Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-46



Myffy did it!! Congratulations Myffy for organising such a fantastic festival of art in our little village of Ganmain! Thanks to all the artists involved and everyone who came along to enjoy the weekend 💗
Our lovely local Myffy Collette dreamed up Art Festival on Ford in partnership with Rosemary Ashton, the daughter of her late husband, Dr Brian Clarke.
Visiting artists & sale at Fisher & Farmer Homewares

Photo exhibition by Zane Fraser & artworks by Rosemary at 85 Ford St

Exhibition & come and try experience at Lush Creative Galleries

Grand opening of Hillary’s studio featuring relief sculptures

Quilts on display at Ganmain Craft Cottage

Thrift shopping at Ganmain Op Shop

Second hand wares at Baldos & the Curio shop

Ganmain Historical Society and Museum OPEN

Beautiful books & vintage upcycles at Faraway on Ford

Special festival pie from Ganmain Bakery  AND The Pop up gallery in our Ganmain Hall.


This was our last meeting for the 2021-2022 Rotary year and president Albert made the extra effort to get back from his visit to Broken Hill on time.  Congratulations to Albert for steering us through the past 12 months.  It was not easy due to Covid and the restrictions placed on our activities, especially the cancellation of the garden viewing.

President Albert welcomed our 16 members and 3 guests including Dr. Joe Yanagisawa who will be officially inducted to our club at our changeover dinner on the 4th July.  Father Scott Mudd was a guest of Ian Jennings and it was good to meet Father Scott.

Our guest speaker was  Marc Canino from the Coolamon & District History Group.

Marc spoke on their quest to get the Coolamon Echo newspaper digitised and available online.  The paper served the Coolamon area from 1898-1905 and was a weekly newspaper.  Marc gave us plenty to contemplate as to what is required to save and store this valuable publication for the future.

Marc and the group have obtained a quote for $4,300 to achieve this goal.  So far they are $1,300 short of their target.  They have 800 members now in their Facebook Group.

Bruce Hamilton thanking Marc for his talk and presenting Marc with a small gift from Rotary


The raffle was won by Father Scott and no correct answers to the Puzzlers were submitted this week. Given that only one member even  attempted to work out the Puzzlers, the puzzlemaster has decided to give everyone an extra week to work on the Puzzlers.

Daryl Breust handed out the Hi-Viz vests that were ordered by Dick Jennings for members to purchase.

Garth announced that he was attending the Temora, Junee and Wagga Wagga Rotary club changeover dinners.

Other members including Chez and Alex Thompson attended the Temora changeover and Paul Weston is going to Junee.  John Glassford represented the DG at Junee and Wollundry changeover dinners.




*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday, 4th July – Coolamon Rotary Club Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday 11th July – CRC ASSEMBLY including President Paul Weston’s plans for the 2022-2023 Rotary year. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Tuesday 12th July – 1st CRC 2022-2023 Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.

Friday, 15th July – Sustainable Farming Field Day. At the properties of Adrian & Wendy Lindner and Ian & Marilyn Jennings.  9.00 am – 3.00 pm.

Tuesday, 2nd August – Larapinta Trek (benefit for ShelterBox) (with Garth Perkin, Mary Potts and Don Dyce).

Larapinta Trek 2022 for ShelterBox

Saturday/Sunday October 1st-2nd – Gears and Beers (Wollundry RC).

Friday-Sunday 21st-23rd October – District Conference.  Joyes Hall, CSU campus, Wagga Wagga (details forthcoming). [NB The district conference will be moving to an October timeslot as of this year, which is why we’re having two district conferences in 2022).

Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).

Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference








Answer to the last Puzzlers: 

The answers to last week’s Puzzlers will appear net week because an extra week is being provided to work out the Puzzlers.

This week’s Puzzlers (repeated from last week): 

Easier one: What common sayings are represented by these obfuscations? 1) To place a primitive agricultural conveyance in a position anterior to the animal Equus caballus; 2) It requires a number of people greater than one to perform a terpsichorean series of low dips and twisting steps on the toes; 3) To accumulate an excess of temperature beneath a circular, tight-fitting clothing component; 4) Transferring from a culinary vessel into a site of pyrogenic activity; 5) Refrain from calculating upon the quantity of juvenile poultry prior to the completion of the entire process of incubation.

Harder one:

After visiting my nan, I travelled home in her old jalopy. The car was old and battered, it had a leak from the fuel tank, and the car could only travel in second gear. This meant that I could only travel along at a steady 30 miles per hour and go only 20 miles per gallon of fuel.

At the start of the journey I placed exactly 10 gallons of fuel into the tank. I knew, however, that the fuel tank lost petrol at the rate of half a gallon per hour.  Just as I arrived home, the car stopped because it had run out of petrol.

How far was it from my nan’s to my home?






Cycling To Serve



Rotary Club of Herentals in Belgium organized the first Rotary Cycling world Championships, with competitions to the present day. he Cycling to Serve Fellowship had its origins in Belgium in 1984 when a Rotary club organised the first World Rotary Cycling Championships. The championships were held again in 1985 and 1986, but it was then decided that the effort was too much for a single club. Consequently, some of the Belgian and Dutch participants got together and formed the Cycling to Serve Fellowship in 1988 and annual events have been organised by Rotary clubs in many countries throughout the world, including Australia.



Saturday 07/30/2022

A new race format is introduced in these years! In the past, the race took place over 30-50km on a circuit. Instead of riding a set distance, the new format will only include cycling for 60min and 1 lap. This means that the cyclist who has ridden the furthest distance in 1 hour will bring home the win. This prevents those behind who have no chance of placing to finish their race alone and unnoticed.

The objectives of our Fellowship are to develop and promote world-wide friendship through cycling both competitive and touristic; to serve the community locally, nationally and internationally through cycling activities; to promote international understanding and peace through cycling activities.



Two clubs went to great lengths to support the Sunflower Seeds for Ukraine initiative at their recent changeover dinners:



Hi John,

It is such a pleasure to be able to update you on our club’s fundraising efforts and to also take the opportunity to thank you for your assistance and for inviting The Rotary Club of Tumut to join in this worthy undertaking.

Our fundraising has had a very broad focus from members of the community to small businesses, schools, aged and disability providers, a multinational business, church groups and of course Rotary Club members and social media.

Sunflowers were the theme of our changeover dinner in conjunction with the 2021-2022 Rotary motto “Serve To Change Lives”. I have included photos below.

Yours in Rotary,
Lisa Packard

Rotary Club of Tumut-Sunflower Seeds for Ukraine



On Sunday Garth Perkin, Paul Weston and John Glassford attended the Junee Rotary Club changeover luncheon.  It  was a very well attended event with the Hon. Michael McCormack MP the Junee Shire Mayor and Area Governor Elaine Almond with PDG John responding to the toast to Rotary International.

Junee had a great year and had 10 different organisations from June receiving donations.  Their theme for the change over was Sunflower Seeds for Ukraine.  Junee have now taken over 31 kgs from Ganmain and are doing a wonderful job.  Incoming President Chris Paton assured us that the Sunflower initiative will go until Christmas.







Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford






Sunflowers News June 29th 2022 Part 1

Sunflowers June 29th 2022 News Part 2


We are in the early stages of this initiative; however, we have gone ahead with phase 1.  One could call it the trial run to get interest.

PHASE 1 The Story So Far:

During Phase 1 packets of seeds were handed out around a total 1,000 to clubs like Lower Blue Mountains, Griffith Avanti and Wagga Wagga Sunrise.  These are three clubs that have asked to help from day 1.  PDG Susan Wakefield has done a remarkable job in raising $1,000 so far with the cards and seeds that I left her and says that people were giving up to $50 per packet.

With the success of Lower Blue Mountains and Griffith Avanti and their efforts in Griffith, at the Westfield shopping centre, we have been able to move on to Phase 2.


Many clubs are now receiving seeds and we know this demand will increase, however we still have over 50kgs of seeds in stock.  Junee Rotary took 20kgs of seeds and that makes the total they have collected to 31kgs.  We look forward to the results of their efforts.

I have ordered 1,000 display/donation boxes.  These will be available, now the artwork is done, and have been printed and will be delivered to us very soon.  Once the word gets out there then I strongly believe that the demand will be excellent.  So far, I have 250 boxes spoken for.

Update from the RAWCS Project (83 of 2014-15), With more than 13 million people having fled their homes in Ukraine, including 8 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s), and 5 million forced into exile, this is a humanitarian crisis on an unimaginable scale, requiring a massive aid response. The prime objective is to meet immediate lifesaving needs of the crisis affected civilian population to preserve lives, ease suffering and promote self-sufficiency. Having met an initial target of $5 million, the scale of the tragedy in Ukraine is such that the need for further humanitarian aid is critical. The target has therefore been doubled to $10 million.

So much is happening and the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations are delighted with the idea of the seeds.  They want to get their youth in all the cities around Australia to sell the seeds.  Here is the latest from Diahanna (Darka) Senko

“Hi Jack,

This is fantastic, we will be launching the campaign among our youth in July – September.

Our goal was to raise $5,000,000 by June 30, 2022 and we are shy by $37 k.

Our Director of Youth, Justin Senko, will be launching this campaign in July to kick off our next goal of 5million dollars for shelters and children centres to be established.

His vision has always been that Australia will flower with Sunflowers in Spring as we hope Ukraine will once again flower with democracy and peace

We will place our order next week.

Diahanna (Darka) Senko

Director, Humanitarian Aid Initiatives

Chair, Ukraine Crisis Appeal & UHELP



Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-45




President Albert opened the meeting and welcomed all of our 18 members present and one guest in Ross Walters, a friend of Adrian Linder.  Ross is looking to join our club as a member.

There was plenty of good fellowship and banter through the night and plenty of business discussed including:

  • Family Fun Bike Event to be held on October 29th.  Organisers looking for help with marshalls and catering.
  • Dick Jennings has ordered 30 hi-vis vests from Temora at $28 per vest.  members can buy their own and what is left will be used by members on occasions as required.
  • Dick attended the Lions Club changeover dinner at the Marrar café and reported that it was a good night.
  •  Garth spoke on the Larapinta Trek upcoming on August 2nd for ShelterBox.  Garth reported that Mary has a friend joining the team from Coolamon although she is not a Rotarian.
  • Garth proposed an idea for a tourism map of the Coolamon Shire and gave examples of such a map.
  • Changeover night July 4th: Coolamon mayor Dave McCann and Angela will be present and will present cheques to Allawah Lodge and the hospital auxiliary.
  • A roster was created for the ShelterBox and sunflower promotion days in Ganmain and Coolamon.
  • The first board meeting for the 2022-2023 Rotary year will be held on Tuesday July 12th.
  • Members were encouraged to attend local changeover dinners.  Chez, Alex, Garth, John G. and Paul will be attending various changeovers.
  • JG read out the NSW Parliament Hansard report sent to us by the Hon. Steph Cooke.  The Hansard noted; “the incredible efforts of the Coolamon Rotary Club on their fantastic initiative Sunflowers for Ukraine”.  A copy of this Hansard report will be scanned and stored in our archives and can be viewed below:

(click on the image above for a larger version)

Dick and Garth carried out another entertaining fines session and no one was spared.  The raffle prizes were won by Adrian and Craig.



*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Friday 24th to Sunday 26th June.  Art Festival on Ford Street Ganmain. 12 venues will be open from 10.00 am-3.00 pm on all three days. Come see art by local artists including President Albert and President-Elect Paul!

Monday 27th June – Speaker Meeting. Mark Canino from the Coolamon Historical Society will speak on the project to digitise issues of Coolamon’s turn-of-the century newspaper, the Coolamon Echo.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Friday 1st July – SUNFLOWERS FOR UKRAINE street raffle with a real ShelterBox in Ganmain.

Saturday 2nd July – SUNFLOWERS FOR UKRAINE street raffle with a real ShelterBox in Coolamon.

Monday, 4th July – Coolamon Rotary Club Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday 11th July – CRC ASSEMBLY including President Paul Weston’s plans for the 2022-2023 Rotary year. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Tuesday 12th July – 1st CRC 2022-2023 Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.

Friday, 15th July – Sustainable Farming Field Day. At the properties of Adrian & Wendy Lindner and Ian & Marilyn Jennings.  9.00 am – 3.00 pm.

Tuesday, 2nd August – Larapinta Trek (benefit for ShelterBox) (with Garth Perkin, Mary Potts and Don Dyce).

Larapinta Trek 2022 for ShelterBox

Saturday/Sunday October 1st-2nd – Gears and Beers (Wollundry RC).

Friday-Sunday 21st-23rd October – District Conference.  Joyes Hall, CSU campus, Wagga Wagga (details forthcoming). [NB The district conference will be moving to an October timeslot as of this year, which is why we’re having two district conferences in 2022).

Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).

Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference



Lions Club of Coolamon: 17th June 6.30 pm at the Marrar Café

Belconnen RC: 22 June, The Clubhouse (16 Georgina Cres., Kaleen),  6:30 for 7 pm

Temora RC: Saturday 25th June at the Temora Golf Club 7.00 pm

Junee RC: Sunday 26th June 12.30 pm at the Ex-Services Club in Junee

Wollundry RC: Tuesday 28th June 6.30 pm at the Wagga Wagga RSL Club

Narrandera RC: Wednesday 29th June 6.30pm at the Narrandera Golf Club

Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC: Tuesday 28th June 6.30 pm at the Botanic Gardens Restaurant in Wagga Wagga

Wagga Wagga RC: Thursday 30th June at the Wagga Wagga Country Club 7.00 pm

Griffith Avanti RC:  Friday July 8th. at the Griffith Ex Services Club, Christmas in July theme, 6.00 pm







Answer to the last puzzlers: 

Easier one: You have two oranges.

Harder one: The spare tyre is the only one that doesn’t rotate.

This week’s puzzlers: 

Easier one: What common sayings are represented by these obfuscations? 1) To place a primitive agricultural conveyance in a position anterior to the animal Equus caballus; 2) It requires a number of people greater than one to perform a terpsichorean series of low dips and twisting steps on the toes; 3) To accumulate an excess of temperature beneath a circular, tight-fitting clothing component; 4) Transferring from a culinary vessel into a site of pyrogenic activity; 5) Refrain from calculating upon the quantity of juvenile poultry prior to the completion of the entire process of incubation.

Harder one:

After visiting my nan, I travelled home in her old jalopy. The car was old and battered, it had a leak from the fuel tank, and the car could only travel in second gear. This meant that I could only travel along at a steady 30 miles per hour and go only 20 miles per gallon of fuel.

At the start of the journey I placed exactly 10 gallons of fuel into the tank. I knew, however, that the fuel tank lost petrol at the rate of half a gallon per hour.  Just as I arrived home, the car stopped because it had run out of petrol.

How far was it from my nan’s to my home?





This week we look at one of the largest fellowships within Rotary the International Travel & Hosting Fellowship.

The mission of ITHF is to stimulate and facilitate connections and cultural sharing throughout the Rotary world by contact, hosting, visiting, and travel.

ITHF exists to promote and facilitate regional, national, and international “connections” between its members. ITHF members visit other members of the Fellowship and have the opportunity to host Rotarian members from other countries. Our lives are enriched by these connections and cross-cultural exchanges, but don’t take our word for it, see what our members have to say:





Above: Students return to their Ukrainian high school.
For a yearbook photo shoot.
No words.

We have had plenty of enquiry since the article in Rotary on the Move was published.

Some of the clubs asking for how to do this include:

Redcliffe North Queensland

Maryborough RC Victoria

Canberra Interact and two Sydney Interact Clubs

Casino NSW

Ryde Sydney

News from the RC of Bayside Geelong Victoria who combined their Bee Hotels project with the seeds:

“I am from The Rotary Club of Bayside Geelong and we received some sunflower seeds for fundraising for Ukraine last month.

We held a sales day at our local shopping centre on Saturday and raised $280. We also raised funds by selling bee hotels at an Environment dinner we held last week. Around another $275. We are still selling seed packets and have orders for more bee hotels.

Could you please let me know where to send the funds already raised.  And also if there is an end date to this project or can we keep fundraising into the next financial year? I am fairly new to Rotary so do not know all the ins and outs. Our treasurer would like to send on,  what we have raised up to the end of June.

I look forward to hearing from you”.

Aileen Brown
Rotary Club of Bayside Geelong


I have been asked how long we will be supporting Ukraine and what is next.  Here is a message I received from the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations:


“Hi Jack,

This is fantastic, we will be launching the campaign among our youth in July – September.

Our goal was to raise $5,000,000 by June 30, 2022 and we are shy by $37 k.

Our Director of Youth, Justin Senko, will be launching this campaign in July to kick off our next goal of 5million dollars for shelters and children centres to be established.

His vision has always been that Australia will flower with Sunflowers in Spring as we hope Ukraine will once again flower with democracy and peace

We will place our order next week.

Diahanna (Darka) Senko

Director, Humanitarian Aid Initiatives

Chair, Ukraine Crisis Appeal & UHELP

Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations






Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-44


President Albert was back in the saddle after his recent holiday. On hand were 19 members and two guests, Dr Jo Yanagisawa and Myffy Collette.  A great turn out and a pleasant evening of fellowship.

Myffy spoke about the Art Festival In Ganmain on Friday June 24th to Sunday June 26th.  There will be 12 venues open on all three days.  Come take a stroll down Ford Street and enjoy displays of local and visiting artistic talent (including that of some of our own club members!).

Members were asked to give their vest sizes for the Hi Vis vests that the CRC Board approved buying.  The vests will provide extra visibility when assisting in roadside events such as Gears and Beers and will help promote Rotary because the Rotary wheel will be prominently displayed.  So please get your sizes in so we can get the vests ordered and screen printed.

Garth Perkin reported on visiting John Bond who is making a slow but steady recovery. Bondy plans to be back at Rotary within three weeks.  Garth thanked Albert and Paul for mowing Bondy’s lawn recently. Garth also spoke on the Larapinta Terek and that he will visit other Rotary clubs on his return.  There is now a Facebook page for ShelterBox for D9705:

D9705 ShelterBox Facebook

Other business included our July 4th changeover dinner and a request to all members to respond to Ian Jennings AND JG as to their attendance and if they will have any guests.  We need this information for catering purposes as soon as possible, as there are only 3 weeks to go until our changeover.

Chez and Alex will be attending the Temora RC changeover dinner on Sat 25th June and Mary will be going to the Narrandera changeover dinner on Wed 29th June.  It would be excellent of we could get more members to attend changeover dinners especially Junee, Temora, Narrandera and Wollundry and others listed below in the Diary.

S@A Ian conducted a spirited fines session and the raffles were won by Daryl (FoodWorks voucher) and second prize by Albert (honey made by Paul Weston’s bees)!


Tonight we had Albert Suidgeest in the spotlight:

Albert has had a wonderful and full life and was born in Wagga Wagga.  Albert’s parents migrated to Australia his father by air in 1950 and his mother by boat from Holland.  They bought a block of land in Wagga and his father was a baker and saw Australia as the land of opportunity.

Albert is happily married to Dianne and they have 5 children and 13 grandchildren.  Before Albert became the “Coolamon Dog Whisperer,” he went to school in Albury at the Aquinas College.  In brief some high points from Albert’s talk:

  • Attended Randwick Boys High School
  • Earned an economics degree from the UNSW
  • Worked at Coolamon Central School for 20 years
  • Worked for a time at Coolamon Steelworks
  • Worked at Kildare College in Wagga for 10 years

Albert started the Coolamon Boarding Kennels with two dogs and it grew from there and these days he can accommodate 70 dogs at one time. Some of Albert’s passions include Aussie Rules, reading and especially gardening and making sculptures:

Albert enjoyed One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and his favourite actors are Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson.  Albert also enjoys travelling and has visited the Galapagos Islands, Machu Pichu and the Serengeti and Maasai Mara in East Africa.





*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday 13th June – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 20th June – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Friday 24th to Sunday 26th June.  Art Festival on Ford Street Ganmain. 12 venues will be open from 10.00 am-3.00 pm on all three days.

Friday 1st July – SUNFLOWERS FOR UKRAINE street raffle with a real ShelterBox in Ganmain.

Saturday 2nd July – SUNFLOWERS FOR UKRAINE street raffle with a real ShelterBox in Coolamon.

Monday, 4th July – Coolamon Rotary Club Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Friday, 15th July – Sustainable Farming Field Day. At the properties of Adrian & Wendy Lindner and Ian & Marilyn Jennings.  9.00 am-3.00 pm.

Tuesday, 2nd August – Larapinta Trek (benefit for ShelterBox) (with Garth Perkin, Mary Potts and Don Dyce).

Larapinta Trek 2022 for ShelterBox

Saturday/Sunday October 1st-2nd – Gears and Beers (Wollundry RC).

Friday-Sunday 21st-23rd October – District Conference.  Joyes Hall, CSU campus, Wagga Wagga (details forthcoming). [NB The district conference will be moving to an October timeslot as of this year, which is why we’re having two district conferences in 2022).

Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).

Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference



Lions Club of Coolamon: 17th June 6.30 pm at the Marrar Café

Belconnen RC: 22 June, The Clubhouse (16 Georgina Cres., Kaleen),  6:30 for 7 pm

Temora RC: Saturday 25th June at the Temora Golf Club 7.00 pm

Junee RC: Sunday 26th June 12.30 pm at the Ex-Services Club in Junee

Wollundry RC: Tuesday 28th June 6.30 pm at the Wagga Wagga RSL Club

Narrandera RC: Wednesday 29th June 6.30pm at the Narrandera Golf Club

Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC: Tuesday 28th June 6.30 pm at the Botanic Gardens Restaurant in Wagga Wagga

Wagga Wagga RC: Thursday 30th June at the Wagga Wagga Country Club 7.00 pm

Griffith Avanti RC:  Friday July 8th. at the Griffith Ex Services Club, Christmas in July theme, 6.00 pm











Answer to the last puzzlers: 

Easier one: People sleep the least in February because it has the fewest days.

Harder one: Each of the words reads the same backwards if you shift the first letter to the end of the word.

This week’s puzzlers: 

Easier one: If there are eight oranges in a bag and you take away two, how many do you have?

Harder one: Which tire doesn’t move when a car turns to the right?






Beers Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide (BREW) Fellowship is one of the newest officially recognized Rotary fellowships. The fellowship was created for Rotarians around the worlds who love to drink and make beer.

BREW founders Moses, Steve, Patrick and Martin BREW was started and organized in 2013 by Past District 5160 Governor Steve Lack, a member of the Rotary Club of Pleasant Hill, California USA; Moses Aryee, Past President of the Rotary Club of Accra-West, Ghana and Past District 5440 Governor Martin Limbird of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins Colorado, USA.


The goal of BREW is to create the largest fellowship in Rotary. An international community of Rotarians who share a love of beer. We also strive to support efforts and projects to bring clean water to those in thirst since water is the primary ingredient in beer.

Click on the 4 Way Test below for Brew’s website.




Some highlights from the Houston 2022 RICON which ended this week:



After discovering new perspectives and being inspired by new ideas at the 2022 Rotary International Convention, attendees and virtual participants are looking ahead to next year’s gathering in Melbourne, the sparkling second city of Australia.

This vibrant hub of art, sports, and cuisine will host the 2023 convention, set for 27-31 May. Rotary members, participants, and supporters are invited to Imagine What’s Next and explore the possibilities for Rotary’s future.

The next RICON will be held in Melbourne from 27th-31st May 2023.


The Host Organising Committee is very excited to welcome Rotarians and guests to Melbourne for the 2023 Rotary International Convention.   Known as one of the world’s most liveable cities, you will enjoy what we take for granted, a beautiful, vibrant and cosmopolitan city.

Editor’s Note:  “I have attended 7 RICONs now and they were all wonderful conventions and where I met and made so many friends around teh world.  I highly recommend that you go to Melbourne in 2023 as the last RICON in Australia was in 2014 in Sydney.  The next one after Melbourne will be Singapore 2024, followed by Calgary 2025”.






Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


ShelterBox in Houston

We’re live with ShelterBox CEO Sanj Srikanthan at the ShelterBox booth in the House of Friendship at #Rotary22. We’re discussing how ShelterBox and Rotary partner to respond to crises, including the work to provide aid to those affected by the war in #Ukraine.

SIRET, ROMANIA – FEBRUARY 25: Ukrainian citizens arrive in Romania by crossing the Siret border after Russia launched military operation in Siret, Romania on February 25, 2022. They are welcomed with food and drinks by Romanian volunteers, as well as with free transport and accommodation. (Photo by Alex Nicodim/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

ShelterBox in Houston

The world is witnessing a vast humanitarian crisis unfold. As military activities escalate in Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of people are on the move, desperately trying to flee to safety. Innocent civilians are being killed, families and lives are being torn apart.

Nearly 10 million people have already fled Ukraine to other countries – that’s almost a quarter of Ukraine’s entire population. An additional 6.5 million people are now estimated to be displaced within Ukraine. Many are unable to leave because of damage to infrastructure, lack of resources, and the increased security risk.

ShelterBox is responding to the Ukraine crisis. Our team is working in Moldova and coordinating with partners in Poland as we work to get aid into Ukraine. As this crisis rages on, please know that you can help.

Your donation will help provide lifesaving aid for families affected by the Ukraine crisis or other conflicts and disasters around the world.


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-43


Meeting of Monday, 30th May

PP Daryl Breust was in the chair tonight.  Albert will be back next Monday.  We had 17 attending with one guest, Dr. Jo Yanagisawa from Coolamon.  Jo has been nominated by John Nulty to join our club, the usual protocol will take place and in due course we will welcome Jo into the club as a valued member.

The members send their condolences to Dianne Suidgeest on the passing of her father.

Several clubs in our area have invited our members to attend their changeover dinners.  A full list appears in this bulletin.

Henk advised the meeting that the Red Shield appeal on the weekend had raised $756.00 and Daryl thanked the volunteers at Foodworks for their time.

John G advised the meeting that 1000 display/donation boxes have been ordered for our Sunflowers Seeds for Ukraine initiative.  These will be available in 3 weeks time.

Mary advised the meeting that we will display the ShelterBox in Ganmain on the 1st July and in Coolamon on the 2nd July together with the sunflower seeds.  Proceeds will go to the Larapinta Trekkers from CRC.

The main discussion was by Adrian Lindner on the upcoming Sustainable Farming Field Day at Ian Jennings and Adrian’s properties on the 15th July.  Great effort and some excellent feedback on this field day and the club will fully support the event.  Adrian asked if we could help with catering with our food van on the day details will follow.  A flyer promoting the event is available–if you want one, let John G know as it is too big to upload to our bulletin at the moment.

Details of the field day appeared in last week’s bulletin.

Paul and team have printed this month’s CCC (Chronicle) and it has been distributed–this month’s issue features an excellent promotion for the Ganmain Art Extravaganza. Well done Paul and the CCC team.

Good news that John Bond is back home, recovering slowly and by all accounts doing well.  Paul and Brian were out to Bondy’s to mow, whipper snip, and spray for weeds until Bondy is back to full strength.

Dick at short notice conducted another of his no-holds-barred fines session, all in good fun.  The raffle was won by Adrian.




*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday 6th June – Board Meeting at 5.30pm. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club.

Monday 6th June – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday 13th June – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 20th June – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Friday 1st July – SUNFLOWERS FOR UKRAINE street raffle with a real ShelterBox in Ganmain.

Saturday 2nd July – SUNFLOWERS FOR UKRAINE street raffle with a real ShelterBox in Coolamon.

Monday, 4th July – CRC 51st Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Friday, 15th July – Sustainable Farming Field Day. 9.00 am-3.00 pm.

Tuesday, 2nd August – Larapinta Trek (benefit for ShelterBox) (with Garth Perkin, Mary Potts and Don Dyce).

Larapinta Trek 2022 for ShelterBox

Saturday/Sunday October 1st-2nd – Gears and Beers (Wollundry RC).

Friday-Sunday 21st-23rd October – District Conference.  Joyes Hall, CSU campus, Wagga Wagga (details forthcoming). [NB The district conference will be moving to an October timeslot as of this year, which is why we’re having two district conferences in 2022).

Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).

Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference



Lions Club of Coolamon: 17th June 6.30 pm at the Marrar Café.

Temora RC: Saturday 25th June at the Temora Golf Club 7.00 pm.

Junee RC: Sunday 26th June 12.30 pm at the Ex-Services Club in Junee.

Wollundry RC: Tuesday 28th June 6.30 pm at the Wagga Wagga RSL Club.

Narrandera RC Wednesday 29th June 6.30pm at the Narrandera Golf Club.

Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC: Tuesday 28th June 6.30 pm at the Botanic Gardens Restaurant in Wagga Wagga.

Wagga Wagga RC: Thursday 30th June at the Wagga Wagga Country Club 7.00 pm.



How did this happen?






Answer to the last puzzlers: 

Easier one: A green house is made of glass, of course!

Harder one: Start both hourglasses at the same time as soon as the water is boiling. When the 7-minute hourglass runs out, put the egg in the boiling water. Then, when the 11-minute hourglass runs out, restart it. When it runs out again, the egg will have been in the boiling water for exactly 15 minutes.

This week’s puzzlers: 

Easier one: During which month do people sleep the least?

Harder one: What is unusual about the following words: revive, banana, grammar, voodoo, assess, potato, dresser, uneven?





June is Rotary Fellowship Month.  There are many and varied fellowships that a Rotarian can join and here is a list click on the link of one that may interest you for further information:

I am a member of two fellowships:






The current RICON Rotary International Convention is being held in Houston.  It began on the 4th June and closes on the 8th June.  You can register for online content here:

Houston 2022 RICON Online



The next RICON will be held in Melbourne from 27th-31st May 2023.


The Host Organising Committee is very excited to welcome Rotarians and guests to Melbourne for the 2023 Rotary International Convention.   Known as one of the world’s most liveable cities, you will enjoy what we take for granted, a beautiful, vibrant and cosmopolitan city.

Editor’s Note:  “I have attended 7 RICONs now and they were all wonderful conventions and where I met and made so many friends around teh world.  I highly recommend that you go to Melbourne in 2023 as the last RICON in Australia was in 2014 in Sydney.  The next one after Melbourne will be Singapore 2024, followed by Calgary 2025”.






Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-42


Meeting of Monday, 23rd May

This week we were back at the Sports Club with Gilbert catering.

President-Elect and Past President x 2 Paul Weston was in the chair.  13 members attended and no guests this week.

We had some excellent discussions including an idea from Dick Jennings to get 30 highly visible vests with Coolamon Rotary printed on them.  These could be modelled on the ones that Temora RC have had made and printed in Temora:

We have received invites to a number of changeover dinners.  Our own changeover dinner will take place on 4th July at the Coolamon Sport & Rec Club at our usual dinner time.  See the listing of changeover dinners below, after the Diary.

Members were reminded to consider attending the premiere viewing of Top Gun/Maverick at the Forum  in Wagga Wagga on 26 May at 7 pm. Tickets are $20 and net proceeds will benefit the All Ability Dragon Boat team in Wagga. [Editor’s note: Those who attending the viewing on Thursday were not disappointed; it was a gripping plotline with amazing footage of modern and vintage military aircraft.  – PW]

The meeting concluded with a brief fine session led by stand-in S@A Dick, who admittedly had little advance notice to compile noteworthy fines.  The raffle was won by Leslie. Members enjoyed an extended bit of fellowship after the formal proceedings concluded.



*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday 30th May – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday 6th June – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Thursday 9th June – Board Meeting 7.00pm at the Sports Club

Monday 13th June – No meeting (public holiday).

Monday 20th June – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday, 4th July – CRC 51st Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Friday, 15th July – Sustainable Farming Field Day. 9.00 am-3.00 pm Details in this bulletin.

Tuesday, 2nd August – Larapinta Trek (benefit for ShelterBox) (with Garth Perkin, Mary Potts and Don Dyce).

Larapinta Trek 2022 for ShelterBox

Saturday/Sunday October 1st-2nd – Gears and Beers (Wollundry RC).

Friday-Sunday 21st-23rd October – District Conference.  Joyes Hall, CSU campus, Wagga Wagga (details forthcoming). [NB The district conference will be moving to an October timeslot as of this year, which is why we’re having two district conferences in 2022).

Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).

Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference



Lions Club of Coolamon: 17th June 6.30 pm at the Marrar Café.

Temora RC: Saturday 25th June at the Temora Golf Club 7.00 pm.

Junee RC: Sunday 26th June 12.30 pm at the Ex-Services Club in Junee.

Wollundry RC: Tuesday 28th June 6.30 pm at the Wagga Wagga RSL Club.

Narrandera RC Wednesday 29th June 6.30pm at the Narrandera Golf Club.

Wagga Wagga Sunrise RC: Tuesday 28th June 6.30 pm at the Botanic Gardens Restaurant in Wagga Wagga.

Wagga Wagga RC: Thursday 30th June at the Wagga Wagga Country Club 7.00 pm.









Answer to the last Puzzlers: 

Easier one: Apologies, but this one only works with American pronunciation, in which the word ‘herb’ is pronounced ‘erb’ (for some reason, ‘herb’ and ‘herbal’ are pronounced with a silent ‘h’ in America). With that in mind, the three words are pronounced differently when their first letter is capitalised.

Harder one: The man has three daughters: one redhead, one blonde and one brunette.

This week’s puzzlers: 

Easier one: A red house is made from red bricks. A blue house is made from blue bricks. A yellow house is made from yellow bricks. What is a green house made from?

Harder one: How can you boil an egg for exactly 15 minutes using a 7-minute hourglass and an 11-minute hourglass?





Rotarian Adrian Lindner is our club’s Environmental Representative and together with PP Ian Jennings are organising a sustainable farming day on their respective properties.  Details below:
1. Ian Jennings (a past President of Coolamon RC) is also the Chairman of Coolamon Landcare, CRC Environmental Representative and Treasurer of Coolamon Landcare.
2. Ian and Adrian have hatched an event to bring a rural landcare focus to Coolamon Landcare, which has mainly had an urban and town focus to date.
3. Bidgee North (the northern arm of Murrumbidgee Landcare) has taken on the role of facilitator for a sustainable farming field day on Adrian’s and Ian’s farms on Friday 15 July, 9 am to 3 pm. Adrian undertook a 14,000 tree and shrub biodiversity and forestry plantation in 2007 which will be the focus of the visit to his farm. Arian’s farm is on the Malebo range that forms a green corridor along the range from Pomingalarna to The Gap and then on to Coolamon and straddles the range between the Gap and Coolamon and is classified as endangered box grassy woodlands. In addition, Adrian been working on farm dam health with some initiatives. Ian has worked on shelter belts and tree plantations along fence lines that will be the focus for visiting his farm.
4. Speakers for the field day include Kevin Chapin (Biodiversity Conservation Trust), Richard Beggs (ANU’s Sustainable Farms), Rob Kuiper (ex CMA and LLS), Jeremy Crocker (Riverina Eastern Noxious Weeds Authority) and Dale Stringer (NSW Drought Hub and Murray LLS)
5. Adrian and Ian hope to have up to 40 attendees at the field day, the goal of which is to inform rural landholders and managers on sustainable farm best practice and to learn from our successes and failures.

More Information is available — ask Adrian or Ian for a flyer.

“A fabulous initiative, Adrian. Well done to all concerned and it looks like Coolamon RC will come on board. Please promote the initiative by posting on our “Rotary D9705 Environmental Community” Facebook page for all to see.”


David W Brawn 

Past District Governor, Rotary District 9675

District Leader, Environmental Envoys Team, Rotary District 9705













Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford






Click on the link below for the full news letter.


Sunflowers News May 27th 2022


All I do is tell the story and offer a bag of seeds for a donation. I leave the amount up to the person. I have received a number of $50 notes as well as handfuls of small change”.

John Glassford is pictured with his PDG classmate Susan Wakefield and Club President Garry Smith (left) during a recent visit to the Rotary Club of Lower Blue Mountains, when he handed over the first bag of Ukraine Sunflower (Photo courtesy of PDG Bob Aitken RC of Lower Blue Mountains).



The Scarlett Table Café in Ettalong joins Ettalong Diggers in taking a tray of sunflower seeds for people to brighten their gardens with Ukraine’s national flower while helping Rotary International’s aid for Ukrainians caught up in the war. Other businesses set to follow.  See photo bottom left:



We had a great response from the public with this stall last weekend. Many just gave a donation to assist the RAWCS fund to help the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. While the initial impact of the war has almost left the news headlines, the people still need assistance. Buying a packet of seeds and growing them in your garden is a wonderful means of helping others in dire straits. Catch us at Coles Plaza on Friday and Saturday!

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-41


Town Entry Signs
Coolamon Shire Council would like to present the final and completed concepts for the new town entry and exit signs for each town in the shire.
Each town will be represented with their individual colour and identifying symbol. Please be mindful that the digital images are as close as possible to the colours that will be used on the actual signage but there may be slight variations upon completion. All aspects of the design will be visible and identifiable entering and leaving each town.

Meeting of Monday, 16th May

This week’s meeting was held at the Top Pub as Gilbert is still away.  Past President Daryl Breust was in the chair as president since President Albert Suidgeestis away on a well-earned holiday to Western Australia.

In attendance were 15 members and 4 guests.  Guests included Holly Wright, English teacher from the Coolamon Central School, students Bethany Crocker and school captain Summer Buchegger, and Adrian Lindner’s guest, Ross Walters. After Daryl welcomed those in attendance, the meeting took place in two parts.  First Daryl spoke on the upcoming Red Shield Appeal and asked for volunteers for the two days that we are collecting. The roster for Sunday, 29th May can be found below in the diary. Daryl reported that the street raffle was won by Glen West and that we netted $400.95 in sales.  Thanks to Albert for getting the trailer of wood split and loaded into the trailer and parking it in Cowabbie Street.

Part two of the meeting was a presentation by John Glassford on the progress and the logistics of the Sunflower Seeds for Ukraine initiative by our club.  Full report in this bulletin.

The evening concluded with a fines session led by Ian and Dick Jennings and the raffle, which was won by  John Nulty.


*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Saturday 21st May – D9705 Club Development Seminar {formerly called District Assembly}.ALL 2022-2023 Board Members need to attend. Parkes, 9 am start.

Monday 23rd May – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Saturday 28th May – Red Shield Appeal. Footy at Kindra Park.

Sunday 29th May – Red Shield Appeal. Coolamon Foodworks. Roster: 9.00 – 10.30 am – Paul Weston and Mark Reardon; 10.30 – 12.00 pm – Henk Hulsman and Sharon Reardon; 12.00pm – 2.00pm – Mary Potts and Anne Rzeszkowski.

Monday 30th May – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday 6th June – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday 13th June – No meeting (public holiday).

18th, 19th 20th June – Catering for Southern Region Dog Show. Ganmain showgrounds.

Monday 4th July – CRC 51st Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Tuesday August 2nd – Larapinta Trek (benefit for ShelterBox) (with Garth Perkin, Mary Potts and Don Dyce).

Larapinta Trek 2022 for ShelterBox

Saturday/Sunday October 1st-2nd – Gears and Beers (Wollundry RC).

Friday-Sunday 21st-23rd October – District Conference.  Joyes Hall, CSU campus, Wagga Wagga (details forthcoming). [NB The district conference will be moving to an October timeslot as of this year, which is why we’re having two district conferences in 2022).

Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).

Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference




More witticisms

  • You’re not fat, you’re just… easier to see.
  • If you think nobody cares whether you’re alive, try missing a couple of payments.
  • My therapist said that my narcissism causes me to misread social situations. I’m pretty sure she was hitting on me.
  • My 60-year kindergarten reunion is coming up soon and I’m worried about the 75 kilos I’ve gained since then.
  • The pharmacist asked me my birth date again today. I’m pretty sure she’s going to get me something.
  • The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can be in a robe before you start looking like an escaped mental patient.
  • Money can’t buy happiness, but it keeps the kids in touch!
  • The reason Mayberry was so peaceful and quiet was because nobody was married. Andy, Aunt Bea, Barney, Floyd, Howard, Goober, Gomer, Sam, Earnest T Bass, Helen, Thelma Lou, Clara and, of course, Opie were all single. The only married person was Otis, and he stayed drunk.





Answer to the last Puzzlers: 

Easier one: The scene described is 10-pin bowling.

Harder one: The wise man told the two sons to switch camels; if they reached the destination first on their brother’s camel, their camel would come in last and they would win the inheritance!

This week’s puzzlers: 

Easier one: What is special about these words: job, polish, and herb?

Harder one: A man describes his daughters as follows: “They are all blonde, but two; all brunette but two; and all redheaded but two.” How many daughters does he have?





John started by asking Mary and Anne to speak on their district training in Goulburn over the weekend.  Anne and Mary enjoyed the day very much, learned a lot and said that every member should attend these training sessions.

Mary and Anne said that they displayed our mock up display/donation box and had a lot of enquiries and several donations for a packet of seeds.

It was so encouraging to have Holly Wright, Bethany Crocker and Summer Buchegger attend our meeting.  It was Holly who first wrote to us offering the school’s help.  Holly said:

My name is Holly Wright, and I am the SRC coordinator at Coolamon Central School for 2022. I know you have been in contact with Bethany Crocker about us helping you out with the Sunflowers for Ukraine project being run by your Rotary club. We are very keen to help out in any way we can and would love to hear more about it, and how we can get involved.”

John went into the logistics of the project and gave Bethany and Summer 2kgs. of seeds, 1000 cards and 1000 packets.  They are going to get their classmates and others involved in filling the packets with the seeds.  We will then start to sell these in the community.

John advised the meeting that he had ordered 1000 display boxes.  So far, we have pledges for 250 and the artwork will be ready this week.

The boxes will be displayed at high traffic places such as sports clubs, RSL Clubs, supermarkets and the like.  The RC of Brisbane Waters in Gosford have asked for 100 boxes.

At the recent Wagga Wagga Sunrise meeting John gave a presentation on the project and WW Sunrise have set aside $1.000 for 100 of the boxes and several thousand cards.  They are going to leave the boxes and seeds at many different venues in Wagga.

Latest news is that Past Editor of Rotary Down Under, PDG Bob Aiken, has written an article for Rotary on the Move on our initiative.  It starts:

“Coolamon Rotary Club and Past District Governor John Glassford, (a member of the Coolamon Rotary Club), have hit on the unique concept of selling sunflower seeds to raise funds to support the Ukraine Crisis Appeal…..

You will have to read the rest when it is published.

John Glassford is pictured with his PDG classmate Susan Wakefield and Club President Garry Smith (left) during a recent visit to the Rotary Club of Lower Blue Mountains, when he handed over the first bag of Ukraine Sunflower Seeds. — Image by: Issa Shalhoub.



More memories and if you have any photos of the past please send them to us, thanks.  In no particular order.





Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-40



Trust that you all enjoyed Mothers Day 2022.  This is from New Zealand:


World of WearableArt (WOW)

Seraph is inspired by the strong and regal Greco-Roman goddesses. She evokes power, authority, and femininity. A great day to celebrate the strength of women and mothers. Happy Mothers Day! We hope all mothers are being looked after goddess-style today. Garment: Seraph, Amelia Taverner & Eleanor Beeden, New Zealand.



We had 13 members and 5 guests to our meeting on Monday night, which was self-catered by our members. Our guests were Dr. Joe again, Susan Glassford, Myffy Collette, Phil McIntosh and David Byfield, both visiting Rotarians from the Wollundry RC. The steaks were very tender and well cooked by Henk Hulsman and Daryl Breust:

Sorry about the blurred photo but they were both going so fast!

The main event of the night was the presentation to our club from Wollundry RC for our work for the recent Gears and Beers weekend.  Phil thanked our members and said that without us turning up in force they could not hold the Dirty 130 or the 115 events.  Special mention for the hard work that Daryl Breust put in again this year for this event.

Phil said that the gross funds raised so far were around $300,000 for the March event for Gears and Beers.  This is an amazing result and gets bigger every time they run this event.  The next one will be on the long weekend in October from October 1st and 2nd.

Albert briefly discussed some upcoming events including the Ganmain dog show in June which on advice form Leslie Weston will be the Southern Region Dog Society’s biggest classic dog show this year.  It is likely that our catering skills will be needed for the three-day event.

Saturday is the street raffle in Coolamon.  The prize this time is a trailer load firewood.

Brian Pattison has requested the use of our club food van for the Marrar camp draft event at the end of May.

Red Shield appeal is on Saturday 28th May at Foodworks and on Sunday 29th May at the football at Kindra Park.

We have also been asked to work with the Coolamon Lions on the gate for the Ganmain Show in August.

Stand-in S@A Ian Jennings conducted a fine session and the raffle was won by Anne (meat voucher) and Susan (bottle of wine).

All in all, a good evening of friendship and fellowship with great steaks.





*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday May 17th – Club Assembly (focus on Sunflowers for Ukraine).  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.

Saturday 21st May – D9705 Club Development Seminar {formerly called District Assembly}.ALL 2022-2023 Board Members need to attend. Parkes, 9 am start.

Saturday 28th May – Red Shield Appeal. Footy at Kindra Park (roster to be circulated) AND Coolamon Foodworks (roster to be circulated).

Sunday May 29th – Red Shield Appeal. Coolamon Foodworks (roster to be circulated).

18th, 19th 20th June – Catering for Southern Region Dog Show. Ganmain showgrounds.

Monday 4th July – CRC 51st Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Tuesday August 2nd – Larapinta Trek (benefit for ShelterBox) (with Garth Perkin, Mary Potts and Don Dyce).

Larapinta Trek 2022 for ShelterBox

Saturday/Sunday October 1st-2nd – Gears and Beers (Wollundry RC).

Friday-Sunday 21st-23rd October – District Conference.  Joyes Hall, CSU campus, Wagga Wagga (details forthcoming). [NB The district conference will be moving to an October timeslot as of this year, which is why we’re having two district conferences in 2022).

Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).

Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference



Some random observations on life…

  • I just read that 4,153,237 people got married last year.  Not to cause any trouble, but shouldn’t that be an even number?
  • Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water.
  • If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive, they would eventually find me attractive.
  • A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.
  • Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?
  • My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance. We’ll see about that.
  • I think my neighbour is stalking me because she’s been googling my name on her computer. I saw it through my telescope last night.
  • They say that money talks …but all mine ever says is good-bye







Answer to the last Puzzlers: 

Easier one: The river was frozen. Harder one: Albert should question Mark.  If you listen to the message rock tied on the  read out, the answer will jump out at you (try it!).

This week’s puzzlers: 

Easier one: Dead on the field lie ten soldiers in white,
felled by three eyes, black as night.
What’s going on here?

Harder one: An Arab sheik is getting old and must leave his fortune to one of his two sons. He makes a proposition: Both sons will ride their camels in a race, and whichever camel crosses the finish line LAST will win the fortune for its owner. During the race, the two brothers wander aimlessly for days, neither willing to cross the finish line. In desperation, they ask a wise man for advice. He tells them something, then the brothers leap onto the camels and charge toward the finish line. What did the wise man say?






Click on the photo above for a video on Larapinta.

We now have three trekkers for Larapinta in August.

Mary Potts, Don Dyce and Garth Perkin.  They start the trek on August 2nd.  The goal is to each trekker to raise $3,000 for ShelterBox Australia.

Further information can be found on their relative donation pages on the ShelterBox Larapinta website:

Situated in the heart of Northern Territory’s Outback, the Larapinta Trail is one of Australia’s premier long distance hikes.

Winding its way some 231 km along the incredible West MacDonnell ranges, it traverses ridges and plains, and passes through some of the most amazing gorges in the country. 

Distance :   143.5 miles (231 km)

Avg. Time :   13 – 15 days



Just going through some of the archives and thought that some of you may enjoy these photos and I have many.

Still going strong and we may post a few more in the next bulletins.  Click on the thumb nail for a larger image.






Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford