Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for June 2023



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada


Meeting of Monday June 5th 

Tonight President Paul welcomed 21 members and many guests which included Marilyn Jennings, Maureen Hulsman, Leo de Kroo and his wife Marianne, Maree Jennings, Sharon Miles, Vicki Langtry, Lorraine Hamilton, Mick O’ Brien and our guest speaker, Alex Manley from SolarWise in Wagga Wagga. 

Paul announced that Professor Leslie Weston has been elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.  

Professor Leslie Weston FAAS

The Academy’s Fellows

Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science are among the Nation’s most distinguished scientists, elected by their peers for ground-breaking research and contributions that have had clear impact. Each year the Academy may elect up to 20 new Fellows by ‘Ordinary Election’ and up to four additional Fellows by ‘Special Election’. From 1954 to 2023, there have been 915 Fellows elected to the Academy.

Leslie Weston

Elected in 2023
Charles Sturt University
New South Wales, Australia

Guest speaker Alex Manley was introduced by Grahame Miles.

Guest speaker Alex Manley being introduced by Grahame Miles.
  • Alex spoke passionately about the future of our energy supply in Australia.  Alex illustrated what he believes to be the Big Energy Revolution happening right now.
  • Oil and gas are on the way out.
  • Solar is surpassing all other energy supplies.
  • We as a nation are weaning off fossil fuels.
  • This decade 50% of our energy needs will come from our roofs.
  • The SUN has abundant energy!
  • BTW 86% of Kenya’s energy comes from thermal, solar and wind.


Paul Weston thanked Alex for his talk.


Monday June 12th – No Meeting (King’s Birthday)

Picture Getty Images


Meeting of Monday June 19th 

Tonight was the 4th Club Assembly for 2022-2023.  President Paul welcomed 23 members to the meeting and excellent rollup for a club assembly.  This meeting followed the last board meeting for 2022-2023.

However before PE John Bond Chaired the assembly we conducted a few matters of general business including:

  • Dick Jennings spoke on the plight of the Hey family from Ganmain.

Dick Jennings recently visited the Ganmain Bakery and found out about the Hey twins from Ganmain.  The Ganmain Bakery had organised a hamper to raise money for the continued costs that these twins face in the future.

Their grandmother has a GoFundMe page up and running as well.

Dick had recommended that the Board approve a donation to the Hey family, (amount to be decided by the Board), to support their ongoing costs for treatment in Canberra for these children.  The Board agreed to donate $500 to the Hey family.


  • Daryl Breust reported on the collection at the football for the Hunter Valley bus tragedy.  Daryl, Lexi and Mary collected $794.90 during half time.
  • Mary Potts asked if any members would like to order a Rotary shirt with our logos embroidered in Temora.  There are two choices, a polo or a dress shirt.  Please contact Mary to order your shirts.
  • Paul asked for members to send in their attendance for our changeover on Monday July 4th asap.
  • Henk Hulsman, Chair of the CRC 2023 Telephone Book committee, outlined the recent committee report that was accepted by the board.  This report is available if any member needs a copy (sent with the board minutes).
  • JJG pointed out that we still do not have a President for 2024-2025 nor a Service Projects Director.


PE John Bond then outlined his plans and goals for the upcoming Rotary year 2023-2024 among the items John listed included:

  1. The CRC 2023 Telephone  Book.  Once we have a sustainable number of entries for the 2023 CRCTB then we will proceed with getting advertisers.
  2. The Gears & Beers weekend to support Wollundry RC in the annual event.  A Chair and a committee is needed for this event as Daryl Breust will not be in Coolamon at the time the date is Sunday the 1st October 2023.
  3. John would like to see some joint meetings with neighbouring Rotary clubs.
  4. Support the next Open Garden Days probable to be held in October 2024.  these days require a lot of planning well ahead of the date set.
  5. Catering look at NYE and supporting the Trotting Club.
  6. Support our D9705 Environment Envoy Adrian Lindner with some projects such as community gardens, Landcare and Birdlife habitat.
  7. John asked all members present to bring further ideas to his attention.

John concluded that he will not be an autocratic president and encouraged all members to go through the chair with an open mind.

The meeting concluded with a very spirited fines session led by S@A Garth Perkin and Corporal Dick Jennings. The fines will go towards the RAWCS Bus Tragedy appeal for the Singleton RC.  The raffle was won by Alex Thompson.

Meeting of Monday June 26th 

Tonight was the last ordinary meeting for the 2022-2023 Rotary year.  President Paul welcomed 5 guests and 23 members.  Among our guests were Jann Nulty, Marilyn Jennings, Jeanette Campbell and Jamie Campbell.

  • Daryl advised the meeting that David Byfield form Wollundry said that Phil McIntosh will be back in early July and that they will probably visit us to discuss the next Gears and Beers weekend.
  • Scott Mudd is going to the Narrandera Changeover dinner.  Garth Perkin attended the Temora changeover and both Garth and JJG will attend WW Sunrise tomorrow night.  Garth is attending as many clubs in his role as D9705 Area 3 Governor.
  • Junee RC asked us to promote their upcoming changeover dinner to be held on Sunday 9th July from 12 midday.
  • Paul wanted to know where the nearest defibrillator was located in Ganmain following an incident over the weekend at the showgrounds.  The bakery has one and there are a few in Ganmain.
  • Bear Brian Pattison left some DVDs for members to take home.
  • The upcoming CRC changeover was discussed and Henk, Albert, JJG, Alex, Paul and Leslie all volunteered to help set up the room on Monday afternoon.  John Bond and Paul will organise the deserts.
  • As well we discussed the presentation of cheques.
  • Daryl Breust accepted the position of MC for the evening.
  • Paul will prepare the programme and the president’s report.

Tonight Lexi Furner prepared and presented a short history of her family and how they came to Australia.  It was a very interesting talk on Lexi and some of her ancestors.

There was so much wonderful information that I have compiled it in bullet form to be brief.

  • In 12 generations there are an accumulated 4,094 ancestors by the 9th great grandparents.
  • On Lexi’s Mothers side this goes back to the First Fleet and HMS Prince of Wales in 1788: 

  • Lexi’s Father’s side left Germany in 1864 escaping the Kaiser at that time.  He arrived in Two Fold Bay in 1865 where cholera broke out on board ship 66 women men and children died.  63 survived the journey and were anchored in Quarantine Bay.  From here Lexi’s Dad walked 80 miles to Kamarooka where eventually started farming.
  • Lexi was born in the late 60s and has 2 younger sisters.  Lexi led an idyllic life on their parents dairy farm in the Bega Valley where Lexi attended Sunday School at Kamarooka as well as attending Bega High School.  
  • Lexi met her future husband Ivan Furner through some of her Bega cousins and they had five daughters.
  • In 1977 Lexi left the Bega Valley for the Riverina where they have been since.

    (Editor’s note: there were too many anecdotes to include here) 

Paul thanked Lexi for her life story and we all wished Lexi well as a member of our club.

We had news that Neil Munro is in Intensive care in Wagga and will be flown to Sydney.  Our thoughts, prayers and best wishes got to Neil for a speedy recovery.  Thinking of you Neil.

S@A Garth and his faithful corporal then conducted a very amusing fines session and as always no one was spared.



N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

*Monday July 3rd – CRC 52nd Changeover Dinner. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Monday July 10th – First Meeting for 23-24. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

*Monday July 17th – Area 3 Governor Garth Perkin.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Friday 20th-Sunday 22nd October – Rotary District 9705 Annual Conference. Queanbeyan. 

* Partner’s night


N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook


Answers to the last puzzlers:

  • Easier one: Regardless of its dimensions, once a hole is dug there is no dirt in it.
  • Harder one: If your uncle’s sister is not your aunt, she must be your mother.

This month’s puzzlers: 

Wordy one: Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly?

Mathy one: Garth has 53 socks in his drawer: 21 identical blue, 15 identical black and 17 identical red. The lights are out and Garth is completely in the dark. How many socks must Garth take out to make 100 percent certain he has at least one pair of black socks?



Melbourne 2023 has come and gone with some 15,000+ delegates.  Here are some highlights from the RI Convention.  By all accounts from some Rotarians from our D9705 who attended it was an inspirational convention. Personally I have attended 7 RICONS to date.  Indeed all were inspirational especially the 2005 Chicago RICON with 42,000+ delegates, this convention was an eye opener for me.

Here are some photos of the 2023 Melbourne RICON courtesy of My

Videos from Melbourne 2023

Next RICON Singapore 2024





2. MUNA (Model United Nations Assembly).



The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise is once again, facilitating the National Model United Nations Assembly in the Senate Chamber of the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD, or old Parliament House), from 12 – 13 August 2023. 

The objective of a Rotary MUNA in Australia is to involve secondary school students in a hands-on experience of a UN-style conference and through that experience to increase the students’ sense of international understanding and goodwill, one of the primary goals of Rotary International. Rotary believes that it is through our youth that hopefully we can look forward to increased world peace. All students participating in the Assembly are encouraged to dress in the national costume of the country they are representing for the Assembly deliberations.

MUNA was first introduced to Rotary in Australia at Lake Cargelligo, NSW in 1980 and the concept was then passed on to the Forbes Rotary Club in 1984. Since then, MUNA has spread throughout most districts of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. In 1989, the then President of Rotary International, Royce Abbey placed MUNA on the World Youth Activities Committee Agenda for Rotary and similar sessions are now held in many countries. 

In 1997, the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise took up the challenge to organise a National MUNA Conference, which attracted teams from many parts of Australia. This year marks the 25th National MUNA organised in Canberra by the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise (there were no MUNAs in 2020, 2021 due COVID-19 restrictions).

There is also an opportunity on the evening of 11 August at the accommodation centre at Canberra Park Resort, for delegates to discuss the resolutions to be debated, to identify speaker teams for and against each resolution, to meet other teams in their bloc, and to and develop the bloc identity and strategies for the debate.

All participants will be individually presented with a certificate. There are also prizes for winning teams. Adjudicators will determine the teams with the best overall performances. The top three teams identified will receive a prize. The Adjudicators may also award Highly Commended prizes.

An award, the Totenhofer Peace Prize, is awarded to the team which makes the greatest contribution in the debate for world peace.

This year, we are expecting around 20 teams from around the nation to participate in MUNA 2023, but registrations for teams wishing to compete are still open and enquiries can be made by emailing [email protected]

We are always on the lookout for Rotarians who may like to help out on the weekend, and in particular, are still yet to complete the roster for “runners” – the passers of diplomatic notes during the debates. If you’re interested, please drop a line to [email protected]

Greg Hood AO
+61 418 123 145
PO Box 5019
University of Canberra
ACT 2617




July is Rotary Maternal and Child Health Month


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  VACANT
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for May 2023




Meeting of Monday 1st May

Tonight we had 18 members and one guest in Caleb Smith Salvation Army Temora.

RYDA Rotary Youth Driver Awareness we have been asked by organiser David Brady to help on Wednesday 10th May as our Coolamon Central School will be attending.  The CRC usually supports this event by paying for the bus. Mary Potts is organising our volunteers.

President Paul Weston spoke on the latest edition of the Coolamon Community Chronicle and advised the members that Henk Hulsman and Neil Munro would be distributing the CCC.

Mary Potts advised the meeting that we would be supporting the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal 2023 with a raffle in the main street of Coolamon on Saturday 13th May. Please put your names on the roster.

Caleb Smith then gave a good story on the Salvos and why we should continue to support the Red Shield Appeal.

Caleb pointed out a dew projects that the Salvos have been involved in recently, including:

  • Eugowra floods with their Salvation Army van They were there for 5 days and Caleb described how one house was “moved” 3 doors down from where it used to be.  Caleb said there were plenty of miracles that week.
  • The salvos handed out a lot of money to help those affected by the immediate crisis.
  • One of their largest responses so far this year was to alleviate hardships for the people of Lismore who have done it tough with the recent flooding.
  • In Temora they provide one good meal a day for around 50 children who usually skip their breakfast.
  • The Op Shop in Wagga Wagga makes good money.


President Paul Weston thanks Caleb for his talk.

The meeting concluded with a spirited fines session with Garth and Dick in fine form.  The raffle was won by Adrian Lindner.  Another good night at the CRC! 

Meeting of Monday 8th May

President Paul Weston welcomed 14 members, a low turnout due to the inclement weather.

Tonight we toasted King Charles III following his coronation.

Paul Weston printed the May edition of the Coolamon Community Chronicle, another great edition.

Mary Potts reminded members that RYDA was happening for our CCS on Wednesday 10th and so far Mary was the only volunteer.

Mary Potts also worked on the volunteers for the Salvation Army raffle to be held on the upcoming Saturday.

7.30-10.00 am – Lexi Furner, Henk Hulsman and Mary Potts

10.00 am to 12.30 pm – Albert Suidgeest, Garry Truscott and John Glassford.

Paul Weston reminded members that we had a Board meeting upcoming on Monday 15th May at 5.15 pm.

The raffle prizes went to Neil Munro and second prize to Paul Weston.

A good night of fellowship followed the meeting.

Meeting of Monday 15th May

Tonight President Paul Weston welcomed 21 members to the meeting, a very good turn up of members.

President Paul reported on the Board meeting which had just concluded and some areas that were covered by the Board included:

  • The CRC Telephone Book was discussed at length by the Board and it was decided that a Club Assembly will be held on Monday 19th June.  The Assembly will focus on the telephone book for 2023 and to hear from President-Elect John Bond for his plans for his upcoming year as President of our club.
  • The 5th Monday of May this year will be a social evening at the Top Pub. Partners and guests are welcome.
  • Mary Potts is finalising the Sunflower Seeds for Ukraine donation collection, with one box still to be returned.
  • The CRC should form a Social Committee. Interested members please let President Paul or President-Elect John know of your interest.
  • The Board briefly discussed the distribution of the funds that were raised by the Open Garden Days.
  • We approved a donation of $500 for the Coolamon Historical Society in their quest to digitise historical editions of the Coolamon-Ganmain Farmers Review.

There were several items of general business discussed during the evening including:

  • Mary Potts is happy to take orders for new Rotary shirts for any member who would like to get a club shirt.
  • The suggested Social Committee now has three members, Mary Potts, Grahame Miles and John Glassford.
  • Grahame Miles has invited Alex Manley from SolarWise in Wagga to present his personal views on the transition to sustainable energy. Alex will be our guest speaker on Monday 5th June.

  • Albert Suidgeest will be our in house guest speaker on Monday 22nd May and will be talking about his recent experience donating stem cells for his brother.
  • Neil Munro spoke about the impending closure of the Coolamon Newsagency.  A sad day for Coolamon.  Neil requested that we look at recognising the Guthrie’s at one of our Monday night meetings.  Monday the 10th July was suggested as a good date.
  • PE John Bond is still looking for ideas for his Red Faces evening.
  • RYDA Mary Potts reported on the RYDA event held last week.  Mary was the only volunteer form our club.  During the day on Wednesday alone there were 330 students taking part including 30 form our Coolamon Central School.

  • Red Shield Appeal.  Mary Potts said that we had raised $325.70 from the raffle and $292.82 from bucket donations.  Mary did say that we would be manning the gate at the football match between Coolamon and Ganmain.

All in all a very productive meeting and with a short fines session by S@A Dick Jennings and Cpl Adrian Lindner the night ended with the raffle being won by Leslie Weston.


Wollundry Rotary in Wagga Wagga held its second Photography Competition and Exhibition!
It was open to all amateur, semi-professional and junior photographers.
There were some really big prizes to be won.
John Glassford entered 10 photos of his and Susan’s recent visit to Kenya and Zanzibar.  One of the entries John submitted won third prize in the general classification, and John donated his prize money to the Australian Rotary Health Foundation:

Meeting of Monday 22nd May

Tonight, Henk Hulsman was in the chair as President Paul was on the way to Brisbane.  Henk welcomed one guest in Vicki Langtry and 18 members.  Tonight, PP Albert Suidgeest was our speaker, and his subject was his recent experience as a T Cell donor for his brother.

On general business Mary Potts reported on the recent Special General Meeting for D9705 this SGM was called to approve the D9705 budget for the next Rotary year. Mary said that 92% of the clubs present were in favour.  Mary said there would be a $5.00 fee increase in our subs for the next year.

Mary also spoke on club shirts and Mary will take orders and if any embroidery is needed, we can have these done in Temora.  

Daryl Breust advised the members that he would be standing down as Chair of the Gears & Beers committee and that we will need a new chair for the next Gears & Beers event set down for September 30th and October 1st.

Tonight PP Albert Suidgeest spoke passionately about his recent experience donating T cells for his brother John who has leukaemia.  John is in the Royal Melbourne Hospital.  Albert proved to be a perfect match for this bone marrow transplant for his brother.

Albert gave a detailed talk which included:

  •  Gene related with a radical gene that causes the leukaemia in 30% of cases who carry this radical gene.
  • Albert had 7 sisters and 3 brothers and out of the 11 siblings his was the perfect match.
  • After extensive testing of Albert’s blood it was deemed safe for him to donate his T cells.
  • Albert then went through 4 nights and had to inject himself.  The hospital staff then created the T cells.
  • Albert explained in detail the whole process over a period of 4-5 hours of how the T cells were generated.
  • John has been on chemotherapy in 1 week in 3. 
  • In time around July John will get the stem cells form Albert John will then have 2 months to recover.

You can learn more here about leukaemia from the Leukaemia Foundation 

Thank you Albert for such an interesting talk and all our members wish John a speedy end to his cancer.


Meeting of Monday 29th May

Tonight was the 5th Monday of May, so we decided have a social night.  We had dinner at the Top Pub in Coolamon which saw a great turnout of members, partners and guests.

We welcomed back Anne and Garth from their recent visit to New Zealand. It appears that the group that went over had a wonderful time.  Garth then roped in Dick to conduct an auction of some rare New Zealand souvenirs that Garth brought back.  As always Dick was in fine form as an auctioneer.

No business was carried out and we enjoyed the pub food. Below are a few photos from a great social night with good friends in Rotary.




N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday 12th June – NO MEETING (Public Holiday/King’s Birthday).

*Friday 16th June 2023 –  LIONS Coolamon 2023 Changeover Dinner.   $35 per head at the Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7.00 for 7.30 pm.  Dress: Jacket & Tie or Ladies Equivalent.  

Monday 19th June – Board of Directors Meeting.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 5.15 pm.

Monday 19th June – CLUB ASSEMBLY. Planning meeting for 2023-2024 with PE John Bond and Telephone directory discussion.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

*Monday 26th June – Speaker Meeting. Member Lexi Furner will give her life story. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

*Monday July 3rd – CRC 52nd Changeover Dinner. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Friday 20th-Sunday 22nd October – Rotary District 9705 Annual Conference. Queanbeyan.

* Partner’s night





Answers to the last puzzlers:

  • Easier one: 1) Andrea Grosvener (Queanbeyan) is the District Governor-Elect of D9705, 2) Garth Perkin (Coolamon) is the Area Governor-Elect of Area 3, 3) There are 81 clubs in D9705.
  • Harder one: 1) Wollundry-Wagga Wagga is the largest club in D9705 , 2) Condobolin is the northernmost club in D0705, 3) Rob Uhl is a member of the Brindabella E-club.

This month’s puzzlers: 

Easier one: How much dirt is there in a hole measuring 2 metres in depth and 1 metre in diameter?

Harder one: If your uncle’s sister is not your aunt, what relation is she to you?




“The meeting of the Rotary Club of New York City, held at the Hotel Astor on August 24th was of unusual significance to the American drama. More than seven hundred guests, among the many America’s leading actors, play-wrights, producers, artists, and writers, paid fitting tribute to the memory of Edwin Booth, and accepted on behalf of the Rotary Club of America a life-size portrait of Booth, which will be placed in the Shakespeare Gallery at Stratford. 
Clipping from THE ROTARIAN
October, 1922
History of the Rotary Bell
In 1922, U.S. Rotarians organized an attendance contest; the challenge was that the losing clubs would join in giving the winning club a prize. The Rotary Club of New York City was declared the winner and to them was awarded as a prize a bell from a popular patrol boat, which was placed on wood that came from HMS “Victory”, Admiral Nelson’s vessel at the battle of Trafalgar. 
Since then, the bell used in Rotary meetings started to represent, as on the ships, order, discipline and the time to guide us through the weekly hour and a half meetings. The bell informs us with its sound the beginning of the Rotary meeting, at which time people present should stand, same as at the end, in order to salute the national and Rotary flags. The gavel symbolizes the authority invested in the Rotarian elected to the highest position in Rotary, and through him, reminds those present of his authority. When presidents transmit their positions to their successors at the end of their mandate, they give the bell their last hit turning the gavel over to their successor, symbolizing the transfer of authority.


2. Rotary Action Groups

Rotary Action Groups are independent, Rotary-affiliated groups made up of people from around the world who are experts in a particular field, such as economic development, peace, addiction prevention, the environment, or water.

Action groups offer their technical expertise and support to help clubs plan and implement projects to increase our impact, one of Rotary’s strategic priorities. This support includes helping clubs find partners, funding, and other resources. Action groups can also help clubs and districts prepare grant applications, conduct community assessments, and develop plans to monitor and evaluate their projects. Read more about these activities in the .

Anyone who wants to share their expertise to make a positive difference can join an action group. Only Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Rotary Peace Fellows can serve in leadership roles.

Rotary Action Groups by area of focus

Promoting peace

Fighting disease

Providing clean water and sanitation

Saving mothers and children

Supporting education

Growing local economies

Protecting the environment

Action groups that work in more than one area of focus



3.  June is Rotary Fellowship Month


Here are just a few some excellent fellowships to join:

Beer Rotarians Enjoy Fellowship or BREW

Coffee Lovers Fellowship


Empowering Women

Rotary Means Business

Wine Appreciation 

You can view all of them on the following page on

Rotary Fellowships


June is Rotary’s Fellowship Month



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: Paul Weston
  • President-Elect 2023-2024: John Bond
  • Secretary: John Glassford
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: John Nulty
  • Service Projects Director:  John Bond
  • Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Garth Perkin
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Albert Suidgeest
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford




N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

*Monday July 3rd – CRC 52nd Changeover Dinner. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Monday July 10th – First Meeting for 23-24. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

*Monday July 17th – Area 3 Governor Garth Perkin.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Friday 20th-Sunday 22nd October – Rotary District 9705 Annual Conference. Queanbeyan.

* Partner’s night

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for April 2023




The meetings on Monday April 3rd and the 24th were fellowship meetings and we had a good rollup on both occasions.  Monday April 10th was Easter Monday.

Click on the link below for the full Monday meeting report sent on the 19th of April:

Meeting of Monday 17th April


The Regional Academies of Sport (NSW)

For the Southern Sports Academy Wagga Wagga weekend, Anne Rzeszkowski helped organise volunteers from our club to work on their canteen on Sunday April 23rd.  Our thanks to Barry, Ian, Bear, Anne, Mary, Lexi, Henk, Marilyn, Vicki, Maureen, Garth, Adrian and Wendy.

The Regional Academies of Sport (NSW) Incorporated (RASi) network covers each of the points of the compass in NSW. The Vision of RASi is ‘To be a collective, efficient and integrated lead organisation for Regional Academies of Sport.’

We received this letter of thanks from Mark Calverley the CEO:

“Good morning all,

I hope you all arrived home safely and will be able to enjoy a well-earned rest over the next couple of days. I just wanted to thank you for the tremendous effort in helping us deliver an amazing Academy Games event over the weekend.

Visiting the venues throughout the weekend I was inundated with people expressing how great the sports were operating, and how much they were enjoying this year’s Games.

As you all know, the weekend was just the final showpiece of a lot of hard work, planning and teamwork. Without all your dedicated efforts, this event would not be possible, so I just wanted to send you a massive thank you from all the team at SSA for helping us raise the bar in our second year as host.

As the dust settles, a survey will be sent out in the next short period, we would love your feedback so that we can make the 2024 Your Local Club Academy Games bigger and better”.

The Regional Academies of Sport (NSW)



Here are some photos from this ANZAC Day 2023 in Coolamon.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday May 8th – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.
Tuesday May 9th-Friday May 12thRoad Safety Awareness or RYDA Rotary Youth driver Awareness.  Coolamon Central School will have 23 students on Wednesday 10th May.  VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.
Saturday May 13th – Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal Raffle​. Coolamon (details TBC).

Saturday to Wednesday 27-31 May — Rotary International Convention. Melbourne, Australia.

*Friday 16th June 2023:  LIONS Coolamon 2023 Changeover Dinner.   $35 per head at the Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7.00 for 7.30 pm.  Dress: Jacket & Tie or Ladies Equivalent.  RSVP Email: [email protected].

*Monday July 3rd – CRC 52nd Changeover Dinner. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Friday 20th-Sunday 22nd October – Rotary District 9705 Annual Conference. Queanbeyan.

* Partner’s night





Answers to the last puzzlers:

  • Easier one: Make the equal sign a not equal sign with a single line through it.
  • Harder one: Not only does the number 8,549,176,320 contain each of the digits 0 through 9 once (which is not that special!), the digits are arranged in alphabetical order (when spelled out).

This month’s puzzlers: This week’s puzzlers are in the form of a scavenger hunt of District 9705. These questions were taken in their original or modified form from a D9705 training session. Feel free to consult the D9705 website to find the answers to the questions (in fact, it will be hard to answer most of the questions without doing so!).

Easier one: 1) Who is the District Governor-Elect of D 9705? 2) Who is the Area Governor-Elect of the D9705 area that includes Coolamon? 3) How many Rotary clubs comprise D9705?

Harder one: 1) Which club in D9705 has the most members? 2) Which club in D9705 is furthest north? 3) To what club does Rob Uhl belong? 





ANZAC Day 2016.  There was no official meeting today however we did host 11 Americans from District 5610 to a welcome BBQ at the Sports Club.  Thanks to all the hosts who met the team at Wagga Wagga airport.  Thanks also to Lance and Robyn Gillespie for bringing out Norm and Linda who arrived from New Zealand.

Many thanks to Myffy Collette and Bernadette Milne as well as Susan Glassford for the salads.  The BBQ was cooked by Steve Exton and Alex Thompson with the steaks supplied by Henk Hulsman.

There were 15 members present a great role up for ANZAC Day!

Our guests were 11 D 5610 Friendship Exchange team members:

Rtn. Dr. Sandra Christenson, James Shafer RC Downtown Sioux Falls, PDG Nancy Moose and Rtn Roger Moose RC Madison SD, Rtn Larry Janssen and Marcia Janssen RC Brookings, PDG Linda Peterson and Rtn. Norman Peterson RC Rapid City, Rtn. Verl Scheibe and partner Kathy RC Custer, Rtn. Carol Nielsen RC Sioux Falls West.



I have since heard (24th April), that PDG Linda Peterson’s husband, Norman, passed away this week.  Norm is seen standing next to PP Wayne Lewis.  Linda is the lady with the long blonde hair.  I have sent Linda our sincere condolences.


20-22 OCTOBER 2023

May is Rotary’s Youth Service Month



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: Paul Weston
  • President-Elect 2023-2024: John Bond
  • Secretary: John Glassford
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: John Nulty
  • Service Projects Director:  John Bond
  • Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Garth Perkin
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Albert Suidgeest
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for 17th April 2023




Meeting of Monday 17th April

Tonight’s meeting was a very special event as we inducted three new members into our Rotary Club.  President Paul Weston welcomed 19 of our members and 13 guests a wonderful turnout of the families of our three new members.

In no particular order the following guests attended:  Bronwyn Maslin, Meredith Willis, Sonya Monk, Henry Willis, Gary Truscott, Hayley Truscott, Trish Truscott, Jake Ellis, Vicki Langtry and Michelle Colebrook.  Also attending were partners Marilyn Jennings, Jan Nulty and Wendy Lindner.

We had a short discussion on the upcoming bike event on Sunday in Wagga Wagga.  Anne has organised a roster for Sunday and had help from Henk and others with the amount of food to be ordered.  We do not need to take our food van as there are excellent facilities at the site.  100 people are expected.

The main event tonight was the induction of our three new members:

  • Alexis (Lexi) Furner, who was sponsored by Mary Potts
  • Barry Langtree sponsored by Ian Jennings
  • Gary Truscott sponsored by Dick Jennings

After dinner President Paul then inducted all three members and their sponsors presented each new member with their membership certificates and dinner badges.  Witness to the event was Area Governor-Elect Garth Perkin.

Here are some photos from the night (just click on the thumbnails for a larger version).

The evening finished with a great and amusing fines session from our S@A Garth and his Corporal Dick.



Inventi Ensemble | Music in the Regions
Thursday 11 May, Ganmain Hall, 7 pm

Step into an enchanted forest as Music in the Regions presents Inventi Ensemble. A seven-piece ensemble performing one of the most iconic orchestral works of all time, this concert creates the storms, thunder, and lush forests of Beethoven as well as the picturesque and languid imagery that Debussy conjures in this outstanding performance.

Tickets are $35 adult / $30 concession / under 18 free
Book your tickets:

Proudly hosted by Ganmain Hall & Events



N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday April 24th – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.
Monday May 1st – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.  Presentation by the Salvation Army prior to Red Shield Appeal Day.
Monday May 8th – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.
Tuesday May 9th – Friday May 12th. Road Safety Awareness or RYDA Rotary Youth driver Awareness.  Coolamon Central School will have 23 students on Wednesday 10th May.  VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.
Thursday May 11th  – Inventi Ensemble | Music in the Regions. Ganmain Hall, 7 pm.
Saturday May 13th – Red Shield Appeal Raffle, Coolamon (roster TBA).
Monday May 15th – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 5.15 pm.
Monday May 15th – Regular Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Saturday to Wednesday 27-31 May — Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia.

*Friday 16th June 2023 – Coolamon Lions Changeover Dinner.  7.00 for 7.30 pm. $35 per head at the Coolamon Sport & Rec Club.  Dress: Jacket & Tie or Ladies Equivalent.  RSVP Email: [email protected]

*Monday July 3rd – CRC 52nd Changeover Dinner. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

* Partner’s night





Answers to the last Puzzlers:

  • Easier one: Easter ends with an ‘r’.
  • Harder one: Change the ‘t’ in ‘Easter’ to an ‘i’.

This week’s puzzlers:

  • Easier one: Add one straight line to the following equation to make it true: 2 + 2 = 2.
  • Harder one: The number 8,549,176,320 is a unique number. What is so special about it?




The following email from PDG David Brawn is forwarded FYI. CRC provided $500 towards this initiative, so it’s exciting the project is now complete and the school is now reaping its rewards.


Adrian Lindner
Coolamon Rotary Club D9705 Environment Envoy


Hi all Club Envoys,

I am very pleased to report that the installation of solar panels, batteries and electrical infrastructure at the Naiviivi Primary School in FIJI was completed two weeks ago – on time and budget! This District Envoy initiative was generously funded by 22 x D.9705 Clubs (and Rotarian Ken Leach) and installed by the It’s Time Foundation run by Rob Edwards OAM , member of Corrimal RC, using local Fijian technicians.

Note that replacement lithium-ion batteries will be installed at the Lavena School in Fiji in May, funded by 7 other Rotary Clubs as part of last year’s fundraising effort.

We will be seeking to raise funds shortly for another solar school installation in FIJI in 2023/24.

See the happy kids and teachers and the school lit up with solar power in the photos above. Before solar, I understand that the teachers’ accommodation only had intermittent diesel-powered lighting if that.

It brings major benefits to the School, its’ teachers and the children’s education.


David W Brawn 

Past District Governor, Rotary District 9675

April is Rotary’s Environment Month



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: Paul Weston
  • President-Elect 2023-2024: John Bond
  • Secretary: John Glassford
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: John Nulty
  • Service Projects Director:  John Bond
  • Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Garth Perkin
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Albert Suidgeest
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for March 2023




Click on the link below for the full Monday meeting report sent on the 6th of March:

Meeting of Monday 6th March.

Meeting of Monday 13th March.

President Paul Weston welcomed 22 members and three guests:  Gary Truscott, Barry Langtry and Ann Weedon.  Tonight we did not have any guest speakers, so it was fellowship and a good time was had by all.

Some reminders included:

  • Saturday 18th BBQ lunch at Garth Perkin’s home 12.00 midday onwards.
  • Red Shield appeal 21st May 2023 looking for volunteers.
  • Next week we have a Rotary Foundation meeting with guest speaker Rob Byrne from RI Oceania HQ in Sydney.
  • Change Over Dinner agreed for Monday July 3rd.
  • Ideas canvassed for guest speakers.

 Craig Corrigan has resigned as a member of the CRC.


Many friends of Garth attended his party on Saturday 18th March someone said it was Garth’s 80th!  The Wagga Wagga Rugby choir turned up and sang for our entertainment, they are very good.  Many attending were non Rotarians however many of us did join in the afternoon.  Great food and meeting new and old friends was special. 

Thank you Garth:

Meeting of Monday 20th March.

President Paul Weston welcomed all our guests and 18 of our own members.  Our guests included Rotarians and partners from Junee RC, Narrandera RC, Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC, RC Wollundry Wagga, Wagga Wagga Kooringal RC, Melissa Mudd, Ann Weedon and our two potential new members Barry Langtree and Gary Truscott.

We had in all 45 people in attendance for dinner and to listen to our guest speaker:


Senior Coordinator – Foundation Services

Rotary International Norwest SYDNEY.

Rob was introduced by our Foundation Director Neil Munro.  Neil organised the event and did a wonderful job, thank you Neil.

Rob gave a thorough and very interesting talk on the Rotary Foundation and the good that we do as Rotarians around teh world.  Rob explained in great detail where the funds we raise go to what impact the Foundation delivers and above all what TRF does for us as Rotarians.

Rob explained how or grant system works with District Grants, Disaster response Grant, Global Grants and our Overseas Aid Fund.

A new area of funding projects within Australia is now active encouraging corporate bodies in Australia to become involved in worthwhile projects in Australia.  This project is known as the Australian Corporate Engagement Programme.  Some examples of what this programme can achieve include:

  1. RC of Cairns Trinity received a global grant of $50,000 from our Foundation for a low level literacy programme.  

Low Level Literacy Programme RC Cairns Trinity 

2.  RC of The Hills Kellyville eye clinic at the Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney achieved a global grant of $64,000.  

RC of The Hills Kellyville Facebook Page

3.  Rotary Give Every Child a Future this project has raised over $3.7 million to date in partnership with UNICEF, the Asian Development Bank and Rotary districts .

The goal is to protect 100,000 children from rotavirus, pneumococcal disease and cervical cancer across nine South Pacific Island countries over three years. We are committed to . . .

Give Every Child a Future


Rob concluded with the many ways we can as Rotarians contribute to our Foundation.

  • Centurion Club
  • Paul Harris Fellow Recognition.
  • Paul Harris Society
  • Club as a Major Donor
  • The Bequest Society
  • Become an End Polio Club

Some photos of the evening:

PP Daryl Breust gave Rob a sincere vote of thanks

GIGI in Coolamon donated a lovely hamper for the raffle of which the proceeds go to our Foundation.  This was won by Deidre Tome from Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC.

Please support GIGI:

99 Cowabbie St, Coolamon (02) 6927 2501


Meeting of Monday 27th March

Tonight President Paul welcomed 18 members including our two new members in Gary Truscott and Barry Langtry.

Our guest speaker was Deidre Tome form Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC and her husband Philip Tome from Kooringal Wagga Wagga RC.

Neil Munro called for a minute’s silence in memory of Stuart Allen who passed away.  Stuart was a member of Lions Coolamon and well known in Coolamon.

Paul advised the meeting that we would be inducting our three new members on Monday 17th April and that partners and guests are encouraged to attend.


Deidre is one passionate Rotarian and Deidre is a firm believer that for a community group to thrive, those who participate in it must set aside their time to helping it operate and run as smoothly as possible.

It is this attitude and her unrivalled dedication towards volunteering that has earned her the title of Wagga’s 2022 Citizen of the Year.

Deidre is a very hard worker for the Rotary District Peace Communities Programme and Deidre told us:

THAT Peace begins with ME + YOU making a difference …

Rotary service projects are projects for peace.
Through service projects, Rotarians are taking action to address the underlying causes of disadvantage and disharmony within our communities, locally and globally. These projects are making a difference to ourselves, our families and our communities.  The idea of Peace Communities was initiated in District 9700 with Wagga Wagga being declared the world’s first Rotary Peace City in 1993. 
Embraced by many Rotary districts and clubs, designated Rotary peace communities can now be found around the world. Including Coolamon 25 years ago now on the 26th January 1998.  Deidre always looks our for our flags in Lions Park when they visit Coolamon.
While the projects speak for themselves, Rotarians committed to furthering peace often set up peace symbols on suitable sites where community members can meet on significant days to recognise the achievements and contributions made by students, schools and organisations within the community using the program’s credo.
Credo of the Rotary District Peace Communities Program
Respect for the life and dignity of every person, without discrimination or prejudice
Rejection of violence in all of its forms and towards all people
Resolution of conflict among people within local and global communities
Reconciliation of differences and the pursuit of harmony
Freedom of expression and cultural diversity
Deidre asked many questions of us and what we see a peace community as being.  It is as important for our local community a sit is for the world.  Some 70 million people are displaced around the world due to conflict and the change to our climate.
Deidre concluded her talk with a description of Rotary Peace Poles and Rotary Peace Bells such as the one in Cowra.
What is a Peace Pole? A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, bearing the message May Peace Prevail on Earth in different languages on each of its four sides.
“Peace begins with a smile”  Mother Teresa.
We finished on time with a fines session by Dick Jennings and as always with Dick no one was spared.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday 10th April EASTER Monday NO Meeting.
Monday April 17th Board Meeting at the Sports Club at 5.15pm.
Monday April 17th Normal Meeting at the Sports Club 6.30 for 7.00pm start.
Tuesday May 9th – Friday May 12th Road Safety Awareness or RYDA Rotary Youth driver Awareness.  Coolamon Central School will have 23 students on Wednesday 10th May.  VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.

Saturday to Wednesday 27-31 May — Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia.

*Friday 16th June 2023:  LIONS Coolamon 2023 Changeover Dinner.  7.00pm for 7.30pm $35 per head at the Coolamon Sports Club.  Dress: Jacket & Tie or Ladies Equivalent.  RSVP Email: [email protected]

*Monday July 3rd CRC 52nd Change Over Dinner: 6.30pm for 7.00pm start at the Coolamon Sports Club.

* Partner’s night





Answers to the last puzzlers:

Easier one: red paint

Harder one: This is possible if the 22nd and 24th president were the same person! In fact, this really happened; Grover Cleveland served as both the 22nd and 24th President of the US.

This month’s puzzlers:

Easier one: How does Easter end?

Harder one:  How can you make Easter easier?





April is Rotary’s Environment Month

The Rotary Foundation Trustees and RI Board of Directors both unanimously approved adding a new area of focus: supporting the environment. Creating a distinct area of focus for the environment will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive change in the world and increase our impact. More details will be announced soon…..  

Rotary Protecting the Environment

The Rotary Foundation Trustees and Rotary International Board of Directors have both unanimously approved adding a new area of focus: supporting the environment.

More than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment-related projects over the past five years.

Seventh Area of Focus the Environment





Following the very interesting talk by Rob Byrnes from the Rotary Foundation here is one of the two projects in Africa that we have received a grant for.

Coolamon House, as it is known in Hout Bay, is in honour of our Rotary club, and was opened in 2013. Our club project Road MAPS to Africa, raised approx. $US 100,000 or 1 million South African Rand, for the clinic in Hout Bay. This included a Rotary Foundation Matching Grant for US$22,000.



Above: Dr Ivan Bromfield, on the left, City of Cape Town Director of Health, who officiated at the opening of Coolamon House and seen here with clinic staff, said it was a “wonderful example of international communities and Rotary working together to save lives”. In the centre is Sister Carolus.

This project will enable the small clinic to seriously begin the fight back on HIV/Aids and TB in the nearby poverty-ridden shack township of Imizamo Yethu. Over 4,500 patient calls a month are handled by Sister Carolus in what has been called “very difficult conditions”

We took a team of 16 women and men to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in 2007 to raise funds for Coolamon House and together with a Matching Grant from the Rotary Foundation we were able to assist Hout Bay Rotary Club in the project.


March is Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Month


April is Rotary’s Environment Month




Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: Paul Weston
  • President-Elect 2023-2024: John Bond
  • Secretary: John Glassford
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: John Nulty
  • Service Projects Director:  John Bond
  • Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Garth Perkin
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Albert Suidgeest
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford


CRC Meeting Monday March 6th

Rotary Coolamon

Meeting of Monday 6th March

President Paul welcomed eight guests and 19 members to the meeting last Monday.  Our guests included: Sally Farmer, Patrick Lyons, Gary Truscott, Gerry (Ruth Morgan’s partner), Lexi Furner, Susan Glassford, Geraldine and Andrew Graycon.

Henk Hulsman reminded members that we are having a joint meeting with the Coolamon Lions on Wednesday March 15th please book now.

As we had in effect two speakers tonight we did not conduct any club business or the raffle and the fines session.


Tonight Sally Farmer and Don Dyce gave a comprehensive talk on Don’s recent visit to Nepal.  Don went on the Tsum Valley Trek in Nepal.

Tsum Valley Trek is one of the best treks in the blessed land of Hindus and Buddhists. Tsum valley trek takes visitors to the hidden Tsum valley.  The splendid landscapes of the Tsum Valley, surrounded by majestic chains of Mount Ganesh Himal, Buddha Himal, and Shringi Himal, are attractive and radiate magnificence at every turn. This isolated and hidden Shangri-La was opened to hikers in 2008. It remains relatively intact, with ancient villages and Tibetan Buddhist monasteries waiting to be explored.

Group picture in Lama Kunchok Retreat place in tsum

Tsum Valley Trek is a hidden gem among trekking routes in Nepal. The Tsum Valley is an important pilgrimage area and is located in the northwest of Kathmandu. It takes you to one of the most protected hidden gorges in the Himalayas, which until recently was a small region and is completely different in culture and topography from any other area in Nepal. The people of the Tsum or Tsumbas Valley are of Tibetan origin with their own vernacular, ethical and Buddhist religion, and this route was once an essential trade link with Tibet. Tsum Valley Trek is also the only adventurous hiking spot near Manaslu. The Route reached in the Buddhist culture. Our trekking starts from Arughat and continues the journey to the remote Tsum region.

The Tsum Valley lies between the Sring Himal in the north, the Baudha Himal Chuli in the west, and the Ganesh Himal in the south. The Tsum Valley is increasing in ancient art, culture, and religion. Somewhere the local population is formerly from Tibet; they speak their language, which is similar to the Tibetan language but not to the Tibetan languages. Buddhism is the main religion rated by local people.

Sally began the talk by reading a wonderful description of the trip by Don:

Om Mani Padme Hum = Generosity, ethics, patience, diligence, renunciation and wisdom.

It began: “7 pilgrims depart Kuala Lumpur to magical Nepal…………”

Sally concluded Namaste Nepal!

Do then gave his presentation on the Tsum Valley Trek.  Don’s main concern was that he did not see many children of school age on the trek and he found out that school age (High School) children were sent to Kathmandu and India for their education and he feels that in a generation they will not be back to teh Valley.  the younger children are educated by nuns and monks.

Both Sally and Don gave a passionate talk on Nepal and Buddhism.  This was a night not to miss and was most enjoyable, entertaining and educational.  Here are some photos taken from Sally and Don’s Facebook pages.

Thankyou Sally and Don!



N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

* Partner’s night

Monday March 13th –  Normal Meeting.   Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Wednesday March 15th Lions Rotary Joint Meeting: Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm Book now via Henk Hulsman.

Saturday March 18th – BBQ lunch at Garth Perkin’s home,  11.30 am.  BYO, all food supplied.

Saturday March 18th & Sunday March 19thPETS & D9705 Training Seminar. Merimbula, NSW.

*Monday, 20th March 2023 – The Rotary Foundation talk by Rob Byrnes from RI Sydney.  Neighbouring clubs will be invited to attend.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Monday 27th March – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 5 pm.

*Monday 27th March – Speaker meeting. Rtn Deidre Tome will provide an update on Rotary’s Peace Projects. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Friday March 31st evening, Saturday April 1st & Sunday April 2nd – PETS & D9705 Club Training Seminar. ORANGE, NSW.

Saturday to Wednesday 27-31 May — Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia.

* Partner’s night

March is Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Month

Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for February 2023


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROTARY – February 23rd 1905


Click on the two links below for the full Monday meeting reports sent on the 8th and the 20th of February:

Monday 6th February

Monday 20th February

Meeting of Monday 27th February

Above: Alicia Carey & Henley Carey, Grandmother Margaret Bell and PP Neil Munro

Tonight President Paul Weston welcomed 20 members and 9 guests (Marylin Jennings, Lorraine Hamilton, Maureen Hulsman, Clare Munro, Gary Truscott, potential member Barry Langtree, Henley Carey, Alicia Carey mother of Henley Carey, and Henley’s grandmother Margaret Bell). This was undoubtedly one of the most emotional talks we have ever been privileged to listen to at Rotary in Coolamon. 

Alicia began by thanking our club for all the support that we have given Henley in the recent past.

Henley has a rare disorder called Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (MPS I), a rare disease in which the bodydoes not produce enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules.  This leads to severe issues with the heart and major organs, affecting connective tissues.

Henley was diagnosed with MPS 1 in 2020.  There is no known cure for MPS 1, but there are treatments that can alleviate the impacts of the disease.  One treatment involves enzyme replacement therapy, which requires monthly transfusions for life, not a very attractive option. The second treatment is a bone marrow transplant, which Henley underwent in 2022. Henley was “lucky” in that a family member, his brother Darcy, was a good match.  The bone marrow transplant required a course of chemotherapy for Henley, which itself was harsh on Henley’s body but the bone marrow transfusion was successful. 

Henley will be looking at many other operations including another hip replacement and work on both of his knees.   Alicia also said that Henley is looking at spinal operations for his spinal curvature problems when he is older.

This family is deserving of all the help that we as a community can provide.  Their biggest challenge is finding and paying for accommodation when they travel to Sydney for Henley’s frequent medical appointments as the Ronald MacDonald House is always fully booked.

You can learn more about this disease on the website below:

Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I)

We are all determined that our club will continue to support this family.  Ideas for additional fund raising for Henley will be very welcome.

WW Advertiser Story 

This photo was in our bulletin in August 2020 of Henley and his brother Darcy.

PP Neil Munro thanked Alicia, Henley and Margaret for attending our meeting and for the updates on Henley.


  • Grahame Miles advised the meeting that we have three Rotary tables booked for the upcoming trivia night in Coolamon on Saturday.
  • Neil Munro spoke about the Peace dinner last Saturday recognising the 30th anniversary of the first Rotary Peace Community (Wagga Wagga) founded by PP Tony Quinlivan from Kooringal RC.  Paul Weston, Garth Perkin, and Clare Munro also attended the dinner.
  • Brian “Bear” Pattison has been presenting the certificates of appreciation to the donors for our recent raffle and advised the meeting that Bunnings would welcome us to have a BBQ day at Bunnings.
  • This Sunday at Kindra Park Forest is Clean Up Australia Day. All volunteers to be at the gate at 9.00 am. Direct any questions to Ian Jennings.

S@A Garth and his Corporal Dick i.e. the “Two Ronnies” held a very spirited and amusing fines session.  The raffle was won by Daryl Breust.  All in all a very good meeting and such a sobering talk by Alicia Carey that makes us all think hard.



N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Saturday 4th March – 2023 Charity Tri via Night for Andrew Veigel, who will attend the 2023 World Transplant Games in Perth. Tables of 8 per team at $15 per person; ring 0406 899 386 for bookings.

Sunday 5th March – Clean Up Australia Day. Kindra Park gate, 9 am (Contact Ian Jennings).

*Monday March 6th –  Speaker meeting. Don Dyce will give a talk on his recent trip to Nepal.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday March 18th – BBQ lunch at Garth Perkin’s home,  11.30 am.  BYO, all food supplied.

Saturday March 18th & Sunday March 19thPETS & D9705 Training Seminar. Merimbula, NSW.

*Monday, 20th March 2023 – The Rotary Foundation talk by Rob Byrnes from RI Sydney.  Neighbouring clubs will be invited to attend.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Monday 27th March – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 5 pm.

*Monday 27th March – Speaker meeting. Rtn Deidre Tome will provide an update on Rotary’s Peace Projects. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Friday March 31st evening, Saturday April 1st & Sunday April 2nd – PETS & D9705 Club Training Seminar. ORANGE, NSW.

Saturday to Wednesday 27-31 May — Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia.

* Partner’s night








Answers to the last puzzlers:

Easier one: You would you light the match first.

Harder one: Light one end of one rope (let’s call it Rope A) and both ends of the other (Rope B). When Rope B has burned completely, 30 minutes will have elapsed. Then light the other end of Rope A, which has 30 minutes of rope left. The remaining portion of Rope A will burn through in 15 minutes, which will take place 45 minutes after first lighting the ropes.

This month’s puzzlers:

Easier one: What is red and smells like blue paint?

Harder one: The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States of America had the same parents but were not brothers. How can this be possible?



1. Rotary International President Elect 2023-2024

RIPE Gordon McInally at the RI Zone 8 Conference in Canberra last October.  Seen here with RID Jessie Harman, Ken Hutt from the RC of Berry and DG Geraldine Rurenga.  (Photo by JJG).

R. Gordon R. McInally

President-elect 2022-23

Rotary Club of South Queensferry

West Lothian, Scotland

R. Gordon R. McInally is president-elect of Rotary International. He was educated at the Royal High School in Edinburgh and at the University of Dundee, where he earned his graduate degree in dental surgery. He operated his own dental practice in Edinburgh until 2016. Gordon was chair of the East of Scotland branch of the British Paedodontic Society and has held various academic positions

RIPE Gordon’s theme for 2023-2024 is:

District Governor: DG Andrea Grosvenor

Area 3 Governor: PP Garth Perkin

Coolamon Rotary Club Board 2023-2024: President: John Bond, Vice-President {Immediate Past President): Paul Weston, President-Elect 2024-2025:  Vacant, Secretary:  Paul Weston, Treasurer:  Mary Potts, Foundation:  Neil Munro, Membership: Leslie Weston, Club Administration: Henk Hulsman, Service Projects: Vacant, Youth Services: Scott Mudd, Public Image: Grahame Miles, Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings.



The name Rotary came from the initial meetings being held in rotation at each member’s place of business. The first four Rotarians were: (from left) Gustavus Loehr a mining engineer; Silvester Schiele a coal merchant; Hiram Shorey a tailor; and attorney Paul Harris. 

The world’s first service club, the Rotary Club of Chicago, was formed on 23 February 1905 by Paul P. Harris, an attorney who wished to capture in a professional club the same friendly spirit he had felt in the small towns of his youth.  Rotary’s popularity spread with clubs chartered from San Francisco to New York to Winnipeg, Canada within a decade.

By 1921 Rotary clubs were established on six continents and the organisation adopted the Rotary International name a year later. As Rotary grew, its mission expanded beyond serving club members’ professional and social interests. Rotarians began pooling their resources and contributing their talents to serve communities in need.

The organisation’s dedication to this ideal is best expressed in its motto: Service Above Self. Rotarians in Australia continue to recognise this motto through the awarding of a Paul Harris Fellowship recognition.

Today Rotary International is a worldwide organisation of service clubs with a membership of 1.208 million Rotarians in around 35,400 clubs in 215 countries. Rotary encourages diversity in membership that includes a mix of vocations, ethnic backgrounds, age and genders within Club members. 

Join the Rotary History Global Fellowship and for further information on our history go to:




Here is the story on the Sunflower Seeds for Ukraine appeal as conducted by the Coolamon Rotary Club over the past 10 months.

This report was first published on February the 11th.


This war is not over not by a long shot and here is a photo posted this week on Facebook with teh following story:

“In February 2022, the Russian missile hit a residential building on Lobanovskyi Avenue in Kyiv, a heartbreaking photo of which horrified the whole world and showed Russia’s true intentions.

Russia thought that by committing this war crime they would force the Ukrainian spirit to break and surrender. But still, Ukrainians keep fighting.

Almost one year later, the building is renovated. The damage of the house is no longer visible, but its scar is forever in our hearts. Let each new reconstruction heal our wounds and become a symbol of our unbreakable future.



February is Rotary Peace & Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month.



March is Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Month



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Paul Weston

President-Elect 2023-2024: John Bond

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Mary Potts

Membership Director: John Nulty

Service Projects Director:  John Bond

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: Garth Perkin

Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Albert Suidgeest

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


CRC Meeting Monday February 20th

Meeting of Monday 20th February

Chair PP Daryl Breust welcomed all our members, their guests and visitors.  We had  17 members and the following guests: Maureen Hulsman, Melissa Mudd, Marylin Jennings, Barry Langtree and Lexi Furner.

  • The members present then voted on our amended constitution and bylaws as required every 3 years or when they change.
  • Neil Munro reminded members that next Monday 27th meeting we have as our guest speaker Alicia Carey mother of Henley.  NB the meeting is set for 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start.  Alicia will speak from 6.30pm as Henley has to get to bed.  We will then have dinner at 7.30pm.
  • Reminder that PETS and D9705 training is on March 31st-April 2nd in Orange.
  • Garth Perkin has invited members and partners to a lunch at his place on Saturday March 18th at 12.00pm BYO and the food will be supplied.


Our guest speaker tonight was our own Rotarian Scott Mudd who is also the Anglican Priest for the Parish of Coolamon/Ganmain in the Diocese of Riverina.

Scott’s talk was entitled from “Palate to Pulpit”.

Scott gave a great talk which was well received by all present and we learned that:

  • Life before the pulpit was centered around wine!  Scott  was living in the Hunter Valley for 10 years based in and around Maitland.
  • After high school Scott went to TAFE on a hospitality course and mastered the carrying of glasses and trays!  Scott wanted to be a head waiter.
  • Scott worked at James Estate in the Hunter and he learned so much about wines and he became a top salesman for the cellar door at James Estate where he worked for 2 years.
  • Scott then moved to the Hunter Valley Gardens with a restaurant that fed 1,000 people per day and again Scott worked in the cellar door and sold $40,000 worth of wine in a weekend.
  • Loved his story of matching wines with chocolate!
  • So many great stories and how he ended up being an Anglican priest then Melissa and Scott moved to South Australia.
  • Scott’s Bishop then appointed him to Murray Bridge and the rest his history eventually ending up here in Coolamon where he wants to stay!
  • Then Scott introduced us to a rare wine which we had to work out what it was.  None of us got it right.  Even after Scott showed us the correct way to taste and smell wine.  The wine was a Cabernet Franc, Melissa’s favourite wine, which is used as a blending agent however Scott says that this wine is excellent with a nice steak or roast lamb.

Thank you Scott we now know you a whole lot better and our club is richer for your membership.

The meeting concluded with a raffle won by John Bond with four runners up getting a bag of passion fruit that were donated by Anne.

The Rev. Scott Mudd at work in Coolamon:




Last Friday PP Ian Durham visited Coolamon for a quick visit and Grahame Miles and John Glassford had lunch with Ian and caught up with our news.  Those of you who would have been in Rotary at the same time as Ian would be pleased to know that he has not changed and appears not to have aged.

Ian was our president in 2010-2011 see above with PP Craig Corrigan.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

* Partner’s night


*Monday 27th February – Guest speaker. Alicia Carey, mother of Henley Carey, Following Alicia’s talk, we will vote on adoption of the new Constitution and Club Bylaws.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:00 for 6.30pm.

Saturday 4th March – 2023 Charity Trivia Night for Andrew Veigel on 0406 899 386 for bookings.  to raise funds so that Andrew can attend the 2023 World Transplant Games in Perth. Tables of 8 per team at $15 per person.


Monday March 6th. –  Don Dyce will give a talk on his recent trip to Nepal.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm

Saturday March 18th & Sunday March 19thPETS & D9705 Training Seminar. Merimbula, NSW.

*Monday, 20th March 2023 – The Rotary Foundation talk by Rob Byrnes from RI Sydney.  Visiting clubs will be invited to attend.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm

Monday, 27th March 2023 – Board Meeting at the Sports Club 5.00pm.

Friday March 31st evening, Saturday April 1st & Sunday April 2nd – PETS & D9705 Club Training Seminar. ORANGE, NSW.

Saturday to Wednesday 27-31 May — Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia



February is Rotary Peace & Conflict Prevention/resolution Month.

Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



This is probably the final newsletter that I can edit and prepare.  Over Christmas and New Year I had a lot of work on and unfortunately Rotary had to  take second place to our business.

It is now almost 12 months since Russia invaded Ukraine and there is no end in sight right now.  All we can do is marvel at the courage of the Ukraine people and continue to help in whatever way we can.

We have had a wonderful response from so many Rotary clubs and individual Rotarians and friends to our sunflower seeds for Ukraine initiative.

How much was raised?  I do not know nor is it important.  The seeds have been sown, in more ways than one, and I have a couple of photos to share with you.

Above all my thanks to you all who helped and collected funds for the RAWCS Ukraine appeal.  I have put details of where to donate at the end of this missive.

Obviously we cannot stop and if any of you want to continue or pass the baton to others do not hesitate to use the tools that we created for the project.  Just drop me an email and I will help.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Doug Bruckner whose generous donation of the sunflower seeds made this project work and work well.

Yours in Rotary PDG John Glassford Coolamon Rotary Club Coolamon Rotary Club

The latest news on how Rotary is still responding to the war in Ukraine go to the following site:



PROJECT FOR UKRAINE.  Project #83-2014-15


Slava Ukrajini!!!