Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #11

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #11



Youth Services





Annual Rural Womens Conference and Workshops Coolamon

Rotary Spetmeber 14 015 Rotary Spetmeber 14 006 Rotary Spetmeber 14 009 Rotary Spetmeber 14 010

On Sunday Henk Hulsman, Myffy Collette, Ted Hutcheon, Don Dyce, John Glassford, Paul Weston, Ian Durham and Wayne Lewis were up at the Coolamon Central School cooking for 150 delegates of the Rural Womens Conference.  Next year this will be held at Glen Innes.  Breakfast was orange juice with bacon and egg rolls AND as a choice delegates could have a “Breakfast Cup” of Greek yogurt, mixed berries, granola and oats, simply scrumptious and made by Sharon and Grahame Miles.



We had a dinner meeting with 14 members attending and no guest speaker.  We discussed several items including the Telephone Book, Bingo, the upcoming AGM on Monday 10th November, maintenance of our caravan, Mount Kenya meeting, RYPEN and working with children check..

Garth Perkin thanked all who worked on Sunday morning at the Rural Womens Conference and a special thanks to Sharon and Grahame Miles for the breakfast cups.  Garth made special mention of the effort put in by Henk Hulsmam to make the event a success for all concerned.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday 6th October at the club and there will not be any catering i.e. no dinner and only board members are to attend.  

The regular meeting will be on Tuesday 14th October at JUNEE which is a joint Foundation meeting with PDG Ian Simpson the D9700 Foundation Chair all members are invited to attend.

N.B. Next Monday night PP Barry Lillywhite and Anton Green on the proposed Coolamon Cheese Factory invite your partners and any guests who maybe interested.

Dick Jennings conducted a spirited fines session and the raffle was won by Dick!

P.S. Don’t forget to visit Ganmain THIS Saturday for the Ganmain Markets of which Belle’s Cafe inside the Ganmain Hall will have freshly baked scones, jam and cream to tempt you.


Diary Reminders

Barry and Anton

*Monday 22nd September Guest Speaker PP Barry Lillywhite and Anton Green on the proposed Cheese Factory for Coolamon. 

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

Monday 6th October Board Meeting NO DINNER Board Members Only. 

Thursday 9th October BINGO Roster  Neil  Munro  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, Wayne Lewis, Don Dyce

Friday 10th October HAT DAY 2.00 pm, at Rae and Fred Loneragan’s home and garden in Wagga Wagga.

Monday 13th October NO MEETING.

* Tuesday October 14th Normal Club Meeting at JUNEE  a Joint Coolamon Junee Foundation Meeting with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  

Thursday 16th October Mount Kenya 2015 ANZAC Day Meeting in Wagga Wagga. 

Friday 17th October Run2Raise Raffle at the Bottom Pub $60 per person includes dinner.  Prize a night at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.  In aid of Alice Bailey-Brown and Kellie Wall.

*Monday 20th October Garth Perkin as our guest speaker.

Thursday 30th October Ray Wall’s farewell Coolamon Sports Club $35 per head.  Tickets by 22nd from Christine Atkinson.

Monday 10th November AGM.

Thursday 13th November BINGO: Ian  Jennings (Captain), Mark Reardon, Henk  Hulsman, Christine Atkinson

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



We have heard from PP Butch Liebenberg on the passing of a good friend of ours in Rainer Jahn from our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay in South Africa.  Rainer was a wonderful supporter of Coolamon House and Operation Medical Hope and was a great host to some of  us who visited Hout Bay in 2003, 2005, 2007 and recently in 2011.

President Garth Perkin and all our members send our deepest condolences to Ursula, his family and his Rotary family, Rainer was one of a kind and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

04 Hout Bay

Rainer Jahn on the far right as you look at the photo.  2011 at Coolamon House.

Bay Breezes Hout Bay Rotary Club 15th September



Gary 1

Gary 3

More than 5,000 people gathered for a #RotaryDay event held by Rotary District 3510 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Nearly US$2 million (60 million Taiwan New Dollar) was collected by Rotary members from seven districts in Taiwan, with a large portion of the proceeds going for disaster relief and to repair Kaohsiung City Hall, damaged in the tragic gas explosions in July.




A fun and generous way to raise a few dollars for PolioPlus. Thanks to Stivo’s chickens a project of the Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak.



A great night was enjoyed by all last night at the Bundawarrah Centre (Temora Rural Museum) for the induction of Mel Gallagher into the Rotary Club of Temora. She is pictured here with her sponsor, Lloyd Maxwell and our District Governor, David Kennedy. Congratulations and welcome Mel!




Russian doll

The New Monk

A new monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand.

He notices, however, that they are copying copies, not the original books. So, the new monk goes to the head monk to ask him about this. He points out that if there were an error in the first copy, that error would be continued in all of the other copies.

The head monk says “We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son.” So, he goes down into the cellar with one of the copies to check it against the original.

Hours later, nobody has seen him. So, one of the monks goes downstairs to look for him. He hears a sobbing coming from the back of the cellar, and finds the old monk leaning over one of the original books crying. He asks what’s wrong.

The old monk sobs, “The word is celebrate.”





Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo RICON 2015

São Paulo is waiting for you! Rotary International Convention 6-9 June, 2015 São Paulo, Brazil

Beautiful, wealthy, smart, democratic, vibrant, dynamic, cultural, romantic, modern, tough, outgoing, professional?! How can one define São Paulo? It is impossible to use only one word to capture exactly what one of the largest cities in the world represents.


Where: VIP Area of the Anhembi Sambadrome

When: 7pm, Saturday, 6 June 2015

Price: USD 30.00


An unforgettable night where you will experience a typical Brazilian Carnival party and all the glamour and energy of a Samba School Parade. The event will take place in the VIP area of the São Paulo Sambadrome, where the Carnival parade takes place every year. Come and experience the carnival in Brazil and immerse yourself in a fun party! It will be a vibrant event where people will dance, sing, party and have tons of fun


The Goat


More news from the Chipembere Rhino Foundation and Dr William Fowlds.

Rhino 2

Just in time for RHINO FRIDAY – John & The Rotary Club of Coolamon final collar has been fitted…

Rand 18,000 ($2,000), was raised at the Kenyan International night in Ganmain earlier this year by this incredible Rotary Club…

In summary, this donation was spent on:

3 x collars sent to the Kruger National Park
2 x collars locally last month
1 x collar locally this month.

In a great show of collaboration a number of role players were present when collaring a Rhino. This Rhino had a collar fitted by Chipembere Rhino Foundation a year and a half ago that needed changing, the collar battery had expired. CRF donor funding was used to cover the helicopter expenses and once again funds donated by John Glassford and the Rotary Club of Coolamon, NSW Australia was used to purchase the tracking collar.

Dr.William Fowlds of Investec Rhino Lifeline facilitated the SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund in helping to cover vet costs and DNA collection for the procedure. Four boys from Eaton College who had won a competition run by Kathryn Noakes of Worldwide Experience and Voices of Conservation were also witness to our efforts to protect rhino. The competition Eaton College won focused on ideas to prevent poaching. It was great to have a global presence of concerned and passionate individuals and organizations all doing their part.

Heartfelt thanks to John and the Coolamon Club, once again, for the incredible support that they have given us! WE SALUTE YOU!

Rhino 6 Rhino 5 Rhino 4 Rhino 3  Rhino 1



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


Last Thursday we had the first planning meeting of the Mount Kenya 2015 ANZAC Day Teams.  In all 14 interested people attended.  A power point presentation and a welcome by PDG Fred Loneragan started the meeting.

We discussed several important items including Ebola, travel advisories itineraries and insurances.

Several points of action were listed and we meet again on Thursday 14th October in Wagga Wagga.

Fund raising ideas were discussed and a package was handed out to all which included a power point presentation.

We also added an option for the climbing teams to go on safari after the visit to Nairobi and we are looking at Amboseli National Park where Big Tim lives:




Rotary Strengthened Their Brand by Simplifying It


It’s no surprise that simplicity sells. Too many options can overload short-term memory, inhibiting the ability to process information, creating cognitive overload. In addition, excessive options can spark feelings of remorse after transactions as customers continue to wonder if they had made the right choice.

But creating “decision simplicity” presents only part of the brand simplicity picture. Sephora, Carrefour, and Amazon are examples of successful simple brands, despite providing a vast range of options to their customers.

Simplicity should be built into the very core of the brand, beginning with the product or service itself and extending through the interactions at each touch point and in all brand communications.

Achieving simplicity at this level is not easy, but the returns can be well worth the effort. The Siegel+Gale Global Brand Simplicity Index, an annual global study of 10,000 consumers (both customers and familiar nonusers) found that three out of four people are more likely to recommend a brand that provides simpler overall experiences and communications, and that people are even willing to pay more for a simpler brand’s product or service. In addition, brands that are perceived as being simple in their “products, services, interactions, and communications” outperformed indices on the stock market by as much as 100%.

So how can a brand achieve this form of simplicity? A look at the 2013 rebranding of the nonprofit Rotary can supply some clues.



Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford


Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:









Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #10

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #10





Rotaract 1

Rotaractors take action to support those in the Philippines affected by the typhoon. Photo courtesy of Chit Lijauco, Zone 7A Regional Public Image Coordinator. — in Cebu City.

Rotaract is a club for adults ages 18-30 that meets twice a month to exchange ideas, plan activities and projects, and socialize. While Rotary clubs serve as sponsors, Rotaract clubs decide how to organize and run their club and what projects and activities to carry out.




The Coolamon Rotary Pouch Visits Europe

The Pouch

The Rotary pouch has been most useful. Never thought it could be!!  Heading for Versailles tomorrow cheers from Marilyn and Ian Jennings.  Looks like the Coolamon Kangaroo money pouch is going places!


Ganmain Trivia Night

The Ganmain Trivia Night Saturday 6th September at the Ganmain Hall.  A great night well organised and very well run.  Thanks Howard Holgate and Bernadette Bodel, well done.  Coolamon Rotary had around 19 attend the evening and all had a great time.  Thanks to Grahame Miles for getting it all happening for our members and their guests.  Some photos:
Trivia 6 Trivia 5 Trivia 4 Trivia 3 Trivia 2 Trivia 1




Last night was a monthly board meeting and a planning night for the future.  All in all a very productive meeting.

Breakfast for the 200 delegates of the Rural Womens Conference This Sunday early morning i.e. around 6.30 am at the Coolamon Central School car park.  Our van will be there and so far we have:  Henk Hulsman, Ted Hutcheon, John Glassford, Ian Durham, Paul Weston, Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne and Don Dyce volunteering.  Sharon and Grahame Miles are making a special treat in a glass.

Henk  Hulsman reported on the meeting to obtain an ambulance station for Coolamon and surrounds.  Henk is on the committee to support the cause through the NSW State Government with the support of the Shire Council.  We have all been asked to send in our experiences of the effect that a lack of an ambulance service has done for our Shire.   Letters to be sent to our local Sate Member Adrian Picoli MP.

Ray Wall’s farewell Thursday 30th October at the Sports Club.  You will need to buy tickets by the 22nd October from the hospital or from the Allawah Community Care office.  Tickets are $35 per person.

Please promote the 22nd September meeting where we will have PP Barry Lillywhite talk on the proposed Cheese Factory for Coolamon in the main street.   Grahame Miles will be sending out letters to all the business houses in our towns inviting them to come along.

Next Monday we have a partners night to hear Luke Mulley talk on: ” Desert Marathons and long distance running in general.”

Finally go to the Footnote and the diary for information on a HAT Day at the Loneragan’s garden in Wagga Wagga.


Diary Reminders

Thursday 11th September BINGO Roster Ian  Durham  (Captain), Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne, John Glassford.

Thursday 11th September Mount Kenya ANZAC Day Climb 2015 Meeting at the Wagga Wagga Commercial Club 6.30 pm for a 7.00 pm start.  This will include several members from clubs in our area.  PDG Fred Loneragan will chair the meeting.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 12 ,13, 14th September Rural Womens Conference and Workshops in Coolamon.

Saturday 13th September Run2Raise Sausage Sizzle at Rural Supplies Coolamon.

Sunday 14th September Breakfast for the Rural Womens Conference at the Coolamon Central School start time 7.00 am.  Volunteers wanted.

*Monday 15th September Guest Speaker Luke Mulley: ” Desert Marathons and long distance running in general”

*Monday 22nd September Guest Speaker PP Barry Lillywhite and Anton Green on the proposed Cheese Factory for Coolamon. 

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

Monday 6th October NO MEETING.

* Tuesday October 7th Joint Foundation Meeting at Junee with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  In lieu of Monday Meeting N.B.

Thursday 9th October BINGO Roster  Neil  Munro  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, Wayne Lewis, Don Dyce

Friday 10th October HAT DAY at Rae and Fred Loneragan’s home and garden in Wagga Wagga. {See  Footnote below}

Monday 13th October Board Meeting.

Friday 17th October Run2Raise Raffle at the Bottom Pub $60 per person includes dinner.  Prize a night at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.  In aid of Alice Bailey-Brown and Kellie Wall.

*Monday 20th October Garth Perkin as our guest speaker.

Thursday 30th October Ray Wall’s farewell Coolamon Sports Club $35 per head.

Monday 10th November AGM.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Wales Hat Day 2 Wales Hat DayWales 3

The Rotary Club of St. Asaph, in rural Wales, U.K, held a #RotaryDay that attracted 3,000 visitors. 

Club president, Tony Dean, met with superheroes Robin and Superwoman at the event. Perhaps he invited them to join his club! 

Learn how you can hold a Rotary Day at



Parkes Visit

Vice Regal Presentation to Parkes Rotary

The Rotary Club of Parkes celebrated its 75th anniversary last March. However because of time constraints (it is a very busy club) the official recognition was put off until the Presidential Changeover in June.

The Rotary District Governor David Kennedy presented Parkes President Col Offner with a citation from the President of Rotary International congratulating the club on this very significant anniversary.  Club members thought that was the end of it and just went back to business, doing what they do best, serving this community.

However behind the scenes other forces were at work. Parkes mayor Ken Keith who is a great admirer of all that Rotary does, not just for this community, but for its humanitarian work around the world was hatching a plan that would coincide with the forthcoming visit of the NSW Governor Her Excellency Professor The Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO.

Council had a significantly impressive plaque commissioned for Her Excellency to present to Parkes Rotary in recognition of this now memorable event. So as one of her last duties in Parkes, Dame Marie presented Rotary Assistant Governor David Hughes who was standing in for Col Offner who was unable to attend.




Eat Grass

A man was riding in the back of his limousine when he saw a man eating grass by the roadside. He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.

“Why are you eating grass?” he asked the man.

“I don’t have any money for food,” the poor man replied.

“Oh, please come to my house!”

“But sir, I have a wife and four children…”

“Bring them along!” the rich man said.

They all climbed into the limo. Once underway, the poor fellow said, “Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us in.”

The rich man replied, “No, you don’t understand. The grass at my house is over three feet tall!”


Mary Clancy goes up to Father O’Grady after his Sunday morning service, and she’s in tears. He says, “So what’s bothering you, dear?”

She says, “Oh, Father, I’ve got terrible news. My husband passed away last night. ‘

The priest says, “Oh, Mary, that’s terrible! Tell me, Mary, did he have any last requests?”

She says, “That he did, Father…”

The priest says, “What did he ask, Mary?”

She says, “He said, “Please, Mary, put down that damn gun…””

Reading glasses





Being part of #Rotary means being part of a global community, which includes guiding a new generation of leaders on how they can make a difference.

September is New Generations Month. Share how you help develop leaders as well as learn more about this important part of Rotary at


Africa Shopping



I love Afrika

 The women do all the work!



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:



The Safari Team will get to meet with these amazing Gerenuk gazelles live in places such as the Meru National Park, Lewa and Ol Pajeta conservancies.  All three will be visited by the Safari Team.





You are invited to an Australian Rotary Health Hat Day event to raise awareness and funds for mental health research

It’s a fun and positive way we can all get involved and show our support for people affected by depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, anorexia, Alzheimer’s and many more serious mental illness conditions

Come celebrate



1.30 pm for 2.00 pm

Silent Auction






Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford


Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:









BYOND by Ron Nethercutt

Here is a very interesting article done by a good friend of mine in the Philippines Ron Nethercutt.  Ron lives in the Philippines and we have met at various RI Conventions around the world.  We are also members of ROTI Rotarians On The Internet.

New Picture


Byond article by Ron Nethercutt

Rotarains will be interested to know what Tom Henderson the founder of ShelterBox is doing these days.


First steps on road to recovery Run2Raise

A local girl’s a step closer to life changing treatment, thanks to a group of marathon runners.

Alice Bailey-Brown has severe cerebral palsy and with the help of family, friends and generous donors, she’s on her way to a more independent future.


Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #09

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #09







InteractInteract 2

Interact gives students ages 12-18 the chance to make a real difference while having fun. Every Interact club carries out two service projects a year: one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding.

Clubs meet at least twice a month and are sponsored by their local Rotary club. When you sponsor an Interact club, you’re helping young people:

  • connect with community leaders
  • develop leadership skills
  • make international connections
  • discover more opportunities to connect with Rotary, including Rotaract, RYLA, and Youth Exchange.Learn more about .


Tonight we welcomed home Dick Jennings and Ian Durham.  Our guests included Helen Lewis and Liam Armstrong our guests speaker.  13 members attended with Dick in the chair.  Our members were reminded that on Saturday night in Ganmain there is a Trivia night so far 15 are attending.

On this Wednesday night i.e. tomorrow night there is a meeting at the Sports and Recreation Club in Coolamon on forming a committee to look at having an ambulance station located in Coolamon.  Members are encouraged to attend.


There will also be a farewell to Ray Wall on October 30th again at the Coolamon Sports and Recreation Club cost $35 per person.

Henk Hulsman our Treasurer reminded all that our 6 monthly fees are due now.

Henk Hulsman called for volunteers for Sunday 14th September from 7.00 am at the Central School to man our van and cook for 200 delegates to the Rural Womens Conference and Workshops.  So far Wayne Lewis, Ted Hutcheon, Paul Weston, Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne, Henk Hulsman, Dick Jennings and John Glassford have volunteered.

We had an excellent talk given to us by Liam Armstrong from Coolamon.  Liam works in the Coolamon Butchers and is well known to us.  Liam’s mother and father run the Coolamon Post Office.  Liam is a passionate lover of harness racing and spoke well on his career to date and how he started harness racing at the age of 7 with his ponies Little B and Mr Wilson.

All who were present were well entertained by Liam and we found out about his life and his passion.  Liam is doing very well and has driven in a Group 3 race at Menangle among many other of his 96 drives to date.  Liam is well respected in the harness driving industry and were all very impressed with Liam and Liam is welcome back at anytime to our club.

Liam Armstrong 002

Liam Armstrong 001

Liam Armstrong receives a vote of thanks and a Kangaroo pouch, from PP Paul Weston


Diary Reminders

Wednesday 3rd September Coolamon Ambulance Meeting at Coolamon Sports Club 7.00 pm.

Friday 5th September Blokes Biggest Lunch for Prostrate Cancer Research Wagga Wagga RSL.

Saturday 6th September Ganmain Trivia Night

Monday 8th September Board Meeting.

Thursday 11th September BINGO Roster Ian  Durham  (Captain), Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne, John Glassford.

Thursday 11th September Mount Kenya ANZAC Day Climb 2015 Meeting at the Wagga Wagga Commercial Club 6.30 pm for a 7.00 pm start.  This will include several members from clubs in our area.  PDG Fred Loneragan will chair the meeting.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 12 ,13, 14th September Rural Womens Conference and Workshops in Coolamon.

Saturday 13th September Run2Raise Sausage Sizzle at Rural Supplies Coolamon.

Sunday 14th September Breakfast for the Rural Womens Conference at the Coolamon Central School start time 7.00 am.  Volunteers wanted.

*Monday 15th September Guest Speaker Luke Mulley: ” Desert Marathons and long distance running in general”

*Monday 22nd September Guest Speaker PP Barry Lillywhite and Anton Green on the proposed Cheese Factory for Coolamon. 

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

Monday 6th October NO MEETING.

* Tuesday October 7th Joint Foundation Meeting at Junee with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  In lieu of Monday Meeting N.B.

Thursday 9th October BINGO Roster  Neil  Munro  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, Wayne Lewis, Don Dyce

Monday 13th October Board Meeting.

Friday 17th October Run2Raise Raffle at the Bottom Pub $60 per person includes dinner.  Prize a night at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.  In aid of Alice Bailey-Brown and Kellie Wall.

*Monday 20th October Garth Perkin as our guest speaker.

Thursday 30th October Ray Wall’s farewell Coolamon Sports Club $35 per head.

Monday 10th November AGM.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.





One of the great privileges of being president of Rotary International is having the chance to visit so many parts of the Rotary world. Usually I travel to participate in Rotary events; speak at Rotary clubs, conferences, and institutes; and encourage Rotarians in their service. But as president, I am responsible for all branches of the Rotary family. This means that it is also my privilege to support the service of Rotary’s youngest generations: our Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Youth Exchange students, and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards participants.



Rotary Day

Share your #RotaryDay photos on social media using #RotaryDay, or upload your photo to your Flickr stream and share it with Rotary on its Family of Rotary Group at

To share your video, upload it to YouTube and send a link to [email protected].

Learn more about Rotary Day at

Family of Rotary

The Family of Rotary Flickr group is a forum for Rotary members to share photos of what their clubs are doing around the world, uniting leaders from diverse background to solve the world’s most challenging problems



Blayney RC 3 Blayney RC 1

This is the way to enjoy a Rotary meeting!!

A typical meeting of Blayney Rotary Club that’s our President John Power with Past District Governor Ian Tooke enjoying a red wine

Domestic violence officer wins police of the year.

Police Awards

Executive officer Kristy-Lee Holmes, senior constable Matthew Owen from the traffic and highway patrol, Coolamon senior constable Brad Hallam, Sunrise Rotary president Jo Wilson, constable Madonna Reardon, superint Bob Noble, constable Brayden Sharrock and Wagga LAC volunteer Ray Pelletier with their awards at the gala presentation. Picture: Kieren L Tilly






Deserted Island

Abe and Esther are flying to Australia for a two-week vacation to celebrate their 40th anniversary. Suddenly, over the public address system, the Captain announces, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am afraid I have some very bad news. Our engines have ceased functioning and we will attempt an emergency landing. Luckily, I see an uncharted island below us and we should be able to land on the beach. However, the odds are that we may never be rescued and will have to live on the island for the rest of our lives!”

Thanks to the skill of the flight crew, the plane lands safely on the island. An hour later Abe turns to his wife and asks, “Esther, did we pay our $5,000 PBS pledge check yet?”

“No, sweetheart,” she responds.

Abe, still shaken from the crash landing, then asks, “Esther, did we pay our American Express card yet?”

“Oh, no! I’m sorry. I forgot to send the check,” she says.

“One last thing, Esther. Did you remember to send checks for the Visa and MasterCard this month?” he asks.

“Oy, forgive me, Abie,” begged Esther. “I didn’t send that one, either.”

Abe grabs her and gives her the biggest kiss in 40 years. Esther pulls away and asks him, “What was that for?”

Abe answers, “They’ll find us!”






Months of physical therapy have allowed Samir to keep active with his siblings. He loves to play outside, and his favorite game is chase. Since 1995, when India held its first national polio immunization campaign, 2.3 million vaccinators have visited 209 million households to immunize 170 million children every year. Their efforts will help provide a polio-free future for generations to come throughout Southeast Asia.

Photo Credit: Allison Kwesell

As photojournalist Allison Kwesell walks through the narrow streets of an Indian village, familiarity sets in. She visited here four years ago, when she first met Samir and his family. He was two years old then and had recently contracted polio.


Kwesell approaches the front porch of a home when she hears an older woman yelling “Samir! Samir!” She runs toward the voice, wondering if she’ll recognize the boy. She sees six children playing chase on the dry earth, the dirt forming clouds around their feet. From afar she notices a young boy, not unlike the other barefoot children in the backyard overlooking patches of farmland, except for his slight limp. She moves closer and the children pause, half encircled around the boy. Kwesell recognizes him by his eyes. Samir is six now, and with the help of physical therapy, he can run and play with the rest of the children in his village on the outskirts of Moradabad.


Samir is one of the last children in India to contract polio. In March 2014, the World Health Organization announced that its Southeast Asia region is officially polio-free. The certification came on the heels of India’s successful fight against the disease: It celebrated three years without polio in January.







Spring has sprung


 Spring has sprung in Southern Africa!



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:



Staying Here want to join us?


Wild Dogs Mt Kenya

Wild Dogs at Ol Pajeta Conservancy one of the parks the Safari Team is visiting.


Click here for the itinerary and costs.




Water Deaths




Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford


Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:









Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #08

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #08



Rotary members


Out and About

Last weekend was the annual Ganmain Show and it was a great turn out.

Ganmain Show 2014 019

Ray Wall proudly wearing his PHF and winning best dog in the show.

Ganmain Show 2014 010 Ganmain Show 2014 002

Well done Ganmain!



Congratulations to the ALL BLACKS  This is for President Garth Perkin

Bledisloe Cup


We had a good turn out last night for our guest speaker Winfried Holzapfel.  Winfried has been selected to attend the National Youth Science Forum, the NYSF will be held in Canberra in January 2015.  Winfried spoke on his trek up the Kokoda Trail last year.  This young man is a wonderful example of all things good about our youth.  We wish Winfried well and I am sure that we will be seeing and hearing a lot more about his future success.

In attendance last night were Winfried Holzapfel, his brother Orlando and father Bruno.  Bruno was a member of our club.  Also Helen Lewis, Carmel and James Jarrett.  Garth introduced his guest form Coolamon Lynn Schadel.  Twelve members also attended.


Holzapfel August 2014 004

Past President Rod Jarrett presents Winfried Holzapfel with a kangaroo money pouch.

Reminder to all members that Monday 29th September is the annual visit of our District Governor  this year it is David Kennedy from the Blayney Rotary Club.  DG David will meet with the board members prior to the meeting and we encourage all partners to attend.



Diary Reminders

*Saturday 30th August The Delltones at the Civic Theatre Wagga Wagga.

Saturday 30th August Run2Raise Sausage Sizzle at Rural Supplies Coolamon.

*Monday 1st September Guest Speaker Liam Armstrong: “Harness racing from a drivers perspective”

Friday 5th September Blokes Biggest Lunch for Prostrate Cancer Research Wagga Wagga RSL.

Saturday 6th September Ganmain Trivia Night

Monday 8th September Board Meeting.

Thursday 11th September BINGO Roster Ian  Durham  (Captain), Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne, John Glassford.

Thursday 11th September Mount Kenya ANZAC Day Climb 2015 Meeting at the Wagga Wagga Commercial Club 6.30 pm for a 7.00 pm start.  This will include several members from clubs in our area.  PDG Fred Loneragan will chair the meeting.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 12 ,13, 14th September Rural Womens Conference and Workshops in Coolamon.

Saturday 13th September Run2Raise Sausage Sizzle at Rural Supplies Coolamon.

*Monday 15th September Guest Speaker Luke Mulley: ” Desert Marathons and long distance running in general”

*Monday 22nd September Guest Speaker PP Barry Lillywhite and Anton Green on the proposed Cheese Factory for Coolamon. See FOOTNOTE.

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

* Tuesday October 7th Joint Foundation Meeting at Junee with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  In lieu of Monday Meeting N.B.

Thursday 9th October BINGO Roster  Neil  Munro  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, Wayne Lewis, Don Dyce

Monday 13th October Board Meeting.

Friday 17th October Run2Raise Raffle at the Bottom Pub $60 per person includes dinner.  Prize a night at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.  In aid of Alice Bailey-Brown and Kellie Wall.

*Monday 20th October Garth Perkin as our guest speaker.

Monday 10th November AGM.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Gary Taiwan

Rotarians of District 3490 presented a check to New Taipei City Mayor Eric Liluan Chu as a promise that they will contribute community services for 10,000 hours to New Taipei City.  The themes for this Rotary Day are “Caring for the Younger Generation with Love and Hope” and “Light Up Rotary!” — at New Taipei City,Taiwan.

With a Rotary Day, you can share your love of #Rotary with your community, friends, family, Foundation alumni, and Rotaract and Interact clubs.



D 9700 Exchange

Thank you to all the hosts and Rotarians in D2380 Sweden who have made our D9700 Rotary Friendship Exchange such an enjoyable experience. We look forward to seeing you in Australia next year.



Biker Chicks


Smart Dog


An old, tired-looking dog wandered into the yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home.

He followed me into the house, down the hall, and fell asleep on the couch. An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back, resumed his position on the couch and slept for an hour. This continued for several weeks. Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: “Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.”

The next day he arrived with a different note pinned to his collar: “He lives in a home with four children — he’s trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?”

The Jury

A defendant was on trial for murder in Philadelphia. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no corpse.

In the defense’s closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a trick.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all,” the lawyer said as he looked at his watch. “Within one minute, the person presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom.”

He looked toward the courtroom door. The jurors, somewhat stunned, all looked on eagerly. A minute passed. Nothing happened.

Finally the lawyer said, “Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all looked on with anticipation. I, therefore, put it to you that there is reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you return a verdict of not guilty.”

The jury, clearly confused, retired to deliberate. A few minutes later, the jury returned and pronounced a verdict of guilty.

“But how?” inquired the lawyer. “You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door.”

Answered the jury foreman: “Oh, we did look. But your client didn’t.”





Idnia Rotaract


The Rotaract Club of H.R. College meets with the villager leaders of Kumbharwadi to discuss their clean water project.  Photo Credit: Courtesy of Nikunj Pherwani

The village of Kumbharwadi is one of many in a drought-prone region near Mumbai, India. Until recently, its residents had access to only one well with drinkable water. During the summer months, the well runs dry, and the women and girls of the village travel three to four hours a day to search for water.

Enter Project Boond, undertaken by a Rotaract club, a Rotary club, and the Watershed Organization Trust to provide clean drinking water and sanitation facilities in Kumbharwadi. Nikunj Pherwani, 2013-14 president of the Rotaract Club of Hassaram Rijhumal College of Commerce and Economics in Mumbai, India, says that droughts are a serious problem in India and often exacerbate malnutrition and illness in remote regions.

“Our major aim through this project was to provide clean water for drinking and domestic purposes to the drought-affected areas of Maharashtra,” he says. “These villages not only suffer due to shortage of water but also due to several waterborne diseases.”



Fire wood







This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:

Mt Kenya 1

There will be a meeting of the interested parties on Thursday September 11th at the Wagga Wagga Commercial Club 6.30 pm for a 7.00 pm start.  This will include several members from clubs in our area.  PDG Fred Loneragan will chair the meeting.

Coolamon is represented by John Glassford, Don Dyce, Henk Hulsman Treasurer, Paul Weston Secretary, Ian Durham and Ian Jennings.

Ideas for fund raising will be discussed at this meeting and the fund raising will be done with Wagga Wagga Sunrise and Coolamon as joint projects.

The FULL itinerary and costs of this adventure will be available next weekend.





 Looks like the trip is nearly over for Dick and Maree!



Past President and former member of our club Barry Lillywhite and Anton Green have some good news on their proposed cheese factory for Coolamon.

Barry and Anton


Barry and Anton will be guest speakers to our club on Monday 22nd September and we are inviting all those interested from our district to attend.


Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford


Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:









Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #07

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #07



Membership Drive

First take care of the exit gate !

Something is seriously wrong if Rotarians leave alive (unless they are shifting to another location).

The other thing wrong in the cartoon is the number of women in Rotary, we need many more to join.



Run to Raise Danny Milne

Danny Milne runs in In Memory of Kellie Wall, Danny’s sister.  Photos Courtesy of Bianca Marie Photography

Well done Danny!

Run to Raise



On Thursday night at Bingo Past President Paul Weston hands over the cheque for the electric trolley to Ray Wall from the Coolamon and Ganmain District Hospital.  The funds having been raised at our Rotary monthly BINGO!

Last night we had as our guest speaker Bruce Spinks form Wollundry Grove Olives near Wagga Wagga.  Bruce is also a member of the Rotary Club of Wollundry Wagga.  We had 11 members and two guests, being Marilyn Jennings and Helen Lewis.  Bruce spoke with passion and he is enjoying his vocation.  Bruce handed out some bread and olive oil and some table olives for our enjoyment.  Thanks go to Marilyn Jennings for supplying the bread.

Meeting 18 August Paul

Past President Paul Weston presented Bruce with the Kangaroo Money Pouch and thanked Bruce for the effort coming over to our club last night.

Wollundry Grove have 2,000 olive trees and are in the main harvested mechanically.  We learnt that olives like water, boron fertiliser and pruning.  Bruce showed us the development of their crushing methods and we learnt that the whole olive fruit and stone are crushed to get the oil.  Here are some photos from Bruce’s talk:

08 Olives 02510 Olives 02716 Olives 00321 Olives 01027 Olives 02019 Olives 008

BUY Olive Oil go to the web site and fill up your shopping cart!:

Wollundry Grove Olives


Diary Reminders

*Monday 25th August Guest Speaker Winfried Holzapfel (science forum)

*Saturday 30th August The Delltones at the Civic Theatre Wagga Wagga.

*Monday 1st September Guest Speaker Liam Armstrong: “Harness racing from a drivers perspective”

Friday 5th September Blokes Biggest Lunch for Prostrate Cancer Research Wagga Wagga RSL.

Saturday 6th September Ganmain Trivia Night

Monday 8th September Board Meeting.

Thursday 11th September BINGO Roster Ian  Durham  (Captain), Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne, John Glassford

*Monday 15th September Guest Speaker Luke Mulley: ” Desert Marathons and long distance running in general”

Thursday -Saturday 12-14th September Rural Womens Conference and Workshops in Coolamon.

*Monday 22nd September Guest Speaker PP Barry Lillywhite and Anton Green on the proposed Cheese Factory for Coolamon.

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

* Tuesday October 7th Joint Foundation Meeting at Junee with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  In lieu of Monday Meeting N.B.

Thursday 9th October BINGO Roster  Neil  Munro  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, Wayne Lewis, Don Dyce

Monday 11th November AGM.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Gary and Diamond

Rotary International president is honored in Diamond Bar

New Rotary International President Gary Huang promises to “light up” the worldwide service club. Only a month into his term, Huang lit up the banquet room of the Diamond Bar Golf Course on Friday. The Rotary Club of Walnut Valley where the president thanked U.S. Representative Ed Royce for being an advocate for ending polio, and then the president persuaded him to join a local Rotary club.


D 9700 Police

FOLKS in the rakish blue – and plain clothes – will be recognised later this month at the inaugural Wagga Local Area Command (LAC) police officer of the year awards.

The awards, organised by the Rotary Club of Wagga Sunrise, allow the public to acknowledge outstanding acts of kindness, compassion, courage and devotion to duty by any male, female, uniform or plain clothes, office staff or volunteers, of the NSW police service in the Wagga LAC.

Story Here




50 Years Married

At Saint Mary’s Catholic Church they have a weekly husband’s marriage seminar.

At the session last week, the Priest asked Luigi, who was approaching his 50th wedding anniversary, to take a few minutes and share some insight into how he had managed to stay married to the same woman for all these years.

Luigi replied to the assembled husbands, “Wella, I’ve tried to treat her nice, spend money on her, but best of all is that I took her to Italy for the 25th anniversary!”

The priest responded, “Luigi, you are an amazing inspiration to all the husbands here!” Please tell us what you’re planning for your wife for your 50th anniversary.”

Luigi proudly replied, “I’m gonna go get her.”


In a factory: A man standing on the floor and looking aimlessly……

CEO of that factory came and asked his salary…
Man replied “5000 sir”
CEO took out his wallet and gave 15000 and told him…
“I pay people here to work and not to waste time, This is your 3 months salary.
Now get out of here. Never come back”
That guy left………….
Then CEO asked workers “Who was that guy?”

Workers replied “Pizza delivery Boy Sir”..

Moral: Don’t overreact in every situation!

Pavlov's Cat





Young Writers

Two winning story writers in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, proudly receive their autographed copies of “The Butterfly StoryBook 2014.”  Photo Credit: Diana White, Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean

In Jamaica, 11-year-old Jordan Allwood reads his classmates a story about a lonely puppy who finds a new family.

The puppy grows into a big dog, enjoys walks along the beach, and survives a frightening autumn day when he is caught in a trap before being rescued by his family. Jordan’s story is one of hundreds that were written by children ages 7-11 for a writing contest organized by the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean 7020 and supported by clubs in 10 Caribbean nations.

The best stories, including Jordan’s, were published in “The Butterfly StoryBook,” an e-book produced by the club and sold through Rotary members and others are encouraged to donate copies to school libraries. Proceeds are used to support other literacy efforts.



Scardy Cats

Scardy Cats!



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Chipembere Rhino Foundation requested 2 more collars to assist with their rhino population. A challenging collaring was experienced when this rhino decided to head into a forest before the drugs had taken full effect. The day ended successfully with 2 more rhino safely collared. Thank-you to all our donors with special thanks to John Glassford and the Rotary Club of Coolamon in NSW Australia via the Kenton Rotary Club in the Eastern Cape of South Africa for this donation.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:






Dick the Organ Grinder

Maree Jennings said that she still can’t believe they are there, it so green everywhere and very mild.  Dick starred as a music man at the museum in Rudesheim today. This would have to be one of the prettiest places they had ever seen.




Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford


Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:









Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #06

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #06




One decision that was made by our board was to approve the purchase of two electric beds for the Coolamon and Ganmain District Hospital.  The funds were raised from our Bingo Nights that are held in the Coolamon Community Centre on a monthly basis.

The diary below has some new guest speaker nights upcoming.


Diary Reminders

Thursday 14th August BINGO Roster:  Grahame  Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Dick Jennings, Leslie Weston

Sunday 17th August Run2Raise Half Marathon.

*Monday 18th August Guest Speaker Bruce Spinks Wollundry Olive Grove

*Monday 25th August Guest Speaker Winfried Holzapfel (science forum)

*Monday 1st September Guest Speaker Liam Armstrong: “Harness racing from a drivers perspective”

Friday 5th September Blokes Biggest Lunch for Prostrate Cancer Research Wagga Wagga RSL.

Saturday 6th September Ganmain Trivia Night

Monday 8th September Board Meeting.

Thursday 11th September BINGO Roster Ian  Durham  (Captain), Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne, John Glassford

*Monday 15th September Guest Speaker Luke Mulley: ” Desert Marathons and long distance running in general”

Thursday -Saturday 12-14th September Rural Womens Conference and Workshops in Coolamon.

*Monday 22nd September Guest Speaker Garth Perkin: “My life story”

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

* Tuesday October 7th Joint Foundation Meeting at Junee with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  In lieu of Monday Meeting N.B.

Thursday 9th October BINGO Roster  Neil  Munro  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, Wayne Lewis, Don Dyce

Monday 11th November AGM.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Gary and Car

Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang and his wife, Corinna, in eastern Canada with District 7820 Governor Stella Roy, her husband, Paul, and their well-decorated car.



DG Orange

We hope the Orange Health Service staff and visitors enjoyed the steak and sausage sandwiches last Friday. We will be doing a BBQ lunch on the second Friday of each month. The next one is on 12 September. Thanks to all the staff who supported Rotary, buying lunch and raffle tickets.





Dog Beer


The Him

One Sunday a pastor asked his congregation to consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns.

After the offering plates were passed, the pastor glanced down and noticed that someone had contributed a $1,000 bill. He was so excited that he immediately shared his joy with his congregation, and said he’d like to personally thank the person who had placed the money in the plate.

A very quiet, elderly, saintly widow shyly raised her hand. The pastor asked her to come to the front. Slowly she made her way to the pastor.  He told her how wonderful it was that she gave so much and asked her to pick out three hymns.

Her eyes brightened as she looked over the congregation, pointed to the three handsomest men in the building and said,

“I’ll take him and him and him.”







U.S. Rotary members Calvin and Rachel Litwiller of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, volunteer in Zambia for Building Homes for AIDS Orphans in Africa. The project is attracting support through its post on the Rotary Ideas crowd sourcing site.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Building Homes for AIDS Orphans in Africa, a Rotary Ideas project

In case you haven’t heard,  to make potato salad as a spoof on a popular fundraising site. If he can do that, a campaign to raise money for feeding hungry children or building a school in a war-torn country should be a snap, right?

Wrong. The Internet is littered with humanitarians struggling to raise the money and gather the resources for projects that could make a positive impact in the world.

So, what is the secret to a successful crowdsourcing campaign? It’s simple, really: make it easy to give. Here are some ways you can make it easy for supporters to back your project.

Use . Rotary’s crowdsourcing tool makes it easy for those who have money, time, or supplies to find projects they want to be a part of. It’s also easy for you, the project planner, to post a project.

“We’ve gotten eight volunteers to help  using Rotary Ideas,” says Paula Winland Van Zyl, a member of the Rotary Club of Livingstone in Zambia. Where Van Zyl lives, access to the Internet is spotty at best, so she relies on Rotary Ideas to promote her project. “Being on the site has really helped us find the volunteers we so desperately need.”




No trailer




This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


One of the places that we will be visiting after the Mount Kenya Climb.

Here are some of the children we hope to help soon.

Oloi Kids 2





Dick and Maree

Dick and Maree 2

Message from Dick and Maree:

Time to say goodbye to the city of love, have enjoyed our time here and the patisseries, leaving on the fast train to Amsterdam today



Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford


Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:









Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #04

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #04





Quinter and Tracy Ochieng two of the young women from Mathare that we sponsor through our ORK project.  Tracy is now in Form 3 at her secondary school and Quinter is applying to go to University.  Both are doing very well and goes to show what a small amount can do to change two lives.  Email below from Quinter received this week.


I hope you are doing okay am sorry for the silence was going through some waves but I was able to surf through now am settled and doing okay. Happy belated birthday!! Sure your even wiser now I always pray for you and your family as you have been a miracle in our lives we thank God for your presence.

Was just wondering how it went during the presentation to your chief guest The Australian Commissioner as I still have the dream to further my education while I am still young.

Tracy said hello she went back to school for her second term in Form Three.

I await your reply.  Warmest regards  Quinter.”

Tracy finished 3rd out of 126 pupils in Form 3.  Well done Tracy.

Tracy, Quinter, Neema and others will be beneficiaries of the Mount Kenya 2015 ANZAC Day Climb.




PE Wayne Lewis, AG Alan Sharp and IPP Dick Jennings

We had a good roll up of members and two guests in Helen Lewis and Assistant Governor Alan Sharp.   President Garth Perkin announced that Winfried Holzapfel from Coolamon had been successful in his application to be part of the National Youth Science Forum.  Now in Canberra and Perth, the National Youth Science Forum is the only program in Australia that offers students currently in Year 11 the chance to test-drive a wide range of universities and careers in the sciences.

The official website for National Youth Science Forum is here

President Garth also advised members that the 2014 Coolamon Rotary Telephone Book is in the mail to everyone in the Coolamon Shire.

The street raffle is set for Saturday August 9th and volunteers are required please.

Our President Elect Wayne Lewis was our guest speaker for the night.  Wayne spoke on his life from his birth in Derby up until the present time.   Helen and Wayne have been in Coolamon for the past 40 years and run a trucking business.  They have three sons and one daughter as well 11 grand children.

Wayne was first introduced to Rotary as a Youth Exchange Student and went to New Mexico for 12 months.  Wayne lived with 3 families in Clovis and told a story of buying 6 piglets, selling them on and getting enough money for a one month ticket on a Greyhound bus anywhere in the USA so he went to New York and Niagara Falls.  Not sure if his pigs ended up here at the Snazzy Pig Cafe Clovis, NM?

The upshot of Wayne’s exchange is that he never forgot Rotary and vowed to pay Rotary back one day.  He has done that and we are looking forward to working with Wayne as our president next Rotary year.  Ted Hutcheon gave Wayne a very heartfelt and warm vote of thanks.

IPP Dick Jennings asked all of our members to join in the Run2Raise half marathon set for Sunday August 17th in Coolamon.

Dick also pointed out that there will be a luncheon on Friday September 5th at the Wagga Wagga RSL.  This is being promoted by the Rotary Club of Wagga Wagga and is called “The Biggest Blokes Lunch”.  The subject will be prostrate cancer research and awareness.  The cost is $95 per head.  More details as they come to hand.

The meeting concluded with a spirited fines session by Dick and the raffle was won by Ian Jennings.  All in all a good night of fun and fellowship.


Diary Reminders

Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

Monday 11th August Board Meeting all members welcome to attend.

Thursday 14th August BINGO Roster:  Grahame  Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Dick Jennings, Leslie Weston

Sunday 17th August Run2Raise Half Marathon.

Friday 5th September Blokes Biggest Lunch for Prostrate Cancer Research Wagga Wagga RSL.

Thursday 11th September BINGO Roster Ian  Durham  (Captain), Myffy Collette, Bernadette Milne, John Glassford

Thursday -Saturday 12-14th September Rural Womens Conference and Workshops in Coolamon.

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

* Tuesday October 7th Joint Foundation Meeting at Junee with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  In lieu of Monday Meeting N.B.

Thursday 9th October BINGO Roster  Neil  Munro  (Captain), Ted Hutcheon, Wayne Lewis, Don Dyce

Monday 11th November AGM.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang gave Master Cheng Yen, founder of the Tzu Chi Foundation, the Rotary International Award of Honor in recognition of her contributions toward humanitarian spirit and world peace. — in Taiwan.

The award emphasizes peace and the eradication of poverty.

Past recipients include Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II; former U.S. President Bill Clinton; Bill Gates; former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, and President of India Pranab Mukherjee.


The Rotary Club of Bathurst Daybreak and the Bathurst Business Chamber have announced that the Bathurst branch of Riding for the Disabled Association, Glenray Industries and Interchange Bathurst will benefit from the business awards.

Crowe Horwath principal David Cooke, Bathurst Business Chamber president Angus Edwards, chamber treasurer Ian Morgan, Riding for the Disabled Association secretary Suzanne McDonagh and Rotary Club of Bathurst Daybreak president David Druitt.

THE Crowe Horwath Carillon Business Awards will help raise much-needed funds for three local charities.

The Rotary Club of Bathurst Daybreak and the Bathurst Business Chamber have announced that the Bathurst branch of Riding for the Disabled Association, Glenray Industries and Interchange Bathurst will benefit from the business awards.

Rotary Club of Bathurst Daybreak president David Druitt said applications were received from 13 local not-for-profit organisations and three organisations were chosen after an exhaustive selection process.




The Glass Eye

A man is dining in a fancy restaurant, and there is a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. He had been checking her out since he sat down, but lacked the nerve to talk with her.

Suddenly she sneezes and her glass eye comes flying out of its socket towards the man. He reflexively reaches out, grabs it out of the air, and hands it back.

“Oh my, I am so sorry,” the woman says as she pops her… eye back in place. “Let me buy you dessert to make it up to you.”

They enjoy a wonderful dessert together, and afterward, the woman invites him to the theater followed by drinks. After paying for everything, she asks him if he would like to come to her place and stay for breakfast the next morning.

The next morning, she cooks a gourmet meal with all the trimmings. The guy is amazed! Everything has been incredible! “You know,” he said, “you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy you meet?”

“No,” she replies, “you just happened to catch my eye.”



A polio worker marks the side of a house in Kano, Nigeria, to indicate the children were not at home and a follow-up visit will needed to ensure they are vaccinated. Photo Credit: Diego Ibarra Sánchez

Nigeria is closer than ever to eradicating polio, riding a successful effort to reach children in seven northern states at highest risk for the disease.

“Rotarians have [gone] into remote areas of the country by car, canoe, motorbike, and even on foot to ensure every child gets the vaccine,” says Rotary’s Nigeria PolioPlus Committee Chair Tunji Funsho.

In Katsina state, members of the Nigeria PolioPlus Committee (NPPC) recently met with leaders of two communities notoriously opposed to immunization, mainly on religious grounds and in protest of the lack of basic health care. They persuaded the leaders to endorse vaccination by obtaining government assurance that mobile health camps would provide free checkups, medications, immunization against diseases besides polio, and other services.

“It was very encouraging to see the positive impact of engaging these leaders . . . witnessed by the huge turnout of crowds at the health camps and women willingly presenting their children for vaccination in households, quranic schools, and other locations,” reports the NPPC.”







Rotary club of Mombasa North Coast is celebrating Kennedy Nganga. A level c-3/4 quadriplegic due to a diving accident in a swimming pool in 1992, then aged 16.  Though he still has no grip to his fingers, he has learnt to paint by placing the brush between his fingers and do paint to sustain his living, support other persons with disability and as therapy too.

He is the founder of “THE MOMMA KENNEDY AND FRIENDS” fund which supports other persons with disability in Bamba village in Kilifi county.  The Rotary Club Of Mombasa North Coast is partnering with him to support the Bamba Community with focus on persons with disability.  Below are some of art work that he does.  Indeed DISABILITY IS NOT IN ABILITY!  Well done Kennedy Nganga.




This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:






The 2015 #Rotary Convention (#ricon15) in São Paulo, Brazil, will be Saturday, 6 June, to Tuesday, 9 June. This means the convention starts and ends one day earlier than previously scheduled.

The dates were changed because the original opening day (Sunday, 7 June) coincided with one of the city’s most popular parades and significant traffic congestion.

Help spread the word by updating your websites, newsletters, and calendars with the new dates. Check regularly for dates, deadlines, and registration and housing details.


Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES: