Despite living in the wild in Botswana for 30 years, filming, researching and exploring the world they have come to know so well, award-winning filmmakers and conservationists Dereck and Beverly Joubert say they are often still surprised by what they come across on their journeys. Such was the case when the couple were exploring the backwaters of the bush one day and stumbled upon the skulls of two large bull elephants with their ivory tusks intact. To the Jouberts, this is always cause for celebration because it means the giants died of natural causes and not, for example, from poaching, snares or bullets.
Dereck and Beverly Joubert are award-winning filmmakers from Botswana who have been Explorers-in-Residence for over four years. Their mission is the conservation and understanding of the large predators and key African wildlife species that determine the course of all conservation in Africa.
They have been filming, researching, and exploring in Africa for over 25 years. Their coverage of unique predator behaviour has resulted in 22 films, 10 books, six scientific papers, and many articles for National Geographic magazine. This body of work has resulted in five Emmys, a Peabody, the World Ecology Award, and the recent induction into the American Academy of Achievement. With their stunning cinematographic storytelling they bring the very essence of our beautiful nature to life.
Each year, Rotary selects up to 100 individuals from around the world to receive fully funded academic fellowships at one of our peace centers. These fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship and field-study expenses.
In just over a decade, the Rotary Peace Centers have trained more than 900 fellows for careers in peace building. Many of them go on to serve as leaders in national governments, NGOs, the military, law enforcement, and international organizations like the United Nations and World Bank.
We held a club assembly last night and we had a very good roll up of our members. Among the subjects discussed were:
New Year’s Eve results a profit of $1,422 from the night and excellent result.
Healthy Town Challenge at the Up-to-Date Store on the 9th Feb at 6.00 pm.
RYDA (Rotary Youth Diver Awareness) meeting in Wagga Wagga Tuesday (tonight) at 5.15 pm.
Can Assist night guest speaker to be invited.
Shire Emergency Fund to be discussed at tomorrow night’s Board meeting.
Easter markets to be held on Saturday 26th March in conjunction with an art battle on stage.
Music Trivia Night to be organised for September at the Ganmain Hall.
Vocational visit to Huff n Puff a joint Club meeting with Wagga Wagga Sunrise.
RYLA Candidates called for.
International Night in Ganmain May 14th.
So we have plenty on in the near future and to this end we list the current sub-committees below. Any member who wishes to join a sub-committee is welcome, very welcome, to share the workload. At the moment we have the following sub-committees in action:
President Wayne Lewis is a member of each sub-committee.
Easter Markets: Chair Leslie Weston with Paul Weston, Ian Durham, Ian Jennings, Don Dyce and Grahame Miles.
Membership: Chair Leslie Weston with Bernadette Milne, Myffy Collette, John Glassford, Mark Reardon.
Vocational Visit: Huff ‘n’ Puff: Chair Dave McKinley with John Glassford, Alex Thompson, Paul Weston, Don Dyce, Susan Glassford.
Club Service: Chair Dick Jennings with Trevor Parkes, Ian Jennings, Ted Hutcheon, John Nulty.
Youth Service: Chair Ian Durham, Steve Exton.
Coolamon & District Newspaper: Chair Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne and Paul Weston.
Bike Track: Chair Ian Jennings, Dick Jennings, Garth Perkin.
Bingo: Chair Grahame Miles, Neil Munro.
International Night: Chair John Glassford with PDG Fred Loneragan, Ndungi Mungai, Alex Thompson, Don Dyce, Wayne Lewis.
2016-2017: Chair Don Dyce with the 2016-2017 Board members.
You will note some names keep cropping up on various sub-committees so put you r hands up and join one or more of the teams above.
Reminder next week’s meeting is very topical and Leslie and Paul Weston will talk on the upcoming USA Presidential race to the White House. It will be a very interesting talk and should be fascinating to get Leslie and Paul’s insight on this important event in 2016 which ultimately affects the whole world. Bring your partner and guests.
Diary Reminders
Wednesday 3rd February Board Meeting at the Sports Club 7.00 pm. (No dinner).
*Monday 8th February The USA 2016 Presidential Elections explained by Leslie and Paul Weston. Really looking forward to this talk by Leslie and Paul.
Tuesday 9th February The Healthy Town Challenge at the Up–to-Date Store Contact Bronwyn Hatty 0427 536 456.
BINGO: February 11th 2016 Neil Munro (Capt) Wayne Lewis, Ted Hutcheon, Dick Jennings.
Monday 15th February. T.B.A.
Monday 22nd February. T.B.A.
Tuesday 23rd February ROTARY’S 111th BIRTHDAY
*Monday 29th February Joint Vocational Service Meeting with WW Sunrise in Ganmain at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions.
*Thursday March 3rd Polio Plus Film Night in Wagga Wagga. “the Lady in the Van”.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April 2016 D9700 Conference in Wagga Wagga.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
In life, sometimes the experiences that matter the most are the briefest. They pass in the blink of an eye: a few days, a few hours, a few moments. They are the experiences that illuminate the landscape of our memory, shining brightly even years later. They are the moments in which we see, suddenly, something we had not seen; we understand something we had not understood; we forge a connection we had not expected.
For me, this has been a Rotary year like no other. I have been around the world, traversing countries and continents. I have been to places I had never seen before, and I have returned to familiar places and seen them, as for the first time, through the lens of Rotary.
When you travel for Rotary, you travel with a different sense of perspective and a different sense of purpose. There is an awareness of being part of something larger than yourself. When you board a plane or a train, or leave your home in the dark hours of early morning, you may be leaving for lands unknown – but at your destination, there will be no strangers. There will be Rotarians, waiting and welcoming. There will be work to do, something to learn, and perhaps something to teach.
Put the above dates in your diary and let us have a good roll up from Coolamon. Always a good weekend of fellowship and learning about Rotary. I have been to the past 12 DISCONS and highly recommend this one to you in Wagga Wagga.
More details on the programme will be available soon.
Let us get as many of our members to the 2016 DISCON.
Above: DG Gary and Marilyn are in New York visiting their daughter Heidi and visited the United Nations to learn more about Peace in our time and Rotary at the UN.
The Rotary Foundation has been improving lives since 1917. Learn about our work and help us celebrate 100 years of doing good in the world.
The Rotary Foundation
This not-for-profit organization works to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace. Using Rotary Foundation grants, Rotary’s 34,000 clubs across the globe develop and carry out sustainable humanitarian projects and provide scholarships and professional training opportunities.
One of its biggest initiatives aims at eradicating polio through its PolioPlus program, launched in 1985. Since then, Rotary and its partners, including the World Health Organization and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have immunized more than 2.5 billion children, reducing the incidence of polio by 99 percent and eradicating it from all but three countries.
Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Ray Klinginsmith asked district governors in training at the International Assembly to lead the celebration of the Foundation’s centennial year, 2016-17.
“You are the primary contacts between the Foundation and our 34,000 Rotary clubs in the world. The success of the centennial celebration is largely in your hands,” said Klinginsmith at a 19 January general session. “Catch the spirit and spread the word about the importance of celebrating our success.”
Since the Foundation was established in 1917, it has spent more than $3 billion on programs and projects to improve the lives of millions worldwide, said Klinginsmith.
The centennial celebration officially kicks off in May at the Rotary Convention in Korea and culminates at the 2017 convention in Atlanta.
The dramatic footage shows a calf being darted by a compassionate veterinary team after it was injured by a poacher’s snare.
The traumatic scenes took place at the Olaro Motorogi Conservancy in South West Kenya, after a call came through reporting a calf dragging a snare on his hind leg.
But when the SkyVets from David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Kenya Wildlife Service tried to treat the two-year-old, the protective mother tried to rouse her baby from the anaesthetic – before also being darted to ensure her parental instincts did not interfere with the rescue effort.
Tanzania elephant poachers kill British helicopter pilot
A British helicopter pilot has been shot dead by elephant poachers in Tanzania, the conservation charity for which he was working has said.
The Friedkin Conservation Fund said Roger Gower had been tracking poachers on Friday in the Maswa Game Reserve when they fired on his helicopter.
One of his colleagues said he had been shot as he flew near the carcass of one of three elephants killed by poachers.
Charity founder Dan Friedkin said the organisation had lost “a dear friend”.
The Foreign Office has confirmed the death of a UK national in Tanzania and said it was providing assistance to the family.
1/2/2016 Just In
Photographs of the crashed helicopter showed apparent bullet holes in the fuselage. A spokesman from Tanzania National Parks, Pascal Shelutete, said: “Three elephant carcasses that were found indicated that whoever shot the chopper down was on a serious illegal hunting spree.” He added that poachers can be “heavily armed with sophisticated military weaponry”.
Three men have been arrested by Tanzanian police. The natural resources and tourism minister, Jumanne Maghembe, said: “The suspects are in the hands of police. They are cooperating, and soon more people making up the poaching gang will be netted and brought to justice.”
The Elephants that came to dinner | Mfuwe Lodge, Zambia
You will enjoy this video a must visit one day.
The banner of a Hampshire based rotary club has been put on display in space.
The Rotary Club of Locks Heath Banner is taking pride of place in a window of the International Space Station (ISS).
It’s all thanks to astronaut Major Tim Peake, who is part way through a six month mission on the ISS.
Major Peake’s godmother is a member of the Locks Heath club.
When fellow member John Hopwood found out, he asked if an approach could be made to see if Major Peake would take the banner and display it.
Mr Hopwood, who is the club’s publicity relations chairman, was taken aback when the answer was yes.
Bulletin Editor and Web Site: John Glassford
Yours in Rotary
John Glassford Chair 2014 -2016
Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701
Vocational Service calls on every Rotarian to work with integrity and contribute their expertise to the problems and needs of society. Learn more in An Introduction to Vocational Service and the Code of Conduct.
The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life.
There will be a Vocational Services Meeting on Monday February 29th at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions in Ganmain. This is a joint meeting with Wagga Wagga Sunrise.
A Rotary Meeting in a straw bale winery by Huff n Puff.
Rtn. Dave McKinley our Vocation Services Director organised a vocational service meeting at the new Coolamon Fire Museum. This is a project of Chris and Joanne Berry. Chris has a passion for collecting “Fireys” memorabilia and has been doing so for 30 years now.
The meeting started at 6.30 pm and we had a great role up of members and guests. Here are some thumb nail photos of the visit (just click on the thumb nail for a larger version).
The Commissioner of the NSW Fire and Rescue Service opened the museum on the 5th October 2015. A very good enterprise for Coolamon and for all of NSW. Please support Chris and Joanne by visiting the museum open 7 days from 10 am to 4 pm.
Details available on visiting the Coolamon Fire Museum.
We followed up the visit to the Fire Museum with dinner at the Sports cub.
Dinner was attended by 17 members and the following guests:
Visiting Rotarian Graeme Callander RC of Wagga Wagga the oldest Rotary Club in D 9700, now 86 years old.
Guests of Members:
Marilyn Jennings, Helen Lewis, Nadeem Asghar, Felicity and Geoff Grinter (Coolamon Lions President), and our special guests Joanne and Chris Berry from the Coolamon Fire Museum.
President Wayne Lewis opened the meeting by thanking all of our guests and members for attending the visit to the museum.
Secretary Paul Weston read out a delightful letter from Georgia Booth who we sponsored to the 2015 Honeywell Engineering Summer School. Click on thumb nail below for the letter.
Reminders from Paul that we have been allocated 4 ShelterBox numbers for tracking purposes from the donation for 4 ShelterBoxes that we donated to last year.
RYLA nominations close on the 4th March so please contact Ian Durham with nominations.
Grahame Miles asked for names for the Searchers concert in Wagga Wagga, very urgent now.
Easter Markets committee meeting this Thursday night 28th January.
Board Meeting Wednesday 3rd February at 7 pm at the club. Dave McKinley advised the meeting that there were 50 or so “Moo Poo” bags left.
Club Assembly next Monday 1st February this is where we all get a say on the running and planning for upcoming club events. We want a big turnout so that we can organise the events and do them justice.
Rtn. Graeme Callander from the RC of Wagga Wagga, then spoke on the upcoming Polio Plus night in Wagga Wagga to see the movie with Dame Maggie Smith in “The Lady in the Van”. Get your bookings in asap as we want to fill two cinemas with some 400 patrons. A great cause and a very funny movie. Invite your family and friends along.
Coolamon Shire Council Australia Day Ceremony was held in Marrar and our club was represented by President Wayne and Helen Lewis, Alex Thompson, John Glassford, Ian and Marilyn Jennings .
Marilyn and her Up2Date Store Art Exhibition Committee won the category for Community Event of the 2015 Year, well deserved and very well received.
John Glassford was nominated for Citizen of the Year among many deserving nominations won by Collette Wallace from Marrar.
Diary Reminders
Monday 1st February Club Assembly Planning Meeting. All members invited to attend.
Wednesday 3rd February Board Meeting at the Sports Club 7.00 pm. (No dinner).
*Monday 8th February The USA 2016 Presidential Elections explained by Leslie and Paul Weston.
BINGO: February 11th 2016 Neil Munro (Capt) Wayne Lewis, Ted Hutcheon, Dick Jennings.
Monday 15th February. T.B.A.
Monday 22nd February. T.B.A.
*Monday 29th February Joint Vocational Service Meeting with WW Sunrise in Ganmain at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions.
*Thursday March 3rd Polio Plus Film Night in Wagga Wagga. “the Lady in the Van”.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April 2016 D9700 Conference in Wagga Wagga.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
Hope that you all gave your dogs a day off on Tuesday, for Australia Day!
John Germ, Rotary international President 2016-2017, at the International Assembly closing ceremony [San Diego-USA] has spoken to the “Rotary Stars team” of 530 District Governors Elect and their spouses on PolioPlus Program as we are this close to ending polio with less of 0.1% cases worldwide.
The W.H.O director Hamid Jaffari, said that Rotary has initiated the “war” against poliovirus in 1985 and then get other partners [GPEI: RI-WHO-CDC-UNICEF] in 1988 and Gates foundation and World Bank later on. Sanofi Pasteur being the vaccines provider. As of 2011, GPEI has secured $8.2 billion in international investments from various funding sources and has implemented its programs in over 200 countries.
Last year 30,000 women died in childbirth in Africa last year. I was horrified to hear this.
With your help we can assist these women in Africa and around the world through Rotary Foundation and support doctors and nurses who train midwives, create antenatal clinics, teach mothers early warning signs of complication and to seek help, and assist these women to raise their own children and build their communities for themselves
Be A Gift to the World is the theme for this year for Rotary International and it has made me think about what gifts we have to give to the world. I know many women who are patch workers and together we devised a plan to use our gifts and to make quilts and sell them at the District Conference in Wagga Wagga in April. If you are a knitter or you can crochet and would like to donate a blanket, you are most welcome to join us. The money will be donated to Foundation-Maternal and Child Health.
I am hoping to collect 100 quilts for sale. If you would like to donate a quilt, or know of anyone who may be interested in donating a quilt to my project, please contact me through this site for the details.
Please like to help me spread the message.
Here is one donation. It is made by a Rotarian in Orange. It is a snuggle rug made of polo fleece. Sooooooo cuddley and soft. It is gorgeous.
Congratulations to newly elected Rotary International VICE PRESIDENT JENNIFER JONES RI Director 2015-17 and member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada District 6400.Jennifer was the keynote speaker at the last Rotary Florida Presidents Elect Training Seminar.
We know talented people when we see them.
Kenya to destroy ivory stockpile with Hollywood stars.
Kenya said Tuesday it will torch its vast stockpile of ivory at a star-studded summit to include Hollywood celebrities, presidents and business leaders against “poaching and illegal trade in ivory.”
The fire will be eight times the size of any ivory stockpile destroyed so far.
“Kenya plans to use the occasion to torch as many as 120 tonnes of ivory, the largest stockpile of ivory ever destroyed by any country, as proof of our commitment to zero tolerance for poaching and illegal ivory trade,” presidential spokesman Manoah Esipisu told reporters.
Kenya said “several” heads of state were expected to attend, along with Hollywood actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Nicole Kidman, and business tycoons George Soros, Paul Allen, Howard Buffet and Michael Bloomberg.
Others Kenya expects to attend include conservation icon and BBC legend David Attenborough, British musician Elton John, as well as former basketball star Yao Ming, who has led campaigns in his homeland of China to raise awareness of the damage elephant poaching causes.
President Uhuru Kenyatta set fire in March 2015 to a giant pile of 15 tonnes of elephant ivory, which conservationists said then was the largest ever burned in Africa.
“Beyond the symbolism, Africa is losing one elephant every 15 minutes to poaching for the ivory trade. Wiping out the trade includes ending demand for ivory, and this begins with destroying stockpiles. Government’s routinely destroy other contraband, ivory should be no different. As an illegal product, it can’t be put back onto the market yet stockpiles along with legal domestic trades create confusion, ambiguity and doubt, making law enforcement extremely hard. Holding onto stockpiles, with the aim to sell at a later time, only creates the impression ivory is a legal commodity. No other products from lucrative illegal trades are sold on for demand reduction efforts, and monitoring of the protection of stockpiles requires funding that could be better spent on anti-poaching or demand reduction programmes.
Destroying stockpiles is the first step. As well as symbolism, the act tells the world that illegal ivory is not tolerated. We call on other EU countries to follow suit immediately, commit to destroying their stockpiles as a first step and go further in banning domestic legal markets that only create confusion.”
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701
Vocational Service calls on every Rotarian to work with integrity and contribute their expertise to the problems and needs of society. Learn more in An Introduction to Vocational Service and the Code of Conduct.
The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life.
There will be a Vocational Services Meeting on Monday February 29th at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions in Ganmain. This is a joint meeting with Wagga Wagga Sunrise.
Latest build by Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions at Rylstone.
Our first meeting for 2016 was a casual one with several guests including partners Marilyn Jennings, Helen Lewis, Heather McKinley, and Joan and Alan Bell guests of Ian Durham. As well 14 members were present.
President Wayne Lewis welcomed all and started the evening by thanking all the volunteers who made New Year’s Eve such a success. Wayne also read out a letter of thanks form Allawah Lodge for our donation of three power lift reclining chairs.
Ian Durham outlined the upcoming RYLA week and called for nominations of women and men between the ages of 18-28. The week will be held at the CSU Orange Campus form the 11-15th April 2016. RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.
Myffy spoke on the proposed Coolamon and District Newspaper.
Grahame Miles invited all members and partners to consider going to “the Searchers” in Wagga Wagga on February 18th.
Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre Thursday Feb 18 & tickets are :
Group 8+: $64.90 each.
Next meeting will begin at the Fire Museum in Cowabbie Street opposite the Up-to-Date Store at 6.30 pm SHARP followed by dinner at the Sports Club.
On display at the Museum will be a vast collection of fire fighting memorabilia from around the state, the country and the world.
Striving to educate visitors of the history of our brave fire fighters and the equipment used throughout the years will be Manager/Owner Chris Berry who was a Retained Fireman and Engine Keeper for 22 years.
Donations welcome.
We also had a three minute talk by Ian Durham on his life, would you believe 7 minutes?
Ian Durham in Vietnam where he served in 1997 as a sapper.
STOP PRESS!! Graeme Callander from Wagga Wagga RC will be with us next Monday night to promote the Polio Plus evening in Wagga Wagga on Thursday March 3rd to see Dame Maggie Smith in:
“The Lady in the Van”.
To see the trailer for this movie go here:
Oscar Award winner, Maggie Smith, is excellent as a homeless woman who parks her campervan in Norman Bennet’s garden for 15 years, in this enjoyable film about their poignant relationship. Funds raised by this event will contribute to Rotary’s world wide PolioPlus Project which is very close to completely eradicating polio.
The Lady in the Van presented by The Combined Rotary Clubs of Wagga Forum Cinema 6 Trail St Wagga Wagga 7.00 pm Thursday 3rd March 2016 $20.00 per head.
Diary Reminders
*Monday 25th January Vocational Services Meeting at the Coolamon Fire Station Museum. Followed by a talk by Graeme Callander RC of Wagga Wagga on the upcoming film starring Maggie Smith in support of polio plus. March 3rd 2016.
Tuesday 26th January AUSTRALIA Day at Marrar Public School from 8.00 am
Monday 8th February Normal Meeting Speaker TBA.
Wednesday 10th February Board Meeting at the Sports Club 7.00 pm. (No dinner).
BINGO: February 11th 2016 Neil Munro (Capt) Wayne Lewis, Ted Hutcheon, Dick Jennings.
*Monday 29th February Joint Vocational Service Meeting with WW Sunrise in Ganmain at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions.
*Thursday March 3rd Polio Plus Film Night in Wagga Wagga. “the Lady in the Van”.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April 2016 D9700 Conference in Wagga Wagga.
*Saturday May 14th International Night at the Ganmain Hall in aid of RAGES Inc.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
How many locks not locked first correct entry wins the 5 raffle tickets?
A honey bee must tap two million flowers to make one pound of honey.
An etiquette writer of the 1840’s advised, “Ladies may wipe their lips on the tablecloth, but not blow their noses on it.”
Astronaut John Glenn ate the first meal in space when he ate pureed applesauce squeezed from a tube aboard Friendship 7 in 1962.
Aunt Jemima pancake flour, invented in 1889, was the first ready-mix food to be sold commercially.
Caffeine: there are 100 to 150 milligrams of caffeine in an eight-ounce cup of brewed coffee, 10 milligrams in a six-ounce cup of cocoa, 5 to 10 milligrams in one ounce of bittersweet chocolate, and 5 milligrams in one ounce of milk chocolate.
Capsaicin, which makes hot peppers “hot” to the human mouth, is best neutralized by casein, the main protein found in milk.
Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a natural substance that is reputed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love.
Chocolate manufacturers currently use 40 percent of the world’s almonds and 20 percent of the world’s peanuts.
During the Alaskan Klondike gold rush, (1897-1898) potatoes were practically worth their weight in gold. Potatoes were so valued for their vitamin C content that miners traded gold for potatoes.
Fortune cookies were invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodle maker.
Goulash, a beef soup, originated in Hungary in the 9th century AD.
Haggis, the national dish of Scotland: take the heart, liver, lungs, and small intestine of a calf or sheep, boil them in the stomach of the animal, season with salt, pepper and onions, add suet and oatmeal. Enjoy!
I offer my sincere condolences to the victims of the deadly bomb attack outside a polio immunization center in Quetta, Pakistan.
Rotary condemns deadly attack on polio security personnel in Pakistan
Rotary members and our partners in the fight to eradicate polio offer our heartfelt condolences and express a deep sadness in the wake of a horrific bomb attack in Quetta, Pakistan, that took the lives of at least 15 security personnel today.
This attack outside a polio immunization center is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by Rotary, our partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, and the brave women and men on the front lines of our effort to protect all children from the paralyzing effects of polio. While the bombing will be investigated, one thing is clear: The security personnel who were killed died because their job was to protect teams of polio immunizers. We applaud the government’s commitment to continue the vaccination campaign throughout Pakistan, which is one of only two countries where the poliovirus is still endemic.
Today we pause to honor the sacrifice made by the heroic police officers killed. Yet our 30-year commitment to end polio remains steadfast. Even as we absorb the horror of this bombing, we are redoubling our efforts to educate families and build confidence in the safety of polio vaccines, and to engage community and religious leaders to support our campaign.
We are closer than ever to achieving a polio-free world. Vast improvements have been seen in Pakistan, with more than 80 percent fewer cases in the country than in 2014. In order to stop polio in Pakistan in 2016, we must ensure the safety of vaccinators to reach every child.
And today, our release of $35 million in grants for polio eradication signals our determination to finish the job to which thousands of courageous individuals have committed themselves, and to never forget the sacrifices made by those who lost their lives in this effort.
This year the Conference Committee headed by Michael Knight will bring to the District the best Rotary gathering you will ever experience outside an International Convention.
Friday Night will be “Club Night” you are free to celebrate as a club. Saturday night we will rock the town with a Beatles concert in the Civic Theatre, following a choice of a home hosted meal or out on the town as you please.
Make sure you put the dates in your diary and make arrangements to be in Wagga Wagga for Conference 2016 TOGETHER.
We will have not one, but TWO Past RI Presidents presenting during the Conference along with a stellar line up of great presenters and time for celebration.
PRIP Bill Boyd will be the RI President’s Representative and will address the Conference on the Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group. Bill is one of the best presenters in Rotary and passionate about clean water and sanitation saving lives around the world.
PRIP Kalyan Banerjee will be our special guest and will speak on Peace. For those who attended the RI Convention in Bangkok you will remember his address to the Convention, it was the most lucid and inspiring address Marilyn and I have ever heard. I have requested him to bring his wonderful understanding of peace and how we all may contribute to a peaceful world.
Rotary’s founder, Paul Harris, believed that serving humanity is “the most worthwhile thing a person can do,” RI President-elect John F. Germ said, and that being a part of Rotary is a “great opportunity” to make that happen.
Germ unveiled the 2016-17 presidential theme, Rotary Serving Humanity, to incoming district governors on 18 January at the International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA.
“I believe everyone recognizes the opportunity to serve Rotary for what it truly is: not a small opportunity, but a great one; an opportunity of a lifetime to change the world for the better, forever through Rotary’s service to humanity,” said Germ.
Rotary members around the globe are serving humanity by providing clean water to underdeveloped communities, promoting peace in conflict areas, and strengthening communities through basic education and literacy. But none more important than our work to eradicate polio worldwide, he said.
Germ, a member of the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, encouraged attendees to return to their clubs and communities and spread the word about Rotary’s role in the fight for a polio-free world.
“People who want to do good will see that Rotary is a place where they can change the world. Every Rotary club needs to be ready to give them that opportunity,” Germ said.
Enhancing Rotary’s image isn’t the only way to boost membership. “We need clubs that are flexible, so our service will be more attractive to younger members, recent retirees, and working people.”
He added: “We need more willing hands, more caring hearts, and more bright minds to move our work forward.”
Alamaya learns a new trick… it involves spraying our unsuspecting visitors with mud!
Alamaya has emerged as the joker of the Nursery group and has picked up a habit of standing on the edge of the mud bath, but close to the rope cordon during the 11am public visit. With the visitors busily taking pictures of him, he sucks mud up via his trunk and, before they know it, he sprays them all!
You can read more about this mischievous but gentle little bull who has had a tough start to life here:
Please listen to the 2016 RI Convention Host Organization Committee Chair SangKoo Yun’s warm invitation message!
Bulletin Editor and Web Site: John Glassford
Yours in RotaryJohn GlassfordChair 2014 -2016
Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701
Safe travels to the Burrumbuttock Hay Runners as the convoy heads off to help drought stricken farmers in Queensland. 130 prime movers which will stretch around 50kms from front to back are taking 5000 big square and round bales of hay to help our farming mates in QLD.
Coolamon Rotary has donated $1,000 towards providing fuel for one truck.
The route for today travels. First truck leaves 6.00am
Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #23
Vocational Service calls on every Rotarian to work with integrity and contribute their expertise to the problems and needs of society. Learn more in An Introduction to Vocational Service and the Code of Conduct.
The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life.
There will be a Vocational Services Meeting on Monday February 29th at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions in Ganmain. This is a joint meeting with Wagga Wagga Sunrise.
NYE PARTY 2015/16
This New Year’s Eve in Coolamon our Rotary club worked hard serving sausages and “steak” sandwiches to the people of the Coolamon Shire and visitors to the Coolamon Shire Council’s fireworks night. It was a great night for our community and the fireworks were well done and worth the wait. Above all it was a family night with many children present to enjoy the New Year.
Coolamon Rotary had many members present to share the duties on the night. The load of firewood donated by Lewis Transport for the raffle and the wheel barrow of garden goods donated byCoolamon Rural Supplies were a great hit.
President Wayne Lewis with the winner of the wood, Vanessa Franklin of Coolamon.
A great role up of members who gave up their time on New Year’s Eve, volunteers included, Ian Jennings, Heather McKinley, Wayne Lewis, Ted Hutcheon, Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne, Helen Lewis, Don Dyce, Henk Hulsman, Dick Jennings, Steve Exton, Dave McKinley, Trevor Parkes, John Nulty, Grahame Miles, Leslie Weston, Paul Weston and John Glassford.
Here are some photos from the night:
Reminder that our first meeting for 2016 on the 18th January is a Board Meeting at the Sports Club.
Diary Reminders
Monday 18th January 2016 Social Gathering & Fellowship followed by a short Board Meeting.
Monday 25th January Normal Meeting.
Tuesday 26th January AUSTRALIA Day at Marrar Public School from 8.00 am
Monday 8th February Normal Meeting Speaker TBA.
Tuesday 9th February Board Meeting at the Club (No dinner).
BINGO: February 11th 2016 Neil Munro (Capt) Wayne Lewis, Ted Hutcheon, Dick Jennings.
*Monday 29th February Joint Vocational Service Meeting with WW Sunrise in Ganmain at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April 2016 D9700 Conference in Wagga Wagga.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
You wake up face down on the pavement.
You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold.
Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles.
You want to put on the clothes you wore home from the party and there aren’t any.
You turn on the news and they are showing escape routes out of the city.
Your twin sister forgot your birthday.
You wake up to realize your waterbed broke and then remember you don’t have a waterbed.
Your horn goes off accidentally and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hell’s Angels on the freeway.
You walk to work and find your dress is stuck in the back of your pantyhose.
You call your answering service and they tell you it’s none of your business.
Your blind date turns out to be your ex.
Your income tax cheque bounces.
Rotary Float – Tournament of Roses Parade – 2016
RI President K R Ravindran and Vanathy on the Rotary float of Rose Parade
Marilyn and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year in both your personal lives and in Rotary. Enjoy this time with your families and reflect on how lucky we are to be in such a safe and happy country. We have much to be grateful for.
I am very pleased to advise that we are well on our way to achieving some of our gaols from the strategic plan and my personal goals for my DG year. I would like to thank all those clubs who have supported Marilyn’s Partners Program with donations to the Foundation and recognition of the significant role our partners play in supporting Rotary. This Foundation Area of Maternal and Child Health needs our continued support and I am hopeful of a major announcement in the New Year to support the work of the Foundation from our District.
Clubs and individuals can still show support for Marilyn’s Partners Program as we have a whole half year left to give to Foundation and recognise deserving people in our clubs and the community.
There is a story told in my Hindu tradition of two sages, Shaunaka and Abhipratari. They were worshippers of Prana, the wind god. One day, the two men were about to sit down to lunch when a poor student knocked on their door, asking for food.
“No, boy, do not bother us at this hour,” was the reply. The student was surprised but very hungry, so he persisted.
“Tell me, honored sirs, which deity do you worship?”
“Prana, the wind god,” they answered impatiently.
“Do you not know that the world begins and ends with wind, and that wind pervades the entire universe?”
The two sages were by now very irritated by their impertinent guest. “Of course we know it!” they replied.
“Well, then,” continued the student, “if Prana pervades the universe, then he pervades me also, since I am but part of the universe. He is also in this hungry body, which stands before you begging for a bite to eat! And so in denying food to me, you deny it to the very deity whom you say you serve.”
The sages realized the student spoke the truth and invited him to enter and share their meal. For they understood, at that moment, that by opening the door to one who sought their help, they were not only serving that individual – but reaching toward a larger goal.
It was a BIG Christmas and New Year for this lion.
Put the above dates in your diary and let us have a good roll up from Coolamon. Always a good weekend of fellowship and learning about Rotary. I have been to the past 12 DISCONS and highly recommend this one to you in Wagga Wagga.
More details on the programme will be available soon.
Bulletin Editor and Web Site: John Glassford
Yours in RotaryJohn GlassfordChair 2014 -2016
Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701
Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #22
This is one of the Rotary Foundation’s 6 areas of focus. It is through these programmes that clubs can get global grants to support various programmes that qualify.
One such Rotarian Action Group RFHA was RFFA does remarkable work by providing Rotary Family Health Days in Africa. RFHA founded and headed up by Marion Bunch has no reached over 1 million people in three countries in Africa with this programme which is supported by our Foundation as well as several partners including the Centre for Disease Control based in Atlanta. There are several corporate bodies such as Delta Airlines and the Coca Coal Africa Foundation that also support RFHA.
All as a result of one women and her Board of Directors. Marion Bunch started RFHA in 2005 after her son Jerry died as a result of getting the AIDS virus through blood transfusions. Marion has been a tireless worker for Africa and her legacy will live on in those lives she saved.
The RFHA Board 2010 in Montreal.
Right to left Len Lanzi COO Los Angeles, PDG Mark Doyle South Africa, PRID Paul Netzel USA, and current Vice Chair of the Foundation, CEO & Founder Marion Bunch, Atlanta, PRIVP Mike McGovern USA and current RI Polio Plus Chair, PDG Olugbemiga Olowu Nigeria and John Glassford Coolamon.
Our last meeting for the year was our Annual Christmas Party held this year at PP Marg and PP Garth Perkins’ home “Rands Tank” Coolamon. 38 members and guests were present a wonderful turn out.
President Wayne Lewis made everyone welcome with a very short speech! There was some excellent fellowship and old friends as well as new friends enjoyed the Christmas feast organised by Helen Lewis and supported by Marg Perkin among others. Thank you Helen and thanks to you Marg. Thanks also to Garth Perkin for the chairs and tables.
Some photos from the party, click on the thumb nails for a larger photo:
Diary Reminders
Monday 14th December New Year’s Eve Committee Meeting at the Club at 7.00 pm.
Thursday 31st December NYE in Coolamon.
Monday 18th January 2016 FIRST Meeting for 2016. Details to be advised it will be a social gathering.
Monday 25th January Normal Meeting.
Tuesday 26th January AUSTRALIA Day at Marrar Public School from 8.00 am
Monday 8th February Normal Meeting Speaker TBA.
Tuesday 9th February Board Meeting at the Club (No dinner).
BINGO: February 11th 2016 Neil Munro (Capt) Wayne Lewis, Ted Hutcheon, Dick Jennings.
*Monday 29th February Joint Vocational Service Meeting with WW Sunrise in Ganmain at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April 2016 D9700 Conference in Wagga Wagga.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
It’s a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, “Hey, mamacita, let’s do Weeweechu.”
Oh no, not now, let’s look at the moon!” said Rosita.
Oh, c’mon baby, let’s you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it’s the perfect time,” Pedro begged.
“But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon.” replied Rosita.
Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me.”
Rosita looked at Pedro and said, “OK, one time, we’ll do Weeweechu.”
Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang…..
“Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.”
Czar Rudolph
There was once a great czar in Russia named Rudolph the Red. He stood looking out the windows of is palace one day while his wife, the Czarina Katerina, sat nearby knitting. He turned to her and said, “Look my dear, it has begun to rain!” Without even looking up from her knitting she replied, “It’s too cold to rain. It must be sleeting.” The Czar shook his head and said, “I am the Czar of all the Russias, and Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear!”
Proof that Jesus was Australian:
He wore thongs.
He was a chippy, who like all good union members didn’t work on Sundays.
His favourite past times were fishing, camping, going 4-wheel donkeying, and most of his mates were fishermen.
He seemed to know a lot of prostitutes.
His mates all had nicknames: The Rock, The Doubter, Simon Peter, The Baptist, so on and so forth.
The only time he went to church as a young bloke he got into a fight.
He was a champion surfer, it was like he could walk on water.
He did a mean barbeque, 5000 people rock up, no worries, throw a few fresh caught fish on the barbie, some buns and a bit of mum’s potato salad (it’s in the Gospel of Thomas, trust me) and bob’s your uncle.
No one is exactly sure where he was earning his quid from but he had a mate in the tax office so it was all sweet.
And to top it all off, he turned water into alcohol and if that isn’t an Australian miracle I don’t know what is!
Rotary is improving the lives of mothers and children around the world. We can accomplish even more with your help. Give a gift that matters on #GivingTuesday by giving the gift of Rotary:
PP Butch Liebenberg receives his PHF + Sapphire from Coolamon RC.
To all our friends at Hout Bay Rotary Club have a wonderful Christmas and a top 2016 in service for Hout Bay and beyond. We have made many friends in Hout Bay over the years since 2004, too many to mention here. Several of us from Coolamon Rotary have now visited Hout Bay, and we hope that the SA Rand will come back one day so that you can visit us in Coolamon!
In the mean time our thoughts are with you always as you do some amazing work for those who need it most in your area. We are very proud of Coolamon House and will always be indebted to you for the hard work you put in to make it all work.
Thanks again for the wonderful hospitality you gave the Mount Kenya 2015 ANZAC Day 2015 Team when we visited you in May this year, it was UNIQUE, only in Hout Bay, and never forgotten!
This is for Hout Bay Rotarians ONLY. You know that I do not discuss politics but I could not help but post this one for you guys, it comes from your PP John Routley:
Zuma comes up Trumps!
Rhino Wars: Hunting Poachers In Kruger National Park:
As Chair of the Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES I invite you to join me in 2016 as we move forward creating action for the voiceless on our planet. Please start by joining the RAG below and membership is free. We will have a booth and a break out session in Seoul at the 2016 RICON in late May.
One of the easiest ways to help right now is to support the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Nairobi by sponsoring an orphan elephant:
Find out who we are talking about and how you can help her this holiday season at:
Requested by Dick and Marie Jennings. African humour at it’s best!
Santa is on his way from the Namibian Desert right now.
Well? What did you expect?
Next bulletin in the New Year have a safe holiday and see you in 2016.
Lady Gaga live at Baku 2015 European Games Opening Ceremony.
Last word for 2015 by Lady Gaga and our wish for 2016!
Bulletin Editor and Web Site: John Glassford
Yours in RotaryJohn GlassfordChair 2014 -2016
Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701
The Rotary Foundation has been recognised by CNBC as one of the top 10 charities changing the world in 2015.
The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own global charity, tackling challenges such as poverty, illiteracy and polio eradication.
Did you know, since Rotary committed to polio eradication in 1985, over 2.5 billion children around the world have been vaccinated against the disease.
The Foundation also does lots of work in Great Britain and Ireland, and if you’re interested in volunteering your time and talents, check out our website:
Thomas Grahame and Ben Dalgarno-Fixter being thanked by Steve Exton following their talks on their engineering studies at Woolongong University.
Rotary Meeting 30th November 2015
Attendance 18
Meeting was chaired by PP Garth Perkin.
Guests: Marilyn Jennings, Tom Graham and Ben Dalgarno-Fixter.
Our guest speakers were past participants of the Rotary Summer Science School and they thanked the club for making it possible for them to attend. Tom has just completed the first year of a double degree in Engineering and Commerce at Wollongong University and attributes his academic direction to his participation in the Summer Science School.
Ben has just completed year 12 at Coolamon Central School and has early entry into Wollongong University and a University scholarship to study Engineering, and likewise attributes his career direction to the Summer Science School. It is interesting to note that Tom’s mother Jodie and aunt were past participants in Rotary’s NZ Twin Exchange Program. Ben’s father Barney Dalgarno is an ex member of our Club. We wish Tom and Ben well in their career choice.
Ben and Tom were given a vote of thanks by Rotarian Steve Exton.
Sergeant at Arms, Ted Hutcheon, gave a witty fine session followed by the drawing of the raffle won by Henk Hulsman.
Ian Jennings Reporter Ian Durham photographer.
Diary Reminders
Saturday 5th December Ganmain Twilight Markets 3.30 pm-8.00 pm.
BINGO Roster:December 10th Paul Weston (Capt) Trevor Parkes, Ian Jennings, Leslie Weston.
Monday 7th December Last meeting before the Christmas Party and the holiday break.
*Saturday December 12th Annual Christmas party at Marg and Garth Perkins’ Home.
*Monday 29th February Joint Vocational Service Meeting with WW Sunrise in Ganmain at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April 2016 D9700 Conference in Wagga Wagga.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
A farmer and his pig were driving down the road when a cop pulled him over. The cop asked the farmer, “Didn’t you know it is against the law to ride with a pig in the front of your truck?”
The farmer replied, “No, I didn’t know that.”
The cop asked the farmer where he was going, and he said, “To Memphis.”
The cop said, “I will let you off the hook this time if you promise to take the pig to the zoo when you get to Memphis.”
So the farmer promised he would.
Several days later the cop spotted the farmer with the pig driving down the road and pulled him over again. The cop said, “I thought I told you to take this pig to the zoo when you got to Memphis.”
And to this the farmer replied, “I did, and we had so much fun, I’m taking him to the circus.”
In my presidential message for December, I share a historical story that I hope will remind you all to continue being a Gift to the World during this season of giving.
When the Canadian army liberated the Netherlands in 1945, they found the country on the brink of starvation. Seeing the suffering of so many, and especially moved by the faces of the children, four Canadian privates stationed near Apeldoorn that year decided to make that Christmas special for as many Dutch children as they could.
Together, they made the rounds among their fellow soldiers, collecting chocolate bars and chewing gum, candy and comic books. In their spare moments, they built toy trucks out of wood and wire, sawed scrap lumber for building blocks; one, risking the military police, sold his cigarette ration on the black market, using the money to buy rag dolls. Each thought longingly of his own family at home; each channeled his energies instead toward the children whose Christmas they knew they could brighten.
Australia will commit a further $72 million to the campaign to eradicate polio, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has joined other Commonwealth leaders and UN chief Ban Ki-Moon in committing to the eradication of polio.
At the Commonwealth leaders’ meeting in Malta on Saturday Mr Turnbull said he was disappointed the crippling disease had not yet been wiped out but Australia remained committed to doing that.
He said Australia was putting in another $72 million to the eradication effort – $36 million to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and another $36 million to the World Bank to support vaccination programs in countries where polio had been eradicated to ensure it did not return.
photo by Jon Deisher Anchorage RC.
Last February, took this photo of a post-polio man who probably had polio 15 or more years ago … he’s been crawling and begging ever since. This is what we are working to avoid, prevent and the disease we work to eradicate. However, the post-polio victims (called “crawlers” in Africa and S. Central Asia) will need help for decades to come.
Rotary Club of Young Exchange Student Emily from Germany.
Emily our exchange student from Germany gave her wonderfully informative presentation. Emily arrived here on the 5th of August and is now in year 12. She has had many experiences and shared these as well as the differences between here and Germany. Thank you Emily for sharing your experiences with us.
Health care workers in Liberia attend a workshop conducted by Rotary members on new techniques for treating pregnant women with HIV/AIDS.
Rich Casey
The impact of an HIV/AIDS vocational training project in Liberia can be assessed by the ultimate measure: life itself.
“There are children of HIV mothers living today who would not have seen their first birthdays [without the training],” says Elizabeth Mulbah, a member of the Rotary Club of Sinkor, Montserrado County, Monrovia, who delivered a lecture for health care providers about HIV/AIDS during the vocational training team’s five-day workshop in 2012.
The goal of the team — comprised of individuals from the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project in California, USA; the Rotary Club of Sinkor; St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital in Monrovia; Global Strategies for HIV Prevention, and the Center for HIV Information at the University of California, San Francisco — was to increase maternal HIV/AIDS services and to improve the quality of care in Liberian clinics.
Nearly 60 health care workers in Montserrado and neighboring Bomi counties learned techniques to prevent mother-child transmission of HIV and to improve their ability to diagnose and treat infected women. They also were taught how to pass along the information to other health care workers.
Now, a Rotary Foundation global grant is facilitating an expansion of the project to other parts of Liberia.
As a past convention attendee, you know each convention is special. I attended my first convention nearly 30 years ago in Las Vegas, and they get better and better each year. Like you, I enjoy seeing old friends, making new ones and sharing my passion for Rotary. The Seoul convention 28 May–1 June, 2016 is sure to be the best yet.
I personally invite you to join me in Seoul, to connect with new friends and new ideas, and be inspired to “Be a Gift to the World.”
Remember to take advantage of early registration savings by 15 December and register today.
See you in Seoul!
Join the Campaign to Save Vietnam’s Pangolins from Extinction
I hope you don’t mind me contacting you. I am a researcher at the University of Reading in the UK and my area of interest is the wildlife trade, and in particular, the trafficking of the pangolin, a small scaly mammal that most people have never even heard of. I came across RAGES recently and thought it was a very positive action group and I got excited at the prospect of Rotarians working worldwide in support of conservation. I particularly loved your recent ‘Say No’ poster campaign.
Earlier this week, I was invited to give a talk to the Reading Rotary Club (50 members) about my research and pangolin conservation in general and the result was extremely positive. Most of the members had not heard of RAGES and were very keen to sign up. They asked me how they would go about this and I said I would follow it up. One of the members present was the head of the international division and said he would arrange a meeting in the New Year to discuss possibilities but I also thought I would get the initial ball rolling with an email to you.
When I travel I make up a missed meeting at my home club by visiting other clubs when we are on the road.
Last week I made up at the Rotary Club of Yankalilla near Adelaide. This is a small club with 8 members however they do some wonderful work. They are also a very friendly mob!!!
PP Don Law and Billy Peel the brains and muscle behind the Yankalilla Cruise.
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701
Rotary is marking the Foundation’s centennial with a year of festivities. The celebration kicks off at the 2016 Rotary Convention in Seoul and will culminate at the 2017 convention in Atlanta.
Join in and show your support for The Rotary Foundation. Here are some ways to get involved:
Plan an event in your community to raise awareness of Rotary and its Foundation.
Promote projects your club or district is involved in that are funded by the Foundation.
Empower The Rotary Foundation to support the good work of Rotary clubs around the world by making a special contribution.
Apply for a grant from the Foundation to fund a project.
The seed for The Rotary Foundation was planted by Rotary President Arch Klumph at the Atlanta Convention in 1917. From the first gift of $26.50, the Foundation’s assets have grown to approximately $1 billion, and more than $3 billion has been spent on programs and projects — transforming millions of lives across the globe.
Rotary Meeting 23rd November
Attendance 24
Meeting was chaired by PP Mark Reardon.
Guest: John and Rosalie Bond, Marion Farrell, Heidi Shuter, Louise Shuter and Marg Perkin.
Visiting Rotarians President Geoff Hamilton, PP Phil McIntosh, Tim Barter, Jonathan Shuter, David Pyke and John Hawkins all from Wollundry
President Geoff Hamilton presented our club with a cheque for $2000.00 in payment for our help with the ‘Beers and Gears Festival’ also Phil McIntosh and Tim Barter gave a report on the success of the festival.
It is good to have a working and fun relationship with Wollundry Rotary Club.
Our Guest Speaker was Heidi Shuter who spoke on her recent Youth Exchange to Austria. She spoke of the many friends she has made along the way, the 10 wonderful country’s she has visited and is very grateful for the opportunity Rotary gave her.
Heidi Shuter was given a Vote of Thanks by PP Garth Perkin.
PP Ian Jennings ran a speedy fine session followed by the drawing of the Raffle won by Mark Reardon.
PP Mark Reardon receives the cheque from Wollundry’s President Geoff Hamilton.
Heidi Shuter was given a Vote of Thanks by PP Garth Perkin.
Diary Reminders
Saturday 5th December Ganmain Twilight Markets 3.30 pm-8.00 pm.
*Saturday December 12th Annual Christmas party at Marg and Garth Perkins’ Home.
*Monday 29th February Joint Vocational Service Meeting with WW Sunrise in Ganmain at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April 2016 D9700 Conference in Wagga Wagga.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
George Phillips, an elderly man from Meridian, Mississippi, was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he’d left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window.
George opened the back door to go turn off the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.
He phoned the police, who asked, “Is someone in your house?”
He said, “No, but some people are breaking into my garden shed and stealing from me.”
Then the police dispatcher said, “All patrols are busy. You should lock your doors and an officer will be along when one is available.”
George said, “Okay.”
He hung up the phone and counted to 30. Then he phoned the police again.
“Hello. I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. Well, you don’t have to worry about them now because I just shot and killed them both. The dogs are eating them right now,” and he hung up.
Within five minutes, six police cars, a SWAT team, a helicopter, two fire trucks, a paramedic, and an ambulance showed up at the Phillips’ residence, and caught the burglars red-handed.
One of the policemen said to George, “I thought you said that you’d shot them!”
George said, “I thought you said there was nobody available!”
Don’t mess with old people.
Rotary Foundation Chair Ray Klinginsmith and I invite you to join us for my Presidential Conferences, a series of five conferences held all over the world, beginning with the Rotary World Peace Conference 2016. Learn more: and find out when the rest of the conferences will take place:
The first of the Presidential Conferences, the Rotary World Peace Conference, will take place 15-16 January 2016 in Ontario, California.
With five plenary sessions and over 80 panels and faciliated sessions, the conference is an opportunity to exchange ideas and solutions with leaders and experts in conflict prevention and resolution. The conference is open to both Rotary members and the general public.
Out there in a Pacific country not all that far from New Zealand, take 300 families who have never thought about growing their own vegetables, give them some seedlings and some fertilizer, get them together in community groups and give them some training, then visit each family and give them some more training and motivation. Then give them some wire to fence their garden against roaming livestock and some extra to build enclosures for chickens and ducks. Show them the art of composting and raising their own seedlings.
Reward their efforts with day old chicks and ducklings and encourage them not to eat all the eggs, but to always have some on hand for broody hens and ducks to nest. In just over a year, the photos tell the story. Happy communities self sufficient with enough vegetables to feed their families and share with others and improved livelihoods from the sale of livestock. Restaurants are currently paying them up to NZ $63 for a duck. We plan to do it all over again with another 300 communities. If you want to make a real difference contact [email protected] for more details.
RIPE Nominee Ian Risley & RIPE John Germ at RI Institute Melbourne
Rotary Peace Fellows at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok discuss peacebuilding strategies during a field study. Photo by Stephanie van Pelt.
Bobby Anderson was helping former freedom fighters in Aceh, Indonesia, adjust to life after combat when he heard about the Rotary Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.
Anderson, who became part of the 2010 class of Rotary Peace Fellows, says the program allowed him to reflect upon the work he had already done and gain a larger perspective beyond day to day practicalities.
“To be able to meet other people that had done similar work in other places and to be exposed [during field study] to the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration situation in Nepal was fascinating and helped me change how I think about the way I manage my own programs,” Anderson says.
Through its six peace centers, Rotary is developing leaders to become catalysts for peace in their communities and around the globe. The Chulalongkorn program offers a professional development certificate to individuals already working in fields related to peace.
B Bus (Mkt & Mgt) – MBA – PGDip (HRD & PM) – Prof Dip Mkt (CIM)
From a troubled youth to becoming one of the world’s leading motivational speakers, Dananjaya’s life has been a roller coaster ride of self discovery and growth. In a journey that took over ten years, he managed to transform his life from being a lost teenager to a role model. In 2014, Dananjaya was ranked as the World Champion of Public Speaking by Toastmasters International, which is recognized to be the world’s leading authority in Public Speaking and Communication, triumphing over 33,000 contestants from 120 countries across the world. He remains the first and the only Asian representing an Asian Toastmaster District to win this title in the 75-Year History of the contest. Dananjaya’s winning speech was rated among the “Most talked-about speeches of 2014” by Fortune magazine, alongside Nobel Peace Prize Winner Malala Yousafzai’s acceptance speech & Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg’s speech delivered at Harvard University.
Click on the above link to get all the good news about the Seoul 2016 RICON.
Early bird discounts close on December 15th.
Endangered White Rhino Nola Dies at San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Then there were THREE left in the world.
Nola, one of only four known northern white rhinoceroses, died on Sunday at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, the park said in a statement. The park said that Nola, 41, had a bacterial infection, as well as age-related health issues, and that officials made the decision to euthanize her after her condition worsened overnight on Saturday.
After a rigorous* scientific study, the results are in. The swift parrot (aka swifty) clearly deserves more protection than Grammy Award winning artist, Taylor Swift.
Yesterday, after years of campaigning, the Tasmanian Government finally gave one of Australia’s most endangered birds a hope for a brighter future.
The swifty needs old trees with hollows to nest in – exactly the same kind that the forestry industry likes cutting down. Now, the industry has suspended logging in critical swifty habitat on Tasmania’s Bruny Island – meaning this beautiful songbird has a chance of survival.
*Not really that rigorous or scientific, but you get the picture.
As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, Each wife had seven sacks, Each sack had seven cats, Each cat had seven kits: Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many were there going to St. Ives?
P.S. We are here! Working Hard!
Aldinga Beach South Australia.
Bulletin Editor and Web Site: John Glassford
Yours in RotaryJohn GlassfordChair 2014 -2016
Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701
On behalf of Rtns the world Over I extend heartfelt sympathies to our French friends who lost loved ones. Our work for Peace must go on.
Rotary International President K R Ravindran
Elaine Dietsch receiving a very well deserved PHF at Thursday nights Foundation Dinner. A great night was had by all with a warm and welcoming feeling and awards toseveral clubs and a meritorious Service Award to Foundation Director PDG Ian Simpson. Thank you to Wagga Wagga Club for hosting a beautiful evening with wonderful messages of the humanitarian work the Foundation delivers.
Last night we moved our meeting to the Coolamon Shire Council’s public meeting to discuss the NSW Government’s push to have as many councils in NSW amalgamate. The meeting was held at Saint Michael’s Hall in Coolamon. There were many concerned residents present.
The meeting was chaired by Bill Thompson and speakers were mayor John Seymour and General manger Tony Donoghue. It became apparent very quickly that the mood of the meeting was to SAY NO to any amalgamation and this was reflected in the unanimous vote taken at the end of a well conducted meeting.
Rotarians were present in number and included Myffy Collette, Alex Thompson, Dave McKinley, Henk Hulsman, Ian Jennings, Grahame Miles and John Glassford.
Diary Reminders
Monday 23rd November Normal Meeting at the club.
*Saturday December 12th Annual Christmas party at Marg and Garth Perkins’ Home.
*Monday 29th February Joint Vocational Service Meeting with WW Sunrise in Ganmain at Huff ‘n’ Puff Constructions.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April 2016 D9700 Conference in Wagga Wagga.
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Wednesday June 1st Seoul RICON South Korea
*Partners and Guests Night.
Apologies for Monday meetings call Ian Jennings on 0428 492 157 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.
Six Rotary Global Women of Action were honored during Rotary Day at the United Nations on 7 November in New York City. They are, from left: Lucy H. Hobgood-Brown, Dr. Hashrat A. Begum, Stella S. Dongo, Kerstin Jeska-Thorwat, Dr. Deborah K.W. Walters, and Razia Jan.
The six Rotary Global Women of Action for 2015 were recognized during Rotary Day at the United Nations on 7 November in New York City for their dedication and service, which have improved the lives of thousands around the world.
“The women we are honoring here today are leaders in Rotary,” said Rotary President K.R. Ravindran. “They are pushing the boundaries of Rotary service, pushing us all to do more, be more, and achieve more.”
Lakshmi Puri, assistant secretary-general of the United Nations and deputy executive director of UN Women, praised Rotary for its acknowledgment of the crucial role women play.
“I’m very pleased you have picked this team of gender equality and women empowerment,” she said.
The six women, who were selected by Rotary senior leaders and staff from more than 100 nominees from around the world, are:
Had a really enjoyable night in Wagga for the Rotary Foundation dinner on Thursday night. Had the pleasure of presenting a special award to PDG Ian Simpson for his work for the Foundation and also welcomed PDG Fred Loneragan as the newest member of the Paul Harris Society.
Seen here PDG David Kennedy making the presentations
A refugee family from Syria seeks shelter in cramped conditions on the Greek island of Lesbos.
Photo Credit: Rachel Harvey/ShelterBox.
In Syria, where a civil war has been raging since 2011, more than 6,000 people flee the country every day. As of September, more than 4.1 million people have become refugees, and 7.6 million more have been internally displaced.
“The plight of Syria’s refugees is a litmus test for the world’s compassion,” says Rotary International General Secretary John Hewko. “Rotary members worldwide are profoundly disheartened by the refugee crisis now unfolding in Syria and other parts of the world,” which the United Nations has described as the worst in decades.
“Rotary is following the situation closely,” Hewko says. “We know our members have an inherent desire to act, to relieve the suffering and uncertainty that displaced individuals and families are facing. We call on you to respond as Rotarians have for more than 100 years: to use your professional skills and acumen, leverage your connections to other leaders, and mobilize your local communities to provide the necessary resources and funding to address the humanitarian crisis.”
Rotary members can donate to the disaster relief efforts of our project partner ShelterBox. The organization has supported the Syrian relief effort for nearly four years and is working with other agencies to continue distributing relief materials. ShelterBox is also working with communities in Greece to provide aid and supplies to displaced people passing through the region.
I would like to invite everyone in Rotary to join me at the 2016 Rotary Convention in Seoul. Don’t miss out on connecting with friends in this world-class city. Be sure to register before the 15 December early registration deadline:
Jones & Turner Travel Associates is a boutique style travel agency catering for the more discerning traveller
in search of new experiences or holidays with a difference. Attending a convention in Seoul is a special
experience which will enable you to sightsee in one of the world’s most energetic and culinary enriched
regions. You’ll find traditional tea houses and regal palaces alongside elegant shopping malls and bustling
markets. Let us make your convention experience easy, we would be happy to take the time to discuss this
memorable destination and the diverse ways it can be discovered.
Seoul Convention twin share from $3200*
Tour 2016 single from $4580*
Your experience includes:
• Sydney to Seoul return with Korean Airlines (Economy)
• 8 nights accommodation at the Ramada Jongo Hotel,
Soul including daily breakfast (or similar)
• Return airport group airport – hotel transfers
• A half day city sightseeing tour with the group with
lunch included.
• A full day sightseeing tour to the DMZ with lunch included.
Your Rotary Contact for this tour will be Marilyn Roberts, D9700 District Convention Chair.
For more information, contact Marilyn on mobile 0412 739 909, phone 6921 3135 or email [email protected]
Important deadlines for Rotary Registration
15 December 2015: Early-registration discount ends. $310 US
31 March 2016: Preregistration discount ends $375 US
30 April 2016: Registration/ticket cancellation deadline $440 US
1 June 2016: Online registration ends; deadline for cancellations due to visa denial.
They require a minimum of 30 people to ensure this price, and booking for this tour closes December 11 2015.
The One Fight. Unite team are thrilled to have Dave Matthews sign our Say No campaign poster. Dave Matthews with his Dave Matthews band are pretty legendary in everything they do. South African-born American singer-songwriter and a winner of two Grammy awards is a personal favourite of ours, especially “Song That Jane Likes” and “You and Me”, and fantastic track he wrote for The Matrix Reloaded film – “When The World Ends”. The rest of his work is history.
We’d also like to say thank you to all the support that he’s given throughout the years to our patron Dr. Jane Goodall with his benefit gigs and support.
The tipping point is now here for the elephants and only n Africa can we do something to prevent the extinction of the African elephant. One elephant is killed every 15 minutes for what?
Nelson War Memorial with poppies in bloom.
On our visit ot New Zealand we went to the war memorial in Nelson on Armistice Day and learned that:
8,556 New Zealanders served at Gallipoli with 7,991 casualties or 93% or which 2779 were killed in action.
55,000 Australians with 28,150 casualties or 53% of which 8,709 were KIA .
10,500 Indians with 46% casualties.
360,000 British with 73,485 casualties or 22% of which 21,225 KIA
Turkey lost 220,000 KIA.
A must visit is the Gallipoli exhibition at the Te Papa Museum in Wellington.
Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.
Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran
Governor of District 9700 Gary Roberts
Coolamon Club President Wayne Lewis
Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston
Club Treasurer Henk Hulsman
Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701