Pest
  7. Salve – Savage
  8. Whiled – Spurn





Donate Your Time

Ending a disease is a massive effort and Rotary and our partners can’t do it alone. Learn how you can join us in our efforts to end polio.

World Polio Day 24th October.



2.  DG Leo Farrelly OAM

Leo and Elaine Farrelly
Home: 17 Staten Crescent Kaleen, ACT  2617

Family Elaine and I have six children and twelve grandchildren. We love to travel and I have walked the Camino twice, once in Spain and also in Portugal.

Rotary Background

I first joined Rotary in 1989 as a member of the Rotary Club of Belconnen and left at the end of 1994 to concentrate on my involvement in Scouting. I re-joined Rotary in 2008 after I (nominally) retired and have been an active member of the Belconnen Club since then. I served as President in 2015-2016 and have been a regular member of the club’s Board in various years both before and after my presidential year serving as secretary, membership director and community service director. Additionally, I’ve served as the webmaster, PR and communications officer and attendance officer.

I was appointed Assistant Governor of D9710 Group 5 for the period 2016-2017 to 2019-2020, before taking on the District Governor Elect role in the newly inaugurated District 9705. I am a member of the Paul Harris Society and a regular contributor to the Rotary Foundation. And I am a member of the Scouting Rotarians Fellowship. I was awarded an OAM in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday honours list for my service to ‘Youth and the Community’.

My wife Elaine has been an active member of Inner Wheel since 1979.

Why did I join Rotary?

Firstly, because someone asked me. My sponsor’s son was in my Scout Troop and the next thing I was in Rotary. My purpose in joining Rotary was to serve my local community through community service projects and this remains my primary focus in Rotary. Rotary gave me a structured organisation where I found an outlet for all the community things in which I’d become interested.

Youth has been a, interest of mine for many year. I joined the Scout Association in 1979 whilst serving with the Navy in Darwin. I served for six years as Branch President of the ACT Branch of the Scout Association and currently hold a position of Honorary Commissioner. I served on the National Executive of the Scout Association of Australia for six years. Whilst in Darwin I was a Cub Scout Leader and also President of the Cathedral conference of the St Vincent de Paul Society where we ran a 25 bed hostel and soup kitchen for Darwin’s homeless.

I also served three years as National Treasurer of the Ulysses Club of Australia that in the years 2010-2013 had a membership of 25,000. Ulysses is a social club for older people with a common interest in motorcycling. Being a member of Ulysses gives me a better understanding of the many issues facing older people in our community.

Other relevant information

I joined the Navy at sixteen years old and served for 24 years, retiring as an officer in the Weapons and Electrical Engineering branch. I served on numerous ships, and at the Navy communications station outside Darwin, and the patrol boat base on Manus Island in PNG. After the Navy I spent 20 odd years in defence industry and a further 12 project management training. My chief interest was in organisational change focussed on achieving the objectives of corporate strategic plans.

My Expectations for my year as Governor.

I believe that Rotary has to face the challenge of regeneration in order to remain a relevant community service organisation fit-for-purpose in the 21st century. We have a glittering history of achievements over the past century but our aging demographic and falling membership numbers are indicators that we have been too slow in recognising changes in our society, changes in our relationships with other countries and their peoples, changes in our environment, and changes in the local needs and demands of our own communities.



October is  Rotary Economic and Community Development Month





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-14


Week of 4th October

There was no meeting this week because of the public holiday.  Our next meeting will be Monday, 11 October.  Oddly, even though COVID restrictions are being lifted as of Monday, the new restrictions limit the club (and similar venues) to 20 persons in the restaurant, a reduction from the previous limit of 26! In addition, all patrons of public venues will be required to be doubly vaccinated against COVID-19.



Monday 11th October –  Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Wednesday 13th October – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7.00 pm.

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.  via Zoom – Area Governor Elaine Almond will join us in person at the Sports Club with a meeting at 6.00pm between AG Elaine and the CRC Board, prior to the DG’s Zoom meeting.  6.30-7.00pm fellowship.

Monday 15th November – CRC Annual General Meeting.  Nominations called for the President Elect Nominee 2023-2024 and the Board for PE Paul Weston 2022-2023.  Send your nominations to Paul and secretary John G–you can nominate yourself if interested in helping lead the club into the future.








Answer to last week’s puzzler: The sum of the first n odd numbers is always equal to (2n) × (n/2), which works out to n².  So, the sum of the first 25 odd numbers works out to be 50 × 12.5, which can also be expressed as 25 × 25 or 25², which of course is equal to 625. This works for any quantity of n odd numbers. So, Bondy was able to come up with the answer as quickly as it took to work out the square of the number given!

This week’s puzzler: Craig was catering for a camping trip by Coolamon Rotarians, and was told that he would need to provide enough food to fill 55 bowls of the same size and capacity with the same amount of food,  but was not told how many members would be attending.  He was able to work it out, though, with bit of algebra when provided this information:

1. Every member gets their own bowl of soup.
2. Every two members will get one bowl of spaghetti to share.
3. Every three members will get one bowl of salad to share.
4. All members are required to have their own helping of salad, spaghetti, and soup.

How many Rotarians were on the camping trip?





Donate Your Time

Ending a disease is a massive effort and Rotary and our partners can’t do it alone. Learn how you can join us in our efforts to end polio.

Download the letter below for further information:


Also plenty of information on the website;

World Polio Day 24th October.



Message from the RI President for World Polio Day


2. Cycling Without Age

Great idea sent to me by Ann Baker, Howard’s partner in life.  We ran a search for this project which is sponsored in this case in Parkes by the RC of Parkes.

Parkes has become the latest member of the international movement Cycling Without Age, a program that promotes social inclusion for people facing increasing immobility.

Despite the crisp autumn day, residents of Parkes’ Southern Cross Care were lined up, eagerly awaiting their turn for a ride on a trishaw.

Unlike its distant cousin the rickshaw, the trishaw is a light three-wheeled motorised tricycle with a basket in the front designed to transport two passengers.

“Essentially the trishaw is an electrically assisted bike, so it’s fairly easy to ride,” explains Cycling Without Age representative Peter Guppy.

“They were first developed in Denmark and quickly spread around the world.”




October is  Rotary Economic and Community Development Month





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-13


Week of 27th September

President Albert welcomed 21 members and 4 guests to our weekly meeting  Guests included Erica from France, Jack Hooper, and Dan and Sheree Smith (guest speakers). Apologies from Chez and Alex Thompson who are in self isolation due to possible Covid contact.

  • Albert reported that he had sold one load of firewood, raising $200 for our social committee.
  • Albert brought several flats of tomato plants for sale at $2.00 each.  Proceeds will go to the social committee.
  • Albert  announced that he bought $400 worth of wine for members’ birthday gifts.


PP Dick Jennings inducted Mary Potts into our club with assistance from sponsor Albert.  Mary has the classification of Accountant (Retired).  Thanks to Paul Weston for making Mary’s dinner badge.

Welcome Rotarian Mary!



Coolamon residents Daniel and Cheree Smith gave a presentation on their scuba diving adventures in Jervis Bay.  Daniel and Cheree became hooked on diving several years ago, and have been diving regularly since.  Daniel has been a bit more gung-ho and has been certified to dive to depths of 32 metres, while Cheree is a bit behind, being certified to a maximum of 18 metres.  Being an avid photographer, Daniel has been shooting hundreds of pictures underwater, many of which he shared with us on the night.  Daniel showed photos of fish, eels, sharks and especially nudibranchs (sea slugs), Daniel’s favourite subjects.  Those in attendance were suitably awed by the stories shared by Daniel and Cheree, and the amazing diversity of underwater life relatively close to home.

Above are some of the pics shown by Daniel and Sheree, including an eastern blue devil, unnamed nudibranch, giant cuttlefish, weedy sea dragon, Sheree in a diving helmet, Port Jackson shark (which has to be the most ridiculous shark going) and typical diving gear.

Bruce Hamilton proposed a vote of thanks to Daniel and Cheree, and presented them with a memento of the Coolamon Rotary Club.



Ian Jennings sent in these photos of the tremendous progress in planting trees in the wetlands area of Coolamon.  To date around 1,000 trees have been planted by Coolamon Landcare and numerous volunteers.

As usual, the meeting concluded with a fine session and weekly raffle.  The raffle was won by Dick, with minor prizes going to Anne and Ian.




Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 11th October –  Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.  Probably via Zoom – to be advised.

Monday 15th November – CRC Annual General Meeting.  Nominations called for the President Elect Nominee 2023-2024 and the Board for PE Paul Weston 2022-2023.  Send your nominations to Paul and secretary John G–you can nominate yourself if interested in helping lead the club into the future.









Answer to last week’s puzzler: The next sequence is 1,2,3,4,5,6. The rule that generates each new sequence in the series is to take the last number of the current sequence and put it first, then the first number, then the second from last, then the second, and so on.  The origin of this puzzler is the sestina, a form of poetry that uses this pattern of numbers to determine the last word of each stanza of six lines each (the same six words are repeated at the end of each line of the sestina in the pattern dictated by the sequence in this puzzle). If you’re still puzzled, have a look at Wikipedia’s description of a sestina.

This week’s puzzler:  Albert asked the members at a weekly meeting to find the sum of the first 50 odd numbers. As everyone settled down to their addition, Bondy ran to the head table and said, “The sum is 2,500.” Albert chuckled and said, “Lucky guess,” and gave him the task of finding the sum of the first 75 odd numbers. Within 20 seconds, Bondy was back with the correct answer of 5,625. How does Bondy find the sum so quickly?





National PolioPlus Committee members and Rotary members celebrate the certification of the AFRO-region as wild-poliovirus free. August 2021. (2020_182)


In August 2020, the @World Health Organization (WHO) African Region was certified free of wild polio thanks to strong vaccination campaigns, improved surveillance and close coordination. This progress continues to eliminate all forms of the virus in Africa.



The quest for Polio eradication must continue …

Article by PDG Bob Aitken, RI Rotary End Polio Now Coordinator

AFGHANISTAN – the quest for Polio eradication must continue …

How can we ever achieve complete Polio eradication in the wake of the collapse of democracy in Afghanistan?

Is Rotary’s historic and most significant humanitarian project staggering to a halt with little or no chance of accessing millions of children in that war torn country?

These are just some of the questions on the lips of Rotarians around the world at this time …

Our members are also grappling with the realisation that Rotary has long been working with a culture of people that do not have the same beliefs and standard of behaviour that exists in most western nations.

Such questions pose a real dilemma for Rotarians who really put service above self and have a desire to share a quality of life with all the people of our world.

The answer for everyone is that we must not lose focus on Rotary’s promise to the children of the world!

Rotary has pledged to eradicate Poliomyelitis and has already contributed US$2.2 billion and countless volunteer hours to the cause. Today, 19.4 million people around the world who otherwise would have been paralysed are walking due these efforts and those of our partners.

Since 1985, Rotary has focused on polio eradication as its priority program and, as such, has worked with many nations and groups which do not share ideology as practised in the west.

Our campaign has been overwhelmingly successful and we stand on the brink of total success with only TWO cases of the wild polio virus reported in the last eight months – one each in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

If our Rotary teams do not complete the challenge in these two countries, there is a danger the virus can escape to areas of low vaccination levels and gain strength again.

Carol Pandak, Rotary International’s Director of PolioPlus, reported last week that The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is closely monitoring developments in Afghanistan.

She said GPEI partners and staff are currently assessing immediate disruptions to polio eradication efforts and the delivery of other essential health services to ensure continuity of surveillance and immunisation activities while prioritising the safety and security of staff and frontline workers in the country.

‘The Polio program in Afghanistan has operated for many years amid insecurity and conflict, and we will continue working with all actors, agencies and organisations who enable delivery of immunisation as well as humanitarian assistance to populations in need across the country. The GPEI remains steadfastly committed to protecting all children from polio and supporting the provision of other essential immunisations and health services,’ she continued.

Carol Pandak said we strongly believe that the delivery of health care – including polio vaccinations – is essential to prevent diseases and safeguard communities.

‘Together with our partners, the people of Afghanistan, national and provincial authorities, we will do everything in our power to continue this critical work’, she concluded.

It is important to understand that Rotary International is not in this campaign alone. We stand firmly with the World Health Organisation, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, UNICEF and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as part of a united team.

Rotary and these partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative have built a vast infrastructure – including 145 laboratories with technicians and surveillance teams – that has contributed much to other health emergencies such as Ebola in Nigeria and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic.

The final message is that there is no room for Rotary International and its partners to be selective in caring for the children of the world.

September is Basic Education and Literacy Month



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Vale PP Marg Perkin

Past President Marg Perkin Coolamon Rotary Club 2011-2012.

Yesterday Coolamon Rotary lost one of our own. Marg Perkin was loved and respected by all who knew Marg since she joined our club on the 3rd of August 2004.

Marg involved herself in all of our projects and never shied from volunteering to help our community.

Marg also got involved in helping those who needed her expertise in South Africa and, in particular, Hout Bay near Cape Town. Marg also used her talents to help enrich the lives of disadvantaged children in Cambodia.

Marg was also a volunteer in India with Dr. Alok Sharma and his Darkness to Light projects.

To Garth and Huw and all of your family and friends of Marg we extend our sincerest condolences.

We will miss your happy smiling face, Marg.  Below are some photos to commemorate Marg’s life in Rotary.

Here is a small sample of PP Marg Perkin’s life in our club:

Requiescant In Pace Past President Marg Perkin


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-12


Week of 20th September

President Albert welcomed 23 members to our weekly meeting; apologies from Bernadette, Alex and Chez.  A great roll up of members! Highlights from the meeting include:

  • Induction of Mary Potts to our club will take place next Monday (27th September).
  • Hospital survey: only 72 in the Shire have filled in the form, which must be completed by 6th October. Look for the email from John G from 16th September for details or just click on this link:
  • Albert has delivered 15 beds to needy people in the Shire.
  • Ian Jennings has 600 trees arriving to be planted in the wetlands. Contact Ian to find out when helpm is needed.
  • Albert has 200 tomato plants of several varieties at $2 each, with funds going to the CRC Social Committee. They’ll be available from the 4th October; contact Albert to reserve yours.
  • Ted Hutcheon has offered to store the timber from Susan Glassford once it is cut into manageable 2 metre lengths.
  • Garth Perkin issued a challenge for all members to donate $10 each to the Rotary Foundation.  All members present made their donation on the night; we invite all absent members to contribute to reach the 100% participation level!

The meeting concluded with an amusing fine session led by Sergeant-at-Arms John B and the raffle, which was won by John N, with minor prizes going to Craig L, Paul and Neil.




Monday 27th SeptemberRegular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm. Induction of Mary Potts to our club.

Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.  Probably via Zoom – to be advised.








Answer to last week’s puzzler: Y. The letters were the initial letters of ascending units of time (e.g. seconds, minutes, etc.)

This week’s puzzler:  Here’s one for the more mathematically inclined.  Your task is to divine the sequence of numbers (from 1 to 6) that would come after the last one in this series:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 6 1 5 2 4 3
  • 3 6 4 1 2 5
  • 5 3 2 6 1 4
  • 4 5 1 3 6 2
  • 2 4 6 5 3 1





International Day of Peace is closer than you think. In observance of Peace Day, we’d like to share Sofía Brega’s story as a Rotary Positive Peace Activator.

Growing up in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, Sofía Brega knew she wanted to be an activist for girl empowerment and women’s rights. To pursue her dreams, she joined Girl Up, an organization that helps build young girls into leaders.

Inspired by their work, Sofía founded a club in Ciudad Juárez called Girl Up Fronterizas. The club focuses on women’s rights and builds awareness of current challenges for women in Mexico and beyond. They also help girls develop leadership, communication, and negotiation skills.

In 2019, Sofía became a Rotary Positive Peace Activator through the Rotary-Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) Positive Peace Workshop. She also founded Activators de Paz Ciudad Juárez, a group that trains other agents of change and develops Positive Peace content for schools.

Empowering Girls

Equality is a fundamental human right that’s critical in order to have a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Still, girls and women worldwide face inequities in areas including health and education, and they experience significant violence and disproportionate poverty. Rotary encourages clubs and districts to prioritize projects that improve the health, well-being, education, and economic security of girls in their communities and around the world. Develop a club-based initiative, a district grant, or a global grant that engages members of your community in a project that will protect and empower girls. Work to increase equity by ensuring their access to resources that will improve their lives.




By Barton Goldenberg, immediate past governor of District 7620 (Maryland and Washington D.C., USA)

Running a successful Rotary club is a bit like baking a cake. You need the right ingredients.

Running a successful Rotary club is a bit like baking a cake. You need the right ingredients


If you’re a baker, you know that a great cake is made up of individual ingredients that come together to produce something special. A great Rotary club is like that, in that it is made up of a unique mix of ingredients. Here are the five that I have found in most, if not all, successful Rotary clubs.

1. A unique club identity

There are four clubs in my city of Bethesda, Maryland. While they are only a short geographic distance from each other, each has its own identity. The first is a dinner club of 30 members who have been together for years. They are generous in their donations to the Rotary Foundation and our district. The second is a breakfast club with an even balance of older and younger members. They are very supportive and heavily involved with Rotaract and Interact clubs. The third is a lunch club that is proud of its traditions and is committed to domestic and international projects. And the fourth is a breakfast club celebrating its 15th year, with members who speak nine languages and originally come from 11 different countries.





September is Basic Education and Literacy Month



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-11


Week of 13th September

President Albert welcomed 21 members to our first meeting back from a brief (three-week) lockdown.  All were happy to be able to meet in person again–hopefully we’ll be able to continue meeting like this!  Apologies from Ian Jennings, Dick Jennings and Bernadette Milne.  Dick recently suffered a bit of a fall and is recuperating; we wish Dick a speedy recovery.

Albert designated the meeting primarily a social occasion, but we couldn’t resist carrying out a little bit of business.  Albert announced that he had sold several trailer loads of firewood that was cut up at the working bee at the Lindner farm a couple of months ago, the proceeds of which have given a good start to the budget for the social committee.  Albert recognised members who had birthdays recently, including John Nulty, Don, Neil, Ted, and Henk.  John G advised that he has a couple of recently felled trees on his property that the club is welcome to, but the trees need to be cut to lengths short enough to transport.  Some brainstorming will be required as there is an estimated 8 tonnes of timber on offer!

After a generous amount of time for socialising the meeting finished up with a fine session and the weekly raffle, which was won by Howard and Alex.




Wednesday 15th SeptemberBoard meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club. 7.00 pm start.

Monday 20th SeptemberRegular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.




Mount Airy Rotary Club, fire company raises $51,000 at second annual duck race

Two rows of delightfully fashionable cardboard cut-out yellow ducks — some decked out in feather boas, others wearing sequined masks and bucket hats — lined the narrow roadway leading up to the Mount Airy (Maryland, USA) Volunteer Fire Company activities building. Another mallard, this one giant and inflatable, greeted families at the top of the hill.  Mary Jo Burkett smiled merrily as she watched people mill about, snacking on popcorn being sold by Scout Troop 829 and pushing baby strollers.

The event — organized by the fire company and Mount Airy’s Rotary Club — had been a lot of work to put together, said Burkett, area governor for Carroll County Rotary clubs, but it had all been worth it.

In the months leading up to the town’s second annual duck race, the fire company and the Rotary club put a siege of yellow rubber duckies up for adoption. People could claim one duck for $10, three for $20 or eight for $50. Over 20 prizes were up for grabs on Sunday, for both random winners and the speediest ducks.

Dennis Regulinski, the company’s assistant treasurer, had another important job on the day. Big block letters on the back of his neon T-shirt announced his temporary title: “DUCK DUMPER.” Just after 2 p.m., he stood at the top of a make-shift canal across from a wooden board carrying three plastic crates piled high with rubber duckies. A Rotarian sat behind him, clutching a thick fire hose that was gushing water.  “5, 4, 3, 2, 1,” a volunteer counted down as rosy-cheeked children squirmed with anticipation. Then, Regulinski and another volunteer set the tiny birds free down the plastic-lined river.

“And they’re off!” the voice over the loudspeaker called.






Answer to last week’s puzzler: 

1. Gulliver/clearness (live and learn)
2. tragicomedy/pentagon (come and go)
3. chinchilla/Magdalene (hill and dale)
4. terrestrial/ecoterrorist (trial and error)
5. thundershower/intellectual (show and tell)

This week’s puzzler:  Which letter comes next in the series S, M, H, D, W, M, __? Hint: The answer will be one of the following letters: L, V, Y, T, D







Rotary is taking action in response to the pandemic as our clubs support COVID-19 vaccination and continued prevention efforts around the world.

Tapping into decades of experience in bringing polio to the brink of eradication, Rotary members worldwide are helping health authorities communicate lifesaving information about COVID-19 and vaccination, combatting misinformation, supporting fair and equal access to vaccines, and curbing the spread of the virus by donating protective gear and other supplies to clinics and hospitals that are under strain.





This was a well organised conference for ALL Rotarians in RI Zone 8 Australia and new Zealand.

It was held online in a virtual mode with two days Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday we had some excellent speakers and a break out session in teh afternoon.  This was followed by the PDGs from Zone 8 holding class reunions.

Sunday we had the best of the best in Rotary as speakers including RIPE Jennifer Jones simply outstanding.

It is still not like being there in person never will be.  However next year it is hoped that we will meet in person.  Not sure where but it will be in either new Zealand or Australia.  I have attended 5 Zone 8 Conferences now Sydney, Darwin, Hobart, Christchurch and now Melbourne (on-line).  here are some photos from the weekend:

PRIP Barry Rassin spoke about membership retention and that a sobering statistics is that over the past 10 years Rotary had attracted 1.4 million new members but during that time lost 1.4 million former Rotarians.  If we are to go beyond the current membership of under 1.2 million members we have to look at retention and making Rotary attractive to those who want to serve.

In particular to attract and retain female members which still languishes at around 24% world wide.  PRIP Barry also spoke on a new way to govern and streamline the way we administer and run Rotary clubs in the future.  RI Zone 8 is being promoted as a trial Zone for the new regionalisation proposal.  More details will be forthcoming in the near future.


September is Basic Education and Literacy Month



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-10


Week of 6th September

We had a great rollup on Zoom on Monday night, with 15 members in attendance and getting involved.

Well done Bernadette on getting your system working well.


Some points from last night:

  1. Albert will have 200 tomato plants ready in 2 weeks time at $2/plant. Proceeds will go to the social committee.
  2. There is also plenty of composted horse manure available from the Westons.  Contact Paul if interested.
  3.  Discussion on an online raffle — the decision was not to proceed at present.
  4. Insurance and registration for the caravan passed for payment.
  5. Chez had some good ideas for fund-raising.
  6. CRC AGM is on Monday 15th November.  All members are encouraged to put their hands up for the 2022-2023 Board including President Elect Nominee for 2023-2024.

We had two presentations via YouTube, the first being of a virtual tour of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre.  Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass is the first VR (virtual reality) experience presented to the public by the Louvre Museum and is conceived as part of the Museum’s seminal Leonardo da Vinci exhibition which commemorates the 500th anniversary of the artist’s death in France.

Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass reveals the latest scientific research on da Vinci’s artistic innovation and his painting techniques and processes through exceptional visualization in virtual reality, bringing them to life.

Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass at The Louvre I HTC VIVE ARTS.   You can view it here:

Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass


Grahame Miles presented a tribute to Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones. Click HERE to view/listen to it.




Monday 13th September – Zoom meetings until further notice of easing of Covid restrictions.

Wednesday 15th September – Board Meeting via Zoom. 7.30pm start.

Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit.

Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September:  Online Zone 8 Conference. 





Africa is not for sissies!

Still plenty of COVID memes making the rounds.  Some of the better ones:



Answer to last week’s puzzler: Here are the clues and the answers:

1. hair-control foam – moose (mousse)
2. very exposed – bear (bare)
3. tellin’ falsities – lion (lyin’)
4. a lamenting cry – whale (wail)
5. a dull person – boar (bore)
6. a precious or loved one – deer (dear)
7.  these make up a chain – lynx (links)

This week’s puzzler:  Each pair of words below contains a pair of smaller words. By putting “&” between the words, you can make a familiar phrase. For example, “thighbone/swallowtail” conceals “high & low.” Give it a go!

1. Gulliver/clearness
2. tragicomedy/pentagon
3. chinchilla/Magdalene
4. terrestrial/ecoterrorist
5. thundershower/intellectual




1.  African region marks one year since being certified wild polio-free


WHO’s African region one year wild polio-free On 25 August, Rotary joined our partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in marking the first anniversary of the World Health Organization’s African region being certified free of wild polio.
The infrastructure and innovations developed continue to benefit children’s and public health across the continent and play an important role in fighting COVID-19. Read how the GPEI’s new strategy aims to overcome the remaining hurdles to finish the job.

2.  Trek New Zealand’s Southern Alps for disaster relief

Join ShelterBox Australia as we trek New Zealand’s incredible South Island to help give families who have experienced disaster the most basic human need: shelter.

Photo by JG.

On this once-in-a-lifetime adventure, you’ll spend six days trekking the spectacular wilderness of the great Southern Alps. Immersed in picturesque alpine scenery, you’ll be in awe of the glaciers and snow-capped peaks, rocky canyons and native forest.

Read More Here




Enjoy the online Zone Conference from anywhere you choose – alone or together with others.
Learning, Leading, Action is this year’s Zone 8 conference theme, putting a spotlight on the essence of Rotarians and the way we get things done.

The theme also gives a clue to the conference content. Hear from speakers who are leading our organisation and our impact, learn from thought leaders and be impressed by a host of Rotarians taking action to change lives in our communities.

Be inspired to Lead Learn Act in new ways that deepen our engagement and increase Rotary’s impact.

Go to this WEBSITE to register


September is Basic Education and Literacy Month



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford