Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-09


Week of 30th August

Back to Zoom–not popular with most members, but better than not meeting at all. President Albert welcomed nine members to our weekly meeting, which was a good opportunity to catch up and find out how everyone is dealing with lockdown.  Most of our planned Rotary activities are now on hold–the garden viewing, Gears and Beers, etc.  Gears and Beers has been postponed until March, and the garden viewing may be shifted to autumn as well, but only if the gardens to be included in the tour will be in good nick after the summer.  We will no doubt be discussing plans for fundraisers that can be conducted without contact with the community at upcoming Zoom meetings, so be thinking about what might be done.  We hope that additional members will be joining us at future meetings via Zoom–we were getting a healthy rollup last year, so expect that members will get back into the swing of it soon.  We will be lining up guest speakers and recorded video presentations, which members will no doubt find interesting and worthwhile.





Our Youth Services Director Anne Rzeszkowski has received the great news that our Coolamon Central School applicant Bethany Crocker has been accepted by the committee form the National Youth Science Forum NYSF.  This is a wonderful programme and will take place in Canberra next year.


Well done Anne and our congratulations to Bethany Crocker for being accepted into the ten-day National Youth Science Forum for 2022. Positions in the Forum are highly sought after and involve a comprehensive application process. Great work Bethany, your hard work and dedication to learning have paid off.





Monday 6th September – Zoom Meetings until further notice of easing of Covid restrictions.

Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit.

Sunday 17th October & Saturday 23rd October – Coolamon Garden Viewing. TBC.

Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September:  Online Zone 8 Conference. 





Thanks to Henk for this one which resonates with my family in Wentworth Falls who have been in lockdown since June 28th and three grandchildren being home-schooled 12, 14 and 17:









Answer to last week’s puzzler: lion (the clues refer to the position of letters in the given words, not the actual parts of the animals listed)

This week’s puzzler:  Can you guess the animals suggested by the following clues?

1. hair-control foam
2. very exposed
3. tellin’ falsities
4. a lamenting cry
5. a dull person
6. a precious or loved one
7. these make up a chain









Enjoy the online Zone Conference from anywhere you choose – alone or together with others.
Learning, Leading, Action is this year’s Zone 8 conference theme, putting a spotlight on the essence of Rotarians and the way we get things done.

The theme also gives a clue to the conference content. Hear from speakers who are leading our organisation and our impact, learn from thought leaders and be impressed by a host of Rotarians taking action to change lives in our communities.

Be inspired to Lead Learn Act in new ways that deepen our engagement and increase Rotary’s impact.

Go to this WEBSITE to register



Well Tracy continues her progress at the United States International University in Nairobi.

Tracy has three more semesters to go before Tracy graduates with her Bachelor of Arts majoring in Journalism.  We have supported Tracy through our Coolamon RC Road MAPS to Africa projects, in this case our Orphan Rescue Kits.  PDG Fred Loneragan and I would like to thank the club for supporting Tracy for her last 3 semesters before graduation.

This journey began in November 2011 after the Mountains of the Moon climb.  It will culminate at her graduation in September 2022 and with some good fortune, Fred and I hope to be there.

The last time we saw Tracy was at the Wagga Wagga City Council with the Mayor Greg Conkey.

The last report for Tracy that we received from the USIU.

Always remember where Tracy came from and it does not end here.  Tracy has started her project Big Sisters and her goal is to help 200 at risk and vulnerable girls from teh slums of Nairobi who find themselves in the same predicament as she was back in 2011, no hope, no future and the only way out was through prostitution, HIV and eventually dead before 20.
So our one starfish will put 200 stranded starfish back into the ocean to prosper.
This is Rotary at it’s best.  If you want a full report on how and where we are now let me know.

September is Basic Education and Literacy Month



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-08


Week of 23rd August

Another week of lockdown and no face-to-face meetings.  If the lockdown lifts this weekend as originally intended, we will meet next Monday (30th August) at the Marrar Pub for a social night, but all signs are that the lockdown will continue for a while longer.  If we remain in lockdown, we will meet via Zoom on Monday (login details will be provided if needed).  Look for a text message from Club Admin Director Ian over the weekend.

Birthdays this week: Don Dyce

Message from the President: If you substitute your evening glass of red wine with a cup of green tea, there is a good chance you will lose 87% of the little remaining joy you have in your life.


Credit to the students from the Caringbah High School for the above meme.




Hi everyone

Just as I was about to start my round of visits to you COVID-19 has thrown a curve ball.  The ACT has just announced that the lockdown here has been extended to at least the 2nd of September, and we’ll wait and see what NSW will do.  Your Clubs have all received my schedule and I ask you to please get back to the District Secretary as soon as you can and advise her of your alternative meeting arrangements.

I would entreat you all to please consider meeting online rather than going into recess.  There is so much we can be doing online these days that your program directors have lots of options to stay connected with Rotary.  When did you last organise a Club visit to the Learning and Development centre, for example?  Or why not have joint online meetings with other Club in your Area?  Also, there are lots of online seminars and presentations put on by District across Australia.

Since taking on the DG mantle I don’t think I’ve ever attended so many zoom meetings.  But the most surprising thing is that the more you get involved with Rotary, and the more you learn about Rotary, he more interesting it gets.  So can I ask our Membership directors to make a special effort to keep our new members engaged through using all the online resources that are available.

Can I also suggest, that as a lock-down project for your Club, you compile a list of all the alumni you have sponsored over, say, the past 10 years.  Who attended RYDA, RYPEN, RLYA, NYSF or the Science and Engineering challenge?  The District can assist you in contacting them all with the aim of reconnecting with Rotary in some way.

All the best, and please, stay safe in these uncertain times.

Leo Farrelly

District Governor 2021-2022




Monday 30th August – Fellowship meeting (Fifth Monday). Marrar Pub (details TBA).  If the COVID lockdown remains in effect, we will meet via Zoom.

Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit.

Sunday 17th October & Saturday 23rd October – Coolamon Garden Viewing. TBC.

Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September:  Online Zone 8 Conference. 





You’d be surprised what you can find at Bunnings these days!





Answer to last week’s puzzler:  You’ll have one mouse.

This week’s puzzler:  What do you get if you combine the head of a lamb with the middle of a pig, the hind of a buffalo, and the tail of a dragon?





1.  Guyana Rotary club brings COVID-19 vaccines to remote communities

Members of the Rotary Club of Demerara, Guyana, and government health officials use boats to vaccinate villagers deep in the country’s rainforests. Photo by Indira Mattai.


Members and government health officials use boats to reach villages deep in the rainforest

by Ryan Hyland

Members of the Rotary Club of Demerara, Guyana, are using their decades of experience in fighting disease while delivering COVID-19 vaccines and aid to a remote region of the South American country. The Indigenous communities there would not otherwise have access to the vaccine and would remain vulnerable to the virus.

The club’s members have conducted crucial medical expeditions that penetrate the densely forested interior of Guyana for nearly 30 years. In doing so, they’ve developed detailed knowledge of the area and the particular needs of the villages in it. The treks have earned the Demerara club a nickname among nearby Rotary clubs: “the bush club.”




The D9705 RYLA Committee have been working hard to develop a Covid-Flexible programme for RYLA 2022.  Unfortunately none of us have a crystal ball but we are still working towards RYLA in January 2022.  The format and location may change, however we are still planning on a venue in the Canberra Region.
STOP PRESS:::  As our venue may change we still do not have exact costs for the week but we do have a gift for every Club who sponsors a RYLA 2022 candidate – a $300 discount per candidate!!  The RYLA committee wishes to extend our sincere thanks to the District Board for their belief in the value of RYLA and for their invaluable financial assistance.

August is Rotary Month for Membership & Extension



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-07


Week of 16th August

COVID-19 strikes again! At the last minute, we were forced to cancel our weekly meeting which was to feature a visit from District 9705 Area Governor Elaine Almond.  So, we had a night off, and hopefully Elaine will be able to reschedule a visit later this year.



Monday 23rd August – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm. To be confirmed pending lifting of the Covid 19 lockdown in regional NSW.

Monday 30th August – Fellowship meeting (Fifth Monday). Marrar Pub (details TBA).  If the COVID lockdown remains in effect, we will meet via Zoom.

Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Sunday 17th October – Open Garden Viewing

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit.

Sunday 17th October & Saturday 23rd October – Coolamon Garden Viewing. Details TBA.

Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September:  Online Zone 8 Conference. 











Answer to last week’s puzzler:  a blind cat

This week’s puzzler:  Mice are famous for their ability to multiply at breakneck speeds. The breed of mouse at Chez’s Pet Shop gives birth once a month, giving birth to 12 pups in each litter. Baby mice mature and can give birth two months after they are born.

You picked up one of these cute baby mice at Chez’s Pet Shop and brought it home the day after it was born. In 10 months from now, how many mice will you have?






Dear Rotary,

Western Haiti was hit by a huge earthquake on Saturday morning at 08.30 (local time).

The Haitian prime minister has said it has caused ‘enormous damage’ and at this stage, the death toll is 277, but this figure will certainly grow as the picture becomes more clear.

Haiti has still not recovered after the 2010 earthquake struck, which killed over 200,000 people.

ShelterBox is monitoring the situation and preparing to respond, as we did in 2010. We are liaising with other agencies in the region to understand the full extent of the damage.

ShelterBox Australia

Mike Greenslade
CEO ShelterBox Australia


The CRC have always come to the aid of disasters that happen now and then and usually though ShelterBox Australia.  In the past we always collected for any such disaster and with a ShelterBox for display see below:



RID Jessie Harman (Rotary International Director)


RID Jessie Harman and a photo by Jessie of Lake Wendouree in Ballarat where Jessie lives.

Article by RID Jessie Harman


I have been speaking a lot lately with club and district leaders about the importance of member engagement. Engaged members are at the heart of who we are and what we do and they’re the key to delivering Rotary’s impact. When I speak with leaders, I talk about the important role they play in delivering a positive membership experience; about the things leaders can do to ensure members are involved, engaged and enjoying Rotary.

Yet I’m very aware that member engagement is a two-way street. There are a host of things that individual members can do to ensure they are getting value from Rotary. So here are my six top tips for getting the most out of your Rotary experience.

Tips on Membership


August is Rotary Month for Membership & Extension



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-06


Week of 9th August

President Albert welcomed 23 members and 1 guest to our weekly meeting.  This week’s meeting featured two speakers: Ricky Hard, signwriter from Coolamon, and our own Garth Perkin.  Ricky was on hand to talk about his involvement with the Riverina Redneck Rally, an event that offers excitement and camaraderie to participants as they venture over roads (and things that pass for roads) as they travel from one stop to the next, covering hundreds of kilometres over the course of six days.  The participants are cared for by the rally organisers, who move the belongings of the participants while they attempt to arrive in one piece at the next destination, which is kept a secret until the morning of the next day of action.  Any sort of vehicle is permitted as long as it doesn’t have 4-wheel drive, which only serves to make it more “exciting” and unpredictable.  All of this in the name of raising funds for Country Hope, a charitable group that provides a range of support services to rural families with children facing cancer or other life-threatening illnesses.  The rally set out from Coolamon this year because Ricky’s team raised the most money in 2020 for the cause, an impressive total in excess of $30,000!  Ricky’s team also raised the most in 2019 and they’re shooting to top the board again this year.  Daryl thanked Ricky for an entertaining and inspiring presentation and gave him a token appreciation of thanks.

Daryl thanks Ricky Hard for his talk

Our second speaker on the night was Garth, who was the Member in the Spotlight this week.  We learned a bit about Garth’s ancestry, education and job history, his family, and his favourites colour, actress/actor, movie, etc.  It’s surprising how much we’ve learned about our members, things that have lain hidden for many years! One of the more surprising things we learned about Garth is that he has hidden artistic talent; Garth displayed a very detailed painting of his family home that he created at the age of 11, a very impressive effort indeed.

Garth showing his recent home on Millwood Road before he performed extensive renovations on the place

As usual, the meeting concluded with a fine session and raffle.  Members are encouraged to provide Sergeant Bondy with more goss; his fine sessions are starting to run a bit thin.  The raffle was won by Leslie, with several auxiliary prizes of homegrown tangelos provided by John G going to several members.


Vale Bill Thompson OAM

Bill Thompson, longtime lawyer and community-minded resident of Coolamon, passed away on 3rd August after a lengthy battle with Parkinson’s disease.  Bill was the father of member Alex Thompson and was well known to many members of the club as well as the wider Coolamon community.  The Rotary Club of Coolamon extends its deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Bill Thompson, who is pictured below with his brother Dick, sons Alex, Jack and Charlie, and wife Gabby after being named a Paul Harris Fellow by the club. For more details on the noteworthy contributions of Bill Thompson, click HERE.  Bill Thompson, we salute you.

Bill Thompson (second from left) and family after being awarded a PHF by the Rotary Club of Coolamon



Monday 16th August – Regular meeting with visit from Area Governor Elaine Almond, new D9705 Area Governor, will be our guest on the evening. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7:00 pm.  Dress is smart casual.  Board members are requested to arrive at 6.00 pm to meet with Elaine prior to the meeting. NB: Mary Potts, our newest member, will be inducted on the night.


Monday 16th August – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Wednesday 18th August – Social Committee Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm. 

Monday 23rd August – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Monday 30th August – Fellowship meeting (5th Monday). Details forthcoming.

Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Sunday 17th October – Open Garden Viewing

Monday 18th October – District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM Visit.

Saturday 23rd October – Open Garden Viewing








Answer to last week’s puzzler:  Noon, of course! Another acceptable answer: Time to get you clock fixed.

This week’s puzzler:  What living creature has four legs, eats cat food, and sees equally well on both ends of its body?





The Rotary e-Club of Brindabella is doing another production run of District 9705 branded face masks.  Orders will be placed soon so please act quickly.

Contact Person:  Rob Uhl  Rotary E-Club of Brindabella

Cost per Mask: $20.00  Masks are WHO approved, washable and re-useable. Up to 15 washes.

Masks are RI Licensed correctly branded and approved.  If clubs or Rotarians wish to order, need to do so quickly as the order will go in within 7 days.


Wearing your heart on your sleeve takes a twist when it becomes a mask on your face for these Rotarians ready to promote our service organisation.  Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC below:

From left: Fred Loneragan, Dawn Smith. Deidre Tome, Jenny Groch, Marilyn Walter and Sharon Ferguson


2.  MEMBERSHIP MINUTE: Membership and New Club Development Month

August is Membership and New Club Development Month, a time to recognize our members and the incredible work they do locally and globally. In 2021, many Rotarians around the world are working together to curb the pandemic through vaccination drives. After a long year of uncertainty, hope is on the horizon.

Membership Month is a great time to introduce friends and colleagues to the family of Rotary. Here are just a few ideas on how to attract new members and keep them engaged:




The Tokyo Olympics some moments worth remembering:

Above Rotarian P R Sreejesh of Rotary Club of Kizhakkambalam, District 3201 was the goalkeeper of Indian hockey team which won the bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics. Sreejesh was the star of the game with two penalty corner saves in the last 50 seconds.

Gianmarco Tamberi, Italy and Mutaz Essa Barshim, Qatar | High Jump Sharing the Gold medal.

Eliud Kipochoge from Kenya, the greatest marathon runner of all time, back-to-back gold.

In the wee of the night, future Olympians watching makeshift livestream of the games in the backyard from a village in Baringo, Rift Valley, Kenya.

Aussie Peter Bol, a refugee from South Sudan, comes 4th in the final of the men’s 400 metres.


August is Rotary Month for Membership & Extension



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-05


Week of 2nd August

President Albert welcomed 22 members and 1 guest (well, not really a guest since Mary Potts is all but a member, having been approved for membership but not yet inducted) to our weekly meeting.  Albert led a discussion of the garden viewing to be hosted by the club in October, which will hopefully go ahead pending developments on the COVID front. Following that, the members were treated to the first intstalment of Meet the Members, a new meeting activity started by Albert. First up was Daryl Breust, who answered a series of questions posed by the President, from the benign (e.g. “What’s your favourite colour?”) to the more probing (“Tell us about your career history”).  We learned a lot about Daryl, including his ancestry (illustrated by an amazingly detailed family tree shown by Daryl), how he met his wife (Jan) and remarkable details about his sporting accomplishments (all related to Aussie Rules football).  The members were a bit in awe of Daryl’s exploits on the footy field, but Garth was game to be the next cab off the rank at an upcoming meeting.

An interesting discussion ensued about the grace recited before dinner at our weekly meetings, with a diversity of opinions expressed regarding the appropriate content of the grace that is recited and whether we should be reciting grace at all.  Most agreed with the idea of having the recitation of a secular grace, with a diversity of grace/acknowledgments that would be rotated among out our weekly meetings, satisfying Albert’s desire to get out of the habit of reciting the same grace week after week (which can result in the words of the grace losing their significance).

The meeting concluded with an amusing fine session led by Sergeant Bondy, who managed to extract some coin from the members, particularly Grahame who seems to be a frequent target of the Sergeant of late.  The raffle was won by Grahame, with second prize going to Paul.



Monday 9th August – Speaker meeting. Guest Speaker: Ricky Hard on the “Red Neck Rally and Camp Quality”. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm. 

Wednesday 11th August – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm. 

Monday 16th August – Regular meeting with visit from Area Governor. Elaine Almond, new D9705 Area Governor, will be our guest on the evening. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7:00 pm.  Board members are requested to arrive at 6.00 pm to meet with Elaine prior to the meeting.


Wednesday 18th August – Social Committee Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm. 

October long weekend – Wollundry RC Gears and Beers Festival. Check for the latest news on their web site:

Monday 4th October – No meeting (public holiday).

Sunday 17th October – Open Garden Viewing

Saturday 23rd October – Open Garden Viewing









Answer to last week’s puzzler:  Bondy invited only 5 guests; the rest of the guests were invited by the other guests!

This week’s puzzler: At noon, you look at the clock in your bedroom. The big hand is on the five and the little hand is in between the 3 and the 4. What time is it?




1.  RI President’s Message

Shekhar and Rashi Mehta

Shekhar Mehta

President 2021-22

August 2021 – As we focus on membership in Rotary this month, I ask you to help make history this year. For more than 20 years, our membership has stood at 1.2 million. Rotary is a vibrant organization with a 116-year history, members in more than 220 countries and geographic areas, and a rich legacy of work in polio eradication and other humanitarian programs. Rotary has changed so much in our own lives and the lives of others. As we Serve to Change Lives, don’t you think Rotary could have an even greater impact on the world if more people were practicing Service Above Self?

My vision is to increase Rotary membership to 1.3 million by July 2022, and the call to action is simple: Each One, Bring One. This year, I want every Rotarian and Rotaractor to introduce a new person into their club.

We are a membership organization, and members are our greatest asset. You are the ones who contribute so generously to The Rotary Foundation. You are the ones who dream big to bring good into the world through meaningful projects. And of course, you are the ones who have put the world on the brink of eradicating polio.

As we make membership a priority this year, let us focus on diversity by reaching out to younger people and especially to women. Every club should celebrate its new members, and every Rotarian who sponsors a member will be personally recognized by me. And those who are successful in bringing in 25 or more members will be part of our new Membership Society.

Even as we share the gift of Rotary with others, let us be sure to engage these new members, because an engaged Rotarian is an asset forever. And remember that engaging our current members and keeping them in our clubs is just as important as bringing in newcomers. Let us also be ready to form new clubs, especially flexible ones. I am very bullish on clubs that hold virtual or hybrid meetings, and satellite clubs and cause-based clubs can also be very effective ways of growing Rotary.

As you grow more, you will be able to do more. Let us keep empowering girls through our work in each of the areas of focus. Scholarships for girls, toilets in schools, health and hygiene education — there is so much we can do. Projects focused on the environment are also attracting interest the world over. Do participate in these projects locally and internationally to make this world a better place for us and for all species.

Each of you is a Rotary brand ambassador, and all of the wonderful work done by Rotarians around the world needs to be shared outside the Rotary community. Use social media to tell your friends, colleagues, and relatives the stories of Service Above Self.

Finally, I’m challenging every club, during the coming year, to plan at least one Rotary Day of Service that will bring together volunteers from inside and outside Rotary and will celebrate and showcase the work of your club in your community. Visit to find out more about all of these initiatives, along with other ways to Serve to Change Lives.


2.  Rotary launches new membership recognition programme

To recognize those who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment and success in growing our membership, we have launched a new recognition program. The  is a virtual gallery for those members who have sponsored 25 or more new members. Members can achieve different tiers of recognition as they continue to sponsor more members.

The recognition levels are:

  • Bronze Level: Sponsored 25-29 members
  • Silver Level: Sponsored 30-49 members
  • Gold Level: Sponsored 50-74 members
  • Platinum Level: Sponsored 75+ members

To be included in the Membership Society, an individual has to have sponsored 25 or more new members, and have reported those sponsorships to Rotary. New member sponsorship can only be between active members in the same club, and does not include charter members of a new club.

 with any questions you may have about the new recognition program.

August is Rotary Month for Membership & Extension



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-04


Week of 26th July

President Albert welcomed 19 members and 1 guest to our first club assembly of the Rotary year.  Paul reported that the street raffle was quite successful, with lots of tickets sold to those hoping to win the trailerload of firewood.  The raffle was won by former member Myffy Collette, who was very happy to receive the precious load of wood as her supply was running low.  Myffy is holding up well as she manages the household and cares for her ailing husband, Brian.

President Albert chose to use our club assembly to discuss some plans for the coming year, particularly the garden viewing to be held in October, as well as his perspective on tree planting and vegetation loss in Coolamon.  Sergeant-at-Arms Bondy levied a number of entertaining fines, and a few cross-fines rounded out the fines session.  The meeting concluded with the raffle, which was won by Bruce, with second prize going to Bern.



Wednesday 11th August – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club. TBC.

Monday 16th August – Regular meeting with visit from Area Governor. Elaine Almond, new D9705 Area Governor, will be our guest on the evening. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7:00 pm.  Board members are requested to arrive at 6.00 pm to meet with Elaine prior to the meeting.


October long weekend Wollundry RC Gears and Beers Festival. Check for the latest news on their web site:

Sunday 17th October – Open Garden Viewing

Saturday 23rd October – Open Garden Viewing



Understated sign of the year



Answer to last week’s puzzler:  A haircut!

This week’s puzzler:

Bondy was having a big party. He decided on a technique to get lots of people to come. He invited his five closest friends and said that they could each invite 4 people.
Each of those could invite 3.
Each of those could invite 2.
Each of those could invite 1.

Overall, how many people did Bondy invite to his party?




1.  ShelterBox Australia Newsletter July 2021



The film ‘Kunyumba’ followed this family and their recovery process from cyclone Idai

ShelterBox News

Last year Cyclone Idai hit southern Africa, washing away entire villages like Mwalija in Malawi.

As for now, the sun rises. One goes to the farm, one stays at the house and the children go to school. Life is getting restored. Now we are living on higher land, we are living without worries. I feel at home, without any hesitation.

Having lost everything after Cyclone Idai, Stephano and Mary were determined to rebuild their livelihoods, together with the rest of the community in Mwalija. Watch the video to see their story of recovery.

YouTube Story


2.   Rotary projects around the globe

Stories from the United States, Nicaragua, Lithuania, Rwanda, Jordan.

After hundreds of Rotary clubs in Zones 33 and 34 provided millions of meals to community members in need during the inaugural year of their Feed 10 Million initiative in 2019-20, District 6910 in northern Georgia is serving up a generous portion in the food drive’s second year. As of late April, the district had provided more than 2 million meals. District 6910 coordinated with the Farmers to Families Food Box program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which was designed to address the waste of produce that was left to rot in fields as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, says Randy Redner, a past president of the Rotary Club of Duluth, Georgia. “The food is paid for by the government. We provide the organization, the volunteers, and the connectivity in the local community to make sure it goes to the people who need it.”



July is also the Rotary Month for the Environment.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-03


Week of 19th July

President Albert welcomed 21 members and two guests to our weekly meeting.  This week’s meeting featured a talk by guest speaker Carla Gash, a new solicitor with Commins Hendriks, who covered the basics of wills, power of attorney, and enduring guardianship. Despite claiming to have little experience with public speaking, Carla kept the attention of those in attendance through the discussion of some rather dry topics, aided by the inclusion of some personal experiences helping people getting funds that would otherwise have gone to less deserving relatives of the deceased. Newest member Adrian Lindner thanked Carla for her talk and presented her with a token gift of appreciation.

The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing upcoming events (this Saturday’s street raffle, firewood sales, storing the supply of paper for the Chronicle, etc.), a fine session led by fill-in Sergeant Garth, the raffle and as usual, fellowship.  The large roll-up meant there was lots of gasbagging going on at the end, and a very enjoyable evening overall.



Saturday 24th July – Street Raffle. Coolamon Newsagency, 7:00 am – noon. Rostered on are 7:00-8:00 Don D & Mary Potts, 8:00-9:00 Don D and Ann R, 9:00-10:00 Anne R and Neil M, 10:00-12:00 Bern and Garth.

Monday 26th July – Club Assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7:00 pm.

Wednesday 28th July – Narrandera RC Changeover Dinner. Narrandera Golf Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 16th August – Regular meeting with visit from Area Governor. Elaine Almond, new D9705 Area Governor, will be our guest on the evening. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7:00 pm.  Board members are requested to arrive at 6.00 pm to meet with Elaine prior to the meeting.

Above PDG Bruce Gruber D9700 1992-1993 presenting AG Elaine Almond with the DG’s Rotarian of the Year 2018-2019  award for D9700, originally established by PDG Bruce.

October long weekend Wollundry RC Gears and Beers Festival. Check for the latest news on their web site:

Sunday 17th October – Open Garden Viewing

Saturday 23rd October – Open Garden Viewing








Answer to last week’s puzzler:  A surname

This week’s puzzler: Removing an appendix is called an appendectomy, and removing tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. What is it called when they remove a growth from your head?







Since the last newsletter, World Malaria Day was marked on the 25th April. This is an internationally recognised day that highlights global efforts to control malaria, the need for continued investment and political commitment and to celebrate our achievements. Since 2000, the world has made historic progress against malaria resulting in hundreds of millions of clinical cases averted and millions of lives saved. We must remember however, that half of the world’s population still live in regions where they are at risk of contracting malaria and this dreadful disease takes a child’s life every two minutes. No single preventive measure will be solely responsible for eradicating the malaria parasite. A combination of strategies will be needed, including we hope, a highly effective malaria vaccine.  Read more in the Newsletter Issue 10 – June 2021 below:

Malaria Vaccine Update


2.  Australia New Zealand Pacific Islands Rotary Conference

Keynote Speaker – Holly Corbett

To celebrate our Centenary, this year’s Zone 8 Conference is all about sharing the wonderful impact of Rotary. It will take place on 11 & 12 September.

Pencil in the 11th and 12th of September 2021 for our Zone 8 (Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands) Virtual Conference.

Click here to read the latest conference newsletter.

Holly Corbett is the incoming chair of Rotaract Australia (RA), which is recognised by Rotary International as a Multidistrict Information Organisation (MDIO).

RA’s purpose is to disseminate information and facilitate communication among Rotaract clubs in the participating Districts. Holly is excited to lead the MDIO and incoming Council of District Rotaract Representatives from July 1. Her vision is to navigate a cultural and strategic realignment of Rotaract Australia, to create value and better serve its members.

Holly’s first significant engagement with Rotary was as a participant at the National Youth Science Forum in 2008. She joined the Rotaract Club of Tamar Valley in 2016, where she has since been the secretary, president and treasurer. As DRR for D9830, she spent two and a half years building the skills of Rotaractors in Tasmania, which saw her named the 2020 Australian Rotaractor of the Year. She is also a RYLA alumni and a charter member of the Rotary Social Impact Network. Holly works as a Communications Advisor and lives in Launceston with her husband, cat and dog.

Editor’s note.  I have attended 4 Zone 8 Conferences in person, Penrith 2016, Darwin 2017, Hobart 2018 and Christchurch 2019.  In 2020 it was due to be held in Alice Springs however due to Covid it was held via Zoom as is this one which was due for Melbourne this September.  I can highly recommend the Zone 8 Conferences so do your best to attend on line.


July is Rotary New Leadership Month



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-02


Week of 12th July

President Albert welcomed 21 members and two guests to the first meeting of the new Rotary year, and his first full meeting as president.  After the opening formalities, which included an acknowledgment of country (a new practice for our club), Albert began another new tradition (well, it will become tradition if this continues) of acknowledging a member celebrating a birthday this week, who happened to be John Nulty. Before starting on dinner, guest Rachel McPhail spoke on her initiative to have Aboriginal place names recognised by Australia Post.  AusPost has been supportive of her project, and is permitting customers to include the traditional place name of an addressee between the name and address of the addressee, as shown in the sample below:

John Nulty thanked Rachel for her enthusiastic talk and presented her with token of thanks. [If you’re interested in Australian traditional place names, please visit the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies website (click HERE).]

President Albert thanked those members who showed up at Adrian and Wendy Lindner’s property on Sunday to cut for firewood for needy shire residents.  The good rollup made the task go quickly, which was aided by the beautiful weather on the day (see photo below).  The workers were rewarded with muffins freshly baked by Wendy.

The meeting concluded with a rousing fine session led by fill-in Sergeant-at-Arms Dick and the weekly raffle, which was won by Howard and Grahame.




*Monday 19th July – Speaker meetingCarla Gash, new solicitor from Commins Hendriks, “Wills, Power of Attorney and  Enduring Guardianship.”  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday 24th July – Street Raffle. Coolamon Newsagency, 7:30 am – noon. Roster TBA.

Monday 26th July – Club Assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7:00 pm.

Wednesday 28th July – Narrandera RC Changeover Dinner. Narrandera Golf Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 16th August – Regular meeting with visit from Area GovernorElaine Almond, new D9705 Area Governor, will be our guest on the evening. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7:00 pm.  Board members are requested to arrive at 6.00 pm to meet with Elaine prior to the meeting.

Above PDG Bruce Gruber D9700 1992-1993 presenting AG Elaine Almond with the DG’s Rotarian of the Year 2018-2019  award for D9700, originally established by PDG Bruce.









Answer to last week’s puzzler:  DEATH

This week’s puzzler:

The Pope has one but doesn’t use it.
Your father has one but your mother uses it.
Nuns do not need one.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.
Michael J. Fox’s is quite small.
What is it?





1.  Monthly Themes

Each month Rotary has a theme except July which some call the transition month or the new leaders month.  The majority of the 11 monthly themes are associated with the past six Areas of Service now SEVEN.  The new area of service being Supporting the Environment.

As July is usually deemed to be new leaders moth moves are afoot to call July:

July is Rotary Supporting the Environment Month.


The Rotary Foundation Trustees and Rotary International Board of Directors have both unanimously approved adding a new area of focus: supporting the environment.

More than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment-related projects over the past five years. Creating a distinct area of focus to support the environment will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive change in the world and increase our impact.

In 1990-91, RI President Paulo V.C. Costa made the environment one of his primary causes, creating the Preserve Planet Earth subcommittee, which looked at ways clubs and members could conduct environmental initiatives.

“We have finally caught up to Costa [his vision],” says Past RI President Ian H.S. Riseley, chair of the Environmental Issues task force, which championed the new area of focus.

“As a lifelong environmentalist, I’m delighted that our great organization has recognized that the environment is a worthy and appropriate destination for our project activity,” says Riseley. “This is an exciting moment in Rotary history.”

Supporting the environment becomes Rotary’s seventh area of focus, which are categories of service activities supported by global grants. It joins peacebuilding and conflict prevention; disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation, and hygiene; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; and community economic development.

Grant applications for projects will be accepted beginning on 1 July 2021. Gifts and commitments from Rotarians and others will be sought to provide global grant support for the new area of focus.


Current Rotary Monthly Themes 2021-2022


No special designation

1 July — Start of new Rotary officers’ year of service


Membership and Extension Month


Basic Education and Literacy Month


Economic and Community Development Month


Rotary Foundation Month


Disease Prevention and Treatment Month


Vocational Service Month


Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

23 February — Rotary’s 117th. anniversary


Water and Sanitation Month


Maternal and Child Health Month


Youth Service Month


Rotary Fellowships Month


2.  Rotary’s Seven Areas of Focus

Rotary is dedicated to causes that build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever.

The Rotary Foundation strives to process grants efficiently and ensure the quality of grant-funded projects. In each policy statement, you’ll find lists of eligible and ineligible activities, including examples of the types of projects that Rotary clubs and districts have successfully implemented. All grant requests must comply with the policy statement related to their intended area of focus. Project planning is the responsibility of the host club or district.


Down load the above file and you will see how to apply for grants from our foundation for any worthwhile project that falls under one or more of the seven areas of focus.

So far our club has been the beneficiary of three grants from our Foundation.  Two came under Maternal and Child Health for Hout Bay in Cape Town and the other under Basic Education and Literacy for Narok in Kenya.



July is Rotary New Leadership Month




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-01


Week of 5th July

This week’s meeting was the 50th changeover of the Rotary Club of Coolamon.  Similar to last year’s changeover, we had to limit attendance to members only despite the fact that we had been preparing for 70+ members and guests for the occasion until last week, when new COVID restrictions in New South Wales dictated that we should not be holding a large indoor gathering when Sydney was in lockdown and events such as weddings and funerals were limited to a handful of guests throughout the state.  We did one allow one guest on the evening, which will be explained below.

Past President Daryl Breust chaired the changeover, and welcomed 22 members and one guest to the event.  The changeover followed the format typical of our changeovers except for the deletion of numerous toasts and singing of the national anthem (no singing at gatherings in NSW at present!).  Following a delicious three-course Chinese dinner, outgoing President Howard summarised the highlights of the past year, including the monetary donations to a range of needy recipients and charitable organisations in Australia and around the world, which amounted to over $29,000. Following that, Howard inducted Albert Suidgeest as the president for 2021-2022, who in turn thanked Howard for his service over the past year and introduced his board for 2021-2022, which included Paul Weston (President-Elect), John Glassford (Secretary), Henk Hulsman (Treasurer), Neil Munro (Foundation), Dick Jennings (Membership), Anne Rzeszkowski (Youth), Ian Jennings (Club Administration), Daryl Breust (Service Projects), Grahame Miles (Pubic Image), John Bond (Sergeant-at-Arms) and Howard Atkinson (Immediate Past President).


IPP Howard Atkinson and newly minted President Albert Suidgeest.
CRC Board of Directors, 2021-2022. Can you name them?

After the changeover, we had a special addition to the night’s proceedings, which was the induction of our newest member, Adrian Lindner.  Adrian was introduced by his sponsor, Ian Jennings, and was inducted by President Albert under the classification of Accountant/Grazier.  Adrian was applauded by those in attendance, and then introduced his wife, Wendy, our lone guest on the evening.  Welcome, Adrian!

President Albert Suidgeest, new Rotarian Adrian Lindner and sponsor Ian Jennings.

As usual, the meeting concluded with a fine session and raffle.  New Sergeant-at-Arms John Bond got stuck right into it, levying many humourous fines on the members.  The raffle was won by Howard, with the minor prize going to Grahame.

We wish all members a great new Rotary year and hope to see you at our dinner meetings and special events in the coming year!



Saturday July 10th – Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee RC Changeover Dinner.

Sunday July 11th – Firewood Gathering at Adrian Lindner’s Property, 2.00 pm.  Wendy will provide afternoon tea.  755 Lindner Lane off Tooyal Road.

Sunday July 11th Junee RC Changeover Luncheon. NB The Junee changeover is now members-only.

Monday July 12th – Speaker meeting.  Rachel McFail speaking on “Indigenous place names campaign”. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Wednesday July 14thFirst Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm. Date TBC.

Saturday July 24th – Coolamon RC Street Raffle. Coolamon Newsagency, 7:30 am – noon. Roster TBA.

Wednesday 28th July – Narrandera RC Change Over Dinner. Narrandera Golf Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.



This is silly


Not silly – brilliant!






Answer to last week’s puzzler: First, the man takes the goat across the river, leaving the vegetables safely with the lion.  The man leaves the goat on the opposite bank and comes back and ferries the lion across the river.  The man then takes the goat back to the starting side of the river, drops it off there and takes the vegetables across to the far side, leaving them there with the lion.  The man comes back one last time and picks up the goat, taking him across the river to the opposite side, and the group resume their journey.

This week’s puzzler: 

I am feared by many people,
but scramble my letters
and I become hated.

What am I?




1.  R.I. Presidential Message


R.I.P. Shekhar and Rashi Mehta R.I. President 2021-22

I wish each of you and your families a great Rotary New Year! Together, let us make it the best year of our lives, by making it a year to grow more and do more. Let this be a year of changemakers, and let us begin with our membership.

Click here for full message



2. District Governor Leo Farrelly OAM




3.  President Albert Suidgeest


July is Rotary New Leadership Month




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2021-40



Week of 28th June

President Howard welcomed 15 members and one guest (prospective member Mary Potts) to his last weekly meeting as president.  The meeting was primarily social in nature, as dictated by el presidente, so there’s little to report in the way of business. The members in attendance voted to make our changeover a members-only affair, compelled by the desire to reduce the risk of becoming a “super-spreader” event and keep in line with NSW regulations regarding indoor gatherings.  While it’s true that we could have proceeded with the event and still adhere to state guidelines, it would have required awkward spacing and reconfiguration of the meeting venue on top of the need to have attendees wear face masks except while eating and drinking.  Although we would have preferred to proceed with the event, the consensus was that in light of the above reasons, the prudent course of action was to conduct the changeover without guests, and have a more celebratory gathering at a later date.

The only other item of note was PE Albert’s announcement that he had booked a street raffle date of 24 July for the club.  A roster will be distributed at a later date.  The meeting concluded with an entertaining fine session comprised mainly of cross-fines as Albert’s spy network was apparently on leave for the past week.  The raffle was won by Paul, with secondary prizes going to Chez and Henk.  The members applauded Howard for his year of service at the helm and a job well done.



Saturday July 3rd – Temora RC Changeover Dinner. Temora Golf Club, 6.30 for 7 pm, $40 per head. Dress: jacket and tie.

Monday July 5th – Coolamon Rotary Club Changeover.  Coolamon Sport and Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm. Members only.

Saturday July 10th – Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee RC Changeover Dinner.

Sunday July 11th – Junee RC Changeover Luncheon.

Monday July 12th – First Meeting for the 2021-2022 Rotary Year.

* denotes partner and guest night






Answer to last week’s puzzler: DOZENS

This week’s puzzler: Here’s an oldie but a goodie.  A man is on a journey with a lion, a goat, and a basket of vegetables. On the way, he comes to a river, which he must cross with a boat moored to the riverbank.  The boat can carry only two things at a time. If he takes the vegetables, the lion will eat the goat. If he takes the lion, the goat will eat the vegetables. How does he cross the river with everything intact?






There are around 90 different Rotary Fellowships that you can join with like minded people from around the world.

One that some members may like is the International Fellowship of Cricket Loving Rotarians.

IFRP- The INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF ROTARIAN PHOTOGRAPHERS is for Rotarians & Rotaractors only, who practice Photography in Professional, advanced, amateur, hobby or in beginner levels.

Welcome to the Facebook page of the IFRP:

Photo by Alessandro Lari

Cremations of the dead take place in the surroundings of the Pashupatinath temple, the most important Hindu temple in Nepal in Kathmandu, along the Bagmati River.

Many Sadhus live along the river (consider that between Nepal and India it is thought that they exceed 6/7 million individuals) practicing tapas (mantra recitation, magical rituals, breath control, yoga, unifying the body and soul ) which tends to increase their spiritual energy allowing them to reach a state of semi-divinity.

The sādhu shivaïti sprinkle their bodies with ashes, a symbol of death and rebirth. In the image and likeness of Shiva, they wear extremely long hair and, as Shiva used to do, large numbers ritually consume hashish (tolerated by the government despite being forbidden) to “lift the veil of maya” which means to finally perceive the all-creating and all-connecting matrix ceaselessly, and this vision generates liberation. Being aware of it is the only way to conquer the meaning of life, to be “awakened to life”!


2. Coolamon Rotarians Out & About

Leslie and Paul Weston on the weekend showing their prize dogs and winning.

End of the Rotary year approaches and some of our members are out and about at change over dinners:

PDG John Glassford and Susan Glassford at the Wollundry Wagga RC change over dinner held at the Wagga RSL.  John was representing the District Governor.

PP David Benn reciting bush poems at the Wollundry change over as always most entertaining.

Photos above by PDG John Egan

June is Rotary Fellowship Month


Graphics by Debbie Vance McKay from Canada.


Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Howard Atkinson

President-Elect 2021-2022: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect Nominee 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Albert Suidgeest

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Paul Weston

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Immediate Past President: Daryl Breust

Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford