Coolamon Rotary New Bulletin #15

Monday 23rd April 2018

President Paul welcomed 19 members plus guests Helen, Sally, Wendy & Denise Winkler, our guest speaker for the night. Secretary John announced board meeting topics from last week, which  included approval of the printing of business cards for prospective members. This was followed by a delicious dinner and a talk from our guest speaker, Dr Denise Winkler. To finish off the night, Ted led an entertaining fine session, which possibly wasn’t ‘fair to all concerned’.

Guest Speaker Dr Denise Winkler

Guest speaker Dr Denise Winkler spoke on the value of  ‘stories’ in education. She then went on to tell us her ‘Case Study’ story, to illustrate how her story can educate us about who she is. 

She grew up in USA & was previously from Seattle, near Washington. In the early 2000’s she was searching for a new adventure/career & as a result sought to take up a take up a position at Faculty of Education at CSU in 2003. She went on to tell us her most interesting true love to tragedy life story.

When she arrived at Melbourne airport in 2003 she was hoping for someone from CSU to meet & collect her. She looked around for someone displaying her name; there were a few people there looking for a friend to get off the plane, but no one displaying a name. She approached  one man who seemed to be waiting for someone and he swept her up and kissed her. This obviously was not someone from CSU, however after brief conversation where both realised their mistake, both were intrigued by the chemistry they had.  After a tete a tete John asked her to join him for a coffee, where he then offered to help her find her way to CSU Albury. They exchanged phone numbers and he drove back to Melbourne.

A week or so later, he phoned her and asked if he could come  to Albury to meet up again and Denise agreed. In that time, while seeing her for the second time, he proposed to her after spending a week togther. What a true love story that is! – the editor

They discussed plans and had long conversations over the phone.  Her family questioned her decision to rush into the marriage, suggesting he could be a ‘serial rapist’ or this or that; you just wouldn’t know.  But Denise knew! – the editor

They decided to meet up in Hawaii and it was there they got married. After a honeymoon, they returned to the USA  to have a joyous life together filled with sailing and fun, but sadly after a few years, John became ill with cancer. After months of chemo treatment having been given the all clear they decided to come to Australia for a visit where it was found the cancer had spread to other parts of his body. They had 8 happy years together before he tragically died in 2011 in Melbourne.

This left Denise stranded in Australia having just lost her husband. However she reconnected with her good friend and doctoral supervisor who was working at CSU and has since found a new home in Coolamon. 

Denise finished off by stating that risk taking is important in decisions we make in life. After her talk, she answered a number of thought-provoking questions from her captivated audience.

Leslie thanked Denise for sharing her story with us.

Quote of the Week

Who said this?

“God couldn’t be everywhere so he created women”.


Last week’s Quote of the Week was attributed to Stephen Jay Gould.


 Image result for story meme



Monday 30th April –  Regular meeting  at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton. Suggest booking accommodation early!

*Monday 7 May  – Guest Speaker.  Exchange student Lucia on her Australian Inland Safari at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Thursday, 10th  May- BINGO.  Paul W  (Captain),  Bern M, Ivan F  & Craig C in Community Centre Hall

Monday 14 May  – no meeting tonight in lieu of tomo night

Tuesday 15th May – Guest Speaker: RI Director Noel Trevaskis. Joint meeting with Junee and Temora at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Monday May 28 – Guest Speaker. Daryl Bruest on Kokoda trek, at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Thursday, 14th  June – BINGO.  Grahame M  (Captain), Wayne L, Mark R & Ian J   in Community Centre Hall

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night

Register Here Today

Community Events

Up to date Art exhibition Friday 27th July  – 12th August, For further information please email: [email protected]






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President-Elect & Service Projects:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles



April  is Maternal and Child Health Month

At least 7 million children under the age of five die each year due to malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation. To help reduce this rate, Rotary International provide immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improve access to essential medical services, and support trained health care providers for mothers and their children. Their projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of health care training programs.


Learn more about what Rotary is doing in the area of Water and Sanitation at  Rotary International Web Site



District 9700 Board 2018-2019

The 2018-2019 D9700 Board is coming together nicely and the restructure is going to work and work well.  DGN John McKenzie and DG George Weston are committed to making it work, as are the others on this much smaller Board: The 9700 district that the Coolamon Rotary club was a member of has now been split. Coolamon Rotary will now be a part of District 9705 as of 2020. Details will be updated as they arrive.

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

We are still looking at appointing two more Assistant Governors.

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019


President Ian Riseley RC of Sandringham Melbourne

President Elect Barry Rassin RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor George Weston RC of Leeton

District 9700 Governor Elect John Glassford RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Nominee John McKenzie RC of Orange North

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #14

Monday 16th April 2018

President Paul welcomed all members  to the Club Assembly.

Points of discussion on the evening:

    • Daryl reported that last week’s Bingo was only attended by 10 players and asked Rotarians to please come along in the future to help build support for this community activity which generates funds to provide amenities for the local hospital.
    • A big congratualations to the editors of the Coolamon Chronicle who did a fantastic job with this month’s edition.
    • The LCAH committee would appreciate the support of Rotary members if they find the opportunity to go down to this Rural  Supplies this Saturday from 8 am to 12 – noon for a free sausage sandwich and information on regular bowel cancer screening, one of the top five cancers in Australia.
    • It was pointed out to the Bulletin editor that last week’s happy birthday to Ian J incorrectly put his age down as 56. In all fairness however, that was the age I was told and published, even if it was a little tongue in cheek. If you want to know exactly what age Ian was celebrating, you’ll have to ask him yourself.
    • Grahame rejoined us for the meeting this week after a cruise around New Zealand. He made us all a little jealous by reporting that he had a fantastic time, with the food and entertainment on the cruise being excellent and that his visit to Hobbiton (the set of the hobbit village from the movie Lord of the Rings) was very enlightening and well worth the time.
    • District Governor-Elect John encouraged all Rotarians to go to the district conference in Leeton on 4-6 May. Sara Brown, one of the guest speakers, is paticularly inspirational. He also added that $25 dollars of each member’s annual fees go to the district conference, so why not go and get your money’s worth.
    • The progress on the shed for storing the food van and other items was discussed. Daryl handed out a copy of the drawings submitted to council  for an 10 x 8 m shed at a cost of $32,000, including slab, electrical and labour. There was further discussion on the conditions of use that will be required and the interests of the show committee, as well as possible future use of the show grounds. However, it was deemed that such discussion, though important, was still speculative.
    • Incoming president Daryl and the board are looking for ideas to make the best use of district grants. If you have any ideas, can you please forward them on to a board member.
    • Moo Poo – Ted is looking to buy half a truckload and would like to make the purchase via Rotary; full discussion was left until Wednesday’s board meeting.
    • Discussion on possible future community and fundraising events was put forward. It was suggested that we may wish to put on an open garden tour in spring with the possibility of a garden produce competition and a garden demonstration, e.g. How to do a Bonsai tree by Sarah, in the afternoon as added incentive to get people to come out to Coolamon. All were in general agreement that Spring would be the best time for such an event.
    • There was some discussion on compensating host families for the cost associated with hosting our exchange student Lucia. Most members were in general agreement. However, it was pointed out that such an arrangement should have been made prior to accepting an exchange student, but as it all happened very quickly on this occasion this was overlooked. The board will make a decision on the issue on Wednesday. It was also agreed that it would be best if families with children going on exchange were the families most suited as hosts and should be nominated into the future.
    • Wayne said he had a stainless steel bench that could used for the refurbishment of the food van if it will fit.
    • Don’t forget that Noel Travaskis, Rotary International director, will be coming on the 15th of May and we will be meeting on Tuesday rather than Monday that evening. Be sure to be there.
    • Wayne suggested we get Justin from the Office of Environment and Heritage to come out as a guest speaker.

After a fruitful evening of discussion the meeting was closed at 9:00pm


And just for a laugh

Quote of the Week

Who said this?

“The most important tactic in an argument next to being right is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without an embarrassing loss of face. “

Last week’s Quote of the Week was attributed to Lady Gaga with John once more the winner.



*Monday 23rd April – Guest Speaker: Denise Winkler on ‘Education’. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCERoxy Theatre, Leeton.

   Suggest booking accommodation early!

*Monday, 7 May – Guest Speaker. Lucia Bohnsack (exchange student) at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Tuesday, 15th May – Guest Speaker. Noel Trevaskis at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm. NB Different meeting night; joint meeting with Junee and Temora.

*Monday, 21 May – Guest Speaker. Daryl Bruest on Kokoda trek, at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night

Register Here Today

Community Events

LCAH committee holding a sausage sizzle on Saturday 21st April at Rural Supplies from 8 am to 12 – noon with free information on regular bowel cancer screening

Up to date Art exhibition Friday 27th July  – 12th August, For further information please email: [email protected]






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President-Elect & Service Projects:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles



April  is Maternal and Child Health Month

At least 7 million children under the age of five die each year due to malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation. To help reduce this rate, Rotary International provide immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improve access to essential medical services, and support trained health care providers for mothers and their children. Their projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of health care training programs.


Learn more about what Rotary is doing in the area of Water and Sanitation at  Rotary International Web Site



District 9700 Board 2018-2019

The 2018-2019 D9700 Board is coming together nicely and the restructure is going to work and work well.  DGN John McKenzie and DG George Weston are committed to making it work, as are the others on this much smaller Board: The 9700 district that the Coolamon Rotary club was a member of has now been split. Coolamon Rotary will now be a part of District 9705 as of 2020. Details will be updated as they arrive.

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

We are still looking at appointing two more Assistant Governors.

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019


President Ian Riseley RC of Sandringham Melbourne

President Elect Barry Rassin RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor George Weston RC of Leeton

District 9700 Governor Elect John Glassford RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Nominee John McKenzie RC of Orange North

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #13


Monday 9th April 2018

President Paul welcomed all members and their guests. Guest for the evening included Helen Lewis, Marilyn Jennings, guest speaker Daniel Fisher and to-be-inducted Coolamon Rotary members Anne Rzeszkowski and Lyn Schadel.

Points of discussion on the evening:

  • Easter market day was very successful with a net of ca. $1200 made on the day. Big thank you to Wayne for the use of his trailer for the firewood (and cutting the wood with Dick and Dave) and the bottom pub for their voucher for a meal for four that were used for the raffle prizes.
  • The last batch of Rotary shirts have arrived; if you have ordered one please collect and pay Henk ASAP.
  • Happy 56th birthday to Ian J
  • Dave gave us an update on our exchange students Lucia and Jackson. Lucia is currently on safari around Australia, and Jackson is apparently having the time of his life in Finland and is so busy with winter sports he rarely even gets around to contacting his parents.  Please see below for full report.
  • Reminder to consider attending the D9700 District Conference in Leeton. It is a great opportunity to see what Rotary is up to in the area. Registration link below in the diary.
  • Bingo roster this week is Dave, Alex and Don.
  • Board meeting will be Wednesday, 18th April.
  • Reminder there is a club assembly next week.

We also inducted our new Rotarians  Lynn and Anne. It is fantastic to see the Coolamon club continue to grow and gain strength with each new member.

Wayne and president Paul Welcomed our new members Anne (l) and Lyn (2nd from right)

See Club Diary below

The Raffle was won by Myffy.  Given that the prize was an XXL t-shirt which would not fit Myffy in a million years, Myffy kindly asked that it be auctioned off by Dick and was purchased by Ted for a princely sum of $20.00.

Rotary club of Coolamon youth exchange report

(Contributed by Youth Director Dave McKinley)

Our exchange student Lucy left on Sat. 7th April along with 40 other overseas Rotary exchange students on a whirlwind safari tour, a 3-week tour to Adelaide, Kings Canyon, Uluru, Alice Springs and to the coast at Cairns, down the Qld. coast, to Sydney then home to Wagga on April 27.

I spoke to Lucy on behalf of our Rotary Club the night before her departure and she was very excited and very much looking forward to the trip. On her return she is to spend one further week with Jodi and Digby Graham at Methul, then on Sat. May 5th spend 4 weeks with Club President Paul and his wife Leslie. The remaining 4 weeks of Lucy’s year with our club will be spent with Peta and Tim Wykes before she flies home on July 9th. I would encourage all members who can include Lucy in any activity to do so during the last few months of her stay with us.

Lucy will be our guest on at least 2 occasions (apart from farewells etc.) prior to her departure.

Apparently Jackson is still enjoying a new raft of winter sporting activities in Finland. I am a bit concerned he is not making much contact with our club. His mother shares the same concerns re his contact with his family — too busy he claims.


Guest Speaker Daniel Fisher from Delta Ag

Daniel Fisher, branch manager of the Coolamon branch of Delta Agribusiness since it opened in 2008, gave us a riveting presentation on Delta Agribusiness.

Daniel explained how Delta Ag was first conceived of by  a group of eight blokes that were working in the industry and were disillusioned by the way the industry had become so corporatised and wanted to return to a more locally focused business model. Consequently they decided to open their own business with branches at Young and Harden, with a model whereby the workers in the business have the option to buy shares in the business and therefore have a voice in how it is run and managed. However, it seems it was very hard going after initially opening as the established corporate businesses threatened any suppliers who were willing to supply Delta. Luckily, Delta were able to overcome this roadblock by being able to buy Lachlan Fertiliser which was a subsidiary of Combined Rural Traders (CRT), giving them the purchasing power need to stay afloat and be competitive.

Delta’s primary focus is on having the right people and service in their branches because ‘people buy from people’ and they must be doing it right as today Delta Ag has 28 branches across the region with 230 employees, 61 of which are shareholders in the business. Typically the business runs on very small margins and often runs at a loss 8 months of the year, the 4 months in summer when farmers are buying supplies for the next crop being the most profitable. The Coolamon branch is one of the best branches in Delta, primarily because it supplies for both cropping and livestock, giving it a broad diversity of sales. However, each branch is different and has its own unique strengths that cater to their local communities.

Daniel was then awarded the Rotary Vocational Excellence award for excellence in workmanship from the Coolamon Rotary club for the fantastic culture he has built up in the Coolamon branch and the his community-minded approach.

A big thank you to Daniel for his talk on the history and philosophy of Delta Ag and for his commitment to the Coolamon community.
The Delta Ag Philosophy and business focus.

Quote of the Week

Who said this? 

“I think tolerance and acceptance and love is something that feeds every community  “

Last week’s Quote of the Week was attributed to Henry Ford.



Thursday, 12th April – BINGO.  Daryl B (Captain),  Dave McK (for Don D),  Ian J & Alex T. (please note change from roster sent out).

Monday 16th April – Club assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Monday 23rd April – Guest Speaker: Denise Winkler on ‘Education’. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.

   Suggest booking accommodation early!

*Monday May 7 – Guest Speaker. Daryl Bruest on Kokoda trek, at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Tuesday 15th May – Guest Speaker. Noel Trevaskis at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm. NB Different meeting night; joint meeting with Junee and Temora.

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night


Register Here Today


Community Events

Up to date Art exhibition Friday 27th July  – 12th August, For further information please email: [email protected]





Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President-Elect & Service Projects:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

Read more

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #12


Easter Weekend 2nd April 2018

Due to the Easter weekend there was no meeting this week. However Rotary was still active and out and about in Coolamon over the Weekend with the Easter markets and participating in the Art Wars Competition for the Up to Date store.

Below are just some of the good times from Easter Saturday. Big thanks to John who took the photos.

The Rotary team busy at work painting their totem poles in the Art Wars competition

Sarah and Anne were busy at work on the door of the Up to Date store collecting entry donations and selling Raffle tickets.

Dick had a big job to do auctioning of the totem poles painted in the Art Wars to raise money for the Up to date Store

Our valiant artist with their complete totem poles.

And yes, Rotary was out in force selling delicious bacon and egg burgers throughout the morning. A big thanks to those who maned the grill.

The kids had a fantastic Easter Saturday painting their Totem poles

See Club Diary below

Quote of the Week


(still open from last week)

Who said this? 

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who  keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young “

Last week’s quote of the week was attributed to Brian Wilson and John G was the first with correct answer


Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D  Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.

Monday, 2nd April – No meeting (public holiday).

Thursday, 12th April – BINGO.  Daryl B (Captain),  Dave McK (for Don D),  Ian J & Alex T. (please note change from roster sent out).

*Monday 9th April – Guest Speaker: Daniel Fisher (Delta Ag, Coolamon). Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Monday 16th April – Club assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Monday 23rd April – Guest Speaker: Denise Winkler on ‘Education’. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.

   Suggest booking accommodation early!

*Monday May 7 – Guest Speaker. Daryl Bruest on Kokoda trek, at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Tuesday 15th May – Guest Speaker. Noel Trevaskis at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm. NB Different meeting night; joint meeting with Junee and Temora.

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night


Register Here Today


Community Events







Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President-Elect & Service Projects:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

Read more

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #11


MEETING March 26th 2018

Paul welcomed all 18 members to a members’ fellowship night.

No correspondence due to our secretary’s absence.

Treasurer’s report –

$406 profit from street raffle last week

$560 profit from Foundation dinner evening

Points of discussion for the evening were:

  • Brief discussion on planning for markets this Easter Saturday.
  • A roster sheet was sent around for members to fill in.
  • However due to a number of members being away this week more members &/0r partners are needed to help out in the food van; please contact President Paul if you are available to help. 
  • A motion was moved to change raffle from $5 per ticket back to $2 per ticket, or two for $5. After some brief discussion of pros & cons the motion was passed.
  • A reminder about District conference on first week in May; if you are interested in going the link for registration can be found below. 
  • A reminder about Bingo on the week after Easter; Daryl is the Captain for that night and he will phone those rostered on as a reminder.
  • Dave gave some discussion on Youth programs such as RYDA which need more promotion to get more students involved.


See Quote of the Week & Club Diary below

Happy Easter Everyone

 Image result for Easter memes

Don’t forget Easter is on April Fools’ Day the year.

Image result for easter on april fools day

And for those of you wicked enough to prank the kids this Easter, here are some more pranking tips, April Fools’ Day Easter pranks


Quote of the Week

Who said this? 

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who  keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young “

Last week’s quote of the week was attributed to Brian Wilson and John G was the first with correct answer


Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D  Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.

Monday, 2nd April – No meeting (public holiday).

Thursday, 12th April – BINGO.  Daryl B (Captain),  Dave McK (for Don D),  Ian J & Alex T. (please note change from roster sent out).

*Monday 9th April – Guest Speaker: Daniel Fisher (Delta Ag, Coolamon). Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Monday 16th April – Club assembly. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Monday 23rd April – Guest Speaker: Denise Winkler on ‘Education’. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.

   Suggest booking accommodation early!

*Monday May 7 – Guest Speaker. Daryl Bruest on Kokoda trek, at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Tuesday 15th May – Guest Speaker. Noel Trevaskis at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm. NB Different meeting night; joint meeting with Junee and Temora.

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night


Register Here Today


Community Events







Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President-Elect & Service Projects:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

Read more

The Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation Explained

Rotary is dedicated to six areas of focus to build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever.

SIX Areas of Focus

Members, friends of Rotary and some visiting Rotarians at the Convent last Monday.

Letter from PDG Ian Tooke:

Dear John,
Please share this message with all members of your Rotary Club.
Now is the time we need to renew our commitment to our Rotary Foundation through the District 9700 Centurion Program. The work encompasses many aspects of our commitment to make the world a better place for future generations, and can be nominated as Polio Eradication funding to be spent immediately, or Annual Giving which covers grants, humanitarian work and peace projects.
Each year, individual members are encouraged to contribute to the ongoing work of our Rotary Foundation. Sometimes this is done on a personal level, and other times it is by donating through their club.
If you are already a member of our Centurion Program but haven’t made your contribution yet, please do so now.
If you are not a member of our Centurion Program, you can start now by making a donation of just $100 (less than $2 a week) using the form that is attached to this message.
All donations earn Paul Harris Fellow Recognition points, which can be used for your own recognition or used to recognise someone else who shares in our vital Rotary work locally or overseas.
If you are a Centurion but don’t have our Centurion Pin to wear, we have a limited supply available and will bring them with us to the District Conference in Leeton. See our District Foundation Director PDG David Kennedy or myself and we will see that you get one.
On behalf of the many unseen people of the world who will benefit from your donation, I thank you for your continuing support.

PDG Ian Tooke

District 9700 Centurion Program Co-Ordinator

The Rotary Foundation

ph: 02 6368 2574  mobile: 0409 590 547

email: [email protected]

Centurion Application

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin 2018 #9


MEETING March 12th 2018

DGE PP President John Glassford welcomed members & guests to the meeting. Guests were our guest speaker Auntie Gail Clark, together with Jan Nulty & Anne .

Points of discussion at the meeting included:

  • Sat. June 2 in Young – John G needs some helpers at the District Grants seminar.
  • Dave talked on the need for a placement for our Exchange student Lucia after she leaves Digby & Jody Graham’s
  • Street Raffle next Sat 17th – see roster below
  • New DGE Elect for 2019/2020 has been chosen last weekend & is Michael Moore from Canberra
  • Neil gave a report on Bingo from last Thursday, where we had 23 players & the jackpot of  $90 went off. Helpers were Neil M (captain), Bruce H, Don D & Leslie W.
  • Neil also spoke on the Foundation Dinner next week and its organisation. Catered by Howard & Anne & one employee for the night.


Roster for Street Raffle this Saturday.

6.30 to 8.30 am   Don Dyce, Ted H & Julie C

8.30 to 10.30       Bruce H & Henk H

10.30 to midday   Ian J & Paul W & Leslie W


Raffle was won by Grahame M

See Quote of the Week & Club Diary below

 Image result for raffle meme

 Guest Speaker: Auntie Gail Clark, Aboriginal Elder and Teacher

Auntie Gail spoke on her and her peoples connection to Country and the Wiradjuri Nation as well as her life experiences growing up in this region. This included her experience of hiding from the government officials that would have taken her and her siblings as children to be put into forced institutional care. She also spoke on why Coolamon (pronounced Goolamon in the Wiradjuri Language) is so important to Aboriginal people,  with the name thought to have come from  the ‘valley’ created by the two hills on each side of Coolamon, which is reminiscent of the carrying vessel made from the bark of the gum tree that Aboriginal people call a coolamon.  Auntie Gail informed us that Coolamon was a central gathering place for all the Wiradjuri peoples and the starting point each year for the women & men to go off to other districts for initiation ceremonies & learning centers. The men went to Currawarna, while the women to the University hills before they rejoined at The Rock. Auntie Gail also spoke of her strong local family connections throughout the region. 

Auntie Gail had the Rotary members enthralled. We were very privileged that she was willing to share her and her peoples’ story.


Quote of the Week

Who said this? 

“Light travels faster than sound – that is why some people appear bright – until they speak.”

Last week’s Quote of the Week is attributed to the Dali Lama and was guessed correctly by John Glassford.


Saturday, 17th March – Street Raffle outside Newsagent – See roster above.

*Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. Saint Michael’s Convent with guest speaker on Rotary Foundation being PDG Fred Loneragan. Cost will be $35 a head, a portion of which is to go to Foundation. 

Monday, 26th March – Fellowship meeting. No set agenda, just a chance to bat the breeze and get to know each other better.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D  Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.

Monday, 2nd April – No meeting (public holiday).

Thursday, 12th April – BINGO.  Daryl B (Captain),  Dave McK (for Don D),  Ian J & Alex T

(please note change from roster sent out)

*Monday 23rd April – Guest Speaker. Denise Winkler on ‘Education’ at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.

   Suggest booking accommodation early!

*Monday May 7 – Guest Speaker. Daryl Bruest on Kokoda trek, at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

*Tuesday 15th May – Guest Speaker. Noel Trevaskis at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm. NB Different meeting night; joint meeting with Junee and Temora.

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night


Register Here Today:


Community Events

Saturday March 17th 2018 –  The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval






Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President-Elect & Service Projects:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

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MEETING March 5 th 2018 #8


MEETING March 5 th 2018 #8

President Paul welcomed members to the meeting & handed over to Secretary John who spoke on correspondence which included annual hire of PO Box due  & Coolamon Butchery $200 bill for 8 raffle prizes  -> both of which were referred to Henk.

The assembly then proceeded with the following discussion points:

  • Guest speaker next week is Auntie Gail Clark
  • Daryl gave a report on his w/e at Young for PETS and was most impressed with the organisation and info he gleaned from the presentations
  • Paul gave a report on the District Assembly on the Sunday, which was attended also by  Wayne and Dave, and made special mention of Rotary Foundation & all its purposes & benefits.  He also discussed the benefits of the Centurion program which also benefits the Foundation.
  • Meeting to change from the Monday to Tuesday, May 15, with RI Director Noel Trevaskis speaking on his experience with mental health; Junee & Temora Clubs will be invited.
  • Neil commented on the Peace w/e celebrations and thanked all those who helped & contributed to the event.  Neil also spoke on the Centurion program and encouraged members to seriously consider becoming a member on the night of the Foundation dinner.
  • Club Assembly discussed  -> All decisions made at extraordinary meetings & Board meetings to be presented to all members in an email and presented at club assemblies – minimal discussion on this motion and was passed.
  • Report on renewal of food van from Grahame, after committee met with Mark Reardon at the van last week. Henk has approval from Council/Showground Committee to erect a shed at the Showground to house the food van.
  • DGE John Glassford spoke very well on the Centurion program with a number of very good arguments as to why we should support it.  A number of those in attendance expressed a range of viewpoints on whether the club should pay the fees to make all members of the club Centurions.  Paul called for a straw vote to assess the support for this motion (or lack thereof); those in attendance were nearly unanimously opposed to the idea.

Raffle was won by Sarah C

See Quote of the Week & Club Diary below

 Image result for democracy memes

 Mental Health First Aid

While the Rotary assembly was being held, the Sport and Rec Club was also hosting a metal health first aid course which from all appearances was exceptionally well attended with approximately 30 participants which is a great turnout for the Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC). Coolamon Rotary provided catering on the night and will be doing so again on Thursday. Thanks go out to the Rotary members that volunteered to do the catering for this worthwhile community initiative. 

Image result for mental health first aid

Quote of the Week

Who said this ?

When you speak you talk of what you already know;  If you listen you might learn something new.”

Last week’s Quote of the Week is attributed to Abraham Lincoln and was guessed correctly by John Glassford.


Thursday March  8th – BINGO.  Neil M (Captain),  Don D (for Dave McK), Leslie W & Bruce H.

*Monday 12th March – Regular meetingGuest Speaker: Auntie Gail Clark.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday, 17th March – Street Raffle outside Newsagent – Roster to come.

Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. Saint Michael’s Convent with guest speaker on Rotary Foundation being PDG Fred Loneragan. Cost will be $35 a head & a reminder it is a fund-raising night for Rotary Foundation.

Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D  Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.

Thursday, 12th April – BINGO.  Daryl B (Captain),  Dave McK (for Don D),  Ian J & Alex T

(please note change from roster sent out)

*Monday 23rd April – Guest Speaker. Denise Winkler on ‘Education’ at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.

   Suggest booking accommodation early!

Tuesday 15th May – Guest Speaker. Noel Trevaskis at Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night


Register Here Today:


Community Events

Saturday March 17th 2018 –  The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval






Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President Elect & Service Projects :  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles

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MEETING February 26th 2018 #7


MEETING February 26th 2018 #7

The Monday meeting was extremely well attended this week with both members and guest eager to hear Patrick Leary’s talk on the reenactment of the charge on Be’er Sheva. Guests included Graham Dennis; Bob McCormack (past president of Rotary 1983) and other McCormack family members  Jill, Clare, Robert, and Desmond; Jan, Irene and Kierra Knox; Lyn Schadel; Marilyn Jennings; Chez Post; Lexis Furrer; Greg and Narelle Gutherie; Helen Lewis and our guest speaker Patrick Leary.

Daryl and Paul reported on the Peace Communities celebration and events with the Friday afternoon ceremony well attended with Guest Speaker Kay Hull as was the Gala Dinner on the Saturday evening. The attendance at the Saturday peace discussion was not as well attended as hoped, but for those lucky enough to go it was well worth the effort. With 107 nationalities living in the Wagga region such a commitment will continue to remain important.

Dave is still looking for RYLA nominations from anyone who thinks they know a suitable youth leader between the ages of 18 and 28. He also informed members of the Rotary Adventure in Citizenship program which will send a youth leader to Canberra for  an in-depth look at parliamentary democracy.

Congratulations go to Wayne Lewis who has successfully been selected as our president-elect for 2019-2020.

Reminders also that Coolamon Rotary will be catering for the Mental Health First Aid course next Monday and Thursday.

Be sure to save the date on the 26th of March as Lucia, our exchange student, will be giving a guest presentation on Germany.

Don’t forget to read the Diary & Quote of the Week below.  

Guest Speaker – Patrick Leary, Reenactment of 4th Light Horse Charge at Be’er Sheva

Our guest speaker Patrick Leary kept the entire venue enraptured with his recounting of his amazing journey in October 2017 to a number of Middle East nations and ultimately Israel and the city of Be’er Sheva to retrace the steps and reenact the charge of the 4th and 12th Light Horse 100 years ago.

Patrick spoke eloquently of his visit to Gallipoli where he had the opportunity to see the beaches and trenches where our Australian diggers fought and died. Patrick informed us that even today it is possible to find human remains on the site and Patrick was awed by the bravery of the men that fought on the rugged terrain, including the narrow Neck where 200 men died in 6 min, while he found the youngest digger buried at Lone Pine was only 12 years old.

Patrick then spoke on the journey they made to retrace the footsteps of the Light Horse through Egypt and Jordan before finally arriving in Jerusalem prior to the reenactment of the charge on Be’er Sheva which was attended by heads of state from both Israel and Australia. The reenactment was almost called off due to an outbreak of an equine disease that had quarantined many the horses needed for the reenactment and were only released two day prior to the Australian riders collecting their mounts. 

Some of the participants of the reenactment in Egypt 

Bulldust on the day made doing a full charge at canter for the final leg of the charge with 100 horse near impossible so the contingent had to walk their mounts into Be’er Sheva. On the the 31st  the contingent of riders rode the 7 km stretch to the war cemetery of Be’er Sheva in a parade commemorating the soldiers and horses that fought on that fateful day 100 years before. However, Patrick informed us that he did get the opportunity to do a full charge at canter with 19 other riders at the completion of the ceremonies and he beautifully described what it must have been like to ride on that day 100 years ago when the people that he saw cheering him as he rode into Be’er Sheva were instead firing bullets at you.

Patrick gave a very powerful talk on his experiences.

On concluding his talk, Patrick handed back replica dog tags of the original Coolamon soldiers of the light horse, which he had carried with him to the re-enactment, back to their family members who were in attendance on the night.

Patrick presented Donny Dyce with the dog tags of his Pop, who rode in the original Light Horse.

You can watch the reenactment of the Light Horse Charge on the following YouTube links.

Anzac 100 years Beersheva

RS News: New Zealand and Australian Horses at Beersheva

PM Netanyahu & Australian PM Turnbull at Battle of Be’er Sheba Centenary Service

Quote of the Week

Who said this ?

“I can make a General in five minutes but a good horse is hard to replace.

Last week’s Quote of the Week is attributed to Mick Jagger.


Saturday & Sunday, March 3rd & 4th  – PETS (President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust.

Sunday, March 4th – D9700 Assembly  – ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members to attend.  Young, 09:00-16:00.

Monday 5th March – Club Assembly.   Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Thursday March  8th – BINGO.  Neil M (Captain),  Dave McK, Leslie W & Bruce H.

Monday 12th March – Regular meeting.   Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday, 17th March – Street Raffle outside Coolamon Newsagency.

Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. Saint Michael’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.

*Monday 26th March – Regular meetingGuest Speaker:  Lucia on Germany  Guests and partners welcome. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D  Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.

Thursday, 12th April – BINGO.  Daryl B (Captain),  Don D,  Ian J  & Alex T (note change from roster sent out)

Monday 23rd April – Regular meeting. Guest Speaker: Denise Winkler on ‘Education’. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.  Book accommodation early!

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night


Register Here Today:


Community Events

Saturday March 17th 2018 –  The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval






Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President Elect & Service Projects :  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles

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Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin 2018 #5

Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin 2018 #5



MEETING February 12th 2018

President Paul welcomed members and guests to the meeting at 7:10 pm. Guests included 5 friends of Neil & Clare Munro, partners Jan N, Helen L, Margaret P & potential member Anne Rzeszkowski & our special guest speaker Clare Munro

Neil reminded members about the Peace Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 24th in Wagga. He  would also like to know if there are any other members willing to help out with the catering of the Towards Peace discussion at Kildare Catholic College on afternoon of Saturday the 24th Feb. If so, Neil and the catering team will be having a meeting at the Sport and Rec on Monday the 19th at 6:00 pm to prepare; please come along or if you cannot make it give Neil a call.   

**** Daryl reminded us that a pool party will be on at the Coolamon pool for Lucie’s birthday next Sunday from 2 – 6 pm.  It would be great if members could help make this Australian birthday for Lucie a good one.****

Jackson Wykes has also been doing really well in Finland and is enjoying his time in the snow.

A sauna in the snow, courtesy of Jackson

Paul Weston has agreed to be DGE John Glassford’s assistant Governor for Group 6 for 2018/19, which consists of Coolamon, Junee, Temora, Cootamundra & Lockhart Clubs.

We need to pick up 5 or 6 boxes of phone books from PO this week.

Bingo results announced by Captain Henk showed a profit of around $190 with 16 players.

Street raffle for Sat. March 17th. 

Board meeting this Thursday night.

Next Monday’s, 19th Feb. Guest speaker is Jan Nulty

Guest Speaker is Pat Leary on 26th February

See Diary & quote of the week below

Guest Speaker – Clare  Munro on her Humanitarian trip to PNG

Clare spoke on her time in Papua New Guinea last October. She went with her cousin & local Sister Bernadette Pattison.

They visited an area on the north west coast known as Sandaun province, which is the east & west Sepik area and has the most beautiful beaches, but very isolated due to bad roads.

Clare interviewed the 20 plus national sisters about their health & welfare & wrote a report to the leader.

She believed she was able to make an immediate difference to the lives of 3 sisters, plus  2 of their friends the sisters brought in having identified, themselves, that help was required.

She hopes it will help them understand the need to be proactive in a very reactive health environment.

As a whole the sisters were fairly healthy, despite the fact that many had come from very isolated & sometimes violent areas.  Their teeth were great, although their eyes gave them trouble and everyone had a tattoo of some description; most of the tattoos were on the face.

Those that can get to the hospital find that the facilities are good, and emergency/acute care is normally available. The problem was it seemed that a 1-2 day walk was needed to get to a road or boat.

A highlight was being present for an anti-violence Train-the-trainer workshop; the Presentation Sisters worked in partnership with the PNG Tribal Foundation to provide the training to the area. Clare was amazed at the number of people at both the training and the closing film and signing of the anti-violence pledge.

Clare spent the $500 donated by the Rotary Club of Coolamon on the nurses she met, some of whom were nuns & others at the local hospital. Clare purchased BP machines and a set of scales, items that the nursing staff had requested.

The next thing the Wagga Sisters would like to get organised & need help with is the maintenance of the buildings in PNG. Many years ago the buildings were built by the original sisters from Australia and New Zealand. The sisters had organised their families and friends to visit PNG & built some very functional and still very comfortable convents. There are some good tradespeople who can do the work, but finding those who knows about termites and how to prevent the infestations and its treatment is problematic. Talking to the sisters, Clare got the feeling they had grown up with the mentality that most buildings only last so long and that you pull them down and start again.

Clare stated she will be eternally grateful to the sisters for allowing her to go.

The contribution made by Rotary to the hospital and area after the tsunami
This baby has TB & needs care for four months.
This is one of 5 buildings on this very large block. There is limited maintenance & very little extra equipment since the rebuilding

25 Years of Peace Communities

The idea of Peace Communities was initiated in District 9700 in 1992, and has been embraced by many Rotary districts and clubs  around the world. Coolamon was the first Rotary peace town in the world, and many Peace Cities have now been designated. Rotarians committed to furthering peace set up peace symbols on suitable sites and, along with other community members, meet on special days to recognise local citizens, students, schools and organisations for their contribution to Peace in Action within the community.
To this end, Rotary is celebrating 25 years of the peace communities by holding a peace program over the 23rd-24th of February, concluding with a gala dinner in the Mirage room at the Wagga RSL Club on the 24 Feb. Come and join in the celebration (details below).
Image result for rotary peace

For more information about peace program click on the link below.

Flyer 25 PCP email

Quote of the Week

Who said this ?

“Rich and famous is not bad, but poor and famous sucks.

Last week’s Quote of the Week is attributed to Duke Kahanamoku.


Thursday, 15th February – Board Meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:30 pm.

Sunday, 18th February  – Lucia’s birthday pool party at the Coolamon pool, 2 to 6 pm

Monday 19th February – Regular Meeting.  Guest Speaker: Jan Nulty speaking on the Coolamon Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC). Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday 26th February – Regular Meeting. Guest Speaker: Patrick Leary speaking on the renactment of the charge of the Light Horse Brigade at Beersheba. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Friday and Saturday, 23rd-24th February – Wagga Wagga Peace Celebration. Details forthcoming.

Saturday & Sunday, March 4th & 5th, 2018  – PETS (President Elect Training Seminar). Coolamon will be represented by PE Daryl Breust.

Sunday, March 5th, 2018 – D9700 Assembly  – ALL 2018-2019 Coolamon Club Board Members are requested to attend. Hilltops Council Hall (Formerly Young Town Hall), Young, 09:30 am – 4:00 pm.

Thursday March  8th 2018 – BINGO.  Neil M (Captain),  Dave McK, Leslie W & Bruce H.

Saturday, 17th March – Street raffle outside Coolamon Newsagency.

Monday, 19th March – Foundation Dinner Evening. Saint Michael’s Convent with guest speaker District Foundation Chair David Kennedy.

Saturday, 31st March – Easter Markets & U2D  Art Battle. UTDS, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm.

Thursday, 12th April – BINGO.  Daryl B (Captain),  Don D,  Ian J  & Alex T (note change from roster sent out)

Saturday & Sunday, 5th-6th May – District 9700 CONFERENCE. Roxy Theatre, Leeton.  Book accommodation early!

Saturday, 23rd June to Wednesday, 27th June – Rotary International Convention. Toronto, Canada.

*Saturday, 30th June – Coolamon Rotary Changeover and District 9700 Changeover.  Ganmain Hall.

* denotes partner & guest night

Register Here Today:


Community Events

Friday, 16th February – Business House Bowls.

Saturday March 17th 2018 –  The long Table Charity Event at Kindra Park Oval



We still need a president elect for 2019-2020; please give some thought to either nominating yourself or nominating another.



Chartered March 3rd 1971 Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
President Elect & Service Projects :  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Secretary:  John Bond 0427 273 226
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Service Projects {Vocational} Director: Ian Jennings 6927 3390
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Director: Myffy Collette 6927 6313
Immediate Past President: Don Dyce 6929 1215
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448118003 and Grahame Miles

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