Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-28



Week of February 7th

We welcomed President Albert Suidgeest back in the chair.  Albert spoke on his recent family going into isolation after they all had contracted Covid.

19 members attended — another good turnout.

The following matters were discussed:

  • Albert presented a bottle of wine to the recent birthday members including Grahame, Bruce, Mary and Bernadette who was an apology.  A very poor rendition of Happy Birthday was sung.
  • Albert spoke on the RAWCS appeal for Tonga and encouraged members to donate to the cause.  The Board will make a decision at the next Board meeting on supporting the RAWCS appeal to raise $1 million for the Tongan disaster.
  • Henk reminded members that the semi-annual Rotary fees are now well and truly due.
  • Gears and Beers still needing volunteers so please advise Daryl Breust of your intentions for the Sunday event on March 27th.
  • Scott Reardon night will have further information on our Club Facebook Page.
  • Batlow Men’s Shed opening — please give your name to John Glassford if you are attending on Friday 25th February.  So far we have 10 members including partners going.
  • Anne advised the meeting that Rotary Youth Exchange gets under way, after a long absence, in May this year.  Details will follow.
  • Anne mentioned that our NYSF student, Bethany Crocker, had a wonderful time with the NYSF programme. Bethany will be visiting the club to give us a presentation on the event which was held virtually this year.
  • Albert asked for opinions on our changeover night and the general consensus was to hold it on a Monday night at the end of the Rotary year.  PE Paul and Albert will set the date ASAP.
  • Daryl pointed out that Covid rules are changing from March 1st and that we should all be aware of them.
  • JG asked members to think of where they were on February 6th 1952.  Not many owned up to being alive at that time.  JG was living 50 miles from Treetops in Kenya where Princess Elizabeth became the Queen of England and the Commonwealth that night King George VI died.
  • The raffle was won by Howard and the eggs by Chez and Grahame.
  • John Bond conducted a short fines session.


Tonight we had PP Ian Jennings in the spotlight and here are some highlights of the Q&A session with Albert:

  • Ian’s family came to the Coolamon area in 1879 from England where they first settled in Moruya and then moved to Albury.  Ian’s great grandfather then settled in Coolamon and started farming.
  • To this day, Ian, his brother Stewart and cousin Dick Jennings are still farming in the same area.
  • Ian has two sisters and one brother.
  • Attended Coolamon Central School from kindergarten until year 10 and then went to Wagga Wagga High school for years 11-12.
  • Ian then attended Armidale University where he studied agricultural science for 4 years and then moved back to the farm with his father.
  • Ian is not into sports however he enjoys tennis but loves a good wine.
  • His favourite actor is Sean Connery and he would love to spend more time in Spain.
  • On his bucket list is to visit the home of his ancestors in England.
  • Ian met Marilyn at university and they have been happily married ever since.
  • Marilyn and Ian adopted a boy from Sri Lanka, Tom.  Ian described this as a wonderful experience.  Tom has three daughters now and the granddaughters are very much loved by Marilyn and Ian.  Tom and the three girls live in Uladulla.
  • BTW Ian has been a dedicated member of our club and is our longest serving member, having joined on the 1st May 1977.  He has served as President of our club in 1982-1983 & 1995-1996.




Monday February 14th – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sports Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Wednesday February 16th – CRC Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.

Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}.  Cowra.

Monday February 21st – CRC Club Assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday 25th February – Opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed. Batlow, 12.00 pm.

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District 9705 Conference}.  See:  TEMORA 2022

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers. See: Gears and Beers WEBSITE.

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.  Time 6.00-10.00 pm.

To all our Facebook users please start sharing the CRC Facebook page which will have all the details for this night uploaded soon.:

Sportsman’s Night featuring Scott Reardon






Beavers Curling





Answer to the last Puzzler:

The number 8. Slice it in half horizontally and you have two zeroes (nothing). Lay it on its side and you have the symbol for infinity (everything)!

Here’s another riddle to challenge the ol’ grey matter: What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don’t want to use it?



What is this?




Last week we voted on supporting ShelterBox for Tonga however ShelterBox has been closely monitoring the situation in Tonga ever since news of the volcano and tsunami emerged. After much investigation and consultation, it has recently been announced that ShelterBox will not be responding in Tonga.

Following on from my last email at the bottom of the ShelterBox story on Tonga was news that RAWCS have started a $1 million appeal for Tonga:


The effects of the Volcano and Tsunami on January 15th will be far-reaching, impacting the Tonga Community for months, possibly years to come.

Communication remains problematic with international and inter-island call still no possible due to the damage to the undersea cable.

Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) will be working with Rotary New Zealand World Community Service (RNZWCS) and Rotary Club of Nuku’alofa (Tonga) in providing aid and assistance to the affected communities’ and restoring their livelihoods.

RAWCS has registered a Rotary Australia Relief Fund project to seek financial assistance from Rotary Clubs, the public and private sector.

Donations to the RAWCS Relief Fund are tax deductible.

Donate through



Since 2002, The Rotary Foundation established 7 Peace Centres at universities around the world after an extensive selection process. The University of Queensland was one of these 7. The fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship and field-study expenses.

Rotary’s most significant effort to wage peace is the Rotary Peace Centres program, established in 2002. Each year, the program trains some of the world’s most dedicated and brightest professionals, preparing them to promote national and international cooperation and to resolve conflict. There are seven Rotary Peace Centres throughout the world. They are in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, Tokyo, Japan, Bradford, England, Brisbane, Australia, Uppsala, Sweden Bangkok, Thailand and Kampala, Uganda. Learn more about Rotary Peace Centre and our investment in Peace Fellowships at

The University of Queensland’s Rotary Peace Centre is part of a global program to advance research, teaching, practical training and knowledge on issues of international relations, conflict resolution and peace-building. It offers a tailored Master’s Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies, aimed at potential world and community leaders, designed to have a practical effect on peacebuilding and addressing international and regional conflicts. The Rotary Foundation’s decision to establish this unique program at The University of Queensland is recognition of the outstanding reputation of postgraduate programs in peace and conflict studies within the School of Political Science and International Studies.

The Centre is one of only six worldwide, the others are housed at:

  • Duke University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USA
  • International Christian University, Tokyo Japan,
  • University of Bradford, West Yorkshire England
  • Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden
  • Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand (Professional Development Centre)

The first cohort of Rotary Peace Fellows started their studies in 2003 and since then there has been a cohort of 10 Fellows selected each year from around the world to study a masters degree in peace and conflict resolution at the University of Queensland Rotary Peace Centre.

University of Queensland Rotary Peace Centre. 

FELLOWS 2021-2022


1. Rachel Buchan USA

Rachel Buchan is a Rotary Peace Fellow at the University of Queensland from the USA. Previously, Rachel was Vice President of Government Relations at Capstone LLC, a policy analysis firm in Washington, DC that helps institutional investors understand how geopolitics impacts large industries.

Rachel also served in The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama, for the U.S. Congress, and at Human Rights First. Rachel discovered a passion for peace while completing a 2015-2016 Fulbright Scholarship in Turkey, and she owes her deep love of learning to her alma mater, Birmingham-Southern College, where she graduated with honours and Phi Beta Kappa in 2015. Rachel is  granddaughter to former Tuscaloosa, Alabama USA Rotary Club President, Donald Brown.


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford

Answer to spare puzzler:

Lockey Hill Cello circa 1780





Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-27



Week of JANUARY 31st

Back at the Sports Club in Coolamon after a long break.  18 members attended the meeting and PP Daryl Breust was in the chair.  Some of the highlights of the night included:

  • Treasurer Henk Hulsman advised all members that our 6 monthly dues were due on January 1st 2022 and that the club has paid Rotary Down Under, District 9705 and that the RI fees are also due to be paid.  Members, please submit your fees to Henk as soon as possible.
  • Daryl brought up the three Facebook pages that the club maintains and asked members for a show of hands as to who uses Facebook.  The majority do have a Facebook presence.  Daryl is in contact with Liam O’Neill who will help us with the promotion of the Scott Reardon night on April 2nd.
  • Daryl then requested volunteers for Gears and Beers as we will need 17 Rotarians to tend the check points over that weekend.  Many volunteers put their names down however more are needed so please advise either Daryl or John Glassford if you can help.  More details will be provided when they become available.  There is information in this bulletin on Gears & Beers bellow.
  • John G reminded members that we have been invited to the opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed on Friday 25th February at 11.00 am.  All members are encouraged to go along. So far we have 10 going including some partners.
  • Dick Jennings spoke on the recent volcano disaster in Tonga and asked the club to support by way of sending a ShelterBox for Tonga.  The Board met and approved the donation of one ShelterBox at AUD $1,000.


In the past our club has actively supported ShelterBox by setting up an actual ShelterBox in Coolamon, Ganmain and at “Kiambo”:

  • Adrian Lindner spoke on Rotary International’s seventh area of Focus:  The Environment.  In particular that D9705 through PDG David Brawn, District Leader, Environmental Envoys Team, Rotary District 9705 is calling for every club to recruit a Club Environmental Representative (CER).  Adrian has volunteered to be Coolamon Rotary’s CER.  PS Adrian is going to the Temora DISCON–are you ?
  • Dick Jennings followed on with the reasons why we should support the Temora District Conference and encouraged us to turn up in large numbers.  There is a story on this year’s DISCON Below with the appropriate links.  It is easy to book online, and  be sure to register for the Saturday night dinner in the Temora Aviation Museum.
  • Board members were reminded that the next board meeting is set for Wednesday the 16th February.  Those present at the meeting agreed to hold a Club Assembly on Monday the 21st February.
  • The meeting closed with a quick fines session and raffle, which was won by Anne.





Friday 4th February – Riding for the Disabled Event, Plumpton Road, Wagga Wagga  6.00 pm. (see above).

Monday 7th February – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sports Club 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}.  Cowra.

Wednesday February 16th – CRC Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.

Monday February 21st – CRC Club Assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm

Friday 25th February – Opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed. Batlow, 11.00 am (see story below).

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District 9705 Conference}.  See story below:  TEMORA 2022

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers. See: Gears and Beers WEBSITE.

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.  Time 6.00-10.00 pm.

To all our Facebook users please start sharing the following page:

Sportsman’s Night featuring Scott Reardon






Ready for the Winter Olympics? We’re off to a ripper of a start!





Answer to the last Puzzler:

This week’s Puzzler is a riddle to challenge your grey matter:

Cut me in half and I am nothing. Turn me on my side and I am everything. What am I?



The Ride

Gears + Beers is a unique festival combining our two loves – cycling & craft beer. The festival is held on 26 + 27 March 2022.

The weekend offers a combination of rides catering for all age groups, distances, energy levels and cycling levels. All roads lead to the craft beer festival.

Our flagship ride is the Dirty130. 130km of road, gravel, farms, golden couches, dead camel lane (if you don’t know, you will!) and more gravel. It’s a slog, but totally worth it.

The event is run by the Rotary Club of Wollundry Wagga Wagga with all proceeds going to charity.

One of the courses that goes into Coolamon is the Dirty 130

Date: Sunday, 27th March 2022
Time: 7am
Cost: $140

So much awaits the course veterans and unassuming newbies. In 2022, the picturesque and challenging course will see more gravel, a tiny bit more climbing and even more on-farm trails (through private property). It is a given that the infamous Dead Camel Lane (the wildest gravel sector on course) will feature and leave an impact (on your butt and rubber). It all ends with a roll back home on the black stuff. We’ll have you at the festival holding a cold brew in hand in no time.

Other courses can be found here:

Gears & Beers Courses 2022


2. TEMORA DISCON 2022 MARCH 18-20th.

View the promotional video below:



Dr Chadden Hunter – Keynote Speaker

Few people have seen more remote places and wild animals than Dr Chadden Hunter. From the Sahara desert to the Antarctic ice cap, Chadden has not only braved the elements but returned with award-winning footage and death-defying stories.

The Project Interview


Originally from north Queensland, Chadden grew up surrounded by rainforest and coral reef, an immersion in nature that inspired his life journey. He studied marine biology on the Great Barrier Reef and his passion for wildlife took him on a wild ‘Gorillas in the Mist’ adventure to study gelada baboons in the remote war-torn mountains of Ethiopia for his PhD. While dodging armed bandits and surviving brain parasites he learnt the local language and realised he wanted to communicate with a greater audience.

Go to the website to make your booking and being the nearest Rotary Club to Temora let us all attend and have fun in Temora.

D9705 Conference Temora

The Full Programme:



February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-26



Week of JANUARY 24th 2022



We were able to meet for the first time in 2022 at the top pub in Coolamon.  Sixteen members attended and we had a good social catch up with those present.

The Batlow Rotary Club have invited our members to the opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed on Friday 25th February at 11.00 am.  Members are asked to advise John Glassford as soon as possible so that we can let Batlow know how many will be attending.  So far we have 10 members including partners going to Batlow.

Chez Thompson spoke on the upcoming Riding for the Disabled event in Wagga Wagga on February the 4th.  Starting time 6.00 pm, closing at 10.00 pm.  To get your tickets to the RDA Hoedown Showdown event please click the link below. It’s going to be a great night for the family, we can’t wait!…/hoedown-showdown-rda…



Monday 31st January – Regular meeting. Royal Tavern (top pub),  6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday 4th February – Riding for the Disabled Event, Plumpton Road, Wagga Wagga  6.00 pm. (see above).

Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}.  Cowra.

Wednesday February 16th – CRC Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.

Friday 25th February – Batlow Rotary Club. Opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed 11.00 am (see story below).

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District 9705 Conference}.

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers. Details TBA.

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.  Time 6.00-10.00 pm.

To all our Facebook users please start sharing the following page:

Sportsman’s Night featuring Scott Reardon








Answer to the last Puzzler:

This week’s Puzzler: Below are lists of stage names and given names of ten celebrities.  Your task is to match the given names with the more familiar stage names.




RIPE Jennifer Jones announced her theme for 2022-2023 and here is the logo which is complex in its simplicity:

Imagine Rotary the theme for 2022-2023 explained by incoming President Jennifer Jones.

The theme graphic was designed by an Australian indigenous artist to link with the Melbourne convention in 2023.

Circle – connections to one another

Dots around it – Our People

There are 7 Dots because of our Rotary’s 7 areas of focus

Circle + dots around it – Navigation star, our guiding light

Green solid line – digging stick (used when doing hard work);

for us it’s People of Action, represents the tools for getting things done

Colours: Purple, Green & White –

Celebrate DEI- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Freedom to express ourselves differently but still with a special connection.

Purple- Polio

Green- the Environment

White – Peace

Represents Empowerment and Newness and also the colours were utilised for the women’s movement giving us the opportunity to grow our female membership.


RIPE Jennifer Jones Theme



Following the disastrous bush fires of the summer of 2019/2020 as expected we as Rotarians wanted to help in the only way we know.  This was no ordinary fire season and between July 2019 and 13 February 2020, the NSW Rural Fire Service reported that 11,264 bush or grass fires burnt 5.4 million hectares (13 million acres), destroyed 2,439 homes, and approximately 24 megalitres (5.3 million imperial gallons; 6.3 million US gallons) of fire retardant was used.  There were in all 34 people who died as a direct result of the fires and 445 as an indirect result (smoke inhalation).  On top of this disaster was the tragic loss of our wildlife which began early, at the end of the country’s hottest and driest year on record, in September 2019, by February 2020, the Summer of Death fires had killed more than 1 billion animals.

The board decided NOT to act in haste as there was so much money being raised.  On top of this many areas affected were receiving materials such as fencing supplies.  It was not the time for knee jerk reactions to this disaster.

Over $500 million was donated to bushfire appeals during the 2019-20 fire season, which is believed to be the biggest ever amount raised in response to an Australian disaster.

Around $282 million of that was received by three main charities; The Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and St Vincent de Paul.

During this time Daryl Breust was our President and eventually we decided on supporting Batlow and to find out what was really needed for that community.  Several members went to Batlow and met up with the members of the Batlow Rotary Club.  It was suggested that we become Twin Rotary Clubs with Batlow and during a visit by several members of the Batlow RC we signed a Twin Club agreement.  Below President Daryl Breust and Secretary Margaret Isslemann signing the agreement on Monday 24th February 2020.

Following the Batlow RC visit Covid 19 hit the world.  The situation of rebuilding Batlow took another turn and mental health became an issue.  The Batlow Rotarians decided to look at building a Men’s Shed for the well being of the mental health of the men in Batlow.

Our club then decided to put our money that we keep for a rainy day towards the building of the Batlow Men’s Shed.

During our 50th Birthday Party celebrations   Coolamon RC donated $10,000.00 to the Batlow RC President Sam Hughes by Coolamon RC President Elect Albert Suidgeest.

The official opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed will be held on Friday 25th February in Batlow at 11.00 am and we have been invited to attend.  Please let John Glassford know of your intentions.


January is Rotary Vocational Service Month


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-25



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.


Week of JANUARY 1st 2022

Friday, 31st December – New Year’s Eve Street Festival. Cowabbie Street, Coolamon.



Wednesday, 19th January 2022 – First Board Meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, 24th January – First meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Cowra.

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.






Answer to the last Puzzler will appear in the bulletin following our first meeting of 2022.



2022 Rotary Rose Parade Committee Float Theme:

Changing Lives Through Education

The 2022 Rose Parade marks the 42nd consecutive year the RRPFC has spearheaded Rotary’s representation in America’s New Year Celebration.  This year’s theme, “Changing Lives Through Education,” aligns with one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus, Basic Education and Literacy.   A sixteen-foot-tall owl embodies both the spirit of self-improvement and Rotary’s determination to make the tools of education available to everyone in every land. Books, a quill pen and a hybrid apple/globe  symbolize the importance of education throughout the world.


The video below is a good one after you get through the ads which on their own are interesting!


Above the float being judged in Pasadena on New Years Eve December 31st, prior to the parade on New Years Day 2022.  Photo taken 2.30pm New Years Day Australian time.


Tracy Ochieng our star pupil from Nairobi sends her greetings to all of our members at Coolamon RC.

Tracy writes:

“I had a wonderful Christmas. I was with the whole family. Mum is recuperating well and her progress wasn’t something we expected. We really thank God. Quinter (my sister), and her family visited. It was a full house!

Next semester is will be second last semester in school and I’m super ready to complete this journey.
The Covid cases keep surging over. We are hopeful that in the next coming months that things might change.
Praying that you make it to the graduation next year.
Send my love to Susan and the rest of your family and to the members of the Coolamon Rotary Club.
All my love to you☺️
Merry Christmas and A happy new year 🎆
 I got to visit Mfangano island here in Homa Bay on the shores of Lake Victoria during Christmas.

January is Rotary Vocational Service Month.


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-24


Week of December 13

Our last meeting for 2021 was a self catering meeting and we did have guests present including one of our past members Sarah Colins (nee Bond).  It was wonderful to catch up with Sarah in Coolamon visiting her family.  We had four members from the Wollundry Rotary Club in Phil McIntosh, David Byfield,  Frank Fuller and PE Phil Burgess, who were on hand to discuss plans for Gears & Beers, which will be held in March after being postponed by COVID.  Also present were 17 members.

After dinner Phil McIntosh from Wollundry RC outlined the upcoming Bears and Gears event to be stage in March 2022.  Our club’s involvement will be on the 27th March.

Phil showed maps of where we will be needed to guide riders at intersections and where best to cater for the riders and public on the day.  Phil said that so far they have received over 3,100 registrations for the weekend.  Gears and Beers 2022 will be held at the regular time over the October log weekend.

For more information on Gears and Beers please go top their Facebook page and their website listed below:

Sarah our visiting Rotarian and past member won the raffle!

Thanks to all who cooked, helped set up and clean up following the meeting.

Now one of the salads had a secret ingredient and I wonder how many knew of this particular fruit it was in the HOT salad with red chillies, mangoes, papaya,  rock melon, capsicum, cheese, croutons and various greens.  This mystery fruit is green on the outside and pink in the middle, is 125 mm in diameter has a pithy outside; any ideas?



Paua shell Christmas tree, Napier New Zealand
Northern Lights!
The scientist’s Christmas tree
‘Christmas Tree on a Snowy Night’, Trumansburg, NY



Friday, 31st December – New Year’s Eve Street Festival. Cowabbie Street, Coolamon (CRC food van).

Members are asked to keep an eye out for details on the roster which will require volunteers for NYE.

Wednesday, 19th January 2022 – First Board Meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, 24th January – First meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Cowra.

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.









Answer to the last Puzzler: A lawsuit.

Here are some rebus puzzles to ponder over the holiday break!


1. Letter from our Rotary Centennial Twin Club, Hout Bay RC.

“Dear Paul and John,

The last couple of year have not been easy for Rotary in Hout Bay and indeed Coolamon.  Zoom is not my favourite form of contact and how I miss the Rotary spirit of a meeting.
Our meeting room has wonderful reminders of the links with yourselves in Coolamon. Not least the table mats (who ever said that Rotarians were untidy eaters?) and of  course  we pass the framed blazer of the exchange student Ashley Kaimowitz who brought to the Club’s attention the wonders of the Nonceba Centre.”
“Some of the Coolamon members who came to SA to climb will remember the special place the Nonceba Centre held and the few members who sat in on a consultation with a young rape victim. My fellow Rotarians will wonder why Nonceba gets a mention before the amazing project headed by PP Patrick Mclaughlin.”
“I refer to the project to extend the Hout Bay Clinic at the height of the Aids pandemic, this was Rotary working not just locally but internationally and particularly the really wonderful support from Coolamon. There is no way for us to measure the “good” this project has and continues to do now mainly with feeding programmes. The many inhabitants of Imuzu Yethu have a warm feeling towards Rotary and continue to help with a great support of the IY Team.  Their help makes projects requiring manpower possible and for the HBRC to further support this growing community.”

“But this missive was mainly to extend to you all at Coolamon Rotary (with President Ali’s approval given perhaps unknowingly)
Don Peters”


Coolamon Shire Wide Christmas Light Competition is on NOW!🎆
This year, Coolamon Lions Club is offering cash prizes for the best efforts in the following categories
• Best residential decoration – $500 and $250 runner up
• Best decorated shop front or business house – $500 and $250
runner up
• Best decorated mailbox or front farm gate (RMB addresses) –
$300 (proudly sponsored by Coolamon Chaser Bins).
There is no entry fee, simply decorate your house or shop front by 14th December and send a photograph to the Lions Club Facebook Page to be in the running for a prize. If you don’t use social media, you can email your picture to the Lions Club secretary, David McCann at [email protected].
There’s just one catch—Your display must have a LION 🦁 included somewhere in it. The Lion can be a toy, a picture anything, as long as it’s a LION 🦁and can be seen in your picture!
The competition starts on 29th November, entries for all sections must be submitted by the 10th December. Judging will take place on 11th & 12th December and winners announced on the 15th of December 2021.



December is Disease Prevention & Treatment Month.


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-23


Week of 6th December

Past President Daryl welcomed 18 members to our weekly meeting in Albert’s absence.  With many members absent on the night owing to the continuing harvest, business was light and focussed on catering for the dog shows coming up this weekend in Ganmain.  The club will be catering breakfast and lunch on Friday and breakfast on Sunday. In lieu of a fines session, Sergeant-at-Arms Bondy showed us how uncoordinated we were by having us rotate our legs while reciting the Greek alphabet, which cannot be done!  Someone won the raffle.


Friday, 10th December – Catering breakfast and lunch at Ganmain dog show. Ganmain Showgrounds. 7 am – 2 pm.

Sunday, 12th December – Catering breakfast at Ganmain dog show. Ganmain Showgrounds, 7 – 10 am.

Monday, 13th December – Last meeting for 2021. Visit by Phil McIntosh and 3 members of the Wollundry RC 2022 Gears and Beers committee.  NB Self Catering at the Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday, 31st December – New Year’s Eve Festival. Cowabbie Street, Coolamon (CRC food van).

Wednesday, 19th January 2022 – First Board Meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, 24th January – First meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Cowra.

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.








Answer to last week’s puzzler: 

Each of the cars was turning left.

This week’s puzzler:  

What is something you don’t want, but once you have you don’t want to lose?




Rotary Friendship Exchange Photo Award: Embracing diversity

Through Rotary Friendship Exchanges (RFEs), we experience new cultures, expand our global understanding and perspectives, and immerse ourselves in unparalleled travel and service opportunities while building life-long friendships. The Rotary Friendship Exchange Photo Award showcases memorable exchanges around the world. The 2021-22 award theme was Embracing Diversity. Participants were asked to show how their exchange embraced diversity and diverse ideas by learning something new and reimagining how their district could participate in an exchange during the pandemic. We received amazing photos and strategies that demonstrated diversity and are excited to announce this year’s winner and runner up.



The Coolamon Ganmain Kennel Club Dog Show is on this weekend and we are cooking breakfast and lunch on Friday and Breakfast on Sunday.  Thanks to our volunteers and so far (Friday) Garth Perkin brought the caravan to the Ganmain Show Grounds and set it up on Thursday ready for serving breakfast on Friday.  Cooking were Anne Rzeszkowski, Garth Perkin, Mary Potts, Henk Hulsman, Ian Jennings, Albert Suidgeest and John Glassford.

Some photos from Friday:

Garth setting up the caravan.

Can you find Anne?

The Westons fast asleep.

Bella wants to join the show my vote for Champion Dog!



December is Disease Prevention & Treatment Month.


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-22


Week of 29th. November



Dianne and Albert Suidgeest were our hosts for this year’s CRC Christmas party.  Our thanks to the Suidgeest’s’ for their hospitality and for all the work they and others put in to make the night a memorable one.  Special thanks to all those who brought a salad or a sweet or both.

34 members, partners and guests attended the gathering.  The garden is special and well worth a visit at the next open garden day.  It was also Albert’s birthday!

We all met down at “Lake Albert” where we had entrees prepared by Mary and Anne and went down well.  The first highlight of the night was the bogged Merc.  It took a bogged attempt by a 4-wheel to bring out the big guns: Albert and a long strap.  Eventually both bogged vehicles were free; thanks Albert and apologies for the ruts!

The meal, which included a whole lot of prawns and ham plus salads and sweets, was definitely another highlight of the evening.

Leo de Kroo, a well known Coolamon identity, then entertained us with a few Christmas songs, inviting those assembled to sing along and chiding us when we reflexively used the traditional words to Jingle Bells instead of those of the Aussie version! If for some reason you’re not familiar with the Aussie version of Jingle Bells, you can find it here in a video complete with bogan humour!  BTW, Leo is listed in Wikipedia.

BTW Chez did not catch anything!!!

We all had a great night of fellowship and friendship.



This Monday, being a fifth Monday, led Coolamon Rotarians to the Marrar Hotel for a social night.  Twenty-four members and guests attended the meeting.

So good to have a change of venue and catering.  The dinner was plentiful with two courses prepared by one of our members, Craig Lambert, who works at the Marrar Hotel.   After some great fellowship we sat down in the dining room and were entertained by Grahame Miles and Ian Jennings “singing” our old grace!  We now know why we have stopped singing grace! A good time was had by all.



Leslie and Paul Weston have had two foals during this week. Leslie writes:

23/11/21 – So pleased to welcome our new arrival Eva this morning…… to mum Zsa Zsa and dad Theo. Another beautiful bay filly from RQH Ala Natural and Time To Be Radical born at 5 am and running around by 8 am.

26/11/21 – So pleased with the safe arrival of Rosa on Saturday am! The first foal for mom Time To Be Stylish and first appaloosa foal for dad Potentially Lazy!! A lovely filly with big white blaze and one sock…she’s a pretty colour too… light bay or dark buckskin…. time will tell but she’s loping already!!!



Monday  6th December Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday, 10th December – Catering breakfast and lunch at Ganmain dog show. Ganmain Showgrounds. 7 am – 2 pm.

Sunday, 12th December – Catering breakfast at Ganmain dog show. Ganmain Showgrounds, 7 – 10 am.

Monday, 13th December – Last meeting for 2021. Visit by Phil McIntosh and 3 members of the Wollundry RC 2022 Gears and Beers committee.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday, 31st December – New Year’s Eve Festival. Cowabbie Street, Coolamon (CRC food van).

Wednesday, 19th January 2022 – First Board Meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, 24th January – First meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Cowra.

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.








Answer to last week’s puzzler: 

Thanksgiving comes after Christmas in the dictionary, of course!


This week’s puzzler:  

Four cars come to a four way stop, all coming from a different direction. They can’t decide who got there first, so they all go forward at the same time. They don’t crash into each other, but all four cars make it through the intersection. How is this possible?




While all social networks are full of hatred and negativity, I want to dissolve it with pleasant news and facts. The world isn’t that bad, look back:

The Norwegians have decided not to drill oil wells in the Lofoten Islands (with $53,000,000,000,000 in oil reserves) to preserve the islands ecosystem.

For the first time in Malawi history, a woman has been elected as the speaker of the country’s parliament. Esther Challenge cancelled 1500 marriages with underage girls and sent them back to school.

Swedish donors receive a thank you text every time their blood saves people.

Thanks to the Endangered Species Act, the almost endangered species population of sea turtles has increased by 980%.

Thai supermarkets gave up plastic bags and began wrapping up their purchases in banana leaves.

Holland became the first country without stray dogs.

South Korea organizes dance parties for people after 65 years. To fight dementia and loneliness;

In Rome, you can pay for a ticket in the subway using plastic bottles. Thus, 350,000 bottles have already been collected.

California restrictions the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in stores so people can take pets from shelters;

Rice farmers around the world are starting to use duck fields instead of pesticides. Ducks eat insects and pinch weeds without touching rice;

Canada passed a law prohibiting the use of mows and dolphins in the entertainment industry;

Holland sows roofs of hundreds of bus stops with flowers and plants – specifically for bees;

Iceland became the first country in the world to legalize equal salaries for men and women;

German circuses instead of animals use their holograms to stop the exploitation of animals in circuses;

LarvalBot underwater robot sows the bottom of the Great Barrier Reef with microscopic corals, grown specifically for ecosystem restoration

To reduce the number of suicides, Sweden organized the world’s first psychiatric ambulance

4855 people stood in line for hours in the rain to test stem cells to save the life of a five-year-old boy;

An Indian village celebrates the birth of every girl by planting 111 trees. 350,000 trees have already been planted so far

Thanks to the ban on humpback whale hunting, their population has grown from several hundred to 25,000

The Netherlands has built five artificial islands specifically for the conservation of birds and plants. Two years later, there are already 30,000 birds living there and 127 species of plants are growing

NASA satellites recorded that the world has become greener than 20 years ago

Since 1994, the number of suicides has decreased by 38%. It saved about four million lives


2. RAGES To The Moon


RAGES Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species this Rotary Action Group or RAG was started in our club by John Glassford and Phillip Merritt from the RC of Mabalacat Clark in The Philippines.  John and Phillip are friends and members of ROTI or Rotarians On The Internet.  Rotary approved this RAG in July 2013 and John was it’s 1st Chair.

The painting Tears of the Rhino by artist Paula Wiegmink originally of Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia) will be going to the moon.

RAGES received permission to use the painting as the logo for RAGES from Paula Wiegmink.  It has taken a life of it’s own following the meeting between John, Susan and Dr. Jane Goodall in Sydney in 2014.

Paula with her partner in her studio in Dunsborough WA.  On the wall is Kushundwe painted by Paula from a photo that JJG took in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Uganda in 2011.

JJG with RIDE Eve Conway at the RI Convention in Seoul 2016.  Eve is a director of RAGES and now a RI Director Elect for 2023-2025.

The Say NO poster was created and printed here in Wagga and has since had many well known conservationists sign the poster thanks to Duke Ingram and Ruben Besureis who took the poster over and had it signed.  See how many of those that signed the poster above you can recognise, just click on the thumb nail pics above.

Duke Ingram, a poet and a motivational spiritual speaker and currently chosen by RAGES Rotary action group to head the world wide Say No campaign with his band Besureis for endangered species protection, which is the first ever Rotary campaign approved to include animals and global climate issues the main focus extinction, which has attracted some of the biggest names leaders and freedom fighters with the likes of Dr. Jane Goodall, Jeremy Irons, Noam Chomsky, Sir David Attenborough, Jean-Claud Van Damme, David Icke and many many more.

Besureis Eco-Pop Band


SO ‘Tears of the Rhino’ will be the first rhino on the moon!
To find out more follow this link:



December is Disease Prevention & Treatment Month.


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-21


Week of 22nd November

President Albert reminded all present that the Christmas Party will be at his residence on Saturday from 5.30 pm.  A form was passed around to get names from our members who will attend.  A request was made for salads and sweets.  Please bring garden chairs to sit around “Lake Albert”.

Scott Reardon Visit to Coolamon.  A discussion ensued on the upcoming visit of Scott Reardon on April 2nd. 2022.  Daryl Breust and Brian Pattison outlined some of the ideas being discussed by the committee including:

  • Coolamon FC will run the bar.
  • Funds raised will go to the  Park Trustees, Allawah Lodge and our Hospital.
  • Marketing ideas were discussed and will be discussed in greater depth by the committee.
  • There was a bit of discussion on the ticket price; again, the committee will discuss this further.
  • The committee will work out the best way to proceed.

This coming Monday (29th November) is a 5th Monday, so in lieu of our regular meeting we will be going to the Marrar Hotel for a two course meal prepared by Craig Lambert.  This is a social gathering and the cost is $25 per head.  If you have not already given your name and any guests please let Ian Jennings know as soon as possible.

“Marrar 1900:  The first building of any substance in Marrar was the Royal Hotel which was completed in 1900.  Construction was by Grosvenor Flood, a gentleman with great confidence in the future of Marrar.  ‘Grover’ Flood, as he was generally known, built several other buildings in York Street and all were built to last.  These same buildings stand solid today, a memorial to Flood, the pioneer.

The Royal Hotel was built of mud, or Pise as it was generally known.  This was a method used centuries before in the American West and Spanish settlements in South America, called Adobe.  Flood, who was a good tradesman, did quite a lot of the construction himself, assisted by George Jackson, a man of many trades.  Extra labour was provided by ‘bush carpenters’ who were always plentiful at that time.”


