Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1920 – 17


Remembrance Day Dinner Meeting – November 11

President Wayne welcomed 18 members and partners Chez, Ann B and special guests from Wollundry Club, David Byfield and Phil McIntosh.

Apologies from Garth, Ian, John N, Don, Bruce, Dave, Neil, Anne and Lyn.



  • Invitation to Coolamon Central School presentation night on Monday, December 9 – Sarah will represent our club.
  • Invitation to Ardlethan Central School on Tuesday, December 17.
  • Invitation to Marrar Public School on Thursday, December 4. 
  • Members wishing to represent the club at presentation nights should contact Wayne.
  • PETS is now 15 -16 Feb, 2020.



  • John G distributed  forms for nominations for next year’s board.
  • Topics for board meeting on 20th November to Secretary John.
  • Update on food van shed  – The roof and most walls are secured. Daryl thanked Henk and Albert for their assistance;  Wayne also thanked Daryl for his untiring effort.
  • Costello girls coming next week before going RYPEN.
  • Bingo is on this Thursday; all welcome.
  • RAIC (Rotary Adventure in Citizenship) in Canberra was briefly discussed and Sarah will see if any students from Coolamon Central School are interested.


Guest Speaker  – Phil McIntosh on Gears and Beers 2019

Phil McIntosh gave a presentation on Gears and Beers with a number of great photos of the day. Feedback from the riders and others people associated with the day was very positive. In total, about 2900 riders participated this year, up from the 365 in the first year of Gears and Beers in 2014. Included in this year’s ride were famous cyclists  Henk Vogels and  Phil Anderson as well as cycling commentator Michael Tomalaris of SBS who interviewed both riders and volunteers and giving great publicity for the event. Also fantastic to see was the exponential growth in women riders in the Dirty 130.

Feedback from the Coolamon Rotary members was very positive and all agreed that continued participation in the event would continue to benefit the region.

Phil thanked all members for their contribution from helping produce the food that was distributed at Marrar and Coolamon to those who helped on checked points, etc, etc 

For our efforts, Phil and David presented a cheque for $8000 to our club.

Michael Tomalaris with some of the Dirty 130 riders
Rotary club receiving the check for $8000. From left to right, Phil McIntosh, Daryl Breust, David Byfield and Wayne Lewis.

Phil McIntosh won the raffle and Albert concluded the evening with a lively fine session.



Who is responsible for this quote?  

We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.

The author of last week’s quote was Winston Churchill.



Image result for Maybe a little lavender will help your stress



*Monday, November 18th  – Speaker meeting. Our own Howard Atkinson will be speaking on Tuppal Station. Also meet and greet Amanda and Chantel Costello before they attend RYPEN. Coolamon Sport and Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, November 20th – Board meeting.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, December 9th – Annual General Meeting.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Thursday, December 12th – Christmas Bingo.  Community Centre Hall, 6.45 – 10:00.  Rostered on are Daryl (captain),  Albert, Myffy, and Bern.

*Saturday, December 14th – Coolamon Rotary Christmas Party.  Old Convent, Coolamon.

March 20-22nd 2020 – D9700 Conference, Temora.

June 6-10th 2020 RI Convention, Honolulu.

* denotes partner & guest night



Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.

Subs are now due.


Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
President-Elect: Howard Atkinson
IPP & V. President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary: John Glassford
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro
Club Admin Director:  Dave McKinley
Service Projects Director: Howard Atkinson
Youth Director: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 
Membership Director: Paul Weston
Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
Immediate Past President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Sergeant @ Arms: Albert Suidgeest
Bulletin Editors: Grahame Miles, Sarah Collins and Paul Weston
Webmaster: John Glassford

November is Rotary Foundation Month