Paul Harris Speech from 1933

From a good friend on ROTI Arthur (Art ) McCullough

Past President Escondido Sunrise RC , in Escondido,California.

Thanks Art.

Dear Friends in Rotary, back in about 2000 a ROTI member in South Africa
was visiting a Rotary friend in his home and as they looked in the man’s
desk they found a small plastic red insert page for a magazine that had a
recording CD that was a copy of a speech the Paul Harris made during the
Rotary convention in 1933. The ROTI member ask on our communication list of
600 members worldwide if anyone might be able to do something with it. I
immediately asked him to send it to me to see if my Son Jeff might be able
to copy the speech and allow us to do something with it. Jeff’s business is

Jeff was able to spend many hours removing as much static and excess noise
that allowed us to reproduced it onto CD’s to be played later , We were
able to send a copy of the speech to the Rotary history Fellowship so it
is on line on their web site. Another new ROTI member from Northern
California then added visual effects and photos of Paul that make it more
interesting. Here is that video now on youtube ,you can copy and
use it any way you wish so that more Rotarians etc. can see it below:

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #17

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #17

MEETING October 29th. 2012

Dick Jennings and Roger Quine relaxing!

Monday night being the 5th Monday of the month we had a social gathering at Marilyn and Ian Jennings’s farm “Raywood” about 10 ks out of Coolamon.

Members present were Paul Weston, Leslie Weston, Ian Jennings, Dick Jennings, John Burns, Henk Hulsman, Ian Durham and John Glassford.

Visiting Rotarians PP Roger Quine from Junee RC.

Partners included: Marilyn Jennings, Val Burns, Maree Jennings, Susan Glassford, Maureen Hulsman, Christine Lorraine, friends of Susan and John from Ballarat, Claire and Campbell Mercer as well as the two Italians Enrico and Ricardo, back again.

Our hosts Marilyn and Ian Jennings went to a lot of trouble to prepare for the night and a great time of fellowship, laughter and fun was had by all.  All present would like to thank Marilyn and Ian very much for their hospitality and the effort they put in to make it an enjoyable night.  I took a few photos but was enjoying the fellowship and friendship to take too many.

Now Roger Quine went to the club house to find NO Rotarains there so Dick went to Coolamoln and guided Roger to Raywood.  It was a pleasure to see Roger with us again and we noted how proudly he wore his PHF Sapphire p[in.  Thanks for coming Roger!





It was a relatively quiet week in Rotary World, but maybe it’s just the quiet before the storm.  Lots of Rotary-related events are on the cards for the next few weeks, so read through this report and the Diary to find out what’s going one.

First, I want to thank Ian and Marilyn Jennings for a great fellowship meeting at their place on Monday.  Great food, great company, and great weather made for a fabulous evening, as judged by the fact that guests were reluctant to leave.  Thanks again to Ian and Marilyn (and those who contributed to the feast) for opening their doors and hosting a memorable evening.  If only all our meetings were so enjoyable!

Onto the upcoming events (get a pencil and your planner!).  First up is the District 9700 AGM in Temora on Sunday, 4 Nov.  Next is our weekly meeting on Monday (5 Nov) at the Sport and Rec Club, featuring guest speaker Georgia Roberts from the Australian Red Cross.  Catering will be by Gilbert, so please phone the restaurant with apologies.  The following day, we’re invited to Junee for their weekly meeting featuring a talks by Chris Wilson from Riverina Blue Bell .  Wait, there’s more!  On Wednesday, the Kooringal Rotary Club is hosting a sporting challenge at the Wagga Country Club.  I have no details on this one, but it does sound intriguing.  Don’t forget about Bingo on Thursday (8 Nov); rostered on are John Burns, Henk, Leslie and Paul.  If that’s not enough, we have our AGM scheduled for the following Monday (12 Nov).  If you’re thinking of serving on one of our board positions, please feel free to put your hand up!  We still need to fill the positions of Club Administration Director, Service Projects Director, Youth New Generations Director, and Vocational Services Director.

That should be enough to fill your agenda for now.  Hope to see you at some or all of the events on for next week!

Onward and upward!

Yours in Rotary,



*Monday 5th November Guest Speaker Georgie Roberts from the Red Cross.

Tuesday 6th November Junee RC Meeting Riverina Blue Bell You are invited.

Thursday 8th November:    BINGO on duty:   John Burns,  Henk Hulsman,  Leslie Weston & Paul Weston

Monday 12th November AGM and Election of Office Bearers for 2013-2014.

Monday 19th November Ian Durham Speaker on his journey of life.

Sunday November 25th Rotary Markets in Coolamon.

Peace Ceremony in Coolamon February 2013

Friday 19th to Sunday 21st April 2013 D9700 Conference Leeton

June 23-26 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon. RI Convention Lisbon

*Partners and Guests Night.


Through our service, we learn that the problems that may seem large to us are really very small. We learn empathy for others. We come closer to people who seem very different from us. And we begin to understand how alike we really are.


The Drunk

A drunk stumbles along a baptismal service on Sunday afternoon down by the river. He proceeds to walk down into the water and stand next to the Preacher.

The minister turns and notices the old drunk and says, “Mister, Are you ready to find Jesus?”

The drunk looks back and says, “Yes, Preacher… I sure am.”
The minister then dunks the fellow under the water and pulls him right back up. “Have you found Jesus?” the preacher asked.

“No, I didn’t!” said the drunk.

The preacher then dunks him under for quite a bit longer, brings him up and says, “Now, brother, have you found Jesus?”

“No, I did not Reverend.”

The preacher in disgust holds the man under for at least 30 seconds this time, brings him out of the water and says in a harsh tone, “My Good man, have you found Jesus yet?”

The old drunk wipes his eyes and asks the preacher… “Are you sure this is where he fell in?”

Another Drunk Joke

This guy is sitting in a bar drunk. He asks the bartender, “Where’s the bathroom at?” The bartender says, “Go down the hall and make a right.”

Well, all of a sudden, everybody at the bar hears this loud scream coming from the bathroom, and they wonder about what’s going on in there. A few minutes go by, and again, everybody at the bar hears another loud scream that came out of the bathroom. This time, the bartender decides to investigate, and he goes into the bathroom to see what the drunk is screaming about.
He opens the door and asks the drunk, “What’s all the screaming about in here? You are scaring all my customers away.”

The drunk whines, “I’m sitting on the toilet and every time I go to flush it, something comes up and squeezes the heck out of my ——-!”

With that, the bartender looks in and says, “No wonder! You’re sitting on a mop bucket, you idiot!!

One for the Ladies

A very inebriated lady walked into a bar shortly before closing time, sat at the bar and ordered, “Barbender, barbender, I would like a Martoutsy.” The bartender brought her a Martini, which she drinks in one gulp.

“Barbender, I would like another Martoutsy”, again the bartender brought her a Martini. By this time the lady is leaning heavily forward, barely able to hang on. She called, “Barbender, your Martoutsys are giving me heartburn.”

Patiently, the bartender came near her and said, “Lady, I am not a barbender, but a bartender, and what you have been drinking is not a Martoutsy, but a Martini, and finally, you do not have heartburn, your chests are hanging in the ashtray.”





In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United Nations Charter. Those delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals worked out by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United States in August-October 1944.

The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of the 50 countries. Poland, which was not represented at the Conference, signed it later and became one of the original 51 Member States. The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories. United Nations Day is celebrated on 24 October each year.

Rotary International issued, under the title of “Essentials for an Enduring World Order,” two booklets setting forth articles interpreting the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals. The principal objective was to stimulate discussion by Rotarians everywhere on the newly proposed world organization. Two pamphlets entitled “Pattern for San Francisco” and “The Bretton Woods Proposals” also were sent to all clubs, with the result that the proposals were widely discussed.

At the organization conference of the United Nations held in San Francisco in 1945, the United States delegation invited Rotary International to appoint consultants. Eleven prominent Rotarians served in this capacity with resulting influence on the humane aspects of the Charter. In particular, Article 71 of the United Nations Charter attests this influence:

“The Economic and Social Council may make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters within its competence…..”.


Read more >>>



Navagio Beach Zakynthos  Greece



Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka

Governor of District 9700  Greg Brown

Coolamon Club President  Paul Weston

Coolamon Club Secretary  John Glassford Coolamon

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Rotarians For Fighting AIDS AUSTRALIA:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.


Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #16

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #16


Well we volunteered for the chocolate wheel again this year for our annual hospital fete.  We came and we worked but it was hard going due to the lack of numbers this year.  Maybe a sign of the times but we found it hard to sell the tickets required to run this fund raising part of the hospital this year.

On hand were Ian Durham, Dick Jennings, Ian Jennings, John Glassford, Paul Weston and Leslie Weston.  Clare Munro also kindly volunteered but her services were not required.  Anyhow here are some photos from Saturday morning in Coolamon.  The morning teas were delicious!  Click on the photos for a larger image please.


MEETING October 22nd. 2012

‘How to do Business in the Online Marketplace’ workshop hosted by Web 123. Natasha Vanzetti was the presenter ably assisted by Nicola Bell from Tilma Management.  We attracted some 41 participants and the consensus was that it was well run with some excellent information provided by Natasaha.  Coolamon Rotary and The Coolamon Shire Council sponsored the workshop.

Some notable statements made included:

  • 97% of potential customers research you before they call or contact you via email.
  • Email is a basic requirement in conducting business today.
  • In retail it is essential to deliver exceptional customer service.
  • Build a long term business relationship so keep your web site dynamic and up to date.
  • Facebook is word of mouth on steroids.

In setting up your web site Natasaha said that:

  • Profile your ideal client and build the web site to suit their needs.
  • Ask yourself what is your web site doing?
  • What information are your clients looking for?
  • Put your contact details in the top right hand corner of your web site.
  • You need to look at what your key words are for search engines.

Here are some photos from Monday night’s workshop:

Just some of those who attended the workshop just click on the image to get a larger version.



Another landmark event was held on Monday at the Coolamon Sport and Rec Club.  The Rotary Club of Coolamon and the Coolamon Shire Council jointly sponsored a digital marketing workshop designed to promote electronic media to small businesses in the shire.  Natasha Vanzetti, a partner with web design firm Web123 out of Wagga, presented an hour-long presentation on the imperative for small businesses to establish a presence on the web and the importance of social media for building up and keeping a customer base.  Loads of practical advice along with an extensive question and answer period after dinner, mixed in with plenty of time for fellowship, made for a full and information-packed evening.

It was hard to clear out the last of the participants what with all the lengthy after-dinner conversation, and even Dick Jennings, one of the last remaining Luddites in the club, had a hard time tearing himself away.  Who knows, you might even get an e-mail message from Dick one of these days!  It’s clear that the topic was of great interest to a good cross-section of small businesses across the shire (from Marrar to Ganmain, and Ardlethan to Coolamon), judging from the lively conversation during the dinner break and afterwards.  Thanks go to Coolamon Shire Council for co-sponsoring this event with us and to Linda Tillman for lining up the speaker.  The event will enhance our efforts to boost small businesses in the shire via our “Shop Locally/Be a Shire Buyer” campaign.

Several of us (Ian Durham, John Glassford, Dick Jennings, Ian Jennings, Leslie Weston and I) ran the chocolate wheel at the hospital fête on Saturday morning, and helped raise over $500 for the hospital (courtesy of donated gifts for the wheel), despite the low turnout at the event.

Don’t forget the social evening planned for this coming Monday.  Because it’s the fifth Monday of the month, we’ll be dispensing with our regular meeting and instead will have a purely social gathering and meal at the home of Ian and Marilyn Jennings.  Please let Ian or Marilyn know if you’re planning to attend.  You’ll find details elsewhere in this bulletin.

That’s all for now.

Onward and upward!

Yours in Rotary,




*Monday 29th October Social Night at Marilyn and Ian Jennings home. Start 6.30 for 7.00 pm and  BYO please. Please call Ian or Marilyn on 0428 492 157 or home on 6927 3390.

*Monday 5th November Guest Speaker Georgie Roberts from the Red Cross.

Thursday 8th November:    BINGO on duty:   John Burns,  Henk Hulsman,  Leslie Weston & Paul Weston

Monday 12th November AGM and Election of Office Bearers for 2013-2014.

Monday 19th November Ian Durham Speaker on his journey of life.

Sunday November 25th Rotary Markets in Coolamon.

Peace Ceremony in Coolamon February 2013

Friday 19th to Sunday 21st April 2013 D9700 Conference Leeton

June 23-26 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon. RI Convention Lisbon

*Partners and Guests Night.




Traveling around the world during September I visited many wonderful places and I met countless Rotarians truly dedicated to achieving Peace Through Service. To learn more about the great things happening in the Rotary world, I invite you to read my blog. And thank you for visiting this page.



The Old Man

“Look at ME!” boasted the fit old man to a group of young people. “Every morning I do fifty push-ups, fifty sit-ups, and walk two miles. I’m fit as a fiddle! And you want to know why? I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t stay up late, and I don’t chase after women!”

He smiled at them, teeth white, eyes glittering, “And tomorrow, I’m going to celebrate my 95th birthday!”

“Oh, really?” drawled one of the young onlookers, “How?”


Another Night on the Town

An angry wife was complaining about her husband spending all his time at the pub, so one night he took her along.
“What’ll ya have?” he asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. The same as you I suppose,” she replied.
So the husband ordered a couple of Jack Daniel’s and threw his down in one go. His wife watched him, then took a sip from her glass and immediately spat it out.
“Yuck, that’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever tasted!” she spluttered. “I don’t know how you can drink this stuff!”
“Well, there you go,” cried the husband. “And you think I’m out enjoying myself every night!”

Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside. He looked up and said weakly: “I have something I must confess.” “There’s no need to, ” his wife replied. “No,” he insisted, “I want to die in peace. I slept with your sister, your best friend, her best friend, and your mother!” “I know,” she replied, ” now just rest and let the poison work.”

{Thanks to Tom Telfer from ROTI and the Rotary Club of London North, London, Ontario, Canada}.



World Polio Day is October 24 and Rotary International is using social media to make your voice even stronger. Rotary created a page on the social media service Thunderclap,which enables supporters to sign up to share a single message through their social media accounts. The message will go out at a designated date and time to amplify the voice of our cause.

“It’s World Polio Day & I’m adding my support to end this disease. Join #Rotary in making history. #endpolio:

Rotarians are getting ready to launch events linked to World Polio Day, 24 October, in support of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

Led by RI President Sakuji Tanaka, International PolioPlus Committee Chair Robert Scott, and Rotary Foundation Trustee Stephanie Urchick, delegates to the Rotary institute for zones 24-32 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, will take part in a downtown walk and rally on 19 October. One hundred of the participants will carry signs bearing the End Polio Now message.

For more information about polio, visit:

Polio Victim Kampala Uganda December 2011



Bucket List Aurora Borealis, Canada





Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka

Governor of District 9700  Greg Brown

Coolamon Club President  Paul Weston

Coolamon Club Secretary  John Glassford Coolamon

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Rotarians For Fighting AIDS AUSTRALIA:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.


World Polio Day October 24th 2012

A good day for Rotarians to donate to the Polio Plus campaign.

Click on the End Polio Now logo above for the full story and to donate.


