Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #03

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #03





Rotary Aboriginal Oral Health Scholarships

The Rotary Club of Sydney has partnered with the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health at the University of Sydney to promote oral hygiene and dental care by developing a state wide indigenous dental assistant training program. The NSW Ministry of Health is supporting the program by providing matching funding for every dollar raised up to $200,000.

The program will focus on training Aboriginal people living in regional and remote areas of NSW in Dental Assisting and Oral Health Promotion. On completion of the course, students will be provided with a pathway to higher education such as Dental Therapy or Dentistry.





We had 12 members and one guest Helen Lewis attend last night’s meeting.

We had a great start to the meeting with a presentation by Teagan Leary from Run2Raise at the start of our meeting.  Run2Raise a Coolamon area initiative to look after those in the Coolamon Shire, are a group who are challenging themselves to run marathons and raise valuable funds for families or individuals in need due to health hardship.

Teagan advised the meeting that at the function held at the Coolamon Hotel $6,500 was raised for the project.  Several members attended the event last Saturday.  Our club has agreed to support Run2Raise and it was unanimous that we would offer our help and support this wonderful local community project.

Several members of Run2Raise have joined us as Friends of Rotary and we look forward to a mutually rewarding partnership.

One of the beneficiaries of the Run2Raise project is a young Coolamon girl Alice Bailey.

Alice Bailey is a 2 and a half; a beautiful little girl who was born with grade 5 cerebral palsy as a result of birth asphyxiation.  Alice also has an intellectual disability and at the age of 3 months was diagnosed with a form of epilepsy known as infantile spasms.  Alice starts therapy in August for intensive physio to try and get her moving, the cost of this therapy will cost her family $6000 for a base 3 week consultation.  The Raise2Run team wants to get behind this family and raise some funds to put towards this gorgeous little girls therapy.

President Garth encouraged all of our members to get behind this project.

Their next fund raising event is a half marathon to be held on the 17th August.  Details are on the Run2Raise Facebook page.

Run2Raise Facebook Page.

Tonight we also had a presentation on the very recent Sydney Convention or RICON.   Our club was represented by Garth Perkin and John Glassford in Sydney where we had a booth at the Billabong or House of Friendship.  We also had many volunteers from other clubs in our district who helped PDG Fred Loneragan, Garth Perkin and John Glassford manned the booth for the event that lasted 5 days.

This is a joint project of the Coolamon Rotary and Wagga Wagga Sunrise clubs.

Many new friends were made along with visits by old supporters of our Road MAPS to Africa projects.  Our booth was close to the Rotary stand and next to SheleterBox and opposite the School of St Jude’s booth.  Our booth was called Mount Kenya ANZAC Day 2015 Climb.  We were also visited by our Patron PRIP Bill Boyd.

PDG Fred Loneragan, Lorna Boyd, PRIP Bill Boyd and PP John Glassford.


Next RICON Sao Paulo Brazil 2015

Oloimugui Maasai Village Latest News on Coolamon’s Donation.

Last week our board decided to send $450 to the Oloimugi Maasai Traditional village to get a lap top computer to move the project along.  We also sent them $750 for a new water tank and toilets and here is an email received on the weekend thanking us for the donation.  It comes from Armicus their leader.  I would like to share it with you all here:

“A golden heart of a man who is fully determined to in all means,make shattered dreams re-unite,form and agglutinate back to life!!  A sense of transformation, weapon of hope and a strong pillar of example to a real human being,….Oloimugi, and the whole Maasai community recognizes you..the metamorphic, sedimentary, igneous and shinny rocks of Leshulugo hills even are chanting to the help, support and love you have offered..Our ancestors are rejoicing for we have suffered for long but now, hail be you!

John James Glassford and Coolamon Rotary Club…we pray and hope that we continue working together….! thank you ! Ashe oleng!  Aramicus Mayan Olesentoria. Oloimugi Traditional Maasai Village,  Kenya.”


Diary Reminders

* Monday 28th July Guest Speaker Wayne Lewis “White Line Fever”.

Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

Monday 11th August Board Meeting all members welcome to attend.

Thursday 14th August BINGO Roster:  Grahame  Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Dick Jennings, Leslie Weston

Sunday 17th August Run2Raise Half Marathon.

Thursday -Saturday 12-14th September Rural Womens Conference and Workshops in Coolamon.

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

* Tuesday October 7th Joint Foundation Meeting at Junee with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  In lieu of Monday Meeting N.B.

Monday 11th November AGM.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Dr. Leehter Yao, the president of the National Taipei University of Technology, conferred Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang with an Honorary Doctorate Degree of Business Administration.

Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang poses for group photos with the Major of Taipei, Hou Lung-bing (front row, third from left); RI Director-elect Frederick Lin (front row, second from left); and Rotary leaders in Taiwan.

RI President Gary C.K. Huang is urging all Rotary members to Light Up Rotary by organizing a Rotary Day in 2014-15. The concept is simple: hold a fun, informal event in your community to introduce the public to your club and Rotary. You’ll not only improve Rotary’s image in your community, you’ll also boost interest in joining your club.

Host a Rotary Day

Any club, big or small, can host a Rotary Day. Neighboring clubs can pool their resources and co-host an event — even entire districts can come together for a large-scale Rotary Day. Here are some ideas for your Rotary Day:

  • An outdoor picnic or barbecue
  • A sporting event or concert
  • An event associated with a public parade or festival
  • An event at a museum, art gallery, or cultural center
  • A reception or buffet dinner

Find more tips for planning a Rotary Day in the Rotary Days brochure.

Read more about Rotary Day


DG David Kennedy

Here is a report on the  Boorowa Annual Change over Dinner from DG David Kennedy.

Immediate Past President Darrell Hanns, Past District Governor, Ian Tooke and President Sina Banks.

During the evening the club was presented with three Rotary International and one District award for membership growth. The club is strong and working well in Boorowa.

President Sina, in her acceptance speech, invited fellow Rotarians and interested people to join her and husband, Alan, on a three week working holiday to The School of St Jude in Tanzania in 2015, to work at the school, visit students and their families and enjoy the beautiful sightseeing.

Boorowa News Article



Bible Salesman

This door-to-door entrepreneur became rather bored with his job of selling Bibles, so he decided to become a boss, hiring three people to sell Bibles for him. He interviewed three people. The first came in and said, “I want to sell Bibles for you.” “OK, you’re hired. Here’s your kit; go sell!”

The second came in and said, “I want to sell Bibles for you.” “OK, you’re hired! Here’s your kit; go sell!”

The third came in and said, “I- i – I wa – wa- wa-want t-t-t-t-to s-s-s-s-ell to sell, to sell, to sell, Bi – bi – bi – Bibles, sell Bi -Bibles f-f-f-fo-for y-y-y-y you Bibles for you!”

“No,” shouted the man, ” this will never work! You can’t sell Bibles for me!” The applicant replied, “B-b-b-b-but I r-r-r-eall, but I really, really, n-n-n-n-need th-th-th-this, really need tthis job!”

As there were no other applicants, he man said, “OK, I’ll give you one shot at this, but I expect you to PRODUCE!”

At the end of the day, the first applicant comes back and reports, “I sold 8 Bibles today.” The second reports: “I sold 11 Bibles today. The third worker reports, “To-to-to-to t-t-today, I-i-I so- so, I so-, I so-, I so- I sold 28 Bi- bi- b- bibles!” “Great,” says the man. “However, I want you to sell lots more Bibles than that, so get out there tomorrow and MAKE ME SOME MONEY!”

At the end of the first day, the first worker comes in and reports, “Today, I sold 32 Bibles.” The second worker reports, “I sold 44 Bibles today” The third worker reports, “To-to-to t-today, I-i-I so- so, I so-, I sold 79 Bi-bi-bi- sold 79, sold 79 Bibles.”

“Fantastic,” said the man, “since you’re doing so well, so much better than these other two bums, why don’t you tell them what your sales technique is.” Replied the worker, “I-i-I j-j-j-j-ju-ju-ju-just wa, wa, wa, just wal- wa- wa- walk, just walk up to up to up to just walk up to them and and ask, them and ask, them and ask if th-th-th-th ask if they w-w-w-w-w- wa- ask if they want t-t-t-t-o-o- if they want to b–b-b-b-b if they want to buy a Bi-bi – want to buy a Bi–b–a – a- abi – buy a to buy a Bi-bi-bible, or d-d-d-d-d do th-th-they do they w-w-w-ant me to READ it to ’em?”




