This will be our last bulletin for 2024. We will do one for NYE and then resume the bulletin from January 20th 2025. This will coincide with our first meeting for 2025 Monday January 20th.
Monday 9th December 2024
Coolamon Rotary held our Christmas party at Adrian and Wendy Lindner’s beautiful property, “Lindoris”. Our thanks to Wendy and Adrian for hosting us this year and for all the work you put in to make it a success.
Catering by Michelle Seymour from Marrar.
Two wonderful surprises during the evening. First Wollundry Rotary presented President Adrian Lindner with a cheque for $10,000. This for the work that we as a club do for their Gears & Beers weekend.
The highlight of the night was the presentation of a Paul Harris Fellow award to Sharon Miles. Sharon is the engine behind the Coolamon Community Chronicle. Sharon’s PHF is well deserved!
Here are a few photos from the Christmas party.
Meeting of Monday 16th December 2024
Past President John Bond welcomed 23 members and one guest Susan Glassford.
Everyone was in a great mood with a lot of chatter and plenty of banter. Bondy did his best to keep everyone focussed however it was our last meeting for 2024.
We had a bit of general business including:
Mary Potts remanding us that our fees will be due on January 1st.
Albert Suidgeest is looking for certificates of appreciation for those who hosted and worked on the October garden viewing weekends.
Dick Jennings proposed that we do some working bees for a lady in need of some grass cutting. A good idea Dick we should do work like this.
Brian the Bear outlined the NYE programme for the catering side of the NYE Coolamon Street Party.
Ian Jennings said that he would get a roster together for NYE raffle selling.
Garth Perkin reported at length on the presentation to the Matong PS and quizzed the members as to the number of students at Matong PS and wanted us to work out the % of students to Matong’s population. I am not sure where we ended up here but there were 31 children in the flyer that Garth had. Apparently there are 28 students or was that 25? It was that kind of meeting!!!!!
We all congratulated Hannah on graduating from Nursing school. Hannah has been waiting on us on most Mondays now and we wish her all the best for her future as a nurse.
All in all a fun and most enjoyable meeting and the raffle was won by Bear.
S@A Albert had a very good fines session the best being on Grahame Miles who invested in one tenth of a Bitcoin many many moons ago and it is now worth so much more. Bruce was fined for not sending his fat lambs to market as Bruce is waiting for the price to rise to $350!!!!!
6.00-7.30pm In the van: Bear, Gary, Bruce, with Dick as the runner. Tickets for food: Maree Jennings and Annie.
7.30-9.00pm In the van: Bear, Gary and John G with Garth as the runner. Tickets for food Mary and Bernie Milne.
NB. Garth will set up the van. The barrel for the raffle draw will be in the van.
2. The CRC NYE Raffle
6.00 to 7.30 pm: Mark and Sharon Reardon, Alex, Adrian and Don.
7.30 to 9.00pm: Adrian, John Bond, Leslie and Paul Weston and Myffy.
There will be two chairs and a table next to the Cubby House on a trailer.
Some of our members have been busy selling raffle tickets for the 3 prizes to be drawn on NYE, thankyou to all who volunteered and to Annie for organising the raffle.
Thanks to those who presented the annual school prizes form our club these are the only photos that I have for this giving to our schools every year. President Adrian Lindner did the honours for the Ganmain Public School:
Some of our members attended the Coolamon Carols in the park.
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
Tuesday 31st December NYE. Catering with Lions Coolamon includes the 600 sausages donated by the CRC for the children. The NYE street raffle will be drawn at 9.00pm.
Monday 20th January Board Meeting 5.00pm at Coolamon Sport Rec Club.
*Monday 20th January FIRST Meeting for 2025. PP Garth Perkin on ShelterBox. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 26th January. NO MEETING. Australia Day.
*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
There have been many highlights over the past 6 months and we have been a busy team of Coolamon Rotarians.
Here is a sample of some of the things that we got up to as members of this club. This is a thumb nail presentation in a gallery so you will need to click on each photo to get a larger image.
Graphics by PP Debbie Vance from BC CANADA
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Adrian Lindner
President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
Secretary: Paul Weston
Treasurer: Mary Potts
Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
Membership Director: Brian Pattison
Service Projects Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
Youth Services Director: Lexi Furner
Club Admin Director: Ian Jennings
Public Image Director:Grahame Miles
Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
Club Environment Representative: Adrian Lindner
Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
Over the past few weeks our members have been buying toys for the Salvation Army’s Christmas Toy Run. On Saturday morning Grahame and Sharon Miles came to Ganmain and purchased toys to the value of $500 on behalf of the CRC. Sharon and Phil Walsh from the Ganmain newsagents would like to express their sincere thanks to our members for doing this. Thanks go to Grahame for the concept and for Sharon and Grahame for packing the toys from Ganmain and getting them to Temora. Thanks to all of our members who purchased a toy or two.
2.00pm Tuesday 3rd December: The toys have been delivered by Santa’s helpers to the Salvation Army in Temora. Caleb Smith of the Salvation Army has a great smile on his face. Well done Sharon and Grahame, a wonderful result all round. We estimate that over 60 toys were donated by the members of our club and the club itself.
Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Month of November 2024
Click on the links below for the weekly bulletins from November.
President Adrian Lindner welcomed 21 members and three guests including: Lorraine Hamilton and DGE Robert Shore and Judith Shore. {DGE or District Governor Elect 2025-2026 for District 9705}.
After dinner Garth Perkin introduced DGE Robert Shore.
DGE Robert’s talk was in two parts:
Part one on a book that Robert had written on the experiences of prisoners of war from WW2.
Rob was a teacher at the Marlborough High School when he heard about some experiences of PoWs in WW2. Rob decided to try and locate these men and to get their stories preserved in writing with the help of his wife Judith.
Rob recounted stories of three of these brave men. In brief:
Merv Alston form Tumut who enlisted at the age of 16 by lying about his age. In January 1942 Alf was sent to Malaya with the 8th Division. Merv was eventually captured and tied up with ropes for 20 days and was unable to move. Merev escaped and found himself on a beach with 2 shipwrecked sailors. They came across some British soldiers and ended up in Singapore just before it fell to the Japanese.
Merv ended up in Changi on the Burma railway and then in Japan working at a steel mill.
Another soldier was in Singapore when it fell ended up on the railway in 1943 and then was on a 190 mile forced march where many PoWs died from cholera sometimes as many as 20-30 in a single night. This soldier survived on eating raw onions they were supposed to plant, catching snails for the Japanese officers to feed to the chooks. They sold these snails at 10 cents each. They ended up eating dogs, cats and monkeys but not rats to survive.
Alf was his name the third soldier, who kept escaping by going over the wire. Eventually his captors had enough and executed him and buried him. His mates dug him up and found that he was still alive.
Rob has many more stories to tell however DGE Rob now spoke on his upcoming year as our District Governor.
One area that Rob spoke on was the Rotary Zone 8 Regionalisation pilot. This was first put to the Governors at the Zone 8 Christchurch Conference in 2019. Since then the pilot has been approved to be tested in Zone 8.
Rob is looking to do something different in his year as DG including not having a District Conference. Rob wants to bring clubs together on a regional basis i.e. our old area Group 3 and beyond.
Rob’s idea is to get clubs working together on larger projects to provide more hands on deck. Rob has set a target of increasing membership by 300 in 2025-2026. There is now a Facebook group for SE NSW Rotary Community Group.
There were several questions from the members present and Adrian thanked Rob for his talk.
Some general business included:
Paul gave out details on the School presentations which included Marrar and the Coolamon Central School.
Grahame spoke on the Salvation Army Toy run and that he and Sharon will be going to Temora today to deliver all the toys that have been donated.
Friday the 13th our NYE Raffle will be in Ganmain.
This Thursday and Friday the Driver Simulator is at the Coolamon Central School with Frank and Di Lincoln from the Young RC.
Adrian then opened the meeting to a discussion on New Years Eve catering and the Christmas Party. After much discussion; it was decided by the members to cater for NYE and to supply 600 free sausages for the children via the NYE show bag. Lions Coolamon and Rotary will do the cooking and serving from the CRC catering van and the Lions BBQ trailer.
The NYE raffle requires volunteers to sell tickets on NYE. NB the raffle is drawn at 9.00pm and we need to have all the tickets folded up and in the “barrel”, this takes a lot of time. Please contact Adrian to volunteer to sell the tickets.”
The members also agreed that the Christmas Party charges were to be $20 per head for members and their partners. Additional guests would be at $34 per person. We also decided to bring a sweet or dessert.
There was a brief fines session and the raffles were won by Grahame and Vicki.
All in all a productive and informative meeting.
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
*Monday 9th December – Annual Christmas Party. Hosts will be Wendy and Adrian Lindner on their property. 6.30pm at “Lindoris”, Wendy and Adrian’s farm, 755 Lindner Lane. 15km South of Coolamon. RSVP to Adrian by Friday 6th December please. Invites have been sent to you. Map here:
Wendy and Adrian’s property directions:
They are half way between Coolamon and The Gap. Technically front entrance address is The Gap. They are in The Gap bush fire brigade. Basic directions are:
After leaving Coolamon, first right into Tooyal Road. Next left into Boundary Road (Parmenters Lane on Google Maps). Next right into Lindner Lane (Gap Hall Coolamon Road on Google Maps). Measure 3.5km to ramp on the right for “Lindoris”.
Monday 16th December LAST Meeting for 2024. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Tuesday 31st December NYE. Catering with Lions Coolamon includes the 600 sausages donated by the CRC for the children. The NYE street raffle will be drawn at 9.00pm.
Monday 20th January Board Meeting 5.00pm at Coolamon Sport Rec Club.
*Monday 20th January FIRST Meeting for 2025. PP Garth Perkin on ShelterBox. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 26th January. NO MEETING. Australia Day.
*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
Together, We End Polio
The Rotary Monthly theme for December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month.
One area that Rotary has excelled in and continues to do. Our flag ship is without a doubt the End Polio Campaign.
With your help, we can end polio for good. It will be only the second disease to have been wiped out by mankind in history, the first being Smallpox.
Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5.
Most know it as poliovirus. The virus is spread person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can attack the nervous system, and in some instances, lead to paralysis. Although there is no cure, there is a safe and effective vaccine – one which Rotary and our partners use to immunize over 2.5 billion children worldwide.
The number of wild polio cases for 2024 as of November 13, 2024 is 71. There were 48 in Pakistan and 23 in Afghanistan.
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is a public/private partnership led by national governments with six partners – the World Health Organization(WHO), Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Its goal is to eradicate polio worldwide.
Rotary is the main private sector donor to polio eradication as Rotary members have contributed more than $2.7 billion dollars and countless volunteer hours to the fight to end polio. In November 2007, Rotary International entered in a unique partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Since the GPEI’s launch in 1988, over US$ 20 billion has been invested through WHO and UNICEF in support of polio eradication activities carried out in over 70 countries.
Your donation helps Rotary and its partners reach every child with the polio vaccine. Thanks to the Gates Foundation, your contribution will be tripled. Together, we end polio. The offer of the $2 from Bill and Melinda Gates to every $1 you donate is still in place. That is every $ we donate to End Polio in effect becomes $3.
Our club has been very active in supporting the End Polio campaign. When we donate to our Foundation and we earmark Polio Plus as to where our donation goes we get Rotary Foundation points for use in recognition of worthy recipients for the Paul Harris Fellow awards.
History of Rotary & Polio Eradication
Rotary brings together leaders who step up to take on the world’s toughest challenges, locally and globally. The eradication of polio is one of our longest standing and most significant efforts. Along with our partners, we have helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries. We have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide and we won’t stop until we end the disease for good.
In early 1979, on a flight home from the Philippines, Renouf read a magazine story about the eradication of smallpox. He wondered if Rotary’s new Health, Hunger and Humanities (3-H) Grants could be used to eliminate another disease. They, for the first time, allowed Rotary projects to be taken on by more than just one club or district.
Renouf consulted with a friend, John Sever, who was a district governor in Maryland, USA, and chief of infectious diseases at the United States National Institutes of Health. Sever happened to be friends with Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin, who developed polio vaccines in the 1950s and 1960s. After doing some research, Sever said that polio would be the best disease for Rotary to work on. Full story below:
Editor’s note I contracted poliomyelitis at school in Nairobi when I was 6-7 years old. The boy in the bed next to me lived in an iron lung until he died when he reached 35 years old. My mother nursed me and I survived.
Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of November 30th 2024
Meeting of Monday 25th November 2024
President Adrian welcomed our guests and members to the meeting. Our guest speaker was Inspector Jill Gibson from the Wagga Wagga Police Command. One guest Dianne Suidgeest and 17 members attended tonight’s meeting.
President Adrian introduced our guest speaker after dinner, Inspector Jill Gibson, OIC of Professional Standards, Youth and Engagement, who originally hails from Temora.
Jill said that the global campaign called for action against one of the world’s most persistent violations of human rights – violence against women – and started this Monday 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It is the start of 16 days of activism to say NO MORE which ends on December the 10th in Wagga Wagga. It concludes on International Human Rights Day.
Jill said the Wagga Wagga City Council is supporting the Wagga Domestic Violence Liaison Committee (DVLC) in calling on the community to say ‘no more silence’ during the upcoming 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.
Jill spoke about the red flags that should alert one to a possible escalation on violence and these include:
Remembering important occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays.
Robust confirmation in a discussion.
Cheekiness and sarcasm.
At the time of a break up in a relationship, always a testing time for any partnership.
Controlling one’s partner including finance.
Jill said that last year there were 64 women in Australia who died as the result of physical assaults. This is 64 too many. One area that is often forgotten is elderly abuse and this can take the form of the children taking control of the elders finances and property.
Jill pointed out that emotional blackmail; and psychological abuse often goes unchecked and does lead to depression and anxiety in our elders. As well making our elders over or under medicate their prescriptions that is a terrible form of abuse.
Jill encouraged us all to get a Power of Attorney put in place for our own protection from our children and relatives.
What and excellent and timely talk for all of us. Jill left us with some takeaway pamphlets and here are some further information that can be obtained from the Internet and via the telephone:
Our good friends from Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC with Deidre Lampe and PDG Fred Loneragan (a retired policeman) are very active on this front.
Lexi thanked Jill for an excellent talk that resonated with our members who were present tonight.
We then had some general business which included:
Anne reported on the Wagga Cycle Club Event. The volunteers were Alex, Bear, Lexi, Vicki, Gary, Daryl, Adrian, Mary, Myffy and Annie. It was a very hot day and some of our volunteers did not get home until 9.00pm. Adrian thanked everyone concerned and we raised nearly $1000.00. Good on you Annie! We do need other members to put their hands up for these types of events, as is the case it is usually the same faces.
Grahame on the toys for the Salvation Army’s Toy Run for Temora. Grahame and Sharon Miles have already given the toys so far donated to Mark Reardon which have been delivered to the Temora Salvation Army. Grahame said that Sharon, JJG and himself will be in Ganmain on Saturday morning form 11.45 to select the toys that the CRC have donated $500 to the cause. N.B. please bring your toys that you have purchased to the meeting on Monday 2nd December the cut off day.
Bear advised members that the 2,000 CRCTB 2024 have been collected by Bear and Gary and distributed in our Shire including Coolamon, Temora, Ganmain, Matong, Junee, Marrar, Ardlethan and Ariah Park. Our sincere thanks to Bear and Gary. P.S. Ted liked the new 2024 CRCTB!!!
Annie has organised another raffle for the 13th and 14th December at Foodworks in Coolamon. JJG declined to organise one for Ganmain. Thanks Annie you are doing a great job.
Adrian encouraged all present to support Giving Tuesday on December 3rd. GIVING TUESDAY
We finished the evening with a raffle which was won by Alex 1st prize, Paul 2nd prize and John Nulty the eggs!!!
There was a brief fines session by S@A Albert whose birthday was celebrated with a rendition of Happy Birthday.
Another excellent night at the Coolamon Rotary Club.
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
Monday 2nd December – Guest speaker Robert Shore District Governor Elect, District 9705, WW2 PoW Stories. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 9th December – Annual Christmas Party. Hosts will be Wendy and Adrian Lindner on their property. 6.30pm at “Lindoris”, Wendy and Adrian’s farm, 755 Lindner Lane. 15km South of Coolamon. RSVP to Adrian by Friday 6th December please. Invites have been sent to you. Map here:
Monday 16th December LAST Meeting for 2024. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 20th January Board Meeting 5.00pm at Coolamon Sport Rec Club.
*Monday 20th January FIRST Meeting for 2025. PP Garth Perkin on ShelterBox. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 26th January. NO MEETING. Australia Day.
*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Rotary Family Health Days in the Democratic Republic of Congo in partnership with the Gates Foundation. Kinshasa Minister of Health, along with Rotarians, partners, and Department of Health officials gathered to kick off this impactful initiative, bringing essential health services and polio vaccinations to communities across the DRC.
P.S. PDG JJG was a member of the RFHA Board from 2009-2012 and Coolamon RC through Road MAPS to Africa donated US$25,000 to RFHA from part of the proceeds of the Kilimanjaro 2007 climb.
This was at the RI Convention in Los Angeles in 2008 being presented with the RFHA award from RFHA Founder Rtn. Marion Bunch.
Tracy our star pupil from our Road MAPS to Africa projects has a new job and it is taking her places. Tracy writes:
“I landed in Kenya on Wednesday morning from India. In my previous email, I told you I had gotten a social media job for a company owned by Rotarian Joshua Okeyo at the beginning of the year. We met in 2019 after my trip to Australia. He was in Jane Mberia’s Milimani club in Nairobi. In September, I joined eKitabu as a journalist in the book publishing department. It is based in the US, Kenya, Malawi, and Rwanda.
I had a great time in India but I’m ready to come home. I didn’t think the year would bless me with another stamp on my passport but here we are and I’m ever more grateful to be a Kenyan. Yoh!”
Graphics by PP Debbie Vance from BC CANADA
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Adrian Lindner
President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
Secretary: Paul Weston
Treasurer: Mary Potts
Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
Membership Director: Brian Pattison
Service Projects Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
Youth Services Director: Vacant
Club Admin Director: Ian Jennings
Public Image Director:Grahame Miles
Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
Club Environment Representative: Adrian Lindner
Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of November 24th 2024
Meeting of Monday 18th November 2024
Acting President Mary welcomed our guests and members to the meeting. Our guests were Lorraine Hamilton and Carla Gash. Our guest speaker President John Livermore from the Young RC was introduced by Mary. We had 18 members attend tonight’s meeting.
Apologies from Adrian and Henk.
We started the meeting with some club business:
Anne reported on the upcoming Wagga Cycle Club Event. CRC to cater lunch and dinner for cycling event at Pomegolarna Reserve Wagga Wagga. Anne said that they have enough volunteers for the event. We are due there at 11.00am and we will be cooking for lunch and dinner we should be finished at 7.00pm.
Grahame encouraged all members to go to Ganmain and buy a toy for the Salvation Army’s Toy Run for Temora. The CRC has donated $500 to supplement the toys that each member buys. We need to either wrap the presents or put them in a Christmas bag with the age that the toy is suitable for. The Salvation Army says that they need suitable toys for infants 1-3 and teenagers.
Anne reported on the “Street raffle” held over last Friday and Saturday. It was a great success raising around $1,000 over the two days. Anne thanked all of the members who volunteered.
Garth is looking for a donation for the expenses of the MC for the Carols in the Park in Coolamon, referred to the board.
JJG advised members that the 2000 + 180 CRCTB 2024 have been printed and will be ready for collection on Friday. Bear and Gary will be picking them up and delivering the required number of books to Coolamon P.O. and the Ganmain P.O. Marrar received their books on Wednesday as we have a deadline with the Marrar deliveries. Other towns Ardlethan, Matong under control. John brought 4 books along for members to look through and check their own entries.
Mary again introduced John to the meeting. The subject was Cyber security and IT tips. This was a most interesting talk by John and I know the computer techos in our club were able to follow the many avenues of the scams and Internet fraud.
John started by outlining his experience with computers and then outlined the history of computer scams, fraud and ransoms. Briefly here are some of the subjects that John spoke on:
It started with 2 brothers in India hacking some of the earlier versions of personal computers such as Microsoft and Apple software. The Indians then demanded money or they would bring down the systems.
This then led to ant-virus software companies such as Norton and MacPhee producing suitable software to combat virus attacks.
Many of us have been affected by scammers and one way scammers get your information is from credit cards at point of sale. Here John explained how the scammer reads the card on a skimmer in his pocket and then processes the sale. From here it is easy for them to access your bank account.
Looking back in the days of copying CDs without paying a royalty which did not pay royalty to the artists. Streaming services such as Spotify have now changed all that and the artists are receiving their just rewards.
John warned us to be ever vigilant when buying online and to look out for phishing scams. The goods never arrive as the scammers have got into your system.
Click bait was explained and how you have to keep on clicking to the next part of a story and the ads keep coming. Each click generates funds for the baiter.
Travelling be wary of using the hotel WiFi as this is an easy area for scammers to get your information.
On malware and ransomware be super careful on how you use Google search. Here your browsing history can be hacked another area for care. With ransomware the scammers get into your computer and lock it up until you pay a fee to unlock it. If you fall for this they will attack you again and again. The best way to fix a blue screen is to take it to a computer technician who can wipe the ransomware.
Any Desk is software that you can legitimately use to link to a computer technician to fix problems online. John advised us to be very careful using Any Desk as it can be hacked and teh scammers can then drive your computer remotely.
John then spoke briefly on the future and AI. The scammers are getting active with AI so be aware you may not be “speaking” to the person you think that you are!
John finished the talk with a video on how these scammers can be sorted out on the telephone. Once scammers call you and you answer then getting them frustrated is fun if you have the time.
John G thanked John for his talk and very briefly told about the day JJG was scammed for $70,000, via Facebook. The VISA card they used had expired and the NAB cleared the debt.
We finished the evening with a raffle which was won by Paul Weston 1st prize and Garth Perkin 2nd prize.
Another excellent night at the Coolamon Rotary Club.
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
Saturday 23rd November – Wagga Cycle Club Event. CRC to cater lunch and dinner for the cycling
event at Pomegolarna Reserve Wagga Wagga.
*Monday 25th November – Guest speaker Inspector Jill Gibson from the Wagga Wagga Police Local Area Command: Inspector Jill’s talk will be on domestic violence. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 2nd December – Guest speaker Robert Shore District Governor Elect, District 9705, WW2 PoW Stories. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 9th December – Annual Christmas Party. Hosts will be Wendy and Adrian Lindner on their property. Details to follow. NB NO BoD Meeting in December.
Monday 16th December LAST Meeting for 2024. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 20th January Board Meeting 5.00pm at Coolamon Sport Rec Club.
*Monday 20th January FIRST Meeting for 2025. PP Garth Perkin on ShelterBox. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 26th January. NO MEETING. Australia Day.
*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.
Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.
With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world.
Our mission
The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.
What impact can one donation have?
For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
$50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
$500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.
Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of November 17th 2024
Meeting of Monday 11th November 2024
President Adrian Lindner welcomed 18 members to our A.G.M. and club assembly tonight.
2024 AGM Chair PE Mary Potts.
The full minutes of the AGM will be available in due course.
Mary read out the minutes of the 2023 AGM which was accepted by the members as a true record.
Mary also read out the Treasurer’s report for 2022-2023.
The IPP John Bond’s report was tabled from his annual report at the change over dinner.
Nominations were called for all positions that were vacated and the following directors were voted in.
President Elect Nominee 2026-2027 Lesley Weston
Treasurer Vicki Langtry
Secretary Paul Weston
Foundation Gary Truscott
Service Projects Anne Rzeszkowski
Membership Brian Pattison Bear
Youth Services Alexis Furner
Club Administration Barry Langtry
Public Image Garth Perkin
Other non board positions will be declared in due course.
Congratulations to all of those who volunteered to serve the CRC for 2025-2026.
Club Assembly Chair Adrian Lindner.
Adrian then chaired the club assembly and the following major topics were presented:
Paul Weston and Grahame Miles presented the board’s decision to have the CCC printed by Active Print. We will terminate the lease agreement with Smiths who provide the printer. From february 2025 we will no longer be using Smith’s printer and it will be returned. Grahame presented the costs involved and our pay out will be around $1,000. The CCC will remain sustainable by going back to Active Print.
John Glassford spoke on the actual break up of our charity giving over the past 10 years since 2014. The Board passed the following motion in 2014.
That we allocate 50% of our charity expenditures to local programs, 25% to national programs, and 25% to international programs.
John did a reconciliation on the past 10 years of our charity giving and we committed 75% to local charity giving, 16% to National charity and 9% to International charity.
John emphasised that the $300,000 raised for our Road MAPS to Africa projects were raised by JJG and PDG Fred Loneragan with a very small amount, not greater than $6,000, coming from Coolamon. The funds in the main came from other Rotary clubs and private individuals sponsoring our teams on Kilimanjaro 2007, the Mountains of the Moon 2011 and the Mount Kenya 2015 climbs.
President Adrian advised the assembly of members that the Board has approved our club recruiting corporate members. Adrian gave examples of the Wagga Wagga Sunrise club who have Bush & Campbell Accountants in Wagga as a corporate member. The procedures of having a corporate member has been circulated to all members.
Some ideas of who in our area could be approached to join as a corporate member were Commins & Hendricks, Coolamon Shire Council, Coolamon Steel, Hutcheon and Pearce and the Coolamon Central School.
Adrian advised the meeting assembled that David Post from Wollundry RC has up to 10 gift cards of $500 each to be given to any farmers in our area doing it tough this Christmas.
Grahame presented an idea for a Christmas project to support the Salvation Army’s toy appeal. Details have been sent to all members and each member is encouraged to buy a toy, wrap it and Grahame and Sharon will deliver them to the Salvation Army in Temora. Grahame has asked all members to buy the toys from the Ganmain Newsagency toy shop:
Garth advised us all that PDG George Weston has asked Garth to be the Area 3 Community Leader under the new regionalisation pilot programme for Zone 8.
Paul Weston reported on the previous Board meeting included in his report
We need an email address for our club.
The Board agreed to increase the annual giving prizes for our local schools.
RYLA is on the 4th January 2025 in Murrumbateman open to 18-28 yo at $1,700 per RYLARIAN.
The Christmas Party is set for Monday 9th December at the property of Wendy and Adrian Lindner. The CRC will pay for the meals. A detailed map on how to get to Wendy and Adrian’s farm will be sent out.
The winners of the Melbourne Cup Sweep were:
1st place Mary Potts, 2nd place Garth, 3rd place Bruce Hamilton and last place JJG.
We will leave this photo here for your information:
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
*Monday 18th November: Guest speaker John Livermore President, Young Rotary: Cyber security and IT tips Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 25th November – Guest speaker Inspector Jill Gibson from the Wagga Wagga Police Local Area Command: Inspector Jill’s talk will be on domestic violence. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 2nd December – Guest speaker Robert Shore District Governor Elect, District 9705, WW2 PoW Stories. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 9th December – Annual Christmas Party. Hosts will be Wendy and Adrian Lindner on their property. Details to follow. NB NO BoD Meeting in December.
Monday 16th December LAST Meeting for 2024. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 20th January Board Meeting 5.00pm at Coolamon Sport Rec Club.
*Monday 20th January FIRST Meeting for 2025. PP Garth Perkin on ShelterBox. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 26th January. NO MEETING. Australia Day.
*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
The Rotary Foundation is our charity Doing Good in the World. Its mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
The Foundation implemented a new grant structure on 1 July 2013. Seven areas of focus reflect critical humanitarian issues and needs that Rotarians are addressing worldwide. They align Rotary with other international development efforts and will strategically further the Foundations mission.
In 2005 Coolamon and Hout Bay became Centennial twin clubs and we started the main project of raising funds to build and refurbish an AIDS and TB Clinic, which has since become a model for South African Health.
Coolamon House as it is known, in honour of our club, was opened in 2013 and among two other beneficiaries, Nonceba and Phumlani, we have contributed over $US 100,000 to Hout Bay. This included a TRF Matching Grant for US$22,000.
We worked on the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa. The relationship with Hout Bay RC has been beneficial to both clubs and we have made many good friends in Hout Bay.
The informal settlement, known as Imizamo Yethu, that cropped up in this very expensive suburb of Cape Town grew and grew with the influx of migrants mainly from The Transkei in Northern South Africa. The demands on the original residents was overwhelming and both Rotary Hout Bay and Lions Hout Bay, in conjunction with the Cape Town Health Department worked on building the medical centre to look after a population of 16,000 people officially. However the actual number of residents could be as high as 50,000.
The association now 20 years old with Hout Bay RC has resulted in the building/refurbishment of the totally inadequate building that they had to serve this ever growing migrants.
Over a period of 8 years and two mountain climbs in 2007 (Kilimanjaro) and 2011 (The Mountains of the Moon), and then following the Mount Kenya 2015 climb. We have been able to provide Hout Bay RC with over US$100,000. This includes the Foundation matching grant of US$22.000.
This project, Coolamon House, is saving lives each and every day.
Above Coolamon House in Hout Bay.
The funds we raised came from sponsors of each and every climb. These were individuals or clubs who sponsored our climbers by donation various levels per foot that we reached.
I am in the process of rebuilding our website for our CRC Road MAPS to Africa projects. However you can learn more about our work in Africa from this website:
President Adrian Lindner welcomed 23 members and three guests including; PP Sue Gordon from the Young RC with Marnie Noakes an Exchange Student from Parkes recently returned from 12 months in Germany. Also Carla Gash who came to hear Sue and Marnie talk on youth exchange. Carla’s daughter Aurelia Marangon is interested in going on an exchange to Italy.
Tonight on the eve of the Melbourne Cup we had a draw for our annual sweepstake. Barry Langtry had control of the draw and the how; following a discussion between Dick, Albert, JJG and Barry on how to do it. We will announce the winners of the $5.00 sweep next Monday.
Mary Potts advised all members present that the AGM is on next Monday night and is looking for nominations for the Board. Please volunteer to serve on the Board without a Board we are rudderless!
Adrian and Garth reported on the D9705 conference held in Mittagong last weekend. The full report and photos are in this bulletin.
Sue Gordon then introduced Marnie Noakes from Parkes. Marnie has just returned from Germany as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student RYE.
Sue said that this year there were 7 Outbound and 7 Inbound students in the programme in our D9705. It costs around $12,000 for their parents which includes the air fares, insurance and visas. The local host club pays an allowance of $150 per month for the student’s monthly personal spending. The parents also pay for any school excursions, the host families up to 5 in the 12 months feed and accommodate the student for the 12 months.
Marnie then presented her 12 months in Germany in a slide format and then answered many questions form the audience.
Marnie had a wonderful life changing experience with the four host families in Central Bavaria in Wurzburg and with her host Rotary Club. One highlight was the European tour with other exchange students from around the world who were in Europe at the time.
Here are some slides from Marnie’s talk.
Lexi Furner thanked both Sue and Marnie for their visit and the talk. I am sure that our club will look at hosting again one day, hopefully sooner than later, as RYE is one of our best Rotary projects to support.
The meeting then ended with the Melbourne Cup Sweep draw and we then had time for some good fellowship and we did not have a raffle tonight.
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
Monday 11th November: CRC AGM Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm. Followed by a Club Assembly the agenda will be sent via email.
*Monday 18th November: Guest speaker John Livermore President, Young Rotary: Cyber security and IT tips Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 25th November – Guest speaker Inspector Jill Gibson from the Wagga Wagga Police Local Area Command: Inspector Jill’s talk will be on domestic violence. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 2nd December – Guest speaker Robert Shore District Governor Elect, District 9705, WW2 PoW Stories. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
Last weekend the annual District Conference was held in Mittagong under the leadership of our District Governor Rob Uhl. We had two members attend, President Adrian Lindner and PP Garth Perkin.
Report and photo above by President Adrian Lindner:
I attended the Saturday sessions for the District Conference. A very full, varied and interesting program. Significant topics were;
MC Jason Browne from the USA was very funny, charismatic and inspirational.
RI President’s representative PDG Ken Robertshaw (from Yorkshire) gave her greetings. Noting 1.5b people don’t have safe drinking water and 2.5b don’t have sanitation. We need to be people of action.
DG Michael Lapina opera singer provided some amazing singing.
Norm Potter provided an End Polio update with particular focus on the Gaza outbreak and endeavours to vaccinate Pakistan and Afghanistan. These use oral vaccines which aren’t as good as injections. Noting Aust is down to 80% vaccination rate, which is a concern.
Michael Rabey gave a Peace 100 presentation. They plan to install 100 peace poles in Aust schools.
The GSE team, native Americans from South Dakota presented on their visits to Wiradjuri towns including Wagga. They explained very similar social and health issues between the first nations peoples of the USA and Aust.
Prof Croaker and Liz Hearn spoke on their surgical paediatric work in the Solomons. Note Dr Seline from Wagga joined the team.
Gary Davis spoke on work to eliminate malaria. Every 68 seconds a child dies from malaria. For every dollar Rotary raises, philanthropist Bill Gates donates $3.
MC Jason Browne spoke on membership. Why should we have fun at Rotary? Three ways 1/ It takes work, but be creative. 2/ Sometimes create fun for others (not yourself). Chanel your inner kid because we all have one.
Mary Brell presented on her work in Nepal.
Desmond Woods provided a video on Aust Rotary clubs funding rain water tanks in Ugandan schools. They are so appreciative.
Report follows by Past Area Governor D9705 Garth Perkin:
Anyone that is a Rotarian that has never been to a Rotary Conference if any kind is really missing out on something special in Rotary. District Conferences are a good way to start.
This last one of ours in Mittagong 26-27th October was a cracker.
What a great way to pick up ideas from other clubs and foster Rotary contacts and extended contacts.
Saturday night being no exception as the theme/dress was Medieval with lots of Serfs and Noblemen (of course I was a Serf. Mind you i believe Mittagong did not rate as highly as Coolamon Rotaries Mad Hat Night.
Sunday being only a half day amazingly fitted in — A youth exchange presentation. The Exchange students came from Finland, Norway, Germany, France, USA, and 2 from Japan ( what more could you want)
A presentation on a “Toy Library “. What a great idea for kids that can never own nice toys.
Plus good updates on RYPEN. Human rights by Austrailers High Commissioner..RIPR Ken Robertshaw from the UK. Polio update.
Plus all the stalls representing the likes of ShelterBox, Say NO to domestic violence and a school group that are Interactors.
Here are some photos from the weekend taken by PDG John Egan, thanks John.
It is in a gallery so click on the image to get the large version, then to go back to the page click on the back arrow.
The Centurion Club was the brainchild of PDG Peter Walsh (D9700 1998-99), who saw the need to establish a program similar to “Every Rotarian Every Year”. District 9700 continued this on since his untimely death, and it is now spread across many other Districts.
Our new District 9705 will maintain this program, encouraging Centurions to give A$100 each year to The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust while ever they are able to do so. Donations can be directed to Annual Giving or Polio Eradication.
This is the easiest way for us as members to support our Foundation.
How to become a Centurion
You can become a Centurion along with fellow Rotarians and others by making a tax deductable contribution of AUD$ 100 or more per annum while ever you are in a position to do so. Your contribution (payable to The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust) supports the work of the Rotary Foundation.
Fifty percent of the money donated to the Annual Programs Fund comes back to the District after 3 years and is used in developing our Foundation projects. Rotarians and their partners and friends become a Centurion by donating AUD$100 each year to The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust.
Rotarians, their partners and friends also receive Paul Harris Fellow recognition credits for each donation made in their name.
The best way is to get a donation tube for $2 coins and simply put one $2 coin in per week. This will get $100 for our Foundation in 50 weeks.
CONTACT: Foundation Director Gary Truscott or Chair PDG Ian Tooke, Blayney, 0409 590 547
There’s still time to secure your chance to conquer Tanzania’s world-famous Mount Kilimanjaro and raise funds for disaster relief!
Join Paul Roger and other ShelterBox supporters from the around the world on the trek of a lifetime. The lunar landscapes and snow-capped summit make this a physical challenge to remember, but that’s not the best bit—whilst you walk, you’ll be making a profound difference in the lives of displaced families worldwide.
This amazing trek is taking place on 20-28 February 2025 and will be one of our best. Find out more here.
We’re asking all our team to please share this trek with your communities – create a post on your social media, share it with your District/Rotary Club newsletter or social pages, send an email to your networks or find your local hiking club and let them know.
We would love to encourage more people to join the team!
Kieryn Deutrom Volunteer Program Manager 0400 273 624
Huff ‘n’ Puff had two visitors from Melbourne over the weekend looking to build a straw bale home and they left us a present for our hospitality and advice it is The Straw Wolf:
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Adrian Lindner
President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
Secretary: Paul Weston
Treasurer: Mary Potts
Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
Membership Director: Brian Pattison
Service Projects Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
Club Admin Director: Ian Jennings
Public Image Director:Grahame Miles
Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
Club Environment Representative: Adrian Lindner
Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
N. B. To all members our Annual General Meeting is set for Monday 11th November.
N.B. Change of programme: *Monday 25th November – Guest speaker Inspector Jill Gibson from the Wagga Wagga Police Local Area Command: Inspector Jill’s talk will be on domestic violence.
Meeting of Monday 28th. October 2024
Acting President Mary Potts welcomed 20 members to our Silly Hat Dinner in aid of mental health. President Adrian is away on holiday.
There were several outstanding hats tonight including the nun serving wine!
Before our Q & A with Albert Suidgeest we had some general business to discuss including:
Mary Potts reported on the results of the Open Garden Days which showed a return of $7,700. In particular the devonshire teas were a great success.
Daryl Breust thanked everyone who volunteered and said that the melanoma bands were well received. Daryl pointed out that these bands DO save lives.
Paul Weston reported on the last board meeting and among the items approved by the board was the future of the Coolamon Community Chronicle. The board decided to terminate our printer contract and to have Active print take on the printing. The extra cost to do this is minimal and sustainable.
Paul also advised the meeting that our club will be approaching qualified organisations in our area to become Rotary Corporate members of our club. The board also approved a donation of $400 to the Anglican Church.
Members present would like a certification of appreciation to the 6 owners of the open garden days. It was also suggested that we send a letter of thanks to the volunteers who are not members of our club for their work.
Grahame Miles said that the Shire turned down our request for financial support for the Chronicle.
Grahame miles reported that a quick survey over the Garden days showed that 50% came from Coolamon and 16% from Wagga Wagga. The viewers in the main learned about the days from Social Media, Instagram and Facebook 40%, the flyer 20% and the Chronicle 15%. Word of mouth and 2AAA made up the rest.
After dinner Acting President Mary interviewed PP Albert Suidgeest in a Q&A format.
Albert’s answers were as follows:
Favourite TV: Live Football AFL
Favourite Actor: Morgan Freeman
Best Movie: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Animal or bird: Wedge Tail Eagle
As an Olympian: Discus, javelin and the 100 metre sprint
Cars? Not into cars
Holidays: Africa in particular.
Things we don’t know about Albert: He gets very nervous with public speaking
Future Rotary projects: Wealth distribution and working on the energy problems of the world.
Dinner Date: Marcus Bontempelli from the Western Bulldogs.
Coolamon Needs: Better environmental planning with long term benefits.
PM For a Day: Albert would look to implement free preschool for 3-4 year olds. AND to get more respect for our teachers.
Well done Mary and thank you Albert for your answers.
Here is a gallery of the hats worn last night all in all a great effort from our members to join in the fun. We donated our raffle money tonight to Australian Rotary Health.
The silly hats judges nominated:
Ian Jennings
Gary Truscott
Grahame Miles
A very happy and fun filled meeting ended on time which gave us an opportunity for some good fellowship. Well done Mary most enjoyable night.
Saturday Sunday we held our second day of the two days for our Open Garden Days project. There were 6 gardens on display in and around Coolamon. This week I have some photos from the Breusts’, Extons’ and Lorraine Farrelly’s gardens.
Jann and Daryl Breusts’ garden is outstanding and the photos don’t do it justice. Here are some photos in gallery mode.
Six Miles from Coolamon is Jananee Station. The farm of Kellie and Anthony Exton. So good to see a local farmers’ garden and it is a lovely peaceful place. The fire pit looks inviting for cool nights some photos see if you can spot the fly!!!!
Here are a few random photos from other members, includes Lorraine Farrelly’s garden below:
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
Monday 11th November: CRC AGM Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 18th November: Guest speaker John Livermore President, Young Rotary: Cyber security and IT tips Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 25th November – Guest speaker Inspector Jill Gibson from the Wagga Wagga Police Local Area Command: Inspector Jill’s talk will be on domestic violence. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 2nd December – Guest speaker Robert Shore District Governor Elect, District 9705, Rotary regionalisation. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.
Happy Haggis Halloween.
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
Rotary Club of Wahroonga, NSW, hosted a spectacular Hat Day meeting on Wednesday, 25 September, raising much needed funds and awareness for ARH to support vital research into mental health disorders. Well done for their splendid effort and wonderful results!
Rotary Club of Canberra Sundowners, ACT, showcased a colourful array of hats at their weekly meeting on Tuesday, 1 October to help lift the lid on mental illness. Thank you to the team for their commendable efforts and super creative hats!
Thank you to Rotary Club of Altona City, VIC, for their tremendous support of our Hat Day campaign on Tuesday, 1 October. Members showcased a bright and creative hat display at the Kooringal Golf Club, raising over $1000 for research into mental health disorders!
On Saturday, 5 October Rotary Club of Mount Isa South West, QLD, lit up their local shopping centre with a spectacular Hat Day parade, where Members decorated hats with children from the community, having fun and raising funds for research into mental health disorders.
Congratulations to Rotary Club of East Maitland, NSW, for their Hat Day event at El Chapos Restaurant! The gathering not only raised awareness for mental health disorders but also provided the opportunity for Members to engage and foster meaningful discussions around the Rotary mission.
Hats off to Rotary Club of Walkerville, SA, for hosting their most successful Art Show on Saturday, 12 October! A majority of the artwork was sold, with proceeds generously donated to support ARH’s research into mental health disorders.
Well done to the Members ofRotary Club of Highton Inc ,VIC, who held their Hat Day event on Saturday, 12 October! They don’t mind having fun and looking a little silly to raise funds research into mental illness!
Rotary Club of Maitland Sunrise Inc, NSW, dedicated their meeting on Thursday, 24 October to “Lifting the Lid on Mental Illness,” with Members wearing fun hats and sparking joy while raising awareness around mental health issues in the community.
Rotary Club of Westbury brought together their vibrant community at the Westbury Town Common for a walk, followed by a delicious morning tea and sausage sizzle. Much fun was had with prizes for the most creative hats!
Take a look at how much fun Rotary Club of Townsville Sunrise is having during their Hat Day event on Saturday, 12 October. A heartfelt thank you to all Members for their generous support in raising awareness and funds for mental health research.
A big thank you to Rotary Club of Kenthurst, NSW, for hosting their Hat Day on Monday, October 14! We loved seeing all the creative hats worn by members and guests—it’s wonderful to see everyone having such a great time. Well done to all involved!
The ARH Head Office Teamcelebrating Hat Day during World Mental Health Day by sporting their boldest and brightest hats! We would also like to thank all Rotary Clubs who took part in this wonderful initiative to raise funds and awareness for research into mental health illness!
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Adrian Lindner
President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
Secretary: Paul Weston
Treasurer: Mary Potts
Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
Membership Director: Brian Pattison
Service Projects Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
Club Admin Director: Ian Jennings
Public Image Director:Grahame Miles
Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
Club Environment Representative: Adrian Lindner
Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
N. B. To all members our Annual General Meeting is set for Monday 11th November.
Meeting of Monday 21st. October 2024
President Adrian Lindner welcomed 20 members, 1 partner Lorraine Hamilton and 11 guests including; Helen Jordan guest of Bernadette, Wayne Rushton guest of Ted, Kay and Alan Heighway from the Sutherland Rotary Club, Dave Fox Marrar, Veronika and Ben Mier from Coolamon, Pradeep Rai and Sosheel Godfrey from the CSU.
We had as our guest speaker tonight. Dan Fox, from Marrar, Australian Innovation Farmer of the Year. On Regenerative agriculture and its link to food/health.
Before our guest speaker we had some general business to discuss including:
Daryl Breust with a report on the recent Gears & Beers weekend. Daryl thanked all of our volunteers who helped on the day and advised us that Wollundry RC will be visiting soon for a debrief. Daryl said there were 2000 ANZAC biscuits made, and thanked all who helped bake them. As well special thanks to Albert for getting the water sorted.
Albert Suidgeest sent round a roster for members to volunteer to man th egates at Saturday’s Open garden Day.
Grahame Miles asked us all to volunteer for the roster as it is embarrassing to ask non-members to help out. We have enough members to man all 6 gates in the two time slots.
Mary Potts gave a brief report on the funds raised so far from the Open Garden Day 1.
Guest Speaker Dan Fox (above), was introduced by Ian Jennings. Dan’s talk was very interesting and informative even for non-farmers in our club. There were some very sobering information on the effect of climate change and what can be done in broad scale farming to help to combat the fact that climate change is real and has to be addressed.
THERE’s a quiet revolution taking place on farms across Australia thanks to people like Dan Fox – one of thousands of Australian farmers taking action on climate change by transforming the health of their soils.
Over the past 20 years Australian farmers have redefined conventional farming methods, with an over-riding focus on soil health allowing farmers to store and sequester large amounts of carbon in their land.
The shift towards healthier soils, combined with ground-breaking innovation enabling lower fuel and synthetic fertiliser use, means Australian farmers are leading the way in tackling climate change.
Changes made on the Fox farm in recent years include the purchase of new machinery which has enabled practice changes to retain more soil moisture and build carbon levels below the ground.
“Our mothers and grandmothers taught us to put straw mulch on the home gardens to protect the soil from the sun, keep the weeds out and keep the moisture in,” Dan said.
“That’s exactly what we are aiming to do with our system, except our garden is the big paddocks on the outside of the house yard.”
Here are some photos from last night’s talk by Dan.
The Shelbourne stripper front above plays an important role in the harvest leaving the straw almost intact!
Thanks you Dan and Barry Langtry gave dan a vote of thanks for his talk.
We did not have a S@A session and the raffle prizes were won by Lorraine hamilton, Alex Thompson and Bruce Hamilton. All in all a busy informative evening followed by some excellent fellowship.
Next Monday night we have a social evening with Albert Suidgeest in the HOT seat as we get to know our member. It is also Lift the Lid Silly Hat Day. So please wear a silly or elegant hat to raise funds for Australian Rotary Health.
Sunday we held our first day of two days for our Open Garden Days project. There were 6 gardens on display in and around Coolamon. Albert Suidgeest and his committee have done a great job and we will do it all again next Saturday. In the meantime here are some photos from Sunday. Thanks to Grahame Miles and Adrian Lindner for some of the photos. The photos of Jill’s garden feature and it is a fun garden using some wonderful imagination. The young children that visited loved it!
Above the welcome at Jill’s garden so many lovely surprises are to be found in this garden.
Our Rotary volunteers, well 4 of them, Myffy, Bern, Wendy and Adrian.
Above Merilyn Hutcheon brought her sister Rosalie and grandchildren along.
One of our hosts Kellie Exton with daughter Audrey. Thanks Kellie!
Above three photos are from the garden of Natalie and Emma.
This garden above belongs to Telea and Anthony
The following photos are from Jill’s eclectic garden such a lot of fun and imagination.
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
Saturday October 26th – Coolamon Garden Viewing Day TWO.
Saturday 26th October TRUNK or TREAT Ganmain Park 11.30am
Time to start thinking about your costumes kids!! Something different this year… Decorate your car boot & you could win a prize! Please note parents need to supervise their children for this event
*Friday 25th/Sunday 27th October – D9705 Conference. Mittagong RSL. Bookings open now:
*Monday 28th October – Social Night with get to Know Your Member Abert Suidgeest in the HOT seat. It is also SILLY HAT DAY so wear a colourful elegant hat to raise funds for Lift the Lid on mental Illness.
Monday 11th November: CRC AGM Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Monday 18th November: Guest speaker John Livermore President, Young Rotary: Cyber security and IT tips Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 25th November – Social Night with get to Know Your Member.
*Monday 2nd December – Guest speaker Robert Shore District Governor Elect, District 9705, Rotary regionalisation. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
*Guests welcome bring your partners and friends.
It appears Haggis Eggs are now available on Supermarket shelves on the run up to Christmas and Burns night.
A son recalls his father’s great medical achievement
By Dr. Peter L. Salk
Illustrations by Cristian Barba Camarena
I have been president of the Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation since its founding in 2009. As you can imagine, focusing my attention in that role on the legacy of my father’s many contributions to humanity — including his creation of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, just up the road in La Jolla on a bluff overlooking California’s magnificent Pacific Coast — has a special significance for me.
My father, Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the first polio vaccine, was born in New York City on 28 October 1914, exactly three months after the beginning of World War I. From his earliest days, he was someone who wanted to do something to be helpful to humanity. That impulse and drive may have come in part from an incident that was imprinted in his memory when he was a little boy.
World Polio Day is a time for Rotary members, public health advocates, and all who want a world free from polio to come together, recognize our progress in the fight to end polio, and talk about the actions we need to take in order to end polio for good.
All donations are matched 2:1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, tripling your impact!
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Adrian Lindner
President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
Secretary: Paul Weston
Treasurer: Mary Potts
Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
Membership Director: Brian Pattison
Service Projects Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
Club Admin Director: Ian Jennings
Public Image Director:Grahame Miles
Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
Club Environment Representative: Adrian Lindner
Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
President Adrian Lindner welcomed 21 members, 2 partners, Maureen and Susan and 7 guests including Ruth Morgan, Leo de Kroo with Marianne, Carla Gash and Louis Marangon from Gigi, as well Bruce Wooten from the Coolamon Mens’ Shed.
We had Tony Donoghue as our guest speaker tonight. Tony is the General Manager of the Coolamon Shire Council.
Mick O’Brien gave a short presentation on the upcoming fund raising event for the Ganmain & Coolamon Hospital Auxiliary. This Saturday there will be a bus going to the Races in Wagga at the MTC. The cost will be $50 per person and includes the bus trip, free entry a welcome drink and the aim is to raise $1,000.
Garth Perkin introduced Tony, Garth first met Tony when he was the Building Surveyor for the council about toilets in Garth and Marg’s shops. Tony grew up in Junee left when he was 17 and went to the city Sydney, the Central Coast and worked in the mines in WA eventually returning to Parkes and then to Coolamon where he became the Building Surveyor in 2001. In 2014 Tony took over from Terry Kiss as the GM.
Tony gave a detailed and informative talk on the past and the future of the Shire. There are 9 Councillors who all work well with the staff under Tony’s guidance. Tony then covered so many topics it was hard to keep up; these included:
Every 4 years the Community Strategic Plan is released which is not a Council publication. This plan includes policing, health and other agencies that affect the Shire.
Tony praised Courtney Armstrong, the Executive Manager, Corporate and Community Service, Tony said that Courtney was the very best accountant for our Shire.
Tony emphasised how our council works within the annual budget and does a great job with providing the services that are needed in the Shire while keeping rates down.
Council prepares a 4 year plan based on a 10 year forecast. That is they are a far seeing Council.
Tony said that the town of Coolamon is growing and has grown from 1400 to 2500 in a short time. The Shire itself now has a population of 4,350.
Coolamon Shire Council is and has developed land for a commercial industrial park, sub-divisions North of Coolamon and 7 building blocks in Ganmain.
Tony went on to describe the potential of the Coolamon Showgrounds for harness racing with a 1600m track which is highly desirable. Talk is for 220 stables and the development is being discussed with Harness Racing NSW, CSU and the State Government.
Tony emphasised that we need the community behind any developments and any ideas are always considered and are essential for the future of our Shire. Hence the need for advance committees such as Advance Ganmain.
One are of great importance to all residents is the health sector. This Shire is blessed by the facilities we have in our Shire. This is one area which Tony went into great detail about.
They are looking at increasing the number of beds for emergency stay over beds from 2 to 20, as well as increasing the aged care beds from 12 to 32.
There were many questions from members and guests and it was heartening to hear that the future of our Shire is in good hands. Thank you Tony!
We had an excellent meeting and had a brief discussion on the upcoming Open Garden Days starting this Sunday. A roster was prepared and here is a plan of the open gardens:
Contact Albert and the committee to volunteer please. The gardens will be open from 11.00am to 4.00pm.
Garth Perkin handed out a flyer for the combined Sydney and Wagga Rugby male choirs upcoming Thursday October 24th in Wagga.
The 2024 CRC Telephone Book is now at the printers and we will have 2,000 copies printed soon. The book will then be available at various outlets as well as being sent via the Australia Post mail out for our Shire. Well done to all who contributed their time to produce this edition.
PP Daryl Breust did another excellent job of the annual Gears & Beers Dirty 130 and the 105 that came through our Shire on Sunday. Volunteers working at the ANZAC Biscuits and Melon HQ i.e. Lions Park and on the road and manning intersections included; Henk Hulsman, Don Dyce, Garth Perkin, John Glassford, Ted Hutcheon, Brian Pattison, Mark Reardon, Barry Langtry, Gary Truscott, Bernadette Milne, Dick Jennings, Myffy Collette, Grahame Miles, John Nulty, Lexi Furner, Mary Potts, Jann Breust, Annie Rzeszkowski, and Marilyn Jennings. I probably missed some! Here are some photos sent in by Daryl, Mary, Sharon Miles, Wollundry RC and JJG. Remember to click on the image in the gallery below to get a larger version.
‘Really lucky’: Gears and Beers rider revived after on-course cardiac arrest
A former Wagga paramedic has described a Gears and Beers cyclist who was resuscitated after going into cardiac arrest during one of the weekend’s rides as the luckiest man alive.
The incident happened at Downside about 9.30am on Sunday, October 6, and prompted an emergency response from other riders and members of the festival’s medical team who happened to be nearby at the time.
Former paramedic Phil Hoey and ex-volunteer paramedic Rory McKenzie – who owns Wagga First Aid Training – had been in the area after providing assistance to another rider who had come off his bike and injured his arm and collarbone.
Also nearby when the man went into cardiac arrest were a group of riders that included a female paramedic from Sydney, a doctor, a cardiologist and a cardiac anesthetist, who all stopped to render CPR on the 54-year-old.
Congratulations to the organisers of the Ganmain Twilight Markets held on Friday night. There were some excellent stalls and food available. We arrived a bit late however there were still a lot of people there and it started at 3.00pm.
The disco in the Ganmain Hall for the children was a great idea and a huge hit with the young ones.
The street was full with many people from outside of Ganmain and I did not see many from Coolamon. It was hard to get a car park and Ford Street was closed.
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
Monday 14th October – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 5.00 pm. SHARP Please.
*Monday 14th October – Guest Speaker Meeting. Tony Donoghue Coolamon Shire Council GM. On Strategy and vision of the Shire. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Sunday October 20th – Coolamon Garden Viewing
*Monday 21st. October – Guest Speaker Meeting. Dan Fox, Australian Innovation Farmer of the Year. On Regenerative agriculture and its link to food/health. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Saturday October 26th – Coolamon Garden Viewing Day TWO.
Saturday 26th October TRUNK or TREAT Ganmain Park 11.30am
Time to start thinking about your costumes kids!! Something different this year… Decorate your car boot & you could win a prize! Please note parents need to supervise their children for this event
*Friday 25th/Sunday 27th October – D9705 Conference. Mittagong RSL. Bookings open now:
Monday 11th November: CRC AGM Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
The Wildlife Haggis Foundation in Scotland are doing great work in sustainable farming of the wild haggis.
One of the areas that will surprise and enlighten our wool growers is that wild haggis are rounded up at shearing time and they sent me some photos of the wild haggis being shorn.
Below: Scotland’s Beautiful Ancient Art of haggis shearing.
Above: Wonderful haggis wool so comfortable and getting scarce.
The Rotary Foundation’s Seven Areas of Focus, which are more about WHO we serve and our causes:
As we enter October our monthly theme is one of the 7 areas of focus of our Rotary Foundation being:
Community & Economic Development.
7 Areas of Focus
The Trustees of The Rotary Foundation have identified seven areas of focus for Global Grants. These areas reflect critical humanitarian issues and needs that Rotarians are addressing worldwide. They will align Rotary with other international development efforts and will strategically further the mission of The Rotary Foundation.
Statements of purpose and goals
Each of the seven areas of focus begins with a statement of purpose, followed by a list of specific goals. The Rotary Foundation will use the goals to establish:
Projects and activities for global grants
Possible strategic partners for global grants
Evaluation criteria for club- and district-developed global grants
A system for measuring outcome for all global grants
Areas of focus
Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
Maternal and Child Health
Basic Education and Literacy
Community Economic Development
Protecting Our Environment
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Adrian Lindner
President-Elect 2025-2026: Mary Potts
Secretary: Paul Weston
Treasurer: Mary Potts
Rotary Foundation Director: Gary Truscott
Membership Director: Brian Pattison
Service Projects Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
Club Admin Director: Ian Jennings
Public Image Director:Grahame Miles
Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
Club Environment Representative: Adrian Lindner
Immediate Past President and Vice-President: John Bond
Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for W/e September 30th. 2024
Meeting of Monday 30th September 2024
This Monday we had our 5th Monday evening as a social with little of Rotary business being discussed. We had our evening at a private party at the new winery in Coolamon: Methuselah Estate Coolamon.
President Adrian Lindner welcomed 23 members and around 12 partners and guests. Thanks to Dick Jennings for organising the social evening at this exceptional winery. It was also wonderful to welcome Sarah Collins back from Victoria. Sarah is visiting her father John Bond during the school holidays.
We had a great two course dinner catered by Simone and it was very much appreciated by all who attended. Albert thanked Simone for the dinner. Dick Jennings then introduced our host Rod (Freddie) Furner. Rod gave us a brief history of his connections to Coolamon and his goals for the future. Rod did say that they will not be open for 12 months until the council seals the entry road in Pykes Lane.
This is a beautiful building with excellent craftsmanship using mainly local tradespeople. The stone work on the columns and walls is outstanding.
President Adrian then thanked Rod Furner for his hospitality and Dick Jennings for organising the event.
Welcome back Sarah so good to see you again.
We then had some business to discuss in the main the upcoming Gears and Beers weekend on Sunday the long weekend in October. Daryl Breust outlined the roster of our members and advised all volunteers to be at Lions Park from 7.30am on Sunday morning before they go to their posts. N.B. SUNDAY October 6th daylight saving begins with our clocks going forward by one hour!!!!! So volunteers need to get up an hour earlier.
Daryl thanked the volunteers who made the ANZAC biscuits for the participants of Gears & Beers these included Jann Breust, Annie and Myffy. Daryl reminded us all that after the Gears & Beers event on Sunday that we are all welcome to the Beers part of the festival in Wagga.
Grahame Miles spoke on the upcoming evening at the Ganmain Hall on Friday 4th October.
Trivia Question 1 – What town was used as the main exterior location for the streets of Bodgy Creek in The Merger movie?
Trivia Question 2 – Is Damian Callinan‘s solo show Double Feature, playing there on Friday, October 4th? If you answered GANMAIN & YES, you’d be correct.
Albert Suidgeest had a guessing competition question for us to answer with our replies hand written on a piece of paper. The questions were how to spell Annie’s name and the date of her birthday. The only clue was that there were two Zs. Lexi won 1st prize and Mary won the second prize.
All in all another very pleasant evening with good food and good friends.
N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
You can download the full programme here and note that it will change and that will be reflected in the weekly bulletin and in The Diary on our website or the link below in pdf:
Monday 7th October – NO MEETING (October long weekend).
*Monday 14th October – Guest Speaker Meeting. Tony Donoghue Coolamon Shire Council GM. On Strategy and vision of the Shire. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Sunday October 20th – Coolamon Garden Viewing
*Monday 21st. October – Guest Speaker Meeting. Dan Fox, Australian Innovation Farmer of the Year. On Regenerative agriculture and its link to food/health. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Saturday October 26th – Coolamon Garden Viewing Day TWO.
*Friday 25th/Sunday 27th October – D9705 Conference. Mittagong RSL. Bookings open now:
Monday 28th October – Social Night with get to Know Your Member.
*Monday 4th November – Guest Speaker Meeting. Sue Gordon Secretary Young RC on Rotary Youth Exchange. Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
Monday 11th November: CRC Board Meeting Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 5.00 for 5.15 pm.
Monday 11th November: CRC AGM Coolamon Sport Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.
All of the above images were obtained from Facebook.
Rotary started with the vision of one man — Paul Harris. The Chicago attorney formed the Rotary Club of Chicago on 23 February 1905, so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships.
Paul Harris, shortly after he graduated from the University of Iowa law school in 1891. Appeared in “My Road to Rotary.”
Over time, Rotary’s reach and vision gradually extended to humanitarian service. Members have a long track record of addressing challenges in their communities and around the world.
Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves.
The first Rotary Club was formed when attorney Paul P. Harris called together a meeting of three business acquaintances in downtown Chicago, United States, at Harris’s friend Gustave Loehr’s office in the Unity Building on Dearborn Street on February 23, 1905. In addition to Harris and Loehr (a mining engineer and freemason), Silvester Schiele (a coal merchant), and Hiram E. Shorey (a tailor) were the other two who attended this first meeting. The members chose the name Rotary because initially they rotated subsequent weekly club meetings to each other’s offices, although within a year, the Chicago club became so large it became necessary to adopt the now-common practice of a regular meeting place.
The first four Rotarians. From left: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram E. Shorey, Paul P. Harris.