Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #39
Last night we held our monthly club assembly. 15 members were present a very good role up for a club assembly. It shows that our members new and old care about our club and our future.
President Wayne Lewis welcomed all and we got straight down to business and in bullet form here are some of the items of interest discussed.
- President Wayne reported on the D9700 Conference DISCON 2016. We all enjoyed the event and the speakers were of a high standard. As always the best part of a DISCON is the fellowship and meeting like minded people. The Beatnix concert was a big hit with Don and Sally rocking the ailes of the Civic Theater with DGE Micheal Milston and Ann Dib also DGN George Weston and Carol.
- Wayne thanked all of the hosts and supporters of the District 5610 Friendship Exchange team, especially the host families: Jann and Daryl Breust, Leslie and Paul Weston, Marg and Garth Perkin, Ted Hutcheon, Susan and John Glassford, Sally Farmer and Don Dyce. Thanks to Trevor Parkes for driving the bus and special thanks to Dick Jennings for collecting the bus from Leeton. As well we also wish to thank Wayne and Helen for their time as well driving the bus and being there.
- Discussion on how we could have improved the visit ensued with some good ideas including a progressive dinner on one of the 4 nights we had our American guests. Wayne also thanked those who were responsible for the welcome dinner on ANZAC Day evening including Myffy Collette, Bern Milne, Susan Glassford, Heather McKinley and the two cooks Steve Exton and Alex Thompson.
- A return visit to District 5610 was discussed and it will be in October this year. However it is doubtful that any of our members will be joining the visit to South Dakota and D5610.
- Thanks to Alex Thompson for organizing the visit to the Junee Licorice Factory for lunch with our American guests. Photos by Ian Durham:
- Dave McKinley spoke on the Coolamon Rotary Moo Poo project and will invite the members interested to form a committee to plan the next Moo Poo event.
- Dave McKinley will also organise a Pride of Workmanship for our Change Over Night and called for nominations from our members for this award. Please let Dave have your nominations and a resume supporting your nomination, in to Dave by May 30th.
- Wayne also called for any Paul Harris Fellowship nominations as soon as possible as time is running out to get this done by our change over night.
- John Glassford spoke briefly about the Council On Legislation 2016 and the changes upcoming to our Constitution and Club By-laws. One significant change is to allow clubs the freedom to decide on frequency of meetings. This will all become clear before our AGM to be held before the 31st December 2016.
- The D9700 District Designated Funds grant of $2,000 for the Coolamon Bike Track in the Kindra Forest was discussed and we should send an invoice to D9700 asap.
- Wayne tabled a request from PDG John Egan for our club to support Aboriginal Health.
- Bingo discussed by Grahame Miles who is talking a few weeks to go traveling again!
- Treasure Henk reminded us all that some of us have not paid our dues from January 1st as yet. To remain a paid up member is one of our responsibilities as a Rotarian.
DGND* John Glassford informed the meeting that in order to give the position of Governor 2018-2019 the best chance that he will resign as Foundation Director and Bulletin Editor effective July 1st 2016. John called on our members to support him in the year 2018-2019. John and Susan will be attending the Zones 8 and 7B Institute in Penrith at the end of August a full week of DGN training.
JG has been a member of the Coolamon Club since 2003 and during that time has been a board member for the past 12 years and bulletin editor since 2009. PP Paul Weston offered to take on the Bulletin Editor next Rotary year.
PE Don Dyce called for nominations for Foundation Director.
*DGDN District Governor Nominee Designate.
All in all a very bust night and we closed with another humorous fines session by Ted Hutcheon and Trevor Parkes announced the winner of the raffle being Grahame Miles who won a meat tray.
Finally the Taste of Africa Night to have been held on Saturday May 14th has been postponed to October to give us more time to make it a success.
Diary Reminders
Monday May 9th. TBA.
Wednesday May 11th Board Meeting.
Thursday May 12th BINGO: Ian Jennings (Capt), Steve Exton, Rod Jarrett, Ivan Furner.
NB BINGO If you cannot make your roster it is YOUR responsibility to obtain a replacement. If you do not do this you are putting those who will be there under undue stress.
*Saturday May 14th International Night at the Ganmain Hall in aid of RAGES Inc. Postponed to October.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
Thursday June 9th BINGO: Henk Hulsman (Capt), Trevor Parkes, Ted Hutcheon, Dick Jennings.
Saturday June 25th D9700 Change Over in Orange Hotel Conobolas.
*Monday June 27th Change Over Dinner at Coolamon. DEFINITE.
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
Pope Francis thanks Rotary for its efforts to end polio and urges Rotary members to continue vaccination campaigns
Vatican City (30 April 2016) — Nearly 9,000 members of Rotary from across the globe attended the Jubilee Audience at the Vatican in St. Peter’s Square on 30 April 2016 at the invitation of Pope Francis.
At the end of the Audience, a delegation of Rotary members – led by Rotary International President K.R. Ravindran – met Pope Francis where he emphasized the importance of vaccinations against polio and urged Rotary to continue.
Pope Francis follows Paul VI and John Paul II in connecting with Rotary to encourage their support of a more peaceful and compassionate world.
More than 9,000 Rotarians gathered in St. Peter’s Square at The Vatican this morning, invited by Pope Francis. “Vaccinations against polio are important,” he said. “Tell the Rotarians to please continue.”
The Careers Expo at the Young Town Hall today saw the first outing for The Driver Simulator. DG Gary and Marilyn visited Young especially to check it out. The simulator was well received by the students who attended the Expo.
Wednesday MAY 4th. Wed 18:00 · Wagga Wagga, NSW
During May 2016, the Rotary Bowelcare Program will be in operation throughout Australia and Rotary Club’s are encouraged to participate with the co-operation of the proprietors of local community pharmacies.
If you are over 40, you, your spouse or partner, other family members and friends in this age group should participate in the Bowelcare program.
Do you know?
•Cancer of the large bowel is the most common internal cancer affecting Australians.
•The lifetime risk in developing cancer is one in 19 in Australian men and one in 27 for Australian women.
•Ninety per cent of bowel cancers can be cured if detected early.
•Australia has one of the highest incidences of colorectal cancer in the world.
•Each year about 11,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are detected resulting in about 5500 deaths.
•The incidence of bowel cancer has not fallen over the past 20 years.
•The chance of contracting bowel cancer increases progressively from age 40.
•Deaths from bowel cancer each year are double the road toll.
Many people with bowel cancer do not have any signs.
So do yourself and your family a favour. Spend $15 on a kit, follow the instructions and get the sample analysed. In more than 99 per cent of cases it is called “peace of mind”.
Early detection is the secret to saving lives.
Cost of Kit
BowelCare kits will be sold for $15.00 each. This price covers pathology testing and notification of results to both the participant and their nominated Doctor.
‘The current population of China stands at 1.37 billion people—and rising—and surveys indicate that more that 80% of them would like to own some ivory.
Let’s be clear: there are no economic solutions that will stop the poaching and ivory trafficking in time to save Africa’s elephants. With the total population of African elephants standing at less than 500,000—and falling—the gap between the potential supply and potential demand is simply too wide.
The only way to save Africa’s elephants is to remove ivory altogether from the market. In other words, we need a political solution and not an economic one. There are two complementary ways to do this: one is to attach a stigma to buying the product, and the other is to make it illegal. These approaches have been adopted with some success to shut down the trade in whale products and animal furs.
The ivory burn is a highly visible political statement of intent. As such it can make an important contribution towards raising awareness of the issues, stigmatising the purchase of ivory and galvanising global support for a total trade ban’.
Published on 1 May 2016
Two renowned Kenyan conservationists, Paula Kahumbu and Soila Sayialel, give their unique views of this historic event as 105 tonnes of carefully audited ivory and 1.35 tonnes of rhino horn, plus hundreds of skins of black and white colobus monkeys, pythons, leopards, servals, lions and other illegal wildlife products, protected under CITES and Kenya’s wildlife laws, are cremated in front of the world’s press.
The legal value of these animal remains is zero, and suggestions that they should be sold for the illegal street value to fund conservation make as much sense as suggesting illegal heroin and cocaine seizures should be sold to fund anti-drugs campaigns. The aim is to close the market down, not stimulate sales and give a legal cover for the illegal trade!
Anneka Svenska SAYS NO!
Anneka Svenska is a naturalist, broadcaster and film maker. Anneka founded ‘Green World Television‘ in 2014 in order to intertwine her film making abilities with her animal conservation work, her passion being to help animal charities who struggle with film making and to be one of the fore runners in reporting on wildlife crime. She now produces strong films & campaigns, some created to give animal and environmental charities a much needed voice in the world of television.
Anneka has filmed in South Africa alongside the incredible Black Mamba anti-poaching unit, worked one on one with wild wolves, filmed for The Badger Trust, Born Free, LionAid, The Dog’s Trust, The Mayhew Animal Home, Wetnose Animal Aid, Helping Rhinos, VegfestUK and Wildlife Trusts. She has also rescued over 300 dogs from the meat industry in Thailand and from Cyprus and Romania. As well as being a conservationist, Anneka is a staunch vegan and believes that the future sustainability of the planet lies in compassion to animals and all living beings.
POLITICS and Post Turtles
As a rule we do not discuss politics in our Rotary Club, so here is one description of a politician that I cannot resist posting here.
Bulletin Editor and Web Site: John Glassford
Yours in Rotary
John Glassford Chair 2014 -2016
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701
Websites of Interest
Coolamon Rotary Club:
Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:
Rotary Down Under on line:
Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:
Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:
Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES: