Your editors thought that it would be a bit of fun to have a weekly baby photo competition. That is, provided we get your photos! So send us your earliest photo that you have of your self as a baby. The first correct entry wins a raffle ticket at the next dinner meeting.
This week’s entry:
President Paul welcomed two guests–Rev. Scott Mudd and Mathew Higginson from Coolamoon–as well as 17 members to our weekly meeting. We had some lively discussions including:
- We have collected $440 so far from the sunflower seeds boxes in the Coolamon shire according to Anne.
- D9705 Promotes Sunflower Seeds for Ukraine: D9705 Story on Sunflowers.
- Thank you letter from the Coolamon and Ganmain Hospital Auxiliary for our donations of $2,000 to each.
- The Coolamon Community Chronicle was printed after a brief delay and distributed by Anne and Neil.
- The CCC is now on line on our website or on Facebook: CCC Facebook Page
- Volunteers called for the BBQ at the CSU for lunch on Wed and Thurs 11/12 August.
- Volunteers are needed to man the gate at the Ganmain Show on Saturday 20th August.
- Anne spoke about the upcoming bike day on Saturday 1st October at Wantabadgery.
- Social night for Monday 29th August (fifth Monday) – ten pin bowling is being investigated.
- Possible participation in CSU meat tasting project to earn money for the club.
- Marrar Madness Rodeo volunteers will be needed for car parking duties.
Tonight it was President-elect John Bond’s turn in the spotlight. Some of his many highlights in his life to date:
- Born in Naracoorte South Australia near Penola.
- Favourite colour: ultraviolet! In the visible wavelengths: blue.
- Favourite actor is Meryl Streep and the movie starring Meryl Streep Music of the Heart.
- Lived on a dairy farm that belonged to his parents near Casterton.
- Bought his own farm and worked out that there was no future in farming for him.
- Bondy joined the RAAF and was posted to various locations around Australia and the USA and trained in satellite tracking.
- John spent 20 years in the Department of Defence and specialised in radio and data engineering and communications.
- John received a good offer to join TAFE where he stayed for 25 years, first in Sydney and then in Wagga Wagga. John says that he never got away from farming!
- Roselee and John have three children including Sarah Collins who was a member of our club when Sarah was teaching at Coolamon Central before moving to Victoria several years ago.
- John is very proud of his grandfather who served in the 39th Battalion an infantry unit of the Australian Army. Pvt. Millard was gassed on the Western Front and received a letter from King George Vth for a speedy recovery.
Thank you Bondy!
As usual, the meeting concluded with an entertaining fines session and our weekly raffle.
*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
Monday, 15th August – Regular meeting. Discussion of the future of the Coolamon Telephone Directory. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
Saturday, August 20th – Ganmain Agricultural Show. Club members will be working the gate with Lions.
Monday, 22nd August – Speaker meeting. Garth, Mary and Don will talk on the Larapinta Trek. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
Monday, 29th August – Fifth Monday. Social night (details later).
Monday, 5th September – Speaker meeting
Sunday October 2nd – Gears and Beers (details forthcoming).
Sunday 16th October – Coolamon Garden Viewing. There will be five gardens on display, three on house blocks and two on acreage. Registration will take place at 26 Doubleday Lane. Cost is $15 per adult with children under 16 free.
Saturday 22nd October – Coolamon Garden Viewing. Details as above.
Friday-Sunday 21st-23rd October – District Conference. Joyes Hall, CSU campus, Wagga Wagga (details forthcoming). [NB The district conference will be moving to an October timeslot as of this year, which is why we’re having two district conferences in 2022).
Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 – Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).
Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference
Monday 7th November CRC Annual General Meeting including election of office bearers for 2023-2024.
Answer to the last puzzlers:
Easier one: Lunch and dinner
Harder one: Your left hand
This week’s puzzlers:
Easier one: How far can you walk into the woods?
Harder one: The owner of a winery has passed away and left 21 barrels to his three sons. Seven of the barrels are filled with wine, seven are half full of wine, and seven are empty. However, the wine and barrels must be evenly divided among the sons such that each son gets the same number of full barrels, the same number of half-full barrels, and the same number of empty barrels. Note that there are no measuring devices handy. How can the barrels and wine be evenly divided among the sons?
1. Membership: United in friendship and service
Rotary International’s recent member survey reveals where Rotary is today, while suggesting where it needs to go tomorrow.
This is a very good and informative article that we should all read IMO. The article backs up why I joined on invitation and why I have stayed.
The motive power of Rotary is friendship,” said Paul Harris in his address to the Rotary convention held in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1921. His remarks were greeted with a round of applause — and were endorsed 100 years later by current members of Rotary.
In the most recent annual survey of Rotary members, 45% of respondents cited friendship as the reason they remain in Rotary, and 84% said they were satisfied with their ability to connect with friends through Rotary. Meanwhile, 42% of respondents cited the opportunity to make an impact on their communities as the reason they remained in Rotary — another response that would have delighted Rotary’s founder.
2. D9705 Promotes Respect in Relation to DEI
D9705 promotes Respect in relation to DEI Rotary – Respect in relation to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Rotaract Club of Woolloongabba Pride celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Photo courtesy of Rotary Down Under
Rotary International has committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion and has stated that:
is essential to furthering goodwill and cooperation. Whatever our condition, we cannot expect respect ourselves if we fail to give it to others.
Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston
President-Elect 2023-2024: John Bond
Secretary: John Glassford
Treasurer: Mary Potts
Membership Director: John Nulty
Service Projects Director: John Bond
Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
Club Admin Director: Henk Hulsman
Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
Sergeant @ Arms: Garth Perkin
Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Albert Suidgeest
Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
Webmaster: John Glassford