The Monday meeting was extremely well attended this week with both members and guest eager to hear Patrick Leary’s talk on the reenactment of the charge on Be’er Sheva. Guests included Graham Dennis; Bob McCormack (past president of Rotary 1983) and other McCormack family members Jill, Clare, Robert, and Desmond; Jan, Irene and Kierra Knox; Lyn Schadel; Marilyn Jennings; Chez Post; Lexis Furrer; Greg and Narelle Gutherie; Helen Lewis and our guest speaker Patrick Leary.
Daryl and Paul reported on the Peace Communities celebration and events with the Friday afternoon ceremony well attended with Guest Speaker Kay Hull as was the Gala Dinner on the Saturday evening. The attendance at the Saturday peace discussion was not as well attended as hoped, but for those lucky enough to go it was well worth the effort. With 107 nationalities living in the Wagga region such a commitment will continue to remain important.
Dave is still looking for RYLA nominations from anyone who thinks they know a suitable youth leader between the ages of 18 and 28. He also informed members of the Rotary Adventure in Citizenship program which will send a youth leader to Canberra for an in-depth look at parliamentary democracy.
Congratulations go to Wayne Lewis who has successfully been selected as our president-elect for 2019-2020.
Reminders also that Coolamon Rotary will be catering for the Mental Health First Aid course next Monday and Thursday.
Be sure to save the date on the 26th of March as Lucia, our exchange student, will be giving a guest presentation on Germany.
Don’t forget to read the Diary & Quote of the Week below.
Guest Speaker – Patrick Leary, Reenactment of 4th Light Horse Charge at Be’er Sheva
Our guest speaker Patrick Leary kept the entire venue enraptured with his recounting of his amazing journey in October 2017 to a number of Middle East nations and ultimately Israel and the city of Be’er Sheva to retrace the steps and reenact the charge of the 4th and 12th Light Horse 100 years ago.
Patrick spoke eloquently of his visit to Gallipoli where he had the opportunity to see the beaches and trenches where our Australian diggers fought and died. Patrick informed us that even today it is possible to find human remains on the site and Patrick was awed by the bravery of the men that fought on the rugged terrain, including the narrow Neck where 200 men died in 6 min, while he found the youngest digger buried at Lone Pine was only 12 years old.
Patrick then spoke on the journey they made to retrace the footsteps of the Light Horse through Egypt and Jordan before finally arriving in Jerusalem prior to the reenactment of the charge on Be’er Sheva which was attended by heads of state from both Israel and Australia. The reenactment was almost called off due to an outbreak of an equine disease that had quarantined many the horses needed for the reenactment and were only released two day prior to the Australian riders collecting their mounts.
Some of the participants of the reenactment in Egypt
Bulldust on the day made doing a full charge at canter for the final leg of the charge with 100 horse near impossible so the contingent had to walk their mounts into Be’er Sheva. On the the 31st the contingent of riders rode the 7 km stretch to the war cemetery of Be’er Sheva in a parade commemorating the soldiers and horses that fought on that fateful day 100 years before. However, Patrick informed us that he did get the opportunity to do a full charge at canter with 19 other riders at the completion of the ceremonies and he beautifully described what it must have been like to ride on that day 100 years ago when the people that he saw cheering him as he rode into Be’er Sheva were instead firing bullets at you.
Patrick gave a very powerful talk on his experiences.
On concluding his talk, Patrick handed back replica dog tags of the original Coolamon soldiers of the light horse, which he had carried with him to the re-enactment, back to their family members who were in attendance on the night.
Patrick presented Donny Dyce with the dog tags of his Pop, who rode in the original Light Horse.
You can watch the reenactment of the Light Horse Charge on the following YouTube links.
Saturday March 17th 2018 – The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary ClubPresident: Paul Weston 6927 2972President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles
President Paul welcomed members and guests to the meeting at 7:10 pm. Guests included 5 friends of Neil & Clare Munro, partners Jan N, Helen L, Margaret P & potential member Anne Rzeszkowski & our special guest speaker Clare Munro
Neil reminded members about the Peace Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 24th in Wagga. He would also like to know if there are any other members willing to help out with the catering of the Towards Peace discussion at Kildare Catholic College on afternoon of Saturday the 24th Feb. If so, Neil and the catering team will be having a meeting at the Sport and Rec on Monday the 19th at 6:00 pm to prepare; please come along or if you cannot make it give Neil a call.
**** Daryl reminded us that a pool party will be on at the Coolamon pool for Lucie’s birthday next Sunday from 2 – 6 pm. It would be great if members could help make this Australian birthday for Lucie a good one.****
Jackson Wykes has also been doing really well in Finland and is enjoying his time in the snow.
A sauna in the snow, courtesy of Jackson
Paul Weston has agreed to be DGE John Glassford’s assistant Governor for Group 6 for 2018/19, which consists of Coolamon, Junee, Temora, Cootamundra & Lockhart Clubs.
We need to pick up 5 or 6 boxes of phone books from PO this week.
Bingo results announced by Captain Henk showed a profit of around $190 with 16 players.
Street raffle for Sat. March 17th.
Board meeting this Thursday night.
Next Monday’s, 19th Feb. Guest speaker is Jan Nulty
Guest Speaker is Pat Leary on 26th February
See Diary & quote of the week below
Guest Speaker – Clare Munro on her Humanitarian trip to PNG
Clare spoke on her time in Papua New Guinea last October. She went with her cousin & local Sister Bernadette Pattison.
They visited an area on the north west coast known as Sandaun province, which is the east & west Sepik area and has the most beautiful beaches, but very isolated due to bad roads.
Clare interviewed the 20 plus national sisters about their health & welfare & wrote a report to the leader.
She believed she was able to make an immediate difference to the lives of 3 sisters, plus 2 of their friends the sisters brought in having identified, themselves, that help was required.
She hopes it will help them understand the need to be proactive in a very reactive health environment.
As a whole the sisters were fairly healthy, despite the fact that many had come from very isolated & sometimes violent areas. Their teeth were great, although their eyes gave them trouble and everyone had a tattoo of some description; most of the tattoos were on the face.
Those that can get to the hospital find that the facilities are good, and emergency/acute care is normally available. The problem was it seemed that a 1-2 day walk was needed to get to a road or boat.
A highlight was being present for an anti-violence Train-the-trainer workshop; the Presentation Sisters worked in partnership with the PNG Tribal Foundation to provide the training to the area. Clare was amazed at the number of people at both the training and the closing film and signing of the anti-violence pledge.
Clare spent the $500 donated by the Rotary Club of Coolamon on the nurses she met, some of whom were nuns & others at the local hospital. Clare purchased BP machines and a set of scales, items that the nursing staff had requested.
The next thing the Wagga Sisters would like to get organised & need help with is the maintenance of the buildings in PNG. Many years ago the buildings were built by the original sisters from Australia and New Zealand. The sisters had organised their families and friends to visit PNG & built some very functional and still very comfortable convents. There are some good tradespeople who can do the work, but finding those who knows about termites and how to prevent the infestations and its treatment is problematic. Talking to the sisters, Clare got the feeling they had grown up with the mentality that most buildings only last so long and that you pull them down and start again.
Clare stated she will be eternally grateful to the sisters for allowing her to go.
The contribution made by Rotary to the hospital and area after the tsunamiThis baby has TB & needs care for four months.This is one of 5 buildings on this very large block. There is limited maintenance & very little extra equipment since the rebuilding
25 Years of Peace Communities
The idea of Peace Communities was initiated in District 9700 in 1992, and has been embraced by many Rotary districts and clubs around the world. Coolamon was the first Rotary peace town in the world, and many Peace Cities have now been designated. Rotarians committed to furthering peace set up peace symbols on suitable sites and, along with other community members, meet on special days to recognise local citizens, students, schools and organisations for their contribution to Peace in Action within the community.
To this end, Rotary is celebrating 25 years of the peace communities by holding a peace program over the 23rd-24th of February, concluding with a gala dinner in the Mirage room at the Wagga RSL Club on the 24 Feb. Come and join in the celebration (details below).
For more information about peace program click on the link below.
“Rich and famous is not bad, but poor and famous sucks.”
Last week’s Quote of the Week is attributed to Duke Kahanamoku.
Thursday, 15th February – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:30 pm.
Sunday, 18th February – Lucia’s birthday pool party at the Coolamon pool, 2 to 6 pm
Monday 19th February – Regular Meeting. Guest Speaker: Jan Nulty speaking on the Coolamon Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC). Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.
Monday 26th February – Regular Meeting. Guest Speaker: Patrick Leary speaking on the renactment of the charge of the Light Horse Brigade at Beersheba. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.
Friday and Saturday, 23rd-24th February – Wagga Wagga Peace Celebration. Details forthcoming.
Saturday & Sunday, March 4th & 5th, 2018 – PETS(President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust.
Sunday, March 5th, 2018 – D9700 Assembly – ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members are requested to attend. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 09:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Thursday March 8th 2018 – BINGO. Neil M (Captain), Dave McK, Leslie W & Bruce H.
Saturday, 17th March – Street raffle outside Coolamon Newsagency.
Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. Saint Michael’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.
Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.
Thursday, 12th April – BINGO. Daryl B (Captain), Don D, Ian J & Alex T (note change from roster sent out)
Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.Book accommodation early!
Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.
*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover. Ganmain Hall.
Saturday March 17th 2018 – The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval
We still need a president elect for 2019-2020; please give some thought to either nominating yourself or nominating another.
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary ClubPresident: Paul Weston 6927 2972President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles
President Paul welcomed members and guests to the meeting at 7:10 pm. Guests included partners Jan N, Helen L, Marilyn J, Lorraine H, Maree J & Heather M & our special guest speakers Jan Nulty, assisted by Sandra West & Faye Jose.
Neil reminded us of the Peace dinner next weekend & mentioned & thanked those who are helping with the catering.
Ian asked if any new members would like to replace him at the District Assembly on Sunday, March 4th at Young as he will be unable to attend; new members would find it most informative & rewarding.
Just a reminnder to keep your eye on Nanna next time you’re at the beach.
Next Monday’s guest speaker is Patrick Leary at the usual time and place. Pat will be speaking about his re-enactment of the charge of the 4th Light Horse Brigade at Beersheeba, and will be presenting descendants of local residents who fought in that war with military mementos. It should be a very interesting presentation, so members are encouraged to bring partners and other guests along.
This weekend is the Peace celebrations in Wagga; come along and support a worthy cause!
Monday, March 5th is a club assembly.
Don’t forget to read the Diary & quote of the week below.
Guest Speaker – Jan Nulty and the Local Health Advisory Comittee
Jan Nulty gave a talk on the role of the Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC), assisted by Sandra West and Faye Jose. Jan, Sandra and Faye are members of the group & spoke on the projects they are involved with.
The committee consists of 7 members at this time and are looking for new members, especially males, to fill a few positions.
All members are volunteers & meet monthly (1st Monday of each month at Community Centre) with Pam Bates, the facility manager & together work at identifying local service needs, improving access to services & assist in planning & development.
At the first orientation meeting they identified some key issues brought to their attention by community members, which consisted of the following:
Visibility & promotion of the LHAC so community are aware of the services they provide;
accidental trips & falls, especially those of the aged;
mental health;
drugs and alcohol problems;
Alzheimers awareness through the Memory Van facility;
men’s health, etc.
Sandra is the publicity officer & spoke on the Memory Van & all the various aspects of dementia. Sandra appreciates being able to use the Coolamon Community Chronicle (a Coolamon Rotary initiative) to spread the word about their programs.
Faye is a ‘Jack of all trades’ (her words) on the committee. Her roles include Mental Health First aid course and working with Music 4 Mates. The mental health initiative focuses on anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, etc. & how to support people with symptoms.
The committee also promotes bowel cancer awareness and ways to get more people to participate in bowel cancer screening programs.
President Paul presents the ladies of the Local Health Advisory Comittee with their gift and thanks them for the fantastic work they do for the community.
25 Years of Peace Communities
The idea of Peace Communities was initiated in District 9700 in 1992, and has been embraced by many Rotary districts and clubs around the world. Coolamon was the first Rotary peace town in the world, and many Peace Cities have now been designated. Rotarians committed to furthering peace set up peace symbols on suitable sites and, along with other community members, meet on special days to recognise local citizens, students, schools and organisations for their contribution to Peace in Action within the community.
To this end, Rotary is celebrating 25 years of the peace communities by holding a peace program over the 23rd-24th of February, concluding with a gala dinner in the Mirage room at the Wagga RSL Club on the 24 Feb. Come and join in the celebration (details below).
For more information about peace program click on the link below.
“You start out playing rock ‘n’ roll so you can have sex and do drugs, but you end up doing drugs so you can play rock ‘n’ roll and have sex.”
Last week’s Quote of the Week is attributed to Paul Hogan.
Monday 26th February – Guest Speaker. Patrick Leary speaking on the re-enactment of the charge of the Light Horse Brigade at Beesheba. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.
Friday and Saturday, 23rd-24th February – Wagga Wagga Peace Celebration.
Monday 5th March – Club Assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.
Saturday & Sunday, March 3rd & 4th – PETS(President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust.
Sunday, March 4th – D9700 Assembly – ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members to attend. Young, 09:00-16:00
Thursday March 8th – BINGO. Neil M (Captain), Dave McK, Leslie W & Bruce H.
Saturday, 17th March – Street Raffle outside Newsagent
Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. Saint Michael’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.
Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.
Thursday, 12th April – BINGO. Daryl B (Captain), Don D, Ian J & Alex T (note change from roster sent out)
Monday 23rd April – Guest Speaker. Denise Winkler on ‘Education’ at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.
Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.Book accommodation early!
Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.
*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover. Ganmain Hall.
Saturday March 17th 2018 – The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval
We still need a president elect for 2019-2020; please give some thought to either nominating yourself or nominating another.
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary ClubPresident: Paul Weston 6927 2972President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles
President Paul welcomed members and guests to the meeting at 7:05 pm. Guests included partner Helen and potential member Lyn Schadel, while potential member Anne Rzeszkowski unfortunately couldn’t make it on the night.
Correspondence in consisted of a thank you letter from the Coolamon Shire Council for Coolamon Rotary’s participation in the New Year’s Eve celebrations and a pamphlet from Careflight with a donation request.
Wayne reminded members of the upcoming Mental Health First aid course to be held on the Monday and Thursdays of the 1st, 5th, 8th and 12th of March at the Sport and Recreation club. Coolamon Rotary has agreed to cater two of these nights, details are yet to be finalised however it was suggested the Monday evenings that Coolamon Rotary normally meets would be most suitable.
Wayne and Dick also put forward the possibility of expanding our range of guest speaker gifts to include engraved pens, pocket knifes, and small LED torches. Further consideration will be given to the matter.
Dave informed members that he has been in contact with Peta Wykes in regards to how Jackson is going on his exchange in Finland and from all reports he is doing very well indeed with a request to his mother she not call him so often because he is too busy enjoying the sights and snowboarding and skiing.
Speaking of youth exchange, Lucia from all reports is doing fine and Digby & Jodie Graham took both Lucia and Alan to Young for a exchange meeting to discuss and highlights, issues or problems the exchange students maybe having to help them settle.
Lucia also has an upcoming birthday on the 19th of February and to celebrate her host family has organised a pool party at the Coolamon Pool on Sunday the 18th. Host families and members are welcome to come and help her celebrate the day. See Dave for further details.
Dave would also like to remind all members that RYLA program is open for nominations for young achievers in the area. Nominations close on the 9th of March and the successful nominee will participate in a 5 day forum in Orange from the 15th – 20th April. Nominee must be 18 to 28 years old. Please forward your nominations to Dave ASAP.
John proposed a motion to be put forward at the district special general meeting which proposed splitting group 5, which currently services 11 Rotary clubs through the region, to two separate groups. Group 6, to consist of Coolamon Rotary along with Temora, Junee, Cootamundra, and Lockhart, and the Wagga Rotary clubs going into group 7 would allow the district to manage these clubs in a more efficient manner. The motion was seconded and carried.
John also informed us of a joint meeting he is putting together with Junee, Temora and Coolamon, to get our current Rotary International director, Noel Trevaskis, out as a guest speaker. The date proposed is Tuesday the 15th May and a motion was moved and carried that Coolamon move its meeting night to the Tuesday instead of the usual Monday.
Henk reminded all members that subs of $130 are now due, and would greatly appreciate prompt payment.
Neil reminded members to support the Rotary Peace Program in Wagga by putting your name down to purchase tickets for the Gala evening on the Saturday 24th February. Cost is $55 per head and final numbers are needed by the 14th February so if you plan on going to this fantastic opportunity you need to get your names down with Neil by next Monday’s meeting at the latest.
Coolamon Rotary will be doing their bit to support the Peace program by organising the catering for the Towards Peace – Discussion held at the Kildare Catholic College; at this point organisation is still ongoing and a number of Coolamon members have already committed to assist with the catering, however if they find themselves short handed a roster will be forthcoming.
Members were also reminded to save the date for the Foundation dinner on the 19th of March to be held at the convent when guest speaker David Kennedy, District 9700 Foundation director, will be in attendance.
Any members interested in joining the Centurion club should contact Neil for further information. The Centurion club generates income for Foundation and incurs an annual cost of $100.
Finally a thank you goes out to Garth who will replacing Dick at this week’s Bingo as Dick is unable to attend due to family circumstances.
Guest Speaker – President Paul on Hawaii
President Paul gave us a fantastic overview of his recent trip to Hawaii when he and Leslie went to the sunny islands to have Christmas with their daughter Nicole, who currently resides in New York City.
Paul informed us that to get to Hawaii it is a 9hr flight from Sydney and you cross the international date line and means you will arrive before you have left. Hawaii also consists of 8 main islands in a chain of a total of 132 island which have been built up over time due to a rising plume of magma that breaks the surface and creates the islands. However, as the Pacific plate moves over the plume new volcanoes are formed and the older ones go extinct. One of which was Diamond Head volcano which Paul and his daughter had the opportunity to climb while they were there.
Paul then gave us a rundown on the history of Hawaii. Did you know that Hawaii has a history of invasion and that Captain Cook visited the Islands twice, the second time meeting with a sad end when he or one of his crew members attempted to acquire a tribal artefact without permission? The influence of the British in Hawaii’s history can still be seen today in their state flag which incorporates the Union Jack.
Sites that Paul and Leslie visited while in Hawaii on O’ahu included:
The Aquarium run by the university of Hawaii which is the only aquarium to successfully breed yellow tangs and had a collection of seahorses and sea dragons Paul found enthralling.
Pearl Harbour, where you could visit the aviation museum, tour the USS Missouri, commemorate the lost sailors at the USS Arizona memorial or tour a submarine.
The cactus garden – also curated by the University
The Northeastern shore, famous for its surf as it is on the windward side of the island
Hanauma Bay on the leeward side of the island famous for it snorkeling and sightings of many reef fish, including the state fish of Hawaii, the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a.
Many shopping and dining locations including sushi and a noodle shop that was so good it had a line out the door all day.
Members in attendance greatly enjoyed Paul’s talk and Henk is already planning a budget and itinerary.
President Paul and Leslie greatly enjoyed their trip to Hawaii
25 Years of Peace Communities
The idea of Peace Communities was initiated in District 9700 in 1992 with Coolamon being the 1st Rotary peace town in the World and has been embraced by many Rotary Districts, Clubs and Peace Cities now designated around the world.
Rotarians committed to furthering Peace set up Peace symbols on suitable sites. Rotarians and local citizens meet on special days to recognise local citizens, students, schools and organisations for their contribution to Peace in Action within the community.
To this end Rotary is celebrating 25 years of the peace communities holding a peace program over the 23 and 24th of February and includes a Gala Dinner in the Mirage room at the Wagga RSL Club on the 24 Feb. Come and join in the celebration. (details below).
For more information about peace program click on the link below.
“Just take your time – wave comes. Let the other guys go, catch another one.”
Last week’s Quote of the week is attributed to Winston Churchill .
Thursday February 8th – BINGO – Henk (Capt.), Rod, Garth, Will & trainee Captain Wayne
Thursday, 15th February – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:30 pm.
Sunday, 18th February – Lucia birthday pool party at the Coolamon pool
Friday and Saturday, 23rd & 24th February – Wagga Wagga Peace Celebration. Details forthcoming.
Saturday & Sunday, 3rd & 4th March – PETS (President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Sunday, March 4th – D9700 Assembly – ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members to attend. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 09:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Thursday March 8th 2018 – BINGO. Neil M (Captain), Dave McK, Leslie W & Bruce H
Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. St Michael’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.
Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.
Thursday, 12th April – BINGO. Daryl B (Captain), Don D, Ian J & Alex T (note change)
Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton. Book accommodation early! Register below
Tuesday, 15th May – joint meeting with Temora and Junee with guest speaker International director, Noel Trevaskis
Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.
*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover. Ganmain Hall.
Saturday March 17th 2018 – The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval
We still need a president elect for 2019-2020; please give some thought to either nominating yourself or nominating another.
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary ClubPresident: Paul Weston 6927 2972President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles
President Paul welcomed all 19 members and 9 guests at 7.11 pm. Guests included partners Helen, Susan, Maureen & Marilyn & potential members Anne Rzeskowski & Lyn Schadell. Also attending were guests of Glassfords, Marcell from Germany, Quin & Brandon from Utah.
Our exchange student Lucia has departed host parents Bruests and is now staying out at Digby & Jodie Graham’s at Methul. Youth Director Dave reiterated the need for members to make an effort to take Lucy on outings at weekends or at other times when you might be doing something of interest to Lucia, which can also allow the host family to have some time to themselves.
Business House Bowls starts this Friday, Feb 2 – contact Henk Hulsman if you’re interested.
John spoke on their recent trip to San Diego, California, for the Rotary International Assembly at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego.. It is Rotary’s annual training meeting which gives incoming district governors the chance to share ideas for strengthening clubs, etc. Well done John for such dedication & effort to the cause.
‘Be The Inspiration’ is the theme for John’s year as DG.
John met the incoming International President, Barry Rassin, from the Bahamas.
John then went on & presented the Diary for incoming directors; see our Diary below.
District Changeover is at the Ganmain Hall on Saturday June 30th & Dick presented a list of possible menu for the members to tick their preference. Caterer will be Michelle Seymour
Centenary of Armistice Day on 11/11/2019 – Time Capsule & promote Legacy
End Polio Now project – Bike Torch relay. John has a District goal of $500,000
Motto of -> We ride so that they may Walk
2019 District Conference at Griffith hosted by RC of Griffith – Friday March 29 to Sunday, March 31, 2019. Saturday Night Dinner dance featuring the Charlston.
John presented Daryl, our president elect, with the ‘Be the Inspiration’ banner he collected from the international assembly in San Diego
John did the traditional shirt swap at the international assembly, swapping an Australian Rotary shirt for a New Zealand one.
Henk won the meat tray raffle
25 Years of Peace Communities
The idea of Peace Communities was initiated in District 9700 in 1992 with Coolamon being the 1st Rotary peace town in the World and has been embraced by many Rotary Districts, Clubs and Peace Cities now designated around the world.
Rotarians committed to furthering Peace set up Peace symbols on suitable sites. Rotarians and local citizens meet on special days to recognise local citizens, students, schools and organisations for their contribution to Peace in Action within the community.
To this end Rotary is celebrating 25 years of the peace communities holding a peace program over the 23 and 24th of February and includes a Gala Dinner in the Mirage room at the Wagga RSL Club on the 24 Feb. Come and join in the celebration. (details below)
For more information about peace program click on the link below.
*Monday, 5th February – Paul Weston to talk on trip to Hawaii. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
Thursday February 8th – . BINGO – Henk (Capt.), Rod, Dick, Will & trainee Captain Wayne
Thursday, 15th February – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:30 pm.
Friday and Saturday, 23rd & 24th February – Wagga Wagga Peace Celebration. Details forthcoming.
Saturday & Sunday, 3rd & 4th March – PETS (President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Sunday, March 4th – D9700 Assembly – ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members to attend. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 09:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Thursday March 8th 2018 – BINGO. Neil M (Captain), Dave McK, Leslie W & Bruce H
*Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. Saint Michael’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.
Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.
Thursday, 12th April – BINGO. Daryl B (Captain), Don D, Ian J & Alex T (note change)
Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.
Book accommodation early! Register below
Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.
*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover. Ganmain Hall.
Saturday March 17th 2018 – The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval
We still need a president elect for 2019-2020; please give some thought to either nominating yourself or nominating another.
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary ClubPresident: Paul Weston 6927 2972President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles
Honored Rotarian
District 9700’s very own Mary Brell, from Orange, has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day awards for her work in supporting the citizens of Nepal. Over the past eight years Ms Brell has made about 15 trips to the Asian nation taking local teachers, doctors, builders and now senior school students from Orange. They have helped, educated and treated the people and rebuilt structures destroyed in a major earthquake in 2015. To find out more on her efforts you can find more information here.
LEADING THE WAY: Mary Brell has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia [OAM] in the Australia Day awards. Photo: JUDE KEOGH 0124jkmary1
When professionals join a Rotary club, they do so as a representative of their classification. As such, they represent their vocation within the club and exemplifying the ideals of Rotary within the workplace. They are also strongly encouraged to mentor young people, particularly those withing their profession, promote ethical standards and volunteer their professional skills within both Rotary and the wider community.
The 2018-2019 D9700 Board is coming together nicely and the restructure is going to work and work well. DGN John McKenzie and DG George Weston are committed to making it work, as are the others on this much smaller Board:
District Governor John Glassford{Membership & Public Image} Coolamon
District Governor Elect John McKenzie{Service} Orange North
District Governor Nominee{New District} To be appointed
Immediate Past District Governor George Weston{Youth} Leeton
Foundation Director DRFC PDG David Kennedy{Foundation} Blayney
Secretary PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga
President Paul welcomed all 16 members and guests at 7.06pm. Guests included partners Helen & Sally & potential members Anne Rzeskowski & Lyn Schadell, together with guest speaker Bridget Pritchet, daughter of Bern Milne
Our club have put together 2 Business House Bowls teams, which commence on Friday Feb 2. If you’d like to join them please contact Henk
Daryl spoke on the need to encourage all members to give the host families a break whenever possible by taking Lucy on outings at weekends or when ever, so the family can have some time to themselves. As yet she has spent no time on an Australian farm, so it would be great if that could happen in the near future.
A new Bingo roster has been drawn up for 2018, which includes 2 new captains; thanks Daryl & Wayne for volunteering that responsibility. All signed up members of our Club have been included on the roster at least once during the year, so please don’t let the side down. The roster will be sent out to all members in the next week, so please print it out for your reference.
We also remind members that if you can’t make your rostered slot to arrange a swap with someone rostered the following month; it is not the responsibility of the Captain to do that.
Foundation dinner is on Monday, March 19, hosted by Howard & Anne at the Old Convent
And an upcoming charity event announced by Dick is on Saturday, March 17 on the Kindra Park Oval. There will be live music & a 3-course dinner under the stars. It is being conducted by the Kindra Park trustees it’s title – the long table charity event.
Contact Rhonda Robinson on 0427 273009 for more info.
Newly appointed Sargeant Will C did a most entertaining fine session, even though some claims were a little dodgy. And guess who won the raffle??
Guest Speaker Bridget Pritchet
Guest Speaker Bridget Pritchet spoke on her work in the Salvation Army, sponsored by the Gloria McKerrow Foundation, on her work in the Salvation Army, working in Rural Community school programs at no cost to the school. It involves building relationships within the community, early intervention anger management program, called Red Cap, developing team work, social skills & self esteem, especially anti-bullying strategies. Photo shows Henk thanking and presenting Bridget with our exclusive kangaroo money pouch.
Henk thanks Bridget for a most informative talk.Henk presenting guest speaker Bridget with kangaroo hide pouch.
We still need a president elect for 2019-2020; please give some thought to either nominating yourself or nominating another.
John and Susan at the ‘Be the Inspiration’ Rotary International Assembly in San Diego
The International Assembly has now concluded and we are looking forward to John giving us a full update at next weeks meeting.
Winning the War on Polio
Time magazine recently posted an article on the War against polio stating; As recently as 1988, there were 350,000 cases of polio each year, and the disease was endemic in 125 countries. In 2017 there have been only 16 cases, in just two countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan. With a case count so low, the question now is a straightforward one: Will 2018 be the year we get to zero?
We certainly hope so and Rotary has been a big part of making it happen. If you want to read the full article you can find it here.
When professionals join a Rotary club, they do so as a representative of their classification. As such, they represent their vocation within the club and exemplifying the ideals of Rotary within the workplace. They are also strongly encouraged to mentor young people, particularly those withing their profession, promote ethical standards and volunteer their professional skills within both Rotary and the wider community.
Friday, 26th January – Festival of Small Halls. Australia Day Festival at Ganmain Hall. $15 adult, $10 children starts at 6:00 pm. Bar and food on the night (No BYOD).
*Monday, 29th January – Regular meeting, with DGE John Glassford speaking on his recent trip to San Diego. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
*Monday, 5th February – Speaker meeting (speaker TBA). Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
Thursday, 15th February – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:30 pm.
Friday and Saturday, 23rd-24th February – Wagga Wagga Peace Celebration. Details forthcoming.
Saturday, 3rd March –PETS(President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Sunday, 4th March – D9700 Assembly. ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members to attend. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 09:30 am -3:30 pm.
Thursday, 8th March – BINGO. Neil M (Captain), Dave McK, Leslie W & Bruce H
Saturday, 17th March – The Long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval
*Monday, 19th March – Foundation Night. Saint Micheal’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.
Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.
Thursday, 12th April – BINGO. Daryl B (Captain), Don D, Howard A & Alex T
Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton. Book accommodation early!
Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.
*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover. Ganmain Hall.
Click on the thumbnails for an idea of what you get at a RI Convention.
As above: Chicago 2005, Los Angeles 2008, Montreal 2010, Bangkok 2012, Sydney 2014, Seoul 2016, Atlanta 2017.
Above May 2014 African Night at the Ganmain Hall with 280 seated to dinner, great night!
District 9700 Board 2018-2019
The 2018-2019 D9700 Board is coming together nicely and the restructure is going to work and work well. DGN John McKenzie and DG George Weston are committed to making it work, as are the others on this much smaller Board:
District Governor John Glassford{Membership & Public Image} Coolamon
District Governor Elect John McKenzie{Service} Orange North
District Governor Nominee{New District} To be appointed
Immediate Past District Governor George Weston{Youth} Leeton
Foundation Director DRFC PDG David Kennedy{Foundation} Blayney
Secretary PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary ClubPresident: Paul Weston 6927 2972President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles
President Ian Riseley RC of Sandringham Melbourne
President Elect Barry Rassin RC of East Nassau The Bahamas
District 9700 Governor George Weston RC of Leeton
District 9700 Governor Elect John Glassford RC of Coolamon
District 9700 Governor Nominee John McKenzie RC of Orange North
A great turnout of over 40 people to our first dinner meeting for 2018. Part of President Paul Weston was still in Hawaii, when he welcomed all and asked for all our guests to be introduced.
Guests included members from Kooringal, Junee & Leeton Rotary Clubs, together with
Tim, Peta, Charlie & Jackson Wykes, our outgoing Exchange Student off to Finland later this week & exchange students Alen Chuang (Taiwan), Mads Hindsgavi (Denmark) & our Exchange student from Germany, Lucia B
Also visiting were Digby, Jodie & Abigail Graham (next hosts for Lucy after Bruests), potential members Lyn Schadell & Anne Rzeskowski & partners Helen L, Shaz, Maureen H, Lorraine H, Claire M & Heather McK. Apologies if I missed anyone, as there was quite a crowd
The exchange students spoke briefly on their experiences in Australia thus far & Jackson gave a brief talk on some of the places in Europe he will be visiting in the next year. He again thanked out Club for hosting him as did his mum Peta.
We still need a president elect for 2019; please give some thought to either nominating yourself or nominating another.
Thank you to our new bulletin team
For the foreseeable future the bulletin, which in the past has been in the capable hands of John Glassford, will be now passing into the hands of Grahame Miles, Sarah Collins and Paul Weston while John takes on other commitments. Grahame will be our journalist, composing and writing an article from each meeting and event. Sarah will be acting as editor and publisher by uploading the content to the website, while Paul will be distributing the weblink to all members.
If you have any suggestions or polite criticisms of the weekly bulletin, the team will welcome your input.
Beware the fines!
Ted has nominated Will, the youngest member of the Coolamon Rotary club, to do the fine sessions of our weekly meetings. At our first meeting of the year Will’s sharp eyes and ears didn’t miss a thing and the fines came thick and fast. Congratulations to Will on a job well done, but I think this is a warning to all that we need to be guarding our wallets a little more closely.
‘Be the Inspiration’ Rotary International Assembly in San Diego
2018-2019 Be The Inspiration! Theme based on the sea and the islands that RI President Elect Barry Rassin lives in. Heavy emphasis on climate change and global warming.
John and his lovely wife Susan are in San Diego for the ‘Be the inspiration’ Rotary international assembly. I am sure we are all looking forward to hearing about the fantastic things happening in Rotary at the international level on John’s return.
If you want to know more about what John is up to you can catch him on his Facebook page
When professionals join a Rotary club, they do so as a representative of their classification. As such, they represent their vocation within the club and exemplifying the ideals of Rotary within the workplace. They are also strongly encouraged to mentor young people, particularly those withing their profession, promote ethical standards and volunteer their professional skills within both Rotary and the wider community.
Sunday, 14th January to Saturday, 20th January. Rotary International Assembly in San Diego. DGE John Glassford will represent District 9700 and the Coolamon Rotary Club.
*Monday, 22nd January – Regular meeting. Guest speaker: Bridget Pritchett (Bernie’s daughter). Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
Friday, 26th January – Festival of Small Halls. Australia Day Festival at Ganmain Hall. $15 adult, $10 children starts at 6:00 pm. Bar and food on the night (No BYOD).
Monday, 29th January – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
Friday, 2nd February – Business House Bowls. Numbers needed for Rotary team(s).
Thursday, 15th February – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:30 pm.
Friday and Saturday, 23rd-24th February – Wagga Wagga Peace Celebration. Details forthcoming.
Saturday, 3rd March –PETS(President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Sunday, 4th March – D9700 Assembly. ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members to attend. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 09:30 am -3:30 pm.
Thursday, 18th March –BINGO. Neil Munro Capt, Dave McKinley, Don Dyce, Leslie Weston.
*Monday, 19th March – Foundation Night. Saint Micheal’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.
Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton. Book accommodation early!
Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.
*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover. Ganmain Hall.
Click on the thumbnails for an idea of what you get at a RI Convention.
As above: Chicago 2005, Los Angeles 2008, Montreal 2010, Bangkok 2012, Sydney 2014, Seoul 2016, Atlanta 2017.
Above May 2014 African Night at the Ganmain Hall with 280 seated to dinner, great night!
District 9700 Board 2018-2019
The 2018-2019 D9700 Board is coming together nicely and the restructure is going to work and work well. DGN John McKenzie and DG George Weston are committed to making it work, as are the others on this much smaller Board:
District Governor John Glassford{Membership & Public Image} Coolamon
District Governor Elect John McKenzie{Service} Orange North
District Governor Nominee{New District} To be appointed
Immediate Past District Governor George Weston{Youth} Leeton
Foundation Director DRFC PDG David Kennedy{Foundation} Blayney
Secretary PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary ClubPresident: Paul Weston 6927 2972President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles
President Ian Riseley RC of Sandringham Melbourne
President Elect Barry Rassin RC of East Nassau The Bahamas
District 9700 Governor George Weston RC of Leeton
District 9700 Governor Elect John Glassford RC of Coolamon
District 9700 Governor Nominee John McKenzie RC of Orange North
Our sympathy and condolences are extended to Maree and Dick Jennings on the passing of Maree’s mother Marj Thomas on Saturday morning. Our thoughts are with Maree and all the extended family at this sad time.
This is the only photo I have of Maree and Dick and it is when Dick received his Paul Harris Fellow, PHF award, with PDG Fred Loneragan.
Stay strong Maree, we are with you at this time.
MEETING December 11th. 2017
Another great turnout of 18 members and several guests. President Paul Weston welcomed all to our last meeting for 2017. Our guests included our visiting medical student, Ning Zhang and her host in Coolamon Jenny Slater. Heather McKinley, Helen Lewis and Lexi Furner also joined us.
There was plenty of business discussed in between our chinese banquet as always special from Di and Gilbert. There was a summary of the local school presentations of prizes and PE Daryl was most impressed with the students at Beckom Primary School.
Neil Munro introduced Ning Zhang who is studying medicine at the UNSW and is in her third year of medicine. Ning is staying with Jenny Slater as part of the John Flynn placement programme. This programme allows medical students to look at country practices with an eye to the future.
Ning is an Aussie born to Chinese parents and lives in Sydney with her parents and Ning’s mother is a Scout. Ning thanked Jenny for her hospitality and went on to say that she will be back every year for the next 4 years. Ning had nothing but praise for Dr Sumera Amir who now runs the Coolamon Medical Clinic and practice. Ning said that Sumera works so hard and is instilling into her practice the duty of care for her patients and going above and beyond in their welfare.
Ning said that country practice is so different to the city and is enjoying here stay in Coolamon. Ning has been to a bush dance at Downside which is always a lot of fun. As were the visits to the Coolamon Cheese factory and the Junee Licorice and Chocolate factory.
One impression that stays with Ning was the ability to see stars at night!
Ning you will always be welcome in Coolamon.
Ning being presented with our kangaroo money pouch by PP Neil Munro.
Wayne Lewis advised us that there will be a full load of firewood for the NYE raffle.
Will Cartwright brought up the chance of a grant from Wollundry RC for a defibrillator. More on this later.
John Nulty requesting that we provide a meal for the 1st Aid course in March 2018.
NYE raffle will now have the two major prizes:
Trailer load of firewood and a wheel barrow full of donated goods both valued at around $500 each.
John Glassford advised the meeting that this week would be the last time he can do the weekly bulletin.
Annual Christmas Party for Coolamon Rotary Club
Saturday December 16th
Saturday night at the Coolamon Convent an appropriate venue for our annual Christmas Party. We are an irreverent mob, have fun and are not hung up on protocol or procedure. It was the late PP Bill Innes who ingrained into me the culture of our unique club. I encourage all our new and not so new members to learn how we are unique and what makes us such a good club. Coolamon is the most successful club in D9700 as far as recruiting and retaining members.
Thank you to Ann and Howard Atkinson for their warm and generous hospitality and for the use of this wonderful facility they are creating for Coolamon and beyond. We all wish them every success for the future.
Now the party in pictorial mode. Read into the photos what you may, except for the table cloth!
Now the table cloth, Ivan, Lexi did a remarkable sewing job with your new shirt from a table cloth. We know it has been a poor season crop wise mate, however using Ann’s table cloths for a shirt is not a good look!
Happy Christmas Lucia and I am sure that you will remember this Christmas for years to come.
Looks like we still have our priorities right as seeing Steve Smith make his double century was a genuine reason to delay dinner.
Thank you Paul for steering the ship over the past 6 months, it is not easy when you have a full time career, several hobbies all animal related, and being our President. We look forward to the next 6 months under your leadership.
To all of my fellow Rotarians and your families I have enjoyed putting the bulletin together over the past 9-10 years, off and on, mostly on. It is not easy to produce a bulletin small or large. Our bulletin goes to many different people around our District and to clubs in Kenya, South Africa, USA, Canada, England and a few others.
It is also published on our Facebook page where we have nearly 600 followers.
The bulletin requires an editor as of January 1st 2018. So far no one has come forward to be that person. I have to stop being your editor as the workload of being a DG 2018-2019 is increasing daily. I also have to give up being Chair of RAGES until at the earliest July 2019. You all must decide on what you will do for the bulletin and in what shape it will take.
This is my last bulletin for a couple for years. Happy to train whomever puts their hand up and will support them until they get the hang of our bulletin.
New Year’s Eve ALL HANDS in Coolamon.
Sunday 14th January to Saturday 20th January 2108 Rotary International Assembly in San Diego. DGE John Glassford will represent District 9700 and the Coolamon Rotary Club.
*Monday 15th January 2018 FIRST Meeting for 2018 Farewell to Jackson Wykes on his journey to Finland for 12 months.
Thursday February 8th 2018. BINGO.Henk (Capt.), Rod, Dick, Alex.
Saturday & Sunday, March 4th & 5th, 2018. PETS(President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust.
Sunday, March 5th, 2018. D9700 Assembly. ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members to attend. Young, 09:00-16:00
Thursday March 8th 2018,BINGO Neil Munro Capt, Dave McKinley, Don Dyce, Leslie Weston
Saturday & Sunday, May 5th & 6th, 2018. District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton. Book accommodation early!
Saturday 23rd June to Wednesday 27th June Rotary International Convention in Toronto Canada.
I have been to seven RI Conventions Toronto looks like a ripper.
Click on the thumbnails for an idea of what you get at a RI Convention.
As above: Chicago 2005, Los Angeles 2008, Montreal 2010, Bangkok 2012, Sydney 2014, Seoul 2016, Atlanta 2017.
*Saturday June 30th 2018, District 9700 and Coolamon RC Changeover Dinner at the Ganmain Hall.
Above May 2014 African Night at the Ganmain Hall with 280 seated to dinner, great night!
*Partners and Guests Night
Apologies for Monday meetings: call John Nulty on 0439 459 196 BY FRIDAY
I want to take this opportunity to write a wee bit about our Centennial Twin Club, the Rotary Club of Hout Bay, near Cape Town. It was for the plight of HIV/AIDS orphans that I joined Rotary. Susan and I visited Cape Town in 2002 and visited Mfuleni township in Cape Town. I contacted several good friends on our return and after a kind donation of $1,000 in 2002 we simply had to do something with the problem. The money was given to me by Dr. Nunce D’Angelo whom I first met in 1975 playing hockey for Randwick. We have been great friends ever since and it was this money that led me to joining Rotary in 2003.
Nunce is kneeling directly in front of JG.
This $1,000 has turned into $300,000 for our Coolamon Road MAPS to Africa projects in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Cote d’iVoire (the Ivory Coast) and South Africa. With two grants from our Foundation one of which helped construct Coolamon House in Hout Bay. This club Hout Bay punches above it’s weight and we are proud to be their twin club. We have visited Hout Bay 6 times now in 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2011 and 2015. Here are a few photos of those visits:
Above one of those rare moments where a club in another country presents one with a Paul Harris Fellow presented to Rtn. John Glassford in Hout Bay in 2007 following the Kilimanjaro Climb.
I know your club will be delighted to see your student Azola being capped at her graduation Ceremony. She studied Public Management and passed her final year with 6 distinctions. Azola has decided to stay one more year and complete her Honours degree. You will be delighted to know I have sourced another Australian family (the Horwoods) to sponsor Azola for 2018. Your Club has done so much for Hout Bay Rotary that I felt it was the right thing to find alternative financing.
The Horwoods are from Melbourne and are delighted to be involved in our Clubs Bursary scheme. They are sponsoring our Club with 4 Bursaries in 2018 much to our delight. I introduced the Horwoods to The Spirit Foundation (Cape Town Based)early this year and they have confirmed 12 Bursaries for them as well .
Also introduced them to The Hout Bay Lions Club who are now confirmed to receive 4 Bursaries from the Horwoods. All wonderful news for us back here. Please give our best wishes to your Club and a big thank you for helping us educate Azola. Incidentally the Horwoods have for the past year also been sponsoring a Qualified Teacher in Early Learning at a Cresh in IY. Absolutely amazing. Incidentally they are not Rotarians.
Lots of Love from Lyn and Myself and all in our Club
Butch Liebenberg
The call is out for a District Governor for the new District that we will become on July 1st 2020 The name will most likely be District 9705. Nominations are being asked for to fill this position. The D9705 Governor nominating committee meets on March 10th to select the DG from the nominations received and the DG Selection Committee will be the following:
From D9700 DG George Weston, DGE John Glassford and DGN John McKenzie
From D9710 DG Steve Hill, DGE Margaret Hassall and DGN Peter Ford
Chair PDG Stephen Humphries D9675
There will be 6 Area Governors each with 15 clubs to help the Governor. The new DG will not be required to attend every club and can even have cluster meetings where more than one club exists within a reasonable radius. As well the Area Governor can take the place of the DG for the annual club visits.
Below is a flowchart of how the process of joining forces with D9710 will be done.
The TRG has the same people as the DG Nominating committee i.e. the G ‘ Train without the independent Chair. the TMT is now appointing experienced Rotarians to the various Focus Teams who have the job to produce a system of management for all our points of interest.
District 9700 Board 2018-2019
The 2018-2019 D9700 Board is coming together nicely and the restructure is going to work and work well. DGN John McKenzie and DG George Weston are committed to making it work, as are the others on this much smaller Board:
District Governor John Glassford{Membership & Public Image} Coolamon
District Governor Elect John McKenzie{Service} Orange North
District Governor Nominee{New District} To be appointed
Immediate Past District Governor George Weston{Youth} Leeton
Foundation Director DRFC PDG David Kennedy{Foundation} Blayney
Secretary PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga
This will have to be my last bulletin for some time, for this wonderful Rotary club that I have served for 14 years and now entering my 15th year. I enjoy every meeting and all that we do. I have made some very good mates over the years and visited many clubs in D9700, around Australia and the world, especially Kenya my home.
Above all Rotary has changed my life like nothing else could do. It is a privilege and an honour to be called a Rotarian and Service Above Self is our motto. Our club is growing well and we have a great future for our service to our community both here in the Shire of Coolamon, Australia and over the seas. We are all volunteers and we should always remember that and not to take too much too seriously above all have fun and enjoy the opportunities that Rotary gives us to just feel good!
As Susan and I prepare for 2018-2019 as the District Governor D9700, I just want to show a brief glimpse of our journey after being introduced to Rotary by PP David Benn from Wollundry Wagga Wagga RC. David introduced me to PP Grahame Miles and several weeks later I joined Coolamon. So in pictorial form I share my journey with you and there have been many many highlights, too many to put into this bulletin.
However my proudest Rotary moment was being awarded the Service Above Self Award by then RI President D.K. Lee. As Rotary’s highest honour for individual Rotarians, this award recognizes up to 150 Rotarians annually, who have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service, with an emphasis on personal volunteer efforts and active involvement in helping others through Rotary. Current District Governors, RI Directors, and Past RI Directors may nominate up to three candidates by 1 September each year. Only up to 150 Rotarians from the 1,239,532 Rotarians in 35,660 clubs from 540 Districts in 220 countries in the world today, are selected for this award annually.
Below PRID Guiller E. Tumangan pins the SAS pin onto JG with PDG Fred Loneragan looking on. This was at the 2009 Griffith D9700 Conference.
A Friendly Reminder
John Nulty is looking after the apologies for our Monday meetings; could you please make sure you let John know if you are unable to attend a meeting so catering can be finalised before the meeting. John can be contacted on or 0439 459 196.
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary ClubPresident: Paul Weston 6927 2972President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349Bulletin Editor: VACANT
President Ian Riseley RC of Sandringham Melbourne
President Elect Barry Rassin RC of East Nassau The Bahamas
District 9700 Governor George Weston RC of Leeton
District 9700 Governor Elect John Glassford RC of Coolamon
District 9700 Governor Nominee John McKenzie RC of Orange North
Aussie Jingle Bells-
Dashing through the bush, in a rusty Holden Ute, Kicking up the dust, esky in the boot, Kelpie by my side, singing Christmas songs, It’s Summer time and I am in my singlet, shorts and thongs * Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, Christmas in Australia on a scorching summers day, Hey! Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut!, Oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty Holden Ute. * Engine’s getting hot; we dodge the kangaroos, The swaggie climbs aboard, he is welcome too. All the family’s there, sitting by the pool, Christmas Day the Aussie way, by the barbecue. * Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, Christmas in Australia on a scorching summers day, Hey! Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut!, Oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty Holden Ute. * Come the afternoon, Grandpa has a doze, The kids and Uncle Bruce, are swimming in their clothes. The time comes ’round to go, we take the family snap, Pack the car and all shoot through, before the washing up. * Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, Christmas in Australia on a scorching summers day, Hey! Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut!, Oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty Holden Ute.