Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #17-18-12

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #12


{Guest Editor John Glassford}



This young lady is one of our sponsored students that we support through the Rotary Club of Coolamon’s Road MAPS to Africa projects.

The Mountains of the Moon team met Tracy in Mathare, one of the worst slums in the world, in Nairobi, Kenya.  We decided to support Tracy into high school and onto University.  We would like to report that Tracy has now been accepted at the United States International University in Nairobi.

Tracy nows enters her second semester and is studying for her Bachelor of Pharmacy degree.  This is an amazing story and one that we should all be proud of being a part of Tracy’s journey.

Above: A quick look at the start of Tracy’s journey

Below: The power of Rotary one child at a time.  Tracy last month in Nairobi:

Proud to wear her lab coat!


Week of 25th September

The annual visit of our District Governor took place this week.  DG George Weston and Carol Weston were our main guests for the meeting accompanied by our Assistant Governor Bryan Short and Sally Short.  We also had a delegation from the Wollundry Rotary Club, Phil McIntosh, David Byfield and Frank Fuller.

Visiting Rotarian and Assistant Governor Robert Bradin from D9685.  Robert is in Coolamon visiting his family.  Robert is a member of the RC of Rouse Hill in Sydney so next time you are in Sydney make up a meeting at his club.

Our bubbly exchange student Lucia Bohnsack was with us again, great to see you Lucy, promise to have a club pin for you next time.  Our own outgoing exchange student Jackson Wykes was present and is looking forward to Finland in January.

Other guests included Heather McKinley, Susan Glassford, Helen Lewis AND Will Cartwright.  Will works at Coolamon Butchers and is keen to serve his community.  Will is exactly what Rotary needs right now.  Come back again Will you will be very welcome.

We had a talk by the team from Wollundry led by PP Phil McIntosh on the upcoming Gears & Beers bike ride.  There will be over 700 riders in this event and Phil handed out the books to guide our marshalls.  Very professional and well organised.  I know that Coolamon will do our part over the event.  PE Daryl Breust is our coordinator and in charge of the cow bells!

PP Phil McIntosh from Wollundry addresses the meeting on Geers & Bears.

Mental Health Forum

Wayne Lewis is still busy  organising the second Mental Health Forum to be held on the 27th September 6pm, at the Coolamon Sports and Recreation Club. Wayne has been approached by local people who are dealing with Mental Health issues, who will be present on the night and will be telling their personal stories.

We need volunteers for the BBQ see Wayne for the roster.

DG George and Carol Weston’s Visit

DG George Weston setting up his projector for the talk.

The main event of the night was the presentation by DG George Weston on his plans for this Rotary year.  George and Carol own and run Weston and Weston Air Conditioners based in Leeton with a branch in Wagga Wagga and one opening up in Albury.  George is also the Deputy Mayor of Leeton Shire Council.

George has been a Rotarian for 35 years his family migrated to Australia when George was 15.   George has a strategic plan for D9700 which has three parts:

  1.  Enjoy Rotary and what your club offers.
  2.  Involve our Youth with programmes like Youth Exchange and RYLA.  Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.
  3.  Support our own charity the Rotary Foundation.

George showed us what a Global Grant from our Foundation can do in East Timor to provide clean water.  Our International President Ian Riseley left us a message to get behind his 1.2 million tree planting campaign to culminate on Earth Day April 22nd. 2018.

RI President Riseley planted a tree in the Friendship Forest, located within Thingvellir National Park in Iceland. President Riseley’s tree planting initiative encourages Rotary clubs to have a one tree planted for every member of their club by Earth Day, 22 April 2018. Share your club’s involvement by using #pledgetoplant.

DG George reminded us that  his conference will be in Leeton from May 4-6th.  2018. Book your accommodation early to avoid the night driving home!

Thank you DG George and Carol for attending last night and we enjoyed your company and friendship.

The evening finished with a good raffle of three prizes and another great fines session by Sergeant Ted Hutcheon.

Best tie award to PE Daryl Breust with his Tigers tie, hope they win Daryl.




Sent in by Henk Hulsman:

Canberra airport ticket agent offers some examples of why our country is in trouble:

A. I had a female politician ask for an aisle seat so that her hair wouldn’t get messed up by being near the window.

I ask you, on an airplane?

B. Senator Bronwyn Bishop, a former Speaker of the House and a serial travel extravagant (at taxpayers’ expense) called to enquire about a trip package to Hawaii.

After going over all the cost info, she asked, ”Would it be cheaper to fly to California and then take the train to Hawaii?”

Many from where that one came from thanks Henk.



Wednesday 27th September:  Mental Health Forum in Coolamon.  See Wayne Lewis for details.

Sunday, October 1st. Gears & Beers. ALL Hands on Deck for Marshall duty.

Monday, October 2nd. No meeting (public holiday).

Monday, October 9th. Joint Meeting with Junee Rotary*. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Thursday, October 12th. BINGO. Allawah Lodge, 6:45 pm. Roster: Neil (Capt.), Don, Alex, Dick.

Sunday, October 15th. D9700 AGM and President’s Forum. Young Country Club, 10.00 am-1.00 pm.

Thursday, November 9th. BINGO. Roster: Ian (Capt.), Daryl, Garth, John N.

Sunday, November 12th. DisTec17. Internet and computer skills for bulletin editors and club web masters training. Young, 10.00 am-4.00 pm.

Monday, November 20th.  AGM and Election of Officers.

Wednesday, November 22nd. Board Meeting.

Thursday December 14th. BINGO. Grahame (Capt.), Bernadette, Myffy, John B.

Thursday February 8th 2018. BINGO. Henk (Capt.), Rod, Dick, Alex.

Saturday & Sunday, March 4th & 5th, 2018. PETS (President Elects Training Seminar).

Sunday, March 5th, 2018. D9700 Assembly. ALL Club Board Members to attend.  Young, 09:00-16:00

Thursday March 8th 2018, BINGO Neil Munro Capt, Dave McKinley, Don Dyce, Leslie Weston

Saturday & Sunday, May 5th & 6th, 2018. D9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.  Book accommodation early!


*Partners and Guests Night

Apologies for Monday meetings: call John Nulty on 0439 459 296 BY FRIDAY



The other Weston and Weston team are winning plenty of ribbons with Frank or is it Bradley!

This time in Lockhart Paul and Leslie with Frank!

PS I sat next to Will Cartwright our guest and found Will to be a very smart young man with a strong desire to help in the community.  Will comes from Temora and I am sure will be a great asset to our club once Will gets to know us a bit better.  Will is a Millennial and I have been reading good  stories about this generation we call the Millennials.  Most impressed.

They are the most threatening and exciting generation since the baby boomers brought about social revolution, not because they’re trying to take over the Establishment but because they’re growing up without one. Australia has around 25% of our population that can be called Millennials or around 6 million Australians.


A Friendly Reminder

John Nulty is looking after the apologies for our Monday meetings; could you please make sure you let John know if you are unable to attend a meeting so catering can be finalised before the meeting. John can be contacted on  or 0439 459 296.

In the foreground: Saturn.
Tiny blue pixel on the right: All of human civilization.

This photo was taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which after 13 years in orbit, initiated its final collision course with Saturn just a reminder!