There is a US$945 million funding gap in the fight to end polio. What’s the impact? Campaigns in 33 countries will be cancelled and 94 million children won’t receive the polio vaccine.

We need your help! Send a message to world leaders to fund the fight to end polio at:


Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #15

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #15

MEETING October 15th. 2012

Speakers Tonight were PDG Fred Loneragan and John Glassford

Subject Road MAPS to Africa.

We had the following visitors:  From Junee Rotary Club Peter Commens, John Higginson, Ian Good, Doug Bell, from Henty Rotary Club, Ron Wellington, Mark Janetzki, from Lockhart Rotary Club, Bob “Babu” Kendell, Alan Mulholland, Bryan Burgess, Colin Wiese, Bob Toose and from Wagga Wagga Sunrise Rotary Club, Max Chapman and PDG Fred Loneragan.  From Italy Enrico and Ricardo and from Ganmain Susan Wingate-Pearse.

Ten members from our club were also in attendance, Paul Weston, Henk Hulsman, John Glassford, Mark Reardon, Dick Jennings, Christine Atkinson, Ian Jennings, John Burns, Neil Munro and Ian Durham.

Dick Jennings ran a chook raffle and there were two chooks on offer.

The presentation on Africa was in three parts showing where we had been where we are today and where we are going tomorrow.  To date Road MAPS and District 9700 with PDG Fred Loneragan has raised $238,000 for our projects there.  These include:

The School of St Jude’s in Moshono Tanzania.

Bishop Masereka’s Medical Clinic in Kasase Uganda

Orphan Rescue in Mathare Kenya

Coolamon House in Hout Bay South Africa.

The presentation concentrated on sustainability and the two main projects we will be supporting over the next three years, Orphan Rescue Kits for Mathare and Tracy’s 200 and Coolamon House in Cape Town.   The 3 year plan for awareness and fund raising will be centered on World AIDS Day December 1st for the next 3 years:

The Lunch Bag

Fred and John then went onto outline the project planned for ANZAC Day 2015 climbing Mount Kenya in aid of Legacy in Australia, the Returned Services Association in New Zealand and our two African projects.  More information will become avialable over the next few months.


President’s report

This past Monday, the club and our many guests were treated to a very interesting presentation and a challenge by John Glassford and Fred Lonergan.  John and Fred described progress to date on the “Roadmaps to Africa” fundraising campaign spearheaded by John and fabulously supported by Fred and the Rotary Foundation.  To date, $238,000 has been raised by their efforts, centred on climbs of notable mountain peaks in Africa (e.g. Mount Kilimanjaro and Mountains of the Moon/Mount Margherita).  The funds have been used to support programs aimed at easing life for the millions of AIDS orphans in Africa, children who have had the misfortune of being born into families whose parents have been victims of the AIDS epidemic.  Pretty remarkable stuff.

Now the challenge: to raise funds to provide educational opportunities for 200 of these AIDS orphans.  John and Fred described how $450 can provide the funds needed to send one of these children through primary school ($600 for secondary school).  The focus on education is plain: without education, these children have virtually no opportunity to escape the fate that befell their parents.  However, a very modest monetary investment provides these children with a sound education that will give them the footing to lead productive lives.  This investment in education began with one 14-year old girl (Tracy), and now the challenge is to raise funds for 200 of Tracy’s contemporaries to provide similar opportunities for them.  The starting point in this fund-raiser is to have people sacrifice their lunch money for one day (AIDS awareness day, coming up in December).  Small donations such as this can add up to substantial sums, so John and Fred hope a fair bit of the funding for this challenge will be raised this way.  Of course, individuals and groups can sponsor a child in whole.  Look for details on this program in the very near future.  It was inspiring to see how much of  a difference a few people working together can make; hats off to John, Fred, Craig Corrigan (who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro), Mark Janetzki of Henty Rotary (who climbed Mt. Margherita), and the other climbers who sacrificed time and money to make this possible.

Our next meeting features a workshop for the owners and operators of businesses in the Coolamon Shire who are interested in learning how to enhance their businesses via electronic media.  This digital marketing workshop will be run by a firm based in Wagga, and will show businesspeople how to use the internet and social media to increase their customer base and profitability.  The cost of the workshop is being shared by our club and the Coolamon Shire Council in order to encourage business owners and operators to learn about this increasingly important avenue of communication with existing and potential customers.  Members of our club are welcome to attend for the usual cost of a dinner catered by Gilbert ($20).

Things keep rolling along, so don’t sit on the sidelines for too long!  I hope to see you at the digital marketing workshop.  The following week, being a fifth Monday, will be purely an opportunity for fellowship (a dinner hosted by Ian and Marilyn Jennings), so save that date as well.

Onward and upward!

Yours in Rotary,




Saturday October 20th Coolamon and Ganmain Hospital Fete 9.00am at the hospital grounds, volunteers needed for the chocolate wheel.

Volunteers so far Clare Munro, Ian Durham, Dick Jennings, Ian Jennings, Mark Reardon, Paul Weston and John Glassford.

*Monday 22nd October WORKSHOP for Coolamon Shire Business people on how to use the Internet for marketing your business facilitated by Linda Tillman and sponsored by Coolamon Rotary and the Coolamon Shire Council.

*Monday 29th October Social Night at Marilyn and Ian Jennings home. Names to Dick Jennings start 6.30 for 7.00pm.  BYO please.

*Monday 5th November Guest Speaker Georgie Roberts from the Red Cross.
Thursday 8th November:    BINGO on duty:   John Burns,  Henk Hulsman,  Leslie Weston & Paul Weston
Monday 12th November AGM and Election of Office Bearers for 2013-2014.
Monday 19th November Ian Durham Speaker on his journey of life.
Sunday November 25th Rotary Markets in Coolamon.
Peace Ceremony in Coolamon February 2013
Friday 19th to Sunday 21st April 2013 D9700 Conference Leeton
June 23-26 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon. RI Convention Lisbon
*Partners and Guests Night.



So successful was my attendance of a Rotary club meeting via Skype that invitations for me to attend other online meetings continue pouring in. All requests for online meetings must be in writing and emailed to: [email protected]. Please include your club’s name, address, and a member’s contact information.
Visiting Rotary clubs and projects around the world is a big part of my job as president. So if  I’m unable to visit your club in person I would really enjoy participating in one of your meetings via Skype. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for your interest.

Rotary International President via Skype


Three Indian Squaws

There were three Indian squaws. One slept on a deer skin, one slept
on an elk skin, and the third slept on a hippopotamus skin. All three
became pregnant. The first two each had a baby boy. The one who
slept on the hippopotamus skin had twin boys. This just goes to prove
that the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws
of the other two hides. (Some of you may need help with this one).



A blind man was describing his favorite sport of parachuting. When asked how this was accomplished, he said that things were all done for him.
“I am placed in the door and told when to jump. My hand is placed on my release ring for me and out I go.”
“But, how do you know when you are going to land”? he was asked.  “I have a very keen sense of smell and I can smell the trees and grass when I am 300 feet from the ground,” he answered.
“But, how do you know when to lift your legs for the final arrival on the ground”? he was again asked.  The man quickly answered,
“Oh, the dog’s leash goes slack.”


Resources for Rotarians

Rotary International offers myriad resources to help Rotarians build effective clubs. Effective clubs are able to achieve the Object of Rotary by

  • Sustaining or increasing their membership base
  • Implementing successful service projects that address the needs of their community and communities in other countries
  • Supporting The Rotary Foundation through both financial contributions and program participation
  • Developing leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level

Club membership


Kamchatka. Eruption Kluchevskoy, NE Russia



Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka

Governor of District 9700  Greg Brown

Coolamon Club President  Paul Weston

Coolamon Club Secretary  John Glassford Coolamon

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Rotarians For Fighting AIDS AUSTRALIA:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.