Humanitarian Rick Burns,  “We really want to make the world a better place,” says Burns, “but if we don’t consider the outcomes of these projects, we can cause more damage than good. “Burns hopes to take advantage of a vocational training team through Rotary to further the mentoring relationship.

One of 15 women participating in the Goats for Afghan Families project organized by Karadah Project International. Photo Credit: Safi Haidari.
Humanitarian Rick Burns, a retired civil affairs officer in the U.S. Army, has been helping people in the war-torn countries of Afghanistan and Iraq since 2003. He’s seen a lot of good, but he’s also seen what happens when good intentions go awry.

“I’d been whining and complaining for so long, I thought that it’s time I do something,” says Burns, who is a member of the Rotary Club of Atlantic, Iowa, in the U.S.

The organization helps communities in Afghanistan and Iraq create international partnerships to help solve such pressing problems as hunger, poverty, and disease.









This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:

The third team that we are taking to Kenya is made up of our supporters and partners.  We have called them the Gin and Tonic Safari Team.

Meanwhile one of our ideas is to visit the Oloimugi Traditional Maasai Village just North of Mount Kenya and here is a description of what we can expect there.  This comes from our Maasai Moran Armicus who we are helping with this project.

Mzungus learning Maasai culture at Oloimugi.

“Meanwhile, I think we could explore the possibility of organizing camel rides for the safari team,bush walks,traditional dance and a huge showcase of what we do at Oloimugi when you guys visit us.I could plan with you so that we have something like a party that day,decorated by our Maasai warriors at night.If we manage to get tents by then,it will be very fine.”  Armicus Mayan Olesentoria.



In case you missed the Up2Date Art Exhibition here are a few reminders of what a great show that is going on there this week.

More photos were published to the web site this week.



Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:







Coolamon Up 2 Date Art Exhibition

Last night was the opening of the annual Coolamon Art Exhibition called Up 2 Date Art Exhibition.  Well attended and well done Marilyn Jennings and her team.  Some photos below:

PP Ian Jennings below hanging valuable art work before the opening.

Rotary Boorowa takes on Tanzania

Immediate Past President Darrell Hanns, Past District Governor, Ian Tooke and President Sina Banks.

On July 5, the Rotary Club of  Boorowa held its 54th Annual Changeover Dinner with outgoing President, Darrell Hanns, passing the chain of office to incoming President Sina Banks.

During the evening the club was presented with three Rotary International and one District award for membership growth. The club is strong and working well in Boorowa.

President Sina, in her acceptance speech, invited fellow Rotarians and interested people to join her and husband, Alan, on a three week working holiday to The School of St Jude in Tanzania in 2015, to work at the school, visit students and their families and enjoy the beautiful sightseeing.



Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #02

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #02





By DGN Michael Milston

In April this year our District 9700 Community Development team led by the Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak (RCOD) continued their work in the high Himalayas. On this, our fourth trip to Nepal one of the highlights was Ambassador Glenn White’s visit to Maidi a day’s journey from Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

Image Ambassador White and Immediate Past District Governor 9700 Geoff Tancred officially opened the community hall and the literacy platform, built to encourage English literacy skills throughout the village.

Ambassador White and Immediate Past District Governor 9700 Geoff Tancred officially opened the community hall and the literacy platform, built to encourage English literacy skills throughout the village.

(Pictured are Kendra and Morgan who, as part of the tour team, went swimming with the elephants in Chitwan National Park)


Last night we had our first board meeting for 2014-2015.  Ten members were present.

President Garth Perkin asked our club to get behind the Mount Kenya 2015 Climb a joint project with the RC of Wagga Wagga Sunrise.  Garth also laid out some plans for his year as our President.   Among one of the local community projects that we will support is the Run2Raise project.

This is a group of four young women who are challenging ourselves to run marathons and raise valuable funds for families or individuals in need due to health hardship.

“We may not hit the lead, but we’re here to help those in need”.  Bridgette, Bronwyn, Jacqui and Jess as well as a few more.


Run 2 Raise Facebook Page.

Foundation/International report.  John Glassford presented the club’s Foundation/International report and the board agree to support the joint Coolamon and Wagga Wagga Sunrise project Oloimugi Traditional Maasai Eco-Village in Kenya.  The board also approved the purchase of a lap top computer for the village led by Armicus Philip Mayan Olesenteria, a budding lawyer.

This project is under the control of RAGES with John Glassford as Chair.  This project will be the first in what is hoped will be many in a partnership with the Jane Goodall Institute and Rotary International.   Dr. Dame Jane Goodall is the Patron of RAGES.

President Garth Perkin called for invitations for guest speakers and to fill our diary up with great nights of fellowship.

Diary Reminders

Friday and Saturday July 18-19 Up 2 Date Art Show Exhibition in Coolamon.

* Monday 21st July Guest Speakers John Glassford and Garth Perkin Coolamon Rotary @ RI Convention Sydney.

“RICON Sydney 2014 Putting the International into Rotary.”

* Monday 28th July Guest Speaker Wayne Lewis “White Line Fever”.

Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

Monday 11th August Board Meeting all members welcome to attend.

Thursday 14th August BINGO Roster:  Grahame  Miles (Captain), Paul Weston, Dick Jennings, Leslie Weston

Thursday -Saturday 12-14th September Rural Womens Conference and Workshops in Coolamon.

*Monday 29th September 2014 DG David Kennedy’s Visit

Saturday 4th October Scarecrow Festival by the Coolamon Men’s Shed

* Tuesday October 7th Joint Foundation Meeting at Junee with PDG Ian Simpson D9700 DRFC.  In lieu of Monday Meeting N.B.

Monday 11th November AGM.

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang and his wife, Corinna, at the Rotary’ year’s first Rotary Day.

Republic of China Premier Jiang Yi-huah honoured Rotary by presenting a plaque to Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang.

Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang asks you to build a bigger Rotary family by inviting your family to join Rotary.

Let people know that you’re proud and happy to be a Rotarian, and Rotary will grow.



Well here it is July 2014. It only seemed moments ago that someone suggested that I should apply for this role of DG for District 9700 back in early 2012. I can guarantee that time flies when you’re having so much fun!!

My year started with Blayney arranging a well organised changeover at their sensational new Community Centre with up to 150 people in attendance.

Congratulations to our new Board for the next year and thank you to PDG Geoff and Bettye for their guidance and friendship over the last couple of years leading up to changeover.

Since then I have had the pleasure of attending many Changeovers in our District and the official club visits due to start in July and wish all in-coming Presidents for the 2014-15 year the best in achieving their Club and personal goals.



Buddy and Edna

Buddy and his wife Edna went to the state fair every year, and every year Buddy would say, ‘Edna,I’d like to ride in that helicopter’

Edna always replied, ‘I know Buddy, but that helicopter ride is fifty bucks; and fifty bucks is fifty bucks’

One year Buddy and Edna went to the fair, and Buddy said, ‘Edna, I’m 85 years old. If I don’t ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance’

To this, Edna replied, ‘Buddy that helicopter ride is fifty bucks, and fifty bucks is fifty bucks.’

The pilot overheard the couple and said, ‘Folks I’ll make you a deal. I’ll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and don’t say a word I won’t charge you a penny! But if you say one word it’s fifty dollars.’

Buddy and Edna agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, but still not a word…

When they landed, the pilot turned to Buddy and said, ‘By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn’t.
I’m impressed!’

Buddy replied, ‘Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Edna fell out, but you know,”Fifty bucks is fifty bucks!’





A candlelight vigil was held at Covenant House to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation. Thousands of homeless youth a year fall victim to child sex trafficking, a form of human trafficking, which is also referred to as the modern-day slave trade.
Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of Covenant House.

At the age of 17, Jennifer was sleeping on the streets of Atlanta.

She’d felt abandoned most of her life, unprotected from her brothers and her mother’s boyfriends, who physically and sexually abused her since she was five. And now, kicked out of her house, Jennifer – whose last name is withheld for privacy – was alone and vulnerable. She was soon lured into sex trafficking and was unable to escape for two years. Then she found Covenant House.

“Studies have shown that if a young person ends up on the street, within 48 hours someone is going to approach them with the intention of exploiting them, typically for sexual exploitation,” says Allison Ashe, executive director of Covenant House Georgia, one of 22 facilities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Latin America. “But a lot of the time it happens so quickly that they come to us already exploited. Our work is then to help them heal and build a future for themselves.”

The Rotary Club of Atlanta is helping young people like Jennifer through a $4.1 million campaign to expand the Covenant House, the city’s only crisis center for homeless youth. At the start of the campaign two years ago, the house had just 15 beds and two bathrooms. Another 10 youths slept on floor mats, while others were on a long waiting list.

Learn about the Rotarian Action Group Against Child Slavery








Traditional Maasai Manyatta

Oloimugi Plans Eco-eco-tourist lodge.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:




Here are a few photos of change over dinners in Kenya:

DG Bimal Kantaria D 9212 Lights Up Rotary!

Rotary Club of Voi Change Over.

District 9212 covers, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan.

District 9212 Conference April 2015

We will be there on April 15-18 2015!


RC of Silang in The Philippines Light Up Rotary

Rotary Club of Mafikeng South Africa Change Over with PDG Mark Doyle and new President Anton Liebenberg.

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:







Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #01

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #01








Our annual change over dinner was a great success with some 85 people attending from our Mayor to many guests including representatives from the Coolamon Lions Club, the Coolamon Men’s Shed, the CWA, the Salvation Army and the following Rotary Clubs:


Wagga Wagga Sunrise

Wagga Wagga Kooringal

Wagga Wagga

Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Our District Governor David Kennedy was represented by PDG Fred Loneragan and Rae Loneragan.  The MC for the night was PP Neil Munro who did a great job.  Dinner was sumptuous Chinese by Gilbert and Di.  All in all a wonderful night of fun and fellowship.  Our club awarded two Paul Harris Fellows on the night one to PP Ian Durham and one to IPP Dick Jennings.

We were entertained through the night by Ryan Farrell and Caleb Richards below.

We also awarded a Vocational Services Award to Dianne Suidgeest for the amazing work that Dianne does in our Shire for the Hospital and Allawah Lodge in Coolamon.  One of Coolamon’s unsung heroes and we use that term hero in it’s truest form and Dianne exemplifies our motto “Service Above Self”.  Thanks Dianne for all that you do for us.

Here are some photos from the night click on the image for a larger picture:



Those members who remember Jean Simpson the wife of PDG Ian Simpson will be saddened to hear of her passing.

Memorial Celebration for the life of Jean Simpson

Sunday July 13, 2014 at the Orange Ex-Services Club, Coral Sea Room

11am for 11.30am start

to The Rotary Foundation in lieu of flowers

In keeping with Jean’s philosophy of life, comfortable, smart casual and colourful
(where appropriate, Club uniforms would be acceptable to add to the colour)


Diary Reminders

Thursday 10th July 2014  BINGO Ian  Jennings (Captain), Wayne Lewis, Rod Jarrett, Garth Perkin

Sunday July 13th Jean Simpson Memorial Service in Orange.

Sunday July 13th Rotary Club of Junee Change Over lunch midday in Junee. {Fully Booked}

Monday 14th July Regular Meeting followed by our FIRST Board Meeting.

Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Rotary International President Huang and his wife, Corinna, overlooking the garden of the home where Rotary International President Huang grew up on Yangmin Mountain in Taiwan

By RI President Gary C.K. Huang

As we begin a new Rotary year, I would like to tell you that I’m honored to be your Rotary International president and to stand with you as Rotary members.

Being a Rotarian is about a way of approaching the world and its challenges. There are many people in this world who need help and many changes that need to be made. It can be overwhelming.

Confucius and Rotary share similar ideas, and one idea from Confucius is that “It is better to light one single candle than to sit and curse the dark.” To me, this means that we shouldn’t lose hope and do nothing.

Instead, do something positive in your community, and let people know that Rotarians enjoy being together and working together. Involve your spouse and family in Rotary. Sharing your love for Rotary will recruit new members and keep current ones, and be the action that lights a candle.



1 July is the start of the #Rotary year when about 34,000 club presidents take office. They can help start projects, work on membership, and much more. What do you think is the most important job of a club president?

Visit some of the tools we offer for clubs and districts at




Alligator Shoes

A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana.

She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.

After becoming very frustrated with the “no haggle” attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, “Maybe I’ll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!”

The shopkeeper said, “By all means, be my guest. Maybe you’ll luck out and catch yourself a big one!”

Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator.

Later in the day, the shopkeeper was driving home, when he spotted the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand.

Just then, he saw a huge 9-foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. She took aim, killed the creature, and with a great deal of effort hauled it on to the swamp bank.

Lying nearby were several more of the dead creatures. The shopkeeper watched in amazement.

Just then the blonde flipped the alligator on its back. Frustrated, she shouts out, “Damn it, this one isn’t wearing any shoes either!”



A group of 6th grade students from YE Smith Elementary in Durham, North Carolina, USA, talk with students in Ahmedabad, India, as part of the Rotary Reading Rangers literacy program.




Dancing Gorilla





This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:




This week we can announce that Dr. Dame Jane Goodall has agreed to be the Patron for RAGES.  More on what this means in the future for RAGES, Rotary and our club.

L-R  John Glassford, Dr. Dame Jane Goodall, Susan Glassford, Natalie Houghton CEO Jane Goodall Institute Australia.  In Sydney during the Rotary International Convention.


Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2014 -2015

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Gary Huang

Governor of District 9700 David Kennedy

Coolamon Club President  Garth Perkin

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:







News from South Africa

Chipembere Rhino Foundation CRF donate 3 collars to the Kruger National Park with the help of Rotary International!!!

Massive thumbs up to Dr Peter Brothers, Dr Peter Buss, John Glassford and the Rotary Club of Coolamon & CRF for collectively making this happen! GREAT Teamwork!

What an amazing opportunity to help rhino from our national herd.


The funds we raised came from our Kenyan Night on May 10th.  Thanks to everyone who supported the night.

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #48

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #48



President Dick Jennings and the members and partners of the Coolamon Rotary Club extend our deepest sympathy to Bernadette and Russel Milne and the extended Milne family, on the sad loss of their daughter Kelly.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this testing time for you, especially our fellow Rotarian Bernadette, we are here for you at all times.



Rotary Means Business is a Fellowship of Rotary International

Rotary Means Business encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them.

“If any one tells you that it is reprehensible to make a dollar or two for the wife and babies from club associates in straightforward business transactions, tell that person that some foreign substance has gotten into his carburetor.”

(Paul P. Harris, January 1911)


MEETING JUNE 30th. 2014

We heard an interesting presentation by three young women from the shire that have decided to raise efforts for needy residents of the shire via various fundraising programmes.  Bronwyn Halden, Jacquie Brown, and Rebecca Bailey Brown described Run2Raise, the group they started and named because of their passion for running, although their fundraising ideas have nil to do with running. They have in mind a number of fundraisers that they wish to operate under the name of Rotary.

There was general consensus by club members present that this was a most worthy venture, and President Dick suggested the members of Run2Raise become Friends of Rotary and that a committee of club members be formed to liaise with Run2Raise, facilitating linkages to Rotary.  Run2Raise members will meet soon to discuss the proposed arrangement and get back to us soon.

Paul Weston requires any names from our members and their guests of those attending our change over dinner on Monday night.  This is urgent as we need to finalise numbers.  Please contact Paul urgently thanks.

Diary Reminders


Thursday 10th July 2014  BINGO Ian  Jennings (Captain), Wayne Lewis, Rod Jarrett, Garth Perkin

Sunday July 13th Rotary Club of Junee Change Over lunch midday in Junee.

Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



2014-15 Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang, of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan, and his wife, Corinna Yao. They met the same year he joined Rotary, 1976.






A seven year old boy was at the centre of a courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with the child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him.

After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the England Football team, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.

DISCLAIMER: No children were hurt in the making of this joke. This story is fictional. Any similarities to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Should this offend you in some way, go get some therapy & grow a sense of humour & I also suggest that you never watch another movie ever again!




2014-15 District 9700 Governor David Kennedy is pictured with Immediate Past District Governor Geoff Tancred at the District Changeover in Blayney.

The 2014-15 District 9700 Board.

L to R: Back Row. PDG Geoff Tancred, Alan Sharp, Alex Krucza, Jill Funnell, PDG Ian Simpson, Peter Gissing, Russ Martin, PDG Ian Tooke.

Front Row: DGN Michael Milston, Mick Doyle, Tony Sinclair, Sue Gordon, Miles Hedge, DG David Kennedy, PDG Fred Loneragan, DGE Gary Roberts.

Immediate PDG Geoff Tancred and Bettye Tancred many thanks for a great year with you as our DG team we wish you well for the future.

Thanks go to PDG John Egan for the above photos.


Seen recently in Mozambique.


Kenyan International Night result of the funds we sent to the Rotary Club of Kenton-on-Sea.

An incredible day spent on the ground by team Chipembere Rhino Foundation…

Another 5 local rhino received their VHF telemetry tracking collars, fitted by CRF trustee, Dr Will Fowlds, and donated by Chipembere Rhino Foundation.

Thanks again to all who supported the Kenyan Night.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:


Designated as a world heritage site, Mt.Kenya National Park is home to the tallest mountain in Kenya and second tallest Mountain in Africa?   Have you climbed Mt.Kenya?   Up to which peak?



Oloimugi traditional Maasai Eco-village

Armicus Mayan

I have been in communication with a Maasai Moran called Armicus Mayan, (Armicus = translates as ‘dedicated to a faithful implementation of constitution).  Armicus is studying to become a lawyer in Nairobi however he is building an eco-village on his home land near Mount Kenya.

Oloimugi Maasai Traditional eco-Village.

Armicus Mayan & his vision to change the Maasai view & treatment of wildlife.  As I’m sure you’re aware, money is scarce in Kenya & indeed much of Africa (not all) but there’s no help out there if you’ve got nothing.  A 12 year old boy living in the Maasai community in Isiolo Kenya Armicus had been growing sick & sad at the communities treatment of all wildlife around him, he felt that people exploited animals & that firstly it was not right and secondly even if it was, it was not sustainable.  Right on both counts!  But how else can a Maasai community make money when all that people would buy was meat or foreigners would pay to kill animals so that they could sell meat, felt, teeth, bone, tusks & horn.

He now believes that people care enough about wildlife & they also care about fellow humans enough to reach out.  Which is what Armicus is doing right now to us in Rotary.

In his own words Armicus says:

“Jackals are threatening to kill down our way of life as the Illngwesi Maasai community..I like the animals ,but what should I do to convince my fellow villagers that the animals are good; while their source of living (livestock), is attacked daily….just a few days ago, Mzee Olelegei lost 34 goats in two weeks…so far, the government and other wildlife agencies have not intervened…this risks to increase the rift between human and wildlife….conflict as it would be other words put……am can I help this?”

So Armicus wants is developing an eco-village and a place where his fellow villagers, the children, the Moran and the elders can encourage visitors and tourists to share in their way of life and learn the ways of the Maasai.  Stage one is clean water and toilets.

“After installing the water tank for clean water at Oloimugi, I am also planning to build an eco-toilet to improve sanitation…Children to use that water in the tank to plant trees,learn all the best ways to conserve the environment……mothers are also struggling to fetch firewood far away…that is tiresome and time-consuming.  Also, fetching firewood destroys our environment..cutting down of tree breaks the ecosystem… ..A bio-gas plant would help us since we only use cow or elephant dung.”

Immediate needs to get the village going include:

Water tanks and toilet cost: 25,000 Kenyan shillings..installation supplements..Kenyan shillings: 8,000  transportation: 5,000 Kenyan shillings..labour in installation plus food: 12000 Kenyan shillings. . toilet construction: Kenyan shillings 12,000.

TOTAL 60,000 Kenyan shillings or around $750.

This is the first project that we want to work with in conjunction with the Jane Goodall Institute in Kenya and RAGES.  The details of the whole project will be published at a later date.  The whole project complies with The Rotary Foundation’s 6 areas of focus.  I am now working with the idea of getting a Rotary club on the ground in Kenya to work with us and the Jane Goodall Institute Kenya.

In the mean time we can help Armicus with stage 1 as above.

Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2013 -2014

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species



Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Ron Burton

Governor of District 9700 Geoff Tancred

Coolamon Club President  Dick Jennings

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES: