President Paul welcomed 18 members to our weekly meeting. We had some lively discussions including:
- Board decided to have a dedicated meeting regarding the future of the Coolamon Rotary telephone directory; the meeting of Monday 15th August will be set aside to discuss this project in depth.
- Garth Perkin and the intrepid trekkers Mary Potts and Don Dyce will be away for the next few weeks on the Larapinta Trek for ShelterBox. On Monday 22nd Garth, Mary and Don will give a talk on their trek.
- Looking for ideas for a social night typically set for the 5th Monday of the month. The first 5th Monday of this Rotary year will be Monday 29th August.
- Daryl Breust reported on the men’s BBQ hosted by Rev. Scott Mudd at the Anglican church rectory in Coolamon and reported that the firewood was well received and that 10 people attended. Scott plans to make this a monthly event.
- Garth Perkin reported on the Sunflowers For Ukraine boxes which now number 31 in the Shire. Garth has been around them replenishing some of the boxes. While the trekkers are away Anne Rzeszkowski and John Nulty will look after the boxes.
- Brian “Bear” Pattison will be in the spotlight at this Monday’s meeting.
- Paul asked JG to bring along empty packets, cards and seeds to the next meeting so that we can fill up additional packets to replace the ones that have already been “sold”.
- The raffle was won by Don Dyce.
- S@A Garth and Cpl. Dick raised a few dollars with another one of their classic fines sessions, all in good humour and a lot of fun.
*N.B. You are always welcome to bring guests to most of our meetings, just advise Ian Jennings if you want to bring a guest along when you respond to the weekly dinner roll call!
Monday, 1st August – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6.30 for 7 pm.
Tuesday, 2nd August thru Monday, 8th August – Larapinta Trek (benefit for ShelterBox) (with Garth Perkin, Mary Potts and Don Dyce).
Larapinta Trek 2022 for ShelterBox
Thursday, 11th August – CRC board meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7 pm.
Monday, 15th August – Regular meeting. Discussion of the future of the Coolamon Telephone Directory. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
Saturday, August 20th – Ganmain Agricultural Show. Club members will be working the gate with Lions.
Monday, 22nd August – Speaker meeting. Garth, Mary and Don will talk on the Larapinta Trek. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7 pm.
Monday, 29th August – Fifth Monday. Social night (details later).
Saturday/Sunday October 1st-2nd – Gears and Beers (Wollundry RC).
Friday-Sunday 28th-30th October 2022 – Rotary Zone 8 Conference (Canberra).
Rotary Australia New Zealand and Pacific Islands Conference
Monday 7th November CRC Annual General Meeting including election of office bearers for 2023-2024.
Answer to the last puzzlers:
Easier one: The doctor is the boy’s mother.
Harder one: The next number is 22. The sequence is determined by alternately adding two to the previous number or multiplying it by two.
This week’s puzzlers:
Easier one: A truck is stuck under a bridge and the driver cannot get it out. A man walks by and stops to help. He easily gets the truck unstuck. How did he do it?
Harder one: Dick and Ian were rummaging around Dick’s barn and found a barrel with no lid and some wine in it. “I reckon this barrel is more than half full of wine,” says Dick. “No, it’s not,” says Ian. “It’s less than half full.” Without any measuring implements and without removing any wine from the barrel, how can they easily determine who is correct?
You may wonder what Bill the Bastard has to do with Rotary. An icon is Bill the Bastard and his story is well told from WW1. Now a fellow Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Murrumburrah-Harden, Carl Valerius has created this life size statue depicting one of Bill’s heroic acts in WW1. This was at the Battle of Romani. The battle was from August 3rd to August the 5th 1916.
View the amazing sculpture of Australia’s best-known war-horse, Bill the Bastard on your next visit to Harden-Murrumburrah. The life-size sculpture by Carl Valerius commemorates an epic feat when Bill and his rider Major Michael Shanahan saved four Tasmanian soldiers from no man’s land at the Battle of Romani during World War 1.
Bill, a fierce and powerful 730 kg chestnut stallion was one of 130,000 Australian horses that served in World War 1 and were never to return home. His is a remarkable tale that touches on many features of Australian history.
The sculpture recently completed and previously viewed in the artist’s studio at Harden-Murrumburrah, is now positioned on a plinth in parkland at the corner of Bathurst Street and the Burley Griffin Way. The positioning of Bill in this outdoor setting is the culmination of a long-held dream by the local sculptor and the many people who have supported this exciting project.

Our club has always supported Circus Quirkus hosted by the Rotary Club of South Wagga. This year we invested in 6 tickets for the show held on the 27th July. This is a report from South Wagga RC:
Graphics by Debbie Vance from Canada.
Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston
President-Elect 2023-2024: John Bond
Secretary: John Glassford
Treasurer: Mary Potts
Membership Director: John Nulty
Service Projects Director: vacant
Youth Services Director: Anne Rzeszkowski
Club Admin Director: Henk Hulsman
Public Image Director: Grahame Miles
Sergeant @ Arms: Garth Perkin
Immediate Past President and Vice-President: Albert Suidgeest
Bulletin Editors: Paul Weston and John Glassford
Webmaster: John Glassford