This pro bono video was produced for Seattle 4 Rotary by ProMotion Arts, a Seattle video production company specializing in corporate communications, commercial production, and non-profit outreach and development.
Steve Crandall, CEO and Managing Director, is a proud member of Seattle 4 Rotary.
Message from Tom Telfer a member of ROTI or Rotarians On The Internet
Just completed the first National Immunisation Day of 2012 on February 19, 2012
India in the Andhra Pradesh region.
Did you know what it involved? Here are just some basic facts ……
* 800,000 vaccination booths
* 2.3 Million vaccinators
* 1.2 Million vaccination teams
155,000 supervisors, with 155,000 vehicles ( cars, motorcycles, mopeds,
bicycles, boats, elephants, camels or whatever it takes )
* 220 Million doses of Polio Vaccine, carried around the country in 2.0 Million vaccine carrier bags
6.3 Million ice packs to keep all those doses of polio vaccine in the
2.0 Million vaccine carries bags to maintaine the cold chain.
* 91 Million homes visited
* 170 Million children immunized during each NID – of these, 10 crore children immunized in just one day at booths. 1 crore equals 10 million, so 10 crore would be 100 million!
No Polio Case was reported this week.
P.P. Tom Telfer, B.A.
Past Chair of Rotary Editors & Publishers
Charter member of Rotarians on the Internet
Member Rotary Rolodex
Member ICUFR
We had the best time at the Roxy Cinema in Leeton yesterday afternoon. Great film great location and excellent fellowship. We also raised around $700 for Polio Plus.
If you did not go you missed a special day in our Rotary calender. Thanks Leeton and Narrandera Rotary Clubs for all the work.
The Interact Club of Episcopal School of Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, is the grand-prize winner of the 2011 Interact video contest with its entry, “Change 4 Change.”
The video tells the story of how students at the Episcopal School of Knoxville collaborated to produce an illustrated children’s book about the worldwide effort to eradicate polio. Managed by eighth-grade Interactors and club advisers Laurie Coburn and Susan Lancaster, the book aims to raise funds and build awareness for Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign.
Jeff Raikes, chief executive officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Rotary International has succeeded in meeting the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s US$200 million match in funding for polio eradication, raising more than $202.6 million as of 17 January.
“In recognition of Rotary’s great work, and to inspire Rotarians in the future, the [Gates] foundation is committing an additional $50 million to extend our partnership,” said Jeff Raikes, chief executive officer of the Gates Foundation. “Rotary started the global fight against polio, and continues to set the tone for private fundraising, grassroots engagement, and maintaining polio at the top of the agenda with key policymakers.” Raikes also addressed Rotary leaders at the International Assembly.
The new $50 million grant from the Gates Foundation is not a challenge grant.
Rotarians and their partners have formed the “the world’s largest nonviolent army” to fight polio. Help End Polio Now by signing a petition at End of Polio, or give online at Contribute.