Mary Potts in the Spotlight

Monday night Mary Potts was in the spotlight:

  • Cootamundra born, and attended Backhom PS, Ardlethan CS and Wagga Wagga High School.
  • Mary has 4 sisters and 2 brothers.
  • Mother of 2 daughters and grandmother to 2 grandchildren
  • Enjoys hiking, gardens and running marathons!
  • Enjoyed netball and softball in her youth.
  • Favourite movie is Sister Act and Whoopi Goldberg is her favourite actor.
  • Has visited Scotland and Ireland and wants to visit Italy.
  • Mary has a an interesting family history going back to Ireland.  In 1850, Mary’s great grandfather migrated from Ireland to Australia via England and the USA, eventually settling on a soldier settler’s block in Murrumburrah.
  • Mary has worked as an accountant with Touche Ross in Canberra and Adams Kenneally White Chartered Accountants in Wagga Wagga.
  • We look forward to Mary as our club Treasurer in 2022-2023.

The meeting concluded with the usual fine session and raffle, which was won by Chez.




Saturday 27th November – CRC Christmas Party at Albert and Dianne Suidgeest’s ‘s home. Cost is $15.00 per head. BYO.  PARTNERS NIGHT

Monday 29th November – Social meeting at Marrar Hotel (5th Monday). PARTNERS NIGHT (Cost is $25 per head for a 2 course meal).

Monday  6th December Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 13th December – Last meeting for 2021. Visit by Phil McIntosh and 3 members of the Wollundry RC 2022 Gears and Beers committee.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday 31st December – New Year’s Eve Festival. Cowabbie Street, Coolamon (CRC food van).

Wednesday 19th January 2022 – First Board Meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday 24th January – First meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Cowra.

Friday – Sunday 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.

Saturday and Sunday 26-27th March – Gears and Beers

Saturday 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.





Something Different:

Swiss photographer John Wilhelm is a photoholic who surprised the internet with his amazing montages in which he features his little family. His 3 daughters and his wife become the actresses of the creative and crazy drama that will make you smile.






Answer to last week’s puzzler: 

The smart choice is Door C.  If the lion hasn’t eaten for three years, it must be dead!

This week’s puzzler:  

Thanksgiving is a major holiday in many countries, notably the US and Canada.  In America, Thanksgiving is observed on the third Thursday in November, while in Canada the observance date is the second Monday in October.  Where does Thanksgiving come after Christmas?




1.  District 9705 Board Vaccination Recommendation

The District 9705 Board recommends that clubs in our district decline attendance at meetings for eligible people who are not fully vaccinated.

The major points are summarised below.  The full text of the guidance for each jurisdiction can be found at These guidelines may change and it is the Club’s responsibility to stay abreast of, and remain compliant with current guidelines.

The guidance of the ACT Chief Health Officer should be followed by all Clubs in the ACT, and the guidance of the NSW Government for all NSW Clubs



Over 900,000 people have fled the violence since December 2019 alone. Coronavirus is also an additional threat for families fleeing the violence.

Since ShelterBox began in 2000, your support has helped us provide shelter for more than two million people.

Working through our partners we’ve supported 250,000 people fleeing the unimaginable danger with essential aid.

When in the morning you wake up angry and complain for no reason, always remember that being born in the right place in the world is just a matter of luck.



November is The Rotary Foundation Month.


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-20


Week of 15th November

President Albert opened the meeting following our self catering BBQ which was assisted by Dick and JG as the chefs.  It appears that both chefs like their steaks and sausages well done!  There was plenty to eat and thanks to all who brought salads and desserts.

We had 17 members attend the meeting a good rollup for the AGM!

Two birthdays were celebrated, that of John Bond and Dick Jennings.  There was also a rare 50th wedding anniversary, that of Sharon and Grahame Miles. Congrats to all!


  • Christmas Party – Saturday 27th November at Dianne and Albert Suidgeest’s home. $15.00 per head. Partners welcome.
  • Marrar Hotel social night – Monday 29th November. Partners welcome.

The meeting concluded with the usual fine session and raffle.



The meeting was held to elect our board for 2022-2023.  PP Paul Weston and PE 2022-2023 chaired the AGM and the following member were elected to run our club in 2022-2023.  ALL the positions were filled and it is good to see a few new faces putting their hands up to work for our club.


Elections for the following positions were all nominated by Paul Weston and then approved by all present by acclamation and motion.

President: Paul Weston

Vice-President {Immediate Past President): Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2023-2024: John Bond

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Mary Potts

Foundation: Neil Munro

Membership: John Nulty

Club Administration: Henk Hulsman

Service Projects: John Bond

Youth Services: Anne Rzeszkowski

Public Image: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: Garth Perkin




Monday 22nd November Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday 27th November – CRC Christmas Party at Albert and Dianne Suidgeest’s ‘s home $15.00 per head BYO.  PARTNERS NIGHT

Monday 29th November – Social meeting at Marrar Hotel (5th Monday). PARTNERS NIGHT

Monday  6th December Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 13th December – Last meeting for 2021. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday 31st December – New Year’s Eve Festival. Cowabbie Street, Coolamon (CRC food van).

Wednesday 19th January 2022 – First Board Meeting for 2022.

Monday 24th January – First meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Cowra.

Friday – Sunday 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.

Saturday and Sunday 26-27th March Gears and Beers

Saturday 2nd April SCOTT REARDON – The CRC Sportsman’s Committee (Henk, Albert, Daryl, Brian, Mary and Anne) have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.









Answer to last week’s puzzler: 

The prices of the toppings were as follows: onions $1, mushrooms $1, pepperoni $3, black olives $2, extra cheese $4, broccoli $2, hot peppers $3, pineapple $4

This week’s puzzler:  

You’re trapped in a room that has three exit doors. Door A leads to an inferno. Door B leads to an assassin. Door C leads to a lion that hasn’t eaten in three years. Which door should you pick?




1.   Rotary Projects Around the Globe

This article in My Rotary highlights several wonderful projects in several countries including Canada, the USA, Serbia and Nepal a good read this one below is on a project in Tanzania.



For girls in the developing world, a lack of safe transportation can be a barrier to education. At the Ndevelwa Secondary School outside Tabora, Tanzania, for instance, “typically only the boys had the benefit of bikes to help with the journey,” says Elizabeth Demichelis, a member of the Rotary Club of Modesto Sunrise, California. “Thus the concept of pink bikes was born.”

The Modesto Sunrise club, with help from the local Rotary Club of Arusha, arranged for the bicycles to be made available to girls; the conspicuous colour is a theft deterrent. The girls, their families, and the head of school signed contracts denoting responsibility for the care of the assigned bikes.



2.  RC Ngong Hills, Kenya, Launches Mentorship Program.

By Rtn Virginia Wangari

The Rotary Club of Ngong Hills (RCNH) in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of Ngong Hills has launched a mentorship program at the Oloolua Secondary School in Oloolua, Ngong.

Mr. Boniface Mutinda, the Principal, Oloolua Secondary School said the mentorship program was timely. ‘These students need a lot of support since most of them come from very humble backgrounds around Ngong. They will be writing their form four examinations next year and this initiative will help give them the right information to make wise decisions,’ he said.


Below:  From Karen Blixen’s verandah the Ngong Hills



November is The Rotary Foundation Month.


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-19


Week of 8th November

This Monday night we had a self catering night with some 23 attending including three guests, Sally Farmer, Ruth Morgan and Susan Glassford. The atmosphere was conducive to fellowship as we were seated around one long table for the group. This week was Grahame’s turn in the spotlight.

Grahame Miles in the Spotlight

Past President Grahame Miles had his turn in the spotlight this week. Grahame has had a very interesting life and provided many interesting details of his past:

  • Grahame’s great great grandfather arrived in Australia in 1810 having been sentenced for horse stealing and on his release started a butcher’s shop in The Rocks.
  • Grahame’s ancestors have been traced back to 1488 on his mother’s side of the family and to 1680 on his father’s side from Wilshire in England.
  • Grahame and Sharon celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this month.
  • Grahame spent many hours at night school having left school in 1961 and in his learning he became a pattern maker.

Grahame completed his HSC at night school and went on to become a teacher and moved to Coolamon in 1976. He took up a teaching post at the Coolamon Central School and recently retired.  Grahame is an avid gardener and is a huge Rolling Stones fan and has been to several of Stones concerts.

Sharon opened and operated Treats Restaurant in the shop where Grahame now operates his antiques and collectibles shop, Treats and Treasures.  Grahame and Sharon built a new home in McGaigs Lane now 15 years ago. Grahame joined the Coolamon Rotary Club in November 1982 and was our president in 2007-2008.

The meeting concluded with an entertaining fines session and the weekly raffle.  The main raffle prize was won by Adrian.




Monday 15th November – CRC Annual General Meeting.  Nominations called for the Board for PE Paul Weston 2022-2023.  Send your nominations to Paul and secretary John G–you can nominate yourself if interested in helping lead the club into the future. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday 27th November – CRC Christmas Party (Details to be announced soon).

Monday 29th November – Social meeting at Marrar Hotel (5th Monday). TBC.

Monday  6th December Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday 13th December – Last meeting for 2021. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday 31st December – New Year’s Eve Festival. Cowabbie Street, Coolamon (CRC food van).

Wednesday 19th January 2022 – First Board Meeting for 2022.

Monday 24th January – First meeting for 2022. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday and Sunday 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}. Cowra.

Friday – Sunday 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District Conference}.

Saturday and Sunday 26-27th March Gears and Beers

Saturday 2nd April SCOTT REARDON – The CRC Sportsman’s Committee (Henk, Albert, Daryl, Brian, Mary and Anne) have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.





A keeper!







Answer to last week’s puzzler: 

There were three travelers: a boy, his father and his grandfather: two fathers and two sons. Each one got one of the coins.

This week’s puzzler:  

Pizzza Paul sells pizza with a range of toppings which are sold in pairs. How much does each topping cost by itself? Each price is whole-dollar increments.

Pineapple & Hot Peppers $7
Broccoli & Extra Cheese $6
Mushrooms & Onions $2
Black Olives & Hot Peppers $5
Pepperoni & Mushrooms $4
Onions & Black Olives $3
Extra Cheese & Mushrooms $5






Rtn. Benjamin List. 

(This interview is reproduced from Rotary Magazin, the regional magazine from Germany)

This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to a Rotarian.

Benjamin List, a member of the Rotary Club Mülheim a. d. Ruhr-Schloß Broich, and the Scottish-born U.S. researcher David W.C. MacMillan received this year’s prestigious award. Both have developed methods for accelerating chemical reactions.

Rotary Magazine held a brief interview with Benjamin List, who conducts research at the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research in Mülheim, Germany.

Mr. List, how did you learn about winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

This is an incredible story. I was on a city trip in Amsterdam with my wife that day {read the full story below}:

Benjamin List Nobel Prize




Nomination for DG9705

Nominations are called for from Rotarians within District 9705 to fill the position of District Governor in the new District for the Rotary year 2024 – 2025.

District 9705 has over 80 Rotary and Rotaract clubs, with approximately 2000 Rotarians. These clubs are organised into six regions each with no more than 15 clubs, and administered by an Area Governor who assists the District Governor in the administration of the District.

The current District Governor is Leo Farrelly (PP Belconnen), District Governor-Elect is Geraldine Rurenga (PP Brindabella E-Club) and the District Governor-Nominee is Andrea Grosvenor (PP Queanbeyan).

Duties of the District Governor:

The governor is the officer of RI in the district, functioning under the general control and supervision of the board. The governor shall inspire and motivate the clubs in the district. The governor shall ensure continuity within the district by working with past, current, and incoming district leaders. The governor is responsible for see information sheet below:



November is The Rotary Foundation Month.


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford