Temora 2022 hosted by the Temora Rotary Club a pictorial report by John Glassford.

Attended by delegates PE Paul Weston, Adrian Lindner and John Glassford.

Friday pre-conference Welcome BBQ by Coolamon RC with thanks to the following members:  Anne Rzeszkowski, Paul Weston, Adrian Lindner, Dick Jennings, Ian Jennings, Brian Pattison, Don Dyce, Neil Munro, Gath Perkin and John Glassford.




Letter of thanks from Temora President Brendon Fritsch:


Thanks John it was great to see you, and Coolamon did a great job Friday evening

Kind regards,

Brendon Fritsch

President Temora RC

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-33

Week of March 14th

Albert was back from his holidays in Far North Queensland and looked refreshed.  Albert welcomed our guests which included 16 members and Mary Potts’s two sisters as well as visiting Rotarians Phil McIntosh and David Byfield from the Wollundry Wagga Wagga Rotary Club. The meeting was dedicated to the upcoming Gears and Beers event on Sunday 27th March.

After our usual excellent Chinese dinner, Phil McIntosh with David Byfield in support outlined the very important part our club plays for the event.  There are some areas where good marshals are needed to make sure that the riders only enter a main road where there is traffic as we cannot STOP cars!

Phil pointed out that a number of riders have pulled out but they still have a good rollup, with some 3,000 registered for the various rides over the weekend.  There will be two rides going through Coolamon: the Dirty 130 and the 100 km ride.  Phil went through the intersections where we are most needed in the vicinity of Coolamon.

Dead Camel Lane is rougher than ever and Phil explained how advanced bike tyres are these days, so flat tyres won’t be a problem for many riders.

Phil thanked our club for the continuing support and handed over to Daryl Breust who with his committee have done a great job on organising things from our end.  Next Monday Daryl will go through in detail our duties, the roster and the logistics of baking ANZAC biscuits and supplying water, bananas and safety vests for our marshals.

Some epic ruts on Dead Camel Lane

​How good is your bunny hop game this year!? (jokes) You can ride around them,

The D9705 Conference have the following volunteers going to cook and serve at the welcome BBQ at the Temora Rural Museum from 5.00 pm:  Garth, Ian ,Dick, Brian, JG, Anne, Neil, Adrian and Paul.

All in all an it was an excellent meeting with an abbreviated fines session due to our S@A John Bond being in hospital — we wish Bondy a quick recovery.

The raffle was won by Leslie.



Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March – Temora DISCON {District 9705 Conference}.  See:  TEMORA 2022

Monday, 21st March – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Sunday, 27th March – Gears and Beers. See: Gears and Beers WEBSITE.

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDON and VANESSA LOW. The CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon and his wife Vanessa Low, also a Paralympian.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.  Time 6.00-10.00 pm.

You can now buy tickets from the Coolamon Post Office.

To all our Internet users: please start sharing the CRC Facebook page, our website and the booking form links which will have all the details for this night.

A Night with Vanessa Low and Scott Reardon Links.

Saturday 21st May – D9705 Club Development Seminar {formerly called District Assembly}.ALL 2022-2023 Board Members need to attend. West Wyalong, 9 am start.

Monday 4th July – CRC 51st Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.











Answer to the last Puzzler: A golf ball.

This week’s challenge: Two teams are playing footy on the planet of Tralfamadore. The game is similar to Aussie Rules footy except the point values are different.  If the score of the match between the Troggs and the Croods is 8-1-67 to 16-2-134, what are the point values of major and minor goals? The point values for major and minor goals are whole numbers, and the point value for major goals is greater than the point value for minor goals. [In the unlikely event you’re not familiar with scoring in Aussie Rules, the first number is the number of major goals, the second is the number of minor goals, and the last number is the total number of points.]




Rotary Australia World Community Service have two projects that we can promote that are both current and topical:

A.  National Flood Appeal (RARF) Project # 47 of 2021-22

Image from the Daily Telegraph









National Flood Appeal – To raise funding to provide financial assistance to flood victims in Queensland and Northern New South Wales – February 2022.  Around 15000 homes have been flooded and some owners will be needing assistance to clean and refurbish their residences.

Individuals who are adversely affected and require assistance will be identified and be given funds to help with their recovery. It is our priority to get funds quickly to those who are in need to help them with the clean up and damage caused by the floods.


PDG Adrian Froggatt
(M) 0400 074 342
Email: [email protected]


B.  Ukrainian Relief appeal 83 of 2014-15

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Australian-air-force…


Ukrainian Relief Aid – To meet immediate lifesaving needs of the crisis-affected civilian population in Ukraine & provide early recovery assistance as soon as feasible. To save & preserve lives, easy suffering & promote self-sufficiency.

The Ukraine Crisis Appeal – a collaboration between the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO), Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) and Caritas Ukraine – is the largest Australian tax-deductible fundraising effort for Ukraine.


Our club has started the Sunflowers for Ukraine project and more details will follow next week after the District 9705 Conference.  Our Acting DG Michael Moore AM will be launching our project in Temora over the weekend. In the mean time there is plenty of information on our website:

Sunflowers for Ukraine.


PP Guy Glenny 0418 695 803  Email: [email protected]



Just in case you are asked what Rotary is doing for the disaster in Ukraine, please refer to the following stories.  Rotary is answering the call and helping out, and are calling for support.  We will do our best in Australia via RAWCS however I think it is important to know what else Rotary is doing around the world.

A.  Ukrainian describes leaving Kyiv, using Rotary network to help others

By Iryna Bushmina, District 2232 (Ukraine) Rotaract Representative

I left Kyiv in the first hours of the war. My sister, her husband, her 3-month-old baby and a cat were in the car. When we reached the border, men were already not allowed to leave the country, so I went on with my sister and a little nephew. We were five days in the car, six days until we got to Vienna.

We stayed for the night in different countries……………

Click here for more

B.   Rotary’s network enables rapid humanitarian relief for Ukrainian refugees

By Rotary International

The crisis in Ukraine is having devastating consequences on civilians as families flee their homes. According to the United Nations, more than 2 million people, most of them women and children, have sought refuge in neighboring countries and across Europe, while about 1 million more people have been displaced within Ukraine.

Rotary and Rotaract clubs in Europe and around the world have taken swift action and are working with members nearby to provide food, water, medical equipment, and shelter for refugees.

Click here for more

ROTARY DISTRICT 2231 POLAND don’t slow down because the needs are huge💛💙
Today another transport with refugees from Ukraine went to Szczecin and from there 🇩🇰 further to Denmark. 🇺🇦
Thank you everyone for your help !



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


ShelterBox Larapinta Trek 2022

Past President Garth Perkin from our club is raising funds for ShelterBox Australia.  One of the best projects for disaster relief.  No matter where it happens in the world.


ShelterBox Australia


About this adventure

As part of ShelterBox Larapinta 2022, over seven days, you’ll follow well-worn yet timeless red dirt tracks along the slopes of the West MacDonnell Ranges, immersed in the rich history of Australia’s First Peoples.

Beside winding rivers, across open plains, to the summit of Mount Sonder and into the shaded Ormiston Gorge – by day, you’ll conquer one of the world’s premier desert treks, enjoying breath taking historic landscapes made famous by Albert Namatjira’s paintings.

At night, you’ll camp under inky black skies filled with silver stars and fall asleep to the nocturnal sounds of the desert, inspired by the difference you’re making to the lives of families impacted by disaster and conflict.



Garth says:

“What a great cause, to help people in need.

I simply couldn’t resist this trek (mind you at the age of 79) as it starts on the 2nd of August which would have been my dear wife, Marg Perkin’s birthday.

Marg was the first female president of Coolamon Rotary club, and always passionate about helping others in need. She passed away last year after fighting cancer for 5 years so I feel this is a small tribute to her, yet for a great cause that she would be proud to support”.





Painting by the artist Oleksiy Shekshuuev

Ukraine is on the mind as with everyone. Our Sunflowers for Ukraine initiative is taking off through Rotary. I met with the farmer Doug Bruckner from Collingullie on Tuesday Doug is donating half a tonne of sunflower seeds to my Rotary Club Coolamon. We are looking at the logistics and so far it is looking very feasible. Half a tonne of sunflower seeds!  Anyone guess how many seeds that is?  This is one way of packaging and 80 seeds in the bag works well, use a small scoop. The bag is about 100mm x 70mm they can be bought online in bulk at 2 cents each.

Here is the link that will take you to the bags:

Cello Bags

The logistics for this initiative can be downloaded here:


We have the art work for the cards that go in the bags if you need to print you own.  Otherwise Quick print in Wagga Wagga can print them for you.



We have plenty of  seeds available for mailing or collection from Ganmain.  The bags and the cards are easy to produce. It is the filling of the bags that takes time and manpower.  My estimate is that 10 good people can fill 100 bags with the card to the bag with say 40 seeds into each bag within an hour.  That is 1,000 bags of seeds.  Which is a good result all round.  We have been approcahed by our Coolamon Central School to help fill the bags.

Now the answer to how many seeds in one kilogram:

I have counted the seeds from one sunflower which weighed 93 grams and I got 1,557 seeds. So 1kg of seeds would then yield 16,000 seeds and 500kgs gives us 8 million seeds enough to fill 200,000+ bags with 40 seeds per bag.

Once the seeds are harvested we will collect the seeds from Doug Bruckner of the Gnadbro Pastoral Company and they will be in one bulk bag weighing 500kgs.  We will then package them into 1 kg bags enough to make up say 200 bags with 80 seeds per bag.  NB  the Yates seeds package had 30 seeds in it and cost $4 per packet so we can double the yield if we halve the number of seeds per bag!

Now we believe that the best way to obtain donations is by displaying teh seeds and the project in a display/donations box similar to this mock up we are using at the moment.  They will cost $4.00 each plus postage.


My contact details are in the flyer below:





The sunflower seeds are in the bin! Some photos from this morning’s harvest. Thanks so much Doug Bruckner you are a champion. We look forward to collecting your generous donation for Ukraine.

The seeds are now in Ganmain ready for posting.  Sunflower seeds for Ukraine update. Yesterday one of our Coolamon Rotary members Garth Perkin and I went out to The Rock to collect the seeds. Doug Bruckner who donated the seeds was there to load us with as many seeds as we needed. Based on the 10 kgs. I got last week, we only loaded what we needed. The bag was heavy, the two of us could not lift it. So we are up and away and next week I will send seeds out to those who have asked for them. Thanks again to Doug Bruckner of Gnadbro Pastoral.

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-32

Week of March 7th

PP Paul Weston was in the chair this week as President Albert is still away on holidays.  Fourteen members were in attendance, and three were apologies: Leslie, Albert and Mary.  It was a busy evening!  The following subjects were discussed:

  1. Grahame would like the Coolamon Archway committee to meet at Lions Park at 6.00 pm before the meeting on the 14th March. Committee members include Grahame, Alex, Garth, Neil and JG.
  2. Neil spoke about the illness of Mark who puts up our flags in Lions Park.  It was agreed that Ian J. would send some flowers to Mark and wish him a speedy recovery.
  3. Grahame suggests that the club supports the flood appeal being conducted by RAWCS at the moment.  This is set for discussion at the next board meeting.  Ian Jennings advised the club that his sister who lives in Lismore lost everything in the floods and is not insured.
  4. Daryl Breust spoke about the Scott Reardon and Vanessa Low night on Saturday April 2nd.  Daryl asked for help in promoting the event via social media.  John G. will post the news to all of our media outlets including printing 40 A4 flyers to be placed in all the shops.  Daryl reminded the members present that the funds raised go to our hospital, Allawah Lodge and the Kindra Park Trustees.  Details of the night are listed in this bulletin.
  5. Daryl then spoke about the upcoming Gears and Beers where we are looking for 17 volunteers to man important sections in our area.  Daryl said that so far the Wollundry RC has received around 1,600 entries including 1234 for the Dirty 130 and amazing result.  We are needed on Sunday 27th March and Daryl will have details at the next meeting where Phil Macintosh will be coming along to outline the details.
  6.  John G brought the members up to date on Sunflowers for Ukraine.  So far after only 5 days since the idea was first created we have 3 Australian districts who want to support the project.  As well several clubs have contacted John including Forbes, Nowra, Young, Wagga Wagga Sunrise and Bundaberg.  We also have the support from our stand in IPDG Michael Moore, DGE Geraldine Rurenga and DGND Rob Uhl.  JG advised the members that he will have a presence at the District conference in Temora after an invite by our IPDG Michael Moore.  JG will be visiting the sunflower farmer this week.




Monday, 14th March – Regular meeting visit of Phil Mackintosh from the Wollundry RC to go through regarding our involvement with supporting the Gears and Beers event on the 27th March,. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Wednesday, 16th March – CRC Board meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March – Temora DISCON {District 9705 Conference}.  See:  TEMORA 2022

Monday, 21st March – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Sunday, 27th March – Gears and Beers. See: Gears and Beers WEBSITE.

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDON and VANESSA LOW. The CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local paralympian Scott Reardon and his wife Vanessa Low, also a paralympian.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.  Time 6.00-10.00 pm.

To all our Internet users: please start sharing the CRC Facebook page, our website and the booking form links which will have all the details for this night.

A Night with Vanessa Low and Scott Reardon Links.

Saturday 21st May – D9705 Club Development Seminar {formerly called District Assembly}.ALL 2022-2023 Board Members need to attend. West Wyalong, 9 am start.

Monday 4th July – CRC 51st Changeover. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.







Answer to the last Puzzler: 

From top left: forehead, good looking, waterfall, wake up, tuna fish, foreign language, seahorse, middle aged, broken heart, seesaw, missing you, teabag

This week’s challenge: What can be driven although it doesn’t have wheels, sliced but stays whole?



1.  An evening with Paralympians Scott Reardon and Vanessa Low

To make the Internet work for this very important event for  our Coolamon community please share the following links that apply to you and how you use the Internet:
1.  CRC Facebook Page:
I have fixed this post to the top of the page and the booking link is also at the top of the page.
2.  CRC Website
The post on our CRC website is also made to appear at the front of the landing page and will remain there until after the event:
3.  Booking via Eventbrite
This is the important link so book now online which is the only way to get a ticket:


  1.  Coolamon and Ganmain Hospital
  2.  Allawah Lodge
  3.  Kindra Park Trustees




John Glassford continues to get a lot of interest on an idea to support the people of Ukraine.

John met up with Doug Bruckner from the Gnadbro Pastoral Company on the Berry Jerry Station.
Just reporting in met with Doug Bruckner from Gnadbro Pastoral Company or Berry Jerry Station.  What a magnificent property and very large one on the Murrumbidgee with magnificent red gum trees.
Doug now knows what we need and he suggests that 500kgs would be more than enough to get going and he would have more if needed.  He is happy to donate the 500kg and get more if we need them however I doubt it.  Right now I am told that sunflower seeds are hard to come by.
He sprays them this week with a herbicide to speed up drying and will be harvesting in 4 weeks time approx. 100 hectares.
Doug suggests that we take a 500kg pack.  Doug will have the seed cleaned.  Once we have it home, wherever that might be, we have a forklift here.  Then we can look at what size bags we need to send in bulk to the various clubs maybe 2 kgs. would be more than enough.
Now the challenge: how many sunflower seeds in one kg?  I have no idea however it is important as it will determine the number of seeds per packet.

One flower how many seeds?






Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


An evening with Paralympians Scott Reardon And Vanessa Low.

Saturday 2nd April, 2022. 6.00pm – 10.00pm

An evening with Paralympians Scott Reardon And Vanessa Low.
– Date/time 2nd April, 2022. 6.00pm – 10.00pm
– Location Kindra Park, Coolamon
– Cost $35.00 per head – children under 16 free
-Food and Drink available
-Bring your own chair.


Coolamon and Ganmain Hospital
Allawah Lodge
Kindra Park Trustees

Vanessa Low and Scott Reardon are the power couple of Australia’s Paralympic team with a love story that traversed years of long-distance romance as each followed their journeys following train and tractor accidents when they were young.

Eight years after Reardon first approached Low at an athletics meeting in London, the Australian sprint star can take some credit for convincing his now-wife to switch allegiances from Germany to Australia for the upcoming Paralympics, which begin next week in Tokyo.


Book here via Eventbrite:




JOHN GLASSFORD 0498 190 880





Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-31

Week of February 28th

PP Grahame Miles was in the chair this week as President Albert is away on holidays.  Grahame welcomed 18 of our members and the following guests: Ann Baker (Howard’s partner), Heather and Ken Parker from Adelaide (guests of Anne) and Ken Plane from Marrar (a guest of Brian Pattison).

Discussion included:

  • The Temora Conference BBQ on Friday 18th March has the following volunteers in Daryl Breust, Paul Weston, JG, Ian Jennings, Dick Jennings, Don Dyce, Neil Munro and Brian Pattison. Wonderful support.  Setup time is 5.00 pm at the Temora Rural Museum.
  • Grahame thanked the 11 representatives of our club (8 members and 3 partners) who attended the opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed on the 25th.
  • The members learnt that Hannah, who has been serving our food for some time now, has been accepted at CSU for her nursing studies.  We all wished Hannah the very best for her future, although Hannah says that she will be still working at the club on Mondays.
  • Grahame raised the idea of a welcome archway to Coolamon.  A committee made up of Grahame, Alex Thompson, Garth Perkin, Neil Munro and JG was formed to look at the feasibility of doing this.
  • Paul Weston spoke briefly on the Coolamon Community Chronicle going online.  Paul is looking into copyright issues of posting photos and other content.
  • John Bond spoke on the payout costs for the CCC printer and the possibility of buying the printer (or a faster one) outright.
  • Henk Hulsman spoke about the theft of the Australian flag from Lions Park.
  • Daryl Breust advised the meeting that tickets will on sale from the 1st March for the Scott Reardon night on April 2nd.  You can buy your tickets on line via our Facebook page (https://fb.me/e/1y6r5zoTW) or the Eventbrite page (https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/sportsmans-night-tickets-245621268827).



This week Dick Jennings was in the spotlight:

  • Dick was born in Temora and has a bother and two sisters. His mother was Dorothy and his father was George.
  • Dick married Maree Thomas and has 4 children: Katrina, Tracy, Natalie and Richard. Richard is the 5th generation to be farming the property since Dick’s great grandfather settled in Coolamon.
  • All that Dick ever wanted to do was to be a farmer.  Dick attended Coolamon Central School and then moved on to the Canberra Grammar boarding school to further his education.
  • Favourite colour: green; favourite actor: Hugh Grant; and favourite movie: 4 Weddings and a Funeral.
  • Dick has not travelled extensively, but the favourite country he has visited is Vietnam.
  • The farm is now in the control of Dick’s son Richard and they have not had any stock for 10 years; all the land is now being cropped.  Dick has truly earned a rest, however he still works as hard as ever.
  • Dick joined the Rotary Club of Coolamon in October 1979 and has been a member 42.  Dick was our president in 1986/1987 and 2013/2014.
  • Dick can always be counted on for advice and is always one of the first to put his hand up to help our work.  We look forward to many more years with Dick as a member of our club.  Thank you Dick Jennings for your service and for sharing your very interesting life story!


Sunday 6th March – Clean Up Australia Day. 9.00-11.00 am. Volunteers Needed go to:


Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March – Temora DISCON {District 9705 Conference}.  See:  TEMORA 2022

Monday, 7th March – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday, 14th March – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Wednesday, 16th March – CRC Board meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.

Monday, 21st March – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers. See: Gears and Beers WEBSITE.

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.  Time 6.00-10.00 pm.

To all our Facebook users please start sharing the CRC Facebook page which will have all the details for this night uploaded soon.:

Sportsman’s Night featuring Scott Reardon

Saturday 21st May 2022, D9705 Club Development Seminar – West Wyalong  ALL 2022-2023 Board Members need to attend; starting time 9.00am.  {Was called the District Assembly}.

Monday 4th July 2022 CRC 51st Change Over Dinner at the Sports Club.











Answer to the last Puzzler: There are still 25 petals, although only 19 of them are still on the flowers.

This week’s challenge: What common words/phrases do the following pictograms represent?





WASH Rotary Action Group supports and ensures sustainable long-lasting clean water, sanitation, and hygiene programs to communities in need.


About Us

The WASH Rotary Action Group was formed in 2007 by a group of Rotarians, recognized by Rotary International, and focused on WASH projects. Since then it has facilitated many hundreds of projects – helping clubs find partners, ensuring sustainability, stressing the importance of a needs-driven approach, and developing best practices. We encourage a holistic, integrated approach in which water is not the end in itself, but is rather the means to a better life and livelihood in the community. Most importantly, WASH Rotary Action Group links water and sanitation to improved hygiene, better health, and empowerment of the community – especially women, irrigation and agriculture, education and literacy and, ultimately, child mortality.

Calling all Rotarians

As a Rotary Action Group, WASH invites Rotarians from around the world to join them and engage in the battle to provide safe water, sanitation and hygiene for all.  Any Rotarian interested in supporting us can get involved with our activities and be Linked to global WASH assistance efforts.



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.

John Glassford has started getting interest on an idea to support the people of Ukraine.  So far after only 48 hours the offer of support is significant and our Rotary International Director of Zone 8 Jessie Harman is in total support:

Hi John,

I’ll do what I can to promote it.  If you can get some FB/social media activity going, I’ll share it wherever I can.  I can also send some emails.
The TRF Trustees have also agreed to prioritise disaster response grant applications which support districts affected by the Ukraine crisis and to enable districts to divert unspent DDF to the TRF Disaster Response Fund for this purpose.  It’s not public knowledge yet, but will be shortly.  This will also complement your great efforts.
Thanks for caring John,

The idea or the germ of the idea can be found in this document:






Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford



Clean Up Australia Day

Would you like to volunteer for a good cause? Join us to clean up Coolamon next Sunday!
  • Registration [essential] at Kindra Forest’s gates from 9am.
  • Event supervisor: Jeannette Campbell
  • Please wear sun protective clothing and enclosed footwear.
  • Clean up site: Lewis St North, Rannock Rd, Campbell’s Lane.
  • BBQ provided after the event for the volunteers.

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-30



Week of February 21st

Tonight President welcomed 18 members to this week’s meeting which was a Club Assembly.

Items discussed were:

  • Garth Perkin kicked of the discussions with an idea to raise funds for ShelterBox by hiking the Larapinta Trek starting on August 2nd, Marg Perkin’s birthday.  Each entrant has a goal of raising $3,000 for three ShelterBoxes.  Trekkers will also need to cover the cost of a flight to Alice Springs. Garth is looking for members who might accompany him on the trek. This is a wonderful initiative by Garth in memory of Marg and you can find details here:

ShelterBox Larapinta Trek 2022

  • Grahame Miles brought up the idea of the Welcome to Coolamon arch which might be a joint project with Lions in Coolamon. This is an arch in Berry, NSW which gave Grahame the idea:

  • Grahame Miles brought up the idea of painting the Brushwood Silos, which is being proposed by Ricky Hard. The silo art has taken hold around Northern Victoria and New South Wales. The first silo to be painted in NSW is  in Weethalle:

More details about the NSW Art Trail can be found here: NSW Silo Art Trail.

  • Discussion ensued on the grants available from the NSW Government as relayed to Grahame Miles by Steph Cooke.  Funds from the program might be used to upgrade the printer used for printing the Chronicle or purchasing it outright.  John Bond will do some research into the matter.
  • The Coolamon Shire Council are giving away $10,000 for worthy projects that attract visitors to the Coolamon Shire.  Applications for up to $3,000 are being sought by the council.
  • Paul Weston spoke on revitalising our annual markets.  Further discussion will take place at a subsequent meeting when time permits.

The meeting concluded with a brief fine session and raffle.


Friday 25th February – Opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed


Eleven members of Coolamon Rotary (8 Rotarians and 3 partners) attended the opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed.  The following travelled to Batlow in support of the RC of Batlow whose idea it was to establish a Men’s Shed in Batlow following the devastating bush fires of 2020:

Coolamon Shire Councillor and PP Garth Perkin
Rtn. Mary Potts
Rtn. Bernadette Milne
Rtn. Anne Rzeszkowski
PP Henk Hulsman and Maureen Hulsman
PP Ian Jennings
PP Howard Atkinson and Ann Baker
PDG John Glassford and Susan Glassford
There was a large crowd present and the Batlow Men’s Shed was opened by Kristy McBain, the Federal Member for Eden-Monaro and Dr. Joe McGirr, the State member for the seat of Wagga Wagga.  Batlow Men’s Shed president Gene Cowin received a cheque from the Batlow RC for the balance of the funds raised.
Fundraisers were the Batlow RC, the RC of Belconnen, the RC of Coolamon and the Yazidi refugee Community from the Wagga Multicultural Council.  The Yazidi community of Wagga Wagga wanted to give back to the community for the kindness shown to them and the Batlow story was one they wanted to support.

Here is the story of why Coolamon Rotary got involved following the bushfires of 2019-2020:


Batlow Men’s Shed and Coolamon Rotary



Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March – Temora DISCON {District 9705 Conference}.  See:  TEMORA 2022

Monday, 28th February – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday, 7th March – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Monday, 14th March – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Wednesday, 16th March – CRC Board meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.

Monday, 21st March – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers. See: Gears and Beers WEBSITE.

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.  Time 6.00-10.00 pm.

To all our Facebook users please start sharing the CRC Facebook page which will have all the details for this night uploaded soon.:

Sportsman’s Night featuring Scott Reardon

Saturday 21st May 2022, D9705 Club Development Seminar – West Wyalong  ALL 2022-2023 Board Members need to attend; starting time 9.00am.  {Was called the District Assembly}.

Monday 4th July 2022 CRC 51st Change Over Dinner at the Sports Club.








Answer to the last Puzzler: 1. FRAGRANT, 2. PAINTING, 3. NECKLINE, 4. BANDSTAND, 5. LEAFLET

This week’s challenge: 

Leslie had five flowers with five petals each. She removed petals from the flowers until there were only two flowers with all the petals intact and three with three petals each. How many petals are there now?




One of the world’s most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics is The Four-Way Test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI president) when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy.

This 24-word test for employees to follow in their business and professional lives became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy. Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The Four-Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways.

The Four-Way Test, created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (served as RI president, 1954-1955)


The 4 Way Test

Yours in Rotary Service, through Music
Rod Fivelstad
Global Chair, International Fellowship of Rotarian Musicians

2.  FEBRUARY 23rd. 1905

The first four Rotarians. From left: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram E. Shorey, Paul P. Harris.

On  23 February 1905, Paul P. Harris, Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, and Hiram E. Shorey gathered in Loehr’s office for what would become known as the first Rotary club meeting.

Harris’ desire for camaraderie among business associates brought together these four men and eventually led to an international organization of service and fellowship.

Each of the first four Rotarians, and Harry L. Ruggles, who is often called the “fifth Rotarian,” brought different professional perspectives to the organization.



February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month



Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #2122-29



Week of February 14th

Tonight President welcomed 17 members to this week’s meeting.


  • Batlow Men’s Shed opening Friday 25th of February at midday. We have 11 going.
  • Temora 2022 District Conference – Members are reminded to register for what promises to be another thought-provoking gathering of Rotarians.  We may organise a bus for Saturday if we get enough interested members (this would facilitate attendance at the dinner at the aviation museum that night). This is likely to be the closest DISCON to Coolamon for some time, so plan on attending!
  • Wollundry Rotary Club’s Wine and Food Festival on Saturday (19 Feb) in Wagga Wagga, 4.00-10.00 pm.
  • Club Assembly on Monday (21 Feb). An email will be sent to each member announcingg this meeting.
  • Reminder that the half yearly subs are due — please pay Henk.
  • District 9705 are looking for clubs to sponsor outward bound students for our Youth Exchange programme.
  • Grahame Miles reported that Steph Cooke could possibly get a grant for our club for as much as $15,000 to purchase a printer for the Coolamon Community Chronicle — sent to the Board for discussion.


Tonight we had PP Henk Hulsman in the spotlight. Here are some highlights of the Q&A session with Albert:

  • Born in Narrandera in 1946
  • Dutch heritage
  • Lived in Ganmain in his early years
  • Henk has two sisters and a brother who passed away recently
  • Maureen and Henk have two children and 3 grandchildren
  • Henk’s father Harmen Hulsman was a Dutchman and lived in Java managing a rubber plantation and ended up in Narrandera and had a few jobs including farm work a motor mechanic and as an accountant.
  • Henk went to St Brendan’s School in Ganmain
  • They then moved to Nowra where Henk attended Nowra High School and continued his studies after year 11 on marketing and accountancy at the UNSW and Macquarie Uni
  • Henk and Maureen met at work in Sydney and have been happily married ever since
  • Henk joined the CBC as an accountant in 1964 and stayed with them for many years, ending up in Coolamon where he joined Rotary and was president in 1984
  • Maureen and Henk loved Coolamon and did not want to move again so he resigned from the CBC and headed up the State Government Employees Union in Wagga and spent 25 years with the SGEU in Wagga until he recently retired. Henk will read one book a week.
  • Henk and Maureen love cruising and visiting European countries



Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20 February – PETS President Elect Training Session {PE Paul Weston}.  Cowra.

Monday 21st February – CRC Club Assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Friday 25th February – Opening of the Batlow Men’s Shed. Batlow, 12.00 pm.

Friday – Sunday, 18th-20th March 2022 – Temora DISCON {District 9705 Conference}.  See:  TEMORA 2022

Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th March – Gears and Beers. See: Gears and Beers WEBSITE.

Saturday, 2nd April – Sportsman’s Night featuring SCOTT REARDONThe CRC Sportsman’s Committee have organised a fundraising function featuring local Paralympian Scott Reardon.  The event will take place in conjunction with the Coolamon Football Club at Kindra Park.  Time 6.00-10.00 pm.

To all our Facebook users please start sharing the CRC Facebook page which will have all the details for this night uploaded soon.:

Sportsman’s Night featuring Scott Reardon





Give it a minute…



Answer to the last Puzzler: A boat anchor

This week’s challenge: Place a pair of letters in the blank spaces in the words below to give five common words.  The pair of letters must be same for the two sets of blanks for each word, but each word will have a different pair of letters.

1. F __ __ G __ __ N T
2. P A __ __ T __ __ G
3. __ __ C K L I __ __
4. B __ __ D S T __ __ D
5. __ __ A F __ __ T






Thought that some of you might like these before and after photos of our caravan which does sterling work for our club and the events that we attend in support of our local community.



At times it is good to remind ourselves why we have a club assembly and we have one upcoming next Monday the 21st February.  Above all it is the responsibility of the Club Administration Director to plan and set Club assemblies.

A club assembly is an opportunity for all club members to reflect on and discuss club meetings and activities.

 You can use club assemblies to:

  •  Brainstorm ideas for projects and activities
  • Review the club’s strengths, opportunities, and weaknesses
  • Set goals and develop action plans
  • Coordinate committee activities
  • Learn more about Rotary

As always, the members can put their recommendations to the Board for their approval by way of a motion.  This is the best and correct way of protecting the interests of our club and of our members.


RECOMMENDATION # 1, 2, 3 etc.:

Moved by:

Seconded by:

Motion Resolved:  YES/NO

Before planning an agenda, ask members for their input to ensure that the meetings address their interests and concerns. Ask your president and secretary what is the goal of each assembly and how your committee can help plan the meeting. Assemblies can be held throughout the year to address relevant topics, as shown below.


1.  After district training assembly To describe, review, and discuss plans developed at the district training assembly.

2.  After 1 July To discuss and adopt a strategic plan for the year.

3.  Two weeks before the governor’s official visit. To prepare for the visit during the governor’s official visit To talk about the club’s activities and goals with the district governor.

4.  Midpoint of the Rotary year To review the club’s progress toward goals and determine its plan for the rest of the year.

5.  April or May To provide an opportunity for open discussion.

Assemblies are also a good place to question any decisions made by the board through the Rotary year.  Board minutes are distributed to every member by the secretary usually within a week of the board meeting.


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month


Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

President: Albert Suidgeest

President-Elect 2022-2023: Paul Weston

Secretary: John Glassford

Treasurer: Henk Hulsman

Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro

Membership Director: Dick Jennings

Service Projects Director: Daryl Breust

Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski

Club Admin Director:  Ian Jennings

Public Image Director: Grahame Miles

Sergeant @ Arms: John Bond

Immediate Past President: Howard Atkinson

Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford

Webmaster: John Glassford