Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for May 12th 2024

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of 12/05/2024

Meeting of Monday 6th May 2024

Our President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 23 members and 1 guest to the meeting tonight.  Our guest was Melissa Mudd.  It  was a social night with business in between fellowship.  Some items of interest that were discussed included:

  • Paul announced that the puzzler was won by Scott and Adrian.
  • Garth asked if anyone would like to go to Tumut with him on this Wednesday night it maybe Garth’s last club visit as our Area Governor.
  • Henk reminded us about the upcoming RYDA week currently under way in Wagga.  We have two volunteers attending on Friday Anne and Henk, others are very welcome.
  • Mary spoke on the upcoming visit of the Rotary Health van on Saturday.  Mary has enough volunteers. The event starts at 9.30am and goes to 3.00pm.  The visiting nurse is staying at Sweet Briars and Mary is organising to have dinner with the nurse at 6.00pm at the Hotel.  So far Mary, Alex, Garth and Scott will be going along.
  • Daryl and JG spoke about Youth Exchange following a recent plea for help from D9705.  The email we received follows this report.  Both Daryl and John spoke on the benefits of Rotary Youth Exchanges.   It was suggested that we invite a former CRC Exchange student to come back to the club and speak on where they are now.  Millie Butt and Jackson Wykes are two such RYE alumni that we could invite along.
  • Adrian said that he was very interested in the RYE Programme and is keen to get the club involved.
  • Grahame reported that Mary held a very successful Biggest Australia Tea last Saturday and had raised $950 of which it took a few seconds for that to top $1,000 during the meeting.  Grahame donated his winnings from last meeting’s guessing competition.  It was moved to donate the raffle money and fines session to the Cancer Council via Mary.  Congratulations Mary!
  • Adrian has organised two street raffle dates for June being Friday 7th and Saturday the 8th of June.  Suggested prizes included firewood OR petrol, NOT both.
  • Barry liked the social meeting last Monday and thought that we could have one a month or regular events; the next 5th Monday will be Monday July 29th all ideas welcome.
  • Paul confirmed that our changeover dinner is set for Monday July 1st at the Sports Club.
  • Bear reminded us that the Red Shield Appeal is set for June 23rd-24th.  Further details will be worked out by the Board.
  • Bear spoke about potential guest speakers and we all agreed that we all need to look at inviting interesting people to come along and be our guest speaker.  Several ideas were put and President Bondy has an interesting 20 minute video to show one night.

The evening concluded with the raffle which was won by Grahame with the second prize of a heart blood pressure machine to Gary.

THEN these two got to work on the fines session:

So much fun was had and I don’t think that anyone was spared and we all knew that the money was going to the Cancer Council that night.

Well worth attending every Monday night no reason to change our format as they say what is not broken no need to fix.  Good fellowship followed.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Tuesday May 7th to Friday May 10th – RYDA/Wagga Wagga. Volunteers needed for Friday May 10th. See Rotary News at the end of the bulletin on RYDA.

Saturday May 11th – Rotary Health Van visits Coolamon. Free health checks for anyone. Cowabbie Street, 9.30 am – 3.30 pm. Contact Garth Perkin for details on 0428 695 117.

Saturday May 11th – Ganmain Hall Saturday Night Special (see: Ganmain Hall May 11th)

Monday May 13th – Regular Club Meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday May 18th – Mingle in the Garden & Gallery with Myffy celebrating her 80th journey around the sun and the 1st anniversary of Linda’s Lush Creative Galleries in Ganmain, 12-00pm to 5.00pm.  RSVP to Myffy by May 10th please.

Monday May 20th – Board of Directors meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 5:15 pm.

*Monday May 20th – Polio Plus Tandem Bike Riders visit Coolamon. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Monday July 1st. CRC Annual Change Over Dinner at the Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.  Details and cost to follow. Guests and partners are very welcome.

*Friday 25th – Sunday 27th October – D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:



N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook




Good morning all Rotarians from D9705

I am putting this out there to everyone on this group so you are all aware of the situation that our Rotary District 9705 Youth Exchange Program now faces.

Due to the failure of our clubs to support our program we now find ourselves in the unfortunate position of not being able to find enough host clubs to accept the required number of Inbound Students into our district.

Not have enough clubs to even sponsor an Outbound Student.

The fact that we cannot find sponsor clubs for Outbound students just astounds me and if we cannot place our Inbound Students then we cannot send out Outbound students.

Our committee is currently seeking clubs to help us out of this current predicament however if we are unsuccessful we will have no choice but to shut down the District RYE Program.

We cannot back ourselves into a corner and not be able to meet our obligations to reciprocating with our overseas partners.

This is a last ditch plea to help if you can.

I would welcome any assistance you may be able to provide, please consider co hosting with another club if it helps.


Mike Whitten

Chair D9705 RYE.


This is one outgoing exchange student that we supported.  Millie Butt from Marrar who went to Belgium for 12 months.  I am sure that Millie would love to visit the club and talk about her experiences in Belgium.  This was in 2010.

“Our Marrar Rotary Exchange Student Millie Butt has returned home from 12 months in Belgium.  By all accounts Millie had a great time and will be giving a talk to our club in the near future.  We at Coolamon Rotary are extremely proud of Millie’s achievements in Belgium and Europe and we know that Millie did herself, our club and Australia proud in representing Coolamon in Belgium.  We look forward to Millie’s talk.”

Here is Millie’s last report from Belgium:




One event we could plan for would be a visit to the mayfield gardens at Oberon next Autumn say April 2025.  This is an amazing garden and they have a great cafe restaurant.  Oberon Rotary Club would help guide us and we could also meet with them on their normal meeting night.

Tuesday night at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start at the Oberon RSL Club. We have a monthly Fellowship Dinner on the 1st Tuesday of every month (except January). Visitors are most welcome to join us.

Mayfield Gardens Oberon

How about we set a date say Tuesday May 5th 2025?






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for April 2024

Above an ANZAC drawing by Si Dowling Art of a Kookaburra and a Kakapo. 


“The Coolamon RSL Sub Branch would like to extend its sincere appreciation to the communities of Coolamon, Marrar and District for the overwhelming support for the 2024 ANZAC Day Commemoration. The community turnout at both the Dawn Service and March exceeded expectations and keeps getting bigger each year. Thank you to the ADF personnel who participated, including the Cenotaph Guard from 1 Recruit Training Battalion, Kapooka, Staff and Students from RAAF School of Administration and Logistic Training at RAAF Wagga and visiting ADF Veterans. The support of the Murrumbidgee Lighthorse Troop, lead by Pat Leary who again made the ceremony extra special for us”.

Here are some photos from the Coolamon RSL Sub Branch and Chris & Joanne Berry from the Coolamon Fire Museum.

Click on the above images for a larger version:

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for April 2024

Click on the links below for the weekly bulletins from April:

Bulletin for Week of 14/04/2024

Bulletin for Week of 21/04/2024

Bulletin for Week of 28/04/2024

Meeting of Monday 29th April

Tonight being the 5th Monday of the month we had a social gathering in Marrar at Marrar Kitchens.


Tonight was a great night socially with a lot of banter and good fellowship.  There were 24 members out of our total membership of 30 attending.  We also had the pleasure of the company of 10 partners and one guest, Michael Suidgeest.  A great turnout and thanks to Grahame for getting it going.

Photo above by Scott Mudd–thank you Scott!

Many chiefs were seen organising the tables but few indians!  Once we had our seats and were happy with the table setting, we started talking and talking and that was good for our knowledge of each other outside of Rotary.

There was some Rotary business discussed but I doubt many heard!

Mary Potts invited all to the Biggest Morning Tea that Mary is holding at her home on Saturday May the 4th be with you!  Contact Mary for details.

The food by Michelle Seymour was delicious and for $20 per person great value.

The highlight of the evening, well one of them, was a challenge put up by Michael Suidgeest and Mary Potts.  Michael and Mary had found some old rusty tins in their quest to clean up Australia.  They asked for a $2 entry to guess what was inside one of the tins they found which obviously contained something, judging from the sound it made when they shook it.

There were many guesses put up from nails to marijuana and powdered milk, which is what it was.  The winner was Grahame Miles, who generously donated his winnings to the Christmas Party fund.

The other highlight was the Stetson donated by Garth Perkin for the 1st prize in the raffle.  This was won by Bondy with the second prize of a personal blood pressure monitor going to Daryl Breust.

Here are some photos below from the night, as always click on the image for a larger version:


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Saturday May 4th – Biggest Morning Tea. Mary Pott’s home in aid of the Cancer Council of Australia.


Monday May 6th – Regular Club Meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Tuesday May 7th to Friday May 10th – RYDA/Wagga Wagga. Volunteers needed for Friday May 10th. See Rotary News at the end of the bulletin on RYDA.

Saturday May 11th – Rotary Health Van visits Coolamon. Free health checks for anyone. Cowabbie Street, 9.30 am – 3.30 pm. Contact Garth Perkin for details on 0428 695 117.

Saturday May 11th – Ganmain Hall Saturday Night Special (see: Ganmain Hall May 11th)

Monday May 12th – Regular Club Meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday May 18th – Mingle in the Garden & Gallery with Myffy celebrating her 80th journey around the sun and the 1st anniversary of Linda’s Lush Creative Galleries in Ganmain, 12-00pm to 5.00pm.  RSVP to Myffy by May 10th please.

Monday May 20th – Board of Directors meeting. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 5:15 pm.

*Monday May 20th – Polio Plus Tandem Bike Riders visit Coolamon. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th – Sunday 27th October – D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:



Answers to the last puzzles:

Brain teaser: The next letter after the sequence OTTFFSS would be ‘E’ (the letters in the sequence are the first letters of the numbers 1 through 7 spelled out, which means the next number should be the first letter of ‘eight’.)

Puzzle in real life: What I received was a BLT on a hamburger bun. I was expecting to receive a hamburger topped with bacon, lettuce and tomato because the item was listed as a ‘BLT Burger’ and was described with the word ‘with’, which to me suggested that it was not just a BLT but a hamburger with BLT. When I queried the cook about it, I was told is was called a burger because it was served on a hamburger bun! It was a very good BLT, but I still think the word ‘with’ implied that it was more than a BLT.

This month’s puzzles: 

Brain teaser: A man was driving a truck. His lights were not on, the moon was not out, and there were no streetlights. Ahead of him, a woman was crossing the street. Fortunately, he was able to stop his truck in time to avoid hitting her. How was he able to see the woman?

Wordy one: What is special about the words in the following list, and what sets ‘facetious’ apart from the rest? BEHAVIOUR, EDUCATION, FACETIOUS, PNEUMONIA



N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook




Over the many years that we have been a Rotary club one of the highlights has always been taking part in Rotary’s Youth Exchange programme.

Our club helped to sponsor Jackson Wykes from Coolamon to Finland and here is one of Jackson’s detailed reports when he was in Finland.

Bring on winter in Finland!

Above Jackson “flying” in Finland.

Jackson Wykes, exchange student sponsored by the Rotary Club of Coolamon currently living in Finland

“Hello again everyone …….

I still cannot believe how fast the year is flying by. Who would think we only have three months to go! Writing this makes me think how I need to make the most of every moment that I have left of this exchange.

Not a great deal has happened the past three months. Summer holidays had to come to an end and I have returned to school. It was a bit strange to have to get into a routine again, like getting out of bed early, but it didn’t take me long to adjust. School has changed a lot since returning from the break. I am now in senior school and everyone is very studious and striving to do their best. I attend all my classes but probably distract others in the class as I know school is not counting towards anything for me. Recently my school had exams. I had to do the maths exam. I wouldn’t say I did great as it was all written in Finnish and my ability to read Finnish is not great and possibly I haven’t listened all that well in class!

I’m doing all the basic subjects at school. I do one Finnish class a week which is helping me with learning the language. This has been really hard as everyone just speaks English to me. I love spending time with my friends at school and in my free time.


Above: PP Daryl Breust and Jackson Wykes.


Some of you may know that my Father, George, was a Kiwi born in Napier in 1891, and served in the NZ Army at Gallipoli with the 1st Wellington Battalion.  In my Mother’s trunk there was this note with the explanation in Dad’s writing on the bottom is a description of what this money was to be used for when they reached Constantinople:

“This is the money with which troops landing on Gallipoli in April 1915 were paid.  The Arabic in Turkish characters were super-imposed so that when the British troops reached Constantinople the Turkish people would know the value of the paper money:

2nd. Lieutenant George J. Glassford.”


N.B. They never did reach Constantinople!






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for April 28th 2024

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of 28/04/2024

Meeting of Monday 22nd April

Our President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 21 members and 1 guest to the meeting tonight.

Michael Suidgeest was our guest representing Albert again, welcome back Michael.

The evening started with the great weigh in and tonight the winner was Bear or Brian Pattison, we did not have a loser tonight!  Well no one owned up that is.

Paul Weston reported on the previous board meeting and advised the members that we are donating $250 to Circus Quirkus which is supported by the RC of South Wagga Wagga.  A most worthy cause.   Paul also said that funds were coming in for the advertising in the CRC Telephone Book 2024 edition.

Paul reported on the upcoming RYDA or Rotary Youth Driver Awareness week from Tuesday May 7th to Friday May 10th at the Wagga Showground supported by the RC of Wagga Wagga.  The Coolamon Central School year 11 are due on Wednesday the 8th May.  Our club has been  asked to provide volunteers for Friday the 10th May.

Grahame Miles spoke about the RC of Tumut’s three wheeler bikes for the Tumut community as reported on last week.  At $35,000 per tricycle it was out of our means.

Grahame also proposed that we have a social weekend away and a visit to Griffith was suggested as a good area to visit with so many great attractions and accommodation.   It will need someone to champion this idea!

Mary Potts spoke on the upcoming visit of the Rotary Health Van on Saturday May 11th.  We have received a grant of $1,500 to cover the costs involved.  This will cover a mail out and the expenses for the nurse.

Mary also advised us that the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal is coming up soon.

On the 4th May Mary is holding a morning tea at her home with funds going to the Cancer Council of Australia for their Biggest Morning Tea community event.

Australia’s Biggest Tea

Adrian Lindner looking to the next street raffle at Foodworks and suggested fuel as being a good prize.  Details to follow.

Good to see S@A Dick Jennings and Cpl. Garth Perkin in fine form with one of their classic fines session.  No one was spared by these two characters.

The raffle was won by Leslie Weston with second prize going to Vicki Langtry.  All in all another great evening of fun, friendship and some Rotary business.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Thursday 25th April:  ANZAC DAY the 109th anniversary of the landings at Gallipoli/Çanakkale Savasi.

Monday April 29th: Normal Club Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday May 4th Biggest Morning Tea: at Mary Pott’s home in aid of the Cancer Council of Australia.

Tuesday May 7th to Friday May 10th RYDA in Wagga Wagga: Volunteers needed for Friday May 10th. See Rotary News at the end of the bulletin on RYDA.

Saturday May 11th:  Rotary Health Van visits Coolamon.  


Free Men’s Health Check in Coolamon

Cowabbie Street contact Garth Perkin on 0428 695 117.

Saturday May 11th Ganmain Hall Saturday Night Special see: Ganmain Hall May 11th.

Monday May 12th: Normal Club Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday May 20th Board of Directors meeting: 5.15pm at Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

*Monday May 20th Polio Plus Tandem Bike Riders visit Coolamon.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th- Sunday 27th October 2024. D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:




Scottish beavers are getting drunk and disorderly in public. They have been known to stumble out of pubs clutching bottles of their favourite beverage before vomiting up branches and bark in the gutter. Sometimes they even nip passers by. Police Scotland’s Bad Beaver Branch advise that the public should not approach drunken or even slightly tipsy beavers for their own safety.

N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook




By Brad Webber

United States

OysterFest has been a calendar highlight of the Pacific Northwest’s fishing industry for more than four decades. The two-day festival is hosted by the Rotary Club of Shelton Skookum, Washington. Last year’s event, held in October, attracted 13,000 seafood enthusiasts and raised $170,000 for community organizations. Seasoned seafarers and landlubbers alike got in some serious shelling, as the victor in a speed-shucking competition opened 24 oysters in 73 seconds. The champion in the half-shell — a separate challenge that also accounts for presentation, with penalties for errant cuts — clocked in at an adjusted time of 2 minutes and 10 seconds. “It is quite an event with the crowd cheering on their favorite to win,” says Laurie Brown, the club’s president-nominee. “Anyone can sign up, but most of the shuckers come from the various shellfish farms or restaurants.”


Passing rates on secondary school entrance exams that have dipped as low as 50 percent have vexed officials in Suriname. The Rotary Club of Paramaribo Residence, whose members include several teachers or retired educators, is aiming to improve those results and reduce dropout rates.

FULL STORY HERE ON: The United States, Suriname, Macoa, Nigeria and Australia.


2.  RYDA MAY 7th-10th 2024

Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) will take place again this year at the Wagga Showground between the 7th and 10th May. This is a one day program for year 11 school students who are learning to drive. It is a wonderful way to help these young people with the awareness of the dangers they face on the road and how to deal with them. We need to do all we can to help with the safety of our young people and the community around us.

Coolamon Central School is scheduled for Wednesday May 8th.  The Coolamon Rotary Club is needed for Friday May 10th and volunteers need to contact Scott Mudd.

Below photos for a past RYDA day in Wagga Wagga name the Rotarians!;






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for April 21st 2024

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of 21/04/2024

Meeting of Monday 15th April

President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 21 members and 2 guests of Lexi Furner, PP Bruce Giles and his wife Robyn Giles.  Bruce is a member of the Tumut RC and was visiting our area.

A good turn out of members and we enjoyed ourselves with good banter and conversation.  Some Rotary business was done including:

  • Paul Weston spoke about our printer which now has a security code which will stop other people from using our printer.  The code will be available to all bone fide users.
  • Paul also advised our Board members that the next meeting will be on Monday 22nd at 5.15pm.
  • Albert Suidgeest gave the results of the weigh in and this week Barry Langtry was the winner.  Albert reminded all members that they meet at 7.00am at the Golf course for a morning walk and all are welcome to join in.
  • Mary Potts reminded us that the Means Health Van MHERV will be in Coolamon on Saturday May 11th from 9.30am to 3.30pm.  The project has received a grant of $1,500 from the Murrumbidgee Local Health District.  This will go to printing flyers for the day and for the accommodation and expenses for the nurse accompanying the health van.  Scott Mudd offered to help with the printing of the flyers.  N.B.  This health check is for women and men in our community.
  • Anne Rzeszkowski gave a run down on the Wagga Cycle Club Event:  CRC catered for  lunch for the event held at the  Pomingalarna Reserve Wagga Wagga. CRC volunteers included Albert, Dick, Bear, Anne, Adrian and Wendy.  Anne said that it was a very good day and thanked all the volunteers.
  • John G reminded members that Rotary usually lays a wreath in Coolamon on ANZAC Day.
  • John Nulty gave a brief talk on his cousin who was in the USA Armed Forces and served in Vietnam.  John passed a photo album around showing the ceremony of his cousin’s burial in the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.  There are 400,000 graves in Arlington, including President John Kennedy.

Lexi Furner then introduced PP Bruce Giles as Bruce wanted to give an impromptu talk about Tumut Rotary and his journey as a liver transplant recipient.

Bruce joined Rotary 6 years ago in Tumut.  Bruce and Robyn used to have an orchard in Batlow and had two children.  They retired to Tumut as their family has moved.  Bruce was a recipient of a liver transplant 10 years ago and Bruce said that there are 1,400 people on the waiting list in Australia for a transplant.

Bruce is a keen cyclist and won gold for Australia at the 2017 World Transplant Games in Malaga, Spain, where he also mentored the younger members of the team. With over 40 years of cycling experience under his belt, Bruce was an asset to the Aussie team, who came 6th overall in the medal tally, advising and encouraging teammates, and picking them up after a defeat.

Bruce Giles Gold

Bruce spoke about Tumut RC and said that they have conducted three membership drives in his time there, of which one resulted in his joining Rotary.  The success of these drives has been excellent and they managed to recruit 5-6 members from each drive.  They now have 24 members.  New members new ideas!

In 2022-2023 Bruce was joint President of Tumut RC and they did a lot of excellent work.

Tumut Rotary’s main project for the year was to purchase two tricycles to give elderly and disabled people, who can’t ride themselves, an outing with a ride along the Tumut River Walk and Wetlands trails.

Rotary also purchased a defibrillator from a donation from the Tumut Show ‘n’ Shine, panted native trees at Junction Park in a joint project with Tumut Lions, distributed approximately 80 column oil heaters to people in need, held Carols by Candlelight, manned checkpoints at the Snowy Classic Cycle event, and supported and assisted with countless other local events.

They also wound up their Sunflowers for Ukraine fundraising project.

Tumut Rotary club project below “Tricycles for Elderly & Disabled”

President Bondy thanked Bruce and Robyn for their visit and Bruce’s talk which was most interesting.

The meeting concluded with the raffle which was won by Mary Potts and second prize was won by Albert Suidgeest which we are told will come in handy for Albert on his upcoming trip with Dianne to Europe!

Stand in S@A Dick Jennings then fined everyone he could and as usual with plenty of humour.  Leslie Weston was fined for her work in finding ways of getting rid of the hairy panic grass menace!


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday April 22nd: Board Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 5.15pm.

Monday April 22nd: Normal Club Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Thursday 25th April:  ANZAC DAY the 109th anniversary of the landings at Gallipoli/Çanakkale Savasi.

Monday April 29th: Normal Club Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday May 11th:  Rotary Health Van visits Coolamon.  


Free Men’s Health Check in Coolamon

Cowabbie Street contact Garth Perkin on 0428 695 117.

*Monday May 20th Polio Plus Tandem Bike Riders visit Coolamon.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th- Sunday 27th October 2024. D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:




N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook





World Immunization Week (24-30 April) is a perfect time for Rotary clubs to share the incredible progress Rotary and its partners have made toward eradicating polio.

Article by Murray Verso, End Polio Now Coordinator

World Immunization Week 24-30 April 2024

This year there are significant anniversaries to celebrate:

  • 10 years since the World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Region was certified free of polio
  • 30 years since the WHO Americas Region was certified as polio-free
  • 50 years since the launch of the Expanded Programme on Immunization, which ensures equitable access to vaccines (including polio vaccines)




Those of us who remember Julie Clark might be interested in Julie’s journey since she left Coolamon.

Julie’s Facebook page gives a wonderful pictorial account of her travels around Australia.  Julie is also an accomplished photographer and here is a brief look at where she has been.

“The last sunset photo of my mining career. I’m excited but sad to be leaving. Mining has challenged me in ways that I thought I would break, l didn’t I became stronger. l have made some lifelong friends and I will always be grateful and cherish these friendships.

So what next, as some of you know I’ve bought myself a caravan. My plan is to travel catch up with family and friends and the big one is to challenge myself and grow my photograph. So be warned there will be photo overload coming to facebook.

My first milky way photo for this year, I had to share the jetty with a couple of other photographers. I’m not used to having other people around at night time. It was fun meeting new people who enjoy night photography. The air glow turned the sky orange which is a bit different.”

“All set up for my home for the next two weeks, I’m volunteer camp host at Innes National Park at:”

 Stenhouse Bay – Innes National Park, Yorke Peninsula sa.

All of the above photos were obtained from Julie’s Facebook page and you can see many more amazing pics below:






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for April 14th 2024

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of 14/04/2024

Coolamon Community Chronicle on line

The CCC is now on line at this address:

Coolamon Community Chronicle

or click on the image below:

Excellent publication and congratulations to all of the editorial staff concerned in putting this together every month. The CCC is now on our club website where you can get back issues from April 2022 to the present, thanks to Paul Weston for doing this.

As important those members who distribute the CCC in our Shire; thankyou!

Meeting of Monday 8th April

President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 23 members and eight guests tonight. Our guests included, Marilyn Jennings, Trisha Truscott, Sharon Miles, Maureen Hulsman, Susan Wingate-Pearse, Wendy Lindner, and Cathy her sister from Canberra and Gerard Langtry, brother of Barry.  Another excellent role up and it goes to show that if you have a good guest speaker lined up we get a great turn out of members, partners and guests.

We started the meeting with just a couple of items of Rotary business:

  • Anne gave a report on the volunteers for the Wagga Cycle Club Event at the Pomingalarna Reserve.
  • Paul suggested that there will be a board meeting on Monday 22nd April. TBC.
  • Paul said that Henk was the first correct answer to the last puzzler and gets a free raffle ticket.

Our speakers tonight were President Elect Adrian Lindner with Wendy Lindner and the subject was their recent trip to Nepal.  They joined with their church group from Wagga for this adventure.

Adrian started the talk with some details on the Nepalase Nation.  A small country about the two thirds the size of Victoria with a population of 26.4 million.  Some other information on Nepal:

  • Nepal has 8 of the 10 world’s tallest mountains including Everest and all 8 are over 8,000 metres high.
Photo credit to By Solundir – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, 
  • Nepal is the birthplace of Buddha.
  • Religion 81% Hindu, 11% Buddhist, 4% Islam, 3% Christian.
  • 80% of their energy is provided by burning biomass, however there is a growth in hydrolectric power which is exported to India.
  • Nepal have 10 UNESCO heritage sites
  • Nepalese whose Gurkha soldiers are known as the bravest of the brave .
  • Nepal is the home of the famouus Yeti
  • Nepal is also one of the poorest countries in the world with an AUD $2,800pa per capita).

One of Wendy’s highlights was a visit to a mission hospital.  Wendy is a Nurse Anesthetist and was allowed into the operation room where there was a caesarian taking place.  There is a high infant mortality rate in Nepal and access to good facilities in urgent cases is by helicopter.

Adrian went on to show some slides which I have uploaded here from the meeting.  Adrian and Wendy said that the Nepalese people are very friendly and happy.

They were close to the Annapurna range of mountains and in the slides you can see some of the wonderful mountain views.

We all agreed that this was an excellent presentation and talk by Adrian with support from Wendy.

Here are some photos of the photos in the presentation:

Albert Suidgeest announced the loser of the week for the weight competition which was Gary Truscott.  Albert then invited everyone to the Thursday coffee mornings in Coolamon.  The morning walk on the golf course will be tomorrow (wed).

The evening ended with a brief but most amusing fines session by the S@A and his Cpl.  We had a very good raffle with three prizes, of which one was a bottle of red donated by Scott Mudd.  First prize the Foodworks voucher was won by Paul Weston, the bottle of red by Susan and Lexi won the liquorice.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Sunday April 14thWagga Cycle Club Event:  CRC catering lunch and dinner for cycling event at the  Pomingalarna Reserve Wagga Wagga. Volunteers needed.  Details to follow.

Monday April 15th: Normal Club Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday April 22nd: Board Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 5.15pm. (To be confirmed).

Monday April 22nd: Normal Club Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Thursday 25th April:  ANZAC DAY the 109th anniversary of the landings at Gallipoli/Çanakkale Savasi.

Monday April 29th: Normal Club Meeting Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday May 11th:  Rotary Health Van visits Coolamon.  


Free Men’s Health Check in Coolamon

Cowabbie Street contact Garth Perkin on 0428 695 117.

*Monday May 20th Polio Plus Tandem Bike Riders visit Coolamon.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th- Sunday 27th October 2024. D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:




N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook




Mike and Mary McLaughlin, founders of the Trees That Feed Foundation, examine one of the first breadfruit trees they planted in Jamaica over a decade ago.

Courtesy of Trees That Feed Foundation

Can the curiously named breadfruit feed a warming world?

By Amy Hoak

Rotary clubs have taken notice of breadfruit’s potential for addressing food insecurity in the face of climate change. After Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas in 2019, destroying homes, farms, and livelihoods, residents received nearly 5,000 breadfruit trees with support from the Rotary clubs of St. Catharines South, Ontario; Niagara Falls Sunrise, Ontario; and Abaco, Bahamas.

Through Rotary clubs’ partnership with the Trees That Feed Foundation, an Illinois-based nonprofit that has a goal of planting 1 million fruit trees in places dealing with food insecurity and poverty, they also have been involved in efforts to plant breadfruit trees in Jamaica, Haiti, and Pakistan.

“With global climate change affecting millions and the starvation of many due to a lack of sustainable food, this program is one of the most important projects supported by Rotary,” says Cathy Henry, a member of the St. Catharines South club.


Above image credit by Getty Images.


Applications for District Grants for the 24-25 Rotary Year are now open.


  • District grants fund short-term (max one year) local or international projects and activities that support the Foundations Mission of ‘Doing Good in the World’.
  • Clubs are generally expected to contribute financially to the project in addition to the District Grant Funds. Grant funding is not restricted but usually in the range of $500 to $5,000.

Clubs can use district Grants to fund a variety of activities, including:

  • Humanitarian projects, including service travel and disaster recovery efforts
  • Community
  • Vocational Training of any team size or time span
  • Travel costs to and participating in Rotary projects fairs to find project partners
  • Scholarships for any level, length of time, location or area of study

Grants should respond to an identifiable community need and align with one or more “Area of Focus”.






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for March 2024


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for March 2024

Click on the links below for the weekly bulletins from March:

Bulletin for Week of 10/03/2024

Bulletin for Week of 17/03/2024

Bulletin for Week of 24/03/2024

Meeting of Monday 25th March 2024

President John Bond was an apology tonight and PP Paul Weston was in the chair and welcomed 21 members and five guests including our guest speaker Nicole Dixon, were Fred Dixon, Trish Truscott, Lorraine Hamilton and Marilyn Jennings.

Paul said that the Coolamon Community Chronicle will be printed this week.

AG Garth reported on the District 9705 training weekend in Cootamundra and we had Garth, Bear, Gary and Ian who attended.

Weight loss competition have a walking group now who walk around the golf course:

Thanks Mary Potts for the photo.

Our guest speaker Nicole Dixon was introduced by Jann Breust.  Nicole said that she loved the Breusts’ home and got the courgae to go knock on their door.  Nicole wanted to do a painting of their home.

Nicole is originally from Queensland then moved to Mollymook then to Wagga Wagga and now they live near Currawarna on a farm.  Nicole and her husband Fred love animals and Nicole’s favourite are chooks. Nicole creates her art using water colours and ink.

Nicole gave a lovely presentation of her artwork, some of which appear below.  Myffy thanked Nicole and Fred for attending our meeting and Nicole for her entertaining presentation.  You can contact Nicole via email or phone if you would like to commission her to draw your pets or your home: [email protected] or 0429 963 111.

The meeting ended up with a raffle won by Bruce Hamilton with another great meeting of fellowship and good friendship.

Our President-Elect Adrian Lindner is getting around and last weekend Adrian was at the Australian Formula One Grand Prix, in Melbourne, working as a track marshall.


Every Thursday morning at 10.30 am, several Rotarians, partners and friends join together for coffee at one of the coffee shops in Coolamon.  An initiative of Albert Suidgeest, this Thursday they met at the Station Collective in Coolamon.



N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday April 1st – NO Meeting (Easter Monday public holiday).

*Monday April 8th – Speaker Meeting: PE Adrian Lindner on his recent trip to Nepal. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Sunday April 14thWagga Cycle Club Event.  CRC catering lunch and dinner for cycling event at the  Pomingalarna Reserve Wagga Wagga. Volunteers needed.  Details to follow.

Saturday May 11th –  MHERV Health Van visits Coolamon.

*Monday May 20th – Speaker Meeting: Polio Plus tandem bike riding couple from Tasmania. Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th- Sunday 27th October 2024. D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:



N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook


Answers to the last puzzles:

Riddle: What goes up but never comes down? Your age! Brain teaser: The man didn’t die because poisoned ice cubes in the punch hadn’t melted when the man drank the punch, but as the ice melted, the punch became toxic to the other partygoers.

This month’s puzzles:

Brain teaser: What are the next three letters following this sequence? OTTFFSS

Puzzle in real life: Recently, I ordered the BLT burger described in the menu shown below. Your challenge is to describe what I was served.



Why become climate friendly?

As pollution levels rise and the world becomes warmer, storms and droughts become stronger, harming the people that we, Rotarians, work hardest to help.

PRIORITY 1: INCREASE ROTARY’S GLOBAL IMPACT by taking actions to mitigate climate change in your club.

PRIORITY 2: EXPAND OUR REACH to those who are ready to act on climate change. Imagine the new partnerships in your community.

PRIORITY 3: ENGAGE THROUGH CARBON EMISSION REDUCTIONS & NATURE BASED SOLUTIONS such as mangrove restoration, tree planting and sustainable agriculture.

PRIORITY 4: ADAPT BY ALIGNING OUR INVESTMENTS with the environment area of focus in order to save future generations.




As People of Action, Rotarians have been shaping the conversation on the environment for years.

Fifty years ago, the first Earth Day was held on 22 April, 1970, launching a wave of action to protect our environment, including the passage of landmark environmental laws in the United States. Other countries soon followed suit. Every year since, the day has been set aside to focus on mobilizing for action to protect our planet.

As people of action, Rotarians have been shaping the conversation on the environment for years, from addressing climate change that threatens entire food systems to fighting pollution that clogs our air and water. Rotarians are well-suited for the challenge. They use their connections to find creative solutions and take action to safeguard our vital resources.

The Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) assists Rotary……….


One project that I am looking at in Kenya is being oraganised by our old friend Rtn. Armicus Mayan the PE of the RC of Meru, on the slopes of Mount Kenya:






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for March 24th 2024

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of 24/03/2024

Photo Credit  Ludmila Ivashchenko/Shutterstock

Meeting of Monday 18th March

President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 23 members and four guests tonight.  DGN D9705 Robert Shore, Lorraine Hamilton, Jeanette Campbell and Jill Armstrong-Iverach, our guest speaker.  A great role up.

The evening began with the start of the weight watchers competition with some 10 entries.  This is a competition created by Albert Suidgeest.  The weigh in was done in secrecy and the ten competitors were then given a number each from 1-10.  The weigh in results were then used for a guessing competition as to who is the heaviest from 1-10 this for our members and guests to fill in.  The eventual winner of the guessing competition was Albert Suidgeest and suggestions of foul play will need to be addressed.  The competition will go for 6 months to see who can lose the most weight, a great health initiative in mind.

Photo by Mary Potts.

Some general business included Anne asking for volunteers for tee bike ride catering on the 14th April.  Details in the diary below.

Albert advised us that he now has enough entrants for the open garden days in October and that many more would like to enter their gardens which prompted Albert to ponder an annual event.

Guest Speaker Jill Armstrong/Iverach.

Jill is a relative of  Peter and Jane Iverach who were of Scottish descent and were Jill’s great grandparents. They had 11 children and settled in Coolamon.  One son William Iverach ended up being part owner of the Up-to-Date Store with Harold Charles Nadin and William Denoon.  See:  Up to Date Store

Jill visited Coolamon and was very impressed with the town and it’s friendly people.  Jill with the help of Jeanette Campbell then visited the graves of some of the Iverach family.  Jill said that tracing her family was most  rewarding and thanked our club for hosting her.


Surprise Visit of DGN Robert Shore

DGN Robert was the guest of AG Garth Perkin.  Robert spoke briefly on membership and gave some insights on how to get new members.  Robert was a member of the Parkes  RC and recruited 18 members in 12 months to join the Parkes Rotary Club.  Robert is teh D9705 Chair of the membership committee and his intention is to visit all of the 80+ clubs in D9705 as DGN and as DG in 2025-2026.  Robert brought along a lot of books for sale with the funds going towards our Foundation.

Induction of Vicki Langtry to the Coolamon RC.

The highlight of any meeting for any Rotary club is the induction of a new member.  Tonight Vicki Langtry was inducted into our club by AG Garth Perkin.  Anne Rzeszkowski is Vicki’s sponsor and mentor.  Already Vicki has been working very hard on the 2024 Coolamon Rotary Telephone book.  Welcome Vicki to our club!


As always our meeting concluded with a spirited and hilarious fines session by our S@A Dick Jennings and his Cpl. Garth.  The raffles were won by Paul Weston and Bruce Hamilton.

See you all next week.

N.B. The Ideal Table Configuration for our meetings!!!!



N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

PETS & Learning & Development for all incoming Presidents Elect, Board Members, New Members and Directors.

  • Fri Mar. 22, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. – Sun Mar. 24, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Cootamundra Ex-Servicemen’s & Citizens Memorial Club, Cootamundra.

*Monday March 25th Guest Speaker Nicole Nixon Artist – Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Monday April 1st NO Meeting Easter Monday.

*Monday April 8th Guest Speaker PE Adrian Lindner on their trip to Nepal – Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Sunday April 14thWagga Cycle Club Event:  CRC catering lunch and dinner for cycling event at the  Pomingalarna Reserve Wagga Wagga. Volunteers needed.  Details to follow.

Saturday May 11th:  Health Van visits Coolamon.

*Monday May 20th Polio Plus Tandem Bike Riders visit Coolamon.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th- Sunday 27th October 2024. D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:




Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and says to the first man he meets, “Do you want to go to heaven?”
The man said, “I do Father.”

The priest said, “Then stand over there against the wall.” Then the priest asked the second man, “Do you want to got to heaven?”

“Certainly, Father,” was the man’s reply.

“Then stand over there against the wall,” said the priest.

Then Father Murphy walked up to O’Toole and said, “Do you want to go to heaven?”

O’Toole said, “No, I don’t Father.”

The priest said, “I don’t believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die, you don’t want to go to heaven?”

O’Toole said, “Oh, when I die, yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now.”

Credit to


March 14th was PI day in case you wanted to know.


N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook


1.  END POLIO: 70 Years in an Iron Lung


credit: Sky News UK

Photo by JJG at the 2010 Montreal RI Convention

“Paul Alexander, widely known as “Polio Paul”, contracted the viral disease in the summer of 1952 when he was six years old and was left paralysed from the neck down. He was rushed to hospital in Texas – and woke up inside the metal cylinder where he would spend the rest of his life.

An update on his GoFundMe page by its organiser Christopher Ulmer reads:  Paul Alexander,The Man in the Iron Lung’, passed away yesterday.

May he rest in peace. The fight goes on to eradicate polio with Paul as our inspiration.
After surviving polio as a child, he lived over 70 years inside of an iron lung.  In this time Paul went to college, became a lawyer, and a published author.  His story travelled wide and far, positively influencing people around the world. Paul was an incredible role model that will continue to be remembered.”


This is why we in Rotary together with our partners will eliminate poliomyelitis from this planet.  By donating to the Polio Plus campaign the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation matches our contribution with $2 of their to $1 of ours.

We are major partners in the GPEI The Global Polio Eradication Initiative.  Our partners include:

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is a public-private partnership led by national governments with six partners – the World Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi, the vaccine alliance. Its goal is to eradicate polio worldwide.

GPEI Website


NB: JJG contracted poliomyelitis in 1952, when he was 8 years old, at his boarding school in Nairobi before he went to school in England.  John’s mother a WW2 British Army Sister nursed John back to health over many painful months of exercise and learning how to walk again.


RYPEN the Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment has just concluded at Borambola near Wagga Wagga.


The man who not only delivers the RYPEN LEADERSHIP Camps and RYPEN Camps… But also does all of the background work…

IS: Darren Wallace.

He books the camps, arranges all the transport, recruits all the Leaders, arranges all the participants, makes sure everyone is fed, briefed and has changed 1000’s of young people’s lives for the last 12+ years.  Thank you Darren for your years of dedication, commitment and service to the young people of the Riverina and beyond.

Darren is also the current president of Wagga Wollundry RC. AND lives in a straw bale house near Wagga!!!




Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for March 17th 2024

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of 17/03/2024

Meeting of Monday 11th March

President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 22 members including Vicki Langtry who will be inducted into our club next Monday.  We started with the raffle which was won by Grahame Miles and some cucumbers were won by Anne and Garth courtesy of Albert Suidgeest.

We then went into discussing some general business including:

  • Garth Perkin on the Tandem Polio Plus Bike Ride from Adelaide visiting Coolamon on Monday May 20th.
  • Henk Hulsman on upcoming guest speakers.  (See the diary).
  • Henk Hulsman reported on the CRCTB 2024 Committee meeting.
  • Henk Hulsman requested that every member MUST have their Working With Children Check #s updated and current.  Henk will gladly help any member having trouble getting theirs done.
  • Area Governor Garth Perkin encouraged all members to attend the upcoming District assembly and PETS training in Cootamundra.
  • PE Adrian Lindner gave a detailed report on the PETS and District Assembly held in Batemans Bay over the past weekend.  Some points of interest:
    • The Rotary Foundation is till the leading charity in the USA as announced by Charity Navigator.  In the main due to the accountability and transparency of our Foundation and the low % of administration costs that our Foundation charges.
    • There was a very good brain storming session on What is Rotary?
    • Presentations on RAWCS, RAM, Polio Plus, Shelter Box and Youth Exchange.
    • Governance of a club all members need to know how to look after the club’s responsibilities these include insurance and good record keeping.
    • Child protection and screening volunteers.
    • members are encouraged to use the My Rotary website and here a member needs to register to get the most benefit from the My Rotary website which has a lot of very useful information.
    • Regionalisation was discussed as in 2025-2026 as we in RI Zone 8 are trialling a pilot scheme for centralisation of Rotary in Zone 8.
    • Discussion on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as well as programmes for the prevention of Domestic and Family Violence.
    • Adrian concluded that there was plenty of information available and encouraged all of our members even those not on the board to attend the District Assembly and PETS at Cootamundra on the 23rd and the 24th March i.e. 1.5 days.
  • Grahame Miles encouraged all members who are interested to attend the meeting to form the Advance Coolamon Committee at the Sports Club.
  • Daryl Breust spoke about the “new” table settings and believes that the way the tables are set up is not conducive to good fellowship and social arrangement.  Most agreed and the tables will go back to the way they were next week.
  • Paul Weston advised the members that Vicki Langtry’s membership application has been approved and there were no objections to Vicki becoming our newest member.  Vicki will be inducted next Monday night by President John Bond.  Welcome Vicki!
  • Albert Suidgeest announced a new competition involving diet.  Since Albert gave up smoking 12 months ago now he is organising a weight loss competition with those who want to join in giving $10 to enter.   Scales will be required to have a weigh in for those competing.  So far 7 members have entered.

S@A Dick Jennings and Cpl Garth Perkin then went on a fines rampage and every member present were targeted.  As always a great session by these two which raises funds for our club.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday March 18th Board Meeting – Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 5.00 for 5.15 pm.

*Monday March 18th Guest Speaker Jill Armstrong/Iverach – Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

PETS & Learning & Development for all incoming Presidents Elect, Board Members, New Members and Directors.

  • Fri Mar. 22, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. – Sun Mar. 24, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Cootamundra Ex-Servicemen’s & Citizens Memorial Club, Cootamundra.

*Monday March 25th Guest Speaker Nicole Nixon Artist – Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

*Monday April 8th Guest Speaker PE Adrian Lindner on their trip to Nepal – Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Sunday April 14thWagga Cycle Club Event:  CRC catering lunch and dinner for cycling event at the  Pomingalarna Reserve Wagga Wagga. Volunteers needed.  Details to follow.

Saturday May 11th:  Health Van visits Coolamon.

*Monday May 20th Polio Plus Tandem Bike Riders visit Coolamon.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th- Sunday 27th October 2024. D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:




N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook



Here is the email from Phil & Joyce Ogden, Rotary Club of South Launceston.
Dear President John,

Following up on our phone conversation today, thank you for agreeing to a presentation at Coolamon and for offering hosting.  I have copied the email sent on 19th Feb to give you some info about our ride.

My wife, Joyce, and I are Rotarians in our mid seventies who are about to embark on a 3000km unsupported ‘End Polio Now’ tandem bike ride from Adelaide to Sydney via Melbourne. We plan to visit as many Rotary clubs as possible en route to make presentations and to solicit club donations, following the same pattern we used on a similar ride from Perth to Adelaide in 2022 when we raised about $38000 for the cause.

Our itinerary will bring us to Rotary Club of Coolamon on Monday May 20th at 18.30 and we would love the opportunity to make a presentation and to solicit a donation from your club at your regular meeting on that day.

Our ride is not only self supported (no vehicle back up) but also self funded, so that we will pay for our own expenses along the way and would therefore very much appreciate the offer of hospitality by one of your members on the night we present.

We fully understand that Rotarians suffer from ‘polio fatigue’ after decades of this campaign but recent events on our doorstep in Indonesia have shown that we cannot afford to take our eyes off the ball and unrelenting immunisation pressure must be maintained. As you will be aware any money Rotary raises is matched $2 for $1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Of the $38000 raised on our last ride, more than 50% came from Rotary clubs, with the great majority of the remainder coming from our personal contacts and very little through our quite extensive exposure on TV, radio and the press. We cannot ask our contacts again this time but would very much like to expand the pool of donors outside of the Rotary world. This is not easily done for a cause unfamiliar to most Australians, who don’t seem to have much understanding about polio and its severity and who view many other causes as more pressing.

Our strategy is to solicit small, almost trivial, amounts from a large number of people via social media and our slogan is to ‘hit polio for six’ with a $6 donation via the Rotary donation portal. This portal will be developed with help from other Rotarians and will link to a video with some basic polio background information. With this in mind our presentation will encourage your members to circularise all their social contacts asking for a $6 donation.

We would be very grateful for the opportunity to address your members on May 20th.


Phil & Joyce Ogden

Rotary Club of South Launceston




Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for March 10th 2024

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for Week of 10/03/2024

Meeting of Monday 4th March

President John Bond “Bondy” welcomed 19 members and one guest being Michael Suidgeest.

Another excellent evening of fellowship and fun.

  • Paul Weston spoke on the Coolamon Community Chronicle and thanked Anne for her hard work distributing the CCC on time.  Paul said that they had some trouble with the printer which was fixed by the technicians and excellent response.
  • John G advised the members present that Wollundry RC have an evening with Author Fleur MacDonald speaking on domestic violence and on her books.  This will be at Romano’s on this Thursday evening.  Contact John G for information.  All members received an email on the event.
  • Ian Jennings spoke on the Clean Up Australia day held at the weekend and thanked our members who volunteered on the day.  Some photos by Mary and Adrian are in this bulletin.  Well done to all who took part.
  • Grahame Miles reminded members present that next Tuesday the 12th March there will be the meeting of teh Advance Coolamon proposed committee.
  • Garth Perkin invited members to attend the upcoming PETS weekend in Batemans Bay or in Cootamundra on the 22nd of March weekend.
  • Bondy reported that he had advised that the Rotarian couple from Launceston and riding from Adelaide to Sydney on a tandem bike that we will look after them in Coolamon.  Details to follow.
  • Paul announced the two winners for last week’s puzzler were Mary Potts and Daryl Breust each receives a free $5 raffle ticket.

Another fun filled fines session conducted by our S@A Dick and his Corporal Garth and no one was spared.  Bear was serenaded for his birthday and the raffle was won by Dick Jennings with two second prizes of Albert’s tomatoes to Garth and Anne.

The new table settings were given another workout.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday March 11th Normal Meeting- Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

Tuesday 12th March.  Advance Coolamon Group meeting with guest speakers Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 pm.  Contact Joanne and Chris Berry 0410 641 260.  RSVP by 7th March.

Monday March 18th Board Meeting – Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 5.00 for 5.15 pm.

Monday March 18th Normal Meeting – Coolamon Sport  Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

PETS & Learning & Development for all incoming Presidents Elect, Board Members, New Members and Directors.

  • Fri Mar. 08, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. – Sun Mar. 10, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.  Batemans Bay Soldiers Club, 6 Beach Road, Batemans Bay.  OR
  • Fri Mar. 22, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. – Sun Mar. 24, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Cootamundra Ex-Servicemen’s & Citizens Memorial Club, Cootamundra.

Sunday April 14thWagga Cycle Club Event:  CRC catering lunch and dinner for cycling event at the  Pomingalarna Reserve Wagga Wagga. Volunteers needed.  Details to follow.

Saturday May 11th:  Health Van visits Coolamon.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th- Sunday 27th October 2024. D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:




N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook



The Coolamon Landcare Group held a working bee on Clean Up Australia Day last Sunday:

“A big thank you to everyone who turned up and participated in our Clean Up Australia event yesterday, members from the community, Coolamon Landcare and Rotary Club. You all did so well, collecting close to 20 bags worth of rubbish that will now be disposed of appropriately, rather than sitting on roadsides. Great outcomes for CUA 2024, let’s hope your efforts can encourage as many as possible to advocate against littering.”

Here are some examples of the litter collected and the volunteers who took part:




Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for February 2024

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin for February 2024

Click on the links below for the weekly bulletins from February:

Bulletin for Week of 5/02/2024

Bulletin for Week of 12/02/2024

Bulletin for Week of 19/02/2024

Meeting of Monday 26th February 2024

President John or Bondy was back in the chair tonight and welcomed 21 members and one guest, Michael Suidgeest.

Paul Weston reported on the board meeting held prior to tonight’s meeting and said that the board approved the following items:

  • A $1,000 donation to the Coolamon Pre School appeal for their new building.
  • PE Adrian Lindner was appointed as the delegate to the upcoming PETS weekend. PS Welcome back Adrian!
  • The membership application for Vicki Langtry was approved.
  • May 11th the Rotary Men’s Health Education Rural Van will be in Coolamon giving out medical advice not just to men but to women.  Check their web site:  MHERV
  • We have approved a donation of $300 to MHERV to cover accommodation of the MHERV nurse for two nights.

Bondy asked for all members to invite interesting people to be a guest speaker.  We need some good speakers!

Daryl Breust requested confirmation that the board had approved donations to the the Coolamon netball/football competition that will last 18 weeks.  Mary confirmed that this was approved online by board members recently.  Daryl is now able to advise the netball and footy committees that they will get their weekly prizes.

Daryl Breust has a potential guest speaker in Nicole Dixon, an artist who painted the Breust’s home.  Nicole lives down Brushwood Road and Daryl will invite her to be our guest speaker.

Ian Jennings invited our members to volunteer for Clean Up Australia Day being supported by the Coolamon Landcare Group this coming Sunday, March 3rd, meeting at 9.00 am at Redgrave Park in Coolamon.

Paul announced the winners of the last two Puzzlers, Adrian Lindner and Scott Mudd, who both received a free $5 raffle ticket.

The raffle was drawn and the winner was John Nulty.

Our Corporal Dick Jennings then entertained us all with another fines session that had us all laughing.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm and a good time was had by all.

BTW we did try another table seating arrangement which looks good but needs some tuning.  More info next week.


N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings,  just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!

Monday 4th March 2024 Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7.00 pm.

PETS & Learning & Development for all incoming Presidents Elect, Board Members, New Members and Directors.

  • Fri Mar. 08, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. – Sun Mar. 10, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.  Batemans Bay Soldiers Club, 6 Beach Road, Batemans Bay.


  • Fri Mar. 22, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. – Sun Mar. 24, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Cootamundra Ex-Servicemen’s & Citizens Memorial Club, Cootamundra.

Saturday 25th – Wednesday 29th May 2024- Rotary 24 SINGAPORE Convention.


*Friday 25th- Sunday 27th October 2024. D9705 Conference.  Mittagong RSL.  Bookings open now for early bird registrations:



N.B.  ALL of the above images were obtained from Facebook


Answers to the last puzzles:

Riddle: A coat of paint is best put on wet! Geography quiz: A) USA, B) Afghanistan, C) Brazil, D) Norway, E) Turkiye, F) Spain, G) Myanmar, H) Canada, I) Ukraine, J) France

This month’s puzzles:

Riddle: What goes up but never comes down?

Brain teaser: A man went to a party and drank some of the punch. He then left early. Everyone at the party who drank the punch subsequently died of poisoning. Why did the man not die?





The first four Rotarians. From left: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram E. Shorey, Paul P. Harris.

On  23 February 1905, Paul P. Harris, Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, and Hiram E. Shorey gathered in Loehr’s office for what would become known as the first Rotary club meeting.

Harris’ desire for camaraderie among business associates brought together these four men and eventually led to an international organization of service and fellowship.

Each of the first four Rotarians, and Harry L. Ruggles, who is often called the “fifth Rotarian,” brought different professional perspectives to the organization.




The Rotary Foundation is changing the world by providing grants for projects and activities around the globe and in your own backyard:

WASH Global Grant Projects: Since 2013, The Rotary Foundation has invested in more than $130 million in over 2000 projects worldwide. Through this investment, our volunteers of action have improved access to safely managed and basic WASH services to communities, schools and healthcare facilities, while protecting and conserving water resources. 

Rotary-USAID WASH Partnership: Rotary and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) assist communities and governments to plan, finance and deliver safe water, sanitation and hygiene services, while sustainably managing water resources.

WASH in Schools Target Challenge: Rotary challenges our members to develop sustainable projects that comprehensively address the most pressing water, sanitation, hygiene and education needs  in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, India, and Kenya.



March is Rotary’s Water & Sanitation Month

Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada



Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club

  • President: John Bond
  • President-Elect 2024-2025: Adrian Lindner
  • Secretary: Paul Weston
  • Treasurer: Mary Potts
  • Membership Director: Leslie Weston
  • Service Projects Director:  Adrian Lindner
  • Youth Services Director: Scott Mudd
  • Club Admin Director:  Henk Hulsman
  • Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
  • Sergeant @ Arms: Dick Jennings
  • Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Paul Weston
  • Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
  • Webmaster: John Glassford