Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #38

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #38





Mission Statement

Rotary Means Business encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them.

“If any one tells you that it is reprehensible to make a dollar or two for the wife and babies from club associates in straightforward business transactions, tell that person that some foreign substance has gotten into his carburetor.”

(Paul P. Harris, January 1911)



We had 28 members and guest along to hear President Garth talk on his visit to Nepal.  Among our guests were Lyn and Warren Charlton, Heather McKinley, Flavio, Alessandro, Susan Glassford, Alex Thompson, Maureen Hulsman, Marg Perkin, Helen Lewis.  Visiting Rotarains were AG Alan Sharp and Father Michael Perrot.

The Red Shield appeal raised $1461.  Well done to Ted Hutcheon and the volunteers. Henk, Ian Jennings, Garth, Bernadette, Myffy, Mark and Sharon.




Garth put out an appeal for the late Christine Atkinson’s appeal for sheets and clothes for an orphanage on South Africa that Christine was supporting.

No meeting next Monday however there is a board meeting at Garth’s for 7.30 pm Monday 8th June.

PE Wayne Lewis has a planning meeting for the 2015-2016 board at the Club on Sunday 14th June at 7 pm.


Nepal 1

Namaste Garth!

Garth  gave a comprehensive talk on his and Marg’s visit to Nepal in late April.  Including a description of the earthquake although they were 80 ks form the epicentre they still felt it.

Marg went over with Garth with the Rotary Cub of Kyneton to do some teaching for hearing impaired people.  Garth was here to help with teaching basic English.  This is a RAWCS project to:

  • To foster and support initiatives of benefit to the Nepali people, including but not restricted to initiatives directed towards:

*    community-run schools that improve the quality of education for Nepalis

*    local health services that support rural communities in Nepal

*    community projects that bring jobs and opportunities to Nepali villages

Read their newsletter here:

Well done Garth and Marg there were some great videos og Garth dancing as well as Marg you had to be at our meeting to enjoy that!


Picture8 Picture7 Picture6 Picture5 Picture4 Picture3 Picture2 Picture1

Members are reminded that our fees are due on July 1st as are the Club Social membership dues.


Diary Reminders

Saturday, 6th June – Tuesday 9th June: 2015 RI Convention Sao Paulo BRAZIL.

Monday 8th June Public Holiday Board Meeting at Garth and Marg Perkin’s House.

Thursday 11th June, BINGO Ian  Durham (Captain), Myffy Collette, Ted Hutcheon, Bernadette Milne

Sunday 14th June New Board Planning Meeting 7.00 pm at the Club.

*Monday 15th June Don Dyce and John Glassford on the Mount Kenya ANZAC Day Climb

*Monday 22nd June Dr. Barney Dalgarno on the NBN and IT.

*Monday, June 29th.  Annual Change Over Dinner

Monday July 6th President Wayne Lewis 1st Meeting.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157  BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



RC Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee-12th June Mercure Motel, 6-6.30 p.m. $45

RC WW Kooringal-17th June Country Club, 6.00 p.m. $40

RC West Wyalong-20th June S&C Sports Club, 6.30-7.00 p.m. $35

RC Henty-24th June Henty Civic Centre, 6.30-7.15 p.m. $30

RC Grenfell-24th June Golf Club, 6.30-7.00 p.m. $25

RC Wagga Wagga-Thursday, 25th June Country Club, 6.-6.30 p.m.$40/pp

District Changeover-27th June WW RSL Club, 6.30-7.00 p.m. $35

RC Junee Sunday 28th June at the EX Services Club Lunch Time say 12.00 pm.

RC Coolamon-29th June Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30-7.00 p.m. $30

RC WW Sunrise-30th June Elements at the Garden, 6.00-6.30 p.m. $45

RC Wollundry 30th June Commercial Club Wagga Wagga 6.30 pm

RC Narrandera 1st July Narrandera Golf Club 6.30 pm $35



The Vicar and the Fish
As it was such a nice day, the vicar called the church to say he was too sick to take the morning service that Sunday. He loaded up his fishing gear and went down the beach. God, watching from above, didn’t think he should get away with this. He called one of his angels over to watch what he was going to do. The Vicar cast his line and immediately caught a 100kg fish, the biggest he had ever seen let alone caught.’i thought you were going to punish him’ said the angel, disappointed.
‘ I have’ god replied ‘who is he going to tell?’
Paddy and Murphy
Paddy & Murphy are working on a building site.Paddy says to Murphy ‘Im gonna have the day off, I’m gonna pretend I’m mad!’He climbs up the rafters , hangs upside down & shouts ‘I’M A LIGHTBULB! I’M A LIGHTBULB!’
Murphy watches in amazement!The Foreman shouts ‘Paddy you’re mad, go home.’So he leaves the site.Murphy starts packing his kit up to leave as well.’Where are you going?’ asks the Foreman.’I cant work in the dark! ‘ says Murphy.


Gary iin Shanghai

Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang and his wife, Corinna, visited Rotary club members in Shanghai. They also attended the charter ceremony event for the Rotary Club of Shanghai West.

RI President Gary’s JUNE 2015 Message

When I began this Rotary year as your president, I wanted us, above all, to Light Up Rotary. I wanted us to share with the world how many wonderful friendships and experiences we have found in Rotary, and how Rotary has transformed and enriched our lives. I knew that by telling others about Rotary, we would increase membership, build stronger clubs, and improve our ability to help people in need.

As we end this 2014-15 Rotary year, I am honored by your response and will always be grateful for how you have risen to this challenge. You have answered my call to Light Up Rotary by holding many successful Rotary Day celebrations in your communities; you have outdone yourselves in your contributions to our Rotary Foundation; and you have moved all of Rotary forward with new members and new clubs.






Bathurst Daybreak

Enjoying 20th anniversary dinner for Bathurst Daybreak

Bowelscan Report 2014 for this Northern area of Rotary District 9700.

With the introduction of the new iFOBT Bowelscan kits in 2014, there has been a marked increase in the number of ‘positive” tests to 11.86% of the total number of kits returned for testing, compared with 0.78% in 2013 when the old coloscreen kits were in use. All those people with a ‘positive” test have been referred to their doctors for further consultation, and their doctors also informed.

Each Rotary Club in this Northern area have been posted a copy of the report.

This is very impressive.

David Swallow

Coordinator, Bowelscan District Committee.



Change over time and many clubs are into planning their change over dinner and some have already completed theirs.  Here are some photos form the change over dinner for the Rotary Club of  Nairobi East rotary installation congratulations to Nana . . Did I just subscribe into climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in December? They are aiming to create a world record for the number of climbers to reach Uhuru Point on Kilimanjaro.

Nairobi 1 Nairobi 2 Nairobi 3

District 9212 has now added and chartered three new Rotary Club’s of Nyali, Mombasa Downtown and Mambrui. Then chartered a new Rotaract Club in Mombasa North Coast Medical College.  That makes 27 new Rotary Clubs by DG Bimal Kantaria.



barrow boy

Barrow Boy!



One of the many things that we did apart from climbing Mount Kenya was to enjoy some of the sights and places of interest.  While we stayed at the Outspan Hotel in Nyeri we learned that Lord Robert Baden-Powell and his wife Olave, lived in a cottage in the hotel grounds for three years until his death, called PAXTU. Baden-Powell is also buried in Nyeri.

Nyeri 1 Nyeri 2 Nyeri 3Nyeri 4


The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


Last Saturday night the Ganmain Hall was host to Champagne Flutes and several of our members attended.  A great night by all accounts in aid of the Ganmain Hall.

Champagne Flutes 5

Champagne Flutes 2 Champagne Flutes 3 Champagne Flutes 4 Champagne Flutes


The poster campaign is hotting up and here are some of the latest to Say NO!

Dr William Fowlds Tim Harrison Shelley and Barbie Nicholas Duncan and Paula master eve conway (2) Damien Mander Dame Vivienne Westwood


Can you name all 9 who have signed?  First in with the correct answer gets a Say NO! T Shirt.

May 30th was the anniversary of Satoa’s murder by poachers in Tsavo Easy National Park.




RAG-EndangeredSpecies_Standard logo (1)



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t  forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #36/37

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #36/37





Next week the Rotary International Conference or RICON opens in Brazil.

Brazil 01 Brazil 02

The Programme Highlights

Brazil 03

Brazilian music superstar Ivete Sangalo, a Latin Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter, will perform at the closing plenary session of the 2015 Rotary International Convention in São Paulo, 9 June. Sangalo’s music is a high-energy fusion of Afro-Brazilian sounds called axé.


MEETINGS MONDAY MAY 18th & 25th. 2015

Covering two meetings in this bulletin.

Monday 18th we had Winfred Holzapel as our guest speaker.  Winfred is a fine young man and a great choice to go to the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra.  Winfred gave a great account of the 2 weeks spent there and it is obvious that Winfred enjoyed the experience immensely.

The main benefit that he got from the forum was to meet 400 like minded young people from all over Australia.  As well Winfred was able to see a flight simulator for the Lockheed F35 fighter jet.  It was a most interesting talk and we are very proud to know this young future scientific engineer, and to have sponsored him to the Forum.

Winfred 18 May

PP Ian Jennings presents the Roo Pouch to Winfred.

Myffy and Bern 18 May

Dick Jennings fines Myffy and Bernadette.

Now to last Monday night.  Again another excellent turn out of members, guests and friends. All in all 20 people were present on a cold night.  David Benn from Wollundry Rotary made up a meeting with us and recited 3 very funny poems for us.

Maree Bernoth was our guest speaker.  Maree works at the Charles Sturt University as a lecturer in Nursing, Midwifery, and Indigenous Health.  Maree was accompanied by her husband Max.

Maree spoke on Community and what it means in today’s Australian society.  A good look at what community means and how our rural areas lack service in aged care and more work is being done on research into this area of our health service.

Maree and Max did say that they found a wonderful community in the people of Coolamon and felt very welcome in Coolamon.  “Coolamon owns their community”, is a great way to look at how rural areas look after their own.

Maree went on to advise us all to have a guardian with power of attorney to speak for ourselves when we are unable to do so.

Maree and Don 25 May (2)


Maree receives a vote of thanks and a Roo Pouch from Don Dyce.


Bingo made a profit of $303 thanks Grahame Miles. Next night is June 11th see diary for roster.

Red Shield see Ted Hutcheon who will be at Foodworks on Saturday and the Ganmain Football on Sunday upcoming.

Ardlethan Chemist needs some prostrate testing kits.

Trevor Parkes won the raffle.



Tree Bike

Tree Bike

Leunig Football




A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in her basket. As they passed the cookie section, the child asked for cookies and her mother told her “no.” The little girl immediately began to whine and fuss, and the mother said quietly, “Now Ellen, we just have half of the aisles left to go through; don’t be upset. It won’t be long.”

He passed the Mother again in the candy aisle. Of course, the little girl began to shout for candy. When she was told she couldn’t have any, she began to cry. The mother said, “There, there, Ellen, don’t cry. Only two more aisles to go, and then we’ll be checking out.”

The man again happened to be behind the pair at the check-out, where the little girl immediately began to clamor for gum and burst into a terrible tantrum upon discovering there would be no gum purchased today. The mother patiently said, “Ellen, we’ll be through this check out stand in five minutes, and then you can go home and have a nice nap.”

The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to compliment her. “I couldn’t help noticing how patient you were with little Ellen…”

The mother broke in, “My little girl’s name is Tammy… I’m Ellen.”

 {They will get better!!}


Diary Reminders

Monday 1st June Guest Speaker Garth Perkin on Nepal

Saturday, 6th June – Tuesday 9th June: 2015 RI Convention Sao Paulo BRAZIL.

Monday 8th June Public Holiday Board Meeting at Garth and Marg Perkin’s House.

Thursday 11th June, BINGO Ian  Durham (Captain), Myffy Collette, Ted Hutcheon, Bernadette Milne

Monday 15th June Don Dyce and John Glassford on the Mount Kenya ANZAC Day Climb

Monday 22nd June Dr. Barney Dalgarno on the NBN and IT.

*Monday, June 29th.  Annual Change Over Dinner

Monday July 6th President Wayne Lewis 1st Meeting.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.


Gary in Kenya

President Huang and Corinna, pictured with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and First Lady Margaret Kenyatta.

Gary in Kenya 2

President Huang and his wife Corinna, with District 9212 Governor Bimal Kantaria (2nd from right) and his wife Hiral with First Lady Margaret Kenyatta.

Bimal Kantaria has joined the RAGES Executive Board.






Nepal 1 Nepal 2 Nepal 3

Check out the latest images from our response in Nepal to see some of the people we have been helping, along with some of the difficult terrain our teams have had to cross to reach remote communities:



27 New Clubs This Year in D9212 

One of the great things about Rotary is that you get to visit other clubs when you travel abroad or within Australia.  We were luck to be in Kenya for the D9212 Conference at Diani Beach near Mombasa.  We were also lucky to be the first international visitors to two brand new Rotary Clubs one in Nyeri and the other in Nairobi.

DG Bimal Kantaria has chartered 27, yes, 27 NEW Rotary clubs in his year as DG.  All the members at the D9212 Conference were young, hardly a grey hair in view.  This is refreshing and encouraging so what are they dong that we are not.  Seems to me that the y have brought the fun back into Rotary with so much laughter and good times.  They also do a lot of community work in Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan.

Here are some photos from the latest club Limuru chartered this week and sponsored by a Rotaract Club!

Limuru Charter




Can you go home and be greeted like family after 50 years away.  Just had these photos sent to me from Kenya via Karunguru Estates the owners of our old coffee farm we called Ridge Estate. It was a wonderful day for me and we were treated like family. The New Zealand flag is for my father George who planted all the coffee trees on around 700 acres. Dad also built the home from 1920-1928 and then my Mother added to it. All the stone was quarried on the farm. Mum built the dining room which could seat 33! Kibby Karithi who with his family own the property, called it the ballroom! Great day and uplifting to see the old home being loved and lived in with a great family.

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Well the climb is done and dusted.  HOWEVER the fund raising continues with talks by our team over the next few months.  Here are the members of our team on Mount Kenya:

Mount Kenya 05

01 The Climb 02 The Climb 03 The Climb 04 The Climb 05 The Climb09 The Climb11 The Climb17 The ClimbDSC04404DSC04340

Mount Kenya 0427 The Climb33 The Climb


The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


Leunig Truth



One of the major reasons for the African adventure was to establish what Rotary can do on the ground in Kenya and South Africa to help stop the poaching.


Can you imagine a world without rhinos, elephants and lions?  Over 30,000 elephants killed last year and only 400,000 remain not sure of the accuracy of these figures, some say a whole lot less.  We know that in South Africa alone 1,215 rhinos were killed last year and the number is going up as we speak.  We know that there are around 20,000 Southern White Rhinos left and under 5,000 black rhinos. 5 Northern Black Rhinos are left but all beyond breeding, now they are all but extinct.
We met and looked at three great organisations working on the front line of this war in Kenya and South Africa:
1.  The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust for elephants. Kenya
2.  The Chipembere Rhino Foundation for rhinos. South Africa
3.  The Jane Goodall Institute and Jane’s Roots & Shoots Projects.  (Dr Dame Jane Goodall is our Patron). Kenya and South Africa.

There will be a May newsletter done asap for all our members.

Here is a video of Dr William Fowlds done for RAGES:

905 Thandi

Thandi and her baby Thembe; Thandi was poached and Dr Fowlds saved her.

RAG-EndangeredSpecies_Standard logo (1)



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t  forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #35



MEETING MONDAY 27 April, 2015

posted by Henk Hulsman

An excellent meeting attended by 24 members a guests. There were three guest speakers at this meeting (Karyl Dellinger, Bronwyn Hatty and Libby Cruickshank), all contributing information in regard to the Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) which comprises seven ladies at present. However they are seeking contributions from community minded people who would be welcome to join them.

Karyl  Dellenger, the acting CEO at Coolamon Ganmain Hospital, who spoke on her wish to make the hospital area more family friendly.

For example Karyl would like family groups, with small children, to feel as though they may permit the kids to run around and have fun while they are visiting one of the patients.

There are currently twelve long-term patients at the hospital, only some of whom receive regular visits from friends or relatives.  We can all imagine how bored a person must become lying in bed for days at a time. The staff do a wonderful job in trying to entertain patients, be it with music or dancing.  Any outside participation would be welcome when you stare at four walls all day.

Karyl suggested that Rotary may like to hold an outdoor meeting, at the hospital, in a less formal format. Possibly a barbeque outside on the lawn, allowing those patients that are able to come along and hear what is going on in their community.

Bronwyn Hatty, Community Development Officer with Coolamon Shire Council, Spoke on involving groups such as Rotary, Lions, Men’s Shed or school groups who could visit patients from time to time to provide them with an outside interest. Possibly “adopt” a resident.

If Rotary were to try a barbeque meeting, we would have to bring along our own barbeque, as the hospital does not have one. There is a pergola which could be utilized.

If the evening was a success, then possibly a grant could be applied for to build a suitable area in the grounds.

Libby Cruickshank reinforced her associates’ ideas.

There were a number of questions and suggestions that may permit the above suggestions to come to fruition.

Rotarian Myfanwy Collette moved a vote of thanks to our guests and presented them with a kangaroo money pouch each.


Myffe (2nd from right) posing with (left to right) Bronwyn Hatty, Karyl Dellenger and Libby Cruickshank.

Sharon Walsh from the Ganmain Guardian, who was a guest speaker the previous week, also attended this meeting to hear the presentation from the LHAC group.  She also brought along a copy of this week’s Ganmain Guardian, the first copy of which was auctioned off by Rotarian Mark Reardon. After a great deal of spirited bidding it was knocked down to Dick Jenning for $10.

Ian Jennings reported that he had sent an SMS to President Garth and Marg who are currently in Nepal. It was answered and they are OK despite the earthquake.

John Glassford notified us via e-mail that the Mt Kenya climb was successfully completed by 9 of the 12 intrepid climbers, which included Alex Thompson and Don Dyce (photo blow).


Well done to all.


On the lighter side


Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighbouring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur’s youth and ideals.  So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question.  Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if, after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death.

The question?…What do women really want?  Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query.  But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch’s proposition to have an answer by year’s end.

He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the Princess, the priests, the wise men and even the court jester.  He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer.

Many people advised him to consult the old ugly woman, for only she would have the answer.

But the price would be high; as the woman was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged.

The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the old woman.  She agreed to answer the question, but he would have to agree to her price first.

The old ugly woman wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur’s closest friend!

Young Arthur was horrified.  She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc.  He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life.

He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden; but Lancelot, learning of the proposal, spoke with Arthur.

He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur’s life and the preservation of the Round Table.

Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the woman answered Arthur’s question thus:

What a woman really wants, she answered….is to be in charge of her own life.

Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the woman had uttered a great truth and that Arthur’s life would be spared.

And so it was, the neighbouring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the ugly woman had a wonderful wedding.

The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom.  But, what a sight awaited him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed.  The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened.

The young beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared ugly, she would henceforth, be her horrible deformed self only half the time and the beautiful maiden the other half.

Which would he prefer?  Beautiful during the day….or night?

Lancelot pondered the predicament.  During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old ugly woman?  Or, would he prefer having a hideous woman during the day, but by night, a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments?

What would YOU do?

What Lancelot chose is below.

BUT….make YOUR choice before you scroll down below.
Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself.

Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.

Now….what is the moral to this story?

The moral is…..

If you don’t let a woman have her own way….
Things are going to get ugly…

Diary Reminders

Saturday 11th April – Sunday 10th May: Mount Kenya ANZAC Day 2015 Climb in Kenya.

Sunday, 3rd May: D9700 Assembly at West Wyalong venue West Wyalong High School.

Monday, 4th May: Regular meeting (guest speaker Annaliese Guthrie on her recent RYLA experience).

BINGO Thursday, 14th May: Grahame Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Wayne Lewis, Dick Jennings

Saturday, 6th June – Tuesday 9th June: 2015 RI Convention Sao Paulo BRAZIL.

*Monday, June 29th.  Annual Change Over Dinner

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


RAG-EndangeredSpecies_Standard logo (1)



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t  forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:

Mount Kenya 2015

Mt Kenya Rotary climbing team conducts Anzac Day Ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli Landing which happened on the 25th April 1915.

The ceremony starts after a minute or so will edit when I get the time.

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #34



MEETING MONDAY April 20, 2015

posted by Henk Hulsman

Guest speaker on this occasion was Sharon Walsh, editor of the Ganmain Guardian.

The Ganmain Guardian came into being as a community newsletter in 2005 as an A4 letter that provided local gossip and details of upcoming events, once a month.

Sharon moved to Ganmain from the Wollongong area with her husband in 1992. Since that time she had had various types of work, including cook at the Red Steer Motel (Wagga) and the bistro at the Ganmain Sports Club.  She now works at the Ganmain Hotel, while also working two days a week on producing the Guardian which is now a fourteen page A5 booklet. Four hundred copies are distributed free to all Ganmain households monthly.  This increased size of the publication was made possible through a $50,000 grant which enabled the purchase of a larger photocopier and folding equipment, as well as a laptop computer.

The Ganmain Guardian charges a token amount for advertising and is well supported by local businesses as well as some from Coolamon.  Their office is situated in the Rural Transaction Centre and Sharon’s efforts are very much appreciated by the community.

Sharon provided an enthusiastic and confident presentation, and fielded a great many questions from the very interested seventeen people present. It was obvious that the Coolamon members were jealous of Ganmain’s local news sheet and would like one for Coolamon township.

A vote of thanks was provided by Henk Hulsman on behalf of all present.


Henk Hulsman presents Sharon Walsh with the traditional kangaroo hide change purse as thanks for her presentation.

On a more somber note, Dick Jennings brought to the attention of club members the plight of the mother of Grahame and Sharon Miles’ grandson, Darcy, who is battling a very aggressive cancer at present.  Unfortunately, the Federal Government has withdrawn subsidies on medications, which Louisa requires.  It currently costs almost $100,000 a year to provide the care she so desperately requires.  Beside Darcy who is thirteen years of age, Louisa has a three-year-old daughter Tilda.

In support of Grahame and Sharon’s family, it was suggested that proceeds of the raffle ($124) and club fine session ($257) be donated to Louise to assist in defraying costs. This was a marvelous response by members as the raffle would normally realise about $70 and the fine session $15.   The board will meet and decide on the amount the club is prepared to donate to this cause, on top of what was raised at the meeting.


On the lighter side of life

The apprentice had been left in charge of the chemist shop at lunch hour. When the chemist returned he enquired if there had been any customers.

“Just one,” said the apprentice. “A bloke came in with a hacking cough, so I gave him a gigantic dose of castor oil.”

“You what?” said the chemist. “You know that castor oil is not a remedy for a cough.”

“Well it worked. He’s been hanging on that lamp post over there for an hour and hasn’t dared to give one cough!”


Timely reminder that flu shots should now be available from your friendly chemist.


Diary Reminders

Saturday 11th April – Sunday 10th May: Mount Kenya ANZAC Day 2015 Climb in Kenya.

Saturday, 25th April: ANZAC Day ceremonies in Coolamon and Ganmain.

Monday, 27th April: Regular meeting, guest speakers Bronwyn Hatty, Libby Cruikshank and Keryl Dallinger speaking on local community health programs.

Sunday, 3rd May: D9700 Assembly at West Wyalong venue West Wyalong High School.

Monday, 4th May: Regular meeting (guest speaker TBA).

BINGO Thursday, 14th May: Grahame Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Wayne Lewis, Dick Jennings

Saturday, 6th June – Tuesday 9th June: 2015 RI Convention Sao Paulo BRAZIL.

*Monday, June 29th.  Annual Change Over Dinner

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


RAG-EndangeredSpecies_Standard logo (1)



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t  forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #33



MEETING MONDAY April 13, 2015

posted by Henk Hulsman

Last week’s meeting was well attended, with 21 members and guests present to appreciate the presentation on Interplast made by Wagga Rotarian Eugene Maloney and the induction of two new members to our club.  John Nulty and his wife Jan were introduced by Ian Durham. Secondly Dave McKinley and wife Heather were introduced by Wayne Lewis.  It is very pleasing to see the membership growing, as new people bring new experience to the club.  It was also great to see David Jenkins taking part in one of our meetings again. David has been along to a couple of functions now and may be persuaded by Leslie and Paul Weston to form a stronger bond with Coolamon Rotary.

IanDDick&JohnNulty  WaynDick&DaveMcKinley

PP Dick Jennings and Ian Durham (left) and Wayne Lewis (right) welcome new inductees John Nulty (left) and Dave McKinley (right) to Coolamon Rotary.


Newest member Dave McKinley thanks visiting Rotarian Eugene Maloney for a very interesting and inspiring talk on Interplast and how it helps burn victims and those born with birth defects in Asian rim developing countries.


Neil Munro reported on the April Bingo which showed a profit of $225. The Jackpot did not go off this month; possibly it will in May when it will amount to $120.  Many thanks to Ian Jennings, Wayne Lewis, Mark Reardon and Ted Hutcheon who formed the team on the night.  Co-ordinator Neil Munro mentioned that players have requested more substantial prizes for ‘liners’ as they consider a little more could be spent. Currently the princely sum of approximately $20 is expended on 10 prizes.  Line prizes tend to extend the time taken to complete the game, and additional expenditure will further reduce the profit achieved. Possibly double the price per prize, e.g. $4.00 but have only five prizes.  Food for thought.

Last meeting, Christine Atkinson went to a great deal of trouble to obtain a raffle prize with a difference, a presentation basket of a dozen different jars of jam and chutney prepared by Col and Brenda Patterson.  It always pays to purchase raffle prizes that the buyer believes they would enjoy winning themselves. As luck would have it, and a great deal of tickets to assist the cause, Christine herself took the basket home.


Diary Reminders

Saturday 11th April – Sunday 10th May: Mount Kenya ANZAC Day 2015 Climb in Kenya.

Saturday, 25th April: ANZAC Day ceremonies in Coolamon and Ganmain.

Monday, 27th April: Regular meeting, guest speakers Bronwyn Hatty, Libby Cruikshank and Keryl Dallinger speaking on local community health programs.

Sunday, 3rd May: D9700 Assembly at West Wyalong venue West Wyalong High School.

Monday, 4th May: Regular meeting (guest speaker TBA).

BINGO Thursday, 14th May: Grahame Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Wayne Lewis, Dick Jennings

Saturday, 6th June – Tuesday 9th June: 2015 RI Convention Sao Paulo BRAZIL.

*Monday, June 29th.  Annual Change Over Dinner

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


RAG-EndangeredSpecies_Standard logo (1)



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t  forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:

In Kenya!

Just a quick post top all our members Don Dyce, Sally Farmer, Susan and I are plus the team are well settled in for the D9212 Conference some photos.

Day 1 Diani 05Day 1 Diani 06Day 1 Diani 07Day 2 Diani 01Day 2 Diani 02Day 2 Diani 03Day 2 Diani 04Day 2 Diani 05Day 2 Diani 06Day 2 Diani 07Day 2 Diani 08Day 2 Diani 09

Coolamon Rotary New Bulletin #32

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #32




posted by Henk Hulsman

The last meeting for the month of March took the form of a farewell dinner to the Mt. Kenya climbers who leave Australia on the first leg of their journey on the 11th April.  Sixteen members of the Mt. Kenya team joined us, they also included the “Gin & Tonic” set who intend watching progress from the comfort of a Safari Ranch.  The youngest climber has just turned 27 years of age. The oldest is 72 years young.

During the evening, John Glassford ran a couple of short films. The first was taken at Mt. Kenya in the 60’s. The second was more recent 2012. The difference in glacier presence on the mountain, between the two dates was quite obvious.  The Club donated a further cheque for $1,000 toward the team’s fundraising.


President Garth farewells John G with a cheque for $1000 from the club

Also leaving for faraway places are President Garth and wife Marg Perkin who leave for Nepal within the next week. It is their intention to conduct a training program with local teachers of primary school children. They will also attend a holiday camp with school children.  P.P. Dick Jennings congratulated both the Mt Kenya team and Garth & Marg on their dedication to Rotary ideals and effort in spreading Rotary goodwill throughout the world.

Before his departure, Pres. Garth inducted two fresh members to the Coolamon fold. Trevor Parkes was introduced by PP. Dick Jennings and Steven Exton was introduced by Wayne Lewis.


Easter markets a rousing success

posted by Paul Weston

The markets on Easter Saturday were a resounding success.  We had a great rollout of visitors to the markets, and the vendors left happy and looking forward to our next market.  The markets are not a huge moneymaker for our club, but I think success is judged by more than just the bottom line.  The markets were a great community event, and helped to draw many visitors to our shire when there were many competing activities in the region.  The garden viewings in Coolamon synergised nicely with the markets, both events benefitting from the other.

Dick&EasterBunnyGarth  SharonMaureen&Marilyn  MarketScene1-sm


From left to right: The Easter Bunny shares candy with PP Dick, Sharon Miles, Maureen Hulsman and Marilyn Jennings selling tickets for the garden viewing, and a photo of the hopping scene at the markets.

We had some hiccups preparing for the markets because our chair had to step down several months ago due to family commitments, but other members of the committee pulled together and got the job done.  This club never ceases to amaze me because of its ability to come through when the going gets tough, and to get things done in style.  We came close to cancelling the markets several weeks ago because of concerns about participation by vendors, but we hung tough and made it happen.  I am proud to be a Rotarian, and particularly proud to be a member of our small club, which always seems to punch above its weight.

Thanks go to the Rotarians and Friends of Rotary who helped on the day, the partners who directly assisted or tolerated their partner’s absence from family activities on the day, the vendors who made the markets possible, the students from Coolamon Central School who lent a hand, and the many local residents and visitors to the shire who patronised the markets.  And special thanks to Easter Bunny Garth, who entertained the crowd, young and old alike.



An engineer could not find a job, so he opens a clinic, and puts a sign outside that says: Get Treatment For $50, If Not Cured Get Back $100.

A doctor thinks this is a good opportunity to show up the engineer and earn a quick $100. And so he visits the clinic.

Doctor:  I have lost my sense of taste.

Engineer: Nurse, bring the medicine from Box #22 and place 3 drops in the patient’s mouth.

Patient (doctor): Spits out the medicine and says “This is not medicine, it’s gasoline.”

Engineer: Congratulations. You have your taste back.  That will be $50.

Doctor gets annoyed, and returns after several days to recover his money.

Doctor: I have lost my memory and can’t remember a thing.

Engineer: Nurse, bring the medicine from Box #22 and put 3 drops in the patient’s mouth.

Doctor: “This medicine is for the sense of taste,” protests the doctor.

Engineer: Congrats. Your memory is back…that will be $50.

Doctor leaves, but after several days angrily returns for one last try.

Doctor: My eyesight has become weak.

Engineer: Well, I don’t have any medicine for that. Take this $100.

Doctor: But this is a $50 note.

Engineer: Congratulations, your eyesight has gotten better…that will be $50.


Diary Reminders

BINGO Thursday, 9th April, 2015 Ian  Jennings  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, John Glassford, Mark Reardon (as John G. is not available, we’ll need a substitute–any volunteers?)

Saturday 11th April – Sunday May 10th Mount Kenya ANZAC Day 2015 Climb in Kenya.

Wednesday, 8th April – Board meeting.

Monday, 13th April – Regular club meeting and induction of new members, Part 2.

April 13th-April 20th RYLA Camp

Sunday, May 3rd D9700 Assembly at West Wyalong venue West Wyalong High School.

BINGO Thursday, 14th May, Grahame Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Wayne Lewis, Dick Jennings

Saturday, 6th June – Tuesday 9th June 2015 RI Convention Sao Paulo BRAZIL.

*Monday, June 29th.  Annual Change Over Dinner

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


RAG-EndangeredSpecies_Standard logo (1)



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t  forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #31

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #31

THIS WILL DEFINITELY BE MY LAST BULLETIN FOR SOME TIME AT LEAST UNTIL WE RETURN FROM KENYA AND SOUTH AFRICA. It will be another African themed bulletin this week, surprise surprise!



Lewa Library

80% of schools in Kenya do not have a library. Thanks to our education programme and the generosity of Rita and Charles Field-Marsham, the children of Lewa School now have access to this important learning resource.


Yesterday, Lewa and Lewa Downs Primary School held a ceremony to officially open the school’s new and beautiful library! The library was sponsored by the Rita and Charles Field-Marsham Foundation through the Lewa Education Programme.

While this may not be news in many parts of the world, in Kenya, 80% of schools have no library, making Lewa School one of the few to own this crucial learning resource. The impact of libraries on learning is invaluable and these students now have an exciting opportunity to discover the world, gain new knowledge and explore limitless opportunities.

Rita Field-Marsham says:
“Our vision is to provide every school aged child in Kenya with a quality library and we feel very fortunate that Lewa has helped us deliver this vision for the students of Lewa Downs Primary and the Lewa community.”

The children, teachers and parents of Lewa School were beyond jubilant, immensely grateful not only for this new library, but Lewa’s support over the years.



“Our guest speaker Monday night was Vanessa Warren, who gave a very interesting talk on her experience in North Dakota as an exchange employee in an ag services company.  Vanessa, a local girl who obtained a BSc in agriculture from Charles Sturt Uni, works as an agronomist with Delta Ag in Coolamon.  She took a leave of absence last year to work for nearly a year in North Dakota (near the border with Canada) and experienced a very different climate and way of farming.

The extremes of temperature (from -40C to +40C) and low rainfall, combined with boggy soils, makes for very different farming from the Riverina.  Vanessa gained some very interesting work experience, and enjoyed the hospitality shown to her by the locals, who welcomed Vanessa into their community.  Vanessa is now back in Coolamon, with her life enriched by this experience.  Neil Munro formally thanked Vanessa and presented her with a gift of appreciation.”

By:  PP Paul Weston


 PP Neil Munro thanks Vanessa Warren


Last week the club collected a ShelterBox from Wagga Wagga Wollundry and set it up in Ganmain on the Saturday and followed that up with another display in Coolamon on Friday.

The whole exercise to raise funds for 2 ShelterBoxes for the Vanuatu cyclone appeal met our goals and we raised just over $2,000 which is enough for 2 ShelterBoxes for Vanuatu.  Thank you to all who volunteered on the two days.  Well done Ganmain raising over one third of the total $2,000.


Myffy and Bernadette in Ganmain.

ShelterBox Coolamon

The two Ians in Coolamon.



Zebra Laundry

 Zebra Laundry


Diary Reminders

***Monday 30th March Farewell Dinner for the Mount Kenya Teams and the team of 2 going to Nepal.

We have 19 joining this meeting with 13 out of the 16 intrepid travelers to Kenya and South Africa attending please join us to wish the teams bon voyage “na Safari Jema”.


BINGO Thursday 9th April, 2015 Ian  Jennings  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, John Glassford, Mark Reardon

Saturday 11th April – Sunday May 10th Mount Kenya ANZAC Day 2015 Climb in Kenya.

April 13th-April 20th RYLA Camp

Sunday May 3rd D9700 Assembly at West Wyalong venue West Wyalong High School.

BINGO Thursday 14th May, Grahame Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Wayne Lewis, Dick Jennings

Saturday 6th June – Tuesday 9th June 2015 RI Convention Sao Paulo BRAZIL.

*Monday June 29th. Annual Change Over Dinner

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Gary and Confucious

Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang and his wife, Corinna, visited Rotarians in Uruguay. President Huang also visited a statue of Chinese philosopher, Confucius.




 D 9700 DISCON

It was an excellent conference with some 252 delegates including 7 from Coolamon.  The talk by Dr Luc from the Democratic Republic of the Congo was a highlight among many highlights.  Thanks go to DG David and the Conference Chair Harry Howard for making the two days affordable, efficient and most enjoyable.  Here are some photos courtesy of PDG John Egan:

JJE_6938 JJE_7035 JJE_7069 JJE_7089 JJE_7090 JJE_7091 JJE_7123 JJE_7182 JJE_7197 JJE_7215




In Seven Days

In the beginning God created day and night. He created day for footy matches, going to the beach and barbies. He created night for going prawning, sleeping and barbies. God saw that it was good.

Evening came and morning came and it was the second Day.
On the Second Day God created water – for surfing, swimming and barbies on the beach. God saw that it was good. Evening came and morning came and it was the Third Day.

On the Third Day God created the Earth to bring forth plants – to provide tobacco, malt and yeast for beer and wood for barbies. God saw that it was good. Evening came and morning came and it was the Fourth Day.

On the Fourth Day God created animals and crustaceans for chops, sausages, steak and prawns for barbies. God saw that it was good. Evening came and morning came and it was the Fifth Day.

On the Fifth day God created a bloke – to go to the footy, enjoy the beach, drink the beer and eat the meat and prawns at barbies. God saw that it was good. Evening came and morning came and it was the Sixth Day

On the Sixth Day God saw that this bloke was lonely and needed someone to go to the footy, surf, drink beer, eat and stand around the barbie with. So God created Mates, and God saw that they were good blokes. God saw that it was good. Evening came and morning came and it was the Seventh Day.

On the Seventh Day God looked around at the twinkling barbie fires, heard the hiss of opening beer cans and the raucous laughter of all the Blokes, smelled the aroma of grilled chops and sizzling prawns and God saw that it was good. well almost good. God saw that the blokes were tired and needed a rest.

So God created Sheilas – to clean the house, bear children, wash, cook and clean the barbie. God saw that it was not just good, it was better than that, it was bloody great!



Work this one out



 Korea Sailor

 Seung Jin Kim shows off his sail emblazoned with the End Polio Now logo before setting off on his voyage around the globe.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of District 3260

Enjoying calm winds and peaceful Pacific waters, Seung Jin Kim dove off his 43-foot sailboat, the Arapani, to swim with some dolphins nearby. The serenity that day near the equator was a stark contrast to the 60 mph winds and 23-foot waves he had to fight around Cape Horn, the southern tip of South America. But Kim, a veteran sailor and member of the Rotary Club of Seokmun, in Chungcheongnam, Korea, expected such challenges when he set out in mid-October on a 25,600-mile journey around the world. In addition to fulfilling a lifelong dream, Kim is using the trip to raise awareness and funds — his goal is $200,000 or more — for .

Korea Sailor 2

 Seung Jin Kim, a member of the Rotary Club of Seokmum, in Chungcheongnam, Korea, receives encouragement before embarking in October on a 25,600-mile, around-the-world voyage to raise awareness and money for polio eradication.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of District 3260



Africa 7

Seen in Nairobi it is raining heavily in Kenya and snowing on Mount Kenya above 4,000 metres.



We are staying at the Outspan Hotel in Nyeri on our way to the mountain and on the way back.  The Outspan is famous for Lord Baden-Powell and his cottage is there which we will visit, now a museum:

Baden Powell Nyeri 2 Baden Powell Nyeri

How about taking a break from the hustle and bustle of town life and escape to Outspan and enjoy your breakfast or dinner as you enjoy the view of the sunrise or sunset over Mt. Kenya, indulge your friends & family with our diverse list of activities available from our Snooker room to taking a tour of our world renowned Lord Baden Powell Museum.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:

One of the reasons I am climbing Mount Kenya is to look at the Lewis Glacier, walk on it as it will not be there much longer due to global warming this evidence is beyond discussion now and this evidence proves it once and for all and it is MAN MADE there is NO doubt; the jury is in and the verdict has been reached. WE ARE GUILTY!

The main reason that I am climbing Mount Kenya is to honour my Father George James Glassford on ANZAC Day 100 years since he landed at Gallipoli.  I will wear his medals for the first and last time before I hand them over to my eldest son Sean.  These medals were the only ones awarded to the British Forces in World War 1 and are known as Pip, Squeak and Wilfred after a Daily Mirror cartoon published in 1920.

It concerned the adventures of an orphaned family of animals. Pip, who assumed the “father” role, was a dog, while the “mother”, Squeak, was a penguin. Wilfred was the “young child” and was a rabbit with very long ears.[

They are the 1914-1915 Star Medal, the  British War Medal and the Victory Medal.

Dad's Medals



DG David Kennedy launched the Mount Kenya Crowd Funding web site campaign at the D9700 conference and please send this email onto your friends and associates asking for their support, just copy and paste:

Our Rotary climbing team is off again, this time to climb Mount Kenya on ANZAC Day 2015 April 25th to raise funds for Legacy Australia and their support of Australia’s war widows and orphans. At the same time continue our education and health projects in Kenya and South Africa.

We are looking for your support, pure and simple.

Please join the Rotary Clubs of Coolamon and Wagga Wagga Sunrise in Australia’s greatest and unique fundraiser for Legacy Australia and Children’s Education in Africa. Visit our crowd funding site! See how it works; watch the two minute video; get involved and make a secure donation, “go the distance” and “pick a perk” and help us to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Follow our party’s fundraising Climb up Mount Kenya on Anzac Day 2015.

Click on the link below to see our Crowd Funding site and please forward this invitation to all your friends and relatives, especially your children, nieces and nephews, asking them to forward this email onto their friends.




Our latest signing is none other than Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick D.B.E.  Dame Daphne started the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and rescues orphaned elephants due to the poaching crisis in Kenya.  This lady is an angel:

There is much written about Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick DBE and for us the following statements attributed to her about elephants sum up the Lady, an angel in our midst, a Dame of the British Empire. “They share with us a strong sense of family and they also share with us a deep sense of death. I know that they grieve and they mourn, just as we do at the loss of a loved one and that they shed tears and suffer depression. They have a sense of compassion that projects beyond their own kind and can extend to other species in distress. They help one another in adversity, miss absent loved ones, and when you know them really well, you can see that they even smile when having fun and are happy.”

And we are smiling, thank you so much Dame Daphne Sheldrick.

Dame Daphne 1

We will be having a meeting with Dame Daphne on May 1st in Nairobi at her orphanage for baby elephants.

For Dame Daphne’s amazing work please visit:



That is all for the regular bulletin HOWEVER when time permits and with your blessing, over the next 2 months or so I will do my best to send you updates on the progress of the trip to Kenya and South Africa and RAGES.



RAG-EndangeredSpecies_Standard logo (1)



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t  forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:



We are pleased to announce that we have the support and sponsorship of Littledale Fine Wines from Sydney. They have put together a special package for their wines with  a generous discount and a donation of $18 for every dozen of their wines they sell via this campaign.

To order your dozen go to the following website please and use the code ANZAC1:



Wagga Coolamon Wine_Layout 1