Meeting 11th July
A regular meeting was held on 11 July at the Coolamon Sport and Rec Club, with a very healthy rollup of 32 members and guests. We were treated to a very interesting presentation by Scott Munro, son of Trevor and Penny Munro (and nephew of our own Neil and Claire Munro). Scott works for GeoPacific Resources, a mining company looking to develop gold and copper resources in Cambodia. Scott spent a bit of time describing the geography and long history of Cambodia, including the devastation caused by the Khmer Rouge and the carpet bombing by the US during the Vietnam war. Although the country is capable of producing a wide variety of horticultural crops and lots of rice, the standard of living is quite low (the GDP per capita is US$740 vs US$37,500 in Australia). While in Cambodia, Scott got to know the inhabitats of the small village of Chhaeb, and learned of the need for basic amenities lacking at the local school (e.g. running water, electricity, toilet facilities, etc.). [When this plight was brought to the attention of our club earlier this year, we were moved to donate funds to help provide these amenities and to apply for a district grant to leverage our funds further. We were successful in our application for district funds, and we were able to provide funds in the amount of $3,000 to the village to construct a toilet block.]
Scott, his wife, Kate, and their three kids visited Cambodia earlier this and had a life-changing experience getting to know the residents of Chhaeb and Cambodia. The whole family joined us on Monday as Scott showed us great photos of the local terrain, villages and residents of northern Cambodia. Paul thanked Scott and presented him with a kangaroo-hide coin pouch. Well done, Scott!
Our meeting concluded with a raffle; prizes were won by Alexander Thompson and Wayne Lewis.
What on earth is IFCR? You might take many guesses and still not get it right–it stands for the International Fellowship of Cricketing Rotarians. The IFCR is having its biannual festival in Wagga Wagga from 16-21 October. If you’re interested in learning more or participating in the event, please visit their website here.
On the lighter side

What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and grey when you throw it away? (answer somewhere below)
The puzzler
Here’s a visual puzzle for you:
Answer to last puzzler: There were 2,753 individuals going to St Ives.
Diary Reminders
Thursday, July 14: Bingo [Neil (Capt), John N, Don and Ian D]
Friday, July 15th: Firewood working bee (Wayne, Dick and Trevor)
Saturday, July 16th: Street Raffle in Coolamon
6:00-8:00 – Daryl and Rod
8:00-10:00 – Paul and John G
10:00-12:00 – Wayne and Trevor
Monday, July 18th: Club Assembly
*Partners and Guests Night
Apologies for Monday meetings: call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12:00 pm.
Answer to riddle: charcoal!