Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819 – 19

“Lest we forget”




Meeting of 12th November, 2018

President Daryl welcomed 15 members & guest Minnie, Helen L  & Russell B

Apologies from John B, Sarah C, Neil M, Anne R, John N, Don D, Steve E, Bruce H & Dick J

We all enjoyed a beaut Chinese feed.

Paul gave an overview of the dog shows they went to in Victoria, where they had a great deal of success. Paul had an experience of having trouble distinguishing between the fuel of unleaded & diesel; maybe it should have been written in American gas terms!

Items of interest:

  • We have some invites from local schools to attend presentation nights, if some of you could find the time to represent our club.
  • Board meeting on Wednesday evening.
  • Coolamon Rotary AGM – Monday, 19 November.
  • 19th-20th November – the Rotary-sponsored Men’s Health Educational Rural Van will be at Bunnings, for those who’d like to have a general health check up for free.

See the Quote of the week & Club Diary below.




For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?



Wednesday, 14th November – Board meeting.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, 19th NovemberAGM. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday,  1st December –  Clearing Sale at Steve Exton’s.  Details to be announced

Sunday 9th December 10.00-16.00 DisTec18 I.T. Young DGE John McKenzie

Thursday,  December 13th – Bingo.  Community Centre Hall, 6.45 – 10:00.      Grahame (Captain), Bern M,, Myffy C &  Alex T

* Saturday, 15th December – Christmas Party. Residence of Daryl & Jan Breust. Details to be finalised.

Saturday 2nd March 09.15-17.00 PETS Young President Elects 2019-2020 DGE John McKenzie

Saturday 2nd March 14.00-16.30 D9700 District Leadership Team Training Young DGE John McKenzie

Saturday 2nd March 19.00 PETS Dinner Young President Elects 2019-2020 DGE John McKenzie

Sunday 3rd March 09.30-15.00 PETS Young President Elects 2019-2020 DGE John McKenzie

Sunday 26th Mat 2019 09.30-15.00 District Assembly Young DGE John McKenzie

Friday 29-31 March 2019 D9700 Conference Griffith DG JG D9700


Saturday 1st -5th June 2019 RI CONVENTION HAMBURG

* denotes partner & guest night





Email to PDG George Weston from Lyndall McGrath RYLA D9710 Chair

Hi George

It was good to hear from you.  As of the closing of the Early Bird applications I have 15 RYLArians (5 from D9700 and 10 from D9710).  This number is up from this time last year.  Leaving things to the last minute seems to be a very hard habit for people to break – even with a financial incentive. Last year ¾ of my applications came in the last week of November so I’m confident we will receive 40+ from the two Districts but the cut-off date.

Last year I systematically telephoned all the Club Presidents in D9710 after the Early Bird cut off.  There always seems to be a percentage of Rotarians that respond better to telephone calls than emails.  I am planning to telephone D9710 Presidents early next week.

I hope the combined YE weekend was a success.  I’m sure it would have been a wonderful time.  I am putting together another newsletter for the RYLA committee and mentors that I will cc you into for your information.


Lyndall McGrath

District Chair RYLA 2018/19

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

Link to D9710 RYLA Website with all relevant downloads




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles


Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819 – 17/18

Meeting of 29th October, 2018

President Daryl welcomed members & guests and our special  special guest speakers  David Byfield and Phil McIntosh from Wolundry Rotary and Janice Menzies from Do it for Drought affected kids (DDAK).

We sat down to a delicious roast meal on Monday night. Club business was minimal, with a number of thank yous for participating in various events including

  • A big thank you went to Dave, Miffy, Alex and Sharon from Howard and Anne to those who helped out at the garage sale held at the convent. Proceeds from the sale went to Rotary with $250 dollars being raised.
  • A thank you to those that helped out with the cooking for the the bird watchers and those that helped with the cooking at the Spring Market event at the Sport & Rec Club.
  • Correspondence from Coolamon Central School thanked Rotary for the driver simulator which provided an educational experience on the effects of drink driving and texting while driving for students from year 10 to 12. An invite was also extended to the club to attend the school’s presentation evening.
  • Reminder that Steve Exton’s clearing sale will be 1st December. Club members will be needed to man the food van.

With the meal finished and general business complete we all turned our attention to the Guest speakers.

Guest speakers

Gear and Beers wrap up

Image may contain: bicycle, sky, outdoor and nature

David Byfield and Phil McIntosh from Wollundry Rotary gave us a wrap of the Gears and Beers held this year and took club members’ feedback and suggestions to make the event better and safer in the years to come. There were 2514 entries this year, which is 800 more than last year, with 750 riders participating in the Dirty 130, many of whom came from the major cities and some as far away as New Zealand.  The feedback from rider participating this year was fantastic; points of note by participating riders were: 

  • The ANZAC biscuits were a major hit and numerous riders disappointed they missed out on them. 
  • The reversal of direction of the Dirty 130 made the ride more of a challenge, which was appreciated by many.
  • Dead Camel Lane was a big hit with many riders enjoying the challenge despite numerous flat tires.
  • The hospitality of the town residents was a big highlight for most riders.

Gears and  Beers in now taking on a life of its own, with minimal advertising needed this year, much of it being done via social media. A big part of the success of Gears and Beers is attributed to the hospitality of the residents in the townships that the riders visit as well as the commitment to keeping the event true to it roots, despite big offers from commercial interest to take part in the event. It is the intention of Wollundry Rotary to keep it this way.  The 2018 Gears and Beers was predicted to have raised $4 million for the region, with all the hotels booked out for a week or more as many riders took the time to tour the region after the day. The NSW government, via Destination NSW, also donated $20,000 to promote and record the event. The footage captured on the day will be used to promote future Gears and Beers.

Positive feedback is still coming in a month or more after the even and a 7 day registration window was opened up for the 2019 Gears and Beers with 350 registrations for the Dirty 130 already in, some of who will be coming from as far away as London.

David and Phil thanked Coolamon Rotary members for helping out on the day, insisting that it not would be possible without the Coolamon club. They then handed over a check of $6000 to the Coolamon club to be used for our local events and charities. President Daryl thanked the Wollundry Club for the efforts  with Gears and Beers in return, speaking for everyone that Coolamon was more than happy to help.

Daryl accepted a check for $6000 for the Coolamon club as part of the proceeds from the Gears and Beers of 2018

 Doing It for Drought-Affected Kids

Janice Menzies came and spoke to the Coolamon Rotary Club about the initially small suggestion she had to help the kids for the School of the Air that are doing it tough in the drought along with their families. Janice had via the Facebook group ‘One day Closer to Rain’ suggested sending care packages to the 163 children who attend the School of the Air. Before she knew it, she was being inundated with offers to help, however she was not equipped to do the job effectively without assistance. It was recommended to her that Rotary may be able to help.

Janice outlined her plan of having a couple of donation days in both the Wagga and Albury regions to collect toys and other suitable items that could be put together for the children and their siblings. These items would then need to be sorted and packaged before being sent on a truck to Broken Hill for the February School of the Air meet up, where the families all get together for things like a swimming carnival. This would be a perfect opportunity to distribute the care packages and make the day a real event for the kids and their families so they could put aside their troubles for a time. Janice has much of the organisation well in hand but needs help with the legal side of thing and the manpower needed for the collection day and is asking Coolamon for some assistance. President Daryl and club members agreed that it was a very worthwhile charity that the club would be interested in and agreed to look into ways that the club could support her with her efforts to help out country kids and their families.

Daryl thank Janice for all her efforts to support the children of the School of the Air in these difficult times and agreed to look into how Coolamon Rotary can support her.



Image result for bike riding meme
A least he will never get a flat

Meeting of 29th October, 2018

President Daryl welcomed 13 members & no guests. Apologies from many members; Ian J, Dick J, Paul & Leslie W, Dave McK, Howard A, Don D, Steve E, Neil M, John N & Bruce H


We had a general meeting for the evening . Points of discussion included:

  • Chloe Parr interested in being a RYLA participant
  • Daryl reminded us some upcoming events which are listed in the club diary.

After a delicious meal of cutlets & salad, DG John Glassford was asked to give a talk on his plans for the next 8 months of his governorship. He spoke and gave out some programs for the district conference, which will be held in Griffith on the last week of March next year.  

He asked for some assistance and support from our club in its planning, etc. Club members are asked to give some thought as to how we could help out, even if it is to attend the district conference and man the Coolamon Rotary tent at the conference.   

John also spoke on the planning and the route for the cycling event, the Polio Plus bike relay, which is aimed to make people aware of Rotary and to raise funds to eradicate polio in the world and how we could help out in the cycle leg from Wagga to Coolamon. Once again he would like to form a committee of 5 members, so we can make it a successful event.   

Because John has spent so much time with planning the distribution of the funds given to our district for drought relief, which also generated much discussion from the floor, he has decided to put off to the following year his plans for the time capsule, which was to support Legacy.



Which famous person made this quote? 

“I won’t be a rock star. I will be a legend”.

John Glassford correctly answered the quote of the week from 2 weeks ago, which was Barry Gibb.



Monday, 12th November – Regular meeting.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, 14th November – Board meeting.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, 19th NovemberAGM. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday,  1st December –  Clearing Sale at Steve Exton’s.  Details to be announced

Thursday,  December 13th – Bingo.  Community Centre Hall, 6.45 – 10:00.      Grahame (Captain), Bern M,, Myffy C &  Alex T

* Saturday, 15th December – Christmas Party. Residence of Daryl & Jan Breust. Details to be finalised.


* denotes partner & guest night



Annual subscription fees are due.

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

November is Rotary Foundation month


Image result for november rotary theme

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819-16

Meeting of 22nd October, 2018

President Daryl welcomed 22 members & guests Helen L, Jan N, Lorraine H, Maureen H, Sharon M, Barry L, 2 extra guests David Post & Russell Barrow & special guest speaker Leo De Kroo.

Apologies were given from Ian J, Sarah C & Neil M.

Our special guest speaker Leo de Kroo more than spoke, he entertained the 32 of us present, with his stories of growing up in Holland for the first six years of his life and after the war his parents being sent to Indonesia to help in the prison camps. After his father had finished his work there they decided to emigrate to Australia and lived in Perth for a while and then moved to Sydney.

Leo always had a love for music and learnt the guitar and was inspired by the likes of Elvis and others of the mid 1950 genre. In the late 50s he and a mate started up their two-piece band called The de Kroo Brothers and were very persuasive in getting gigs on the Bobby Limb show, Bandstand and Johnny O’Keefe show in the early 1960s. On those shows they worked with some very influential artists of that era, such as Little Pattie, the Bee Gees, the Allen Brothers, Judy Stone, Sandy Scott and many others.

Leo interspersed his talk with songs he strummed and sang, bringing back memories of some of the great songs from that era.  Leo also spoke on the difficulties he encountered in having a stroke last year, the ramifications of that event for him and his recovery.

We will be inviting Leo back at a later date to talk to us about the second part of his life,  living in Dubbo for 45 years, some of that time as a radio announcer, and other adventures he had there.

John N thanks Leo DeKroo for a captivating talk.


See the source image



Which famous person made this quote? 

When you write a song you have an idea of how it should be sung, but it doesn’t work out that way if someone else sings and records it.

Source of last week’s quote: Mark Twain.



Saturday,  27th October – Catering for Spring Markets. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club (morning).  Roster:

  • 8 am -10 am:   Henk, Alex & John B
  • 10 am – noon:  Anne & Lyn S
  • Noon-close:  Wayne

* Monday,  29th October – Visit from Wollundry Rotary – Gears and Beers Wrapup. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

* Monday,  5th November – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Thursday, 8th November – Bingo.  Allawah Community Centre, 7:00-10:00 pm. Roster: Daryl (Capt), John N, Ian, Garth.

Wednesday, 14th November – Board meeting.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, 19th NovemberAGM. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday, 1st December – Clearing sale catering – Steve Exton residence. Details forthcoming.

* Saturday, 15th December – Christmas Party. Residence of Daryl & Jan Breust. Details to be finalised.


* denotes partner & guest night


27th October, Gamain Twilight Markets


Annual subscription fees are due.

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

October is Economic and Community Development month


Image result for rotary month october

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819-15

Meeting of 15th October, 2018

Fourteen members and two guests (Helen L and Russ B) enjoyed a fairly sedate dinner meeting where we discussed some recent and upcoming Rotary activities and shared a bit of fellowship.  Some of the topics under discussion included:

  • Gears & Beers – additional comments regarding improvements for next year’s event, which mostly went quite well.  Representatives from Wollundry Rotary will be at our regular meeting on 29 October for a follow-up meeting.
  • Upcoming catering events including catering for a birder’s club at the Coolamon wetlands (Government Tank) this upcoming Thursday and the spring markets to be held at the Sport & Rec Club on Saturday.
  • Also on Saturday, Howard and Ann have offered space at their Convent property for Rotarians to sell items in the all-of-town garage sale. Proceeds of any sales will go to the club.
  • The driving simulator made quite an impression on students and others while it was at the Coolamon Central School a few weeks ago.  Next up for prospective student drivers is RYDA (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness), which will take place in Wagga in March.  Stay tuned for details.

A very enjoyable meal was followed by a rather weak fine session led by our Sargent-At-Arms, Ted.  We’re hoping that Ted will up his game in future.  The evening closed with a meat raffle, which was embarrassingly won by Helen after she drew her own number.  Perhaps those extra raffle tickets won by Wayne by guessing the author of the quote of the week.



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Which famous person made this quote? 

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

Source of last week’s quote: Mario Andretti.



* Monday,  22nd October – Guest speaker: Leo De Kroo on his  life in the 60’s – De Kroo Brothers  up until now. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Thursday,  25th October – Catering for birders. Government tank, time TBA.  A roster will be circulated at meeting of 22nd October.

Saturday,  27th October – Catering for Spring Markets. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club (morning).  More details and a roster will be circulated at meeting of 22nd October.

Monday,  29th October – Visit from Wollundry Rotary – Gears and Beers Wrapup. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, 14th November – Board meeting.  Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 7:00 pm.

Monday, 19th NovemberAGM. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

* Saturday, 15th December – Christmas Party. Residence of Daryl & Jan Breust. Details to be finalised.


* denotes partner & guest night


27th October, Gamain Twilight Markets


Annual subscription fees are due.

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

October is Economic and Community Development month


Image result for rotary month october

DISTRICT 9700 2018-19

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

Assistant Governor (Area 6): Paul Weston

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019



President: Barry Rassin, RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor: John Glassford, RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Elect: John McKenzie RC of Orange North

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819-14

Meeting of 8th October, 2018

The fellowship meeting on Monday evening was attended by 19 members and guests. A fantastic meal and evening of companionship was  enjoyed by all in attendance. Issues discussed on the evening were:

  • Gears and Beers was a great success with approximately 1200 riders passing through Coolamon and 2514 riders in total. Big thank you to all those that helped on the day. Wollundry Rotary reported that they made over $100,000 dollars on the day, which is a massive effort. Some issues to think about for next year included:
    •  The signs needed to be clearer, especially for those traveling different routes. The riders couldn’t hear the marshals very well when riding. Signs for different groups would be a big help here.
    • Spare tire tubes, sunscreen and greater access to toilet facilities will be a must for next year.
  • The fire engine muster was on the same day. Rotary was asked to bring out our food van but as the Lions club was serving similar items and the club would also be quite busy that morning with Gears & Beers, Daryl and other board members decided it would be best to decline.
  • The Rotary club will be selling bacon and egg rolls on the 27 October for the whole town garage sale. Howard and Ann are opening the convent for the garage sale for Rotarians out of town who may have items to sell. So, if you have items that are lying around and you are prepared to donate them for the sale, drop them off at the convent and help raise some money for the club. Howard and Ann would welcome some help with the sale as well.
  •  We are still looking for nominations for RYLA. Nominees must be 18-25 year old youth with leadership potential.
  • The board has decided to keep Bingo at the community hall until next year.
  • Wayne reminded people to remain active in inviting people to our dinner meetings. Ask them to enjoy a free meal with us and see how it goes.
  • The ROC Matekeepers evening had 25 people in attendance, comprised of Rotarians and community members.  A number of those in attendance indicated interest in doing the QPR training to become a Matekeeper. Every mate could save a life.
  • The wood still needs cutting up outside Wayne’s place. The club will be organising a working bee to get the job done soon.
  • It’s also time to start thinking about the Christmas party. Howard has offered to host the event at the convent.


Image result for friendship memes

To all our friends


Which famous person made this quote? 

If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.”

Source of last week’s quote: Willie Nelson (American songwriter & musician)



Monday,  15th October – Regular meeting. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Saturday,  20th October – District 9700 President’s Forum & AGM. Young Golf Club, Young. President’s forum: 10:00 am – 12:30; AGM: 1:00 – 1:45 pm.

* Monday,  22nd October – Guest speaker: Leo De Kroo on his  life in the 60’s – De Kroo Brothers  up until now. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Monday, 29th October – AGM

* denotes partner & guest night


27th October, Gamain Twilight Markets


Annual subscription fees are due.

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

September is Economic and Community Development month


Image result for rotary month october

DISTRICT 9700 2018-19

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

Assistant Governor (Area 6): Paul Weston

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019



President: Barry Rassin, RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor: John Glassford, RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Elect: John McKenzie RC of Orange North

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819-13

Meeting of 17th September, 2018

This was not a normal dinner meeting as we had a special presentation from the Rural Outreach Counselling (ROC) representatives.

President Daryl welcomed 13 members & 12 guests. Wayne introduced our 2 guest speakers, David Post & John Harper, to talk on the ROC & the Matekeeper program.

Some points of interest included:

  • ROC MateKeeping is a community self-help program which addresses mental well-being and suicide prevention in rural and remote Australia.
  • Their slogan is “mates share the good times and care during the bad”.
  • 1 in 5 Australians experience some form of depression in their life.
  • A scary fact is 2866 deaths occurred in Australia due to suicide in 2016, with 1 in 3 being male.
  • At the local level suicide prevention is more about community mobilisation, the same that happens around bush fires, flood, cyclones, and other disasters.
  • In small towns people gather around to help their fellow neighbours and town folk.
  • What we all need to do is to reach out and listen and a ROC Matekeeper will support, motivate, etc.  people with mental health problems, so they can be assessed and given help and care.
  • A MateKeeper needs to develop & use 4 skills:
    • Look – Listen – Let somebody know &   Take care of your.self

The ROC team is asking for people to be trained in the Gatekeeper program, such as the QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) program, which can be completed online. 



Related image


Which famous person made this quote? 

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

Source of last week’s quote: Margaret Mead.



Sunday, 30th September – Beers & Gears followed by Antique Fire Engine Muster, Coolamon. Marshalls for Beers & Gears please come to Lion’s Park at 8:00 on Sunday to pick up vests, water, etc.

Monday, 1st  October –  BINGO captains meeting  – Coolamon Sport and Rec Club, at 7:30 pm. No club meeting (public holiday).

Thursday, 10th OctoberBINGO. Allawah Community Centre, 6:45-10:00. Paul (Captain), John B, Sarah, Julie.

* Monday,  22nd October – Guest speaker: Leo De Kroo on his  life in the 60’s – De Kroo Brothers  up until now. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

* denotes partner & guest night


Sunday, 30th SeptemberBeers & Gears followed by Antique Fire Engine Muster, Coolamon.

Gears and Beers so far has raised!!!!!


Annual subscription fees are due.

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

September is Basic Education & Literacy Month


DISTRICT 9700 2018-19

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

Assistant Governor (Area 6): Paul Weston

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019



President: Barry Rassin, RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor: John Glassford, RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Elect: John McKenzie RC of Orange North

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819-12

Week of 10th September, 2018

President Daryl opened the meeting with 14 members in attendance. Members sat down to another wonderful meal and discussed the following:

  • Wayne reminded all members of the Rural Outreach Counseling Matekeepers evening next week with David Post as guest speaker. This is open to all community members.  Come along, learn a bit about mental health and maybe you may just save a life.
  • We had 12 players at our last bingo evening. Wayne discussed with participants the possibility of changing venue and all participants agreed to the move. The board will now finalise the decision.
  • The Driver Simulator is coming to Coolamon Central School. It was at the school on Thursday and Friday and all accounts indicate that is was a big hit with he students with all year 10,11 and 12 having the opportunity to have a go. Big thanks go to Dave for organising it and to Bernie for putting Frank up for the night.
  • The Gears and Beers roster is out. We still need a member on the Cowabbie and Wade St corner from 8:30 am. If you can help out it would be much appreciated. The food van roster for the afternoon is still to come. The van will be in the Parkhurst carpark. We  also need to be promoting Coolamon on the day, so please get baking with some ANZAC biscuits and let Daryl know how many you have available for the day
  • Dave informed members of two new opportunities for the youth in Coolamon. The first is RYLA open to 18-25 year olds with workshop and talks on youth leadership. Nominations close in November, so if you know anyone that fits that bill please let us know. It was also suggested that RYLA be advertised in the Chronicle.  The second opportunity is RYPEN, a youth leadership opportunity for 15-year-olds in yr 9. The Coolamon Central School will be approached for nominations for this opportunity. However, members are reminded that many of Coolamon’s youth go to Wagga for school, and that this opportunity is open to these students as well. So if you have a worthy nomination let Dave know.
  • Henk gave us a report and informed use that the club was doing well finacially, but we are still waiting on some membership fees.
  • $600 dollars will be donated to the Randall family, from the proceeds from sale of steak and sausage sandwiches at last months ‘More than Words’ event
  • The Coolamon Rotary Local Community Compassionate Giving Program has a sponsor in Beyond Bank. The first recipients of this program, the Studholme family, will receive  $5000 dollars in total (a combination of club funds, matching funds from the Dick Smith Compassionate Giving program, and the contribution from Beyond Bank).
  • There was a discussion about how Coolamon Rotary could help Temora residents with Brody’s Bounce this year, to help support Nate Harden and his children who recently lost both wife and mother to cancer. Unfortunately our club is somewhat stretched at the moment.
  • Reminder that there is still some firewood to be cut at Wayne’s. Strong backs and skills with a chainsaw welcome on Saturday soon.
  • There was a discussion on the constitutional requirements for honorary members.
  • The Ganmain bike track is looking good. Currently waiting on funding from council to get the gravel for the track.


Hopefully the students in the driver simulator are not as scary as this is

Image result for driving memes funny


Which famous person made this quote? 

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” 

Source of last week’s quote: Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.



* Monday, 24th September – Guest speaker: David Post, on Rural Outreach Counselling’s Mate Keeper program. Coolamon Sport and Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Sunday, 30th September – Beers & Gears followed by Antique Fire Engine Muster, Coolamon.

Monday, 1st  October –  no meeting (public holiday).

* Monday,  22nd October – Guest speaker: Leo De Kroo on his  life in the 60’s – De Kroo Brothers  up until now. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

* denotes partner & guest night


Sunday, 30th SeptemberBeers & Gears followed by Antique Fire Engine Muster, Coolamon.

Gears and Beers so far has raised!!!!!


Annual subscription fees are due.

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

September is Basic Education & Literacy Month


DISTRICT 9700 2018-19

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

Assistant Governor (Area 6): Paul Weston

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019



President: Barry Rassin, RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor: John Glassford, RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Elect: John McKenzie RC of Orange North

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #18-19 11

Week of 10th September, 2018

President Daryl opened the meeting with 15 members in attendance and guest speaker John Nixon  and Wayne’s guest Helen. Members and guest sat down to a delicious meal and discussed the following:

  • The very successful Gaiman Trivia Night which was enjoyed a great deal by those Rotary members that attended. Coolamon was able to field two tables. Table Rotary Won lived up to its name and was the winner for the night. The second table, Rotary First,  was unfortunately underrepresented due to a forgetful member or two and took out the wooden spoon.
  • We got a report on Jackson’s progress in Finland. He is now with his final host family who apparently enjoy hunting and Jackson is absolutely loving he experience.
  •  The Junior football presentation went well, with a great deal of frantic cooking, but a successful night.
  • All members are asked to give their apologies via Ian next week as John N will be away.
  • Beers and Gears will need eight intersections covered on the day  – we were reminded that the course will be run in reverse from what it has in the past. Volunteers are sought to man the intersections. Please put you name forward if you can assist.
  • Bingo is Thursday the 13th Septemeber.
  • The driver simulator is coming on the 20th and 21st of September. Two people will need to be billeted for the night. If you can do so that would be most helpful. Please contact Daryl.
  •  Wayne has now got a firm date for the ROC Matekeeper workshop which will be a the Coolamon Sport and Recreation Club at 6:30 on the 24th of September. All community members are welcome and Rotarians are encouraged to attend. This will be in place of our normal Rotary meeting night on the 24th. Finger food will be provided.
  • Sunday the 30th September, the same day as the Beers and Gears, Howard will be having an open day at he convent and has also volunteered the convent as the site for raising money for Rotary during the all-of-town garage sale in October. Members are encouraged to bring any unwanted items they think would be suitable to sell in the sale to the convent prior to the day.

After a pleasant meal we all gave our attention to our guest speaker

Guest speaker – Jon Nixon

John Nixon came to speak to us from Can Assist which is a community-based charity to help the sufferers and their carers through their fight with cancer

John began his talk by giving his own personal history with cancer and the role that Can Assist played in helping him and his family. Whilst living in Temora, both of John’s parents fought cancer. His mother fought and lost her battle with pancreatic cancer and his father fought and won his battle with prostate cancer; in both cases, Can Assist Temora was there to help the family through this difficult time by providing assistance with accommodation and travel for appointments with specialists and helping the carer in the family cope. John then informed us all of his own battle with bowel cancer which started with a trip to the blood bank and resulted in an immediate referral to the doctor because his iron levels were dangerously low. At this point, John had a proportion of his bowel removed, started chemotherapy and learned that his mother had been a carrier of a genetic condition that often resulted in a 50% chance of getting cancer, a condition he had inherited. Knowing what Can Assist Temora had done to help support his parents, John now found himself seeking their assistance too.

On winning his battle with cancer, John moved to Wagga Wagga and was amazed that Wagga didn’t have a Can Assist association to help cancer sufferers and their families. So last year in October, the call went out to the Wagga community to start a local branch and an executive team was voted in, which includes John as president. John emphasized that Can Assist and the Cancer Council do very good work but that they operate under different principles and objectives. The Cancer Council is a charitable organisation that is seeking to implement preventative strategies and find treatments and cures for cancer and as such need paid staff and are national in nature. In contrast, Can Assist is local, raising money for local people through volunteer efforts such that all money raised in the local area stays in the local area and is only used to support the people and their families touched by cancer. Can Assist has 52 branches across NSW, with over 3000 active members.

Can Assist Wagga now has Lilier Lodge as accommodation and is helping families with travel and even respite care. John told use of one gentleman whose wife was fighting cancer and due to family upheaval was also having to care for his autistic granddaughter, a circumstance which made it very difficult to even visit his wife in hospital. Can Assist was able to assist with getting respite care so this gentleman could have some time for himself, an important factor in making sure carers cope with the stress the situation brings. Wagga Can Assist is currently supporting 35 clients and their families including John’s own son who is fighting liver cancer.

Clients are NOT approached and Can Assist is completely confidential; doctors and welfare officers will recommend Can Assist to clients. Can Assist operates on a open trust arrangement with assistance being offered to all referred clients; on rare occasions that trust and assistance is abused in which case no further assistance is offered.

Discussion then turned to how the Coolamon community could support the Coolamon residents, as currently clients from Coolamon have been accessing the Wagga Can Assist branch. Recognising that we as a community need to work to support such residents, Wayne invited John to speak and be present at the ROC Matekeeper evening on the 24th September as it was acknowledged that those touched by cancer (and their carers) often have mental health issues as well. It is hoped that this will help raise awareness for both in the community.

Dick thanked John for his hard hitting and thought-provoking talk


A Fun Trivia Night

The winning table of Rotarians at the Gamain Trivia Night
Alex won the crab crawl…did anyone doubt he wouldn’t?



After the by election in Wagga last week and the recent Leadership spill

List of people I trust | LIST OF POLITICIANS I TRUST IN CANBERRA | image tagged in list of people i trust | made w/ Imgflip meme maker



Which famous person made this quote? 

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at a time of challenge and controversy.” 



Monday, 17th September – Club AssemblyCoolamon Sport and Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

* Monday, 24th September – Guest speaker: David Post, on Rural Outreach Counselling’s Mate Keeper program. Coolamon Sport and Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Sunday, 30th September – Beers & Gears followed by Antique Fire Engine Muster, Coolamon.

Monday, 1st  October –  no meeting (public holiday).

* Monday,  22nd October – Guest speaker: Leo De Kroo on his  life in the 60’s – De Kroo Brothers  up until now. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

* denotes partner & guest night


Sunday, 30th SeptemberBeers & Gears followed by Antique Fire Engine Muster, Coolamon.

Gears and Beers so far has raised!!!!!


Annual subscription fees are due.

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

September is Basic Education & Literacy Month


DISTRICT 9700 2018-19

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

Assistant Governor (Area 6): Paul Weston

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019



President: Barry Rassin, RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor: John Glassford, RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Elect: John McKenzie RC of Orange North

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819-10

Week of 3rd September, 2018

President Daryl welcomed 19 members & guests Helen L, plus Phil McIntosh, Frank Fuller and David Byfield from Wollundry Rotary Club.

Daryl reminded members of the catering for the Junior Football & Netball awards night catering on Friday from 6 to 8 pm – 4 or so members required.

Paul read out correspondence, including reply letter from Coolamon Shire Council about our concern about toilets behind fire station.

Paul went to Junee Rotary Club as AG and had some interesting discussions; of the five clubs in our district that he oversees, Coolamon & Temora are the healthiest.  Paul is planning to meet with each of the clubs individually and discuss ways to build on their strengths.

Wayne spoke on his visit to the Temora club last Monday to talk about membership.  While there, their ‘moo-poo’ fundraiser was discussed; we might get some ideas as to an alternative way we might run our moo-poo fundraiser.

Wayne also talked on the ROC Coolamon Matekeeper Workshop and asked for our support of that night on Monday, September 24.

The District 9700 driving simulator will be at Coolamon Central School on Sept 20 & 21; our club is footing the bill, and we’re looking for member(s) to put up the two operators for the night to 20 Sept. If interested, please let President Daryl know.  

Guest speaker Phil McIntosh spoke on the planning for Gears & Beers, which will be held on on Sunday, September 30. He emphasised the importance of our own safety when on checkpoints.  The longest ride, the Dirty 130, will have about 800 riders, up from the 450 last year.  The two rides that come through Coolamon have been reversed and will now come out to Marrar first and then through Coolamon on their way to Wagga.  Due to the anticipated increase in riders, we will need extra food at the food station at the roundabout in Coolamon.

The raffle was won by John N.


On the lighter side



Which famous person made this quote? 

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently”.



Friday, 7th September – Catering for Junior Football & Netball Awards Night, Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:00 pm.

* Saturday, 8th September – Advance Ganmain Trivia Night, Ganmain Hall, 6:30 pm. See Community Events below for more details.

* Monday, 10th September – Guest speaker: John Nixon, on  CanAssist.   Coolamon Sport and Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Thursday, 13th September – Bingo.  Community Centre Hall, 7:00-10:00. Wayne L (Captain), Dave, Bruce & Howard.

* Monday, 24th September – Guest speaker: David Post, on Rural Outreach Counselling’s Mate Keeper program. Coolamon Sport and Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Sunday, 30th September – Beers & Gears followed by Antique Fire Engine Muster, Coolamon.

Monday, 1st  October –  no meeting (public holiday).

* Monday,  22nd October – Guest speaker: Leo De Kroo on his  life in the 60’s – De Kroo Brothers  up until now. Coolamon Sport & Rec Club, 6:30 for 7:00 pm.

* denotes partner & guest night

Community Events

Saturday, 8th SeptemberAdvance Ganmain Trivia Night, Ganmain Hall. 6:30 pm. $15 at the door (tables of 8).  Complimentary tea/coffee and sweets. Bar facilities available (no BYO).

Sunday, 30th SeptemberBeers & Gears followed by Antique Fire Engine Muster, Coolamon.

Gears and Beers so far has raised!!!!!


Annual subscription fees are due.

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

September is Basic Education & Literacy Month


DISTRICT 9700 2018-19

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

Assistant Governor (Area 6): Paul Weston

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019



President: Barry Rassin, RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor: John Glassford, RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Elect: John McKenzie RC of Orange North

Coolamon Rotary Bulletin #1819-9

Week of 27th August, 2018

President Daryl welcomed 21 members & guests Ann, Lorraine, Jan, Chez, Warren Charlton & Lee Steer

Though our guest speaker was unfortunately unable to attend on the evening a enjoyable night was had by all. Points of discussion were;

  • Daryl thanked all those who helped with the catering on Saturday’s charity event for the Randle family. Henk reported did that the food van went at above event – made $550
  • Food van has to be registered soon & Mark R has completed doing the electrics in the van.
  • Our proposed guest speaker Jake forgot to turn up to do his talk, so there were some disappointed guests
  • David Post to talk on Sept 24 to talk on Mate Keeper program.
  • Wayne reminded members that we need to help cut up the firewood opposite his place for the next firewood raffle.
  • Neil reminded those rostered onto the next Bingo on Sept 13
  • – see diary below
  • Myffy was commended on the last issue of the Chronicle
  • Howard offered to have the garage sale to raise funds for the Rotary sponsored drought appeal at the Old Convent on the same day as the Monster Town Garage Sale

Jan N won the raffle

See Quote of the week,  Club Diary & Community events below.

On the lighter side

Image result for police meme



Which famous person made this quote? – To win a  raffle ticket

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”.



Monday, 3rd  September – Guest speaker:  Phil McIntosh from Wollundry Club to inform us about planning for Beers & Gears.  Coolamon Sport and Rec Club,           6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Friday, September 7th – Catering for Junior Football & Netball at Sports Club

* Saturday, 8th September – Advance Ganmain Trivia Night in Ganmain Hall

* Monday, 10th September – Guest speaker: John Nixon, .on  CanAssist.   Coolamon Sport and Rec Club,           6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Thursday, September 13th – Bingo.  Community Centre Hall, 7:00-10:00. Wayne L (Captain),  Dave, Bruce & Howard.

* Monday, 24th September – Guest speaker: David Post, .on  Mate Keeper program.   

Coolamon Sport and Rec Club,           6:30 for 7:00 pm.

Sunday, 30th September – Beers & Gears  & then Fire Engine Muster

Monday, 1st  October –  no meeting   

* denotes partner & guest night

Community Events

Saturday, 8th September – Advance Ganmain Trivia Night in Ganmain Hall

Beers & Gears event & Fire Engine Muster, on September 30th


Annual subscription fees are due

Please get your working with children check completed and give the number and expiry date to the secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may mean you are not covered insurance wise when you volunteer at events.




Chartered March 3rd, 1971; Sponsoring Club Narrandera Rotary Club
President: Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
President-Elect: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Service Projects: vacant
Secretary: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Treasurer: Henk Hulsman 6927 3486
Rotary Foundation Director: Neil Munro 6927 3156
Club Admin Director:  Daryl Breust 0409 551 140
Youth Director: Dave McKinley 6927 8553
Membership Director: Wayne Lewis 6927 3501
Public Image Directors: Myffy Collette 6927 6313 / Bernadette Milne
Immediate Past President: Paul Weston  6927 2972
Sergeant @ Arms: Ted Hutcheon 6927 3349
Bulletin Editor: Sarah Collins 0448 118 003 and Grahame Miles

August is International Month of Membership and New Club Development

Image result for Rotary august month

DISTRICT 9700 2018-19

District Governor: John Glassford {Membership Retention} Coolamon

District Governor-Elect: John McKenzie {Service Projects} Orange North

District Governor Nominee {New District}: Michael Moore

Immediate Past District Governor: George Weston {Youth} Leeton

Foundation Director: PDG David Kennedy {Foundation} Blayney

Secretary: PP David Benn {Administration} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Treasurer Finance & Audit: PP Doug Conkey {Budget} Wollundry Wagga Wagga

Communications Director: PP Paul Murray {Public Image} Wollundry

Millennials Director: PP Clare Lawlor {Membership Millennials} Wagga CSU Rotaract

Associate Member: AG Julie Poplin {Assistant Governors}

Other District Appointments

Executive Secretary and Web Master: PP Paul Murray Wollundry Wagga Wagga

District Trainer: PP Geraldine Rurenga Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee

PETS Facilitator: PDG Tony Monley D9810

Public Officer: PDG Ian Tooke Blayney

2019 Griffith D9700 Conference Chair: PP Ross Grillo Griffith

DIO Insurance/Risk Management: PP Sam Catanzariti Griffith

COL 2019 Representative: PDG Gary Roberts

We are still looking at appointing one more Assistant Governor.

We are also looking at the structure of all the Standing Committees and the Special Committees.

We will post all further news on D9700 2018-2019 on my DGJG Blog:

DG JG 9700 2018-2019


President: Barry Rassin, RC of East Nassau The Bahamas

District 9700 Governor: John Glassford, RC of Coolamon

District 9700 Governor Elect: John McKenzie RC of Orange North