Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #41

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #41







Vivid Sydney starts on May 23rd and will be a highlight during RICON 2014 in Sydney.



Last night we had the pleasure of the company of Libby Cruikshank our guest speaker for the evening.

Libby used to be the chemist in charge at the Coolamon Pharmacy.  Libby now lives on a farm outside of Coolamon and works part time for the Coolamon Shire with Medicare Local.  Medicare Local provides preventative care to offset the likelihood of health problems before they happen.  This is a wonderful idea and deserves full support form all sides of politics.

Libby gave a sincere and informative presentation on what Medicare Local does and we learnt that they also conduct safe food handling classes, Men’s Shed guidance, ageing population needs and preventative medical care.  We all agreed that we need to look at ways that Rotary can help Libby continue her work in our Shire.


Neil Munro presented Libby with a kangaroo money pouch:

As you all know Max Chapman was a member of our club and is now a member of the Wagga Wagga Sunrise Club.  Sue and Max are having an Open Garden Day at their home in Wagga Wagga.

SATURDAY MAY 17th 2014 Afternoon.

3 Olearia Place LAKE ALBERT

Live Music by Cross Country

Finger Food and BYO Poetry Readings

Funds raised go to the RC of Wagga Wagga Sunrise cost of entry $35 per person.

Please support Wagga Wagga Sunrise and call Joan Skewes on 6925 1702 to make your booking.

You will not be disappointed as Sue has done an amazing job on this their new home garden.


Diary Reminders

Thursday May 8th BINGO Rostered ON: Bernadette Milne, Miffy Collette, Ian Durham, Mark Reardon

*Saturday May 10th International Night in Ganmain for AFRICA’S rhinos and elephants.

Monday May 12th Regular meeting followed by a Board Meeting.

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 May Wagga Wagga Book Fair.

Saturday 17th May Sue and Max Chapman Garden Tour and Live Music in Wagga Wagga.

Saturday 24th May Red Shield Appeal Street Stall.

Saturday May 31st to Wednesday June 4th.  SYDNEY 2014 RI Convention See promotion at the end of this bulletin.

Saturday June 7th and Sunday June 8th Brad’s Fight for Life at the Coolamon Showground Volunteers needed.

Wednesday June 11th Meeting of the 2014-2015 Board at PE Garth Perkin’s Home.

Thursday June 12th BINGO Rostered ON: John Glassford, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson, Henk Hulsman

Wednesday June 18th RC Kooringal Change Over Dinner  6.00 pm $40 at the Wagga Wagga Country Club.

Saturday 28th June D9700 Change Over Dinner in Orange.


Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.




This weekend we went to Grenfell for the D9700 Assembly.  It was COLD very COLD however the warmth of Rotarains in fellowship and a common purpose far outweighed the COLD.  The Rotary Club of Grenfell put on another good day for us all around 150  attended a good roll up.

District Assembly is where the incoming board members of each club in our District get to refresh and learn from our District Board on what is expected of us during the next Rotary year.   The day was conducted by our District Trainer Mary Brell from Orange Daybreak.

DGE David Kennedy introduced the theme for 2014-2015 Light Up Rotary:

RIPE Gary Huang and Corinna Huang

RI President-elect Gary C.K. Huang chose Light Up Rotary as his theme for 2014-15. Huang was inspired by the teachings of Chinese philosopher Confucius who said: “It is better to light a single candle, than to sit and curse the darkness.”

“There are so many problems in the world, so many people who need help. Many people say, ‘There’s nothing I can do.’ So they sit there doing nothing. Meanwhile everything stays dark,” Huang told the 537 district governors and their spouses and partners who are attending the 2014 International Assembly in San Diego, California.

“The Rotary way is the Confucius way. The Rotary way is to light a candle. I light one, you light one, 1.2 million Rotarians light one. Together, we light up the world,” said Huang, who is a member of the Rotary Club of Taipei in Taiwan.

The Grenfell High School Hall please note bene the grey hair and the heavy jackets!


The Dream

A man goes into his son’s room to wish him goodnight. His son is having a nightmare – the man wakes him and asks his son if he is OK? The son replies he is scared because he dreamt that Auntie Susie had died. The father assures the son that Auntie Susie is fine and sends him to bed.

The next day, Auntie Susie dies.

One week later, the man again goes into his son’s room to wish him goodnight. His son is having another nightmare – the man again wakes his son. The son this time says that he had dreamt that granddaddy had died. The father assures the son that granddaddy is fine and sends him to bed.

The next day, granddaddy dies.

One week later, the man again goes into his son’s room to wish him goodnight. His son is having another nightmare – the man again wakes his son. The son this time says that he had dreamt that daddy had died. The father assures the son that he is OK and sends the boy to bed.

The man goes to bed but cannot sleep because he is so terrified

The next day, the man is scared for his life- he is sure is going to die. After dressing he drives very cautiously to work fearful of a collision. He doesn’t eat lunch because he is scared of food poisoning. He avoids everyone for he is sure he will somehow be killed. He jumps at every noise, starts at every movement and hides under his desk.

Upon walking in his front door at the end of the day, he finds his wife. “Good God, Dear,” he proclaims, “I’ve just had the worst day of my entire life!”

She responds, “You think your day was bad, the milkman dropped dead on the doorstep this morning.”



MAY 2014

I’ve had a unique opportunity to be a part of the polio eradication campaign from its very beginnings, more than a quarter century ago, to where we are now, which is truly “this close” to the end.

None of us knew back then how long eradication would take, or how many obstacles we’d meet along the way. I’m not sure how we would have felt about taking on the challenge if we had known. But there is one thing I know for sure: that every single day of the last 29 years has been worth it. Because over those years, we have saved millions of children from being paralyzed by polio. There’s no way to put a price tag on that. And today, we are closer than ever to a world in which no child will be paralyzed, ever again.

It’s been a long race to the finish line. That line is now in sight. But we’ll only cross it if we keep moving forward. And the only way to do that is with the help of every single Rotarian, everywhere in the world.

The first thing we need is your voice, and your advocacy. Think ahead to World Polio Day, on 24 October: What can your club and district do to raise awareness? Write letters to your elected officials, hold a purple pinkie fundraiser, plan an event with a local school. If you or someone you know has a story to tell about polio, share it at The most important thing is to keep the momentum going. Let your community, and the world, know that the fight against polio is at its most critical stage yet.

I’m glad to report that the End Polio Now – Make History Today campaign is going well. Rotary met the terms of the new agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and received US$70 million in matching funds in January, which will be fully committed in this calendar year. We have four more years of this agreement remaining, during which the Gates Foundation will match two-to-one every dollar Rotary spends on polio, to a maximum of $35 million per year. I encourage all of you to do what you can to help us make the most of this opportunity. I know that together, we can engage Rotary to end polio – and change the world, forever.



His Excellency Ambassador Isaiya Kabira from Kenya who will be our honoured guest speaker at our International Kenyan Night this Saturday May 10th in Ganmain.



This will be a permanent section for the next 12 months in our weekly bulletin and I will update stories to this article as and when we get them.   The Australian Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs have approved our application to be part of the Centenary for ANZAC and we are allowed to use the logo below with some rules on it’s use:

The Mount Kenya 2015 web site can be found here on clicking the banner below:



Just a reminder as to what this night is about on Saturday:



Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2013 -2014

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species


Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Ron Burton

Governor of District 9700 Geoff Tancred

Coolamon Club President  Dick Jennings

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:







Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #40

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #40








Monday night we had as our guest speaker Deborah Braines from Ronald MacDonald House in Wagga Wagga. Deborah is also a member of the Rotary Club of Wagga Wagga Sunrise.  The evening was in response to the Trike Club Catering that we organised and conducted in Wagga recently.  The proceeds from the catering went to Ronald MacDonald House.  Craig Corrigan organised the 140 or so Aussie Trikers to visit and stay in Wagga Wagga for the AGM.  The catering raised $2,100 and the raffles and head shaving a further $3,900 a total of $6,000 for the event.

Ronald MacDonald House is all done by volunteers and they rely on donations from the public and conducting fund raising projects to keep the house going 24 hours a day.  The house is manned by volunteers and they do a wonderful job.

John Glassford presenting the cheque of $2,100 from the catering done in the main by the three ladies in the photo above with Deborah.  Left to Right Bernadette Milne, Myffy Collette and far right Susan Wingate-Pearse.

Other matters discussed last night included a report on the Easter Markets by Grahame Miles which showed a profit of $1,121 well done all round and President Dick thanked all those who volunteered and Paul Weston will be writing a letter of thanks to all involved.

Ian Durham brought us up to date with the telephone book and Ian asked all of those who had a proof reading job to please complete it asap.  John Glassford brought us all up to date on the Kenyan Night in Ganmain and called for volunteers to help on the Friday set up, Saturday with the event and Sunday clean up.   The night is fully booked and John requested those who have not paid as yet to do so asap to save time on the night.

As you all know Max Chapman was a member of our club and is now a member of the Wagga Wagga Sunrise Club.  Sue and Max are having an Open Garden Day at their home in Wagga Wagga.

SATURDAY MAY 17th 2014 Afternoon.

3 Olearia Place LAKE ALBERT

Live Music by Cross Country

Finger Food and BYO Poetry Readings

Funds raised go to the RC of Wagga Wagga Sunrise cost of entry $35 per person.

Please support Wagga Wagga Sunrise and call Joan Skewes on 6925 1702 to make your booking.

You will not be disappointed as Sue has done an amazing job on this their new home garden.


Diary Reminders

Sunday 4th May D9700 Assembly in Grenfell

Monday May 5th Libby Cruikshank Guest Speaker Community Health.

Thursday May 8th BINGO Rostered ON: Bernadette Milne, Miffy Collette, Ian Durham, Mark Reardon

*Saturday May 10th International Night in Ganmain for AFRICA’S rhinos and elephants.

Monday May 12th Regular meeting followed by a Board Meeting.

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 May Wagga Wagga Book Fair.

Saturday 17th May Sue and Max Chapman Garden Tour and Live Music in Wagga Wagga.

Saturday 24th May Red Shield Appeal Street Stall.

Saturday May 31st to Wednesday June 4th.  SYDNEY 2014 RI Convention See promotion at the end of this bulletin.

Saturday June 7th and Sunday June 8th Brad’s Fight for Life at the Coolamon Showground Volunteers needed.

Wednesday June 11th Meeting of the 2014-2015 Board at PE Garth Perkin’s Home.

Thursday June 12th BINGO Rostered ON: John Glassford, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson, Henk Hulsman

Saturday 28th June D9700 Change Over Dinner in Orange.


Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.




Maya Ajmera visits a shelter for abandoned girls in Chennai, India. The Global Fund for Children, which she founded, provides seed funding to organizations that educate children and protect their rights.
Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of  Maya Ajmera

Maya Ajmera founded the Global Fund for Children in 1993 to provide seed money to community-based organizations that help at-risk children across the world. Since then, GFC has awarded more than $32 million in grants to over 600 organizations in 80 countries, improving the lives of millions of children – from educating AIDS orphans in Uganda to conducting so-called curbside classrooms for waste pickers in Cambodia.

“Education is the key to getting human beings out of poverty,” says Ajmera, whose studies at St. Xavier’s College in Mumbai were sponsored by the Rotary Club of China Lake in California. “Community-based organizations are probably the most creative in being able to find the most marginalized children and provide education that is meaningful and makes sense in their lives.”

In recognition of her work, Ajmera was chosen by The Rotary Foundation Trustees to receive the 2013-14 Rotary Foundation Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award. She will receive the honor at the Rotary International Convention in Sydney on 3 June.




The Freezer

1st woman: Hi! My name is Wanda.

2nd woman: Hi! I’m Sylvia. How’d you die?

1st woman: I froze to death.

2nd woman: How horrible!

1st woman: It wasn’t so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm & sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about you?

2nd woman: I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my husband was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in the act.

But instead, I found him all by himself in the den watching TV.

1st woman: So, what happened?

2nd woman: I was so sure there was another woman there somewhere that I started running all over the house looking.

I ran up into the attic and searched,and down into the basement. Then I went through every closet and checked under all the beds.

I kept this up until I had looked everywhere, and finally I became so exhausted that I just keeled over with a heart attack and died.

1st woman: Too bad you didn’t look in the freezer—we’d both still be alive.

The Library

A blonde stormed up to the front desk of the library and said, “I have a complaint!”

“Yes, Ma’am?” said the librarian looking up at her.

“I borrowed a book last week and it was horrible!”

Puzzled by her complain the librarian asked “What was wrong with it?”

“It had way too many characters and there was no plot whatsoever!” said the blonde.

The librarian nodded and said, “Ahhh. So you must be the person who took our phone book.”



Rotary International President Ron Burton visited last week with financial services staff from all of Rotary’s seven International Offices and Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI).

There were at Rotary International for a Finance manager training seminar.







The Chipembere Rhino Foundation

Exciting news for all our supporters!! A big thanks to Elise of Stop Rhino and Milissa of Bushstraps for the fantastic effort in getting the Chipembere Rhino Foundation Bushstraps developed. We will keep you all posted when our first shipment of stock is available for purchase.

One of the two beneficiaries of our Kenyan Night in Ganmain on May 10th.

One of the items that are needed are GPS tracking leg collars for their rhinos.



You will only be able to register online or on site. The fees have increased since April 1st.

Entertainment in the Billabong will feature top Australian artists and musicians.

The Billabong (House of Friendship) will be opened by RI President Ron Burton at 9.30 Saturday May 31 with a traditional Aboriginal smoking ceremony. This ancient ceremony has its origins in the Dreamtime** and is not to be missed. Saturday performers will include the fabulous Delltones, an iconic vocal group synonymous with the 60′s and famous on stage and TV, plus the stirring Royal Australian Navy Band.

Sunday will showcase the NSW Police Band plus the first of three performances by none other than Kamahl, an icon in Australian Showbiz and famous for his rendition of The Gettysburg Address dedicated to President Obama.



One of the highlights at the Billabong House of Friendship at ‪#‎ricon14‬ will be a diverse display of Australian Aboriginal Art and Culture curated byTali Gallery


Strictly Ballroom | Sydney 2014 Rotary International Convention Offer

Take advantage of this special offer! 

Rotarians and partners are invited to take advantage of this special offer!

Book an Adult A-Reserve ticket for selected performances during your stay in Sydney for the Sydney 2014 Rotary International Convention and save!

For Tuesday – Thursday evening performances pay the special price of only $100* – a saving of up to $20!* Or, book for a Friday evening or Sunday and pay the special price of only $120* – a saving of up to $10!*

Arriving at the Sydney Lyric Theatre in March 2014, STRICTLY BALLROOM THE MUSICAL will tango, sashay and bogo pogo its way onto the stage thanks to the original creative team behind the classic 1992 Australian film, including director and co-writer Baz Luhrmann, set and costume designer Catherine Martin, choreographer John “Cha Cha” O’Connell and co-writer Craig Pearce.

STRICTLY BALLROOM THE MUSICAL is the inspiring story of a championship ballroom dancer who defies all the rules to follow his heart.

This uplifting and courageous tale originated as a stage play that Baz Luhrmann devised with a group of other students at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in 1984, before dancing into the hearts of audiences world wide as the award winning feature film.

In a brand new theatrical production, STRICTLY BALLROOM THE MUSICAL will bring this iconic story to life on stage. It will feature break-into-song numbers created from original classics from the film, Love is in the Air, Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps and Time After Time as well as newly composed songs.

Be a part of history and experience the drama, the humour, the romance in the sparkling, sequined spectacular that inspired the world to dance.

Great Aussie BBQ

Where: Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush
When: 12pm – 3pm, Sunday 1 June 2014 – between the two Convention Opening Sessions
Price: Free

To kick off the Convention, join us for the “Great Aussie BBQ”. Australian Rotary clubs are famous for their traditional Aussie barbecues. This event will be held at the conveniently located Cathy Freeman Park, in Sydney Olympic Park, close to the main plenary hall, Allphones Arena. The Great Outdoor Barbecue will be held between the two opening ceremonies on Sunday, June 1, and will provide wonderful fellowship opportunities.


The Great Aussie BBQ will be held in Cathy Freeman Park in Sydney Olympic Park, close to the main plenary hall, AllPhones Arena. Please Book Now to assist catering. We need to know how many snags* to order.

Event Information

The programme Click to Enlarge:




If you are going to Sydney and can help us man our booth # 229  please let us know.




As we prepare for our Kenyan Night in Ganmain here are some stunning colours from Kenya:


Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2013 -2014

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species


Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Ron Burton

Governor of District 9700 Geoff Tancred

Coolamon Club President  Dick Jennings

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:







Kenyan Night Ganmain May 10th

We continue to get bookings and we are now fully booked.

The prints of the paintings from Paula Wiegmink in Perth are on the way as is one original oil painting.

Here are the prints of Paula’s wonderful work that are to be auctioned on the night:

All three are A 2 Size and are prints of the originals.

The oil painting below is an original and has been donated by Paula for the night for a raffle:

It is around A 3 in size and thank you Paula Wiedmink whose web site is below:

Paula Wiedmink.

To those coming for the night bring your best bidding action with you.



Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #39

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #39








Some photographs of the Rotary Easter markets held on Easter Saturday:



Diary Reminders.

Monday April 28th Guest Speaker: Debra Braines who will be accepting a cheque on behalf of Ronald McDonald House being the proceeds of the Trike Catering.  Debra is The House Manager for Ronald McDonald House. Club Catering.

Sunday 4th May D9700 Assembly in Grenfell

Monday May 5th Libby Cruikshank Guest Speaker Community Health.

Thursday May 8th BINGO Rostered ON: Bernadette Milne, Miffy Collette, Ian Durham, Mark Reardon

*Saturday May 10th International Night in Ganmain for AFRICA’S rhinos and elephants.

Monday May 12th Regular meeting followed by a Board Meeting.

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 May Wagga Wagga Book Fair.

Saturday 24th May Red Shield Appeal Street Stall.

Saturday May 31st to Wednesday June 4th.  SYDNEY 2014 RI Convention See promotion at the end of this bulletin.

Saturday June 7th and Sunday June 8th Brad’s Fight for Life at the Coolamon Showground Volunteers needed.

Wednesday June 11th Meeting of the 2014-2015 Board at PE Garth Perkin’s Home.

Thursday June 12th BINGO Rostered ON: John Glassford, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson, Henk Hulsman

Saturday 28th June D9700 Change Over Dinner in Orange.


Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Rotary Club of Chandigarh received seven children from Rwanda who arrived here on Sunday, for their heart surgeries.
The youngest of all, Evan is a 7 months old child suffering from Down syndrome and is accompanied by his mother, Uhiriwe Chantal.

Rtn. Pres. Hassan Singh Mejie with the first lady, besides Past Presidents Kewal Seth, Praveen Goyal, Baldev Aggarwal, Charanjit Singh, and Vivek Gupta, President Nominee Rtn. D.P. Singh, Rtn. Sukhjit Singh Gill, Rtn. Mona Khattar, and Rtn. Jatinder Kapoor, received the children at the airport and brought them to the Rotary House, where they met the media and had their lunch, before being shifted to the Fortis Hospital.

Rotary Club of Chandigarh had been engaged in providing free heart surgeries to children from various parts of the country as well as from abroad through our partner hospital, under Rotary Heartline project, since 1999, informed Rtn. Hassan Singh Mejie, President of the Club.



The Ostrich

A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him.The waitress asks them for their orders.The man says, “A hamburger, fries and a coke,” and turns to the ostrich, “What’s yours?””I’ll have the same,” says the ostrich.

A short time later the waitress returns with the order. “That will be $9.40 please.” The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out the exact change for payment. The next day, the man and the ostrich come again and the man says, “A hamburger, fries and a coke.”

The ostrich says, “I’ll have the same.”

Again the man reaches into his pocket and pays with exact change.

This becomes routine until the two enter again. “The usual?” asks the waitress.”No, this is Friday night, so I will have a steak, baked potato and a salad,” says the man.”Same,” says the ostrich.Shortly the waitress brings the order and says, “That will be $32.62.”Once again the man pulls the exact change out of his pocket and places it on the table.

The waitress cannot hold back her curiosity any longer. “Excuse me, sir. How do you manage to always come up with the exact change in your pocket every time?”

“Well,” says the man, “several years ago I was cleaning the attic and found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a Genie appeared and offered me two wishes. My first wish was that if I ever had to pay for anything,I would just put my hand in my pocket and the right amount of money would always be there.”

“That’s brilliant!” says the waitress. “Most people would ask for a million dollars or something, but you’ll always be as rich as you want
for as long as you live!”

“That’s right. Whether it’s a gallon of milk or a Rolls Royce, the exact money is always there,” says the man.

The waitress asks, “What’s with the ostrich?”

The man sighs, pauses and answers, “My second wish was for a tall chick with a big ass and long legs who agrees with everything I say..”



Rotary President Ron Burton spoke today to Rotary E-Club Francophone through GoToMeeting, using technology to reach as many #Rotary members as he can.

E-clubs are blazing a trail and can be a tremendous opportunity to meet people from around the world, the president said. He encouraged e-clubs — as well as all clubs worldwide — to ask Rotaractors to join.






Meet Tim.

One of the most magnificent elephants in Africa. Tim lives in Amboseli National Park and is often alone. You can see that his back left leg is wet – he’s dribbling urine on himself and the path because he is in Musth a heightend state of sexual activity. He’s massive and spends all day walking slowly after the family groups and hoping that females will follow his pungent urine trail come to him. He has only one thing on his mind, yup, it’s all about sex. He walks right past the cars and all the clicking cameras and oohs and aaahs, … we might as well not exist for him. Tim is alone and doesn’t need the help of satellite bulls or a family group – there is nothing that could threaten him. Well, almost nothing.

A few years ago an elephant was poached near the gate of Amboseli – I watched Tim for hours couldn’t help feeling privileged and honored to be in his presence (even if he didn’t even acknowledge my existence), and at the same time I felt impossibly sad. I am so afraid that the poachers will get him, and when he is gone, Kenyans will not know that he even existed. This is why this post is to tell my fellow Kenyans about Tim. Visit Amboseli stay at Ol Tukai Lodge Amboseli and spend some time with this manigificent being named Tim. It’s a life changing experience. Thank you KWS, Katito Sayialel Cynthia Moss and Amboseli Trust for Elephants for looking after our priceless bulls and their families



A project of Wildlife Direct in Kenya these arm bands will be for sale at our Kenyan Night on Saturday May 10th in Ganmain.  We are supporting Dr Paula Kahumbu in her fight ot save Kenya’s elephants from poachers.





The deadline to mail or fax your registration was March 31st. After this time, you will only be able to register online or on site. The fees will increase on April 1st.



Before or after the Convention why not take a walk on the wild side?

Great Walks of Australia is a unique collection of walking journeys that wind through Australia’s most diverse and dramatic landscapes.

See how many you recognise?

During five plenary sessions you’ll be inspired by Rotary International’s president and other leaders as they share stories about Rotarians worldwide who exemplify Service Above Self. Rotary Foundation leaders will present the latest news about polio eradication and updates on Foundation grants. Simultaneous interpretation will be offered in Mandarin Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish, and possibly other languages, depending on registrants’ needs. The schedule below represents the latest information available, and is subject to change.

Strictly Ballroom | Sydney 2014 Rotary International Convention Offer

Take advantage of this special offer! 

Rotarians and partners are invited to take advantage of this special offer!

Book an Adult A-Reserve ticket for selected performances during your stay in Sydney for the Sydney 2014 Rotary International Convention and save!

For Tuesday – Thursday evening performances pay the special price of only $100* – a saving of up to $20!* Or, book for a Friday evening or Sunday and pay the special price of only $120* – a saving of up to $10!*

Arriving at the Sydney Lyric Theatre in March 2014, STRICTLY BALLROOM THE MUSICAL will tango, sashay and bogo pogo its way onto the stage thanks to the original creative team behind the classic 1992 Australian film, including director and co-writer Baz Luhrmann, set and costume designer Catherine Martin, choreographer John “Cha Cha” O’Connell and co-writer Craig Pearce.

STRICTLY BALLROOM THE MUSICAL is the inspiring story of a championship ballroom dancer who defies all the rules to follow his heart.

This uplifting and courageous tale originated as a stage play that Baz Luhrmann devised with a group of other students at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in 1984, before dancing into the hearts of audiences world wide as the award winning feature film.

In a brand new theatrical production, STRICTLY BALLROOM THE MUSICAL will bring this iconic story to life on stage. It will feature break-into-song numbers created from original classics from the film, Love is in the Air, Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps and Time After Time as well as newly composed songs.

Be a part of history and experience the drama, the humour, the romance in the sparkling, sequined spectacular that inspired the world to dance.

Event Information

The programme Click to Enlarge:



If you are going to Sydney and can help us man our booth please let us know.





Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2013 -2014

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species


Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Ron Burton

Governor of District 9700 Geoff Tancred

Coolamon Club President  Dick Jennings

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:





Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #38

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #38


Kenyan International Night in Ganmain FULLY BOOKED

Please pay for your tickets as soon as possible to avoid a queue on the night and to avoid missing out on the event.

Mail your cheques to me John Glassford, P.O. Box 71 Ganmain NSW 2702







Here are some front covers of the Rotarian Magazine over the years:

Just click on the image above  for a larger photo.





Last night we had a regular meeting followed by a board meeting.

  • Reminder to all incoming board members to attend the D9700 Assembly at Grenfell on Sunday May 4th starting at 9.00 am at the Grenfell High School.
  • Easter Markets Saturday volunteers needed please contact Ian Jennings.  Ian will send a roster out.
  • Ian Durham reported on the progress of the Rotary Coolamon Telephone book.  Ian handed out some spread sheets for 10 of our members to proof read the entries.
  • President Dick Jennings thanked Ian Durham for his mighty effort and all those who helped in the preparation of the new 2014 telephone book and made special note of the work done by Bernadette Milne and Miffy Collette.  It has been a huge success.
  • Neil Munro and Grahame Miles reported on bingo and called for members to honour their roster duties.  If you are unable to attend your roster you are required to get a replacement.
  • The Board decided to support the Brad’s Fight for Life Day in Coolamon to support the Snowy Mountain Rescue Helicopter.  The Board chose to offer help to man the gates on both days being  Saturday 7th and Sunday the 8th of June.  Volunteers are needed; this is the Queen’s Birthday long weekend holiday.  The Board also decided to donate $500 to the cause, which is a fund raising event to thank the Snowy Hydro South Care, which was involved in saving a  local business man, farmer and family man Garry Bradley.  The event is being run by the the Coolamon Team Yarding with their Stockman’ s Challenge at the Coolamon Showground.  Garry’s family are indebted to those who played a major role in saving his life: Snowy Hydro South Care Helicopter


Diary Reminders.

Saturday 19th April EASTER MARKETS in Coolamon.

Monday April 21st EASTER No Meeting.

Monday April 28th TBA.

Sunday 4th May D9700 Assembly in Grenfell

Monday May 5th Libby Cruikshank Guest Speaker Community Health.

Thursday May 8th BINGO Rostered ON: Bernadette Milne, Miffy Collette, Ian Durham, Mark Reardon

*Saturday May 10th International Night in Ganmain for AFRICA’S rhinos and elephants.

Saturday 24th May Red Shield Appeal Street Stall.

Saturday May 31st to Wednesday June 4th.  SYDNEY 2014 RI Convention See promotion at the end of this bulletin.

Saturday June 7th and Sunday June 8th Brad’s Fight for Life at the Coolamon Showground Volunteers needed.

Wednesday June 11th Meeting of the 2014-2015 Board at PE Garth Perkin’s Home.

Thursday June 12th BINGO Rostered ON: John Glassford, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson, Henk Hulsman

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June Wagga Wagga Book Fair.

Saturday 28th June D9700 Change Over Dinner in Orange.


Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Maryland, USA, Rotary members Christopher Puttock and Rachel Blair (left), pay a visit to the Mammobus last year to check on the project’s status. With them are Dr. K. N Srinivasan (far right) and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi, who coordinates the bus’s schedule for the K Shantha Breast Cancer Foundation.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Rotary Club of Srirangam

In Tamil Nadu, India, two doctors, both members of the Rotary Club of Srirangam, discovered an alarming trend in the remote city outskirts of Trichy, women dying of breast cancer.

Drs. K. Govindaraj and K.N. Srinivasan knew that much of the death and suffering could be avoided, and both were motivated by their personal experiences with the disease. Govindaraj watched his mother die of breast cancer a decade earlier, and helped found the Dr. K. Shantha Breast Cancer Foundation in her memory.  Srinivasan, an oncologist, witnessed unprecedented growth in the number of younger patients coming to his clinic with advanced stages of the disease.

According to the National Cancer Registry of India, 20 to 40 women per 100,000 are suffering from breast cancer.  And because many women lack the resources to travel to the city, or the$50 fee for proper screening , the doctors needed a unique approach. During a trip to South Korea, Govindaraj saw a large van outfitted with X-ray equipment parked outside a mall, and thought a moving doctor’s office and lab — or “mammobus” — could overcome the challenges they faced.






God Answered …

A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her daughter was very sick with a fever. She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication for her daughter.

When returning to her car she found she had locked her keys in the car. She was in a hurry to get home to her sick daughter, she didn’t know what to do, so she called her home and told the baby sitter what had happened and she did not know what to do.

The baby sitter told her that her daughter was getting worse. She said, “You might find a coat hanger and use that to open the door.”

The woman looked around and found an old rusty coat hanger that had been thrown down on the ground possibly by someone else who at some time or other had locked their keys in their car.

Then she looked at the hanger and said, “I don’t know how to use this.” So she bowed her head and asked God to send her some help. Within five minutes an old rusty car pulled up, with a dirty, greasy, bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag on his head. The woman thought, “Great God. This is what you sent to help me????”

But, she was desperate, so she was also very thankful. The man got out of his car and asked her if he could help. She said “Yes, my daughter is very sick. I stopped to get her some medication and I locked my keys in my car, I must get home to her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car.”

He said, “SURE.” He walked over to the car, and in less than one minute the car was opened. She hugged the man and through her tears she said,”THANK YOU SO MUCH….. You are a very nice man.”

The man replied, “Lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. I was in prison for car theft and have only been out for about an hour.”

The woman hugged the man again and with sobbing tears cried out loud….. “THANK YOU GOD FOR SENDING ME A PROFESSIONAL!”

“Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” – Mother Teresa



The #Rotary Foundation will celebrate 100 years in 2016-17. To commemorate this occasion, we commissioned Rotary member and author David Forward to write the definitive history of our Foundation. Every great book deserves an equally great name, so we’re asking your help to choose one.

From now through 15 June, you can vote for one of four selected titles or submit your own.

Learn more at



Last seen in Hout Bay!



One of the prints of the oil paintings done by Paula Wiedmink from Perth.  This print will be one of three to be auctioned at the Kenyan International Night on May 10th in Ganmain.



Fighting indoor air pollution in Nepal

By Yale Jones, Rotary Club of Taos-Milagro, New Mexico, USA

I first met George Basch when he joined our Rotary Club some years ago. In 2009 we spent two weeks together hiking in the Upper Mustang region in Nepal, one of the main areas now served by the Himalayan Stove Project.

In 2010, George’s desire to give back to the people of the Himalayas, an area he loves and has visited often, led to a plan to distribute clean-burning, vented cook stoves for free.






The deadline to mail or fax your registration was March 31st. After this time, you will only be able to register online or on site. The fees will increase on April 1st.




During five plenary sessions you’ll be inspired by Rotary International’s president and other leaders as they share stories about Rotarians worldwide who exemplify Service Above Self. Rotary Foundation leaders will present the latest news about polio eradication and updates on Foundation grants. Simultaneous interpretation will be offered in Mandarin Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish, and possibly other languages, depending on registrants’ needs. The schedule below represents the latest information available, and is subject to change.


Brett Lee former Australian cricket star and founder of Mewsic, a foundation which supports music centers for disadvantaged children in India.

Read more about Brett Lee

Founder of the World Toilet Organization and the World Toilet College.

Read more about Jack Sim

Tommy Spaulding

Monday 2nd June 2nd Plenary Session 10.00 am.

World-renowned expert on leadership and president of Spaulding Companies Corporation, a national leadership development and excecutive coaching organization. Topic: Changing the World One Relationship at a Time

Read more about Tommy Spaulding

The programme Click to Enlarge:



If you are going to Sydney and can help us man our booth please let us know.



An exhibition of DreamCricket will be one of the highlights during the Great Aussie Barbecue at#ricon14 on Sunday 1st June.

DreamCricket is a program of adapted cricket activities for boys and girls between the ages of 8 – 12 with a wide range of disabilities.

DreamCricket is a not-for-profit organisation with 3 partners: Rotary Clubs, Bradman Foundation and Movement Disorder Foundation.


Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2013 -2014

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species


Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Ron Burton

Governor of District 9700 Geoff Tancred

Coolamon Club President  Dick Jennings

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:





Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #37

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #37





The Rotarian Digital Magazine

Click on the above image for a demonstration.





Great night of fellowship and visitors.  PDG Fred Loneragan and President Peter Gissing from Wagga Wagga Sunrise.  We must visit them one morning!  Other guests included Marilyn Jennings, Christine Lorraine, Helen Lewis and Robert Gollasch.  Alex Thompson was also a guest last night and confirmed he will be joining the Mount Kenya Climbing Team in 2015.  Twelve members attended.

President Dick Jennings welcomed one and all and we conducted some business before the guest speaker.   Paul Weston announced that the Hon M. McCormack will be attending our change over dinner on July 7th.   John Glassford called for volunteers for the Kenyan Night as did Grahame Miles for the Easter Markets on Saturday 19th April.

PP Neil Munro presents Des Carmody with a kangaroo money pouch in thanking Des for his talk.

Last night we had as our guest speaker Des Carmody from Junee.  Des and his family originally hailed form Wagga Wagga and the famous Carmody Hotel.  Des served  in Vietnam and worked as a public prosecutor in the New South Wales Government in Sydney.

Des had as a subject “Gallipoli Defeat or Victory”.  Des gave a brief account of the history of Gallipoli and the reasons Australia and New Zealand went to war at this time in our short history.  There was a lot of mention about General Sir Ian Hamilton the British Commander-in-Chief of this campaign.

Des asked the question was Gallipoli a defeat or a victory or was it a draw.  In fact it was a stalemate and no one won this battle there were a total of 500,000 casualties in all both Turks, British, French, Greeks, Africans, Australians and New Zealanders lost their lives or were wounded in battle.  My father George was one of those casualties.  Below are two photos and a map from my father’s book Gallipoli by John Masefield published in 1917.


Diary Reminders.

Thursday April 10th BINGO Rostered ON: Leslie Weston, Paul Weston, Ian Jennings, Ted Hutcheon

Monday 14th April Regular Meeting followed by the April Board Meeting.

Saturday 19th April EASTER MARKETS in Coolamon.

Monday April 21st EASTER No Meeting.

Monday April 28th Libby Cruikshank Guest Speaker Community Health.

Sunday 4th May D9700 Assembly in Grenfell

Thursday May 8th BINGO Rostered ON: Bernadette Milne, Miffy Collette, Ian Durham, Mark Reardon

*Saturday May 10th International Night in Ganmain for AFRICA’S rhinos and elephants.

Saturday 24th May Red Shield Appeal Street Stall.

Sunday June 1st-Wednesday June 4th.  SYDNEY 2014 RI Convention See promotion at the end of this bulletin.

Thursday June 12th BINGO Rostered ON: John Glassford, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson, Henk Hulsman

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June Wagga Wagga Book Fair.

Saturday 28th June D9700 Change Over Dinner in Orange.


Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.







President John Routley of Hout Bay Rotary our centennial twin club preparing for the Family Health Days.

Hout Bay Ready

2014 Program Goals: The goal for 2014 will be to service 375,000 citizens as follows:

South Africa 160 sites; Ghana 30 sites; Uganda 120 sites; Nigeria 150 sites.

The country of Swaziland will pilot the program, with the support of the South Africa Rotary clubs at seven sites. RFHA, with the support of the CDC and the S.A. Department of Health, put together a data collection tool that will be used at all the sites in all countries. In addition, Dr. Phil Silvers (Past Rotary International Director) created a template to do a 90 day impact study in all the countries this year.

Marion Bunch (RFHD Founder), Elana Afrika (SABC 3’s Expresso Breakfast Show), & Sue Paget (National Program Director), discussed the progress of the Rotary Family Health Days.



Fish and Chips

A Chinaman, a German and a Kiwi are working on a high rise construction site.

At lunch time, they sat down together and opened their lunchboxes. The Chinaman looked inside and said, “Ah, if I get dumpling again, I gonna jump off the building”.

The German looked inside and said, “Mann, if I get Sauerkraut nd Pickle again, I vill jump off zee building too”. The Kiwi looked inside and said

“Smokes if I get fush and chups again, I’m gonna jump off this building as well’! The next day at lunchtime, they open their lunchboxes.

The Chinaman looked inside and said, “Ah, DUMPLINGS!!!”. He jumped off the 32nd floor and died. The German looked inside and said, “Mann, SAUERKRAUT ND PICKLE!!!!” He jumped off the 32nd floor and died. The Kiwi looked inside and said, “Smokes, FUSH AND CHUPS!!!” He jumped off the 32nd floor and died.

At the funeral, the Chinamans wife said, “If I know he no like dumplings, I will have make something different”. The Germans wife said, “If I know he doesn’t like Sauerkraut nd Pickle, I vould have made zompting (something) divferent.”

Everyone looked at the Kiwi’s wife. She said, “Don’t look at me, he made his own lunch”.

The Vampire

A vampire bat came flapping in from the night covered in fresh blood and parked himself on the roof of the cave to get some sleep.

Pretty soon all the other bats smelt the blood and began hassling him about where he got it. He told them to go away and let him get some sleep, but they persisted until he finally gave in.

“OK, follow me,” he said and flew out of the cave with hundreds of bats behind him. Down through a valley they went, across a river and into a forest of trees.

Finally he slowed down and all the other bats excitedly milled around him.

“Now, do you see that tree over there?” he asked.

“YES, YES, YES!!” the bats all screamed in a frenzy.

“Good!” said the first bat, “Because I bloody well didn’t!”



Rotary magazines remind us that as Rotarians, we are all part of something larger than ourselves. They show us just how much we can achieve through #Rotary.

Read Rotary International President Ron Burton’s message about Magazine Month



The Undertaker



One of the prints of the oil paintings done by Paula Wiedmink from Perth.  This print will be one of three to be auctioned at the Kenyan International Night om May 10th in Ganmain.



These visitors/shoppers are looking at the Lamson Paragon working want to see what it does?  Well come on down on Easter Saturday April 19th. to the Coolamon Historic Up-to-Date Store and see for yourself.







Inspired by the music of Motown, brothers Andrew and Mike Tierney, and high school friends Phil Burton and Toby Allen are Australia’s most successful male vocal group. The group has released 10 albums — 5 reaching #1 — garnering over 24 platinum awards, 18 Top 40 hits, ARIA Awards, and album sales well over 2 million in Australia alone.

Since 2009, the group has been thriving in Las Vegas, currently performing five nights a week at The Venetian Resort-Hotel-Casino where they will surpass their 1,000th show in

You can find the list of the speakers by going to our page here:



Tommy Spaulding

Monday 2nd June 2nd Plenary Session 10.00 am.

World-renowned expert on leadership and president of Spaulding Companies Corporation, a national leadership development and excecutive coaching organization. Topic: Changing the World One Relationship at a Time

Read more about Tommy Spaulding

The programme Click to Enlarge:



If you are going to Sydney and can help us man our booth please let us know.



The Federal Department of Veteran’s Affairs in Canberra have given us permission to use the ANZAC name and the ANZAC Day centennial Logo to promote our Mount Kenya 2015 ANZAC Day Climb.

HAPPY 80th. BIRTHDAY TO Dr. Jane Goodall.



Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2013 -2014

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species


Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Ron Burton

Governor of District 9700 Geoff Tancred

Coolamon Club President  Dick Jennings

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:





Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #36

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #36





A family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, show off books they’ve gotten from the Little Free Library.

When the editors at Reader’s Digest made a list of the “50 Surprising Reasons We Love America” for their July 2013 cover story, they placed Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi at No. 50, Bill Gates at No. 25, and at No. 11, sandwiched between sliced bread and tumbleweeds, was Little Free Library, a homespun-tribute-turned-international-phenomenon started by Rotary member Todd Bol.

People in 55 countries have installed more than 16,000 Lilliputian lending libraries, run on the premise of “take a book, return a book,” since Bol built his first in 2009 in memory of his mother, a teacher who loved to read. Called an “international movement” by the New York Times and a “global sensation” by the Huffington Post, the libraries have garnered coverage from media outlets including Japanese public television and French and Italian fashion magazines.

Participation is simple: Mount a wooden box (many of them look like birdhouses) on a post in front of your home, workplace, or school. Fill it with books. Delight as neighbors stop by to browse your selections or leave books of their own.





Garth Perkin Bernadette Milne and Marg Perkin above.

This week we had a night off Rotary and had a social evening at President Elect Garth and Marg Perkin’s home.  In all 18 of us members and our partners joined in a pleasant night of fellowship.  As usual the men in one part of the garden and the women in another part!  A most enjoyable BBQ cooked by Dick and Garth.  Our thanks to Marg and Garth for opening up their home last night.  Thanks for the deserts to all who contributed.

Reminder that we have a guest speaker next week Des Carmody speaking on Gallipoli:  “Gallipoli; Victory or Defeat?”

Also will all members please send John Glassford a list of invitees to our International Night in Ganmain for May 10th.  John will send out the invites.  We now have around 44 confirmed so tickets will be selling fast!


Diary Reminders.

*Monday 7th April Des Carmody Guest Speaker “Gallipoli Victory or Defeat?”

Thursday April 10th BINGO Rostered ON: Leslie Weston, Paul Weston, Ian Jennings, Ted Hutcheon

Monday 14th April Regular Meeting followed by the April Board Meeting.

Saturday 19th April EASTER MARKETS in Coolamon.

Monday April 21st EASTER No Meeting.

Monday April 28th Libby Cruikshank Guest Speaker Community Health.

Thursday May 8th BINGO Rostered ON: Bernadette Milne, Miffy Collette, Ian Durham, Mark Reardon

*Saturday May 10th International Night in Ganmain for AFRICA’S rhinos and elephants.

Sunday 18th May D9700 Assembly in Grenfell

Saturday 24th May Red Shield Appeal Street Stall.

Sunday June 1st-Wednesday June 4th.  SYDNEY 2014 RI Convention See promotion at the end of this bulletin.

Thursday June 12th BINGO Rostered ON: John Glassford, Neil Munro, Christine Atkinson, Henk Hulsman

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June Wagga Wagga Book Fair.

Saturday 28th June D9700 Change Over Dinner in Orange.


Saturday 9th August Coolamon Street Raffle

*Partners and Guests Night.

Apologies for Monday meetings call Christine Atkinson on 0427 880 158 or 6927 3521 BY FRIDAY 12.00 pm.



Congratulations to the 1.8 billion people in 11 countries in the World Health Organization (WHO)‘s South-East Asia region who are now officially polio-free!

It’s been three years since the last case of #polio in that region, which includes India. This wouldn’t have been possible without your support and the relentless work of millions of healthcare workers. Thank you.



Weight Loss Program

A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 5kg weight loss program.

The next day, there’s a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck..

She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, “If you can catch me, you can have me.”

Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later puffing and puffing, he finally gives up. The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 5kg as promised.

He calls the company and orders their 5-day/10kg program. The next day there’s a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life. She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads, “If you catch me you can have me”.

Well, he’s out the door after her like a shot. This girl is in excellent shape and he does his best, but no such luck. So for the next four days, the same routine happens with him gradually getting in better and better shape.

Much to his delight on the fifth day when he weighs himself, he discovers that he has lost another 10kg as promised. He decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the 7-day/25kg program.

“Are you sure?” asks the representative on the phone. “This is our most rigorous program.” “Absolutely,” he replies, “I haven’t felt this good in years.”

The next day there’s a knock at the door; and when he opens it he finds a huge muscular guy standing there wearing nothing but pink running shoes and a sign around his neck that reads, “If I catch you, you are mine.”

He lost 33 kilos that week.



President Ron Burton with Convener and RI Director Celia Giay delivering a certificate of recognition to speaker Lucia Gomez Garcia, who is accompanied by another member of Kinderact.

{Editor’s note bet you have never heard of Kinderact!}

President Ron’s APRIL 2014 Message.

Like attending a Rotary club meeting, reading Rotary magazines is an essential part of the shared experience of being a Rotarian. When you pick up a Rotary publication, whether it’s Rotary Down Under in Australia and New Zealand, or The Rotary-No-Tomo in Japan, you’ll find that every single one does just what it’s meant to do: It informs, and it inspires. It keeps you up to date with Rotary news, brings you new ideas for your Rotary service, and tells stories that are relevant and meaningful to you. To me, these publications around the world are a tangible representation of Rotary’s greatest strength: that each club is a local, community-based entity, engaged in a truly global network.

This organization is incredibly large and diverse, and as much as we all have in common in Rotary, we are not a place where one size fits all. Our expectations of a magazine, both culturally and linguistically, are naturally going to be different. With our regional publications, Rotarians in Bulgaria can find out what’s going on in Rotary in Bulgaria, and what’s going on elsewhere in the Rotary world, along with the latest news from Evanston. Because each one of our Rotary publications belongs to the family of Rotary magazines – each one is, like every Rotary club, both fully local and fully part of our international identity.

One of the greatest privileges of being RI president is the ability to speak directly, every month, to every one of our 1.2 million Rotarians. It’s awe-inspiring to me, as I write this, to think of all of you, sitting down in your living rooms or at the breakfast table or maybe on the train to work, reading these words, and then turning the page to find out what’s new in Rotary. And overwhelmingly, that is exactly what each of you does. Not just because your Rotary magazine turns up in the mailbox, or because you feel you have to – but because Rotary magazines are good magazines. I hope that when you pick up your publication – whichever one you’re reading right now – you get the same feeling of pride, and ambition, that I do.

Rotary magazines remind us that as Rotarians, we are all part of something larger than ourselves. They show us just how much we can achieve through Rotary. Through them, we see what our Foundation dollars do, we see what our fellow Rotarians are doing, and we are inspired to Engage Rotary, Change Lives even more.





One of the prints of the oil paintings done by Paula Wiedmink from Perth.  This print will be one of three to be auctioned at the Kenyan International Night om May 10th in Ganmain.  The original is valued and for sale  at $8,000.



We have heard back from Legacy Australia and they have have informally given you the thumbs up to to include Legacy in the Mount Kenya 2015 ANZAC Day Climb. We also spoke with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs in Canberra and they have no problem with our using the ANZAC Centenary Logo of which our application has been lodged.






There is a lot of  HOT air in Canberra!

You can find the list of the speakers by going to our page here:



Gemma Sisia is talking on Monday, 2 June Breakout session 15:30-17:00

Founder of the School of St. Jude in Tanzania, which helps children in East Africa break the cycle of poverty. Topic: Fighting Poverty Through Education.

The programme Click to Enlarge:



If you are going to Sydney and can help us man our booth please let us know.






Yours in Rotary John Glassford Chair 2013 -2014

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species


Bulletin Editor and Web Site:  John Glassford

Don’t forget to regularly check our club web site for current information such as bingo rosters and various newsletters from the District Governor, the School of St. Jude’s, the monthly membership on the move newsletter as well as several other club bulletins.

Rotary International President Ron Burton

Governor of District 9700 Geoff Tancred

Coolamon Club President  Dick Jennings

Coolamon Club Secretary Paul Weston

Club Treasurer  Henk Hulsman

Coolamon Rotary Club Inc. P.O. Box 23 COOLAMON N.S.W. 2701

Websites of Interest

Coolamon Rotary Club:

Road MAPS to Africa a Coolamon Rotary Project:

Rotary Down Under on line:

Mount Kenya 2015 Web Site incorporating the ORK:

Our Rotary Centennial Twin Club Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa:

Proposed Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species RAGES:





Rotary Family Health Days

The tremendous burden on the families of those infected by HIV/AIDS – particularly for older people caring for their terminally ill children and raising their grandchildren, and for children who are orphaned – is incalculable.

This is a story of people coming together to help fight this global killer along with other preventable diseases.

Inspired by Marion Bunch, an American woman who lost her son to AIDS, Rotary Family Health Days will offer free health care services over three days in S. Africa, Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda in April 2014.

Rotary Family Health Days from Rotary International on Vimeo.