Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin 2018 #4
MEETING February 5th 2018
President Paul welcomed members and guests to the meeting at 7:05 pm. Guests included partner Helen and potential member Lyn Schadel, while potential member Anne Rzeszkowski unfortunately couldn’t make it on the night.
Correspondence in consisted of a thank you letter from the Coolamon Shire Council for Coolamon Rotary’s participation in the New Year’s Eve celebrations and a pamphlet from Careflight with a donation request.
Wayne reminded members of the upcoming Mental Health First aid course to be held on the Monday and Thursdays of the 1st, 5th, 8th and 12th of March at the Sport and Recreation club. Coolamon Rotary has agreed to cater two of these nights, details are yet to be finalised however it was suggested the Monday evenings that Coolamon Rotary normally meets would be most suitable.
Wayne and Dick also put forward the possibility of expanding our range of guest speaker gifts to include engraved pens, pocket knifes, and small LED torches. Further consideration will be given to the matter.
Dave informed members that he has been in contact with Peta Wykes in regards to how Jackson is going on his exchange in Finland and from all reports he is doing very well indeed with a request to his mother she not call him so often because he is too busy enjoying the sights and snowboarding and skiing.
Speaking of youth exchange, Lucia from all reports is doing fine and Digby & Jodie Graham took both Lucia and Alan to Young for a exchange meeting to discuss and highlights, issues or problems the exchange students maybe having to help them settle.
Lucia also has an upcoming birthday on the 19th of February and to celebrate her host family has organised a pool party at the Coolamon Pool on Sunday the 18th. Host families and members are welcome to come and help her celebrate the day. See Dave for further details.
Dave would also like to remind all members that RYLA program is open for nominations for young achievers in the area. Nominations close on the 9th of March and the successful nominee will participate in a 5 day forum in Orange from the 15th – 20th April. Nominee must be 18 to 28 years old. Please forward your nominations to Dave ASAP.
John proposed a motion to be put forward at the district special general meeting which proposed splitting group 5, which currently services 11 Rotary clubs through the region, to two separate groups. Group 6, to consist of Coolamon Rotary along with Temora, Junee, Cootamundra, and Lockhart, and the Wagga Rotary clubs going into group 7 would allow the district to manage these clubs in a more efficient manner. The motion was seconded and carried.
John also informed us of a joint meeting he is putting together with Junee, Temora and Coolamon, to get our current Rotary International director, Noel Trevaskis, out as a guest speaker. The date proposed is Tuesday the 15th May and a motion was moved and carried that Coolamon move its meeting night to the Tuesday instead of the usual Monday.
Henk reminded all members that subs of $130 are now due, and would greatly appreciate prompt payment.
Neil reminded members to support the Rotary Peace Program in Wagga by putting your name down to purchase tickets for the Gala evening on the Saturday 24th February. Cost is $55 per head and final numbers are needed by the 14th February so if you plan on going to this fantastic opportunity you need to get your names down with Neil by next Monday’s meeting at the latest.
Coolamon Rotary will be doing their bit to support the Peace program by organising the catering for the Towards Peace – Discussion held at the Kildare Catholic College; at this point organisation is still ongoing and a number of Coolamon members have already committed to assist with the catering, however if they find themselves short handed a roster will be forthcoming.
Members were also reminded to save the date for the Foundation dinner on the 19th of March to be held at the convent when guest speaker David Kennedy, District 9700 Foundation director, will be in attendance.
Any members interested in joining the Centurion club should contact Neil for further information. The Centurion club generates income for Foundation and incurs an annual cost of $100.
Finally a thank you goes out to Garth who will replacing Dick at this week’s Bingo as Dick is unable to attend due to family circumstances.
Guest Speaker – President Paul on Hawaii
President Paul gave us a fantastic overview of his recent trip to Hawaii when he and Leslie went to the sunny islands to have Christmas with their daughter Nicole, who currently resides in New York City.
Paul informed us that to get to Hawaii it is a 9hr flight from Sydney and you cross the international date line and means you will arrive before you have left. Hawaii also consists of 8 main islands in a chain of a total of 132 island which have been built up over time due to a rising plume of magma that breaks the surface and creates the islands. However, as the Pacific plate moves over the plume new volcanoes are formed and the older ones go extinct. One of which was Diamond Head volcano which Paul and his daughter had the opportunity to climb while they were there.
Paul then gave us a rundown on the history of Hawaii. Did you know that Hawaii has a history of invasion and that Captain Cook visited the Islands twice, the second time meeting with a sad end when he or one of his crew members attempted to acquire a tribal artefact without permission? The influence of the British in Hawaii’s history can still be seen today in their state flag which incorporates the Union Jack.
Sites that Paul and Leslie visited while in Hawaii on O’ahu included:
- The Aquarium run by the university of Hawaii which is the only aquarium to successfully breed yellow tangs and had a collection of seahorses and sea dragons Paul found enthralling.
- Pearl Harbour, where you could visit the aviation museum, tour the USS Missouri, commemorate the lost sailors at the USS Arizona memorial or tour a submarine.
- The cactus garden – also curated by the University
- The Northeastern shore, famous for its surf as it is on the windward side of the island
- Hanauma Bay on the leeward side of the island famous for it snorkeling and sightings of many reef fish, including the state fish of Hawaii, the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a.
- Many shopping and dining locations including sushi and a noodle shop that was so good it had a line out the door all day.
Members in attendance greatly enjoyed Paul’s talk and Henk is already planning a budget and itinerary.
25 Years of Peace Communities
For more information about peace program click on the link below.
Flyer 25 PCP email
Quote of the Week
Who said this ?
“Just take your time – wave comes. Let the other guys go, catch another one.”
Last week’s Quote of the week is attributed to Winston Churchill .
Thursday February 8th – BINGO – Henk (Capt.), Rod, Garth, Will & trainee Captain Wayne
Thursday, 15th February – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:30 pm.
Sunday, 18th February – Lucia birthday pool party at the Coolamon pool
Friday and Saturday, 23rd & 24th February – Wagga Wagga Peace Celebration. Details forthcoming.
Saturday & Sunday, 3rd & 4th March – PETS (President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Sunday, March 4th – D9700 Assembly – ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members to attend. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 09:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Thursday March 8th 2018 – BINGO. Neil M (Captain), Dave McK, Leslie W & Bruce H
Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. St Michael’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.
Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.
Thursday, 12th April – BINGO. Daryl B (Captain), Don D, Ian J & Alex T (note change)
Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton. Book accommodation early! Register below
Tuesday, 15th May – joint meeting with Temora and Junee with guest speaker International director, Noel Trevaskis
Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.
*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover. Ganmain Hall.
* denotes partner & guest night
Community Events
Saturday March 17th 2018 – The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval
We still need a president elect for 2019-2020; please give some thought to either nominating yourself or nominating another.
Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club President: Paul Weston 6927 2972 President Elect & Service Projects : Daryl Breust 0409 551 140 Secretary: John Bond 0427 273 226 Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486 Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156 Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215 Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553 Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390 Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501 Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215 Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349 Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles